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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2274304 No.2274304 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ic/ have enough feels to fill a third thread?

previos: >>2251154

>> No.2274307

>tfw i just went to the old thread to corsslink it, but this thread was just enough to push it past page 10 to kill it ;_;

>> No.2274310

>focusing what I can now on getting gud
>don't know what the hell I'm going to do with it though once I get it though
I'm fucked

>> No.2274311
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Will I make it...

>> No.2274315

>though though though though though
just fuck me up

>> No.2274336

When I fell bad I lurk /i/.

>> No.2274338

>live in eu
>tfw cant afford artschool and dont know how to make contacts any other way

>> No.2274341

No matter how hard I practice and study, improvements only occur randomly and it bursts.

>> No.2274351

>tfw I just want to draw anime women, but this Loomis stuff isn't helping like they said it would

>> No.2274364
File: 38 KB, 443x225, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best advice from last thread

>> No.2274408

I gave up about a year and a half to two years ago. I want to try again now, strangely because I am going through a really hard time right now. I hope I don't give up again.

>> No.2274430

>Planning webcomic of short stories about women similar to Seripi's Druuma
>Getting caught up in small things like how light bounces off latex
>Getting discouraged that if I'm panicing about something so small, that a webcomic may not be for me
>Fearing that I'm shit and wasting my life
>mite as well kill myself desu senpai

>> No.2274431

Work so far?

>> No.2274438
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>> No.2274440
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Keep at it. I really does help.

>> No.2274448


Is that picture meant to be serious? That's obviously false.

>> No.2274457
File: 52 KB, 800x570, 1443369562111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relax friend, the problem is large so attack it one step at a time


watch this. I am a dog poster, trust me

>> No.2274458

It's very serious, Anon. If you cannot appreciate the importance of classical drawing brought by fundamentals before stylization you need to reconsider your approach.

>> No.2274460
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No it's not. Maybe if you want to be Mark Crilley and just copy other artists' anime girls all day.

Imaginative stylization is informed from reality fgt, and if you don't like it you can suck it.

>> No.2274463

>pretentious garbage you'll never see commercially

>> No.2274469
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>seeing people that are way better than me getting laughed at

>> No.2274472


Yes you need to know your anatomy, but you don't need to draw like a russian master to draw some bland animu girls for fucks sake.

>> No.2274474

>instead of understanding the simple message, I'll pick the picture apart using only literal meanings!

Great job honey, you're so smart!

>> No.2274475

Yes he does faggot stop oppressing people.

>> No.2274476

You actually need.

>> No.2274478

Although I see your general point, and agree to an extent, do you actually think whoever drew the image on the left could have drawn the image on the right?
It seems more accurate to say that the principles that might lead one to be able to produce the drawing on the right are also necessary to produce the drawing on the left.

>> No.2274479


>> No.2274484

My work has good technical skill but I'm mediocre because I have no style, and it's been holding me back forever.
I'm trying seriously to get work now so I'm doing what I can to fix it but I can't help thinking I'm just going to be mediocre forever.

>> No.2274496
File: 38 KB, 439x604, 3p1EffYdkt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image on right is just long pose from model. It's not so hard as it seems.

>> No.2274507

>be lower middle class
>didn't know I was lower middle class
>go to college and major in fine art thinking effort will be rewarded
>slowly realize effort is not rewarded, but something else
>slowly realize fine art is what 300kstarting's kids do for pleasure
>try figuring out how to make art for pleasure more than my classmates, without visibly exerting effort
>realize thinking that thought means I already lost the game
>switch to illustration
>work hard and the teacher tells me I did a good job and isn't lying through his fucking teeth
>forget I'm lower middle class
>feels good

>> No.2274508


The figure drawing in the animu picture is masterful. It's not a representation of an average long pose drawing if that's what you're implying.

>> No.2274521
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>The figure drawing in the animu picture is masterful.
Kek. It's not even 5/5

>> No.2274527

>reading based Vilppu's book
>have no idea have to practice the stuff in it other than copying the pictures

>> No.2274528


Nice trolling

>> No.2274529
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This only raised further questions. I guess what this is saying is...keep practicing?

>> No.2274540
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>> No.2274545
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>promise to do request
>it involves me drawing shit I'm shit at

>> No.2274551


Are you implying that these are better than the one I'm referring to?

>> No.2274557
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>> No.2274593

I want an art friend but no one replied to me lol :(

>> No.2274627

have proven yourself to be worthy yet?

>> No.2274628

>tfw you're not a qt drawfag gril with a great butt

>> No.2274634

>tfw guy with a great butt with no qt gf to use it as a pillow

>> No.2274636

I know that feel, fām

>> No.2274641

I am a god.

>> No.2274652

>pic related

>> No.2274738

>your eye gets better but your hand doesn't

>> No.2274754
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>tfw legit think I have a disease but amerifat with no insurance because im trying to get gud

When I'm on my deathbed in a few weeks my last words will be "fuck you loomis"

>> No.2274769


>> No.2274781


>> No.2274790
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 1444376161770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Technically an awkward neet.
>>Parents try to push me into art school but I feel it is a gross misuse of their earned money
>>"Anon, staying at home drawing every day won't help you. We are dissapointed you do not want to pursue art (via school, as if it is the only way to become a professional)
>>doubt self, wonder if I am being stuck up and should just do it.
>>No way. I can keep improving on my own
>>"Anon,...Art isn't working for you. Here's a Dunkin Donuts application"
>>Depressed through all of this, mainly perpetuated by the idea of being a failure to them.
>> Two years of this , despite artistic improvement and oodles of paying clients, attempt to kill self.
>>Parents get so furious that I don't want to try it again
>> In a perpetual limbo of existing at this point

>> No.2274830

>tfw gotta do an all nighter for client work because procrastination.

Yet here I am on 4chan.

>> No.2274845

>Been happy with a painting and can't wait to finish it
>ask out a girl who you're talking for some time
>girl recently(1 month) out of a problematic relationship
>go on a date, it's awesome, she gives a lot of hints that she likes you and she is a really cool person to hang out
>two days later she kinda ignores you
>check her facebook, shes with her ex again
>don't enjoy the painting anymore

Hopefully it'll pass today as I'm not in love with the girl, just disappointed.

>> No.2274868

>live in eu
>don't have to pay for artschool


>> No.2274869

>work on something for a couple days
>sorta like it, get bored and move on
>promise self I'll return to it and other old pieces
>almost never do
>finally go back only to be disgusted by what's waiting for me
Mixed feels

>> No.2274870

Are you guys really this miserable? No wonder /ic/ is the way it is. You guys are a bunch of downers, life sucks, get a helmet ffs c:

>> No.2274871

for moving and living you have

>> No.2274878

That was good

>> No.2274881

>"Anon,...Art isn't working for you. Here's a Dunkin Donuts application"


>> No.2274895

I'm going through this right now too, and it's hell. Everything I draw now looks like shit to me even though I'm basically at the same level as I was before.
At least you know you're improving, anon.

>> No.2274918

>Are you guys really this miserable? No wonder /ic/ is the way it is. You guys are a bunch of downers, life sucks, get a helmet ffs c:

Err I quoted the wrong post OTL

>> No.2274925
File: 44 KB, 460x645, 1424598366314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get anxiety just reading about art school because of the tuition and being judged
Two years of NEETing and my gut instinct and desire to attend is still here.

>only two months until most of the regular registration deadlines

>> No.2275010
File: 3 KB, 124x99, 1428686632183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm choking back tears. I'd rather fail trying then give up and end up that way.
Thanks for posting that anon.

>> No.2275013

A-anon. Want to study together? I have to get a folio ready as well. We can make a group and draw daily, kick each other's asses and critique each other's work.

>> No.2275078

>tfw you're a drawfag girl with a cute butt and your selfies get more likes than your art

>> No.2275092
File: 51 KB, 934x960, fuck me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw girl on fb posts a bunny pic and gets all the likes.
>Tfw you post practice work and a piece you slaved on for weeks.
>No likes
>Tfw when you actually want to be an artist and everyone else just 'does it for fun XD'
i mean fuck man, is she even good? because it seems that everyone is better than i am and im trying

>> No.2275094

didnt mean to reply to >>2275078

>> No.2275116

50-180 euros a month isn't that much.

>> No.2275136

I'm totally up for it, anon. I haven't drawn anything in a while because of non-art study, so a group would be great incentive.

>> No.2275137

My work is still really bad right now. I'd gain nothing from posting besides, "Study more Loomis!"

How, though? How will my drawings improve? I have no idea what I'm doing here! I see no point in what I'm drawing, so my studies are basically useless.

>> No.2275141

You're doing art to get likes? Likes aren't going to get you through the thousands of hours of work ahead if you want to do this for a living. You need to be doing it because you want to not for attention or approval.

Secondly.....who gives a shit about likes? Are the people who like her shit going to buy stuff from her or pay her money for the work? If the answer is no then what do you give a shit, you want to make a living off your work.

Her stuff may get a lot of likes compared to your beginner work but I can go find some artists who have put in the time and do amazing work who get 10x the likes. They have people willing to fork over shekels for their work, who cares about some random Facebook art gurl.

What kind of art do you want to make one day? What sort of artists do you like. What sorts of things can they draw that you can't? Work on those deficiencies and learn to see where you're skills are lacking. Draw those things, from life if possible. Paint still lifes, draw figures from photos or life, faces, hair. Study landscapes from photos or real life, study perspective. You're probably going to have to fumble around for awhile before you figure out what direction to take. There are lots of free resources online to look at.

>> No.2275146

I'm looking to draw in a weeb style, but the thing is, it's so different from real life! I feel stuck trying to get down Loomis stuff, but I just don't see how to make good art. I'm so frustrated that I can't even communicate my thoughts!

>> No.2275147

you have a point, im gonna escort myself out of the board and have a break for a bit

>> No.2275157

Look, you can just learn how to draw in the weeb style with out studying but your art will always look amateur and you'll struggle a lot. If you want to draw in that style but have your stylized method look pro and be informed by real life anatomy, perspective and lighting/rendering you are going to have to study those things. For example, how would you draw a hand that looks convincing and good in your style with out first learning how to draw a hand from life?

Like it or not this image >>2274440 is pretty true. Once you learn realism it's a lot easier to simplify things and stylize your work. You can even see it in a lot of pro's sketchbooks or scrap drawings. They paint in these realist styles but when they draw for fun in their sketchbook they often have stylized looks to their stuff.

>> No.2275163

I understand you're right, but it's so frustrating to LITERALLY draw a skeleton, then draw muscles over it, then draw skin over that. Having to learn every single bone, muscle, insertion, origin, and every other socket and joint is driving me crazy! I realize that's the only way, but it's making me miserable!

>> No.2275169

>"Anon,...Art isn't working for you. Here's a Dunkin Donuts application"

>> No.2275170

aww yiss, Shane Glines...

>> No.2275189

Well....You may not need to go to that level.

I had and anatomy class in college where we had to do that stuff. I only did it a few times. We'd take photos of a unclothed figure and put tracing paper over it and draw the muscles, then do drawings from scratch and do the same with the muscles, learning all the insertion points and names and shit. I got a little out of it but I got more from actually drawing the figure from life, like you would in a figure drawing class. Knowing all that super specific stuff about the figure is great but maybe you're spending too much time on it. Pick a book, Looms, Hampton, Hogarth, whoever strikes your fancy and learn construction and how to draw the figure. Then draw figures from photos (or life). You could draw the skeleton/muscles specifically if you have an area of the body your hung up on but I wouldn't go too crazy with that shit.

Maybe it's time to move away from the muscle/skeleton stuff and just focus on figure drawing.

>> No.2275195
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>its shoulder and chest day
>mfw trying to draw after workout

How do you sit in relation to your desk when you draw? Elbow resting? How high is your chair?

>> No.2275203

After sitting for years and years for long work days I switched to a standing desk.

My legs/feet in relation to the height of the desk and chair started to become a problem when sitting. The front rim of the chair would put pressure just behind my knees and cut of circulation. I couldn't figure out how to fix it, all the sitting and not much exorcise/breaks started to lower the circulation to my feet. It's different for everyone/whats comfortable for you. What works now might not work 5 years from now.

I'd also say invest in a good desk chair, take breaks every 20 min and exorcise. You'll be sitting in it a lot.

>> No.2275208

A standing desk is actually a great idea. I'm used to standing 9 hours a day at my job, but I quit and now that I'm waiting for school to start I've been spending too much time sitting and it is starting to hurt my lower back.

>> No.2275209

I like the advice, but it really brings up what I'm most frustrated about: I don't know if what I'm studying is worth it. I've been reading Loomis, but he's all over the place. He'll say something like, "Start by imagining the head in a box, then draw the head, then draw the planes." I know the only way to get better is by practicing everything. I'm just taking advantage of this feels thread by venting everything I'm frustrated about.

>> No.2275217

lol, yeah I know how you feel. it's cool. I think one of the problems you're going to have to come to terms with is you don't know what you don't know. You don't have a mentor or teacher standing over you and telling you want to do, whats a waste of time and what isn't. Because of that you're going to end up doing studies that are a waste of time but not everything will be.

Maybe follow professional artist's blogs, ones that post studies, and see what it is they're practicing to get to the level they're at. You don't have to learn all the names of the muscles and bones in the body to draw a good figure, lots of artists don't. Just start trying to do the stuff your favo artists are doing and if you keep practicing you'll get there eventually.

>> No.2275228

Thanks, man. Glad to see there are guys here who don't just say, "Give up."

>> No.2275232

Why the hell are you forcing a general for feelings? Go whine on >>>/adv/

>> No.2275238

Idk I made one a while ago since I just wanted to vent about having to do a shitload of work because I was stuck in the hospital all weekend. I guess someone thought it was neat and wanted to make it a general.
>practice piece taking weeks
dude were you doing a master copy or something? No reason why you should spend weeks on a practice piece.

>> No.2275250

nigga, lower your desk and chair to the point your knees are at least the same level with yo ass, nigga what are you doing? don't fall for the maymay

>> No.2275273
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Not the same anon but you inspired me to make a comic

>> No.2275308
File: 894 KB, 580x876, hezrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's night time, pitch black outside
>I'm doing faces/expressions drawing on pixelovely in class mode, when suddenly I hear a strange sound outside
>I glance towards the window, but I can't see anything so I look back on the computer screen
>In the split second I looked away, the image had changed from a cute girl to this Ainsley Harriott looking motherfucker
>I visibly jerk and my heart skips a beat

>begrudgingly draw the face, but avoid staring into those soul-less eyes

>> No.2275613

>studying a ref
>halfway through it
>realize I fucked up the perspective really badly

>> No.2275667


>> No.2275686

turhtfully this might be turning point stage in learning for you which means congratulations u shouldn't just use loomis anymore and have fun looking for good reference, its a fucking chore sometimes but mandatory to improve. Almost all professionals either collect reference or extensively research whatever subject they are working on for a combination of inspiration and grounding. And not just specific poses but body types, color palletes, style techniques, anatomy details and do it almost on a case by case basis (once you've amassed a big enough library and have worked on a specific enough subject it becomes a whole lot easier) but for the most part only specific jobs provide you with reference ergo it becomes your job to not only create something but research the fuck out of it. If you don't think loomis has enough on hand variations and positions it doesn't anymore, you have to practice it in more detail and find more reference.

>> No.2276747
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>have genuinely helpful advice
>don't give it


>> No.2277399
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>hate 3dpd not because of muh rejection or whatever, just don't find it attractive as muh animus
>want to draw porn
>forced to look at ugly 3d nudes daily to practice
at least I'm not bothered by the genitalia I guess

>> No.2277927



>> No.2278003
File: 128 KB, 1024x768, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make sweet sketch, gesture in it is nice and loose
>excited to bring it on further
>start linework/cleanup
>either spend forever on it and after switching layers on and off realise the original is still better

Doesn't matter how much time or thought I sink into my sketches, it always kills any movement or feeling the originals had.

Maybe I should accept that my loose sketches will always be better than any cleaned ones, and just make it my thing like other artists have, pic related.

>> No.2278063

I know that feeling so well

>> No.2278529

I never had the support of anyone, never meet anyone that like art or even cartoons to talk about, always drawing alone when I'm not studying 10 hours a day for computer engineering. I hoped that one day maybe I'll discover a practical logical approach for drawing but it just seems that there's none, artists practice 12+ hours a day while I'm a slave and barely have time to make coffee, that's all there is to it. I just want to say if you are given the chance to do what you like, good luck and I hope you the best, I'll work hard to make the world better so people can have more time to do what they really enjoy.