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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2274052 No.2274052 [Reply] [Original]

Question Thread

Old thread

>> No.2274054

How do I clear my mind and focus on my work?

Lets see whats keeping me from being productive right now...

>need to find a part time job
>insecurity regarding artist career
>the fact im a 24 years old loser

Im not asking for hugs, just for ways to shut my mind up and get my shit together before things get worse. /adv/ never replies so Im asking here straight way

>> No.2274055
File: 291 KB, 1275x647, guildwars2_lostshores_theoprins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I think about atmospheric perspective? any tutorials on it that are usefull? Are there any concreat method or gererall principles of objects fading, or it or is it all just people winigng it?

>> No.2274078

I have a question. Why would the autistic fucking OP use that image?

>> No.2274090


What ever makes you feel anxious, not having a job etc, you fix that immediately. Don't put it of if it's urgent. and remember that no one is a loser except the one who thinks he is. And don't feel bad about things you can't change like your age and focus on what you can change, like your skills and your mentality.

In addition know the difference between discipline and motivation. when you realize, after an enthusastic attempt, that your expectation of your ability is far below what you can accomplish it becomes important to have dicipline. See your faults obectivly and attack them stratigically. Set up goals and intermediate steps to reach your goals and create a routine of this. And one last thing, yeah sure we all have our dreams. But the most important thing is to show you can put in the effort and dedication for an extended period of time, like several years without any payoff except satisfaction of the craft. If it doesn't satisfy you beacause there is no steady career waitning for you I will tell you right now that the most important thing is the journey of becoming not that of being.

Sorry foor my poor grammar.

>> No.2274094

Don't you think its funny? I thought maybe it would lure more people in to the thread because of that.

>> No.2274106

Well. Look at the image you posted and analyze it. Objects in the distance get lighter values, less contrast between values, softer edges or totally lost edges, less saturation, and cooler colors. Often times things will look blue in the distance if it's a daytime scene on earth. A treeline in the distance can be blue instead of green.

>> No.2274108

i understand, thank you very much anon

>> No.2274127

Do I really need to apply a couple layers of glaze and sand it down before painting sculpey? It seems like coloring it is a bigger effort than what I was expecting.

>> No.2274140

I have a few questions but i'd like answered. I've been drawing all my life but only recently been taking learning seriously, so forgive me for asking stupid questions.

1. Are gestures something unique to you, or is there proven easy methods for making gestures. Like, should i learn to do gestures like vilppu or should I try find my own way to do gestures that is comfortable for me?

2. How important is using Pen stabilizers or pen smoothing? Lots of folks say its fine, others say its a crutch. In my personal opinion using pen stabilizers help ease fatigue on my wrist and hand while drawing, but i also think some of the personality in my lines gets lost when i use it.

3. Please explain to me in simple terms what practicing is. Do you just study from life or other pieces of art and attempt to draw what you see? draw the same thing repeatedly until it looks correct? im confused as to what exactly the process of practicing entails, and have never gotten a clear answer and i believe my misunderstanding of how to practice is hindering my improvement.

4. How many hours a day should a person practice? I know it depends on the person, but are there any study methods to prevent burn out so you can maximize the amount of time you spend practicing?

>> No.2274196

Not entirely sure what you mean by gestures. Like how to portray your character's body language?
It's fine. Most new software comes with pen stabilizers anyway. As long as you can do long strokes on paper it's fine.
Different people practice differently. For me I just draw whatever, figure out where it's wrong or get someone to redline for me and fix it. Practice won't make you better overnight so you need to stick with it for months or even years before you see improvement.
As many as you like. It very much depends on how much you want to improve. If you feel like you're burning out, just do studies of odd poses like someone hanging upside down or just read a manual on something you're not that good at.

>> No.2274207

I'm getting a good value range with a 0.7 mech pencil with HB graphite. I'm not sure what, but I feel like a darker value is missing.

Buying a 2B graphite will solve by problem?

>> No.2274312

how do i color frames in photo shop? Im so stuck lol

>> No.2274326



Yes. Do everything in 25 minute chunks with 5 minute breaks in between. It's good to get up and move your body when you're drawing. It's healthy for your posture and gives you more energy. There was a link posted the other day on a youtube talk that explained how research has show that most people study effectively (not in art but in general) for 25 minutes at a time before losing steam.It's fine to draw for hours on end if you feel really inspired, but we all know that those days aren't every day. Set a timer for 25 timer and adhere strictly to it. It's what I do when I do freelance work. Trust me I'm an extremely disorganised person naturally but with this method a normal work day passes through like a breeze. I like to make a mark on a piece of paper every time 25 minutes have passed so I also get an overview how much time I've spent working. It also gives me focus and a clear sense of accomplishment. Every little mark on the paper is a brick in your castle.
It's called the pomodoro method, good luck!

>> No.2274387
File: 981 KB, 1000x1085, tumblr_mqk38uKx4x1qcy5lco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What medium/tools was used in this piece?

>> No.2274412


My guess is pen and ink, watercolor and white goauche on top

>> No.2274414

I knew ink was used at some point. But you sure about watercolor? I'm specially curious about that colors, they look very vivid like it was digital.

>> No.2274416


Probably just because it's scanned with a bit of contrast bump in photoshop.

>> No.2274804

See at the end of this

The guy sharpens the pencil so there is a long tip with a flat side you can use for shading wide portions.
My question is: is this achievable in any other method than razor sharpening? Is there any sharpening tool that makes such a cut? I can refine afterwards with sandpaper to get the side smooth, I am more interested in getting a long tip in a fast manner.

>> No.2274852

What factors play in someone's artwork/s that either becomes awesome or cringe?
(regardless of how good the artist is)
Does it relate to the theme they chose (e.g. fantasy or horror) or how repetitive their art gallery is?

>> No.2274866

If it never explores something new, just repeats the same fetish shit over and over without improvement then it's cringe.

Generally bad porn is the most cringy. A bad artist drawing classical shit like the death of st Sebastian or bathers or w/e will come across as kinda cool.

>> No.2274867

I think it's a matter of pandering to hugbox/circlejerk communities.

>> No.2274975

how do I know I'm improving?
right now I'm drawing circles, squares, gestures, limbs, hands, feet and outlines for figures, but I feel like as if I'm just copying from therefs I use, and not actually doing something to improve

>> No.2274991
File: 3.50 MB, 3752x5376, IMAG2077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you draw the underside of a spiral staircase?

>> No.2274992


Use 3D program.
By looking back at your old artwork and redrawing it.

>> No.2274997

Yes that would be loads easier but knowing how to do it would be nice to know

>> No.2275007
File: 177 KB, 845x1210, stairsdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had this idea

>> No.2275022

>By looking back at your old artwork and redrawing it.
okay thank you

>> No.2275023


>> No.2275076

how do I use reference to render ? I always end up rendering from imagination cause I dont know how to use reference to help me when I have drawing that wasent hard refereneced or when I need diffrent shadow direction and colors.

>> No.2275143

Anyone have experience streaming? Is it worth the time sink? Can abilities capture an audience or is it a personality thing?

>> No.2275159


Streaming and youtube is the best and quickest way to grow your audience. You don't have to have a mic but you will stand out if you talk while drawing.

>> No.2275161

Oh and if you're a girl and let people know you are a girl it's instant donations and cheek kissing.

>> No.2275212

Dumb beginner question alert, with preface.

I've been drawing for a bit over a month, so I still don't know what I'm doing. I started out just doing a bunch of random shit, then did lesson 1 of drawabox (Draw lines, planes, ellipses, that kind of shit), then did a few exercises from Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain, then jumped ship to practice drawing figures, and gesture drawing.

At this point, I still don't know how to draw facial features, my hands are still crude blocks, my feet are sorta kinda foot-shaped blocks. I can't (really) do construction. I feel like I've skipped the beginning and should go back to a beginner book. I should go back to lessons. But if I do, I'll be drawing faceless figures with lumps for hands and feet for another month at least. It kills me just thinking about it. wat do? Suck it up and do the beginner stuff, forgetting figure drawing for a while? Mix the beginner stuff with something a tiny step up?

>> No.2275223

Mix it, do some beginners stuff then treat yourself to whatever you want to draw. Drawing must be something you want to do, can't wait to do, not some chore.

>> No.2275237

You're right, anon. Thanks.

It's just kind of hard to have fun drawing something when you can't really draw all that well yet. Like, I could try to draw something I'd like, and then just end up looking at all the mistakes I made. It feels like there's a bump I need to get over, get to some sort of basic level, and until then it's just going to be grinding in one sense or another.

>> No.2275251

In six months time your drawings are still going to be bad.
Art has an infinite skill ceiling, I've been painting for 10 years and it still hurts that I'm not better. I still don't know what I'm doing. If its killing you now, that's fantastic news. Obviously it isn't all suffering, drawing is so much fun, and one thing you need to learn is how to play. Mixing it up is a great idea in that respect.

>> No.2275356

Does anyone know of literature on how to "use your brushes correctly". Or general tips on using your tools to your advantage (namely brushes and blending modes)

Is there any information about how saturation relates to value?

>> No.2275362

I'm having some trouble progressing and I'm out of ideas. I'm fucking up my blending and I don't know how to fix it.

I can block in a painting well, whether it's a study from ref or from imagination, I can get the idea/shapes/colors/values down well enough. As soon as I start to try and refine/blend, it becomes a huge fucking mess. I lose all the nice shapes and values I had in the initial stages, the colors becomes muddy and bland, and there's no definition.

I've tried using softer brushes, lower opac/flow, smudge tool, pressing harder/softer, trying different brushes. I've tried to watch/read any tutorials I can find but it seems to be something most skip over.

Any ideas/tips/tutorials?

>> No.2275373

I used a 50% hard round brush and spam alt to get new colours

>> No.2275398

How have you not improved in ten years?

>> No.2275401

Do you use photoshop or SAI?
(you should use SAI if you don't do it already)

Does anybody know how to have infinite ctrl+Z in photoshop?
You know, not being limited to one and have to open the history panel all the god damn time

>> No.2275406

Is there a way to paint like bob ross in photoshop?

I don't get how the fuck you can "tap" with a pen then with a real brush

>> No.2275407

Of course I've improved in 10 years, but I'm not a fucking dutch master.
The point is that you can always improve, at any level, and if you don't feel at least a little bad that you aren't even better, then your work probably isn't improving either.
Unless you have amazing patience, then good for you.

ctrl+alt+z to step backwards, shift+ctrl+z to step forwards. ctrl+z is undo, so logically if you hit undo after hitting undo then you undo the undo.
For more control you can go into preferences then performance and change the amount of history states PS stores. Of course, if you store a billion history states then you might run into problems if your PC isn't up to it.
You should get to know photoshop better before you tell people not to use it.
Realistically you're never going to stop using photoshop completely, so you should use it as much as you can till you know ever about it.

>> No.2275408

I need to do over a million bars to get my head around building a correct value range in graphite. The issue is, if each one is wrong what is the point? How the fuck do you acquire this skill?

>> No.2275427

How I get better at drawing from imagination? I became good on copy.

>> No.2275436

you probably didn't become good enough

>> No.2275473
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Beginner here. I've been reading Scott Robertson who argues against using an eraser and seems to prefer the use of pens over pencils. Is this sound advice? If I want to improve faster am I better off skipping pencils?

>> No.2275475


I'd say yes, if anything because it
A) Encourages you to plan in advance before you make a line
B) Encourages you to work with mistakes if you make them.

They're good for practice, because they make you think.

If you're going for a finished piece and want to plan out an underdrawing, though, there's nothing wrong with light pencil and erasing if you make errors. It's just good not to make it standard fare right through your process.

>> No.2275480

Are there good tools for coloring a basic background?
I mean basic like just adding a tone to white paper to make whatever you drew pop out a bit more. I used a grey alpha design marker but it dried out very quickly and now does quite an uneven job. I could use my brush pen, but I expect I'd go through ink refills pretty quick as well.
Is this just a fact of life or are there efficient ways of doing this?

>> No.2275494

I would break down what you're trying to do into several pieces. Like, maybe you draw hands on one day, then you can look back and see how much better you are at drawing hands. Thus, you have a sense of accomplishment as well as reaching a small milestone. Perhaps tomorrow you draw the shit out of noses. And everyday you have in mind "I'm going to master this, and when I do, ill be happy about it". Hopefully you can associate the sense of accomplishment with drawing and it will push you further.

That's my 2 cents, anyway.

>> No.2275497

Could you post one of your "muddy messes"? We might have some insight into what's going wrong

>> No.2275498

It's tricky to emulate a realistic, wide brush completely. But you can download or create textured brushes that would give a speckled "tap". Mix this with finding a technique that compliments the style you're looking for, and i could easily see someone emulating bob Ross through digital

>> No.2275502

When you copy, you need to observe and understand on a deeper level. Think about what you're drawing in 3-d space. Its almost pointless (except for draftsman sake) to copy one flat picture onto another flat picture. Always aim to learn something with every study you do. Eventually you build enough visual vocabulary in your head to pull from when drawing from imagination.

>> No.2275503

>do over a million bars

If you observe what you did wrong, and take steps to correct that mistake next time, then you'll get better.

>> No.2275508


Just make sure you set measurable goals. If you're aspiring to a vague level of competence you'll never know when you reach it, because we just habituate to our skill level anyway. There's a reason you see people who are far, far better at you, at a level you'd kill to be at, still shit on themselves or go "I'm not happy with this piece." You get used to the level you're at.

When you set a solid goal like "draw 1000 faces and measure progress at the end" you can measure up a lot better. You can count those faces, you can compare face 1 to face 1000, it's a lot more concrete. Abstract goals are okay to have but you need well-defined ones to keep you motivated.

>> No.2275511

I dont understand perspective at all.

When the view point is tilted downward so much that the horizon line is not visible, completely out of the canvas, how do you know where to put your lines where the lines start from and how the fuck do you put it all into perspective.

>> No.2275512
File: 173 KB, 400x329, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study the proportions of the face and what makes it harmonize. Practice drawing the features individually and place them together when you're ready, it takes a lot of practice. Also do some skull studies and muscular studies of the face because it's the main thing that keep it in place, draw as many times not just once, the process of improvement depends on the amount of experience you have gain through practicing.

>> No.2275516

At a beginner level, you will have to add to your drawing area to accommodate the horizon line and VP's. Then constrain your drawing to your predetermined comp.

>> No.2275594

What kind of inking techniques do you use when you finish a piece? What kind of size do you work at when inking and such, just asking for tips and tricks you might use

>> No.2275903
File: 78 KB, 636x960, 10982397_651991768238400_8316344864461785898_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that ballpoint pen?

>> No.2275938

Maybe it's a felttip pen.

>> No.2275954

seems similar to a V5 Hi-Techpoint pen, ballpoint, but with a better, more consistent ink flow.
great for sketching.

>> No.2275969

How to measure the level we have of drawing?

>> No.2276066

I use a tiny bit of acrylic and a ton of water for that

>> No.2276079
File: 90 KB, 472x298, tumblr_nv9c6gIcOM1tfrmmlo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a Pentel Slicci

>tfw you care more about material bullshit like drawing instruments then actually drawing

>> No.2276150
File: 60 KB, 531x752, COJRkBAUkAAj8tO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one achieve this level of cleanliness.

I mean every single line is preety and exact and theres not even that much line-weight going on, yet you can feel the energy.

Whenever i clean up my dirty sketch it looses all its life.


>> No.2276206

Just make sure you select the best line when you're cleaning up.
Practice will help, so will looking at stuff like that pic.
There's no magic to it.

>> No.2276214
File: 544 KB, 1440x2560, IMAG0099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is how you hold you pencil/pen really important to you ability to work efficiently?
People always poke fun at me and say I hold my pen weird but I never really understood it. I always thought I held my pen normally. The more I think about it though the more I think maybe I've been holding my pen wrong this whole time, making it harder to do things like draw lines or a simple circle.

Pic related

>> No.2276221

How you grip it isn't super important, but holding the pen further up and loser can be good for making bigger lines, while gripping near the tip is good for fiddly little bits with more control.

Also if you don't already know, put your shoulder into it. Thats the best way to draw cleaner lines and curves.

>> No.2276231

Wow, those are some soft hands. I bet you never did a decent days worth of work in your life.

>> No.2276260

I bet he gives a lovely hand job

>> No.2276389

is it bad to colorpick from a photo? ive been colorpicking from photos in an attempt to understand how colors reflect onto surfaces but i dont know if this is a bad habit or not.

>> No.2276398

It depends what you want to learn.

If you have non digital aspirations, then no it's not bad.
Everyone on this board is so ascetic and contemptuous of anything that makes their lives easier, but that attitude is not necessary to improve. Certainly not in this case.

I will say that it's more important to see the shape of how things reflect than the exact colour however, and for this you need to look at lots of things. All day you should be looking at things. Most people use their vision to detect objects etc, try to appreciate everything you see as you would a painting and you will learn a great deal without considerable effort. Don't do this if you're driving.

>> No.2276448

Normally I would agree

but different pens yield different finishes.

>> No.2276458

I'm having trouble being expressionistic with my paintings. They're all turning out very sterile and kind of boring. What are some techniques I can do to spice them up? How do I make strong, bold decisions that make sense?

>> No.2276462

could be done digitally to get that effect but i doubt it >>2274414

also the strokes of the white highlights look uniform so im guessing it was a gel pen or even a dip pen with white ink

as for everything else id say watercolor and fineliners

>> No.2276465

you might be able to find some kind of custom specialty sharpener online but i doubt there is one thats mass produced

just enjoy yourself anon and take some time to reflect while taking care of your tools

>> No.2276470

Probably stop relying on techniques so much dude.

>> No.2276485

making material spheres (or cylinders can help) try to replicate the reference and light in a shape so you have to think about it instead of just copying it straight up

do this for some common materials youll have to render

>> No.2276492

look up the Lynda photoshop course its sectioned from beginner to master its narrated by some guy named deke or something like that he teaches you what all the functions do in photoshop other than that look for a gumroad tutorial called "brush efficiency"

>> No.2276516
File: 136 KB, 450x604, 1165121180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, my instructor really wants me to start experimenting, and I just don't know where to begin.

I mean, look at this painting by Henry Yan. He puts a very saturated Blue right next to a saturated red on the knee. No detail whatsoever, yet it somehow makes sense.

I dunno, maybe it's just a milage thing.

>> No.2276525

Stop giving a shit and just fuck around. listen to some trippy music and draw whatever comes into your head.
You don't have to think about it.
And maybe your new painting comes out looking shit or too abstract, but maybe you'll get some new ideas for the next painting.

It's not practice you want, it's inspiration.

>> No.2276528

thats a gr8 idea thanks

>> No.2276532

because its more about edges and values here. you are bothered by that blue to red squere ? its literaly nothing.

>> No.2276543

Thanks guys
We're moving to oils next class, so hopefully I can mess around with edges and color a little easier.

Just gotta be more aggressive.

>> No.2276548
File: 215 KB, 1000x553, 5434325435343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to paint like this in CSP? I can't even recreate photoshop standard round brush. Even Frenden's "photoshop" brushes are blending shit.

>> No.2276572


It's a matter of drawing and value, not brushes, honestly. Mostly value in this case, since those aren't even particularly good drawings.

If you can paint well, the brushes are only ancillary to the process; if you can't, no brush will help.

>> No.2276631
File: 242 KB, 1100x793, 5434254365463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talk about this.

>> No.2276697

Try turning up the opacity/density and add a little blending. I've never used CSP but it looks like the opacity is multiplying when it overlaps and you can fix that by having 100% opacity or having it blend. CSP might just have fucked brush coding too, dunno.

>> No.2276707

That exercise where I draw the upside down man, do you guys recommend other exercises similar to it?

>> No.2276848
File: 323 KB, 678x1047, 20151106_233707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the correct way of doing an initial wash while working with acrylics?

-paint the contour of the underdrawing

-fill up the areas with a very diluted mix just to establish local colors and fill the canvas pores

I know it is a bit late for this one if I fucked up but I plan on doing more

>> No.2277137

What do if you get so frustrated that you can't even breathe right anymore?
When the proportions just make no sense anymore, or shit just goes all kinds of weird and you can't seem to fix it in any way...

Just quit for the day, or is there some other trick you fuckers do?

>> No.2277138

Firez, this looks great, mate. Proud of you.

>> No.2277141

Wow, you can almost see a hand this time, well done!

>> No.2277146

You've kinda taken your pseudo anime style and applied it to her face. The original had much smaller eyes, a thicker neck, her torso was pressed against the dog etc.

I think especially when doing a master copy you should focus more on observing accurately and trying to follow the same decisions as the original artist in order to learn the most.

Also I don't really do much traditional stuff, but acrylic is pretty flexible in that you can just paint over things numerous times without needing to wait long between layers since it dries so fast. It also doesn't have the translucency of oils. So the underpainting isn't really as key as you are making it out to be and you can probably do just about anything for the underpainting and it can turn out fine in the end. Doing a thin wash like that is mostly to destroy the pure white of the exposed canvas and give you better value sense of things.

>> No.2277175

How to practice and keep practicing?
For the past week, I have every day drawn:
gestures, sqaures, circles, outlines of figures, bits of shadings, read about anatomy, drew from references, drew without references, but I still only draw for about 90 minutes a day, but right now I have tons of free time and I need to increase the time spent on drawing. I can do something all day, like reading or playing vidya, but with drawing it's different, I just feel really "tired" after I finish drawing a set of gestures and one figure, but not physically. That will fix itself once I spent more time drawing, right?

Also, how do I use the time studying/drawing? what's the most effective way of practicing certain excercises, should I always copy the reference and then try to do it without it or something..?

>> No.2277196

Do you guys make a commitment between drawing with your wrist vs shoulder?
Or do a little of both?

>> No.2277218
File: 31 KB, 426x341, 1445885114218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is using a ruler to help me with perspective a crutch

>> No.2277220

Dude do what you got to do. The main focus is being able to visualize the lines but as a beginner you can use it.

>> No.2277440

How do I make my work less stiff?

Every time I draw something that isn't practice, it never really "flows." Like, it doesn't feel natural to me, and everything I make comes out lifeless, stiff and dull.

Also, how do I beat art block? I tried to draw it out, but nothing I've made is up to my usual standard.

>> No.2277442


>> No.2277446

a line that's not parallel or perpendicular to another line or canvas is dynamic
art block doesn't exist, you just have to keep drawing

>> No.2277453


/ic/ calls everything a crutch and think that intentionally making it hard for yourself is the ideal.

If your objective is to practice freehand drawing straight lines, it's a crutch. If your objective is to learn perspective and a ruler helps, it isn't. The straightness of your lines is irrelevant to the actual theory involved with perspective, it won't inhibit your learning to streamline the busywork.

Besides, if you're using a pencil and paper that's already the biggest crutch. Stick in dirt man art. Stick in dirt purest form. Embrace stick in dirt. Love stick in dirt.

>> No.2277461
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really necessary to sharpen the pencil this way?
I use a common pencil sharpener, but is it necessary to sharpen the pencil this way in order to add values effectively? I'm currently studying how values work and how to render things, so I wanted to know this.

>> No.2277466

do what you're comfortable with and you can always expand later and try that shit out

>> No.2277467

You can do it if you want, it's not necessary. You can do great work with an HB and a standard sharpener.

Sharpening with a knife is fun tho, you should try it.

>> No.2277468

If I want to study a piece because I like the style how do I go about that? And how do I apply what I studied in my own drawings?

>> No.2277592

Do I have to be drawing along Vilppu when I watch the videos?

>> No.2277623

to learn from a video like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOtVUHgJqQk
do i need to know anything prior ? i have grasped some of the basics and have learned some of loomis stuff, i hear when it comes to learning the body vilppu is the best

>> No.2277638

I can't seem to find a working download of Paint Tool Sai 1.2 anywhere. I tried the beta, but it's missing a lot of features. Any help?

>> No.2277650

>If I want to study a piece because I like the style how do I go about that? And how do I apply what I studied in my own drawings?
Pirate Keys To Drawing, one of chapters explains exactly that if I remember correctly.

>> No.2277750
File: 28 KB, 517x349, touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal, that I think silhouettes look cooler than anything else? I mean, you have to make sure to be precise in detail carefully, to pull it off. Do some artists, actually make a black silhouette before rendering a picture?

>> No.2277923


I see, you're right sadly those aspects were unintentional I will try to fix them asap, thanks for the reply

>> No.2278028


The reason silhouettes look good is because they give your mind just enough information to fill in the blanks. When you fill in the blanks, your mind sees what it expects to see, which means there's a far smaller chance of anything looking "off".

>> No.2278107

What I do when I need to just draw for a whole lot of hours is get out of the house. Go find a coffee shop and bring the essentials. Sketchbook, pen/pencil/whatever, something to listen to and just chow down on muffins and drink coffee and draw.

IF you need to do digital painting or traditional painting, you might be out of luck or you might not be. I have a cintiq 13hd and a macbook, it's a bit unwieldy but it's not a bad set up for working at a coffee shop or outside of the house. You can also head to your public library too.

>> No.2278111

I sometimes have this problem as well, but I've found when i do it right, it's all about confidence in your lines and you have to have a good sketch to begin with ofcourse.

In general, my method is to slowly refine the sketch bit by bit. I'll have the sketchy layer, then i'll lower its opacity and make a layer over top of it, re draw it and then repeat this process over and over again.

>> No.2278114

I would try to avoid it. Instead, look at the photo and try your best guess at the color. Maybe use that color in the painting then take a step back and see if it's right or not. Then color pick the photo and compare what you thought the color was vs what it actually is. Basically, don't ever directly color pick from a photo and use that color in your painting. If you see there's a difference between your color and the photo, then manually select the right color and move on.

>> No.2278434

why dose the colorpick in photoshop work in a way that when i pick the color it always picks a color with a bit lower value ?

>> No.2278477

How do I get accurate proportions when my figure involves foreshortening?

>> No.2278782
File: 99 KB, 500x675, otomo genma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about getting this sort of effect in acrylics? (if it even is acrylics) is it a matter of technique or medium?
>sorry if this seems like a trivial question, I'm just completely new to illustrating in paint ,of any kind,.

>> No.2278812

New beginner thread?

>> No.2278818

When doing studies, should you stylize it or keep it as realistic as possible? I've seen artists like ilya, zeronis, etc stylize their studies and some sometimes stylize it. Any suggestions? Targeted for advanced painters

>> No.2279108
File: 1.29 MB, 3000x2619, 1444156245293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it called when a piece sort of 'fizzles out' kinda like pic related rather than having detail all the way to the edges of a defined frame? So it's not unfinished, but intentionally bordered by the end of objects and stuff.

There's a specific word for it but I can't remember. It's used in book and magazine illustration a lot to leave room for text without disrupting the flow.

>> No.2279110


>> No.2279116


Bah, of course. Thanks man.

>> No.2279121

i need a tutorial on how to draw terriers

>> No.2279122

I have a question about the sticky, it says to start with working on your copy skills and overcoming symbol drawing. do I need to be 100% free of symbol drawing before I move on to loomis or not?

>> No.2279244
File: 6 KB, 200x192, computer (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is porn drawn by a person under the age of consent considered child pornography?

>> No.2279261

No but it would be considered "distribution of pornography by a minor" which is illegal

>> No.2279267
File: 1.15 MB, 1119x1600, otonari_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What medium is this?

>> No.2279273

Wtf, no.

>> No.2279276

Digital, sketch probably with pencil.

>> No.2279283

>that fucking dog

>> No.2279285

Is there a book that explains all the terminilogy and applications of, say, bounce light or occlusion, but targeted towards drawing/rendering specifically?

Or at least a complete vocabulary list of terms that belong in the lighting domain, and that affect color/composition.

I am completely ignorant on the matter and trying to render scenes, people are talking about words I have never heard in my life.

>> No.2279400

How do you render matt surfaces?

>> No.2279573
File: 1016 KB, 500x700, cnJ3LQx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there other Art forums that are more "serious" than /ic/ and where the level is professional tier on a constent basis ? then possibly make a name for myself.

I'm on /ic/ because this is a fun place to be in, but other than that, it's sometimes fucking disgusting, the level isn't high and it sometimes reek of jelly in here.

>> No.2279577


>> No.2279578

Nope. A lot of us that take art seriously wouldn't be posting here if there was a good alternative. There's permanoobs and crimson daggers, but it's only good to keep track of your progress since both of their leaders abandoned the groups. Supposedly there's been talk of a new CA that's going to be started by a bunch of pros eventually, but it's probably just some bullshit rumor.

>> No.2279579


i see vids like this where people draw so quickly and cleanly without needing guidelines. is this just something pros become naturally capable of after working for so long?

>> No.2279735

If I let my adobe cc subscription lapse, can I still use the versions I have on my computer? Are they just not updated, or are they locked? And will renewing a couple years later be much more expensive?

$480 a year...cry I'm below the poverty line

>> No.2279739

>paying for a scam price
>not using the generously cracked version

your loss.

>> No.2279742

I'm using it for commercial things, I don't want to be in trouble

>> No.2279778
File: 350 KB, 458x380, xxxxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in need of help, please.

This is taken from a video.
It's a newsprint paper pad. There are two clips (and I believe they are "acco binder clip" large size, but that doesn't matter) binding the whole pad to a wooden platform behind the pad itself.
This wooden platform is then rested on some sort of vertical wooden platform, so that you can draw vertically.
Are there specific names for those wooden platforms? English is not my first language so I lack the terminology.

Whenever I check any art store for easels, or sketch boards, nobody sells anything like this. Just a flat support that stands still. It's some over-complicated piece of wood that is made to hold a canvas. I just want to rest a pad vertically like pic related.
Are there commercial options, does it even have a name? Or should I just craft it myself?

>> No.2279780

How would an internet community ever be consisting of only good artists. Think about what you ask for a second.

This place is as beginner unfriendly as you can imagine yet still everyone fucking sucks.

People who are good do not hang in random communities filled with trash. This is why you'll naturally find mostly trash in any community.

>> No.2279786

so edgy faggets like you can point it out.

>> No.2279797

great observation skills m8

>> No.2279802

you should try loomis and mix it up with some alphonso dunn videos on youtube, he may be a nigger but he knows his shit. at the same time draw whatever you want, it IS supposed to be fun, you know.

>> No.2279806

i dont think you will when you use it at home.

>> No.2279825

nah, I remember seeing a thread of mark.D's time on concept Art, it was a bit like the towergirls thread where you would draw/redraw characters, and they were all at high level.

>> No.2279993

Asked this on /his/ but they failed me.

I'm coming to see these two exhibitions this week and I'm going with a qt grill. I need some good things to read/watch/listen to educate myself on the art we'll be seeing.



>> No.2280027

>buy easel
>place drawing board on it
This is actually what we do in my class when using newsprint.

Can't tell you more without seeing the platform itself.

>> No.2280033

Did you know some forums where we can get real advices to level up?

>> No.2280100

this place a good resource if you find an artist who is serious, half the people who make it a point to shit on you and not offer any advice are usually the ones still stuck in beginner threads and the other half probably specialize in a different type of art and just make it a point to shitpost

>> No.2280159

Are there any exercises to improve straightness of lines and improve circles and curves?

>> No.2280450
File: 21 KB, 720x540, 1445825395932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask a guy who knows formal perspective up to 5 point anything

>> No.2280460
File: 145 KB, 1381x1025, 887519_714895488611488_5375057077937677976_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question!

I'm going to start live drawing sessions today, what pencil is used in pic related? I'm going to the store in an hour to get materials.

>> No.2280465

Probably Nupastel, a red and a white. I suggest picking up a couple if you can, and then also some conte (sticks or pencils). Charcoal can be nice but is messy and for beginners can be overwhelming because it is so black and can be a bit smudgy and hard to control well.

>> No.2280513

What use is the perspective drawing fanarts?

>> No.2280514

Why did my parents get a divorce

>> No.2280554

Im having a little trouble understanding form. What i do understand is drawing through objects and looking at how they act in 3D, and this lending itself to drawing more of the object correctly.

But after you erase or go over those lines its just flat again. So in the end isnt it just rendering that gives it form?

>> No.2280567

how do I study form? I guess still life would be better than drawing references or photos for this, so you dont have to dig the form out.

>> No.2280570

where do italians buy art materials? still on a quest to find 1 good store. everything i looked at has an extremely limited selection.

please help me fellow italians.

>> No.2280574

just order that stuff mang, get a few b and h pencils, good eraser a cheap sketchbook or a bunch of paper and maybe some conte charcoal (1710 b or something) if you want to do that, but if youre a beginner thats all you need, oh, and a sharpener, or even better a knife or just get a mechanical pencil, no need to sharpen that one.

>> No.2280873
File: 257 KB, 1200x724, 136819.attach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ic/!

I've recently finished Scott Eaton's course of anatomy and looking to improve my knowledge of human body construction. I wrote down something Ross Grams posted a long time ago and now I'm looking for complete lecture notes of such course so I can learn how to simplify bones for construction:

"…in college I had a great anatomy class. The first 9 weeks we learned all the bones, then all the muscles; their origins, insertions, and functions. For each joint we had to know which muscles flexed the joint, which extended, adducted, and abducted, etc. Then the second semester we went piece by piece and learned to construct everything. For example: the head of the humerus is roughly a sphere, with two boxes stuck on it for the greater and lesser tuberosities (making the intertubercular groove between them). Then the shaft is a cylinder offset on the sphere, with the deltoid tuberosity spirals around it. Then the distal end is triangular, with a spool form on the end that the ulna hinges on. We did that for each bone and then eventually went on to learn the muscle forms. So that class did a ton for me."

Picrelated is his anatomy construction from imagination.

>> No.2280893
File: 5 KB, 300x300, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon please help me, why this shit is always happening? I can't blend, already checked some brushes troubleshooting but didn't find anything

>> No.2280895

disable opacity related settings that you have enabled on your brush?

>> No.2280967
File: 37 KB, 439x469, 1446436655085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understanding how lenses work
Understanding how distortion works
You could actually make a convincing scene without compromising anything

Probably because they had to raise you.


>> No.2280974

Beginner-ish drawfag here. I mostly do 2-d cartoons on my tablet. Is there a reference here on how to add shadows?

>> No.2281014

Can I ask, is your anatomical knowledge just from this recent reading of Scott Eaton's book, or has it been built up slowly over a long time?
I've downloaded an app (3d body or something) that I look at on the subway, and I try to draw skeletons all the time, but I can just never remember anything.
I think I might try the old look-cover-right-check method from back when you learn how to spell in primary school, but copying sections of the body.

>> No.2281015

depends on the kind of shadows...
The mose basic is use your brain and make a new layer, change it to multiply and use black to shade, then change opacity of the layer to fit your needs

>> No.2281020

>Where is light source coming from
>Add darkness on opposite side
>'rim' lighting for tacky atmosphere

Slightly less than beginner mode
>Look at irl
>See how light curves around curved objects
>Bounces off shiny surfaces
>Copy from life

Newbies can't help newbies past a certain limit desu. Watch videos of workflow from professionals.

>> No.2281029

Why the fuck do newfags always make a thread for their shit instead of reading the rules

>> No.2281094

Why do questions about art get deleted in the questions about art thread?

>> No.2281172
File: 18 KB, 298x511, Screenshot_2015-11-10-21-30-52(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the clear button a car door

>> No.2281176
File: 40 KB, 591x501, wacom_bamboo_pen_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my tablet just died, it was an old wacom bamboo pen from 2012

Should I consider its current equivalent or would I benefit from upgrading to an intuos Pro?

>> No.2281179


If you're still at it after 3 years I say just sink the dosh into an Intuos Pro. It's enough of an improvement to be worth it if you know you'll use it a lot.

>> No.2281189


Thanks for the reply

I'm mainly tempted due to the following:

2048 pressure levels vs 1024
Tilt vs no tilt
Hotkeys and Touch

However these last two features seem to be already included in the new intuos "basic" model (Intuos Art) which is considerably cheaper than the intuos Pro small (100 vs 229 USD)

Would the pressure levels, the inclusion of tilt and wireless connectivity be enough to warrant the price difference?

Fwiw this is my stuff, maybe it becomes relevant for further advice:


>> No.2281193
File: 139 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't you using a tablet computer recently? Did that die too or was it just too slow when you began the rendering process? You were pretty excited about it at first.

>> No.2281199

When an artist gets famous and their work is sold at auctions for millions of dollars, how does the artist make money? Is it like having a copyright? Does the market of buying and selling paintings keep a steady flow of income going to the artists' family?

If an artist has their work being sold between parties for millions of dollars, is that artist effectively a millionaire?

>> No.2281207

I have terrible penmanship, is that something was will hold me back in learning to draw? Ive been told to use my entire arm wheb drawing, I've seen some small improvements(my circles, look like circles now) but are there any exercises to get better control of my hand/arms?

>> No.2281226

I have a surface Pro 2 which is pretty great particularly for line work but I still used my drawing tablet for further rendering and coloring.

>> No.2281232

I'm using Sai, tried Sai 2 for its perspective and elipse tools and really liked it but Sai 2 is buggy as shit.
Is there another program I can run to do that kind of stuff?
Is Lazy Nezumi good or even worth the price?

>> No.2281256


Okay, I know what you're thinking. The effect you desire is harder than you'd think because here's the trick: It makes sense when you're overlaying two strokes from the same brush over a blank white canvas, sure.

But what happens when you paint over something other than a white canvas? How would that look, and why?

The feature you're aiming for I've only heard of in a rare couple of programs, one of which is TV paint, and it's called a "wet" painting mode, where instead of the stroke being "ended" upon lifting up the pen, it's ended upon the click of a button, so you can get the smooth blending you want without fucking around.

There may be an elaborate workaround involving min/max blending modes and separate layers if your program of choice supports that, and I think maybe Sai had some kind of thing which you could work around with similarly, but for the most part you're kinda shit outa luck.

>> No.2281274

Can anybody recommend really cheap sketchbooks that can be bought in bulk? Preferably online.

Right now I mostly use a binder with printer paper, which is fine, but wouldn't mind something a little more purpose built. Thing is I don't want to spend much money on it and then feel anxious whenever I use it.

>> No.2281275


I have a pro, I don't really use the tilt or the wireless.
I can imagine the wireless having utility if you draw with a laptop or have a setup where you can draw in bed or something, but besides that it's easier just to plug it in.
Personally I think the extra pressure sensitivity is nice if you do anything with varying opacity. Double the pressure sensitivity isn't twice as good or anything, but it's definitely that bit more convenient that it's worth sinking a few extra bucks for a little bit more precision.

Also I wouldn't suggest getting a small. If you browse here a lot you've probably already heard why. You don't get a good range of motion and it can fuck your wrist up.

>> No.2281276


Manga/clip studio has perspective tools as well and personally I think it's an excellent compromise between the kind of stuff Sai is good for and the kind of stuff Photoshop is good for.

>> No.2281278


Krita has really nice perspective guides and stuff

>> No.2281422

the newest version has a fish eye perspective guide as well, which is awesome. Also, it has different smoothing modes built in, so if you use it, you don't really need nezumi.

>> No.2281591

Well, I've been drawing for some time and read Bammes \ Loomis \ Goldfinger, but always wanted a more detailed and personal approach to anatomy (it's hard to relate muscle information from books to living humans, imo you have to do some life drawing to liven up your imaginary construction figures). Eaton's video lectures are great because he goes into some depth about every muscle while keeping things simple.

>> No.2281605
File: 61 KB, 1024x768, eYjTxAGh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey D/ic/ks is there anywhere I can look at tutorials for landscaping and constructing backgrounds. Maybe how to make some sci-fi stuff too? Pic related. I drew that but I'm shit at memory so I used a reference.

>> No.2281621

Krit is trash. Only retards who fingerprint praise that shit.

>> No.2281644

Speed develops naturally, yes. It's just a by-product of mileage and you will get faster in time, but it's better to focus on just getting better.

>> No.2281709

I need help with indepth eye drawing from all angles.

A step by step with what to consider when throwing down the eyes.

Non-anime, anime, all kinds.

It just bugs me that even when I look at decent art - it feels like one eye is looking a different direction than the other. The "room for error and variety" which drawings have, I can't just live through it.

>> No.2281921

Is it fine to forgo memorizing the muscles by name when studying Loomis, or should I take the time to memorize them during my studies?

>> No.2281964

>Is it fine
I'm not autistic enough to tell you what's the correct or wrong way
I can tell you that it helps to be able to refer to something in your head by name instead of "those muscles on the back of the arm not the biceps" or "that upside-down triangle on your back" or the clusterfuck that is your forearm

>> No.2281972

Alright fammerino, I'll try to pick that up. It's mostly the forearm and thighs that are giving me trouble so I usually revert to simplifying groups of 2-3 muscles into one form in a desperate attempt to forgo memorizing every single muscle.

>> No.2281981

Which is a good way to approach it. Start breaking down into the smaller muscles when you've got the big groups down

>> No.2281983

How could I approach practicing to draw environments? I started to learn perspective through the sticky but don't where to continue.

>> No.2282015

Put perspective overlays on photos of cities, study stuff like buildings and trees and mundane environmental objects, and composition to tie it all together.

>> No.2282051

Simple enough. Thanks!

>> No.2282087

I'm putting in the hours and hours to get better, but I'm still terrible.I'm working on basic shapes, line quality and perspective. Everything I draw is still bad. Am I going about it wrong?

>> No.2282100

Does anyone know the workflow of Feng Zhu/ FZD school? It seems Feng is actively removing anything but finished painting from the face of the internet. Can any anons who atteneded FZD share their experiences?

>> No.2282110

Coffee or tea

>> No.2282112

I got a commission and I asked for a price upfront at first. The buyer told me the they'll pay me as soon as they receive the invoice. Is this normal? What am I supposed to do?

>> No.2282125

Just send them an invoice charging the amount they need to pay.

>> No.2282131

Like pick the simplest template and do it? What billing info should I add, my tumblr username and my paypal?

>> No.2282250
File: 707 KB, 3840x2600, 1441702484577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of these "Drawing tutorial" websites that have monthly fees ever worth it?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.2282255

>Not knowing how to shift vanishing points to turn a cube
>Take photo of a cube
>Turn it, take another photo from same POV
>Derive vanishing points from each photo
>Overlay them all

>> No.2282258


What part of "pic unrelated" was misunderstood?

>> No.2282269

I chose to ignore your actual post.
If you're salty about it then don't post a pic.

>> No.2282291
File: 16 KB, 236x305, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one deal with the body conforming to perspective? For instance, say I was drawing a body in perspective from a low angle with the head looking down. The blocked in body would conform to the perspective fine, but the head looking down would complicate things as it would conform to a different perspective as we are seeing the top of the head. You would no longer be accurately able to place the face in perspective without creating a new perspective line, but how would one go about placing it correctly? Or is there some other method to handle this?

>> No.2282440

2 methods:
1) construct different angles in the same perspective
2) eyeball it

>> No.2282444

You have to feel it.

>> No.2282612

Thank you that was really informative

>> No.2282638

You literally attached an image that shows you how to do that.

Just simplify body to boxes and then draw in the anatomy.

Every box doesn't have to fit in the lines of perspective, just make sure that the whole figure is sitting in a big box that fits the lines of perspective.
Just like kimjung-gi does, he puts ppl into boxes, you can do that as well.

This actually needs deep understanding of anatomy.


you can go and download DesignDoll and pose it and force perspective distortion and copy.

>> No.2282691

I appreciate the help, I think I sort of get it now. I usually like to use the line of perspective to line up the characters face properly so when the head didn't fit with the perspective it sort of threw me for a loop and I thought I was missing something. The big box thing makes a lot of since though, it's like your line of action for perspective. I think what I'm going to do for practice is draw a bunch of box forms in perspective, then fit the figures in them and work from there. Maybe try to feel out some of the boxes that may not conform to perspective and see how accurate I can get them without distortion. I think that slight distortion is my biggest worry seeing as you can't rely on perspective as a checking tool, but I suppose that's where the knowledge of anatomy must kick in.

>> No.2282695

What are websites that talk about jobs in the art field?

also is it possible to survive being an artfag now a days?
I just want a job, go home to my small apartment and jerk-off to 2D. Also have a bit of money for video games I guess.

>> No.2283255
File: 211 KB, 500x650, tumblr_inline_ngylqo7DKV1rqmmg4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you get more brushes on Paint Tool Sai?
I've seen the process for making your own but it looks complicated. Is there anywhere where I could download them?
Also, I bought Sai (the only software I will ever purchase) and it didn't come with the brushes pictured here. What gives??

>> No.2283260

Do you mean websites that advertise art jobs or do you mean ones that talk about the profession itself? There's lot of job demographic websites that show things like projected income, job demand etc. Think back to high school when we had to take those dumb tests that were supposed to help us find a career.
Also I'm under the impression that in-house jobs for art are not as common as freelance work. Its worth looking into but I think people are under this false idea that they will get a 9-5 job as an artist and thats just not the reality.

>> No.2283279

you download the textures then you have to make a new brush and edit the settings. its a pain in the ass but its nice to have easily customizable brushes.
http://painttoolsaibrushes.deviantart.com/ is a good resource

>> No.2283291

If I'm looking for a book covering materials that FDFAIW didn't conver satisfactorily (faces, hands, feet, IMO) what's a good resource available physically?

Is there such a thing as constructive symbol drawing?

>> No.2283471

Newbie here. How often should I study from pictures or life for likeness, compared to drawing from imagination and only using refs when I get stuck?

>> No.2283527


>> No.2283558


is it possible to toggle penpressure->opacity via a hotkey in your version?

I lose so much time and focus moving the stylus to the top of the screen to toggle the little fucking gay button.

>> No.2283563

Loomis has a book for those.

>> No.2283580

1/3 life/photo
1/3 master studies
1/3 whatever you want

>> No.2283608

Study in dedicated drawing time, apply what you've learned whenever you have time to just doodle for a bit, until you decide it's time to make an original work, then apply your learnings to your OC. Study what went wrong in your OC, rinse, repeat.

>> No.2283609

Is learning to draw via tablet a bad idea?

I kinda feel like diving in head-first with some ~$100 tablet. Could end up being a waste but oh well.

>> No.2283617

What is a master study and does it only include the old masters?

>> No.2283968


Sounds good. Question about studying for likeness though. When copying an image should you look at in like it's 3d or just copy the 2d shapes you see?

obviously 3d is needed when you're not copying but I feel like drawing the forms first in a study would drop the preciseness of the copy.

>> No.2283972

how to pick colors for your costume designs?

>> No.2283976

What runs through your head when drawing? do you think about what you are drawing or do you just move automatically. How does one study effectively? Howndoes one incorporate what you learn ?

>> No.2284011

>How does one study effectively?
As far as I've gleaned, to study, esp to study an artist is to analyse through copy, and applying what you learn from these studies is effectively just application of techniques and knowledge to your own work. It's not something I can explain, but it's not nebulous bullshit.
As for what runs through one's head when drawing, I speak for myself when I say it's usually just things I want to correct or if I'm in a shit mood, "fuck X doesn't look right". I don't really think about the movement of my hand beyond noting my line quality.

>> No.2284060
File: 45 KB, 625x640, 1445404422103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to safely transport my oils?
What's the best way to store them?

>> No.2284132

Is there anyway not to get hung up over how bad you drew something? I want to draw these cool (I think at least) ideas I have but get depressed at how bad the result turns out. It's why I never draw anything for fun. What do I do?

>> No.2284134

I draw horrible stuff all the time, it's just a countdown to my awesome stuff. Got to keep churning out the awful stuff and I'll get there.

>> No.2284151

This is sort of a weird question for an art board but hear me out:

If I wanted to tutor middle to high school kids to make some cash while I continue to practice art, what do you guys think would be most relevant subject to art without outright being it? For example, would trigonometry or geometry actually benefit my perspective drawing? Or would human anatomy be in demand enough for parents to seek outside tutoring for their kids?

I don't want to learn or teach something that's entirely irrelevant to my interests, but I also don't have the artistic skills to ask people for money in teaching art.

>> No.2284156

As you do more you will stop caring so much. Even masters knock out bad drawings but they just toss it in the trash and move to the next one rather than get depressed and stop. As you get better you will have fewer duds, but you will always make things that aren't as good as you want.

>> No.2284161


Could somebody explain the merc_wip meme to me?

>> No.2284224

What's the best book to learn how lighting/shading works?

>> No.2284231

Scott Robertson's book, 'How to Render' is what most people will tell you, and it's personally my favorite. James Gurney's 'Color and Light' is another go-to.

>> No.2284302
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Ooo I got a good question.

How would I tailor a portfolio differently if I was applying for a Movie Production job, rather than a Game Production job? Still working in visual development/concept art, different subject matters.

Would the be a difference? Yes? No?

>> No.2284539


How do I draw a girl sucking a dick?

>> No.2284544
File: 86 KB, 900x506, 2011-03-02-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study girls sucking dicks.
Here's a starter for you.

>> No.2284586

What's a good place I can go for a slideshow of poses for gesture and figure drawing?

>> No.2284613

Don't buy it until you start becoming satisfied with your pencil drawings. You'll get excited about the new tools, realize you don't know how to use them, and get discouraged. In other words, buying a tablet will not automatically make you better.

>> No.2284657

so i started doing 60 second gesture drawing, at the start it was a bit shitty but then i started to sort of feel it and they got a bit better towards the end, is this a result of this method ? also can someone help me come up with a schedule so far i have a 5 minute warm up just to loosen my hand and then i'll do twenty 60 second gesture drawings , so far that's all i have can someone help me add on ? i know it's a matter of just drawing but in this process im just learning the body

>> No.2284659

Can I ask where you're getting your pose references?

>> No.2284662

im a beginner but someone gave me this website to work with http://www.quickposes.com/

>> No.2284680

Get ready to stare at a lot of girls sucking dicks.

>> No.2284681

Thank you, this is perfect for what I need. On Posemaniacs they have a timed gesture thing, you can set it to different intervals like 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, etc. So far what you have scheduled sounds good. When I was in life drawing we usually spent the first hour building up to 10 minute gestures, then the other 2 hours doing longer poses.

>> No.2284721

I'm having trouble understanding the relation between the spine (each vertebrae) and the individual ribs.
Somehow I cannot find a good enough picture that shows where they are placed.

Is the end of a rib resting inside a hole of the vertebrae? I have good source material showing the other end (that connects to the sternum, but not the back.

Just one good picture to study would do wonders.

>> No.2284729

>in no particular order

>measuring practice (I suggest a panoramic view of a village/city, you'll know exactly when you fucked up measuring, and it's A LOT of measurements, plus perspective; also train on human proportions)
>construction of 3d objects / planes
>one part of the human body a week (anatomy)
>detailed portrait with full on shading, from life or good lit photo, take at least one hour
>some thumbnail paintings for composition - things that you will want to do once you get good - complement with looking at real art
>one mechanical design sketch (first from reference, then imagination when gud)
>one environment sketch (first from ref., then imagination when gud)
>one character sketch (made-up design incl. clothing, expression, etc, after you studied human proportions)

That's what I wish I could tell myself when I was younger.

>> No.2284734

thank you for this.

>> No.2284757


Every time I want to draw a realistic person, it ends up looking stylized.
How do I stop this?

>> No.2284774
File: 1.03 MB, 638x968, hype stand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will this shit go like i imagine or just be massive waste of time, i wanna get money for art it´s not fun doing freebies

>> No.2284778


Are you drawing from reference? What's your medium?
Pay more attention and take more time to reproduce what you see. Some mediums will inevitably look 'stylized' because it's hard to get detail, brush pens for example unless you're really precise and have good control.

>> No.2284809

if you wanna do it for money go right ahead and abusive your skill. it'll work you just have to play your cards right

>> No.2284845

When drawing gesture sketches with no reference do you have a image in mind first before you start?

>> No.2284873

Are you prepared to sell your soul? It's not one day or one drawing, it's going to be your life.

That's what you really want to know before diving in.

>> No.2284897

im not an experienced anon but when you wanna draw from the imagination you usually do picture an image in your mind , or you can take inspiration from one gesture and come up with your own

>> No.2284926
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How do you develop a crowd who is actually interested in your art as a whole and not just specific things like fanart?

In the short month that I've been posting stuff to sites like tumblr and deviantart I managed to draw in a pretty big crowd, but they mostly started following from video game fanart I've done for /v/ drawthreads. Whenever I post my own personal work nobody ever seems interested in it though. Like a measly 1% of my followers will give feedback on it or like it.
I know I shouldn't be too concerned about it, but it kinda makes you feel like trash when the personal projects you pour your heart into get no attention over some stupid video game character you drew as practice.
Meanwhile the other artists I follow post drawings on their drawings of their own original work and get assloads of attention on it.

I guess this is more for the art feels thread, but any tips on how to rally a crowd that's actually interested in all of your work/original creations? Any specefic popular tags or groups to join? Obviously you can't make people like something, but it'd be nice if there weren't crickets chirping every time I post something that isn't video game fanart.

>> No.2284950

Keep drawing original things.

Fanart is easy to get attention, but obviously its going to be from people who like fanart.

>> No.2285051

I'm looking for a certain picture that was by someone who worked for Applibot and I think they were an /ic/er.
What I remember of it was that the night sky had patches in it that looked like the day sky. Does anyone know what its called or who its by?

>> No.2285369

Does procreate have a clipping mask?

Also does it have a magic wand selection tool?

>> No.2285373

>clipping mask
Ah if you select the layer contents it kinda works as a clipping mask

Still looking for a magic wand selector

>> No.2285395

Someone was crit'd and pulled the usual "post your work faggot", and the guy posted his original merc_wip.
As everyone here sucks dicks, they got incredibly impressed and said the other guy was BTFO, when infact, aside from the rendering, it was very poor.
In any case, people started posting the picture when someone said "post your work". And then everyone kept spamming it for anything, because memes.

>> No.2285407

What is the best book to learn construction/building up stuff from simple shapes? I haven't found a good book yet.

>> No.2285415

>says he's le perspective master
>draws arm that looks like a flesh tone banana grafted to a hand

>> No.2285417

I'm an utter shit illustrator with poor motivation who will most likely go nowhere, but I own a Cintiq 24HD and you don't.

Does this make you angry?

>> No.2285610

Is it bad to practice figure drawing from other people's studies? Is using a sketch as a reference too far removed from the original reference?

>> No.2285615

Only do it if you either:
1. know that the artist is very good (which will be hard to judge for yourself if you're an absolute beginner)
2. you see something in their style that you want to emulate

For learning anatomy though, stick to books written by experts.

>> No.2285642

Can anyone please point me at 3D rendered objects for value studies? I'm pretty new so I don't even know how to search for that kind of thing.

>> No.2285644

I have a cintq 27qhd touch with a custom desk and a 2k 27 inch monitor. I also have CC, Retas Pro, and Autodesk Entertainment Suite all legit and free.

>> No.2285650

cgpeers not open why?

>> No.2285652

Invite only because they're faggots.

>> No.2285667

i can't see very well without my glasses, do you think getting them will make figure drawing a bit easier? I usually have to get my head close to the screen or squint alot.

>> No.2285728

What tablets are recommended for beginners?

>> No.2285744

A mark-making implement and paper or chinkshit monoprice/huion.

>> No.2285754

is it wrong that i just want to draw silly adult comics but in order to do that i'd have to jump through all these hoops to acquire skill , and the end result would be me wasting the skill by doing low quality work

>> No.2285774

Pls respond

>> No.2285777

And by "oils" i mean oil paintings

>> No.2285780
File: 1.86 MB, 2000x5000, 1443189262508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how you feel. I just want to draw cute anime girls in weird environments. But I can't do so without grinding thousands of hours of fundamentals and stuff first.

Pic not me but mad respect for sticking to their fetish that I assume got them drawing in the first place.

>> No.2285791

What makes SAI so nice?

I dug out the tablet I haven't used in nearly 5 years, went through the trouble of finding drivers for it(the thing is like a decade old), started Photoshop and begun sketching.

It felt horrible.

I remembered SAI being kinda nice back in the day, so I installed it and sketched a bit, it was so much easier.

What gives?

>> No.2285796

SAI has a stabilizer

>> No.2285801

Anyone use

Thinking about using it to take notes/draw like in Khan Academy

>> No.2285809

I'v found a picture of a tattoo I like which is on somebodies arm. I wanted to take a drawing of it to a tattoo place so that I dont look like a faggot but this board seems to have a rule against requesting work. Where the hell do I go

>> No.2285863

don't get a tattoo, most people laugh at you internally when they see that you have one.

>> No.2285868

is there any way to avoid chicken scratch when drawing with a clenched fist?

>> No.2285882

I don't entirely understand why flipping a canvas helps. Is there also any particular trick to doing it traditionally?

>> No.2285905

This guy is lost in the 00's

>> No.2285909

It's (current year), wow just wow, people don't laugh at tattoofags anymore!

>> No.2285924

>dat growth


>> No.2285932
File: 61 KB, 640x360, heres why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us imagine you took a big steaming pile of shite and you had to stay inside the bathroom for at least 35 minutes because you keep on shitting. The place smells so bad but you can't tell anymore because you've been inside there for so long. So you finally get up and leave only to come back after 15 minutes when immediately you realize just how bad the place smells--you're no longer used to the smell.

In order to remedy this you turn on the air filtration and spray some freshener. You now have a new perspective of the sent of the bathroom and took action to correct the sent.

Now take this analogy and apply it to drawing. You're drawing something for 35 minutes and you've never flipped your image not once. You're in the stink house; the stink smelling bathroom that you're no longer aware of. You get up and leave your drawing alone for 15 minutes to grab something to snack on and when you come back you start to notice some things wrong with your drawing but can't figure out exactly why. Then you remembered the advice to flip your canvas and so you do and bam, you begin to start smelling the stink that you were able to detect the first 5 minutes of your drawing.

So it is recommend you flip your drawing very frequently to stay out of the stink. Traditionally you can just use a lightbox hold your piece of paper in front of a strong light source.

>> No.2285933

Literally shows you how far painting from life can get you.

Thats all you need...is a still life.

>> No.2285938

How much will "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" help? I think I understand the whole R-mode deal, but how far will actually take me on my eternal journey on the S.S Git Gud?

>> No.2285965


Intuos is the newest model. You may as well shill out a few extra dollars and get the intuos medium. If you're just taking notes and not drawing you can get an intuos small for around ~$90.

>> No.2285972

DaVinci said:

>"I say that when you are painting you ought to have by you a flat mirror in which you should often look at your work. The work will appear to you in reverse and will seem to be by the hand of another master and thereby you will better judge its faults."

All that means is that your mistakes will be more apparently when you flip the canvas. Do it often.

>> No.2285980

Someone remind me what the hell symbol drawing is and how to avoid it

>> No.2285981
File: 9 KB, 291x300, x60t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone use a laptop with a Wacom screen? If so, how do you sit while using it?

I can't find a comfortable position that still lets me access the keyboard (i.e. having it folder completely won't work) while keeping the screen stable.

Normally, I just hunch over but now my shoulders are starting to hurt.

>> No.2285990

Skip it, and watch Vilppu.

>> No.2285994


Hey thank you very much.

I realize it would be strange to have a picture be completely symmetrical, but what would I be concerned with exactly when it comes to flipping say a portrait for example? One thing I caught when flipping was that it seemed like the head was leaning one direction when facing forward.

>> No.2285999

Thanks friend.

>> No.2286003
File: 3.43 MB, 600x6667, 1428897085155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You will know what's off as you get better. Things that are off and you try to fix them but can't even after you flip the image boils down to a lack of knowledge in that specific area and you need to do in-depth studies of it. Look at the image for further reading.

>> No.2286016

I thought everyone used reference like this. At least I know I'm doing something right.

>> No.2286019

but have you improved your poses?

>> No.2286020

so i have a bunch of old drawing books, most art books are just pictures and text, do i copy what they draw after i read the text ?

>> No.2286037
File: 993 KB, 822x713, 64563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only makeup
>N-no photoshop I swear

True or false?

>> No.2286058


Thank you so much. You've been very helpful for me.

>> No.2286060


I have but I'm too embarrassed to show results for reasons.

>> No.2286069

confidence is also an improvement.

>> No.2286072


What I draw is banned on every board but one.

>> No.2286082

Go back to that board then horse fucker.

>> No.2286085


>> No.2286120


Nah I think I'll stay. :^)

>> No.2286135


what kind of job are you searching for? Would you willing to go flip burger or cashier for min wage while perfecting your skill anon?

>> No.2286136


Learn to be more loose. Holding your drawing instrument further back from the tip will help loosen you up. Chicken scratch will go away with time. I think it took me 3-4 months to get rid of mine. Once you get looser you can begin to hold the pencil however you want but in these early phases of learning I would suggest being very conscious about it.

This video has helped greatly in improving my hand-eye coordination: https://youtu.be/CFv1MnZi7No

>> No.2286143


>11 days ago

I'll reply anyway. Stop thinking about your age. Age doesn't mean shit. Get a job so that the stress of living doesn't get you down so you can focus on your art. If it's a 40-hour job make an effort to draw in your free time and to study. This means that if you have any other hobbies you may need to drop them and cut off some social activities. Personally I gave up gaming since I have a family and a 40-hour/week job. If it's an easy job like flipping burgers then that gives you time to think about drawing while working. My job is pretty mindless some times so I try to think about my previous studies. I spend about 90% of my work day thinking about art and drawing.

>> No.2286528

About charcoal drawing, I cannot find newsprint paper. Ordering it from overseas costs $60 of shipping alone, because it's a big product.

Literally nobody in italy sells newsprint paper. I don't know why.

>> No.2286545

Is there anything dealing with absolute basic mechanics of drawing? I mean completely retarded stuff like good ways to hold drawing implements, posture, basic how to properly go around leaving marks on paper.

I have some motor control issues that were never fixed(drawing or writing for longer periods of time still makes my hand hurt and cramp up) and drawing more seems to just reinforce bad habits and make me find workarounds for my deficiencies instead of actually fixing them.

>> No.2286587

1. Drawing more with no intention of getting better only reinforces bad habits. If you are making a conscious effort to improve you will.
2. The only form of basics I can think of on the top of my head are a. Breaking stuff down and b. Drawing from your elbow and shoulder.

Breaking stuff down means taking complex things like people or dogs or foreign alien entities into basic , easy shapes like cylinders , boxes, and spheres .

Also , don't draw from your wrist, maybe doing small little details that can be acceptable, but otherwise 90% of the time you should only be moving your shoulder and/or elbow when drawing.

>> No.2286599

Is there any Scott Robertson-like perspective thing but for eyeballing?

>> No.2286709
File: 331 KB, 365x936, 1876_9_549_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping the question.

>> No.2286762

How do you keep your drawings from looking like chicken scratch? I can draw cubes and objects just fine, but when I start trying to draw a figure it looks all sketchy.

>> No.2286769

It's a line confidence issue resulting in a lack of quality, take time to consider every stroke you make on the page instead of just feeling it out. Eventually you should internalize this and not have to actually invest the thoughts into every single line.

>> No.2286778

Yeah I guess I need to think more before I draw. It's hard. Like if I image a pose it's hard to figure out how to translate it to paper so it can look correct. I don't know how big the object should be, how close it's to the viewer, if I should start with construction first, etc.

>> No.2286818

Does anyone have that picture of how to block in forms from value digitaly? I think its the same for traditional too. Its like a real easy 6 paneled thing.
it was just value in black and white I think.

>> No.2286847

How to manage little commissions on Deviantart to get some side money. (not those goddamn points)

>> No.2286985

If I change my url for my sites, should I go back and update the watermarks for my older drawings or just leave it alone?
I mean, I setup a redirect on my old sites to the new one, so if anyone looks up my old site from my old work it will redirect them to my new sites, but I don't want to cause any confusion.

>> No.2287128

I started drawing 6 years ago, but drew only for one. Started with stick mans and worked up the way to Loomis. I got a tablet also, but stopped drawing because of the hard work in the computer science university. Well, 5 years later I got my masters degree in c.s. and I would like to start drawing/painting in my free time.

Does it mater if I draw with pencil/paper or if I start right away with tablet that I got few years ago?


>> No.2287254

do both, that way you can have a balance. quick question about computer sciences, would i need to get a masters to find a good job or would a regular B.S suffice ?

>> No.2287255

Is the Wacom bamboo a bad tablet?

>> No.2287277

for it's price, no

>> No.2287346

When drawing from life, do you construct using geometric shapes?

>> No.2287438

How viable is a thinkpad X220 as a cintiq alternative?

>> No.2287483
File: 245 KB, 220x291, 1446087802236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before anyone starts reading this I just want to say that it's going to be just another Anon not getting his shit together.

tl;dr edition
>shit in school
>wants to drop out
>doesnt know what the fuck to do afterwards
>apply for shit job and focus on art

So my situation right now is that I (obviously) don't know what the fuck I'm doing with my life. I'm currently still in school and I'm not doing well since I've 0 motivation. I switched schools and thought it would get better but nope, it didn't. So the only thing I came up with is to quit school and focus on art and applying for a shitty (part-time)job. And maybe after that I can start a career as a freelance artist. I've also thought about starting a patreon page but I think as a landscape artist it's not going to work out. Porn would also be an option.
Can't just anyone kill me please?

>> No.2287527

Yeah, I don't mean basics I can find everywhere like what you wrote, everyone repeats that stuff.

But all instruction assumes you're at least able to write comfortably, and that's not the case for me. I can achieve decent results and my knowledge is okay, but it's more because I learned to work around underlying issues and they still hinder me every time I pick up a pencil.

Are there, I dunno, basic motor control drills or something with instructions beyond "draw this"? The only luck I had was with some calligraphy resources, but they were limited to very specific purposes, and didn't directly translate to drawing.

>> No.2287529

Don't fucking quit school, you piece of shit. It's a lot easier to work on your art while in school than while holding a full-time job. And there's a lot of stuff about being a student that extends beyond the shit they're teaching you.

That is of course assuming you're not drowning yourself in debt by attending some shitty school, that is, I'm not from the States so I can't relate to that.

What are you studying anyway?

>> No.2287570

Generally, if u are a good programmer it doesn't matter if u have high school, B.S. or M.S. I know people from all of these categories and they earn a ton. Yes, education will help you in a way of "boosting" your progress, know your network circles etc.

Btw, thx on the reply

>> No.2287574

I don't study anything. My initial thought was attending that school to get a higher degree. I would've been there for only 1 or 2 years. But since everything went downhill I want to quit school and neet until next year. I have a somewhat good degree so I'm safe in terms of finding a job.

>> No.2287676

thanks, i just wanted to know, im aiming for web developing and computer programming

>> No.2287829

How does one determine the degrees of a COV in perspective?

>> No.2288249

When doing reference studies, what am I supposed to be doing exactly?

Breaking it into forms? Finding planes?

I just copied an image by hand (I'm trying to learn to draw heads/faces) and the only thing I feel like I learned is maybe how to do the same thing (copy) faster next time.

>> No.2288279

are there any free brush stabilizers for PS?
does an angled drawing surface matter?

>> No.2288569
File: 18 KB, 512x512, 8374_fit512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommended guides of drawing the foot?

>> No.2288676

Anyone still have "Advanced Lighting" from Sam Nielson? cgp deleted all schoolism links