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File: 353 KB, 900x784, neopets__desert_diplomacy_by_joyfulfworks-d7wilk0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2272752 No.2272752 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here get urges to draw certain things but don't to avoid embarrassment?

For example, I really want to draw neopets like pic related. I get mad nostalgia. But I'm a guy and that would come across as incredibly gay. Literally only faghag girls draw neopets. So, I just don't draw them.

Other things are I guess furries, certain fandoms like mlp, steven universe, etc.

I'm not making progress in my art because I feel like drawing but the topic is degenerate and I don't want people to know. Anyone else got these feels?

>> No.2272773

>set up new online personality that never interacts with "normal" personality
>do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.2272774

no, just draw what you want and keep it to yourself if you dont want people to see it. Even artists like Osamu Tezuka did weird stuff and kept it hidden away.

>> No.2272786

I just realized that I find a lot of stuff that looks kind of "fun" degenerate. Like OCs, AUs, etc.
It's also almost at the point where I'm scarcely uploading anything because I'm drawing stuff I don't want other people to see.
I won't lie, being an artist kind of embarrasses me. But I can't help liking what I like.

>> No.2272887

my parents encouraged my drawing, but they're super christian, i feel like i can't even draw handsome men. I end up drawing trees or boxes.

The first time I did life drawing, my parents asked to see what I made, happy about it. Which is awesome, but it was a naked dude, and I was embarrassed to draw his penis.

I do keep to myself though. If I'm on my computer I'll make whatever I want.

>> No.2272939

Change can be good, but some steps are needed and to begin with you really need to question and answer yourself to begin with.

Do you think of this as being part of you?
Do you think of it as something unwanted?
Are you embarrassed by it?
Are you ashamed of it?
Can you imagine what it would be like to not have this thing that you find "fun"?

I quit playing video games on a daily basis to fill the time with constructive things instead, just based on constantly being aware and questioning myself.

>> No.2273188


I feel for you OP.

I just started a sketchbook that nobody will ever see just like Scott Eaton told me to and it's been nice. I usually am ashamed to draw sexy women but knowing that I won't be showing this to anyone ever has given me more creative freedom.

>> No.2273194

All of those things you listed except maybe for neopets are still incredibly popular. Just suck it up and draw. Popularity is the perfect excuse.

>> No.2273234
File: 196 KB, 1024x572, IMG_20151021_133615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I just say, fuck it. Like the way pic related draws, and usually attempt to draw it during my studies.

>> No.2273413

I feel for you. I never draw "attractive" male models or anything because I don't want people to think things.

I think I might do this. Draw with the intention of nobody ever seeing my shit. I can tell my embarrassment is stifling my skills.
I still want to show people things, though. I guess I need to eventually stop giving a fuck?

I kind of like that too.

>> No.2273421

It's probably not exactly embarrassment but fear of drama that I don't, but I wanted to draw trap and futa porn of that /v/ chick. You know, the one associated with that insanity a little while back. The one Genzoman drew. I also want to draw porn of a few celebrities but that's definitely held back by embarrassment.

>> No.2273427

Just draw it. And then just post it.
In the end, how bad is it if the internet thinks you might be a faggot? What does it matter? It doesn't matter jack shit, that's what. You're still not being confused for a girl and you probably still draw smarter shit occasionally as well.
If you have fun drawing a picture, chances are someone will have fun looking at it.
Just do it. Do it for irony. Do it because you want to learn to draw everything and anything. Draw everything at least once, and use that as your excuse for exploring depths.
Be professional. Do it all to improve and to have some fun at the side.

>> No.2273429

Also, start being more accepting of others. Stop judging and labeling everything fun as "degenerate." Let people do what they want to do and find fun, and maybe it'll help you accept yourself and your wants to do the same.

>> No.2273430

I'm >>2273421 and considering how volatile tumblr has gotten lately I still think my reservations are justified. I don't want to lose my whole blog to a bunch of crazies losing their shit.

>> No.2273431


Just make a side blog for the shit you're ashamed of having associated with you.

If it gets hatebombed who cares.

>> No.2273433

Honestly it's fine as long as you're not mainstream and known by everyone and their little siblings. Tumblr's got plenty of users who the drama never reaches because they're too far out there in the deep end, and because there's many of them.
Most people will just be put off by your stuff and leave if they're bothered by it.
If you're really fearful, just start a new identity/blog for it as stated by >>2273431 and test the waters through that, keeping seperate for good if you want to keep your original blog "clean," or merging the blogs at some point.
Bottom line is, relax.
You can always draw something and just not post it if you can't handle it.

>> No.2273470

My nsfw blog is already my side blog for dumping shit I'm ashamed of. I dunno, I'll either work something out or not draw it.

>> No.2273475
File: 61 KB, 800x337, wheresbungo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Other things are I guess furries, certain fandoms like mlp, steven universe, etc.
are you me?
I avoid faggotry like Adventure Tiem/SU/Gravity Falls. even if im a good artist and those fanarts probably will bring me lots of likes and reblogs everywhere (i didt it couple of times and it made it to ~500-700 favs on tumblr).
But i feel embarassed. Like im dealing with children or autists. I also hate seeing stuff about these things on tumblr with shitty teenage comments like "OH MY GOD IM CRYING".

I draw furries thought. But im trying to make them as much less "faggotry" as i can. Something close to picrelated. more like "antropomorphic animals" than "fappable furries".

>> No.2273479

post art
you sound shitty

>> No.2273482
File: 120 KB, 500x509, 1446175410089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a triggered SU autist

>> No.2273485

the old "posting insults like they're valid points instead of my art" trick.

>> No.2273498
File: 138 KB, 600x332, 1446265868979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it still works. this anon will continue answering using "le smart" blocks. but it will only make it more autistic.

>> No.2273508
File: 672 KB, 960x540, 1430056504677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually using old ass POST WORK :^) argument
what a fag

>> No.2273764

>being an artist kind of embarrasses me. But I can't help liking what I like.
If you think people who do "fun" stuff like OC's, AU's etc are considered embarrassing, have a look at pin up, horror/gore, and certain fantasy artists. Style wise, as long as like what >>2273475 said about your works becoming soaked in faggotory or cringe, you should be fine. Then again, if you act like a lolcow then you pretty much asking for embarrassment.

>> No.2273814

>Something close to picrelated. more like "antropomorphic animals"

Would you like to share one of those drawings? It sounds nice.

>> No.2273818
File: 27 KB, 240x300, 1432766791611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considering how volatile tumblr has gotten lately
Maybe it's just the people you're following or followed by, but my dash has mainly backlashed against the fucking bizarre witch-hunt from the last week or two. Hopefully people actually take the "ignore, block, and/or report" motto to heart instead of resorting back to actual bullying.

But back to the main point, just draw whatever the fuck you want. I still get embarrassed as hell posting fan-art, especially the unjustifiably self-indulgent ones, but people will eat that shit up.

If you're really worried about devaluing yourself as an artist by creating fan-art, try to "elevate" it. Throw in some ambitious attempts, instead of the typical 3/4ths bust with cell-shading and basic line-art. Combine master studies and fan-art, go painterly as fuck, use it as an excuse and vehicle to draw things you normally don't. It's a win-win scenario. You'll get better, you'll get exposure.

Plus it's fun, to be frank.

>> No.2273821

I'm not worried about fan art, it's practically all I draw, but I don't follow a whole lot of fandom stuff, I just see horror stories like that SU girl from here and other places, sometimes on tumblr itself in some PSA post. I'm probably just going to put it on a booru somewhere if I do draw it.

>> No.2273826

I have two separate online aliases for that, one for my normal stuff I can get behind irl and another for r34, pony, furry and all kinds of nasty shit I don't want people I know to see.

>> No.2273840

Sorry, I should've clarified the second point of my post was for OP, rather than at you specifically.

But the horror stories are more of an exception than a rule.

If you're working on niche fetish shit like futa, the average tumblr user, SJW or not, isn't going to touch you with a 10 foot pole. Plus Tumblr gets more insular at that level. You'll just be surrounded by other "degenerates" artists and lovers.

Don't worry about it unless you start delving into lolicon. Only blatant material like that or purposely poking a fire like Plebcomics did are the only things to avoid, from what I've seen.

>> No.2273846

>purposely poking a fire like Plebcomics did
What happened with that? That's the whole thing I'm worried about, since the character is associated with GG, I'm worried it'll bring the crazies to my doorstep, not so much how I drew her.

>> No.2273857

>Anyone else got these feels?
nope literally just you, freak.

>> No.2273862

I don't remember everything leading up to that, but the peak of the debacle was Plebcomics posting their company's work number and egging people to call and report their racist-whatever-fuckery to their employer. You can guess what happened.

If anyone comes to your inbox and complains, just don't reply. Adding fuel to the flames has always been a pivotal point in internet shitstorms, no matter who's involved (Tumblr, 4chan, reddit, etc.)

And pretty much no one but GG gives a shit about GG anymore, so you're good. She's got a pretty qt and simple design anyway.

>> No.2273868

Huh. Well thanks for the reassurance anon, you've got me seriously thinking of going through with it again.

>> No.2273887
File: 202 KB, 740x501, tumblr_nwzrwpWflY1u5srk8o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just turn off comments. Those crazy people aren't real. They just need psychologist help

>> No.2273917

I'll leave the comments on, but if someone starts sending stuff to my inbox over and over I'll just block them.

>> No.2273984

don't be embarassed OP
if somebody ever finds out you drew some cute dogs, just tell them to fuck off

>> No.2274012

>suppressing your urge to be a massive faggot

This is a good thing anon.

>> No.2274068
File: 106 KB, 311x333, getting sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feel anon, aside from the neopets stuff. i was never into that. fuck, bullshit like that shouldn't seem that fun to draw

>> No.2274358

I'm always worried about people recognizing my style. I once created a separate blog for porn, but I deleted it in fear that people would recognize my art. I know that's just being paranoid, but these are the things that go through my head.

>> No.2274511

>You're still not being confused for a girl
Someone actually did ask me once if I was a girl because apparently all online artists are girls. I don't know if he was just being a dumbass.

>> No.2274520

what is a lolcow?

>> No.2274531

Thanks that's why I do it. I barely post anymore because of it though.

>> No.2274806

Someone worth laughing at or tormenting them because they are cringe worthy or were once cringe, but became better just to hide their shame. Yet, we like to make fun of them anyway. Examples of lolcow artists are Tom Preston and Humon.

>> No.2274831

>when i was in the third grade i thought that i was gay cause i could draw

>> No.2274847

Jesus christ man you don't have to share your autistic drawings with anyone, no one has to know and doesn't even want to know. There is literally no problem.

>> No.2274861

that's just plain cruel to be honest.
it's okay if they don't want to improve, but why make fun of someone who left his bad art behind?

>> No.2274864
File: 68 KB, 631x800, abd_aag_ag012120_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to draw skeletons and monsters all day.

I also like drawing portraits dead on centered in the canvas. It comes across as lazy so I don't do it. But I saw this painting at my local art gallery when I was a preteen and its what inspired me to pick up drawing and painting.

>> No.2274873

the internet has an obsession with breaking down people who don't shrug off harassment because "it's just the internet". whole lots of lil nasty toxic mental scenarios allow for the justification of such acts in their minds. the vague anonymity provided from the sheer numbers of other like minded individuals ensures little to no repercussions, even with the increasing lack of anonymity online.

almost all of it ties into one form of dehumanization or another, with a distressing lack of self awareness.

>> No.2275711

The point is if I have an online persona and post progress, but draw embarrassing shit literally all the time and don't post it, then my portfolio is scarce.