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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 377 KB, 720x1280, the future of ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2265484 No.2265484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are you prepare for the future where loomis doesnt matter anymore, but political correctness do?

>> No.2265485

The future is now.

>> No.2265493

only in disgusting western hemisphere

>> No.2265498

I will draw my niggers however I choose, thank you very much.

>> No.2265504

why don't those assholes actually help their community by volunteering or something instead of shitting on people on the internet?

>> No.2265506

Women like social currency; actually doing something requires genuine care

>> No.2265525

You mean the last 50 years?

>> No.2265560

I feel so bad for zamiio, shes just a kid, she doesn't know you're supposed to ignore those people

>> No.2265615

No because I'm an adult who doesn't care what 13 year olds on tumblr think

>> No.2265690
File: 63 KB, 391x417, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2265694

Cause they're so far gone that children's cartoons mean more to them than actually going outside so they go after the weakest target cause that's easier than learning to draw your own fan art

>> No.2265701




>> No.2265702

political incorrectnes (actually making sense) is gonna have future
the more darkness the more bright will be the light dot mother fuckers

>> No.2265704

Well, yeah, but she was SJW.

>> No.2265707
File: 122 KB, 490x490, 1437257550380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>future where loomis doesnt matter anymore

>> No.2265726
File: 180 KB, 599x355, 1446072188554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the brave new world. Do something /pol/.

>> No.2265738
File: 785 KB, 850x823, 1436458174274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This all began in the 90s. It's not a sudden thing.
In fact you could argue it began since after ww1 and ww2.

>> No.2265744

I don't understand you're all grownup arguing about children's cartoons and shows????

>> No.2265770

trolling or not, it's that level of dehumanization that allows horrific acts from any side of any "conflict". they're just X so i don't care what happens to them.

that combined with the increasing black and white dichotomy of "you did one 'bad thing' and now you're one of 'them'" toxically seeping into many ideologies. see the GOP's treatment of Boehner when he didn't want to defund planned parenthood based on obviously edited videos that mirrored the similar acorn event a few years prior.

i feel there's a mix of overreaction from many self described "politically incorrect" people to any criticism whatsoever. there are differences between unintentionally being offensive, intentionally being offensive, or just straight up harassing people, and while there is overlap between all three you can't just use that as a blanket excuse for any and all of your behavior and people's reactions to it, especially when it's just small interpersonal matters as simple as someone saying "hey, that makes me uncomfortable, please don't do that around me". that's just a lack of people skills at that point, regardless of whether it's intentional or not.

>> No.2265773

>increasing black and white dichotomy
Das racys.

>> No.2265784

i dont understand why people think this is going to affect free speech in art

if your aim is to make money by appealing to a fandom then appeal to it and suck it up instead of being a special snowflake

if you just want to create fanart for your own pleasure then do so and dont feed the idiots like this

otherwise create new shit instead of fan art for an overly autistic fan base and dwell in that muck
for serious dudes this isnt gonna affect shit its just an isolated case

>> No.2266052

Aside from the jackson pollock test, this whole video is cherry picking minute examples in contemporary (not modern, since "modern art" is an actual movement dating back into 1800's) art which he doesn't agree with to further his point. Do people accept this as an ultimate standard in art? No, not really. If you look at the art media as a whole, generally accepted is art has incredible technical value.

If all you ever seek to see is art that displeases you then that's all you're ever going to find.

>> No.2266072
File: 155 KB, 763x1046, 1445812388801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matter where? In your shitty internet social circles? Maybe.

In the professional world where technical skill and real creativity is rewarded? Fucking never.

>> No.2266079

>first they came for the dutch, but not us
>then they came for the jews, but we ignored them

reminder that Minions are a thing
reminder that the Barnes collection was raped
reminder that art schools no longer teach art

>> No.2266117 [DELETED] 


>free4fire 2 months ago
> Yeah, there is a good reason why I rather look at art done for Magic the Gathering than any modern art in a museum.

that just about sums up that video's target audience in one line.

>> No.2266119


>free4fire 2 months ago
> Yeah, there is a good reason why I rather look at art done for Magic the Gathering than any modern art in a museum.

that just about sums up that videos target audience in one line.

>> No.2266123

>Getting seriously upset and worried because of random internet comments
