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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2259742 No.2259742 [Reply] [Original]

Is he artistic?

>> No.2259747

No, your mother is.

>> No.2259748

no, just asian

>> No.2259754

The real question here is are you autistic?

>> No.2259756

He's savant

>> No.2259778

lol, no moron. The guy has been drawing constantly for years and years and years. He's spent tens of thousands of hours honing his craft and practicing.

>He's savant
Spoken like a true lazy fuck.

>> No.2259789

He imagines boxes everywhere lol

>> No.2259808

must be hell

>> No.2260005

The dude is a human printer, but his ideas are lame.

>> No.2260010

His execution of his "lame ideas" is usually great tho.

But you are right in a sense, only artists buy his books. At Comic-conventions there's not a huge crowd gathered around him like at artist workshops.

Kinda sad tbh but he has a lot of good years ahead of him so maybe things will change?

I'm rooting for you kim jungi!

>> No.2260028

This, tbh.

It's sad when people say "he's a savant", "he's a genius" to imply that he didn't have to put any effort into what he does.

The jealousy of some people is really scary.

>> No.2260032

You're right, but there are also very few willing to dedicate the insane amount of time he has

>> No.2260160

I'm waiting for the day he picks up oils. Judging by his watercolors he would probably be a top class painter in a few years.

>> No.2260163

He is really good because when he was in the army he kept drawing everything he saw and I guess he knew how to draw before going to army

>> No.2260167

Why won't he work in some big shot comics studio or Disney or whatever?

>> No.2260170

He just draws his ass off. That's all there is to it. I remember during one of his lectures I atteneded, someone in the audience asked him if he had a photographic memory. He said no, but if he did he wouldn't be drawing for a living.

Also, >>2259789

>> No.2260176


>> No.2260193

He's autistic, rather.

He's probably the most dedicated artist when it comes to studying.

>> No.2260195

The "big studios" don't demand you to produce your style. They want you to be a mindless drone copying another person's style and mass-producing it.

It looks like the guy has only practiced his own style because he does everything the same way. I doubt any studio would want him, I imagine he could be a pain to adapt to someone else's work.

tl;dr being a faceless monkey is more important to a studio than individual skill

>> No.2260198

>lol its just hard work guise

Yeah man, that's why we've got Kim Jung Gi's popping up all the time.

>> No.2260222

He has his own school, autist

>> No.2260224

The fact you don't have them popping up all the time isn't proof of anything, other than most people don't work as hard at something as he does. There are plenty of artists coming out all the time who are equally as good at what they do, you're not going to get another one all the time unless people tried to draw like him and took the same road to promoting themselves.

>tl;dr being a faceless monkey is more important to a studio than individual skill

You sound like your talking out of you ass, or just completely naive about what a concept art job/ how a production pipeline works. If a studio wants him to design something for them because they like how he draws or his ideas of course they'd take him on for a project. Just because you're a special snowflake and no studio understands "muh vision" and wont hire you doesn't mean that's how things work. Stop projecting.

>> No.2260562

fucktard have you ever heard of "superani" ? also he is making comics with writers from different countries.

>> No.2261068

had a laugh, thanks anon

>> No.2261099

It is just hard work.

The reason people like him don't appear is the same reason everyone isn't a top tier artist. Not everybody puts the work in. Simple.

>> No.2261559

>you can do it if you really want
>this is what american dream fags actually believe

You're fucking delusional.

>> No.2261740

Spoken like a loser who's too lazy to work for something. There are plenty of examples of people who had nothing and made something of themselves by working hard and sticking with it, not just people in art.

Stay lazy fag.

>> No.2261865

Spotted the guy who makes shit art because he doesn't understand the concept of commitment.

Good thing you'll never get a taste of sucesss and will die poor without impacting shit

>> No.2263350

>You're fucking delusional.
god, you are fucking pathetic, I bet you quit school after the first time you got bad grades.
Every human being who is gifted with a normal functioning brain is able to improve at whatever they want (as long as they aren't lazy), as long as there are no extreme handicaps.

>> No.2263377

what is this about boxes?

>> No.2263392

He did a demo and explained how he sees everything as boxes in space and then drew some examples. A d/ic/k was present and took photos and posted them in a thread here a month or two back. It turned into a sort of meme (not sure if it really is a full meme status) about boxes everywhere.

>> No.2263496

It's the opposite, really. I used to have a hard time committing to things, and learning how to be disciplined was a big breakthrough for me, but by now I've met enough people who were more hardworking than me and just didn't advance beyond a certain point to know that that isn't why I'm doing well.

I'm not saying you need 'talent' to succeed or anything like that, but hard work and guts are pretty useless by themselves. If you want to draw like KJG you need to do more than just put in 'the work'. Art isn't fucking weightlifting. Repetition won't get you anywhere. You need to gain a higher understanding of what you are doing to make progress.

>> No.2264450

did you save them? can you share the process?

>> No.2264458

i bet you're fat, too

>> No.2264600


>> No.2264624


incredibly based

>> No.2264678

I went to one of his shows earlier this year and he didn't strike me as autistic, and if he is it's probably pretty mild. Either way he was able to get his own school off the ground and have a wife and kids. I doubt his autism, if he has it, affects him in any negative way.

Nigger draws all the time though, and if he isn't drawing, he's doodling. Learn to do that better you faggots.

I'm a huge fan of his too, but I doubt he's suffering. Getting invited to do lectures all over the place, selling books at 100bux a pop, and selling pieces for thousands/hundreds of dollars, and that's ignoring his day job. He draws for himself and he's got a fanbase that supports him. I'd say he's living the dream, but who can say for sure.

>> No.2264685

KMJ seems like a genuinely chill person.
He also likes a lot of pervert stuff on facebook.

>> No.2264687


>> No.2264747 [DELETED] 


>> No.2264793


He loves inked girls.

Anyway, I truly believe he is gifted. Some pro artists believes in that too. There are limits to training and some people just do better than others, that's the world.
Anyway I know he is a super hard worker who draw even when making sex probably.

>> No.2264815
File: 324 KB, 724x1024, 20942082322_4d237e8c03_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat lighting
something about his work is so enthralling to look at.

>> No.2264822

Greatest working artist today.

>> No.2264882
File: 1.36 MB, 1249x1000, kim-jung-gi-sketchbook06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2264889
File: 998 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but I have a few.

>> No.2264932

nice pun