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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2258766 No.2258766 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you guys hang out as regular art people?

Forums? Facebook?

>> No.2258770
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there really isn't any art communities

build a time travel machine i guess

>> No.2258783

ic is shit but everything else is hugbox garbage at best

>> No.2259097

Art community has come to mean a place where people post their work and all accounts have social integration.

Aka tumblr and deviantart.

The only reason ic isnt is because we dont have identifies per say.

>> No.2259117

>per se

>> No.2259120

Unless someone has a trip or a reconizeable style fucking retard

>> No.2259122

It's mostly on Facebook now. Forums are dead.

>> No.2259123

There's no easy to access community of people that are good to talk to about art with

What you do is you join any old popular art forum and you get invested in it
Then you start knowing the few active people there and then you all chat together in your own little private chatroom.
Then it can go either 2 ways
Either you all help eachother get better at art and collaborate and have a great time
Or you all jerk around having fun with eachother on your own projects

>> No.2259125

The pro's are busy working

>> No.2259130

Implying tripshits are welcome here.
Implying style is enough to make ic their personal art bubble.
Ic doesnt have a social networks or personal portfolio dump type of environment available.
Tripshits reposting their old shit is the closest we get.

>> No.2259142
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>Where do you guys hang out as regular art people?
>Forums? Facebook?

Facebook. Im 32 and seen most of "art communities". Most of them are dead already. Even Deviantart is dying. You can even notice that by seeing how artists popular on tumblr has shit-tier popularity and 0-2 comments per picture on DA. People growing up/moving to another place.

Right now there are 3 places to hang out:

1) facebook - family-like circles of art-friends. The most safest/warmest place due to the fact you have to have 100% indentity-account and be accepted by normies who will add you and etc.

2) tumblr - an army of retarded teenagers who talk/draw about trendy/popular things (HEY CHECK OUT MY UNDERTALE RULE 34). if you are younger than 25-welcome to tumblr

3) twitter - basically for everybody. Just post art to groups and you will be watched instantly by few new people you never seen before. Of course that's if you are good arist.

Forget about forums.
Forget about sites like...i forgot...like that one that was bigass popular thing and then died a year ago (CG-hub or something like that)

Facebook/tumblr/twitter is future.
I dont really see anything else. And ive seen everything through all those years sinse early 00s.

>> No.2259153

Nice sex toys

>> No.2259278

What about Concept Art . org???

>> No.2259285


Even back then CA was a circlejerk hugbox for the elite only:

Elwel: You suck, we have X thread on this already LIEK MY POST PLEAAAASE

Arshesney and 484844 people liked this post

Arshesney: Hehe oh Elwell OOOH Elwel *sucks cock*

Elwel and 40 of his closest buddies liked this post

Random Beginner: Can you please guide me...?

All the elites at once: Loooooomis and don't you come back.

Really /ic/ is the best place to be at the moment.

>> No.2259291
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>Really /ic/ is the best place to be at the moment.

I don't know whether to feel cheerful or discontent.

>> No.2259293

deader than dead

few forums still a bit active are permanoobs, crimsondaggers and maybe the new cgplus site.

>> No.2259294

Oh fuck. I forgot that fucking bitch. She was one of those posters that had a big mouth and a large post count but no art to back it up. I guess she was like most people on /ic/ really...

>> No.2259306

Just let me know if you wanna hit it off

>> No.2259334

There are plenty of other communities.

Thankfully none of them are filled with fantasy, sci-fi, or concept art bullshit like /ic/ is. They probably wouldn't interested you nerds.

>> No.2259351
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The great communities are usually gated off from beginners so they aren't of much use to the majority of people.

Gated as in you need to befriend one who is already to be invited and not neccesarily a skill-based thing.

I'm active in a local community of artists based around a single spot to to life drawing and it is much more fun taking paintings down to the workshop and show them off to the m8s than to post stuff on FB.

>> No.2259352

>Thankfully none of them are filled with fantasy, sci-fi, or concept art bullshit like /ic/ is.
What version of /ic/ are you browsing because all I see is anime shit. Nobody here knows a damn thing about design.

>> No.2259357

If one where to make a collage thread right now I can almost guarantee you that there will be dragons and/or space marines with a subtle penis monster in the background.

>> No.2259359

>fantasy, sci-fi, or concept art bullshit

hurrdurr i'm a real grownup, i only draw plants and naked men

>> No.2259362
File: 331 KB, 600x741, 2396173_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody here knows a damn thing about design.
Because we adult here .Sci-fi is for teens.
>check my epic unrealistic spaceship
>check my epic marines

>> No.2259368

Why post an image from somebody not from /ic/? You some kinda stupid?

>> No.2259421


Most of the art created for commercial work is for the younger demo, who do you think buys all that product with the concept and sci-fi, etc, art that's being created? The average freelancer/business owner is way more "adult" than your typical Ic neet.

It's 2015, the "hur dur, comics and vidya games are for babies" mentality is dead, what are you 45? lol.

>Thankfully none of them are filled with fantasy, sci-fi, or concept art bullshit like /ic/ is. They probably wouldn't interested you nerds
I bet you're right. Some crusty forums filled with blue haired old grannies painting shit tier work or a bunch of hipster morons glueing their pubes to canvases for "muh feels".

No thanks.

>> No.2259424

Guy why don't we just work to make /ic/ a better community?

>> No.2259466


because there is no community. anonimity allows everyone to be as much of a fag as he wants. get good, take what advice you deem worthy, and get out. which is what i did and i'm doing great. 2-3 years of /ic/ university and you can make a humble living doing art which you then grow into a career, of some sorts.

>> No.2259471
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>get good, take what advice you deem worthy, and get out. which is what i did and i'm doing great.

Didn't read any further, so tell us why are you still here?

>> No.2259481

I only come here to antagonize and demoralize beginners now.

>> No.2259579



>> No.2259600

Even fucking facebook is starting to suck. The thing we knew as a community is disappearing and it its stead we're getting personal networks. Just take a look at shit groups like levelup, where you got like 10000+ members, most of them noobs looking for feedback, asswipes shitposting and promoting themselves, etc.
The only thing you can do is find a small group of talented/hardworking friends or network with the pros with the faint hope that they might include you in their circlejerk/hugbox.

That's right you fucking autistic manchildren, you're gonna have to start talking and socializing with other people and form bonds if you want to get somewhere.

>> No.2259611

Reddit. They actually have a nice fundamentals subreddit

>> No.2259621


>> No.2259624

>That's right you fucking autistic manchildren, you're gonna have to start talking and socializing with other people and form bonds if you want to get somewhere.

This is also the reason why I can't get a job....people with referrals get jobs in an instant.

>> No.2259626
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>you're gonna have to start talking and socializing with other people

Why the fuck can't you just leave us alone REEEEEEEE

>> No.2259652

It's not what you know it's who you know, you have to get good at networking, just be yurself :^)

>> No.2259665

It's how I feel about a small number of boards. There might be other places to discuss a certain subject but it's often even more consistently worse (or just plain dead) relative to the related 4chan board. I've looked.

>> No.2259672

/ic/ needs post ids though. The amount of samefagging is atrocious.

>> No.2259679

sycra forum maybe?

>> No.2259681

You don't fucking know pesky nitwits! It depends on what kind of shit you're on.

Fucking google more.

>> No.2259689


>just be yourself
>typical /ic/ fag is a retard

That's terrible advice, who you are won't cut it. Be somewhat charming, play nice but don't be a gullible idiot, shut the fuck up if you have nothing worthwhile to contribute to a discussion, watch the shit that comes out of your mouth.

>> No.2259695

She modded the furfag forums for a long time too, so lol.

>> No.2259696

There are two ways to get a job:

>Be fucking good, Jaime Jones/ Craig Mullins/ Random-china-dude-that-spends-28-hours-a-day-drawing-and-rendering good
>Be not that good but be a real cool and interesting dude to hang out with and easy to work with with a lot of connections in the art world.

Both of them are hard, and both of them require different skill sets.

>> No.2259775


>> No.2259777

Wrong on both counts.

You don't need to be Mullins or chinese art bro to make a living to art, thousands of far less than Mullins artists out there are living it right now. You obviously don't know shit about what your saying, you're just regurgitating the tired old "mullins or no werk" meme that IC spews so often.

Secondly having connections doesn't mean shit if your work sucks. No business is going to hire you because you "know someone." or you're a super cool dude.. Sure in some specific cases I bet people get jobs from networking when they have pleb art, but you're not going to be paying your bills on $100 pazio jobs once every other month. If your work is good you'll have no problem meeting people with minimal effort but the quality of work ALWAYS comes first.

Worry about getting good, everything else will come once you reach even a basic level of art competency and post shit around on what few communities are out there. Also a lot of networking opportunities especially in the publishing, game and entertainment world happen at conventions which I never hear anyone talk about. No one is going to even pay attention to you at a con if your work is bad, at a booth or shopping your portfolio around.

>> No.2259794

You're a fucking idiot that can't read subtext.

If you're fucking good (AKA Mullins, Jones, Etc) the likely scenario is that you won't have to network that much, jobs will find you instead of having to scourge around looking for gigs (And I've seen that happen with people on facebook that spend no time networking at all, they just post a couple of pics and BAM insta pro network circlejerk flexing dem muscles- lots of AD in there, even Shaddy refers that he usually recruits his guys from facebook).

In the second case it's obvious that you have to be at the very least decent, but if your work doesn't have the WOW factor, you're gonna have to make up for it with a bunch of networking.

>> No.2259829

/ic/ is the only place I really talk to other artists.

>> No.2259840

Last time someone posted this thread I thought about the idea of doing a community with invitation type of access to get people from here who is worth our time to hang out together. Unfortunately this board is full of salty bitches, jealous pouring from the pores of those fags and it would get too much heat from people who weren't invited... I'm not up for a witch hunt from and anonymous board.
Art communities are dead, deal with it. Too mainstream, everyone wants to share every piece of shit they do. You never had a filter before, but people where intimidated/it wasn't so mainstream, so you could get around and know each other without too much filtering.

Also, the concept art market wasn't that big as it is today, with everyone and their grandma's wanting to make movies and games. I mean, people wondered what was necessary to be a part of it, now they have that information all around.

And last, the competition is too damn high.


What is she doing nowadays?

>> No.2260075

>3) twitter - basically for everybody. Just post art to groups and you will be watched instantly by few new people you never seen before. Of course that's if you are good arist.

wait... there are art groups on twitter?

>> No.2260088 [DELETED] 

Where do I go for decent critique these days?

>> No.2260090

Where can you get decent critique these days?

>> No.2260107


not having irl art buddies sucks

>> No.2260108

>>you have to have 100% identity-account

No you don't. You can create an account with any name you want, just like Google+.

You don't even need to validate it.

Source: I made some bullshit one just for collecting spam when websites only let you sign in via social networks.

>> No.2260174
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>> No.2260210

Depends on your skill level. If you're an absolute beginner no one will even bother giving you critique because your shit will be so bad that it would take way too much effort to pinpoint all that is wrong (hence the "moar loomis" critique that is so popular). You can always try to get in a mentorship of some kind.

If you're already half decent you can try to hit up pros on facebook/social networks and ask for advice.

Bear in mind as it has been said, the golden age of forums and communities is long gone. If you're not even halfway good/ a rising star, you'll have a hard time getting critiques from the pros without paying. Those guys are too busy selling their opinions to the plebs (Looking at you learnsquared).

>> No.2260346


That surprised me too, I didn't even knew there was groups in twitter?

>> No.2260564
File: 58 KB, 843x474, 11885686_489543811203311_1789032545117931722_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you don't. You can create an account with any name you want, just like Google+.
>You don't even need to validate it.
>Source: I made some bullshit one just for collecting spam when websites only let you sign in via social networks.
I was meant to say that on Facebook you have to ditch your 4chin skills and forget that you are anon.
You are now person who is responsible for his deeds and words he say.
You should be almost like a normie when on facebook. There are a lot of artists who have families and kids and totally dont use words like "faggot" on daily basis.
Not to mention everything you say may damage your art career if you socialize with important people from industry.

>> No.2260713

>100% identity-account
If you're posting your art via pages or closed groups then this doesn't necessarily have to be true.zzz

>> No.2260715

>If you're posting your art via pages or closed groups then this doesn't necessarily have to be true.zzz
look here >>2260564

for fucks sake the post is above your post: >>2260564

>> No.2261191
File: 25 KB, 393x380, 1420650821631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed at how genuine that probably is

>> No.2261200

this aaaall the way

>> No.2261204

so is not another place? just facebook tumblr and twitter?
(i gonna see twitter is really surprised me that they have art groups, have to see if worth it)

>> No.2261483

I understand all too well. I've been contemplating making a Tinder just to see if there are any other art people around me

>> No.2261560

>/ic/ is not a hugbox

Are you retards serious when you say this?

>> No.2261612


>> No.2261613

Only hugbox if u draw animu waifus