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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 99 KB, 600x800, 289641-Still_Life_2_Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2257280 No.2257280 [Reply] [Original]

Beginner Thread

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

Do not forget to resize and crop your images before uploading them. 1kpx is fine.

Before asking "what should I read/view/study/learn," consult the sticky: >>1579290

Questions go in the QUESTION THREAD
This is for posting studys & getting critique.

Threadly reminder to avoid carpal tunnel:

>Thread study: Lets change it up with a still life / values study! - alternatively, draw the shit thats already on your table! (some people wont even have to rearrange anything)

Old thread: >>2252055

>> No.2257283

btw, leave some suggestions about what the next study should be (yes i know the composition of this one is slighly off - too much shit on bottom of the picture, but it has rather nice light/values and warm highlights / cold shadows if youd like to do it in color)

>> No.2257297

more plants and animals

>> No.2257349
File: 144 KB, 782x1280, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would one go about achieving this kind of quality shading? I cant seem to recreate it

>> No.2257350

that fucking ankle. its detached from the foot, jesus thats fucked.

>> No.2257353

let me guess, you are using a tiny paper and expect to get it done in half an hour right?

>> No.2257356


When I asked myself the same question some years ago I came to that exact conclusion of what I was doin wrong.

>> No.2257366

Its more about understanding the process, surely time isnt the only factor? What and how many pencials were used, do you need a very fine paper? i just want to understand

>> No.2257374
File: 1.08 MB, 2000x955, qekpwmkoewmkpgf0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I know what to do? I keep having to jump back and forth between what I am learning.

For example I tried learning basic construction and move on once I feel like I've done enough and know what I'm doing but once I started drawing human figures I find myself need to brushup badly on a few basics and end up lost as to what I need to do. I could try drawing without brushing up but this just produces bad results and I end up not learning anything (or worse, learning bad habits)

Pic related.

>> No.2257382

I was in that same situation a little while ago. At some point i just said fuck it and decided to not think about it anymore, and to just follow the teachings of 1 book at a time. It's working really well for me. So what i'd recommend is to just pick up Loomis' book about figure drawing, start from page 1, study the fuck out of everything you see and to trust Loomis' teachings.

>> No.2257385

>trust Loomis
Fuck Loomis.

>> No.2257387

Still, I can't really properly apply stuff like that, I mean for example s an Anon here pointed out I would just draw a box for the hip and chest then call it a day. I would have kept going on like that without a care in the world and learn nothing. Then again maybe I can soon better see where I am going wrong and why once I'd finished the book?

Art is confusing as hell.

>> No.2257392


Read "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" first and do the exercises. It will force you to build good habits.

Work with construction and imaginative drawing later.

>> No.2257393

It's not only a matter of different pencils and mediuns. It's about understanding the process, studying and practicing a lot. Most of the people here don't know what a "process" mean, don't realize studying isn't drawing for 15 min a day and surely are not practicing near enough.

>> No.2257395




>> No.2257398

I'm not going to act like i'm any good or anything as i'm just beginner, just telling you my experience with this.
I noticed that i just have a better feel for figure drawing after intensely studying Loomis' book. You learn a lot about construction and the overall feel of form by intensely studying all the example drawings (which was great for me, since drawing from life confused the fuck out of me. Which it doesn't anymore, since i've gotten a better idea of what to look for in the forms and whatnot).
I guess what i mean, is that teaching yourself how to draw is indeed confusing as hell, since you don't really know what you're supposed to do. An experienced artist does know what you COULD do, you just have to make good use out of his expertise.

Something like that, idk lol

Also: >>2257392 do that first.

Then trust someone else.

>> No.2257399

Independently from the book you're reading, keep practicing everyday. It will pay off as soon as you're starting to learning what you're doing wrong, based on what your reading on the books you read and from perceiving life.

>> No.2257405

>Trust Loomis. Not even yourself.

>> No.2257421

I reckon, start with a very H pencil and keeping it faint as you build value, obvs no smudging
Very nice but I still am bothered by the contour outlining. Something I've seen other figure drawers on /ic/ do as well.

>> No.2257443

I agree, lineweight is very underrepresented on the board, most just outline mindlessly like u said

>> No.2257533


fuck that

8B all day every day

if I need highlights, I'll erase some (THEN FILL IT IN AGAIN)

>> No.2257568

The only pencils I use are an H9 for initial sketching and a 4B mechanical for everything else. Also 8B for very dark values, and I already feel like I'm overcomplicating shit

>> No.2257625
File: 1.96 MB, 2000x3552, WP_20151021_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wave Pattern blue. IT'S AN ANGERU
Based on the description of Cherubim in the bible, WIP

>> No.2257642

I practice everyday about 2 hours
it's too little but I DO IT!

>> No.2257670

That's cool

>> No.2257688
File: 226 KB, 758x559, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't seem to ever get better

>> No.2257693

>Do not forget to resize and crop your images before uploading them. 1kpx is fine.

If you even fail reading OP, then fuck off!

>> No.2257696

granted i did just come back to digital media today

>> No.2257700

I don't have a fucking PC bro. And I can't resize on a Windows Phone

>> No.2257701

Don't you ever suddenly find out that your skills have severely regressed in an unexplainable manner? What the actual fuck, my studies were progressing so well yesterday.

>> No.2257703

I have the exact opposite where I'll study for fucking days without improving and then after taking a day or two off I'll wonder why everything's so easy suddenly

>> No.2257710

Whenever i see something like this happen its because im suddenly using my pencil in a different way,

>> No.2257733
File: 232 KB, 1280x755, 1440067191709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to I stop procrastinating so hard? I always end up browsing 4chan or playing video games way way too long and never bothering to get any work done, I have in the past tried to quit cold turkey and got 6 hours or more of work done but then start hating art and turn to video games and 4chan and start wanting to quit art and asking myself why bother at all?

When I am on my walk to work I start thinking about art and about artwork I love and curse myself because I'd never achieve such skill at that rate. How can I learn self-disciple and stay motivated?

>> No.2257742

Blocksite is an useful tool. Get it to block 4chan for at LEAST half your awake hours so you can free yourself from its grasp for good.
I set alarms to whatever hour I'm supposed to be drawing, it works for me because they stress me the fuck out.
You should listen to music while drawing, everyone should, it really makes the time spent more enjoyable and feels less of a task.

>> No.2257746

You need sleep motherfucker

Sleep is the catalyst for growth and innovation.

>> No.2257757


- to draw a perfect straight line at anything length slowly and quickly (this is the most fundamental of all drawing exercises)
-Accuracy and* Precision in observational drawing (being able to accurately copy proportions by sight without physical guides)
- to create at least 50 (bare minimum) separate values of gray (500 is mastery)
- to balance a composition (this one seems to be the most difficult for most people) by identifying and relating large two-dimensional* shapes of value while still maintaining a three-dimensional* illusion

These are the exercises you Need to to Do Daily in order to Improve. End of Story. Two hours, three hours, it doesn't matter. When you get tired of doing one exercise, you go to another, just like any other career, you need multiple skills to complete the picture.

>> No.2257758

This probably is the reason but sleep feels like such a waste of time

>> No.2257762

i do plenty of s c and straight line exercises.
Besides maybe shading ,im not sure how to go at the others

>> No.2257765
File: 1.92 MB, 2000x3552, WP_20151022_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done. As mentioned before I can't resize on my crappy Windows Phone, sorry.

>> No.2257792

for drawing things from observation with exact proportions, here are important steps you must follow..

1. Stop moving your body. Stand still. Don't move your feet, don't move your knees, don't move your toes, don't move fucking any part of your body. I mean it. You must remain completely still at the base at your chest, the whole fucking thing. think of everything below your neck like the stand of a tripod, your neck is the swivel, and your head is the camera.

2. Only have two points that you move your head to and from. What you're looking at, and your drawing of what you're looking at. Don't deviate from the motion. Try to make it as regular as you possibly can. Look with your head, not with your eyes. Keep your eyes looking straight ahead at all times. Like a cat. Eventually you will start moving your eyes, and find an optimal relationship between head movement and eye movement, but ALWAYS WHEN YOU ARE BEGINNING YOUR SESSION, start like a beginner and work your way into the optimal mode.

3. You MUST ALWAYS spend MORE time looking at "the figure" (it can be fucking anything I don't care, a puppy a landscape i don't care), than you do looking at your drawing OF the figure. The more time you spend looking at the figure, the more memory you will have of the image of the figure from where you are in space relative to the figure, rather than a blank page with some marks on it. This seems counter-intuitive, but if you want to make an accurate drawing, the drawing must be secondary* to the observing. This also goes against our instinct to sensationalize and idealize our drawings for pleasure, and I don't blame you, but if you want to have exact proportions, you must stare at the figure, while only glancing at your page (I'm ripping the "expression" of an old teacher word-for-word)

4. Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent. When you start making as many mistakes as accurate measurements: STOP DRAWING. YOU'RE DONE FOR THE DAY

>> No.2257797

thank you very much kind anon.

>> No.2257810


I only want the best from you...

>> No.2257863
File: 119 KB, 1118x907, 43243254352342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how to do this kind of shit without color picker. Or I should use color picker? I don't get how to study.

>> No.2257867

Go darker

>> No.2257869

Identify the larger shapes first and foremost. Slowly block in rest of the shapes, larger to smaller, back to front. Details are exclusive to objects in front or in focus.
You might want to start with monochrome images at your skill level. Color is hard.
Also >>2257867

>> No.2257871


If you haven't done value studies, do some value studies. Greyscale the image and paint in values. Once you get the hang of it, don't greyscale the ref but still paint in black and white. Values are generally far more important than color.

>> No.2257877

I know about large shapes and monochrome. This is half ass made image. I can do better monochrome. The problem is that I don't understand how to pick colour.

>> No.2257883

M8, from the look of your picture you don't.
All I've said are things you have to work with, because you are clearly lacking.
Color is like, the very last thing you must learn as an artists, its not easy as "using colorpicking", its a pretty big topic and it takes a lot of time to get right.
Get your basics together first.

>> No.2257888


you know the formula for finding the square root of a number?



if too red, add blue
if too blue, add green
if too green, add red

if too dark add brightest saturated color
if too light add darkest saturated color

if too saturated add a mixture of that hue's value in gray, one step brighter or one step darker, adjust for fractions of a step when necessary



>> No.2257890
File: 173 KB, 1020x695, colourvalueboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well do you understand how values translate to color?
If you can do better monochrome, take what you learned and apply it to color. They also have value scales.
Almost everything in your recreation - especially the mountain's reflection and the trees - are far lighter than they are in your reference.

>> No.2257912
File: 112 KB, 466x580, owlictest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final attempt on the owl from the previous thread. The main thing that bugs me are the eyes.

>> No.2257916
File: 117 KB, 1110x822, 6545435435353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this?

>> No.2257926
File: 3.34 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20151021_222332179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips to improve?

>> No.2257929
File: 3.88 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20151021_222324488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one

>> No.2257931
File: 19 KB, 400x400, qJYly73i_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's considerably better already.

>> No.2257932

>When you start making as many mistakes as accurate measurements

Sorry, can you elaborate on this? I think what you're saying is you need to balance out the mistakes and accurate measurements, but for some reason my mind is having trouble wording it that way. And if I do understand, how do you know when you've out weighted the bad?

>> No.2257934

See that's better by a lot already, simply by adding dark shit. Values are everything mate

>> No.2257935

Proportions. Shading. More details (I.e. Stop drawing in muh style)

>> No.2257936

Proportions(mostly the face), and hairier lines than the figure's actual hair. Read through a figure book

>> No.2257955
File: 263 KB, 1200x1200, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably need to practice rendering these shapes individually and pay more attention to proportions

>> No.2257964


A lot of soft edges are not very soft at all.

>> No.2257967

what fucking proportions you fucking retard

>> No.2257969

really awful exercise to be doing from a photo

>> No.2258035

What's the best online course thing to do?

I need something more structured, lessons, or worksheets or a routine.

Gnomon, New Masters Academy, Proko, maybe the basic Watts sub? Any of them worth it? Or is it all just shit I'd find in books?

Does anyone maybe have a beginner schedule worked out they could share?

>> No.2258104
File: 98 KB, 470x633, 34441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finish it up later. my arm start to ache

>> No.2258135

Do you have parkinsons or something? control your edges my man

>> No.2258137

i was in the process of refining but i just got tired,

>> No.2258156

I don't think you should post it if it isn't finished really. Then your critiques will have to work with issues you could otherwise have fixed, and you may always defend it by saying "But, it isn't finished yet!"

>> No.2258226

who needs edges when the thumbnail looks nice? it just means you can draw on a hugeass canvas and scale shit down to make it look decent.

>> No.2258270

nice values bro

>> No.2258288

i posted to break this silence. i dont see anyone post work on here, that includes you too probably.

>> No.2258313

Scale your pics to about 1000x1000 and dont chicken scratch

>> No.2258509

>control your edges

>> No.2258513
File: 1.93 MB, 400x225, 1441809197287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes yes yes

>> No.2258516

Cheating while practicing is the most stupid thing ever. You're only halting your own progress. He should definitely no neglect clean shapes

>> No.2258517

there is no such thing as cheating, its just tools - ask vilppu ffs!

>> No.2258523

Except that he is consciously trying to improve. A study isn't supposed to be made using all "tools" available to make it look good with the least amount of effort, it's supposed to teach you shit. By going "lel I don't need to work on clear contours" you're hindering your own ability to learn something from your study.

>> No.2258526
File: 148 KB, 1000x1000, Head BIGG coat test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i shade the coat?

>> No.2258530

Well it looks like you have a light source and the coat has folds in it on top of the fact that it isn't flat the sides would likely open outwards, so using all of that is how you shade

>> No.2258536

but i am on the right track right?

>> No.2258541

Drapery study, I quess

>> No.2258547

god dammit didn't even thought of that. I'm literally retarded.

>> No.2258578

how exactly are the loomis potatohead supposed to be useful?

>> No.2258609


It's not a complicated idea, and it makes me think you're nitpicking and judging the style of my speech and not the content of my speech, since you obviously understood and restated what it was that I meant. Don't be passive aggressive. If I sound like a stuttering idiot, call me a stuttering idiot.

There is a website I play chess on that keeps score of your performance. If I start losing more problems in a problem set than solving them, I quit playing chess for the day, rather than run myself into a hole of frustration, losing more than I win and getting angry "At The Computer".

If he is more tired than he is motivated
If half of his lines are shakier than they were when he started

he should stop.

Quit while you're ahead. That's all I'm saying. Performance can obviously be measured objectively, even in art. If we hadn't all been indoctrinated with the idea that Art is Subjective, then no one would be confused about how to fucking improve because they could consult a RUBRIC like EVERYONE ONE ELSE DOES and judge their own performance and see where they are, relative to the rest of the population, relative to their own time spent, the rate at which they are improving, and the rank of their rate of improvement, etc etc

The more measurements, the easier it is to identify the factor that's holding you back. maybe you don't eat enough before you practice, maybe you don't have enough light at your desk, maybe you need earplugs because you live in a city, maybe you are horrible with time management and always end up practicing in the middle of the night when your judgement is completely impaired.

Keep track of these things. What you eat, when you eat, how much you eat, when you sleep, how much, etc. YOU WILL FIGURE OUT WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK. and when you do, you will see improvements in the long run, even if they aren't immediately obvious (they will be though, just smaller)

>> No.2258691
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, HELP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After spending time working on the fundimentals in traditional mediums for 6 months I've made the jump to digital! But I'm having trouble getting things set up. I was about to start with control paint and for some reason my strokes are not smooth. I've done some googling to no avail. PLEASE HELP.

>> No.2258751

Have you tried using other programs to see if the result can be recreated?
What type of tablet is it? Have you updated your drivers.

I have a similar problem in Photoshop. Sadly I have not been able to pin point the problem.

>> No.2258756
File: 2.54 MB, 2340x4160, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips to improve

>> No.2258762

oh jesus, i knew beginner were pretty bad, but this is just hysterical.

>> No.2258771

Thanks for offering such a helpful and insightful critique, I'll be sure to improve with all of the helpful advice you've given me.

>> No.2258772

Don't pretend you're not shit yourself.

>> No.2258781


Its a cheap monoprice tablet but in any other program it works fine, just photoshop is a problem

>> No.2258784


loomis seriously

>> No.2258789

It's not that bad, mate. The guy is fucking with you.

Basically, study form. Study perspective. Study anatomy. Form and perspective first, nig. You'll be alright.

>> No.2258793
File: 811 KB, 1920x1080, 1420397943347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are symbol drawing anon. I'd say go draw some cubes and spheres, you know, simple shapes, then go to full body anatomy, and then worry about heads. There isn't much of a secret to drawing a portrait, I mean, you kinda got the features in the right place, but I am sure you would struggle if you were to tilt this head to any other position. You need to learn how to think of these features as 3D objects first.


>> No.2258805


I think it's a problem emblematic of photoshop. It has no stabilizers or any such thing, lines on photoshop are generally pretty garbage.

I know a lot of people do their linework/sketches in clip studio/sai and then paint in photoshop.

>> No.2258806 [DELETED] 

Thank you

>> No.2258807

Thank you.

>> No.2258820


If you're going to act superior at least come up with more specific advice than the most lazy, generic meme tip /ic/ has to offer.

>> No.2258826

>You MUST ALWAYS spend MORE time looking at "the figure" than you do looking at your drawing OF the figure.

This was such a hard habit to break.

Pure contour exercises really help to shake it off though.

>> No.2258827
File: 354 KB, 1300x1751, ref1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went back and worked on values and edges
im possibly miles better than t hat anon will ever be, and possibly better than you.

>> No.2258993
File: 160 KB, 1082x792, plateex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bargue plates are frustrating, but I keep at it.

>> No.2259017

are some people just shit regardless of how much they practice?

>> No.2259021

If you don't practice properly of course. You can spend 20 hours a day drawing the same shit and never progress.

>> No.2259023

Unless you have some disorder that clouds your judgement of forms and space, prevents you from being objective on your criticism, or fucks up your hand eye coordination, you should be fine.

People who never get better are the people who don't take drawing seriously, and treat it like a hobby. If you are trully practicing you are bound to get better. How quickly they get better depends on the person and on their routine.

>> No.2259026

You're so much more modest too

>> No.2259108

How do I do line work in SAI?

Does everyone do the same thing?

>> No.2259203


Drawing is a hobby for me though, how seriously do I need to be practicing? I just do what books tell me to do and focus on my weaknesses. I don't plan to ever make a dime off art, but I still want to keep getting better.

Answers like that are really discouraging and they don't even seem true. Even if you're practicing like shit, practicing shit will make you a better shitter, right? Just look at anime, someone polished and practiced that turd until it became an entire genre that people aspire to emulate.

So even though I'm probably not practicing optimally it still feels like progress when things come a little easier or when I make something I think is my best piece yet.

>> No.2259220
File: 93 KB, 965x1143, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its good that you're putting down lines for proportion, but you should also go a bit deeper and learn to construct the individual features eyes/noses/mouths so you can place them correctly on the head.

Also be sure to tackle more interesting angles, front on shots tend to make showing form difficult unless you shade it a bit.


>im possibly miles better than t hat anon will ever be, and possibly better than you

Not that anon but, drop the fucking ego m8 you're in the beginner thread for a reason. Its ridiculous that someone at your low level can be this toxic, even by /ic/ standards.

>> No.2259250

>anime is a turd
You don't get it. People here loathe anime because many beginners think that only drawing "muh style" will somehow make them godlike artists. Any artist who can actually draw properly (technique) can produce realistic drawings that are at least mid-high tier. It doesn't work the other way around, you won't git gud at complicated shit (real) by practicing simpler shit (style). Same with proportions etc., you need a basis to work off of. Do not confuse people who need to stop drawing shitty animu and fucking practice with those who have gotten gud enough to produce good original stylized work.
Also yes drawing is time-intensive as fuck and you won't get much better at anything more complicated than maybe clean lines by drawing random shit. However, you don't need to be constantly practicing if you art as a hobby. Do maybe 20mins when not in the mood to keep in rhythm and just draw more when you feel like you want to. If you consistently push to the limits of your ability (I.e. don't just sit there drawing the sane shit) you will get better. Just not as fast, and sooner or later you'll probably hit a ceiling that you can't break without practicing WAY more.

>> No.2259257

Well, what can I tell you. Just keep doing what your doing, draw what you want to draw, study what you want to study. If you don't want to stagnate, and want a challenge, just try to draw a different subject, not only what you are confortable.
You can still get better just by drawing a bunch of stuff casually, but it will be an way slower progression.

I don't get what you want from us. You already have the answer to your question, you are not under any pressure to get better, just keep doing what you are doing.

By the way, post your work.

>> No.2259280

>inb4 merc_wip

>> No.2259319
File: 230 KB, 567x619, sketchyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was, uh, experimenting, how am I doing?

>> No.2259324
File: 1.69 MB, 1836x1937, 20151022_233357-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to draw a lotus

>> No.2259416
File: 450 KB, 1000x800, leg studies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took me a while to figure out legs have a sorta helix shape going on.

>> No.2259418

Damn I never thought of that. Nice way to visualize it even if it doesn't fit perfectly. Anything that helps

>> No.2259428

There's a LOT of complex muscles going on but they all end up wrapping around to create the form.

>> No.2259430

umm, no.

>> No.2259431

Ok then what would you describe it as?

>> No.2259433

You missed the point of Reilly method

>> No.2259434

Wasn't it about s-curves?

>> No.2259542

What? The lower leg doesn't wrap around anything. Neither do the upper leg muscles for that matter unless you twist outwards. Look at the lower arm muscles, that's what wrapping around looks like. But as I said, if it helps you you could imagine legs as a series of interconnected ballsacks and nobody would care

>> No.2259568
File: 335 KB, 1329x1672, erf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low level
sorry thats you.

>> No.2259581

>decent drawing
>feels the need to shit on beginners and be a giant asshole I general
>still stays in the beginner thread even though he thinks he's so much better than everyone so he can continue to be a condescending fuckwit toward complete noobs

>> No.2259582

Hey man your stuff is looking better, but you need to flip your canvas lol.

>> No.2259583

You managed to make the shading worse in black and white than his color shading. The hair is flat and you're missing highlights in some areas of the face. The ear is completely fucked. At least your thumbnail looks better because you got some nice gradients

>> No.2259587
File: 183 KB, 933x861, r3245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me fill you in. ive only been painting for a year and a half. Ive recently went full neet and dedicated 2 months and still on going to hone my skills and understanding of fundamentals. I havent painted much of anything in color except pic related.

im still a beginner and i will remain so until i have a solid understanding of things. you dont have to get so butthurt about one area that i am just barely proficient at. im just an anon who actually takes the time to think methods and using them.

>> No.2259588

yeah, this is why i belong here.

>> No.2259590
File: 869 KB, 1100x2282, Keys to drawing 2-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did exercise 2-F from Keys to drawing. The point was to chance between drawing with a controlling hand and loose hand. I also needed to include an area of focus.

>> No.2259597

I'm not butthurt at anything you're proficient at, I'm annoyed at you being such an ass toward beginners and (up until now) coming off as way too full of yourself. It's an attitude that generates unnecessary argument and drives newbs away along with just being a dickish thing to do.

>> No.2259602

are you expecting for me to not be an asshole? did you somehow forget that youre on the internet? and who the fuck cares, its not my fault noobs dont meet their wants.

>> No.2259603
File: 149 KB, 1400x882, Keys to drawing exercise 3-A, B and C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, sorry, did not mean it to be that big.

Heres exercise 3-A/B/C. The point was to draw a proportional human standing, sitting/leaning and one from a foreshortening view. The standing one was done in figure drawing night and I ran out of time.

>> No.2259612


I had this on and the drawing to the right gave me feels

>> No.2259613
File: 245 KB, 1105x1462, Doodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I post drawings from imagination to the stylization thread or is it fine to post them here?

>> No.2259616

This is an art criticism board and not /b/. I expect you to at least criticize things instead of just laughing about them. Even on the internet there's places where you have to be a dick with a certain direction to your insults.
Believe it or not, this board actually has "rules". I know, right? And if the mods hadn't fallen into an eternal slumber people could actually get banned for not following them!
Also wtf kind of argument is that? Cool, be a dick. But people will still call you out on it.

>> No.2259617
File: 167 KB, 896x672, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for being a faggot, but this is the third thread I post this in.

freehand 3d, don't know basics.

>> No.2259620

We can't really critique the ones from imagination beyond "do more of what you're doing already." Post stuff if you're looking for advice on something. I.e. how do I get better at x or critique this complete drawing or am I practicing in a helpful way guys. Stuff like that.
That doesn't mean you can't post the others, there's just not much of a point to it besides sharing with others to keep your spirits up.

>> No.2259625

Right now the biggest issue is the cliff. It's heavily slanted downward. You need to foreshorten it by a lot

>> No.2259627

Also why not look up the basics? If you have no idea what you're doing there is a constructive approach to perspective to give you an idea. But ultimately it's just getting a feel for it.

>> No.2259631

Shit man, I could look at pictures of happy puppies and still get feels if this was playing in the background. Excellent taste in music bro.

allright man, thanks.

>> No.2259635

thanks for the tip, I am going to look up the basics, I just wanted to get a feel for what I can do and what I don't understand before I learn. Just seems like the right order of approach for me.

foreshortening, I just got that word. and the cliff does look slanted, didn't see that myself.

>> No.2259639
File: 225 KB, 1200x1200, FEEL-IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I Vilppu?

>> No.2259642

you stop drawing the fuckingoutlines of everthing mang

>> No.2259671

This shit is fucking space magic mane.

>> No.2259675
File: 554 KB, 1280x1024, lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today's doodles

>> No.2259677

do you see any outlines?

>> No.2259684

>Can't do anything but recreate black and white photos with terrible brushwork and edges
>Somehow thinks hes not low level

The Dunning Kreuger is unreal.

>> No.2259686

youre bashing on a beginner. what kind of work have you done here, faggot? im sure its much better than that.

>> No.2259687


Well is it not true?

>> No.2259727
File: 476 KB, 1280x960, helloagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just did another page.

this is how a noob tries to shade an orb lol

I feel like I'm doing worse when I try to do intentional shapes and apply basics instead of when i'mdrawing more intuitively like in the people.

>> No.2259759

because youre bad at bsics and "drawing intuitively" is just fucking around and not practicing. get off 4chan and practice lazy ass

>> No.2259819


Look at what you're drawing while you're drawing it.

>> No.2259830

The edges don't matter if they don't affect values and shapes. It's a really well executed study, I don't know what your problem is, I bet you spout DUR EDGE DUR ANATOMY every chance you get.

>> No.2259833
File: 147 KB, 950x1135, rer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2259846
File: 214 KB, 604x524, study9594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i take it to the next level?

>> No.2259847

those objects are not in perspective.

>> No.2259850

Noted. What about the rendering? That's what I'm trying to improve on most.

>> No.2259854

Rendering is sloppy. hard and soft edges are misplaced.

>> No.2259860
File: 321 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_9147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da booty too big

>> No.2259864

I love drawing faces, bodies, arms, feet and clothing. The thing is, I don't know how effective this sort of practice. Let's say I drew these different things from photo references every single day, would I just be wasting my time? Also what do you do when your drawing just doesn't work out? I mean, sometimes when I draw faces I can capture likeness and sometimes I can't. Should I keep drawing the faces I can't replicate or should I just move on? Thanks.

>> No.2259918
File: 76 KB, 768x812, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try something in color.

>> No.2259921
File: 2.59 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm tired of paying artists to draw things for me (I use them for /biz/)

I've always told myself I can just do the work till I get better

>Pic related
These are from middle school (8 years ago), if I could do these back then, I should be able to do better by now.
Even though most of it was traced off Shonen Jump magazines during math class.

I even remember how the Asian girls would love drawing for me (pic related, she drew eye samples for me) until I asked one of them to draw hentai and they slowly stopped talking to me.

Anyways, I need a drawing tablet under 1k budget, the Cintiq13HD looks nice since it has that dial thing to the side for easy error fixes/etc.

Also, what program should I use? I have all the Adobe ones. My Pc is pretty high end as well. ty

>> No.2259934 [DELETED] 


>> No.2259938

what the fuck am i looking at

>> No.2259945


A 7th graders work

I should've check'd the catalog, tablet threads everywhere...

>> No.2259947
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20151023_205258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished the first project of DOTRSOTB. How much work do I need to do to become decent?

>> No.2259950


Okay you're not even trying

>> No.2259955

>How much work do I need to do to become decent?
I don't really know man. Usually humans gain the ability to use their eyes within 28 weeks from conception but you clearly haven't. Maybe you want to practice looking at things before you start drawing.

>> No.2259958


Or just buy some new hands, holy shit that is horrible

>> No.2259963
File: 2.90 MB, 290x189, 11514-animated_gifchat8etf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this made me laugh hard. It also inspires me to get way better.

>> No.2259978
File: 669 KB, 1320x708, mhm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So after watching a few videos and reading on the tablet threads, I feel it's better to go with a desktop tablet instead of a on screen tablet (cause once I get used to it, it'll be easier to use a desktop tablet).

>> No.2259986

Holy shit anon

>> No.2260013

no the 3 fucking iphones i mean

>> No.2260021
File: 479 KB, 1843x1052, Purchase#4 (FB Comments).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> (I use them for /biz/)

I run a biz fixing/trading/flipping phones & various electronics.

All of that while I sell anime like material online

Tired of paying artist to license/buy their artwork, so I came here to look for a way to start drawing myself.

>> No.2260024
File: 64 KB, 1338x718, goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But mostly, I'm just tired of being shilled & want to try doing something I've been meaning to for the longest.

>> No.2260029
File: 152 KB, 800x869, arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill try if you post the original

>> No.2260040

>implying I did that from a photo

Theres this thing called painting from life, its only been around for a few hundred years.

>> No.2260041

then my answer to your salty question is no.

>> No.2260045

lmao anon I can't honestly tell if you're trolling or really that full of yourself

>> No.2260048

lets pretend im trolling, that would make it easier for the both of us, now go back to drawing, kid.

>> No.2260050


I just pity you now.

>> No.2260058

let me use a tripcode, so you can hide me.

>> No.2260065
File: 334 KB, 715x542, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what resource / book / video should a beginner use to git gud at shading? I want to use digital mediums.
My shading skills are terribly bad, and its frustrating me because I feel like if I combined better shading with the rest of my line work, my art would look a lot better. Whenever I finish the line work I'm usually happy with it until I shade it. My shading always takes away from my drawings instead of adding to it.

What resources can I use that specifically teaches a beginner how to shade? I have difficulty understanding it in general. I never know how to create the right contrast for sharper shadows, or how to smooth out transitions for softer ones.

I am also extremely slow at shading in general, my line work is extremely fast compared to it, and I know shading should take longer than line work, but it still feels disproportionate.

>> No.2260066
File: 46 KB, 523x392, gesture4critique2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner at gesture drawing. Looking to get good. Right now I'm only doing gesture drawing in order to get a good base. My problem is that I get too detailed and I'm sure a lot of other problems. Any gesture tips? Pen of pencil? 30 sec or 1 min?

>> No.2260067


Study what value and edges are in painting.

The fact that you use the term shading is a big give away that you're a beginner.

>> No.2260070 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I guess I should have said adding values, since I do know its the proper term. Just a bad habit

Thanks for the advice.

Pic is ref for

>> No.2260071


Watching the ctrl paint videos on basic rendering is a great start.

>> No.2260080


Thanks for the advice guys.

>> No.2260084


I already said thanks, but I got my hands on the CTRL paint video. It is extremely promising, thank you again.

>> No.2260087


>> No.2260104

>until I asked one of them to draw hentai and they slowly stopped talking to me.


>> No.2260148
File: 903 KB, 648x1000, Office-Lens-20151024-121006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to die

>> No.2260150

lucky you! getting those og rare eye sample sheets directly from taiwanese citizens!

>> No.2260177
File: 500 KB, 661x789, kank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burn my shit ic.

>> No.2260194
File: 579 KB, 782x953, loom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand


>> No.2260204

measuring relation and distance of one point to another

>> No.2260209


Its like using a grid but you visualize it instead; using your pencil to help. Its one of many methods you should use (together) to draw accurately from life.

>> No.2260249
File: 1.94 MB, 3054x2448, IMG_0535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't remember what they were really, but holy shit they could draw for a young age.
and of course there was always one of them that could do it effortlessly

felt like something out of an anime everyday

Anyways, decided to go with the Ugee M708 Art Painting Graphics Drawing Tablet 10x6"

Turns out the Intuos models have shitty charging ports that break easily...

|f I can do well here, I'll look into on screen tablets next.

>> No.2260250

>(1.94 MB, 3054x2448)

>> No.2260251


I don't understand this meme, I cropped out my name.

photo taken by an iPhone 6+...

>> No.2260253

Im curious how youll do once you get the tablet! Youve got a long way of artistic improvement ahead of you and I wish you the best luck.

>> No.2260256
File: 5 KB, 300x163, well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well ty, I think that's the positive thing I've heard in the 18hrs I've been here.

>Mfw I thought this was a blue board

>> No.2260280

(complete beginner here who knows a few of the basics) so i download the loomis books from the artbook thread, what would you recommend i get next to further my studies ?

>> No.2260294


>> No.2260303

did you plant those iphone boxes in the shot on purpose?

>> No.2260306
File: 2.75 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at my desk, you should understand

might even have to move things around for the drawing tablet coming in.

>> No.2260310
File: 129 KB, 592x806, 63463473458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some sort of chubby warrior lady idk

>> No.2260319

just teasing you, dude

>> No.2260321

also did you plant that moisturizer in the shot on purpose?

>> No.2260335
File: 3.63 MB, 6030x6045, Painting 10.19.15 (Literally Final 1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit my atrocious work.

>> No.2260340


lol starting to like this board already, and I just showered.

>> No.2260341

Too big file, my browser crashes.

>> No.2260343

My bad. I have a bad habit of working in stupid file sizes.

It sucks anyway so count yourself lucky.

>> No.2260348

Kek, that's bad.

Study more anon.

>> No.2260353

fuck you kill yourself god damn

>> No.2260355

I know its bad anon and this is /ic/ but jesus no need to go that far.

>> No.2260357

Not his art his resolution is too big and literally almost crashed everything on my toaster.

>> No.2260361


The art is fine, I think everyone is upset about how big the file is.

My browser pulled it up fine, but then again I'm running on a beast.

>> No.2260362

Sorry. As I said I prefer to work in big file sizes.

Also it can't be fine at all. Its shit, so crit the fuck out of it,

>> No.2260366


Ohhh, now I understand this board.

haha wow. yea it's shit, kill yourself and your entire family.

>> No.2260367

No its not that, its just not good at all.

I just want critique. Although I do feel suicidial at times.

>> No.2260384


Hey we aren't all dicks here, and we will wish you the best of luck.

Having said that we aren't going to go easy when we critique you, but dont take it personal and don't get discouraged. Learning art hard.

>> No.2260394

looks good, but at first I thought the ship was just the broken bow and they had settled down on it, looking closer is that the whole ship? looks better as just the bow I think.

I thought the whole shape was the bow sticking up from the water, not a ship on a rock. better as a big bow sticking up!

but cool idea.

>> No.2260397

Yeah its the whole ship.

Any advice for getting better? I feel my work is garbage compared to actual good people.

>> No.2260398

>/ic, where the number one critique is "kill yourself"

what a gang lol. I don't mind tho.

>> No.2260406

I am a total beginner, dude so I won't be able to help much, but I would like to see your picture more detailed. And maybe people walking from the foreground (harbour maybe?) on the path towards the ship holding lanterns and such?

or maybe something happening like people trying to get from a row boat onto the path with people on top helping them.

or a someone hoisting supplies from a row boat onto the ship. I donæt know, but some activity. I like the atmosphere. but fuck those birds.

>> No.2260407

Kek, I forgot about those shitty birds I did.

>> No.2260411

Its actually: loomis, then kill yourself

>> No.2260466

You're getting there.

Looks like a piece that still needs work though. You should go into detailing something like further, this isn't finished.

Well, first off, I'd scrap this one, because you need to use at least some blending into your brushes. Play with the settings. Opacity, density, blending. All your strokes are like 100% strong and 0% blended, it's like you are using ink, which comes out as ugly when you're trying to painting as if you were with oils (layered strokes).

Other than the brush issues, it's ok as a WIP.

By the way, is that no man's wharf?

>> No.2260520
File: 593 KB, 1820x2343, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing these funny faces right?

>> No.2260541
File: 118 KB, 1252x712, 1434290175451-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson
>literally every exercise he wants you to go get some completely abstract weird item and draw it
Taking me ages to go through this book.

What's a good substitute for flowers I can draw?

>> No.2260543

Literally go outside and grab some flowers fam

>> No.2260551

You could at least try for more than 1 minute

>> No.2260552

Whenever I do digital painting in photoshop the edges of my shapes always come out really ugly and wobbly. I try to clean them up with a hard eraser but it still doesn't look very good. A lot of stuff I've seen people use the pen tool to outline or an ellipse shape etc. Is it just required to use vector shapes in digital programs to get clean edges?

>> No.2260561

Other than that, what else is wrong?

>> No.2260579
File: 55 KB, 618x516, Snapshot_20151024_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me am I still symbol drawing guys

>> No.2260580
File: 7 KB, 168x149, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an online program or book that anyone can recommend? Something that is step by step and structured for a new person to learn.

>> No.2260610

how and where do I into brush pen?
any good youtube users to follow?

>> No.2260648
File: 116 KB, 358x331, kyklop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off one-eye

>> No.2260665
File: 31 KB, 400x300, 1438868022439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but on a serious note, am I still symbol drawing

>> No.2260701


>Beginner thread #6,000,000
>STILL no actual pointers on what to study first as a beginner like perspective work

Shit thread honestly, step up guys.

>> No.2260716

Wasn't intended to be since I painited it from imagination but its supposed to be a city on a shipwrecked ship.

>> No.2260725
File: 28 KB, 669x502, gesture4critique3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything glaringly wrong with my 1 min gesture drawings?

>> No.2260777

yeah I know, sure would be nice to have an easily accessible sticky with all this information, as well as some recommended books to keep beginners on track.

we should work on something like that so that beginners have a place to start. a topic like that should be the first thing they see when they come to this board.

>> No.2260846

Anyone know where there's demos displaying Vilppu drawing 30 second poses? His 1 minutes and beyond are easy to find, but can't seem to find any demos of him doing 30 second poses.

>> No.2260886

Regardless of how big a canvas you like to work on, you can always save a separate jpeg file that's 1500 x whatever for the sake of saving space when posting online. That's what I do, though I work in traditional media and it's usually 3000~ x 2000~ when I scan it.

>> No.2260887

Will keep that in mind, thanks.

>> No.2260924

What's better for a beginner in anatomy? Loomis faces are good, but anatomy is meh, vilppu don't work for me. So, hampton, hogarth or something else (like the method from "drawing comics the marvel way")?

>> No.2260943
File: 290 KB, 392x531, rachel1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I show someone my art I start seeing all the horrible mistakes and hate my life.
Anyone have any critique because I am struggling real hard.

>> No.2260954

At least you have some kind of resemblance and your foundations are okay. You could be more subtle with the upper edge of the lips, of the nose. Pay extra attention to the area between the eyebrows. Not enough variations in hue between light and shadow for my taste. It makes the thumbnail appear greenish. The lips, nose, and ears aren't symmetrical here, flip your canvas if you haven't. Maybe post your ref if you want us to see what you're missing. Overall it's pretty solid, you might as well start posting in the draw thread now.

>> No.2260965

what this>>2260954 anon said, also the neck... It lacks depth, concentrate on the shadowing more and don't half ass stuff you dont find entertaining- the neck. Talking from an experience, I for one always half ass the hair, because it's the last part I do and I just want it to be done already

>> No.2260968
File: 80 KB, 600x835, castiel_by_beriking-d9e8opj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my latest doing... critique?

>> No.2260981
File: 440 KB, 779x520, rachel2prog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Those tips definitely helped me see what I needed to work on and I tried to improve on it. I don't really know if I succeeded with this one, but the advice will be helpful on the next thing I paint.

>> No.2260995


They don't flow. You're obviously not thinking about the relationship between the lines.

>> No.2261001


I think it would probably read better if you made the underside of the nose a bit more shadowed. It looks like its kinda turning up at the moment. And quite flat.

>> No.2261053
File: 1.36 MB, 1791x1080, loomis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna keep studying but im getting burntout immediatly when i pic up a pencil, what do?

>> No.2261054

keep drawing or fuck off.

>> No.2261064

Draw something fun instead of studying. Burnout is a much greater enemy than not doing "muh study"

>> No.2261066

literal shit here. Also, I dont know how you came to that conclusion, its not like the muscles all attach at the same places. You suck total ass and should stop doing digital and get back to traditional judging by your shit line quality.

>> No.2261067

you suck and will never be like ruan jia.

>> No.2261072

samefag needs to calm their tits

>> No.2261088
File: 1.02 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I getting the right idea with gesture?

>> No.2261090

what the fuck. it wasn't titled when I looked at it on my computer

>> No.2261095


Stop studying for a bit and draw things you want to draw. You seem to be at a level of pretty decent competence so draw something more for yourself than just gitting gud. Try and do a finished piece, and if something gives you shit, just start studying that.
If you've been going hard for a while taking a day or two off won't kill you either.

>> No.2261104


>> No.2261107

What you should be doing right now is drawing figures, not gestures. Take your time and construct.
Draw lighter lines and avoid chicken scratching. Force yourself to draw full lines.
Since you're bad you shouldn't worry about nailing each and every contour, think in cylinders and get your proportions right for now.

>> No.2261112

im very critical of my work i dont think im gud enough yet to 'just draw' and it wount look like shit but ill try ty

>> No.2261114

I'm trying to clear up how to work with negative space.
I've heard the suggestion a few times that it's a really useful skill to have, and I just want to be clear on what it is and how to work with it.

Firstly, my understanding is that it's the area around the subject. Does that just mean your current subject? Take the OP as an example. While I am drawing the cube, are the other shapes negative space? Would the cone count as negative space at that time even though it's basically blocking part of the cube? I figure the table would qualify.

Additionally, is using, say, the space between the cube and the cone, viewing it as a triangle, and measuring that way an effective way of using negative space, or what?

>> No.2261122

Different anon, basically in the same boat as you. I'm strictly fundamentals cause I feel I'm not ready to draw what I want. Getting burned out sucks, and sometimes you have to fight through it.

Basically, what I do in my situation is I try to draw something that inspired me, like someone'e else work that I like a lot. I try to draw that character in a different action/pose from imagination (or even attempt to draw my own character). It looks like shit, but I tell myself to complete it. Once I'm done, thanks to all my studies, I can tell myself "okay I need to work more on X" and continue from there.

I feel more refreshed after seeing my own errors. Not sure if this will work for you, but give it a try.

>> No.2261124

You're both below me and honestly pretty much at the same level kill yourselves, both of you.

>> No.2261127

Subtle, but helpful improvement, you're doing well, anon

>> No.2261203
File: 125 KB, 1222x744, sargentstudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i started painting a week ago and this is my very first attempt at a study (yes i tried john singer sargent), so i know it's crap
but that's why i'm here. anyone have any advice on how to get sharper edges? and yeah i know the proportions are off, especially the nose and ears, the face is not wide enough, etc., i'm working on it

also, any general advice? i just dl loomis pack and will try to improve from there as well

>> No.2261224

I know this might be a bit too vague but I just started doing gesture drawings, and as it was to be expected I suck at them, for now. I read a little bit from the Glen Vilppu's manual and Hampton's Figure Drawing and also watched some of the Proko videos and they do have different styles of doing the gesture drawing and I do know that there are a lot more different ways of doing gesture drawings as well.

My question is, however, when will I know that I can understand the flow/gesture of the model or better yet when will I know that what I have drawn isn't a spaghetti monster or a contour drawing, but rather a good representation of the gesture of the model?

I guess that if my do a thousand gesture drawings I should get better and I do suspect that even after years of practice there is still something new to learn about gesture drawing, but all I want is to know is how to know that I have reached a decent enough level to be able to work on something else as well.

>> No.2261227


Use brushes with harder edges and less transfer.

>> No.2261228

youll just see it tbh,

>> No.2261229

I do have this fear that I will keep doing horrible drawings and at some point will just think that I am doing them better, but never actually improving.

>> No.2261235

You're used to seeing humans so you don't have to worry about viewing non-typcial forms as normal.

>> No.2261265

Well I have to thank you fo the kind and encouraging words but I do have one last question. Is there a way to differentiate between a contour drawing and a contour drawing upon which elements of gestures were applied?

>> No.2261294

okay thanks man, i'll definitely try it out

>> No.2261381

>start to ache

>> No.2261413
File: 56 KB, 800x1000, naked no face no penis man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurt me baby

>> No.2261422


What's up with that hip bone? The forearms are also a bit of a mess.

>> No.2261424

i never really draw bodies im trying to push myself to learn more, starting with the upper section.

>> No.2261433


It's a start.

I suggest looking into construction. Figure out how to draw the body as basic shapes like spheres, cylinders and boxes then sort the details out on top of it. I'm sure you've seen people draw 'mannequins' and that sort of thing. I find it's really helpful for learning basic anatomy/proportion.

>> No.2261436

yeah im aware of the mannequin technique. i even have one sitting on my desk staring at me with its soulless gaze.lately ive been mainly using jazzas tutorials and this manga art tutorial book.
the fact that its recognizably a human body (albeit a deformed and broken one) is a step forward though.

>> No.2261451

Love the clothes they're wearing.

>> No.2261453
File: 2.91 MB, 2445x2045, 20151019_135409-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An assignment I did for class a week ago (still practicing.) Don't know if this counts. This was also the first time I tried for realism.

>> No.2261456
File: 175 KB, 680x962, Untitled-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did i fuck up?

>> No.2261460

>(2.91 MB, 2445x2045)

learn how to present your work

>> No.2261499

what is perspective

>> No.2261503


I looked at it quickly and she looked like Shrek's Wife

>> No.2261515
File: 46 KB, 386x540, loomis_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the eyes especially look very flat and the nose is fucked up. Remember to draw in the eyeballs and map out the proportions of the face.

>> No.2261516

I'm sorry

>> No.2261563
File: 176 KB, 680x962, Untitled-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2261590
File: 378 KB, 1152x864, Ibidyouhello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2261595


>> No.2261603

is it traced?

>> No.2261606
File: 347 KB, 580x700, sword pose2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on my anatomy and proportion problems. It look okay to me (correct me if there are mistakes), but I feel like the body isn't looking attractive at all. How do I fix that? Note that I will draw clothing on it later on, that's why her boobs are defying gravity.

Reference included.

>> No.2261609

No reference used
You are focusing too much on contour and the lower half is short

>> No.2261610

thighs are too thin, butt is non existent in drawing

>> No.2261611

the head should be forward more, like in the picture. Her left forearm isn't angled correctly and the hand is too small. Her right thigh doesn't curve enough nearing the back of the knee area, and the shin area is also too straight.

Look at the area of the ribcage to the immediate right of her right bicep, and look at the same place in your reference, your shape is inverted.

>> No.2261623

You erased almost all curves! Seriously, very quickly trace your reference and you'll see what's missing from your drawing.

>> No.2261630

not bad for no ref!

>> No.2261631

Jesus Christ way to totally ignore the reference.

>> No.2261634





>> No.2261639

face is too flat, claws are very poorly drawn (the talons are just lines) and overall it's just a flat drawing. Feathers could use more detail. It's cute, though.

>> No.2262208


looks like that guy that eats spinach

>> No.2264062 [DELETED] 

Am I alone in having a seriously hard time with drawing legs?

Usually when I do figure drawings I do reasonably well with the upper body/arms, but the second I get to legs I fuck up royally every time. I know the usual advice is "study legs harder" but does anyone have more specific tips?
Usually my trouble spot is below the knee, and the connection with the foot fucks me up too.