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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 241 KB, 360x512, tumblr_inline_mw4ehj990I1r9fgog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2254986 No.2254986 [Reply] [Original]

Is there something you just hate seeing?

For me, I hate seeing the generic anime style everywhere. Also in tumblr, EVERYONE draws Disney style.

All this made me value a lot more unique styles, even simple stuff like Paul Robertson's sprites or even Brian O'Malley's work.

>> No.2254988
File: 584 KB, 1280x1182, tumblr_nlxiklZD4Z1saqtjpo1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also in tumblr, EVERYONE draws Disney style.

You wish, the tumblr style is its own monster.

>> No.2254989

People smearing pencil strokes with their fingers to achieve smooth gradients. Extremely rarely I see cases where that works out fine.

>> No.2255018
File: 333 KB, 289x149, 1367461375263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate seeing threads like this.
They are not constructive in any way. If you start a thread with nothing but evil intent, you can bet your ass the thread will be nothing but shit. Great fucking job on not contributing to this board at all, OP.

>> No.2255020

Colored noses
shitty anime style (good anime style is fine)
photoshop gradient
making one eye close/covered, because you can't draw two
construction lines/color pallet on digital work

>> No.2255022

>hates muh anime style
>likes Mal
nigga u drunk?

>> No.2255053

What exactly is "tumblr style" though? I cannot for the life of me figure out what the common, defining trait of tumblr style is supposed to be. According to /ic/, everything that is stylized, uses lineart and flat colors = tumblr style.

>> No.2255055

retards classifying everything they don't like into 'muh anime' style

>> No.2255092

an empty term you can fling at relatively simple/cartoony style quirks you don't like in order to dismiss them without any thought, much like "SJW" or "go back to reddit" or if you occasionally go outside, sometimes you hear people call things "hipster"

basically draw a face and make the nose red and people will shit literal bricks of concentrated anger at it, i really don't get it to be honest

>> No.2255093

>photoshop gradient

you mean dodge and burn ?

>> No.2255099

>Is there something you just hate seeing?
People whining about things they don't like.

>> No.2255101

>lazy photobashing
>the scifi ball
>random brushstrokes everywhere = "painterly"

>> No.2255105


I'm sorry Tumblr, did OP offend you?

>> No.2255112

see also when someone tries to insult somebody by implying they're a user of [insert website here]. apparently the concepts behind xenophobia also apply to websites?? what's even weirder is that the "tumblr" insult is usually synonymous with "SJW" but the stereotype of an "SJW" is often displayed as constantly whining about things they don't like. the easy conclusion we come to is that this poster is most likely just a troll, or not too bright (possibly both), and probably isn't worthy of much attention.
anybody new to the board please take note

>> No.2255122

>dont like tumblr's style
then don't draw it
>don't like generic anime
then don't draw it
>don't like hyper realism
then don't draw it
>don't like the chinese over rendered stuff
then don't draw it
Fuck, it's like people on /ic/ can't comprehend that you can go beyond the basics and draw something that you like. No one is forcing you to draw shit you don't like and getting triggered because someone else does is pretty autistic.

No one is stopping you from drawing what you want other than yourself.

>> No.2255128

>don't like reading people complain about art
then don't come into a thread specifically for that

>> No.2255129

Fits the thread though.

>Things you hate seeing / See EVERYWHERE

>> No.2255130

>start a thread with nothing but evil intent

Really? Come on now, complaining about things you don't like isn't that evil.

There's nothing even inherently malicious about this thread, it just is stating opinions.

>> No.2255132

traced art.

>> No.2255134


>> No.2255136

Huh. I guess I don't spend enough time on tumblr to hate the "tumblr style" yet.

>> No.2255137

>doesnt like anime style
>doesnt like disney/cartoon style
Your life must be incredibly boring. Or hateful.

>> No.2255141

Maybe both anon, though honestly, if you ate your favorite food everyday, you would get sick of it too...

>> No.2255143

OP here.
I like anime (or to be specific, mechas) but I hate seeing how EVERYONE who says draws art just draw the generic anime style instead of going for an unique style.

Seriously, everyone draws Disney or anime.

As for Disney... well, who can hate it?
Applies the same as anime, Tumblr is full of people drawing in that style.

>> No.2255277

Hate is a strong word. I'm generally not fond of cutesy/whimsical stuff. It just isn't interesting to me. I can admire their use of color, or the sense of form they achieve or whatever, but it doesn't leave a lasting impression.

Games seem to lean more and more to this goofy/whimsical sensibility. Blizzard, League of Legends, Wildstar. That sort of look is really popular it seems. Even the fucking Cyber Demon from the new DOOM game looks like it's from some new Blizzard-esque MMO.

I don't 'get' Disney or anime either. I guess I'm too serious. I'm sthhhooper sthhherious you guysth.

>> No.2255303

yeah, i get it. i don't like seeing it in games that make it look like it was made for 9 year old kids with their low poly models, bright lights, and goofy animations. i want to keep anime in anime and games bloody and realistic. i think it's because i grew up on games like dungeon keeper, carmageddon, C&C, blood, wolfenstein, diablo, phantasmagoria, etc. and my first experience with anime was the complete opposite.

>> No.2255316

Anon meant those gradient overlays that act as a band-aid to the work's already shitty color palette.

>> No.2255353

what's a scifi ball?

>> No.2255359

I don't hate it, but it's weird to see kronpr1nz and loish clones popping up everywhere. It's surprising to see something that looks like their stuff, rendering and stylization and all, but it's actually someone else's work.

>> No.2255361

I use tumblr a few times a week just to see what other drawfags are up to and I haven't noticed a tumblr style either. It's just a lot of people learning to draw and a lot of people who are great artists.

>> No.2255362

sakimi :^)

>> No.2255432

I've found that "tumblr style" seems to be only found in portrait work. It's difficult to call a landscape "tumblr".

As for the actual characteristics, it seems to be a halfway point between Disney and generic anime. The one defining attribute I often see however, is a startling amount of androgyny. It's like a bad case of sameface except encompassing men, women, different races, etc. And the face is always long, with a defined jaw.

>> No.2255441

Of course we all hate seeing noobies work, me included, but some part of me actually admires them for being able to post their artwork, no matter how "awful" it is, onto social sites. I mean, at least they are trying and are having harmless fun.

>> No.2255443

What's worst is her clones and wannabes:


Here's ONE them. I've seen like at least 3.

>> No.2255459

ugh, my eyes.
and he wants 80$ for that?!

>> No.2255460

Man it's pretty bad, but the worst part is that right now I am below that skill level and I realise that at some point that will be my skill level and I think I'll just shoot myself at that point. I am hoping that I will somehow be able to skip awful anime faces and shitty coloring.

>> No.2255461

You just have to remember, to quickly realize if you're drawings are actually shit.

That guy passed that point and has no quality check on his own work. It's delusion for him now.

>> No.2255471

>it seems to be a halfway point between Disney and generic anime
> The one defining attribute I often see however, is a startling amount of androgyny. It's like a bad case of sameface except encompassing men, women, different races, etc. And the face is always long, with a defined jaw.

But that's pretty much the opposite of both typical Disney and generic anime. Their females are always very feminine (except when they're supposed to be evil hags etc) with no strongly defined jaw at all.

>> No.2255476

Yeah my thinking is that everything I draw is shit. If something kinda looks good to me, I let it sit over night and a lot of the time I see that no it was actually shit all along. I'm worried that after a while as I improve, that I will fall into this delusion. Look at that guys post dates. It's a new piece every few days and there is 0 sign of improvement between them. I hope I'll be safe from this delusion as long as I keep it in mind.

>> No.2255478

Same, anon. You just have to be self aware and not fall into that pitfall when it comes. Try to make an active effort to avoid anime-facing at least.

>> No.2255487

oppai loli
and all other kinds of /d/ garbage

>> No.2255489

>making one eye close

Sounds more like a stroke to me.

>> No.2255490

he meant one eye covered by hair or eyepatch. don't tell me you've never seen it.

>> No.2255495


I agree. Many tumblr artists who use the "tumblr style" seem to be split in two main groups. One side obsesses over strong jaws or "strong faces" on their females. Rarely do they actually look like females(like Disney women) and when they do, they all have same face. The other half obsesses over making every character of theirs so androgynous that they all end up looking the same character with different(sometimes the same) hairstyles.

I hate seeing that shit everywhere.

>> No.2255594

I spend too much time on tumblr and as long as you stay away from fandoms you won't see what >>2255495 describes, which was on DA too but has morphed into it's own thing. You probably follow good blogs, that's why you don't see it.

I hate seeing inspirational and overly optimistic quotes with cutesy artstyles, like fuck that shit.

>> No.2255635

>not sure if chromashift or jpg artifacts

>> No.2255743

It disgusts me when an entire gallery uses the same size canvas for fucking everything.

>> No.2255749

I hate seeing people that draw the same shit forever, then bitch about how they aren't improving. I hate seeing people that don't practice at all, and bitch that they aren't improving. I hate seeing people that think more books/tuts = being a better artist and that knowledge can make up for lack of time put in.

Basically, I hate that nobody knows how the fuck to art. It isn't different from anything else. Take in knowledge, apply the knowledge, look at your application with a critical eye, correct, rinse, repeat. It's literally the simplest fucking thing, yet a huge amount of artists don't get it. Even artists you'd consider competent do this. They "plateau" and get all bitchy. The only excuse for plateauing is being literally perfect in every regard. If you can't find somewhere to improve, you aren't looking hard enough.

>> No.2255792
File: 89 KB, 685x864, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate seeing people that draw the same shit forever, then bitch about how they aren't improving. I hate seeing people that don't practice at all, and bitch that they aren't improving. I hate seeing people that think more books/tuts = being a better artist and that knowledge can make up for lack of time put in.

Actually putting in the work, doing difficult exercises, and pushing yourself every single time you draw is a habit that you have to cultivate. Lifting (th...thanks /fit/) actually taught me a lot about discipline and how I should approach artwork.

>read and study to learn the correct approach to an exercise
>find some examples from the masters
>try the exercise for yourself, something light and not too difficult
>do something more difficult next time
>learn new exercises and incorporate those into your routine
>always increase the difficulty every time you train
>have a plan for what you're going to do
>don't neglect different areas
>the more complex exercises are always the best
>always critique yourself and look for areas to improve
>have someone experienced critique your technique
>keep a record of your progress to look back on when you're feeling stuck
>use your abilities to have fun, but always return to your training
>understand that stress and discomfort signify that you're training hard
>find joy in pushing yourself every time

Tumblr artists who always draw the same things are like guys who go into the gym without any plan and wind up doing three bicep exercises (poorly) and then wonder why they aren't getting stronger.

>> No.2255807

>Basically, I hate that nobody knows how the fuck to art. It isn't different from anything else. Take in knowledge, apply the knowledge, look at your application with a critical eye, correct, rinse, repeat. It's literally the simplest fucking thing, yet a huge amount of artists don't get it.

Why does that make you angry though? If improvement was as easy as you think it is and no one but you got it, you should be happy as fuck. But hey, I'm sure you already got plenty of excuses ready as to why you still suck despite knowing exactly how to endlessly improve at rapid speed.

>> No.2255819

This hurts to look at

>> No.2255832

i'm in an animation program and there's definitely a trending style. I don't really know if it's Disney-esque, although some people definitely want to end up working there, so it almost makes sense for them. I don't wanna post any of my peers' work here. I think a lot of them are also emulating artists like Rebecca Sugar and whoever else is drawing for the trendy adult cartoon shows. I'm not super well-versed in them because I sorta just picked up animation on a whim

>> No.2255840

It makes me angry because I want people to improve. I spread the message every chance I get. It doesn't make me angry like "grr everyone is retarded but me" it makes me angry like "god, why aren't more people told this plain and simple". I wish I'd heard it earlier.

>If improvement was as easy as you think it is and no one but you got it, you should be happy as fuck.

There is a huge difference between being "simple" and being "easy". I never said, and never will say, that it's easy. Climbing a mountain is simple. It isn't easy though. Also, what sort of asshole would be pleased? That I have some leg up over everyone else? I don't think of it that way at all. Check your priorities if that's how you think I should feel.

>But hey, I'm sure you already got plenty of excuses ready as to why you still suck despite knowing exactly how to endlessly improve at rapid speed.

What? Where is this even coming from? God /ic/ is full of dickheads. Yeah I'm still shit, and I'm working on it everyday. I have no excuses. You're a real dick.

>> No.2255844

Oh and "Rapid speed"? I never made mention of how quickly you improve.

>> No.2255855

The worst of them are the ones who think they're going to get somewhere too, even though they spend most of their time drawing weebshit to make their friends laugh, or for a few likes on tumblr. But never spend a god damn minute grinding.

>> No.2255865

> Yeah I'm still shit, and I'm working on it everyday.

Then stop talking about stuff you have zero experience with.

>Even artists you'd consider competent do this. They "plateau" and get all bitchy. The only excuse for plateauing is being literally perfect in every regard.

You have no clue whether or not a plateau is legit and why competent artists might struggle breaking through one, if you aren't even competent yourself yet. A beginner who has never experienced anything but beginner gains from fixing the most basic of fundamental flaws in his work has no clue how difficult it becomes later down the road, when there are no more blatant fundamental flaws to fix.

>> No.2255866

Why bother with becoming a better artist when you can make money?

>> No.2255870

I'm not speaking from experience. I'm speaking from what I've read and heard from senior artists. Literally every good artist says exactly what I'm saying. I'm not acting like I fucking discovered it or some shit. If you disagree with me you disagree with literally every fucking accomplished artist that has spoken on the subject.

So, how about offer a counter-argument instead of "you're a newb stfu". I'm not pulling this stuff out of my ass you retard.

>> No.2255876

I have no issue with:
> Take in knowledge, apply the knowledge, look at your application with a critical eye, correct, rinse, repeat.
That's common sense, dipshit. What I have an issue with is that you think you can talk about the struggles of competent artists when you are still a shit tier noob yourself by your own admission. Get good, see how easy and simple this process really is and how long you can go before hitting a pleateau, THEN you can talk about hating people because they struggle with getting better, you arrogant shithead.

It is ALWAYS noobs like you who make these arrogant as fuck statements. How many of those accomplished artists you spoke to were "literally perfect" by the way? Because let's not forget, according to you "The only excuse for plateauing is being literally perfect in every regard."

Pretty much every accomplished artist I know of who has been a professional for a long time is far from perfect, yet they also stopped improving visibily, because there are no obvious fundamental flaws to fix in their work.

>> No.2255878

he's completely right though. what you're saying is only something a naive beginner can afford to say. it's like a little kid telling an adult "what problems? problems are easily overcome!"

>> No.2255881

>when you are still a shit tier noob yourself by your own admission

Like I've already said, I'm parroting what I've heard other accomplished artists say.

>THEN you can talk about hating people because they struggle with getting better, you arrogant shithead.

I never said I hate people.

>How many of those accomplished artists you spoke to were "literally perfect" by the way? Because let's not forget, according to you "The only excuse for plateauing is being literally perfect in every regard."

I didn't suggest any of them were perfect, where did that come from? I said the only true plateau that exists is reaching perfection. Barring that, it's all soft barriers. You're misunderstanding me.

>Pretty much every accomplished artist I know of who has been a professional for a long time is far from perfect, yet they also stopped improving visibily, because there are no obvious fundamental flaws to fix in their work.

That's fair, I'd agree with that. But it is a soft barrier, not a hard one. And I'm not trying to judge them or say that they're shit. I'm just saying it isn't a true plateau.

How are these two things the same at all? I'm not saying any of this is easy. I'm saying the fundamental approach to improving artistically is simple. Never said it was easy.

>> No.2255888

>Never said it was easy.
you pretty much did.

because you weren't just talking about the hobbyists who fuck around and don't really try anyway, you were also talking about people and their plateaus.
you talk as if plateaus can be conquered in a few days. you talk as if there is any certainty that you will actually get there. and all that, when you barely understand anything yourself.

how old are these artists you admire? and do you really think it was smooth sailing for them from beginning to end? for every single one of them?
you know, those who are stagnating are probably working on it. and even with that, they may or may not stay this way for months and years. i think in that time, they have the right to complain without some little shitter telling them the most obvious regurgitated opinions.

>> No.2255893

Show your art

>> No.2255894

>you talk as if plateaus can be conquered in a few days. you talk as if there is any certainty that you will actually get there

You're projecting. I literally never implied any of that. I was simply saying that young artists nowadays, in their 20 and 30s, through around the word "plateau" to the point that it's lost meaning. The vast majority of artists that love to say they've plateaued are dealing with issues not related to technical or creative proficiency, but rather attitude issues. I fully understand, and empathize with the fact that progressing as an artist beyond novicehood isn't an easy thing to do. But it is an entirely mental, that is soft, barrier. Ideally, you can always improve.

>do you really think it was smooth sailing for them from beginning to end? for every single one of them?

Again, no. I never suggested that. What the fuck is with people here projecting shit.

>you know, those who are stagnating are probably working on it. and even with that, they may or may not stay this way for months and years.

Some are, absolutely. I wasn't painting all artists with one broad stroke. I'm referring to a specific sub-group of artists that are self-defeating "plateau-ists" of sorts. Imposing shit on themselves because of whatever complexes they deal with, be in insecurity or what have you.

And you're still adressing me as though I was hating on people. I said "I hate to see" in the sense that, I'd rather it not be the case. I'm in no means harping on the artists. I'd obviously rather they not struggles in those ways, which is why I hate to see it. Refer to

> Also, what sort of asshole would be pleased? That I have some leg up over everyone else? I don't think of it that way at all. Check your priorities if that's how you think I should feel.

I think you're totally misread my attitude here.

>> No.2255933

no, you are definitely implying that it is a simple problem that will take some simple linear steps and a known amount of time to conquer. you are basically making light of it.
why don't you go ahead and tell algenpfleger how to get back into shape? do you think you could do it? do you have any idea how know-it-all your opinion sounds like?

so alright, you're basically talking about this imaginary subgroup of people that make up plateaus as an excuse. but how would you know wether their problems are real or not in the first place? and what about the real plateaus people are facing?
as a beginner, you really should mind your own business. and see if you can still say simplistic stuff like that once you've gotten to a capable stage.

just because the teachers fed it to you in a simplistic manner doesn't actually make it that simple.
if it really was simple, then nobody would struggle, and that's just the truth.

>> No.2256088
File: 788 KB, 1316x619, woah-sci-fi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add floating silver/white ball, it becomes a sci fi concept!

Becoming as overused as the stick salesman guy in enviornment concepts.

>> No.2256135

I hate people who send artists paragraphs on why they should stop drawing genderbends, and other dumb shit along those lines.

>> No.2258163

>if it really was simple, then nobody would struggle, and that's just the truth.

Holy shit you really don't understand what simple means. i already said this once before. Hiking up a mountain is simple, but it isn't easy. Simplicity =\= Easy. Complexity =/= Difficult.

I'll say it again. I am not saying it is easy. I know what I am saying, I'm saying it. I said it is simple. I didn't say it was easy. If I have to explain this one more fucking time I swear I'll choke someone through the computer screen. Now fuck off and work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.2258170
File: 38 KB, 239x561, 1438212798293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wish, the tumblr style is its own monster.

>> No.2258171
File: 769 KB, 900x1467, zombieland-tv-show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tumblr style is its own monster.

>> No.2258173
File: 110 KB, 1200x627, 1440434579628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What exactly is "tumblr style" though? I cannot for the life of me figure out what the common, defining trait of tumblr style is supposed to be

>> No.2258175

You poor thing

>> No.2258177

Nailed down

>> No.2258178
File: 169 KB, 544x504, women art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You poor thing

>> No.2258180
File: 272 KB, 599x501, CQVzQ9yVEAAJajX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nailed down

>> No.2258182


I've been looking for this image for so long.

>> No.2258183
File: 481 KB, 1365x1586, 1439433629167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been looking for this image for so long.

>> No.2258188


I don't follow.

I suppose you're not going to tell me why you posted that either.

>> No.2258189
File: 1.33 MB, 1840x2342, 1442670133224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see also when someone tries to insult somebody by implying they're a user of [insert website here]. apparently the concepts behind xenophobia also apply to websites?? what's even weirder is that the "tumblr" insult is usually synonymous with "SJW" but the stereotype of an "SJW" is often displayed as constantly whining about things they don't like. the easy conclusion we come to is that this poster is most likely just a troll, or not too bright (possibly both), and probably isn't worthy of much attention.
>anybody new to the board please take note

>> No.2258190
File: 31 KB, 358x604, 14270455891960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't follow.
>I suppose you're not going to tell me why you posted that either.

>> No.2258193

>construction lines/color pallet on digital work
I don't understand what either of these mean and I feel like I should

>> No.2258196
File: 475 KB, 1762x1554, 1442340052247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>construction lines/color pallet on digital work
>I don't understand what either of these mean and I feel like I should

>> No.2258197
File: 75 KB, 500x741, 1416619873289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand what either of these mean and I feel like I should

>Colored noses

there you go

>> No.2258199
File: 180 KB, 474x700, 1416601613659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand what either of these mean and I feel like I should

>> No.2258202

complaining about shit you hate is pretty cathartic and is a good way for people to bond

Hell, threads like this can sometimes give other artists a few indicators of stuff not to do in relation to bad habits/crutches (Example: Obvious Burn/Dodge tool abuse in Photoshop)

Hating things together is fun and good!

>> No.2258204

this makes me feel uneasy

>> No.2258207

>implying it's bad

>> No.2258215

lol, that entire image is overflowing with salt

are you implying that you shouldn't eat people with dyed hair? i will eat whoever i wanna eat mother fucerkefs;lkjason

your thicker than the thighs on the girl in >>2258171

i hope sci-fi ball and stick salesman never go away because they make what would've been otherwise dull concept art hilarious

>> No.2258347

i like how barely anyone posted examples of the shit they dislike, like we're fucking psychic or something

>> No.2258350

why would we save what we don't like?

>> No.2258367

Are those two guys?

>> No.2258372


Not him, but I don't get it. None of those images you posted shows color palettes or construction lines. Are you trying to make a joke here or something?

>> No.2258436

so you can use it as an example, sheesh

>> No.2258443

Are you one of those people who consider pointless compliments as critique? Is everyone with a differing opinion a jelly le salty /ic/ tryhard to you?
>inb4 post your work

>> No.2258445

y loki and idk the other faggot

>> No.2258446

>go back to tumblr is a stupid thing to say
>spouting go back to /pol/ is completely rational and justified

>> No.2258449

The croods 3D. Motherfuck, it's ugly. I can't believe people put up with that shit. I can't believe people actually defend the croods when it's butt stuff ugly. Imagine a world with 2D animation motion picture. You can't even say im not "with it", because I grew up with it and it's bargage. 3d is nary a benefit of an animation full motion technicolor.

>> No.2258450
File: 555 KB, 510x586, radio maru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love O'malley's work

>> No.2258451

in english?

>> No.2258454
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 1434741824160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner here

how does one discover their own art style?

I do hate copy cats but I find myself emulating artists I like

>> No.2258455

>having the mentality of every porn thread regular ever
Don't worry, you'll achieve shadman tier mediocrity in no time.

>> No.2258462

Can you please return to the porn thread degenerate?

>> No.2258800

>no fun allowed

now there's a victim complex if i ever saw one

>> No.2258872

>only likes dudes with swords/guns and heaving muscles

congratulations, you ruined video games

>> No.2258883

stop watching anime

>> No.2258890

>how does one discover their own art style?

Try to draw as accurately to life as possible. Try difficult studies and exercises that push you, and git gud without trying to adopt a style.

Your "style" will emerge naturally.

>> No.2258922
File: 29 KB, 640x378, ready for sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2258925

Stop this! It burns my eyes.

>> No.2258998

>you can only express your opinion if its positive
>stop it, my feelings, it huuuuuurts
>i think im better than you

>> No.2259157
File: 693 KB, 527x769, 1416552143922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop this! It burns my eyes.

>> No.2259164

>Your "style" will emerge naturally.

Depends what you mean by style. If your definition of it is certain quirks, brushwork or lineart unique to your work flow, rendering technique and stuff like that, sure, I guess that comes naturally. Actually developing a good sense for stylization, exaggeration and simplification however is impossible to come naturally just by studying life.

>> No.2259186

sure, algen.

>> No.2259204

Artists who go into meltdown mode on their followers for not getting enough attention. Or have this massive ego despite having shitty art.

"If you guys would reblog my work, I wouldn't be in this pit.", "None of you commission me but you follow me.", etc.

Example: http://darkspectrum.tumblr.com

>> No.2259209

Why does this exist?

>> No.2259210

the ones posted in this thread were drawn as jokes

>> No.2259211

now posted the ones that aren't drawn as jokes.

you know...that KLK one.

>> No.2259213
File: 138 KB, 600x338, lowbro and eyebrow humor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have it

>> No.2259465

Did you get triggered because you saw someone making fun of a habit you have and are now trying to get justification for said habit by trying to make us look like the irrational side?

Either way good job coming out as a newfag

>> No.2259565
File: 525 KB, 519x684, 1416600214364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ones posted in this thread were drawn as jokes
no they were not. You probably never was on Tumblr if you think these are not serious.

>> No.2259566
File: 288 KB, 1280x1024, kill le-kill redesign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.2259578
File: 106 KB, 1024x1285, By_xD_xCEAAtehq.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, but you also call stuff like pic related "tumblr style" and I don't see any connection between that and the work you quoted and posted, other than the fact that it's stylized. So is all western stylization tumblr style or what are the defining elements of what makes it tumblr style? Is it the subject matter? The line quality? The rendering style? What is it.

>> No.2259589
File: 242 KB, 900x1384, 1439121056474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is all western stylization tumblr style or what are the defining elements of what makes it tumblr style? Is it the subject matter? The line quality? The rendering style? What is it.
i guess its

1) colors. lots of purple and pink. some FUN AND NICE colors.
2) theme - people of color. people who looks brown even if they have bodies/faces of white people (just slap brown color on regular Stacey and you are being progressive)
3) inspired by trending things that young people watch (Scott P./AdventureTime/Steven Univerce etc.)

>> No.2259594

don't forget fat people and sjw hairdos

>> No.2259614
File: 495 KB, 2150x1351, sketches_by_zedig-d7560l2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does Zedig draw in tumblr style? He does pretty much all of that. Also, what if the image you posted had only lineart and you had no idea what colors they'd use or what skin color those people have, would it still be tumblr style? I'm really trying to wrap my head around this who thing.

>> No.2259628
File: 161 KB, 1280x457, friendship_is_magic_by_kittehness-d3f6fgv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course not.
This is very creative and artistic stuff.

The main thing about tumblr - it FEELS like it was drawn by a teenage or naive person.
Your picrelated is some professional work of a person who knows shit about gestures poses and has the style.

Doing strong females or adding pink hair dont instantly make you tumblr. It's the variety of things i mentioned that being splatted into one drawing.

>> No.2259633
File: 150 KB, 1280x701, 919323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Deboine and his french/russian/other euro ilk are like the high brow tumblr artist darlings

which I think is kind of fucking awesome honestly

if you follow azertip or inspijuice/juicytank you'll know what I mean

>> No.2259634

This image is so repulsive. The one on the far right looks like she's 50 years old. Reminds me of those drunk party moms that still think they are 21

>> No.2259640

Most certainly wrong

>> No.2259643

>Does Zedig draw in tumblr style?

Really don't understand why people worship him

>> No.2259644

I actually work in 3D mostly but nice projection.
>muh secret club
kek I've been here since 06, 50 bucks says all you do is grind gestures from pixelovely and copy figure drawing photos.

>> No.2259648

Same as anything else.

YOU WORK AT IT. If you want an example, go watch Sycra's Pointy Chins videos. Whether you find his style appealing or not, he does a good job of documenting the problem solving he did to get there, and the kinds of questions you should be asking yourself.

Figure out what you like, how you want things to look, and how you can bring it all together into some sort of cohesive style.

>> No.2259693
File: 137 KB, 900x452, 3423423423342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This image is so repulsive. The one on the far right looks like she's 50 years old. Reminds me of those drunk party moms that still think they are 21

>> No.2259705

I hate this shit
gotta make all the characters fat or black for muh inclusiveness
they're all suffering from same-face syndrome
ugh it's not even nice to look at. it's just ugly.

>> No.2259710

Well this one is possibly worse

>> No.2259771
File: 537 KB, 1024x781, friendship_is_kawaii_by_xamag-d7kh4b2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one thats ever been that good, and even now, its a plain style.

>> No.2259773

This is passable but I hate how they did rarity's head shape. Everyone always makes her ugly, fat, or manly.

>> No.2259776
File: 532 KB, 778x900, b89177abe5f75fbad3fa32a4ce63f82d-d9dlf45[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything she draws looks like its been mass produced or something. its not even impressive, it just reminds me of lisa frank.

>> No.2259795

its because it feels soulless because all she does is glamour shots. Kind of like a fashion magazine

>> No.2259799
File: 189 KB, 717x880, leredditderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sjw hipster detected

>> No.2259803

how can someone feel fulfilled just drawing other peoples characters and the same poses all the time? theres no strive for improvement and shes left no permanent mark on the art world.
>inb4 $$$$
even if i was rich i would be depressed over being such a whore

>> No.2259811
File: 198 KB, 772x603, 235235322323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate this shit
>gotta make all the characters fat or black for muh inclusiveness
i forgot her DA but there is a girl who draws stuff like this.

>> No.2259813

yeah shes not the first. there are millions of black twilights and hijab shy/ rares. many afro pinkies too.

>they cant even be creative with it

>> No.2259823
File: 153 KB, 861x900, kaerie_defender_of_sunwell_by_genzoman-d3fn35i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can someone feel fulfilled just drawing other peoples characters and the same poses all the time? theres no strive for improvement and shes left no permanent mark on the art world.
that shit always kinda reminds me of Gendozzaszoprazopr man.
only she actually draws good/has nice anatomy/pose sense. while gazonpazorpman always draws crappy anime poses.
HOWEVER even if G. is worse i prefer him over sakimichan because his backgrounds have variety. while sakimi always look the same "CLOSEUP WITH GLITTER"

>> No.2259828

The faces has this glossy look like they are made out of plastic. It's pretty creepy.

>> No.2259837

Yet shes more popular than we will ever be and makes tons of money. :^)

>> No.2259877

Yes it's like hating on Justin Bieber, but I reserve my right to dislike something no matter how much money that something makes.

>> No.2259893

She's getting lazy with the clothing. She used to render it "fully" like the skin and hair, but now shes half assing it just because she's getting paid a shitload.

>> No.2260044


To quote RuPaul “All sins are forgiven once you start making a lot of money.”

>> No.2260089

i hate when people think they're better than everyone else because they trace drawings

>> No.2260092

wow black twilight is actually a qt here for a change, too bad the artist chose a terrible shade of negro.

aside: the only times I'm alright with nigger pony humanizations is in the context of porn, that way I know the artist isn't a tryhard PC SJW, but intstead just really likes seeing black people getting fucked, which is a sentiment I can somewhat relate with.

>> No.2260094


linked yo

>> No.2260096
File: 46 KB, 512x512, fUlruZIj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips on getting into art school? CalArts specifically

>> No.2260115

how long until someone responds to this one seriously too (or is that the new meta?)

noice "ironic" racism *brohoofs*

>> No.2260121


I'm going to side with the other guy. I'm what would probably be labeled 'skilled' in another field, and 'competent,' in a separate one. I see peers whining about plateauing all the time. It's horseshit.

Why do you think many artists are known for hating their work, often going to extremes like Kafka and demanding any unfinished works be destroyed? Borderline obsession with perfecting their craft. And at that level, one can always find a flaw to work on. The more difficult problem should be ignoring flaws long enough to call something finished.

It's fine to be happy with where you are, especially as a hobbyist, but complaining about being too good to get better, which is a distillation of the topic at hand, is always purely masturbatory.

Personally, I loathe inspirational things. Not in an edgy way, so loathe might be too intense. More, I find them kitschy. Chintzy, even. Which is probably born from taking the whole self-flagellating improvement spiel I just gave a tad too seriously. In a grander sense, I dislike anything lacking in what I personally consider elegance. Plastic fans, novelty shirts, most porcelain, etc.


He never claimed problems were easy to fix. The opposite, actually. He said there's no excuse for stalling, and there isn't. A lack of 'visible improvement' is usually only to external viewers, who are legitimately too unskilled to notice. That aside, any time spent practicing can never be called stalling. Dedicated practice always means improvement, though obviously at different rates.

Through every single one of your later posts in the conversation you assert some wild claim that this guy never made, and then accuse him of being a fool.

How dare you tell me I'm worthless? That I could never amount to anything? Your personal attacks only reflect upon your inability to something something whatever.

That's the level of discourse you're achieving. It's a little shameful, honestly.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.2260126

Why would he do that. I can understand that he feels that way. But what good does it to be public about it. Does he think that his followers will go...well he has a point i'll get back and follow him?

>> No.2260217

Because they're stuck up their own ass and living in their past. "Look at how popular I was three years ago! And now idiots barely follow me!" They honestly think their skill level is too high for a low follower count. How the hell does an ego get that big with shitty art.

They remind me of another thing I hate seeing everywhere, thinking people/anons who are genuinely trying to be helpful or give critique are really just asshole trolls.

>> No.2260391
File: 214 KB, 861x900, this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i may just highjack your picture for a moment

this shit is what i hate the most, this real world filtered background/surroundings bullshit

>> No.2260409

Im an animator too, just beginning, and I find my style falling near to this, Scott Pilgrim is probably my closest comparison. It's just really easy to draw and has a lot of reference material

>> No.2260429
File: 145 KB, 1143x1467, merc-wip-final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire thing was beautiful tbh

>> No.2260463

almost made me spit my tea you motherfucker

>> No.2260577

Wanda is supossed to be fatter though.

>> No.2260626

Artists which only make polished turds and cover up their mistakes with colour and other junk telling beginners to learn the fundamentals first.

I completely agree with them but it angers me that the artist thinks that he actually practiced the fundamentals, drawing a cube with a ruler is not enough.

>> No.2260720

He's just mad cause nobody was paying attention to him due to not updating and blaming it on "cool kid dropouts" glorifying not being in school and having the audacity to not message him back. I don't get it either, like you draw the exact same thing over and over with no real variation (or color) and then cry when nobody wants to reblog or no other artist wants to associate with you (and that says a lot considering the person is into yaoi)... the fuck are you doing if you're in school for an art degree but can't manage to upload anything for years? I wouldn't follow, nobody wants that shit on their dashboard

>> No.2260771


You've gotta admit, the meltdowns are funny

>> No.2260811

>Kurrin literally has no nose
>Gives him a fuckhuge nose

>> No.2260882

roflmao ikr xD

>> No.2260989
File: 677 KB, 900x1697, 1397631576283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, most of the artists who do these "polished turds" are actually much better at the fundamentals than the delusional /ic/ anatomy masters. The only difference is that they rarely if ever post their studies and it's very easy for mistakes to creep into finished illustrations.

Meanwhile the /ic/ anatomy masters never do finished illustrations and only do studies or sketches and as a result, they don't realize just how difficult it is not to lose the drawing during the rendering process, even with decent knowledge of the fundamentals.

>> No.2260991

Jesus Christ these are all awful, and they all have that distinctive tumblr jaw/mouth area...anyone know what I mean? I keep trying to draw it so I can post it in this thread but I can't replicate it.

>> No.2261006
File: 37 KB, 796x574, jawlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't draw a defined jawline

>> No.2261063
File: 100 KB, 796x574, tumblrjaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm talking about.

>> No.2261079

it's mostly a hold over from when a lotta artists drew nothing but tom hiddleston, aka loki from avengers

also i don't know if that's supposed to be an open mouth or massive lips but that's not how to properly apply either of those to a face at that angle, complain less, study more kid lol

>> No.2261081

is there more to pic related?

>> No.2261093

>they don't realize just how difficult it is not to lose the drawing during the rendering process

>> No.2261139

These are basically the same images.

>> No.2261185

I hate how Twilight is a nigger

>> No.2261389

Fucking finally another voice of reason on this board.

>> No.2261691
File: 118 KB, 296x398, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting butthurt over ponyfaggots drawing shitty ponyfag drawings
I dont get it. isnt MLP is like sonic fandom? so shitty/pathetic fanarts are pretty much expectable?

or...is it possible that you actually like MLP and upset that your waifu wasnt drawn as a kawaii girl with big tits?

I dont know which is worse.

>> No.2261698
File: 525 KB, 900x459, too_many_fucking_ponies_by_razkavia-d4odx04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate how Twilight is a nigger
it seems that tumblrtards actually being sexists. its like to draw black person you just have to draw white person and bucket-fill it with brown color.
and thats it. you drew a nigger. she dont have to actually look like black person. just white pretty girl with brown skin

>> No.2261722

Yeah, it's supposed to be an open mouth. I see this shit all the time. I think some of it is probably a Scott Pilgrim influence too. Either way it looks like shit.

>> No.2261723

Those noses.

>> No.2261816

>even black people have red noses which is literally impossible
oh tumblr

>> No.2261855

why does tumblr think it's cute to give everyone the nose of an 80 year old alcoholic man?

>> No.2261982

>complaining about shit you hate is pretty cathartic and is a good way for people to bond
it's a nice definition of circlejerk you got there anon

>still using buzzwords
Please make that brain of yours grow up

>> No.2261984

Nah, circlejerk would imply everyone had the same opinion. In this thread at least, people are complaining about a variety of things and not everyone agrees with one another. This more feels like "venting" than "circlejerking"

>> No.2261986

>there is /ic/ niggers in my city

Cette oeuvre est assez dégueu sinon, la collection académique du musée Granet est assez décevante ceci dit.

>> No.2261987

Twilight being black kind of makes sense if you are color coding the people based on their ponies natural "base color", pretty much all of the main cast seem to line up with an actual skin tone:

Rarity (white) = Pale skinned
Pinkie (Pink) = Pink skinned
Applejack (Orange) = Tan skinned
Fluttershy (Yellow) = Yellow skinned
Twilight (Purple) = Dark skin (You can find purpleish tones in black people)
Rainbowdash (Blue) = ... Well except this one.

>> No.2262001
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2262008

da ba dee da ba dee

>> No.2262063

>>still using buzzwords
>Please make that brain of yours grow up
Oh kiddo.
Im pretty sure Tumblr will be here for a long time period.

So as your tumblr butthurt

>> No.2262256
File: 34 KB, 213x246, img_20140411-194020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been on /ic/ for 3 months now and this board seems to be 50% ill intent 30% rubish 20% constructive.

I still enjoy it tough since its better than most boards

>> No.2262490

Are you an idiot?
How the fuck PURPLE (p-u-r-p-l-e) skin makes character a black person?
>Rainbowdash (Blue) = ... Well except this one.
What? You completely ignored this one just because she has blue skin? Which means this one destroys your shitty logic completely?
It makes no sense.
Im not a fan or that stupid cartoon nor art that those people make but it kinda explains everything to me now...

>> No.2262844
File: 35 KB, 600x805, purplenegress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that dude and I honestly don't give a fuck about ponies but proper sub-Sahara blacks can sometimes look purple in the right light.

Know your coons

>> No.2264477

>female gesture
that's pretty gay

(technically fine though)

>> No.2264494


feminine gesture would be more accurate

>> No.2264495
File: 24 KB, 560x400, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because that's what I'm tired of seeing everywhere.
"female" poses. whaddafuck?
point 1: there are humans.
point 2:
there are gay humans as well.
with gay I mean those who display such fucking pretentious and sexually forced bitch-like behaviour.
you know, that kind of girls you see in almost 90% of media/streets/social media/etc.
even if it's kind of "alternative" it's always the same old "fuck me" shit over and over.

that also counts for 'tumblrshit', because it just tries too hard to be alternative which makes it quite the opposite: Lame.

I really don't have problems with sexyness in general, but sexyness doesn't mean sticking your ass out and walk like a fag on high heels trying to look as lascivious as possible.
that's just
pic related

>> No.2264497

yes but the picture says female

>> No.2264498


>> No.2264901

I mean, if we're gonna be real, what color would she be?

>> No.2264992

what did i lose

>> No.2268961

The best thing about being a creative, is making the shit you want to see.
So I never found complaining to be constructive unless its critique. Which most of you aren't doing so what's the point.

>> No.2268965

I think he's trying to say that low tier computer animation sucks.

>> No.2268969

i hope your dad is never proud of you

>> No.2270605

I figured out a way to describe the tumblr style.

It started with fake, Photoshop-gradient anime; basically, it was just the deviantart style.

However, they realized how lame anime was, and left devientart for tumblr. But they still lacked the talent to do anything but symbol drawing, so they decided to look to Disney for inspiration. at this point, it was anime characters, but with cal-arts proportions, jawlines, and expressions.

Then, Scott Pilgrim came out. The comics were a hipster's dream, so they started drawing from that, which is where the faces came from. This is also the point where the style becomes incredibly safe, politically correct, and artless, having fat characters with weird skin colors.

>> No.2271055

i think you're still way off and trying to push some weird ideology along with it, like you're not even acknowledging post-tartakovsky character design, CN "renaissance"/gravity falls, gorillaz, panty and stocking (which feeds back into post tartakovsky, just like scoot poogrim, invader zim), webcomics like hark a vagrant, mahvel an DC's alt leaning titles, french comics/animation, whole lotta shit, mane

>> No.2271279

I might be mistaken but certain desert peoples such as the Tuareg will traditionally wear clothes dyed with Indigo, which will eventually stain their skins with blue.

>> No.2271307

Ty i want to be T artist.

>> No.2271378

People who make videos about their art school portfolios without realizing that they are complete crap and getting praise for it on top of everything else ...

>> No.2271388

>waaah why is she getting more praise then me? I'm so much better. Why is she showing her work when her skills aren't even good.

>> No.2271398

yeah this list of influences is pretty bang-on.

>> No.2271404

not that guy. her work is actually garbage though.

>> No.2271432

okay, okay, you think I'm whiney... but just type in art portfolio and see what some people are presenting. makes my toenails curl to hear what art schools they get into. my first portfolio looked similar to theirs, but at least there were people who gave me honest critiques and made me realize that I was bad. those youtubers just rely on their fanbase that they get from drawing recognizable characters and complimenting other mediocre youtube artists. that just creates a wrong kind of confidence which leads to stagnation and arrogance. but well, I'm just bitching because this thread asked me to

>> No.2271444

she doesn't even have that many views though when people much worse than her get so much more

>> No.2271458

yes, yes, I know. I was just complaining in general

>> No.2271562

You newfags made this board worse. Even in 2014 it was pretty funny here but now?

>> No.2271970

Generic/modern anime vs 90s anime vs old anime vs alternate anime

which do you like/not like
i fucking despise the trend anime has taken with smaller bodies, larger heads, and more childish features in general. for example, classic shounen characters like son goku and kenshiro have proportionate, or slightly larger bodies(due to being swole af). characters used to have a decent head width/head height and head proportions/ body height

>> No.2271978
File: 296 KB, 793x1007, oku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2272000

whats so bad about this one?
The style has an ugliness to it, but so has a lot of other praised styles like John K.s work.
I find it pretty fun to look at.

>> No.2272015

>fictional ponies
>This is what people unironically believe

>> No.2272017

What are you trying to imply here? That coming up with theories or ideas for something is dumb if it's not real?

>> No.2272340

If I had to choose a single thing that I hate seeing the most it would be the typical red tumblr nose. It is extremely obvious that the people who draw it every time don't have a fucking clue about what they are doing, they are simply doing it because they are copycats imitating others without thinking and because they assume that it's just how a nose is SUPPOSED to look.

There was this video about someone drawing an elf (Thranduil I think) from a refefence and while the reference picture they were copying from clearly had the nose very light and highlighted, they drew a fucking firetruck in the middle of his face.

>> No.2272615

>john K

>> No.2272650

The difference is that John K is well aware that his characters look repulsive. He draws them that way because it's funny and makes fun of how ugly people are. People like >>2259566
are drawing them that way and trying to say it's "beautiful".

>> No.2272765
File: 91 KB, 680x453, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go fuck a whore
>I'm trying


>> No.2272771
File: 31 KB, 358x368, 1431296655484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm trying

>> No.2273315

>high brow

Don't know about that. Don't get me wrong I love the dude, but he's really down to earth and in his interview on Miles' podcast he says he shouldn't have as much praise as he gets, his stuff is just a straight rip off from Moebius combined with a couple of other artists.

>> No.2273803

Do you have any examples? I'd like to see it with my own eyes pls

>> No.2273808

Thanks for pointing it out, sherlock

>> No.2273812

Because they're insecure teenagers who get their influence and inspiration mainly from their tumblr peers they mutually follow, and this closed echo chamber inspiration leads to trends becoming ridiculously ubiquitous. The red nose was cute and new at some point, a lot of people copied the idea because it's so easy to implement and kinda cutesy, it became widespread, and now since everyone else is doing it a lot of teens think it's kind of how things should be done.

>> No.2273865


The strong jaws and face example:

That's a woman by the way.

It was on tumblr but apparently she went on a delete spree

>> No.2273882

underrated post

>> No.2274275

they do it out of hobby and it is probably how it was learned. you're entitled to dislike it which is understandable but if you don't like it why are you even there ?

>> No.2274671
File: 129 KB, 807x861, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew a kid who played guitar, was mad that some kid at his school doing beatles covers got more attention than him covering relatively obscure classical music. he felt that because he put more effort into his study of guitar that he was entitled to more attention than those who played simplistic pop songs.

obviously this meant that he cared about the attention his work garnered, not necessarily more than the work itself, but enough so that he felt upset. but instead of changing things up in a way that could please everybody, say a technically complex cover of a more well known song, he continued to toil away in obscurity, unable to accept either reality. if you can't change, how can you expect anything else to? modern cynicism is the world view of complacency.

>> No.2275355
File: 42 KB, 800x456, kenshiro 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly classifies as generic anime style and good anime style? Is pic related generic or good or none of these?

>> No.2275925
File: 131 KB, 1038x1080, StickSalesmanBalls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-But I love stick salesman and sci-fi ball...

>> No.2275949

I love salesman and sci-fi ball too. I hope he draws balls of all different colors and genres and becomes the best salesman the internet's ever seen.

>> No.2276765


lol ok

>> No.2277959

I also noticed that all girls are fags.

>> No.2277960

Anything that has been dubbed and put on toonami for the ADHD obese american audience.

>> No.2277980

More of a disc than a ball.

>> No.2277992
File: 720 KB, 1222x1178, tumblr_n9idj7OmTX1ryw0vgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really really hate the black Hermione thing.

>> No.2278004


She looks like a nervous dookie.

>> No.2278254

I've literally never seen anything like this before, and I thought I've spent a lot of time on tumblr.
Du you have more examples?

>> No.2278295
File: 1.98 MB, 190x190, 1339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nervous dookie

>> No.2278392



I thought it was the same artist as in my last post but it's not. They're friends who draw alike. The strong features and big red nose are parts of the various tumblr styles I mentioned.

>> No.2278415

>implying those are good gesture drawings

jesus the lvl must be pretty damn low in here

>> No.2278573
File: 761 KB, 937x1920, tumblr_nwlxomicPs1re3g9oo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit disappointed, anon.
I went through her tumblr expecting more, but most of her newer stuff seems pretty decent.

>> No.2278632


I agree, the newer stuff is decent. However, the anon asked for examples of tumblr styles that I mentioned(strong faces and strong jaws in this case). So I posted examples of two different artists with similar styles using the same character.

>> No.2278937

That was a joke mock up from /v/ though

>> No.2278981

it's a big disgrace for someone to draw pinkie pie like that.

>> No.2278985

I agree.

>> No.2279024


I try to avoid autisming over it but I think one of the distinct features is usually the nose. They always look like they have a cold.