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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2251323 No.2251323 [Reply] [Original]

¿Why do you draw /ic/?

>> No.2251325

¿Why are you writing like a Mexican?

>> No.2251326

Because im mexican.

>> No.2251329

Something inside me speaks a language that I can only understand through artistic expression. It's a meditative hobby with rewarding results.

>> No.2251330

I wanna draw porn of my waifu, she barely gets any

>> No.2251332


>> No.2251353

I have stories I need to tell and nobody else is gonna do it for me.

>> No.2251354

Because you're waifu a shit.

>> No.2251357
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Most importantly, to communicate my ideas onto paper as well as other people's thoughts (working with an art director, etc etc)
But, through this journey I've slowly realized that every drawing I make is a story. Every line I draw not only has context within the 2d plane, but also a three dimensional context. What I mean is the sounds of the environment, the way I'm feeling, the stability of my table all influence the lines I'm putting on paper. Each drawing, no matter how meaningless it seems, has a story. A robot drawn in a coffeshop may look completely different than a robot drawn on a bus. Exploring different media and the way it can communicate its own marks with the flick of the wrist.

I draw because of the experience; a story told through each mark. That is why I draw, OP.

>> No.2251360

That was beautiful.

>> No.2251361

Pretty much this.

>> No.2251366

I want to help visualize what other people's thoughts. Often times, it seems those with a great imagination, struggle to express it visually so I want to do that, preferably in exchange for some money.

Also I wanna create a comic that I've been thinking about doing for the last couple of years. Anyone else sometimes have that feeling where there's a story in your head and it's just thrashing about in your thoughts, trying to get out?

>> No.2251368

I want to draw cute girls

>> No.2251372

That's not a very nice thing to say

>> No.2251374

When I was a wee lad, I watched a Godzilla movie for the first time and thought, "That's what I want to be when I grow up."

Then it turns out there's a lot of complications with that dream, so I settled for being able to draw monsters and robots and letting the world see the toys that I play with in my head.

>> No.2251377


Because there isn't enough right-wing propaganda anymore.


>> No.2251382

I need money, because I failed life. It's last hope

>> No.2251383
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I draw to escape the harsh realities of growing up in the inner city ghettos.

>> No.2251390

cause i wanna get better. cause i wanna draw porn of qt traps and futa monster girls railing each other. and make money with them.

>> No.2251396

>inb4 Muh depression and it's the only thing that makes me happy

>> No.2251397

I... I don't.

>> No.2251433

you too?

>> No.2251446

i draw because im not very good at doing anything else

>> No.2251450

pretentious twat.

>> No.2251451

I draw because i have depression and it's the only thing that makes me happy

>> No.2251456

Rewarding sounds about right. It's enjoyable but also takes sacrifice. Seems like you've thought it through

>> No.2251467

I just doodle, really.

Purely for fun, it is a good way to get lost and keep my mind off stress. Sometimes things
don't pan out and it looks not too good, but other times my doodles look okay.

tl;dr: fun.

>> No.2251477

I draw to express my ideas in the easiest way I can. That said I'm not very good. But looking to get better.
Also the second half of this.

>> No.2251496

I was/am a professional writer for a while (As in, actually get paid, made my living with it for a while) but I realized that what I was doing was really just writing out the images in my head. I'd like to be able to draw them out as well. Probably end up making comics rather than writing.

>> No.2251497


>> No.2251504

In hopes to get better and also to make work I like , work that'll make people see my vision

>> No.2251512

I used to go over 'reasons' and 'motivations'

I have none

My old prof that I was close to called me unsuited with thought, that I was more of a man of action when I was held up with projects

Only 2 years later I get what he meant.
The reasons that you come up with at the start of a journey weigh in feathers compared to whatever you have to say at the endgame when you look back at the mountain of work you made.

Essentially, just draw.

>> No.2251542

Art has never been able to leave me alone. Even if I don't draw for a year or more, it's always in my mind. I draw because I love spending time with art

>> No.2251571

i wanna tell stories and make people feel stuff

>> No.2251572

I just want to draw cool stuff and with something as simple as a friend posting some dumb status update on facebook and I can quickly go in there with a sketch and make something fun out of it.

Drawing cool stuff, man. Oh and I also want to make random comics a few pages long that parodies DC and Marvel. As fan art and with "original characters".

But yeah, draw stuff I find interesting and cool. Nothing artsy. I am not an artist, I am not original and I don't want or strive to be. Drawing/painting cool stuff is enough for me.

>> No.2251574


>> No.2251685

I got tired of arguing about comics and other shit on a cantonese vegetarian cookbook prayer circle. I'm going to draw the stuff I want to see.

>> No.2251700
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last hope would be becoming a trap and getting fucked in your boi pussy for money

>> No.2251707


>not wanting to grow up in Juice

>> No.2251709
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I dunno.I used to feel stuff. when I looked at art and when I drew.
I've stopped painting/drawing for real for some months now. I just don't want to.It's like it died.I have no fun drawing. It's sad really.because I felt like it was my meaning.
Now I'm wandering if I should wait for it to come back.

>> No.2251722

because it's my coping mechanism with everything since forever

>> No.2251729

Because rendering is fun. Shame that I can't get good at all that other stuff that leads up to rendering.

>> No.2251743

Okay. I guess I'll have to be that guy.

There is no deep and profound meaning to my pursuit of art. I have a goal and art helps me get there. The. Fucking. End.

>> No.2251748

>flick of the wrist

>> No.2251754

>Oh and I also want to make random comics a few pages long that parodies DC and Marvel.
They are already doing that to themselves anon.

>> No.2251777

Cuz i want to draw, why else?

>> No.2251825

because good catgirl art is few and far between

>> No.2251826

It's fun.

>> No.2251831

to cleanse the world from evil

>> No.2251841

to get revenge and to have a bigger meaning for life
it´s not just for you it´s for the communitites

>> No.2251848

I prefer to live in fantasy than reality, never grew out of it. Drawing means I can continue to do so forever

>> No.2251869

To try and not be a disappointment for once.

>> No.2251922

This, fuck

I wonder why I become restless and easily aggravated and an emotional time bomb- and then I realize I haven't drawn in weeks. Real life has its way of distracting me but I'm working on it.

>> No.2252013

Lol, this

>> No.2252102

I want to be more productive in my free time. Also I want to become e-famous.

>> No.2252132

I wanted to draw smut and anime trash.

After I started I now do neither and maybe never will. I guess I just want to git gud but some days I feel like I need to come up with a new more concrete goal to keep motivation high.

>> No.2252139
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>> No.2252148

I have ruined my enjoyment of everything else.

>> No.2252182

Because I was spending too much on porn commissions (roughly $500 a month), so I want to start drawing my own to save money.

>> No.2252196

When I was 6 years old the teacher tasked the class to draw their hands. I was the only one that instead than putting hands on paper and trace the silhouette actually tried to draw a pair of hands freehand.
everyone laughed, even the teacher.
somewhere inside my brain, something awakened. I'm still fighting for my revenge.

>> No.2252201

>roughly $500 a month
Holy shit. I'm glad that most commissioners don't have your initiative, anon. Good for you.

>> No.2252205

Because I enjoy it.

>> No.2252208

Yeah right

>> No.2252212
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>$500 a month
>on porn commissions
>$6000 a year

>> No.2252214

Create or die

>> No.2252220

I want to tell a story, any pointers for discipline? I lack it.

>> No.2252225

Hi I'm a gril who draws porn commissions.
If you want to pay me even a small fraction of that, I can tutor you personally and we can be draw buddies?

>> No.2252233

I'm not the anon you replied to, but I'll take up your offer if you are interested? My skype is runnerman17

>> No.2252234

i´m a girl too, with futa dick and a ponytail , i´ll do everything she can do 50% off

>> No.2252242

Ill do everything she can at a fraction of her pay.

>> No.2252245


>> No.2252252


>> No.2252258


>> No.2252275

I draw because I'm at that level where I don't have to pay someone to do it for me but not good enough to do it myself.

>> No.2252279

I actually looked you up as an art friend, I'm not good enough to be a tutor really, but you don't exist.
So far from Halloween and already I meet a ghost.

>> No.2252287

Art is degeneracy.
Degeneracy must be conquered and then civilization must be introduced.
I am said conqueror.
I am Ceaser

>> No.2252289

I grab clay and I forge it to a sword.
I grab a brush and I slice through the flesh of the marble canvas.
I grab a pencil and with the base construction I build a ivory city.
I grab loomis and I just get gud kid.

>> No.2252504


I don't know.
I am really terrible at art and have probably drawn more in the past week than I have in my entire life.
But I want to be good at *something*, and at least this is something that I can improve on.

>> No.2252514
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Growing up my imagination was nuts and I was infatuated with making stories, characters, my own universe. And when I heard my friends talking about Dragon ball, samurai jack and stuff I wanted people to like and experience what I have to offer.

>> No.2252525

Because I'm paralysed and can't do much else.

>> No.2252533

I've also get to the point where somebody asks me "what the hell is wrong with you lately?" and then realize I didn't have time to draw that much in the last time

>> No.2252727

lol add me on skype (merio_kingston) and we can talk about it

>> No.2252733

I need an outlet for my pedoness. I don't want to hurt anyone and drawing my sickness is a way to deal with it.

>> No.2252740

what if that's a mountain of crap? a mountain of studies? a mountain of photocopies? or a mountain of cubes drawn from life?
"just draw" is just as bad as "be yourself"
i mean convicts were just being themselves.

god, the more i think about it, the more retarded your advice sounds. just draw... just draw a mountain of dicks, you humongous faggot.

>> No.2252755


>> No.2252760

I just need something to keep myself occupied until the AI takes over. That and shortstacks don't draw themselves.

>> No.2252767

I like to build or create things. The feeling when it's done is so good and I also enjoy the process most of the time and the time put into planning.

That's one of the reasons I like aquarism(is that a word?), woodworking and I work with mechanic projects, building machines.

>> No.2252768

i am a pathetic basement dwelling NEET snd it is the only thing i feel motivated about

>> No.2252769

I want to make webcomics and live off drawing.

Also these:

>> No.2252835

because I need to, and it gives me something to look forward to. Also, I want to draw the cute girl.

>> No.2252938


she didn't even say how much she is charging lol

>> No.2253276

Pretentious twat

>> No.2253309
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>> No.2253311

Because art has got me so much pussy, i was that cool art guy in school.

>its all a lie.
>girls dont even look at me

>> No.2253313

"Chicks dig artists" -adam sandler
I was an impressionable kid with poor sense of humour

>> No.2253329



>> No.2253617

I enjoy feeling superior to people

>> No.2253621

it's the only thing i'll ever do well

>> No.2253623

They actually dig if you're not a neet with poor social skills. I'm not saying its your case, but it's true.

>> No.2253624

because it's too easy, I don't get why other people takes years to git gud when it only took me 6 months from zero skills to actually working in industry.

>> No.2253627


How was that 6 months like training wise?
What sort of work do you get now? What sort of industry? Do you fully support yourself with art?

>> No.2253640


>> No.2253641

no it isnt

>> No.2253643

I went to live and was mentored by my uncle everyday who was already in the industry for 15 years, after that he help landing me a position as a concept artist in a big studio where he's working.

>> No.2253647

pics of your work or it didn't happen.

>> No.2253649
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>> No.2253653

You need to work on you bait skills, maybe you can work with your uncle on that.

>> No.2253654

>said the baited one

>> No.2253846

Isn't this the artist that draws sick stuff?

>> No.2253864

Cute anime girls.

Also I don't want to be a boring loser who fucking does nothing.

>> No.2253901

It's a deep compulsion that gives me the greatest pleasure to oblige.

Also, in the long tapestry of human kind's existence, I want to be more than a singular stitch.

>> No.2253903

Just keep working it, man. Progress might show you the path to peace again.

>> No.2254077

Get money, fuck bitches.

>> No.2254147

You talk big

>> No.2254154

>for you

>> No.2254171

Before you can practice well, you have to practice terribly. Most people don't practice at all, then stress themselves out when they suddenly try to do it 'well'. How the balls are you supposed to study 'properly' if you aren't even doing it to begin with? You have to have SOMETHING to build off of, something you can look at to see where you're fucking up. Mileage is HUGE with art. Absolutely massive. Think about it. Drawing is 90% seeing. Best way to improve your sight? Drawing what you see. It's that simple. 'Just draw'.

And drawing a mountain of dicks would teach you a ton, but apparently you think it's a waste of time. I think someone's trying to feel better about their lack of mileage by saying 'but I practice PROPERLY'.

>> No.2254224

Thanks anon

I wanted to reply but I felt like id be saying the same things over and over. People on ic really like to gripe about their newb issues and take it out on others.

>> No.2254242

I remember being madly in love with some girl at my university. We had this one lecture together. She was sitting way across that large hall and after a while I started drawing her over and over until I could draw her without even looking at her. I just remembered every feature so vividly, even today. Drawing her then felt like I could be closer to her for a short while. It just feels like I can deal with what I feel better when I visualise whatever it is I feel. Sometimes I understand stuff for the first time while explaining them to other people, because in order to explain something, you need to sort your thoughts first, and sometimes you just never really seem to do that. It's kind of like that. I draw something and I somehow know better what it means to me than before. It helps me think about everything.

>> No.2254246
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>> No.2254301

i meant mountain of badly drawn dicks. the symbol drawings.

>> No.2255174

Because people praise me for it and so I've gotten used to thinking I'm 'good' at it. There's nothing else in life that I'm anything more than average at.
I'm shit, but at least people treat me like I'm worthwhile when they see my paintings. Except for other artists, because the scene is here mostly conceptual, and so it's like comparing apples and oranges or speaking another language. They probably all see me as a hobbyist that wastes away paint.

That's the joke anon. Go back to school.

>> No.2255176

At first I thought you sounded a bit like a loser, but actually that's beautiful. Keep doing what you do.

wrong hobby m8

>> No.2255270

This. I'm older, busier, and in a much better place in my life now, and so consequently don't draw as much as I would like to anymore. But anytime I feel overwhelmed again it's almost compulsive - still the best way to cope.

>> No.2256892
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I can't yet, but I will with enough practice.

Because the world doesn't have enough cool robots.

>> No.2256902


>> No.2256995

Because it's the only thing I do in life that can bring me even the slightest bit of happiness, but even that is fading

>> No.2257004

When I was young I was plagued with horrible nightmares. I'm not good with words or descriptions, so I saw drawing as the only medium that I could use to tell about the worlds that lived in my mind.

>> No.2257019

I'm a reclusive pervert with nothing going on in his life.

>> No.2257020
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>all of these 2deep pretentious faggots

>> No.2257095

I want to draw self-insert doujins with qt lolis

>> No.2257621

but youre not young anymore

>> No.2257646

Because it's fun, I find it calming.

>> No.2258005

I'm entirely focused on myself. Drawing is something I can do by myself without needing others.

>> No.2258015
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>> No.2258038
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Cmon man, it was a serious question.

Don't know why I draw. Mostly do it when I get too fidgety and worrying about not doing it. Makes it sound like an unhealthy habit, but I have peace of mind while doing it at least.

>> No.2258040

>my uncle got me the job

In that case six months is a disgrace, six weeks or less is more like it.

>> No.2258053

my dad works for nintendo, I get to play test all their games

>> No.2258068

The things that one could potentially create is why I like doing it.

>> No.2258090

Because i can create realities from nothing but my thoughts, and noone can control what i draw.

>> No.2258112
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Although I'm far from great, and would hardly call myself an artist, I do it for the love. The passion to want to get better at somthing, and a way to express my heartache through somthing meaningful

>> No.2258113

so are you one of those people who want everyone to feel their pain?

>> No.2258118

Stupid, absolutely not. That's why I channel it thru artwork instead of going around complaing about everything or hurting people.

>> No.2258147

I want to draw porn

>> No.2258153

I'm reaching my mid twenties and other than being decent on a guitar (which I don't play anymore) I'm not good at anything. I don't really have a hobby to speak of. So I figured I'd get started on one. Maybe in 5 or 10 years I can make something of it. In the mean time, it's just something productive to keep me occupied.

>> No.2258203

It's one of the few things I'm half decent at and I have welded to my personality so I can't give up or I'll be empty.

>> No.2258500

To protect the world from devastation.

>> No.2258508

To get the career I want, and it's fun and satisfying to see an end result.

>> No.2258627
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because i draw butts

>> No.2258628

>I draw because I draw (butts)

>> No.2258672
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Because this fucker gets paid to draw shit like this and I think if I practice that I can draw better.

>> No.2258678

feels thread go away!

>> No.2258921

I'm not sure. I'm aware of how literal shit my drawing skills are, but it never stops me from continuing.

>> No.2258990

I draw so I can escape this degenerate and shitty world and create a perfect one on paper. Aside from also expressing my political ideas it frees ne from reality so I forget I'm in a time where centuries of human development is going backward at an alarming pace. I draw to make myself happy and others like me happy

Oh, and Waifus.

>> No.2259001

Because I can make all of the cool things in my head.

And because I couldn't stick with everything else I tried.