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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 162 KB, 543x600, 1399206012929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2251154 No.2251154 [Reply] [Original]

Post em art related feels.

>cont: >>2218176

>> No.2251155

>tfw I've spent so much money on art supplies I will never use

>> No.2251164 [DELETED] 

>tfw you vant even draw good enough as OPs memepic

>> No.2251168

>tfw feelsguy looks way better than any of your drawings

>> No.2251174

>have great idea for drawing
>see every last detail on the page
>draw one line
>lose everything

>> No.2251188

just close your eyes and imagine again.

>> No.2251193
File: 124 KB, 1170x923, 1422942710044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I will never get the discipline to become good.
>tfw I will always be stuck drawing things from imagination.
>tfw I will never be good at drawing people.

>> No.2251238
File: 60 KB, 575x334, 1444218494894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEET-ing for the past two years since HS
>dream art school early registration only two weeks away
>portfolio is still unfinished and comprised of 1+ year old work
>don't even know if current skills are good enough to get in and get a even the tiniest scholarship, especially for my age
>probably will bomb the math portions of upcoming SAT so no academic merit scholarships either

Aside from my non-art issues and my own shittiness, applying this cycle is entirely feasible yet I still feel overwhelmed. Ideally, I'd just NEET at my parents' homes, but they don't even have a place to live in when we move back to the US.

Man, I should've just moved back to the US earlier so I could've had access to live figure classes and other shit to pick up life skills.


>> No.2251246


>think you are getting there
>getting work that's not too badly paid
>above minimum wage some months
>work still looks like absolute garbage and makes you want to throw up and kill yourself

>> No.2251255
File: 62 KB, 800x800, pepeorginal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one will tell you how to draw on /ic/ only tell you to read the sticky and say the loomis meme.

>> No.2251276
File: 1.33 MB, 1154x1300, michelangelo_feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Michelangelo draws Wojak/Feels Guy better than you

>> No.2251321
File: 3.56 MB, 1728x2096, youalive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"pressuring oneself to achieve unrealistic goals inevitably sets the person up for disappointment"

Most of us suck and we won't get anywhere, but still they we tried.

>> No.2251331

I'm burnt out.

>> No.2251345
File: 8 KB, 320x212, 1432276744504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw another round of rejections after waiting 6 months to apply to a ton of places
>tfw getting ready for another 6 months in the mine shaft of loomis

>> No.2251517





>> No.2251555

>Be 25
>Been drawing all my life
>Started to buckle down in the last few years
>Getting good
>Professional ambitions
>Cousin is 12
>Admires me a lot
>He's talented as well
>Unskilled and unrefined but good instincts
>Wants to be a pro artist too
>Wants me to give him advice and teaching materials
>this kid has a 10 year head start on me
>if I give him Loomis he'll be more successful than me
>I'll be the second-stringer in my own goddamn family
>tfw I'm not sure what to do

>> No.2251558

Make him into a better artist than yourself, anon

>> No.2251559

Just teach him. What's the worst thing that could happen.

>> No.2251560


Fuck you I am not going to Obi-Wan Kenobi this shit.

>> No.2251564


don't be a piece of shit, he's your family

>> No.2251565

Family can be assholes too, you know

>> No.2251566

what a cunt

>> No.2251568


So? I was here first, he can fuck off and steal somebody else's thunder.

>> No.2251588

teach him purposefully wrong and make him into some top tier cringe material

>> No.2251596

you're acting like an insecure little fuck

>> No.2251599


You are operating under a scarcity mentality. The belief that if someone else makes it, it has to be at the expense of your own success. Basically you're the beta dog that is afraid the young alpha male is going to rise in the ranks and steal your food. Instead, teach him to hunt and you can have even more elk meat together anon.

>> No.2251605


There is not an unlimited supply of work out there Anon. I don't need competition from my own fucking family.

>> No.2251607 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 235x200, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insecure of a 12 year old
thinks he's going far professionally

>> No.2251608


What do you think happens when that 12 year old reaches manhood and he's been studying Loomis throughout his teens?

>> No.2251610

He could fetch you some jobs if anything.

>> No.2251613

what if you were in his position? would you rather be clueless during your teen years and be a cringe fuck on deviantart or have a ton of help from your cousin?

>> No.2251614
File: 32 KB, 410x396, 1346680997876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's fucking 12, it's not like he'll be a pro in 3 years time. Not to mention his interest may change.

>> No.2251619
File: 13 KB, 398x394, 45543543435354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't force myself to study. I struggle with simple shit. I'm too retarded to grasp most simplistic shit like perspective. I say I'm going to start then I find myself fixing to go to bed. It scratches the back of my skull all day long but I keep procastinating.

I took drawing essential classes and at the last day the teacher congratulated everyone but myself.

>> No.2251621

your own damn fault

>> No.2251625

>see every last detail on the page
nigger please

>> No.2251627

you see me blaming anyone else?

>> No.2251628

why not stop being pathetic and start fucking doing something?

>> No.2251635

Not him, but it seems to me he fears the blank canvas at this point.

Maybe you should start doodling more, mate. Don't study as much if you find yourself afraid to study. Just doodle and decide to throw away the doodles once you're done. Don't egodraw, just draw. Don't improvedraw, just draw.

Just draw, bro.

>> No.2251840

>tfw loomis is making me improve
feels good

>> No.2251847
File: 130 KB, 500x500, 567567557567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been going at it for about 2 years
>still suck
>feel like I haven't improved much at all
>starting to think that I'll never git gud
>motivating myself to study gets harder every day
>started wasting time with vidya again

>> No.2251850
File: 683 KB, 188x188, 1400751326756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting go off a rare chance to become the mentor of someone with great potential

>> No.2251871

>applying for the exam in 3 days
>suffer from anxiety
>it'll be like my driving license test and I'll get so nervous I'll fail after preparing for so long
>they ask for some theory
>I hate to write on paper you can't erase and start over quickly
>doing anything that can make my mistakes permanent like drawing with ink kills me

>> No.2251873

have you actually compared your work side by side though (and not a one-off thing you did like twice in this period of time, but something you work on regularly)? You might be surprised.

>> No.2251908

Anon, I get how you feel, but honestly, the chances of him sticking to it are low (like really, how many serious artists do any of us know IRL, outside of art academia) so don't feel threatened.
And even if he does git gud and goes pro, now you have a fucking connection in the industry. That's 50% of the making it right there.

But seriously, he's 12 years old. Unless he's the most organized, devoted 12 year old you know, the chances of him taking up and understanding Loomis 100% off the bat are low as fuck.

>> No.2251925

thank you for the reminder that good feels are feels too!

>> No.2251926

By the time hes 18 you'll have 6 more years of drawing on him.

Age isn't thjat relevant dude just draw

>> No.2251940

I mean I've made progress, but not nearly as much as I would like to have made.

>> No.2251953
File: 78 KB, 388x445, 1403518081439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be on senior year of art school
>thematic based programs
>Life drawing like a motherfucker
>Professors are impressed and confused with my progress
>I'm having crazy success with work
>All my life i've been a shit student
>Bullshit my way through highschool and three years of college
>Little did they know that I've been on the grind
>grinding for years
>Teaching myself what others could not
>At apartment grinding till midnight
>For the last three years..
>told to come up with a theme
>For the last three years..
>And now I will have no theme
>All I will have
>Is got gud drawing
>And that will be enough.
>Because drawing was my dump stat

>> No.2251956

show us how gud you are!

>> No.2251960
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>> No.2251966

so you a lying sac of shit as i thought

>> No.2251974
File: 55 KB, 491x450, uWTElu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you 11?

>> No.2251976

you can still redeem yourself by posting your work

>> No.2251978
File: 252 KB, 1123x970, butt23 wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip, now show me yours

>> No.2251985

>sunibee pls

btw, that dick on the right is twisted 90 degrees compared to the balls

>> No.2251987

Could you please do >>2189413 ?

>> No.2251990

are the drops runing up that ass?

>> No.2251991

>Go to work determined to get in a good hour or so of study when I get home
>smoke to ease my back and neck pains
>to high to draw so I just doodle.

>> No.2251995

>tfw i got an amazing idea for an enviroment
>do a bunch of thumbs
>pick one that looks good
>get an hour into it
>it looks like shit

>> No.2252003

Then finish the shitty fucking drawing, because it's always going to be a shitty fucking drawing.

>> No.2252020

How did your stuff looked like when you started your grinding?

>> No.2252023

Try this book "You Can Draw in 30 Days" than perspective made easy then fun with pencil.

>> No.2252292

embrace the mistakes, anon

>> No.2252298
File: 56 KB, 405x1593, apple-progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never recommend an absolute beginner start with Loomis, or any form of construction drawing. I would start with learning to use angles and negative space as a measuring tool to get a likeness. Then maybe introduce some introductory perspective. Then starting to build forms instead of focusing on the contour / outline.

You need to use both techniques together anyways for constructive drawing from observation. I think that is the most logical progression.

>> No.2252751



fuck off degenerate

>> No.2253068

Pure autism

>> No.2253107
File: 388 KB, 1000x764, october-9-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw whenever i post a drawing that actually comes close to diplaying some of my potential nobody says shit

No negative no positive people just move on with their lives when they see something good.

but you mother fuckers are ready to jump on my throwaway stuff, and people on other websites are ready to pile on and hugbox me for stuff I barely tried on.

fuck everyone.

right guys? you all know what I'm talking about.

>> No.2253113


the chans are a toxic cesspool, if it's your main peer group you're fucked. Just take it as entertainment with the occasional nugget of wisdom mixed up with a lot of shitposting and banana memes

>> No.2253116
File: 690 KB, 625x1052, 1444968688846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's the only reason I still post here because it keeps me in check

>> No.2253124

Fuck it. Put him on that loomis jet fuel and watch him fly. You'll have one potentially famous working artist that knows you (and will remember what you did for him ). That's more than most of us have, and it will probably help you more than you think in the long run.

>> No.2253128

all of your stuff is just figure drawing, congrats on grinding and putting in the work but cmon what did you expect of a board mostly aboud concept art and animoo girls?

>> No.2253139

just remember that the fact that your small heads cause a shitstorm on /ic/ means you are doing something right

>> No.2253145


This. For the most part I've stopped coming to /ic/ for help. The board got me on my feet with beginner resources but it's absolutely useless for anything else. Anonymous = Unqualified criticism = Garbage.

>> No.2253153

nobody owes you anything. some d/ic/ks actually praised you for your hand studies but you seem to forget that and a whole lot of other stuff. just work on your stuff and don't expect anything from anyone. fwiw i've seen a lot of your posts and your attitude is shit. work on that first. you seem to think you are very special. don't bother sperging out because i said that. save your energy for drawing.

>> No.2253154
File: 3.20 MB, 420x300, 1433274959659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw some anon replies for me with gay fetish furry porn...

>> No.2253161

what other places you suggest? draw or die is kind of creepy

>> No.2253481
File: 52 KB, 500x585, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel like an outsider in artist communities I'm a part of
>feel like I'm not good enough to even be mentioned in passing
>feel ignored and unwelcome
>meanwhile every artist is buddy buddy with each other

>> No.2253486
File: 38 KB, 600x528, watchingyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why not be an outcast? Why not focus on yourself alone? If you stay true to your work it will eventually sell itself.

>> No.2253502

>so don't fuck nobody

so fuck somebody?

>> No.2253506

I go to artist communities and just want to be around artists. I hate being lonely and feeling too different from everyone else.

>> No.2253508

It's a double negative, Anon...

>> No.2253512
File: 54 KB, 960x641, 1442547958259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to be around anyone ever

You'll soon understand in order to succeed in this field you must suffer, and if you're around people you'll eventually find happiness. Happy artists stagnate. Happy artists don't push themselves as much. They got comfort, they got someone to talk to. Why put their soul in their work when they dont have anything bad held in their chest?

Art will require of you the same compromise as of being a monk, or a samurai. If you do not devote your very soul solely to it you will not achieve your real potential.

The weak gather. The weak flock. Let them be. Hating to be alone proves you're human. Leave that behind. Become art. Live art. Enjoy your company to the point you can dismiss and ignore others completely.

>> No.2253516

>start with 3d 7 months or so
>all started from a simple house in sketchup
>slowly think thats what i want to do
>build a portfolio on deviantart
>market is tough and competitive and i don't know if im gonna make it

not really ic related but stumbled upon this thread

>> No.2253523

This. Someone will always be leagues better than you, Anon.

>> No.2253524
File: 361 KB, 900x1273, 1443576961302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's enough anime for you sir, go to sleep.

>> No.2253526

If guys like Michelangelo and Bougureau could exist hundreds of years ago, imagine the amazing things we could see from the few artistic geniuses with technology in the next hundred years.

>> No.2253530

>sit down to draw
>instantly become very sleepy
>concentration level at an all time low
This has happened consistently every time I've sat down to draw over the last couple of weeks. Anyone else with this problem?

>> No.2253531

>I hate being lonely and feeling too different from everyone else.

Online friendships are shallow and fickle more often than not. Specially with other artists. When you hit amateur status, it turns into nothing but circle jerking and constant ass pats in most online art communities, which does nothing but lead to stagnation for everyone involved. Real rivalries are never formed. Everyone just wants to hold hands and draw each other gifts or art trades. So I don't bother. All of my best friends are IRL and aren't even artists. That's enough for me.

>> No.2253534
File: 176 KB, 288x314, Painwheel-best-waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natural light, keep those windows open

>> No.2253536
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1428163328855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live on ground floor
>window opposite computer monitor
>neighbors will see me drawing fetish porn

>> No.2253544
File: 149 KB, 600x680, 1436747133601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you stay true to your work it will eventually sell itself.

And if/when those artists come knocking at your door when you get traction, trying to let you in on their circle jerk, don't entertain them. Don't even acknowledge them and keep doing you. It's the greatest feeling.

>> No.2253546

>caring about what your neighbours might see
My neighbours have probably seen me looking at porn or masturbating and I am sorry for the people that sit next to me in the bus or train. They shouldn't look at my screen if they don't want to see it.

>> No.2253552

so you're coming to ic to fish for praises, love and hope? I understand now why you act so idiotic about feedback, you're missing a lot of opportunities here by your attitude

>> No.2253553

>Online friendships are shallow and fickle more often than not.
You are right, years ago I got a online friend who have a degree related to art but he doesn't know how to draw.
When I discovered /ic/ and started to do photo studies, sometimes I showed one of this drawings,He gave me some critiques and later started to say that are not worth because it was a trace, even he did say the same thing when I uploaded in a social network.
Sometimes when we chat about art, he always says that the only way to draw "good" is being talented, I tried to convince him that drawing is a skill and can be learned, but there is no change, even I point him that he can make it because he know about color theory, composition, and he should learn perspective, but his answer was that shit it's not useful and it's a waste of time.
One day he show me one of his drawings, and I thought it will be a good idea to spot his flaws, he got mad and started to say the typical "muh style", it's illustration.
I got bored of him and never talked him again.

>> No.2253555

Feedback is not only praise
Feedback can be positive or negative.
What anon is pissed about is that no one says anything at all. I know where he's coming from, too. But honestly, when it comes to /ic/, you should never expect quality input on work. Most of the posters on here aren't even good enough to be able to give quality input. This place is only good for the resource threads. The quality of posters here, or on 4chan in general, is piss poor.

>> No.2253558

>You are right, years ago I got a online friend who have a degree related to art but he doesn't know how to draw.

There are way too many of those tbh.

I personally stopped with the online based friendships when I graduated highschool. I haven't had a solely online based friendship since. I don't miss it either. They were always fickle, shallow, and pretty worthless. Full of nothing but circle jerking and ass patting. The only people I converse with regularly online are people I've met and gotten to know in person offline. So most online based art communities I don't bother being "buddy buddy" with. Circle jerking bores the piss out of me.

>> No.2253596

His mentality is trash and keeps him away from learning. He has never pushed any of his pics after taking some feedback to make them better, never!, and yet he's still expecting some sort of quality C&C, that DO NOT encourage anyone on /ic/ to invest their time on him, moreover if he rages as a kid when someone just points his flaws

this place is good for critique, you're not going to get any quality input if you don't seem serious enought, so serious people won't care anything about your shit, I've had a very good expirience at /ic/ and it has helped me push my art a lot, it's just about your shit mentality, either if you believe you won't find anything good or the contrary are true
but somehow, he keeps coming like a vicious troll

>> No.2253603

>starting university next year
>looking at demo reels of graduates
>it's all fucking terrible
>try to reassure myself and look at some junior artists at local movie studio (weta)
>they're fucking terrible too

>> No.2253608

>be in real good art school
>produce a good work
>ppl are jealous, i'm full of myself and i hate myself for this
>do shit
>hate myself for this

The artist ego is just pain. Pure fucking pain.

I could have just pursued chemistry. it would have been less painful.

Art is a fucking sickness

>> No.2253625

Post your work.

>> No.2253628
File: 643 KB, 1920x1080, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

if you wanna have a giggle then look at what graduates of the course I'm going to do are making

>> No.2253631

Douple negative = positive

>> No.2253636

Haha holy shit. Hopefully it's worth it, anon.

>> No.2253739

Yeah, case in point, you're being an asshole to a 10 year old.

>> No.2253776

>Get a idea for drawing
>Made a Sketch


>> No.2253791

Are you this guy anon?


>> No.2253806

>Finally got accepted to dream school in dream major.
>still have to go 4 years despite getting my associates at a CC.
>don't think I got scholarship coming in
>going to get raped with debt, and I'm still ecstatic.

>> No.2253813

that's because you just do studies/lifedrawings

creative work is what people care about

>> No.2253840

godspeed, anon

>> No.2253841

Tfw you drop your brand new, unopened glass ink bottle and it breaks on the floor

>> No.2253847
File: 30 KB, 350x233, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't know what to practice because I literally suck at everything

>> No.2253900

Hey man vilppu's videos are a good start.

>> No.2253909

i know. the stuff people have cared about that i've done was all creative work. when there isn't a concept to critique and it's just meant to be raw draftsmanship it gets a bit complicated.

but as >>2253555 said, no critique at all is worse than negative critique or hugboxxing. And when I post something thats good i get no positive or negative critique at all.

like I said, when I post a lazy drawing people across websites are ready to either hugbox me to hell or rip me apart. It's when something with some semblance of quality comes along that everyones silent. And that can be rough for me. On the bright side though it lets me know which drawings are good from the lack of reaction. And that in turn tells me I should move onto something new.

>> No.2253942

>friend buys you a physical thing as a gift with real money
>you draw him something as a gift

something about this doesent feel right to me

>> No.2253959
File: 18 KB, 250x237, 2059382910294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I'd rather get physical things I can actually use than art on my birthday.

With art, it's the thought that counts more than anything else. It never has any real practical use. It's akin to a birthday card. All you can do is say "look at what my friend drew me!".

>> No.2253985

here's the thing son
most anons capable of decent critique has figured out by now that you are not worth their time. over the past youve shown time and time again that thoughtful and honest crits are not welcome and are met with only excuses and whining. don't have time for that shit. wtf is there any question why people don't want to engage with you?

unless you start showing some improvement in your attitude (observe other anons in the draw threads for examples to look up to), you will be snubbed and rightly so. to spell it out for your slow ass: thank those who crit you, be receptive to other pov's, don't lash out at anyone who says anything negative. keep your trap shut even if you think he's wrong. he's only offering his pov, which is exactly the thing you are complaining about not getting.

stop the excuses, stop the 'it was intentional', 'you guys need to be more open minded' stuff, and focus on getting better. otherwise there is no reason for good anons to waste their time on you.

>> No.2253992
File: 26 KB, 500x281, tumblr_nlzozwMx2E1rieyeso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw when you have long ass hair and your kneaded eraser is disgusting.

>> No.2253993


My brand new replacement ink bottle just inked up my backpack and now my items look like they were run over with a tire and I have no ink

>> No.2254032

>stay up super late doing schoolwork
>next morning
>feel like shit
>everything I draw is ten times worse than before
>not like self depreciating bad but legit bad
This day just keeps getting better and better.

>> No.2254038

feel status: felt

>> No.2254063

read fun with penci, draw boxes and shit , and once you get thinking and drawing forms, jumt to vilppu for ultimate feel

>> No.2254066

>mind span of fish
>cant work on something for more than 5 minutes

>> No.2254089

It's because you havent developed discipline yet.
Don't blame your body like it's something out of your control.

>> No.2254104

The real thing you should do, the thing that should apply to just about everyone, is to just draw. Don't get caught up in learning "the right way", just do it. You might suck at first, but try to have fun with it anyway.

Some people get scared that if they draw without using a resource (or the "right" resource) to learn from, then they'll end up like those cringe-worthy DA pictures where the person has little to no improvement after several years. The thing that needs to be understood, however, is that those people almost certainly don't draw that much. They might make a handful of drawings per year aside from doodling in their notebooks, and that's it. Someone who draws regularly, ideally every day, is all but guaranteed to improve. The key is to actually do it.

>> No.2254105

Sounds like you either have a mental health issue or just don't give a shit about making art. Either seek help, or quit.

>> No.2254110

Eugh, don't be that guy.

>> No.2254128

>tfw roughly the top 10% of my graduating class will succeed in the industry
>tfw I have to be in that group

>> No.2254131

>top 10% of graduating class will succeed in the industry
Is that what your uni/college told you?

>> No.2254136

Actually, that's what they're NOT telling people in the program. It's pushed to the side. I'm in animation. There's a so-called "industry day" for the fourth years every April, and big studios visit campus to view the thesis films. Generally only about 5-10% of students are offered jobs on the spot.

>> No.2254141

>Eugh, don't be that guy.
What does that even mean?

>> No.2254155

Giving people drawings you made as gifts comes across as conceited. It'd be like someone in a no-name band giving you a CD of their latest album as a gift. Unless they ask for a drawing, just get them a normal gift.

>> No.2254157

>Giving people drawings you made as gifts comes across as conceited.
>Unless they ask for a drawing, just get them a normal gift.

Ah alright, so we're on the same page.

>> No.2254311

I mean there IS such a thing as creative realism man. This board caters to illustrators. If you make creative realism your flaws are going to stick out like mad because it's no longer about "checking negative space shapes and relations between points" etc.

Like the way people look at it here, you want people to suck your dick over studies without doing the bread and butter

>> No.2255315

> tfw I showed aptitude for drawing young, so mom put me in art lessons whenever she could

> tfw I started getting really good with American comic style/anime/inked drawings and enjoyed the praise for my one skill

> tfw by 14yrs praise dried up and changed to scorn. Told that "you couldn't have drawn that, you're too young".

My work started being "accidentally" left out of local art competitions, or judges would refuse my work since they thought I'd traced it. I was still just a kid and my poor mom had to try explain it away. Or my classmates would see my work and then refuse to draw themselves... like I'd killed all their fucking hopes.

I started out once too. Everyone does! Everyone sucked at one point. That my drawings became a source of envy or shame to others, a reason for people to self-hate? It was horrible. Art was the wonder of my childhood. I've always been happy to help out someone with tips and give them encouragement, to see them blossom when they get the knack of a new technique. That's assuming I can get them to draw within my sight. I'm 30yrs old now and I mostly don't tell people I draw. It's just a house-hobby that I keep between me and those I know. Wish I could share with others the love of drawing again, like I could when I still sucked.

>> No.2255328

get one of those screen things that obscures image but lets in light

>> No.2255494
File: 194 KB, 1000x696, 140907a95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2255499

That's why in the first frame that guy should've picked up a pen and paper immediately and made a sketch

>> No.2255515


Your problem is that your art practice centers on people giving you praise. That's not how innovation or creativity happens, you have to do things despite knowing people won't like it. The point of critique isn't to validate what your doing, it's to help you get better. The validation has to come within or else everything you make is going to cater to everyone and it will be boring af.

>> No.2255575

>Finally tried oil paint
>Made my first oil painting
>Very happy with it, absolutely in love with the medium
>New semester starts
>Realize I'm a fucking physics grad student without any spare time

I can't let go, I want to dig deeper.

>> No.2255636

>get discouraged as I'm sketching a difficult study
>that tiny voice in my head is saying "why bother?"
>close my eyes and imagine myself at 65
>bloated, diabetic gut and poor eyesight
>life wasted on shitposting and vidya
>haven't drawn since that fateful day
>imagine myself saying "if only i had kept trying"
>whisper "i wish i could go back..." as i drift into the abyss
>open eyes
>keep trying
>feel like i've been given a second chance

>> No.2257847

It feels like I'm getting worse every day.

I'm drawing model after model, and although I can generally capture the shape/proportions/movement, I can never recreate it without the reference. I'm drawing all these circles and squares to try and figure out a way to keep anatomy in my head but nothing really works.

>> No.2257860


Depends on the friend and their relationship with you, I'd say.
If you're giving all your friends drawings I agree. But if you have a friend that has historically liked your art / maybe asked you to draw things for them, or they're a sentimental sort and you draw them a subject matter that means something to them, it's not too 'that guy.'

>> No.2257862

>Generally only about 5-10% of students are offered jobs on the spot.
>on the spot

I don't think "the industry coming directly to you and offering you a job then and there" is a good metric for how many graduates get a job in the industry.

>> No.2257897


>tfw you draw something and it comes out pretty much exactly like you imagined it in your head. feelsgoodnigger.exe

>> No.2257903

you must have a good imagination

>> No.2257921

>tfw anon posts your feelguy

>> No.2257940

If you want to grow and you can't find your own foot, find a mentor who is 10x the artist you are. No, find two, but only in different subjects

>> No.2258556
File: 1.57 MB, 643x4334, reason to draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2258559
File: 52 KB, 500x374, 1426014175340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you break through a plateau

>> No.2258572

>tfw you forgot that plateaus were a thing

I'm suddenly filled with determination

>> No.2258583

What the fuck man, this isn't a good feels thread.

>> No.2258586

There's plateau's???? niceeeeeee

>> No.2258589


That was fucking gay.

>> No.2258603

how does that even work?

>> No.2258604


What if it's night anon?

>> No.2258636

Jerk off, drink a cup of coffee, go jogging, and keep a windows open. If you do this too late though you will have sleeping issues.

>> No.2258643
File: 11 KB, 300x168, liftsinternally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw put off going to the gym because I'm drawing
>don't even like what I've done today
>now it's too late to go to gym

>> No.2258644

skills catch up with your eyes for a moment before you settle into another plateau

there's no science to it. there's people I won't name that never get better no matter how much they practice

>> No.2258674

>supposed to train for 5 minute mile
>'but I'm supposed to be drawing today'
>not even drawing

>> No.2258685

Literally me.

>> No.2258718

since I started drawing, I just developed super high standards about what I concider good - making that shit unreachable and way higher than the general audience demands

>tfw youll never be happy with yourself

>> No.2258753
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1808, gittin gudder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the feel I live for.

>> No.2258799



>> No.2258821


Jealously is a bitch

>> No.2258858

I should do this too.

>> No.2258861

I think I completely gave up on drawing brehs
My last hope is to get on ritalin to see if I can get a boost but I'm not going anywhere with my head as it is now. It's completely blank

>> No.2258988

> attempting to draw realism
> halfway through the drawing and I realize it looks like shit
> continue to draw painfully because I know I have to finish it and learn from my failure

>> No.2258991

>tfw Vilppu will die in your lifetime

>> No.2258992

He is 78, if he lives to 90 he can shove some reverse aging drugs and live forever*

>> No.2258996
File: 42 KB, 480x429, 1279222881700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start studying art more seriously
>learning a lot
>80% of art I see now looks like shit
>10% has some glaring problem but it somehow still looks ok and I can't figure out why
>7% is good
>3% is fucking amazing wizardry

Also how do you stop being overly critical? It's ruining everything. I can't just enjoy a nice little drawing without looking for problems in it. fuk

>> No.2259000

>Also how do you stop being overly critical?
That never goes away, even masters struggle with it. Manage it. Don't let overburden you. Just remind yourself that you're awful now but crying over every error isn't going to fix that. Find those errors and fix them in your next piece. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.2259024


I heard a saying that goes like: there are two kinds of people, those who look at the big parade on the street below and those who see the little speck of dirt on the window.

Point being, you chose what you focus on. I used to be like you but since I started doing mindfulness meditation I've become a little less bitter and negative. It has taken me a few years though. I haven't lost my critical ability and I can turn it on when need be, I just chose to focus on what I like about something rather than what's wrong with it. And it has made me appreciate art a whole lot more. Being able to see potential is just as important as seeing flaws and having that child like sense of wonder when you see something beautiful or interesting is incredibly satisfying to me.

>> No.2259036

teach him. it's the right thing to do. teaching will make you into a better artist too. you'll see your own faults in his own progress. it's a good way to see how well you understand the art process.

on the other hand, focus on your own art. don't worry about being better than him or anyone. focus on improving for yourself. don't let your insecurities mess with how you feel about art.

>> No.2259041

I had big art dreams that got crushed by the reality of going to college. I just realized I'm not good enough nor do I have the work ethic to put in the much needed practice. So I gave up trying to be a pro artist, and pursuing another more "practical" degree so I can support myself.

So after that, I didn't really draw much. I get drawing itches once in a while and binge draw for like a week or two. Then I stop and don't do anything for months. I keep wanting, trying to practice, but every time I get that pencil and paper in front of me, I freeze. I don't know what to do or how to do. I don't know where to start. And I just feel too tired to draw even before I get started. When I start drawing, that pencil feels so heavy. I get frustrated so easily and give up.

Anyone else know this feeling and have any advice?

In terms of technical skill, I don't think I'm too bad. If you ask me to draw a photo, I could do that decently enough, but if you ask me to draw a person without reference, you'll end up with something not so good. gah. But I really love drawing and art, and every time I see good art, I die a little on the inside cuz I realize I haven't learned to draw like that.

>> No.2259043

very nice!!

>> No.2259048
File: 40 KB, 655x497, 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f6a5642707a414e2e706e67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dime a dozen porn artists
>each of them have the same style
>still continue to thrive

>> No.2259083

>show someone a drawing
>"Eh, I wish I had some creative talent"

>show a close friend a study or other drawing and try to discuss it with them
>"Stop being a try-hard, anon. Have a little fun!"

>"Hey, anon, give me tips on my drawing"
>give tips
>"You killed all my motivation for art with your "technical stuff"."

>closest friend: "I wanna see all your drawings!"
>send drawing when I finish it
>friend, after some time: "Don't you understand that I don't want to draw because of you? You're way ahead of me."

>discuss me considering to make a tumblr and post my art on it
>"Stop doing this for profit and fame! You should do it for yourself! Do you wanna be famous THAT much??"

Literally have hundreds of drawings on my hard drive that only I have seen.
I even gave up on posting here anonymously, because I get no replies.
I once asked why does nobody reply and all they said was "there's nothing to critique".

Sometimes I think about the future. How my grandchildren will format this hard drive with all the drawings and other projects on it and everything I ever did will just stop existing.

>> No.2259085

I don't draw but I come one /ic/ all the time to see the progress other people are making.

>> No.2259087

why don't you draw?

>> No.2259092

I feel nauseous whenever I think about drawing something. I don't know why.

>> No.2259095


>> No.2259098

you're thinking too much about it. just start doodling.

>> No.2259126 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20151022_134332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to museum yesterday
>Paintings are fucking incredible (Waterhouse, sargent, etc)
>Sculptures are as incredible (I spent like 10 minutes just looking at pic related)
>An hour or so later I've already seen all that is worthwile rest of the paintings are just ok
>See gorgeous girl emerge from one of the halls
>Well, there goes the art part of this greentext
>Spend the rest of my visit just checking out the cute girls who go alone to the museum, knowing I'll never have the courage to ask them out
>This one girl keeps looking back at me and smiling
>Change room and never see her again

>> No.2259138

I've been interested in drawing all my life. When I was young I always wanted to draw. I would doodle super heroes and fill up countless folders with them. I was even recognized for being able to draw decent faces in 3rd grade. Now, I don't know how or why, but for some reason my older brother took the spot light from me COMPLETELY. Suddenly he was the artist of the family and I was pushed aside. Because of that, me being the young kid I was, decided that maybe I should pursue a different dream. So at around early middle school, I gave up on art and switched to learning something else. Biggest regret of my life. Had I stuck with it, I could have been SO much farther than I am now. What really made me upset though, was that my brother became the family "artist" but he never had the drive that I did. He makes maybe one piece every few months or so to this day. Mean while I'm sitting here realizing that art is my passion, trying to draw as often as I can. I'm just so upset at my self for getting discouraged at such a young age, but there's nothing I can do about it now. All I can do is draw. At least I have a lot of free time now.

>> No.2259160

>Want to exercise because I'm a scrawny nerd
>Lift for a few days (and enjoy it)
>Arms get sore and can't hold a pencil steady
>Stop lifting

>show a close friend a study or other drawing and try to discuss it with them
>"Stop being a try-hard, anon. Have a little fun!"

>> No.2259296
File: 1.14 MB, 1334x750, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have an "oh" moment when doing anatomy

>> No.2259301
File: 47 KB, 594x335, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>discuss me considering to make a tumblr and post my art on it
>>"Stop doing this for profit and fame! You should do it for yourself! Do you wanna be famous THAT much??"

Fuck you.
If i decide to make a tumblr to post my work in, its on me. Not you

>> No.2259310


Dot's stuff is even more dank now

>> No.2259412
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>> No.2259419
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>> No.2259441

>stop being a negative nancy

>find another way

>> No.2259618

>tfw too cowardly

>> No.2259619


ask yourself what you really have to lose

>> No.2259630

i've never actually done that, thank you for the advice, anon. it could help a lot

>> No.2259650

No risk
No reward

>> No.2259653

you're 100% right but like God this is so fucking embarrassing but i'm scared of people online for many reasons, like if i disappoint them, or if i make something which gets popular, and people get sick of seeing it mentioned

>> No.2259658

oh well isn't that just fucking peachy.

>> No.2259662

who gives a fuck about youre shitty little bitch fears? who asked? nut up. is baby afraid of the mean internet people?

>> No.2259667

yeah, i can't sit around like this forever, that's not what i want to do, it won't help anything. it's fucking stupid. thank you for your words anon. they're just what i needed to hear, and i wish you the best in whatever you're doing as well.

>> No.2259674

thanks m8s

>> No.2259951

Remember that people are often irrational hypocrites deluded by pride and envy and their opinions should be taken with a grain of salt. People who act like they know it all on the web often turn out to be clueless idiots. This site is filled with examples of this.

Also remember that even if you became a very popular and successful artist, 50% of /ic/ will still shit on you.

>> No.2259952
File: 377 KB, 500x375, 1440480198225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw in a studio for 10+ hours a day
>get home and draw what you actually feel like drawing

>> No.2260619

>draw alright night before
>next day draw like shit
>lose hope

>> No.2260638

>Drawing in a studio 10+ hours a day
>get home and too tired and burnt out to draw anything at all

u dont work in a studio do you anon

>> No.2261254

>tfw begin to regress with art

>> No.2261700

tfw not enough art buddies, most of my skype contacts are just random people, no one to share animation and art with.

>> No.2261703

>tfw anon looks for interaction but doesent post skype

>> No.2261706


its "negroleauge"

>> No.2261711

just join here, it could use some fresh ppl anyway

>> No.2261729

>draw something
>something is just off about it
>can't figure it out
>no replies when posting it

>> No.2261730


having trouble using this link fuck
how do i do it

>> No.2261732

paste it in the url bar in your browser and skype should od the rest

>> No.2261734
File: 63 KB, 391x386, 1365096273747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw at artschool and have to work on an animation project in teams.
>One guy in my team is a lazy stoner who can't draw for shit.
>Tutor tells us we need to let him do at least 5 seconds of our film so they can mark him.
>tfw I can't just fire him. He's going to ruin our animation.

>> No.2261735

let him do the credits or some shit, its only 5s, geez

>> No.2261738

not working im sorrey

>> No.2261741

then youll die alone

>> No.2261755

Who animates credits? Thos whole thing is only 25s so it's a big part.

>> No.2261757

more skype ic groups taking people?

>> No.2261765


>> No.2261768


>> No.2261774

paste the thing in the address bar
press enter
allow to use skype

>> No.2262291

You've given me hop0e, I've been lagging for a while now, but it's now time to git gud

>> No.2262295


This is the best feel! I've had a lot of those past weeks.

>> No.2262341

Hello Vinicam, can you post a snippet of the progression through your plateau? I'd like to see for reference, thanks :)

>> No.2262389
File: 252 KB, 1063x1280, BERSERK - INKTOBER DAY 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well.. It's nothing really obvious, but I was a guy who just did linework p&b drawings until November of 2014 when Roberto Bolanõ died and I thought I've had to do something in homage.

I painted this: http://vinicam.tumblr.com/post/103854825661/estou-chegando-ram%C3%B3n

And for some stupid reason, laziness, Dragon Age, girls, etc.. I stopped drawing. Didn't even scribbled at work or something like that.
Suddenly at September 09 I took my sketchbook to the bathroom and did this wizard doodle on the left:


After that the motivation kicked in, boosted by an economic crisis in my country and because I'm tired of my actual job, I've been drawing everyday since that.

One and a half month later this is my third painting: http://vinicam.deviantart.com/art/Puffer-mobile-568119713

I also think my sense for depth, anatomy, perspective and etc increased a lot in a short amount of time. Part of it probably because I was rusty and now I'm applying a lot of things I learnt in the time without drawing, cuz I never stopped consuming art related information.

Sorry for the long post but as it's a feels thread. lol

Also I may be just delusional, feels good anyway.

>> No.2262395
File: 63 KB, 374x689, 2014 - 05 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, yeah... When I burnt out last year my drawing was at the level of that pic in the post.

I think that's progressed some bit too: http://40.media.tumblr.com/bc74759af6ea34a44f66629078b64a65/tumblr_inline_nv9otlxPMI1sgu0km_500.jpg

>> No.2262646


That was disgusting. This must be what it's like to have a close male friend just attack you in your home as a woman when he came over uninvited and ram a 4 inch uncut cock dry up your ass and then jizz in you.


>> No.2263007

must've been in the toilet for a while

>> No.2263048


Hahahaha... Not really, as I said I did only one wizard in the toilet. Probably 15 min.

>> No.2263058
File: 579 KB, 500x200, tumblr_n123zuHOy71rzik3go1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Regularly getting offers to work as an in house artist in various studios.
>Would love to do it.
>Can't move because I have to take care of my grandparents and property.
>Barely make a living freelancing.

>> No.2263158
File: 21 KB, 469x359, spiderman-desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>graduated with really good grades from art school
>>got internships in studios, followed by jobs
>>moved to LA because of medium size studio gig and ended up working there for 3 years
>>got hired by film studio in hollywood
>>walking the halls, looking at all the props from movies I grew up with (Titanic, Apollo 13, Armageddon, etc...)
>>got a contract working on a film with Joseph Gordon Levitt
>>GF moved back home to San Francisco
>>got engaged and moved back too
>>no work in film in the bay area, worked as cab driver doing shitty work for almost a year
>>now I work at a biopharm company
>>mfw I have no idea what Im doing with my life

>> No.2263176


>Letting your girlfriend get in the way of your dreams
>Prioritizing relationships over work

You'll never make it, anon.

>> No.2263182

>Wanted to draw since was teen
>Picked up learning
>Oviously shit
>Get discouraged, lazy and disinterested
>Time pass
>Immensely want to draw again
>Repeat cycle for years
I want to at least give up for once and for all but just can't and always return to this hell.
Not sure if that art feel thou, more like motivation or somehing.

>> No.2263226

>everything is going fine and dandy
>fuck yeah things are nice
>all of a sudden need some money because my laptop is a potential life risk with its awful build and heat issues
>literally the moment I want to draw for money I have 0 motivation
>try to rev up the old engines by doing the most fun shit any artist could do: Drawing guild members or friends characters in games/MMOs
>no motivation
>all of a sudden I'm in a black hole

>> No.2263270


>Regularly getting offers to work as an in house artist in various studios.

you know we want to see your work so we know how good we have to get to be wanted like you. post your website immediately.

>> No.2263322

there is no industry. just a bunch of people trying to out-promote eachother pretending to be doing great when at best they are making 25-30k a year.

digital art has zero value because it's just too fucking easy to make. the only value is in self promotion and selling your name with your work, regardless of what your work looks like. by that point you might as well be selling vegetable shaped buttplugs or socks with cats on them.

tough luck kids. i'll let you guys know before i kill myself. can't live with this humiliation.

>> No.2263324

>study art most my life
>went to a technical school
>went to a university
>did a bunch of stuff
>learned that I don't know everything about art
>learned I never will
>But I love art so much I'll never stop learning.

Now, every I time go on online to places like 4chan, and Reddit I see jerks who think that after a few months of reading and watching shit online, and copying shit, they think they know a thing or two about art. The worst ones are those who pretend to be coy or put up a "nice" persona to do pr with.

I see these artists regurgitate whatever clever thing they found as if it's the gospel. Some make a name for themselves, some even make a pretty penny. But it's all just regurgitating the same shit over and over. And what's worse is that most of it is worthless or completly misunderstood.

They'll scream across the entire internet if you question thier ideals. The ones who know how to exploit the technologies of the web are usually the most vindictive about you questioning them or thier friends. Ever comment turns into a gamergate fiasco.

But then when I pull away from the internet I realise that none of them have any dominion outside thier spots on the web. None of them are really respected outside thier own social network clubs. None of them ever contributed anything meaningful to the outside world. They all turned inward to rebel, they left reality a long time ago. And whenever they speak in the outside world everyone knows just how out-of-it they really are. They make no real impact what so ever, and the real outside world goes on without a missing a beat.

>tfw watching grown-ass kids trying to convince each other that he or she knows a thing or two about art.

>> No.2263340

life's hard right?
no, you suck

>> No.2263344

see >>2263340

>> No.2263348

>literally incapable of breaking old, bad arthabits
>spend month after month trying to break these goddamn stupid habits
>absolutely cannot do it
>just go back to drawing shitty cartoon furry porn and getting meaningless tumblr asspats because there's apparently nothing else I can do
>hate myself even more
Sometimes I wish I'd never picked up a pencil in the first place.

>> No.2263352

mfw I was making 30/hr and working 9.5 hour days getting paid overtime. My supervisors were getting 40/hr. Just find the right niche in the industry and you can make more.

>> No.2263359

This is my friend. He always complains about sleeping issues. Always sleepy during the day, so we say drink coffee "I don't like coffee!". We're at a coffee shop and he's literally falling asleep, we say go for a walk, "it doesn't make a difference!" he complains about sleeping so late and getting up so late and yet he drinks red bulls at night so he can "at least get some drawing in". We tell him to sacrifice a few days to get his sleep schedule on track, he says no he can't waste the days.

*eye roll*

>> No.2263372

Is this how it actually is? Ofcourse it's different for everyone but this is my main reason for not putting a lot of energy into finding an art job, I'm terrified I'll be burnt out when I get home. If I'm not painting my own ideas life isn't worth living.

>> No.2263391

>constantly be told I'm "learning wrong" by drawing digitally
>don't have the money/materials or space to work traditionally
>know I'm behind other artists because of it

>> No.2263395

>there is no industry.

The "industry" for most artists is just pandering to fans of the IPs that come from the REAL industry, entertainment. If the IP holders ever exercised their rights to stop fan artists from monetizing off IPs that don't belong to them, those artists would be shit out of luck. But fan artists love playing the victim the most. They are shit people generally.

>None of them are really respected outside their own social network clubs.

This applies to nearly social network club, this isn't exclusive to artists.

>> No.2263415


as an engineer or some skillful position within the advertising industry... sure. i know people making a lot of money doing commercial animation and 3d-something-something stuff for tv channels... but the conceptart/gameart/digitalillustration dream is an absolute delusion. there is no value there unless you got your 20k fanboys on facebook.

'just get good' is the dumbest fucking thing ever. doesn't work beyond impressing fellow artists.

>> No.2263419

Nothing in entertainment has value without fans. You don't have a point.

>> No.2263428


you are kinda dumb.

>> No.2263452

No, you're just saying common knowledge shit.

>there is no value there unless you got your 20k fanboys

This applies to every brand. You need fans to make money. They are the people who will buy your shit. It isn't exclusive to artists. This applies to every brand. Improving quality (aka get good) is done to broaden your appeal and bring in more money. This isn't rocket science.

>> No.2263454

You need to draw things from your imagination, not just studies.

If all you draw is studies, studies is all you'll get good at.

Power through it and draw something without reference, even though it'll be shit. Then look at references and see what you did wrong. Fix as many things as you can in the next piece. Repeat forever.

>> No.2264833

>tfw you're so floored by a piece of art that you get butterflies in your stomach and have to step away from the art and pace around a little bit to collect yourself

>> No.2264864

make tumbly and post plz. I might not be able to critique, but I love seeing people that have a high level of git gud.

>> No.2264892

WHY does not your bitch move with you m8?

>> No.2264904


Full cuck mode engaged. How fucking pussy whipped can you be? Absolutely disgusting

>> No.2264913
File: 79 KB, 803x688, 1424788323315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend 2 years trying to git gud
>realize I have an awful visual library and can't draw or paint anything from imagination

>> No.2264985

you can practice that by drawing things from memory dude. It's an exercise just like any other. Grab objects, look at them with purpose, examine them, try to memorize them, and then set them aside and try to draw from memory. Go back and check what you did wrong, work on it. It's a great way to increase your visual memory power

>> No.2265185

>tfw in same boat as you
>tfw finally found concept
>tfw when I am starting to move into abstract/palimpsestic style with no representation

I don't know who I am anymore.

>> No.2265412

actually memory isnt really necessary at all.. you could work from a bunch of different photos that you take and as long as you have talent of any kind no one would be the wiser, or obviously you could just draw from real life like a lot of people do... you dont need to be able to draw solely from imagination

>> No.2265442
File: 54 KB, 500x558, 1442640439680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look back at old work from a year ago
>only gotten a little better since then
I think my technical eye has actually gotten worse though, holy shit.

>> No.2265451 [DELETED] 

>Been drawing all my life
>5 years old, into making comics
>They're all as long as 1 page filled with small panels.
>My "style" looked much different to other peoples drawings (in a good way)
>6 years old
>apply and get into afterschool art classes
>"im gonna ace this"
>first class
>Teacher- "ok everyone, draw a pattern"
>everyone drawing shitty patterns
>really bored, decided to draw Roman buildings cause they look nice
>Teacher- "ok everyone, hand them in and we'll talk about every individual one"
>oh no
>teacher says what she likes about each pattern and other BS
>gets to mine
>Teacher- "hahahhahaha who did this? is this a joke? this clearly isnt a pattern and still looks quite bad"
>heart shatters (didnt cry tho, imma big boy)
>week later, art class again
>sit in back this time next to another teacher who decided to come
>tell teacher that i wasnt gonna do anything because i quit.
>teacher is quite nice and tells me to just sit down and not disturb anyone
>i quit and not show up ever again
>feel like i finally got some courage in my life to stand up to something i didnt wanna do
ill post more later

>> No.2265459

>ill post more later

you cant write for shit pls dont

>> No.2265460

>heart shatters (didnt cry tho, imma big boy)

>> No.2265461
File: 177 KB, 221x423, kill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanna be an artist badly since i was young
>earlier this year, find out im severely colorblind

>> No.2265481
File: 130 KB, 359x392, ice cold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got insulted for no reason other than 'bad writing'
>i delete my post
please dont breathe you dyslexic pumpkin

>> No.2265521

Just draw in ink whats the problem

>> No.2265614

Post work. Inspire me, Anon.

>> No.2265621

There have been successful colourblind artists before. Either work in greyscale, limited palettes, colours that aren't naturalistic, or just rely on colour being relative and don't worry about it.

>> No.2265628
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>Workload slowly increasing and becoming unbearable
>Still find time to draw everyday, but that window is growing smaller and smaller
>Drawing like shit even when I do get the chance to

Holy fuck this must be stress related or something.

>> No.2265634

What, you have a computer and a tablet but you can't scrape enough dough to buy a pencil and a sketchbook?

>> No.2265638


>> No.2266125
File: 367 KB, 800x800, 1425070743356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying at an art school for a month now
>first year only consists of the basics of nearly every subcategory art has to offer
>photography, typography, traditional drawing, you name it
>is it just me or is typography the most pathetic form of art in this world?
>working on trivial shit like building a composition with alphabetic letters
>8 hours a day, working on the same tasks the whole week
>profs wet their pants when talking about Warhol or Lichtenstein, imagine being stuck in an Apple Store
>other students seem to lack any sense of passion for drawing
>tfw I thought I would learn shit and had the time to git gudder
>tfw you will never draw like Ruan or animate like Bahi JD, because your stuck in artsy fartsy land, studying to become part of a dying industry

what do you guys think? should I just man up and stick through, maybe I will learn something after all, or should I become neet and train errday?

>> No.2266143
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1436305661344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be asian and have perfect trap-genetics or ubermensch-drawing skills

>> No.2266201


I had the same experience in art school. I was there for Illustration. Dropped out after the first year due to a combination of total disillusion and disappointment and shit going down in my personal life. For what it's worth, I sometimes regret it but only because of the classmates whom I befriended but lost touch with, not the education itself; judging from the work of said former classmates at graduationthe school continued to not teach anything after foundation year. I now work a completely unrelated art job and keep working at gittin guder on the side.

>> No.2266205


*unrelated to art

Whoops excuse the fuck up, typing mobile sucks

>> No.2266232

>tfw no gallery will take your series of paintings
>stop painting

>> No.2266233

thanks for the response man, good to know I'm not the only one with these problems

>> No.2266288


>> No.2266845


>draw faces from imagination
>they all look like oneitis

Just fuck my shit up, fam.

>> No.2267116

That's Gabes artwork not yours.

>> No.2267122


>prolapsed anus


>> No.2267149


The benefit of self teaching is that you can direct your education in the specific direction you want.
The drawback of self teaching is that you can direct your education in the specific direction you want.

Even if you don't specialize in any of the various things you learn there, a greater breadth of knowledge can be applied, and it's good mileage. That said if it's costing you an arm and a leg, consider what a diverse education is worth to you.

>> No.2267181
File: 32 KB, 500x285, 1443324842709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a chinese god at rendering
>tfw not a french animator or illustrator or character designer studying at gobelins
>tfw not a scandinavian or russian draughtsman attending an atelier

>> No.2267186


I agree. However, what if you're not being taught anything at all?

>> No.2267433

>tfw when no (you) in the beginner thread

>> No.2268042 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 482x355, 1419657235921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ask Mpreg the Fox" has started following you
>All of their posts are literally drawings of a cartoon male anthropomorphic fox who is pregnant responding to asks
>tfw this is your audience

>> No.2268053
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 08206156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why even live

>> No.2268057

>Finally draw something I'm a little happy with
>It still looks like crap compared to my friends work

Why didn't I enjoy this drawing a decade ago...

>> No.2268063
File: 943 KB, 1280x720, 1393599483422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying oil paint and paint supplies

>> No.2268102

fuckin' do it, man

become his Obi Wan Kenobi

>> No.2268751
File: 18 KB, 184x314, fels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2269122

>tfw you dont have any drawfriends that would be better than you (and no drawfriends at all)

>> No.2269138
File: 53 KB, 201x216, 1399402847175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking about how when I started out I used to be able to look back on old work and feel proud of your gains
>now my favorite piece is a few months old and improvement has become a slow grind

On the one hand I know that's because my initial gains were just overcoming the really fundamental hurdles but knowing that I'm in for the long haul of marginal improvement now is scary.

>> No.2269142
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 1439886324774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to apply to Art Center
>live in a country with absolutely zero live model sessions
>gonna move to the US soon but will be too fucking old and have a terrible age:skill ratio by the next application cycle

And for RISD, although opinion of it has soured immensely
>expensive as shit
>chances of getting a scholarship to knock off a decent amount are low
>average GPA, art not good enough to make up for that
>gonna take the SAT years too late and flunk big-time on math portions

But mostly
>wanting going to art school

>> No.2269243
File: 1.75 MB, 300x225, 1441156288268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the internet artists who's work you kinda like all obsess over shit you couldn't care less about.

There are too many artists who I like as artists, but hate as people.

>> No.2269267

>Unable to talk to people about anything unless it's art
>Extreme Social Isolation because of that
>Work from 9-11pm every day in studio
>Studio in college closes on weekends
>Severe depression sets in like clockwork by saturday evening once I realize that I'm completely alone and gets worse on sunday
>think about suicide all the time
>Realize Art along with a wicked sweet tooth and the internet are basically just coping mechanisms at this point so I can avoid the fact that I'm completely alone and depressed

>> No.2269269


Just don't do anything that will get you into huge debt. I know a guy who's 30 k under for going to one of the huge art schools for just one year and then he dropped out. Nothings worth that. Fuck RISD man srsly

>> No.2269343

Sorry to hear about your situation I have strugled with isolation my self and it can feel like a bottomless hole If you have a defeatist mentality. I think getting out of your comfort zone activities probably can help you alot. Find community through sports or maybe read some courses at a university or do charity work, What ever motivates you the most. If you want help getting control of your life or you are in dire need to talk get in contact with a therapist of some kind, cbt or regular; to help sort out destructive thoughts and understand anxieties better. Best luck to you!

>> No.2269475

>see artwork by a guy you used to be buddies with
>memories of everything you did wrong flood back
>can't art because of sadness

>> No.2269476

>animation school
>constantly doing homework
>no time for personal work
>rarely excel
>incredibly demotivating
>no time for loved ones or social life
>never feel good enough

>> No.2269517
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 432213123131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no education
>worked in living hell 13 hours per day for food
>diagnosed MDR-TB
>after three years in clinic
>trying to find job again and again
>"we don't need 24 yo neet without education and any skills" again and again
>learning to draw for two years without much progress
>can't draw lineart
>everyday spent hours on creating brushes and changing programs for lineart
>too soft
>too hard
>I hate drawing right now
>I don't smile so much time that my mouth muscles start trembling if I try
I guess I should kill myself. MLP art is only last hope

>> No.2269720
File: 38 KB, 500x374, 98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believe I fucked up and the police is going to knock on my door and take me to jail
>Don't draw for two weeks because of the anxiety of having to face the cops in front of my whole family
>Nothing happens
>I was safe the whole time

>> No.2270103
File: 44 KB, 640x560, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw teal line guy will never come back
>tfw teal line guy will never tenderly redline your crap
>tfw you will never find his non-redline stuff

>> No.2270131


>tfw I'm going to art school and feel horribly underwhelmed by 90% of the faculty
>so much debt
>so little knowledge
>none of my teachers are anywhere near what any normal person would consider punctual
>head of the department for my major is a cocky fuck that thrives on drama and lectures the class at length about the politics of the school

At this point I just want to be done, but I don't want to drop out after all this spent money.

>> No.2270139

>>tfw you will never find his non-redline stuff
There you go m8

>> No.2270149


what schools m8s

>> No.2270201

Anon, Sunk Cost fallacy, bail, bail, bail!

>> No.2270322

>tfw you see something beautiful but you're not experienced enough to capture that impression

I actually get sad when I go outside sometimes.

>> No.2270404

Just try. You might be surprised.

>> No.2270420

One of the steps to mastery is teaching what you know

>> No.2270655


but future classes might be better, plus I do feel like i'm learning a lot, just not from most of the teachers

>> No.2271022

Loomis does NOT teach you to draw, he's not for beginners either. His lessons are literally just "See this shit? Shut the fuck up and draw it. Look at THIS SHIT and draw it. Look and draw, are you getting this yet? Just draw whatever shit you see."
His entire art philosophy is a meme.

>> No.2271041

Mate, I've been drawing for 10 years. I've gone through everything from Betty Edwards, to Loomis, and Vilppu. I've filled up dozens of textbooks and sketchbooks and drawn thousands of studies and images.

If you asked me to draw something right now it would look like something from one of those autistic cringe threads.

Don't feel too hard on yourself mate.

>> No.2271045

Don't jerk off. Whatever you do don't jerk off before you draw. It'll just hamper your brains dopaminic reward-pleasure system and stop you dead in your tracks.

>> No.2271166


I'll be your drawfriend anon