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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2241202 No.2241202 [Reply] [Original]

[1] Art Tablet you use
[2] Art program you use
[3] The pros and cons of each.

>> No.2241229

Check the rules
Discussion of tablets belong in /g/

>> No.2241377

not op, but fuck off, that's a stupid rule and you know it

>> No.2241380


>> No.2241384

1 pencil
2 paper
3 digital sucks

>> No.2241385

intuos pro large

+good drawing area
-hard to use a keyboard with because of size
-buttons are positioned bad, instead of having a finger for each button, you have to move your whole hand depending on which one you want to use
-buttons are hard to press
-I don't even bother with using the touch ring, too clunky, I had to use 4 buttons from the 8 for zoom and brush size
-little amount of buttons (8)
-did I mention how hard the buttons are to press? the fact that they are so close to the table level makes it even harder

don't fucking do the mistake I did and buy a wacom keyboard like I did. where I live there weren't any such size keyboard

-it's not cheap
-I had to freaking glue it since it doesn't have screws and it come almost open
-it has 4 rubbers to sit on, but's it's so bad build that one of them stays in the air and the keyboard scratches the surface it's on
-short cable for recharging
-even a keyboard 3 times cheaper is better than this shit

>> No.2241386

>1 horses
>2 carriages
>3 internal combustion sucks

>> No.2241387

>1 Sticks
>2 Stones
>3 Break my bones

>> No.2241397

>asking non artists about drawing tablets
>asking the board full of artists that use tablets is not allowed
Not him but fuck you faggot

>> No.2241418

Cintiq 13HD
+good tablet
-no touch in this
Manga Studio 5
+nice program
+feels professional
-pen lags sometimes

>> No.2241419

Cintiq 13hd
>pros: better than most tablets, can draw digitally
>cons: still not as natural as pencil on paper
>pros: some of the beast features and most polished program out there
>cons: mostly designed for photo-manipulatin, not drawing, a bit complicated

>> No.2241429

Not using greentext

>> No.2241430

[1] Wacom Cintiq 21UX
>pros: Works well, very wide viewing angle, broad color range, no dead pixels after years of use.
>cons: Expensive
I learned to draw on a tablet PC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Compaq_TC1100)) so drawing on a tablet display feels the most natural to me.

[2] Photoshop CS6
>pros: Every feature I'm interested in, plenty more I don't care about. Industry standard software (easy to find all kinds of tutorials when I feel like trying something new).
>cons: expensive (easy to pirate though).

Photoshop 6 came out in 2000. Photoshop CS6 is Photoshop Version 13.

>> No.2241483

Intuos 4 A5 format.

Pros :

>all the technical aspects are good

Cons :

>it's built like shit, especially the stylus.
>overpriced stylus

>> No.2241507

[1] Crappy Aldi Medion (Huion/iptek rebrand? idk)
+ Large work space
+ 8 programmable macro buttons
+ Fuckin' cheap as shit
- Shitty unsupported drivers that only work with certain programs, and a bitch to set up properly to begin with
- No online support
- Macro buttons sometimes register as clicks on the drawing space instead of the buttons
- Pen needs a battery and is pretty thick
- God-awful sound when you draw on it, surface isn't smooth
-poor build quality - the backplate comes off super easily and is insanely difficult to reattach.

[2] I vary between Photoshop CS6, Mischief and SAI.

I love mischief but for finished pieces it's hard to work with. Great for sketching and exercises, brainstorming, etc. No serious complaints.

I do my paintings in photoshop. Steep learning curve but once you get a rhythm it's quite easy. Some of the default hotkeys are stupid but obviously that's not hard to change.

I do drawings and misc. stuff in SAI, because damn that smoothing is sweet. Personally I find it hard to work with for larger pieces and I'm not a fan of the default hotkeys. Simple interface, again not many complaints and there'd probably be less if I put in the time to learn it properly.

>> No.2241521

>Intuos pen & touch medium
>Krita and Toon Boom Animate 3
The tools I use are fine imo, my laptop cant handle the painting tool in Animate 3

>> No.2241525

1) Cintiq 22HD

- drawing directly on the screen
- amazing quality display, crisp, perfect colors

- takes a fuckton of space on your desk and I have to reposition it whenever I want to have any space or do other stuff than painting
- expensive
- screen gets warm after some time, without a glove it will be uncomfortable
- even though it's the apex predator when it comes to drawing on screen it's still far from the sensation of drawing on paper, the screen glass is really thick, so it feels more like drawing on a window rather than actual canvas
- its relatively hard to use keyboard when drawing on a cintiq, I already have a tiny ass wireless keyboard and it's still sometimes weird and annoying

2) Photoshop

I use it because I'm used to it and know the brush engine, layer modes etc. really well so at this point this program is extension of my hand basically. Manga Studio has a much better brush algorythm, so its better for drawing, but cba to switch back and forth.

>> No.2241531

1. Intous 5m touch.
Traded for my cintiq 12wx because it was shit.
Cons: surface gets scratched real fast, buttons are awful, touch strips were better than ring, I could touch the strip once to do a step, cant do that with the ring.
Pros: more portable than cintiq, a bit more precise. I use touch sometimes, when I'm too lazy to grab mouse.

2. Krita.
Was long time photoshop user, recently switched.
Cons: performance not as good as ps sometimes. Crashed on me once. Menu docking isn't very good. Not as solid as ps overall.
Pros: love how flexible brush engine is, especially the curves. Actually on going project and they fixed some stuff I had problems with before I switched. Supports linux. Has autosave.

>> No.2241573

Old Bamboo Tablet
+ Cheap
+ Easy to move around
- Small (have to really rely on zoom)
- The borders are too big compared to the new bamboos (half of the tablet is just plastic)
+ Free/Open Software
+ Works straight away on Linux
+ Brushes are awesome
- Not enough brushes
- Have to rely on brush packs
- Lags on big brushes

>> No.2241582
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[1] Art Tablet you use
>Intuos Pro Large
>1:1 ratio with screen and drawing surface.
>difficult to move around, can't take it outside with my laptop

[2] Art program you use
>Paint Tool Sai
>Runs smoothly on my outdated laptop where Photoshop lags
>Ugly interface, little customization.

>> No.2241584

>old bamboo medium
It's not too small but I could go for larger and is from a time when they weren't Apple level planned obsolescence. Not bad, also not mine.

>weeb studio 5
It's better than photoshop for all the things you actually do when drawing and painting. Very streamlined and intuitive and illustration focused. There aren't really any cons I've found yet.

>> No.2241593

Wacom Touch
+Lots of customization and options
-Easy to break
-usually small drawing space

Photoshop CS3
+Has all the editing and drawing tools you need for basic coloring and dketching
+Easy to use and learn
+easy to crack and pirate
-Massive memory usage
-caters to editing than drawing
-$600 minimum price

>> No.2241599

Just came here to whine.

I bought the HUION everyone around here hypes to death half a year ago and it died yesterday. It was already malfunctioning since the first day and it was a waste of money overall. 50 bucks isn't much, but I'd rather spend more and get a tablet that actually works and doesn't die within half a year.

And now I don't know what to buy since the cheapest Wacom tablet costs 100 bucks and has an active area of just 15 cm ;_;

Fuck everything.

>> No.2241606

So the pros and cons of drawing with pencil are that digital sucks... Pretty weird...
>not using ink master race

>> No.2241608

>pen lagging
Weird with me brushes are what's lagging almost unbearable but pen works perfectly

>> No.2241611

Yiynova MSP 19U+

It's still a relatively new company. I had to get a new animation program because it didn't want to register with the tablet

Other than a few kinks, it works just fine and was cheap compared to a 22inch cintiq (600 vs 2,000)

>> No.2241614

>Intuos pro medium
+everything about drawing/painting on it is great
-its heavy and bulky so i can't carry it outside of home
-buttons are hard to press
>Paint tool SAI
+easy to use
+never lags
+great interface
-not as many functions as 'pro' software like clip studio or photoshop

>> No.2241626

Intuos 3 6x8

+durable thick surface
+nibs wear out slower than 4 & 5
+touch strip is superior
+cord built into the tablet
+plastic coating over the tablet
-active area is cut a bit to accommodate aspect ratio
-no fancy touch/sao style radial menu

+Brush engine is complex, great customization
+natural media
+smoother line than photoshop
+easier to get to defaults
-lasso tool cuts out on me though might just be a bug
-not as easy to set up perspective

>> No.2243171

Surface Pro 3
Mischief, Krita, Manga Studio 5

>misses basic features because "muh premium"
>infinie canvas

>clunky UI
>animation support, good alt to Photoshop

Manga Studio
>the UI
>worth the price because of the features

>> No.2243175

Is anyone interested in the iPad pro? I know we obviously won't have any idea if it's a viable tablet for art until it is released, but I imagine the development community will be pretty good.

>> No.2243188

Intuos 5 Touch M
+Good specs i guess? trusty.
-touch features are kinda worthless for me

Photoshop CS6
+Powerful and flexible
-No line stabilization? idc about it personally but I guess that can be a deal breaker for some people.

>> No.2243226

>Intuos 3 6x8
+inexpensive nowadays
+nibs don't wear out quickly
+nice sensitivity, work area isn't small, keyboard shortcuts
-cable isn't separate, cannot be replaced if it gets damaged like the newer tablets
-cable is unnecessarily long
-stylus' right-click doesn't function past a certain driver version
>Photoshop CS5
+Shit ton of tools, industry standard therefore has the most support
+introduction of Mixer brush
+introduction of the tablet pressure vs. brush settings toggle
+isn't as bloated as CS6, not Cloud bullshit
-expensive if you want a legal copy (really should try out CSP and see if I can replace it)
-not the most light-weight

>> No.2243371

ThinkPad Helix 1st gen (for line work)
+ Wacom Bamboo tablet (for shading)

Photoshop & GIMP

Helix has ultra high def screen but its touch sensitivity is 256 levels only, so I rely on a cheap Wacom bamboo tablet to do shading - it has 1024 levels of pressure sensitivity

>> No.2243391

This is an incredibly important topic to discuss, especially considering the rise of digital art.
if you can't comprehend that this goes beyond talking to the fucking average /g/ user then i dont know what to tell ya

>> No.2243441
File: 204 KB, 600x512, tattoo61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing traditionally for years using pencils and whatever, and lately I tried SAI and photoshop a few times. Not the newbie thread but I gotta ask, is there a good tutorial in coloring in SAI?

I see people just click once and fill lines completely with color, while so far I've been (probably stupidly) coloring behind my line layers, bit by bit.

>> No.2243463

>Intuos 3
Pros1:Dirt cheap (Got it on ebay for like $100), works great, good size, buttons.
Cons1: None that come to mind,
Pros2: Mypaint is fast and loose for gesture drawings, feels natural like a sketchbook, krita allows for more control but gets out of the way better than photoshop/sai/corel (Used all 3), Freeeeeeeee!
Cons2: Low documentation, gotta figure out stuff yourself, infrequent updates, fewer tutorials on techniques, No Tilt or rotation controls (yet)

>> No.2243546

maybe one of these will be adequate for what you're looking for.
regarding any art tutorials I first search dA and google, if it's something small or a whole walkthrough then I search youtube.

>> No.2243550

[1] Cintiq 12WX
>small, can tuck it away when not animating
>got it really cheap
>shitty calibration when nearing the screen's edge
>can't use broader strokes from the shoulder as I can with the 22HD's at school, ends up giving me some pain in the ol' brachioradialis
>babby's first cintiq

Toon Boom Studio
>arguably most intuitive animating software when learning
>no raster based drawing :(

>> No.2243567

Wacom Intuos 2 Large
>pros: Unbelievably sturdy workhorse, had it for 10+ years, it's totally fucked up and cracked open in a bunch of places, cable is almost about to snap yet it works like a charm, only had to replace the stylus once. Material won't eat nibs like a crazy mofo *coughintuos4cough*
>Cons: No legacy drivers for win8/win10, discontinued support (it is about 15 years old now, so that makes sense)

Wacom bamboo
>Pro: portable
>Cons: older model with only 512 levels of pressure, actual drawing area too small forces me to use my wrist to draw instead of my whole arm.

Surface pro 2
>Pros: Portable, full windows OS, have photoshop on it, really it's just a very portable laptop
>Cons: Overheats a bit, The default microsoft stylus is pure shit and expensive (no nib replacement), screen glare unless you get an antiglare screen protector, fucking microsoft proprietary charging pin. Can ruin your back if you have the tendency to work on bed/sofa hunched over it.

Photoshop cs6
>Pros: It's fucking photoshop, you pretty much do whatever
>Cons: sucks for lineart, lines tend to get jaggy if you're not using a 3rd party stabilizer, not really a painting program, Adobe says they kinda want to distance themselves from the whole painting aspect of it because of concept art, bunch of features that bloat the program that no one really uses, expensive.

Manga studio:
>Pros: good for lineart
>Cons: dunno, only use it for lineart

>> No.2243576

Same of this anon, Cintiq 12WX:

TV Paint 10
Pros: Great to hand draw animation

Cons: Interface is shit since Mirage. I don't have/work with the 11 version, but I saw some images and looks like they redesigned all the shit.

>> No.2243603
File: 196 KB, 843x848, 11187347_981489745215959_8715348861018744069_o (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Wacom Bamboo
Pros: i dont have any problems with that
Cons: i dont have any
2) Photoshop CS6
Pros: I dont have any problems with that. + get a load of those texture brushes and shit
Cons: it dont have any (except may be eating lots of gigabytes sometimes but i had this problem when i was a poorfag drawing on a Laptop)

thats pretty much it

>> No.2243623

even if it were the best drawing tablet in the world, I don't want to be limited to a shitty mobile os that only allows me to download apps from the app store. Get a surface pro they've already had 3 generations of pens to work out the kinks

>> No.2243628

no I think you are the cancer
you sir

>> No.2243632
File: 14 KB, 234x216, sweatingman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys recommend a Cintiq 27HD?
I'm on the edge of getting one, but it's really expensive.

Keep in mind that I will be using this for animation too.

>> No.2243757

have you ever owned any drawing tablet? if no, than do not buy this. make sure that a screen drawing tablet is what you work best with. if youre not 100% sure that youll use the shit out of it, don't spend that much money

>> No.2243762

Buy a small firearm as well for when your delirious adderall-addled colleagues inevitably attempt to shiv you for it

>> No.2243765

Wacom pen and touch with touch deactivated
Cheap, Kinda small
Noob tool sai
Retard Friendly, No liquify tool for painting

>> No.2243770

I currently own a Wacom tablet that I've been using for quite a while now, and I really don't like it that much, so I always go back to drawing on paper.

I'm not exactly a casual artist either. I spend between 4-5 hours a day getting gud, so I will definitely use it a lot if I'm fond of it.

I live in Norway, boi

>> No.2243774

>I live in norway
What does that am supposing you mean?

>> No.2243778

How the fuck am I supposed to buy a gun in Norway

Not even the cops got guns here.

>> No.2243812
File: 170 KB, 2048x1151, 12080003_525994240891836_834815691704430424_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a cintiq 24 HD when I'm drawing professionally.

As far as software goes, I use a combination of Paint Tool Sai and Photoshop. I do my outlines in Sai and coloring in Photoshop.

I'm looking for a good portable tablet now. I'm interested in the new Surface Book, but I'll need to compare how that matches up to something like the portable cintiq companion.

Does anybody here have a Cintiq Companion? How does it hold up? Can it only be used for art?

>> No.2243817
File: 173 KB, 1280x960, 1362949825938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here to art and this board

Can I get a wireless pad that I can draw on and it's linked to my PC and comes up on my screen also?

Basic like OPs pic but also shows up on my monitor?

>> No.2243827

You could do a remote desktop where you stream your pc desktop to the tablet, but I don't think that'll be worth it - the latency would interfere with your drawing too much.

>> No.2243831

cool shit bra

opinions? only £20 in the UK i'm no artist but i just need to sketch some shit and idea for art work/sculptures/metal work i'm doing.
I always lose and misplace paper.

>> No.2243937
File: 86 KB, 990x557, yiynova-v3-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I currently use a note 10.1 2014 ed(my computer is on the fritz).
I use the layerpaint hd app(pretty nice for android and lets me save & open psd files.

Pros of the tablet;
portable, gets the job done and has a nice screen, The cons is that the stylus is not girthy enough, lacks an eraser and pressure sensitivity can't be adjusted(I heard the aftermarket s-pens with erasers have an offset on the screen).

Pros of Layerpaint;
Layerpaint hd is nice, does the essentials and uses LAYERS right. The cons is that compared to Gimp, gimp is better because Layerpaint lack some tools most desktop software would have. That's about it.

BTW I want to get a better on-screen drawing experience. I don't want to upgrade to the note pro, but possibly the Cintiq 13hd. Either that or a Yiynova 22U V3. Thoughts?

>> No.2243956

I use a normal iPad at the moment, because I hate the disconnect with non-screen Wacom. Yes, yes, practice makes it a non-issue, I know.

Honestly, it's just alright. There's some nice art programs out there. Adobe stuff is basic and functional, and Procreate is pretty good. Drawing on glass isn't ideal, but it's not the end of the world. My biggest qualms would be lack of precision and true pressure sensitivity with my current stylus.

Since I have a desktop I'll probably just invest in either learning with basic Wacom or save up for a screen equipped model next. I like my screen space, possibility for more monitors, and easily configured windows, even if the pressure and accuracy things are resolved. But that's mostly personal preference, and my tablet will stick around for doodling on the couch.

>> No.2243968

I'm practically learning everything on an Intuos 4 and Paint Tool SAI. Is there a book or video series that teaches you how to understand and utilize digital tools for coloring? I am a bit ashamed to say I hardly understand brushes digitally and what effect I should aim for with different brushes and settings.

>> No.2243975

Yeah, get it. But if it's on the expensive side why not get a bit cheaper 22HD, sure it's smaller but it's still hella big. More than enough for any working professional.

>> No.2243976

Yeah, get it. But if it's on the expensive side why not get a bit cheaper 24HD, sure it's smaller but it's still hella big. It's enough enough for any working professional.

>> No.2244047

How is the colors on that thing? How is it for drawing. Can you setup two individual displays without mirroring? I really just care if it looks good and draws good.

>> No.2244182

Bambo fun
I've had it for like 6 years and my pen only messed up once
Functions as a tablet

Drawing space is extremely tiny and not much bigger than my hand
Reinforces my bad habit of drawing very tiny
Pen occasionally doesn't want to work as a pen but more like a fucking right click on some drawing sites and mspaint

Absolute shit but it was like 80 bucks at best buy and was the best I could afford

>> No.2244486

Any good apps for touching up photos? Like in paint? I really don't know which one. Also would love something for my MacBook. But I would like to see something for the iPad I can take a picture and draw on it. I thought the Notes app would support that. And I can't wait just yet to get an iPad Pro and play with that sucker.

>> No.2244507

How does one afford a $2,000 tablet?
What is a decent alternative for poorfags?

Started learning about a year and a half ago on a Genius Easypen M406 and I outgrew it really quickly. Need something better, but the pricetag on the Cintiq 22HD is way out of my reach.

>> No.2244546

stupid fucking anon.
this guy is right >>2241397

>> No.2244555


Am I the only who prefer a regular Intuos to a Cintiq? The drawing surface is covered by your hand, the working posture is inferior and it's a hassle to go from painting on the Cintiq to typing on the keyboard.

>> No.2244580

from how I see things, because I've used just a table, cintiqs are better for linework while tablets for rendering. something like: animator= cintiq, illustrator= tablet

so depending on what you do the most, you could find one of the other more useful while a different artist the opposite

I myself can't wait to try out a cintiq

>> No.2244698

>doesn't have cintiq
>says cintiq is better for linework
nigga, you really gotta try it before making any statements. cintiq works fine, but it actually makes it harder to draw from reference and connect lines. only get it if you are used to drawing traditionally.

>> No.2244819
File: 40 KB, 374x263, sintiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is touch worth the extra 500 dollars?


>> No.2244863

Alot of people. Never tried a cintiq. But I do both tablet and traditional media.

The good thing about a intuos is being able to use any monitor.

>> No.2244909

Is there a noticeable difference in tracking and pressure going from the shittiest wacom to a professional one?

Like, can you actually FEEL it with every stroke, or it is absolutely minimal?

>> No.2244918

There shouldn't be any pen lag.
It could be any of the following:
-brush size
-file size
-hardware bottleneck

[1] HP Elitebook 2740p /Wacom digitizer
>Pros: Cheap, came with docking station, good angle view, nice screen, great specs.
>Cons: 12' screen, screen a bit bright for my taste, no buttons on front bezel to customize short cuts, pen/stylus doesn't have 2 buttons, nib isn't replaceable from what I can tell.

[2] PS CC, Pain Tool SAI
>Pros: Great tools to use that serve their purpose.
>Cons: They aren't free (still attainable though), wish SAI was 64 bit.

Might replace PS/SAI with Clip Studio PAINT which is said to be a love child of SAI and PS.

>> No.2244925

Yiynova 22U V3
Since from what I have read you can return them for a new one if something is wrong.

I wanted touch and stylus support.
But I always read troubleshooting posts or reports of the digitizers conflicting/acting sporadic. Stick with just the pen, unless you must have touch enabled.

>> No.2245014

I'll go for non touch then

>> No.2245200

I'll do a little more research on the Yiynova to make sure it's really what I want. Thanks. Also if I go with the cintiq 13 , diss the touch version right?

>> No.2245462

Vistablet PenPad
- I've never used any other art tablets so I have no basis for comparison, the only things I can think of that would be bad about it is that it doesn't have a screen, but that was something I got used to pretty easily. Its smaller than my mousepad and very thin, so although it has less control than other stuff might have it at least has ezpz storage.

- Eh, It works pretty well for me, doesn't have pressure sensitivity right now as far as I'm aware (not very) although I'd like to try that out, but I should probably learn to be good before I go around experimenting with stuff.

Doesn't really matter what I use because I don't draw enough or well-enough at the current moment for it to hold any weight in what I make.

>> No.2245472

Cintiq 21UX

+large drawing area
+square drawing area lends itself to better to painting,
- uses a thin film to cover glass that scratches over time making the surface rough (about 4-5 years)
- 1600x1200 native resolution, so 1920x1080 is too wide which can be annoying if you work on that size or record video

Cintiq Companion 2, 512gb model
+ surface texture is amazing. Perfect inbetween of paper and screen.
+ very fast and powerful. I've worked on PSDs that were 1.5-2gb and it ran smooth as butter.
+ fucking thing is thin for whats in it. Doesn't feel cheap at all
+- 1440 native resolution is nice, but can make the UI kind of tiny by default. Easy fix though.
- wont replace a desktop cintiq on a power rig, but it sure comes close.

Photoshop CS6
+files are cross OS, so moving between computers is no problem
+Everyone uses it (companies)
+I've only ever seen it crash on me twice. Once on a Mac at school, and once on my Windows machine at home. Both times it backed up everything for me so I never lost much.

>> No.2245514

1 - Huion 610 pro

2 - Paint tool sai

3 - Pros:
-The 610 pro is a massive upgrade from previous uc logic tech
-Good specs and pressure sensitivity
-Paint tool sai is a decent program for learning rendering an coloring without relying too heavily on tools
-Good ammount of pressure sensitivity
-Good price. Perfect for a beginner like myself


- Tablet, though a cheap alternative, is still inferior in build and drivers to the Wacom Intuos Pro
- Paint tool sai doesn't have as many tools as more powerful programs.

>> No.2245580

>genius i608x
+decent drawing area
+good shortcuts
-large size
-bulky pen (i like it but i know a lot of people don't)
-driver issues (havent had any problems in a while though)

>> No.2245594

>tiny wacom bamboo tablet

>Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0

They're tiny and out of date, but I can make digital art with them so I deal with it.

>> No.2246080

>intuos 3 small
Pros: Great tablet.
Cons: Small as hell and can't draw with my arm, rarely ever use it because my control is awful with it.
>mechanical pencil, rubber eraser, pen
Pros: Can do as much with them as my skill allows.
Cons: Not digital, wastes paper, color is a hassle.

>sai, potatoshop, oekaki, wacintaki, tegaki-e, garyc.me/sketch, opencanvas, drawpile, tegaki draw & tweet, mspaint, pap, piskel, pro motion, iscribble, flockmod, paper
Pros: Can draw on them.
Cons: I am terrible at drawing and none of them are making me any better send help.

>> No.2246313

what are the odds i get some defective or fake tablet if I buy the cheapest huion 610 in ebay from some chinese seller?

>> No.2246342


All of the 3rd party brands have a similar rate of defectiveness. The tech inside is made by the same manufacturer.

The huion sells the tablet directly on both amazon and ebay. Buy it directly from them. If you can't afford the 610 pro, buy a cheaper model.

>> No.2247011

Should I get a wacom intuos 3 9 x 12 for $80? Or is there a better tablet that will last for around that price?

>> No.2247092

I just got a tablet and OMG it fucking sucks. I am so good with pencil fuck. I am just going to grind for a week and hopefully my line confidence will get better.

>> No.2247097

>grind for a week
try a few months if you're not going to use stabalizers m8.

>> No.2247223

Tool: Intuos 4 small
>Pros: Nice pen, a lot of replacement nibs available, lots of express keys, no batteries needed for pen
>Cons: It's small, takes too much time to work on compared to paper and pencil

Pros: Good for comics, linework
Cons: Colorwheel doesn't have the same vibrancy as SAI, watercolor tools are not as good as SAI either.

Pros: I use it for filters, and a bit of editing
Cons: Not good for linework

Also tested SAI2 beta, and it's really amazing. What's really bad about the first SAI for me was not having the popout window option, which I'm kinda heavily reliant on for dual monitors.

And okay, I was seriously going to buy Cintiq Companion 2 this week, but Surface Book news came out. Anyone tried out the Surface Book yet? Should I just get that instead of the Cintiq?

>> No.2247231

You get a credit card and build yourself some credit. I'd check out the chase slate which I believe has 0 apr. Best fucker put there for building credit. I don't know what the limit is though so you might have to cowboy up.

>> No.2247235
File: 746 KB, 850x1234, 1444349075308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordered a new tablet
>mouse sensitivity slow as fuck
how do I make it go faster? I cant sketch like this

It's a genius i608x

>> No.2247238

My wacom bamboo broke recently.

Anyone here think the h610 pro would be a decent replacement or should i rape my wallet and get a intuos pro?

>> No.2247245

mouse sensitivity slow as fuck?
Are you talking about the pressure curve where the harder you press the more dense/bigger the brush or talking about when you draw the stroke is shown after the cursor?

I never had experience outside of wacom but if it's the pressure sensitivity that is your problem I believe most tablet allows you to edit the pressure curve aka tip feel from between soft and firm as well as in some graphic editors so you have to look into how you do that yourself.

If you are talking about actual lag it could be a myriad of problems like drivers/software and your hardware.

>> No.2247248
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I'm really new to tablets so I'm not sure if what I'm experiencing is something you mentioned

you know how in video games you can turn up and down how fast the camera moves?

Well, basically when I'm using my tablet, the mouse moves really slow and it's not good for the way I draw.

Am I making sense? I don't know how else to say it

>> No.2247268

It is weird because a tablet doesn't operate like a mouse. So saying a tablet has "mouse sensitivity" is confusing. And when you move the mouse I know you are referring the cursor but still this it makes it confusing.

A tablet shouldn't operate like a mouse. Ensure your tablet doesn't have a mouse mode enabled if it does have this feature.

Tablet works by mapping, so if you hit your stylus on the bottom left corner, take your stylus OFF the tablet (don't drag the stylus) and then down again on the top right corner, the cursor should instantaneously jump to the location.

Tell me if you can do this on the default desktop outside of any applications.

>> No.2247412

1. Some 30-40 dollar Monoprice tablet. 6x8 inches
2. Clip Studio / Manga Studio, rarely photoshop if I need transparent PNG
3. Tablet is great. Absolutely no problems on win 8.1, super cheap, only downside is you have to use AAA batteries but buy a pack of 4 it'll last you 3+ years honestly.
Clip Studio is great, great brushes like paint tool sai but with added perks that you'd find in photoshop. Only reason I ever have to use anything else is if I need a transparent PNG

>> No.2247529

About the companion 2 when it's unplugged from the PC does it function as PC (full applications) or as a tablet (tablet version)?

>> No.2247796


Its a full windows 8/10 PC. It goes into hybrid mode when you connect it to a desktop (mac or windows) via a cable that is included, so you can use it like a regular cintiq. Other than doing that, though, it is 100% a full windows computer.

>> No.2249589

Yiynova MVP22Uv3 has a jitter problem when you're drawing diagonal lines slowly. I've adapted by using Lazy Nezumi Pro and increasing my stroke speed but it's still not perfect.

I'd say go with the Cintiq unless you mostly do digital painting or you have fast strokes.

>> No.2249620

do people pirate Photoshop CC, or make do with CS6?

>> No.2252125

Has anyone tried the bosto 22u mini. They have a european warehouse so it seems to work out at 560 euros which as a hobbiest I could reasonably buy without crushing guilt.

>> No.2254264
File: 18 KB, 1021x320, pls help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bough an Intou Art, I hope its good.
This is my first time with a tablet after a long time of working with trad media, it feel really strange and my strokes are very clumsy.
The guy who wold it to me told me to play solitaire to get used to it.
What else can I do?

>> No.2254270

Draw a lot, doodle, draw parallel lines and random shapes, get used to make brush strokes with it until it feels natural. Then resume doing any of the stuff you've been doing before you had a tablet, life drawings, studies, construction exercises, w/e.

>> No.2254384


Pirated versions of CC come out every so often. I still use CS6 because none of CC's new features (mostly cloud shit) seems worth the upgrade hassle.

>> No.2254845

Huion GT-220 is the same size and costs about $800. Might run you about $900 in total if you ever need it replaced by the warranty, be wary of that.

>> No.2254897

Tablet: Yiynova MP19U+

+ half the price of a cintiq (and cheaper still during amazon sales)
+ Large, smooth, and durable glass drawing surface
+ Owned it 2-3 years and never had to replace the pen nib, hasn't worn down at all
+ Pen battery lasts a good year and a half before replacement is needed
+ Customer service was good to me (replaced a broken pen for free, retails $70)

- Screen resolution is bad (1440x900 over a 19' diagonal)
- Colors are weird and very hard to adjust
- VGA cord is a bit short and doesnt detach from the screen, so if it frays or breaks you may be fucked
- Takes a bit of effort to be compatible with photoshop (which i don't use, but still)
- Viewing angle is really narrow, colors darken as you lean

I supplement a lot of its issues by using a 2nd monitor for color correction. Overall, would recommend, especially for those looking to take the leap from regular tablets to tablet monitors without breaking the bank

Program: Krita (free version)

+ Basically Paint Tool Sai with the tools and power of Photoshop CS6 integrated. It's a really great hybrid of the two

- Crashes randomly every once in a while, save often
- Loses pen sensitivity randomly
- Lags pretty bad with larger brushes and canvases
- Brushes are really customize-able, but the interface for that can be confusing
- Sometimes glitches out when more than one canvas is open

Despite it's faults, I recommend people at least try learning it. I've seen myself drastically improve in part just by switching from Sai to Krita

>> No.2254983

i know what you mean when it comes to diagonal line jitter, i use a huion gt-190 and before i got lazy nezumi i had to ink very fast or zoomed out (with my wrist). i actually still work that way for the most part but it still sucks.

>> No.2254987

1) Wacom Bamboo Connect
2) Used to work a lot on SAI but recently switched to Clip Studio Paint
3) So far I haven't noticed any cons but the muscle memory from SAI (I always press H when I want to flip for example)

>> No.2254992

>Genius genius tablet mousepen i608x
>PS for painting and manga studio 5ex for lines
>I wanted tablet to learn and I love my.
>slow workflow with my tablet but ok
>pan lag in Manga Studio 5 I don't know why.
>heavy pen because it has batteries.

>> No.2254997

Get new drivers they are great.

>> No.2255003

Intuos Medium
+ It's not a mouse
+ Cheap
- Hard to get nice dynamic lines

Manga Studio
+ Cheap
+ Nice layout
- Never seem to get good results painting with it

I've almost got enough saved up for a 13 inch Cintiq, so I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully line-work stops being such a chore.

>> No.2255355

1) Samsung 7 Series Slate
Cons: flimsy keyboard.
Pros: everything else

2) PS CS6
Cons: had to set up tablet hotkeys using ArtDock
Pros : it's fucking Photoshop

>> No.2257184

intous 5 touch

Intous 5
+ Fantastic
- Buttons and wheel is annoying at times

+ Great
- Terrible brush engine

>> No.2258531

1- Wacom Intuos 5
2- photosop. manga studio, toomboom animate pro
3- the driver of the wacom sucks, keeps "getting missed"

>> No.2258552

Wacom intuos pro 5 medium
>really good size
>not overly expensive for a tablet of its quality (£200 or $350)
>No lag

not much to say here, its survived for a long time and has been under heavy use for a little over 2 years with no issues. All that can be said is;
>Not LED screen
>Not a Wacom 24HD

What is everyones view on Adobe Flash (CS5.5)? And how would peoplecompair it to other programs for animation?

>> No.2258581

>Wacom Intuos 5 Medium
+ Sensitive, practical size, easy to move around and is comfortable to work with: tablet flat on desk, screen in eye height.
- Buttons a bit over sensitive and annoying some times. Surface friction has worn down and it's a bit smooth now, have to tape a piece of paper over the active area that needs to be changes regularly to get a good surface to do nice line work on.

>Paint Tool SAI
+ Very lightweight and it's super-fast and responsive even on my old-ass PC! Good brush engine and great line work.
- Lacks a lot of functions that would be handy some times. Have gotten Clip Studio Paint, but I'm rather new to the program, so still clinging to SAI for a lot of stuff still (those damn nice brushes) and it lags a bit.