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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 105 KB, 258x353, vag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2236247 No.2236247 [Reply] [Original]

This is a rather interesting thing I was thinking about.

Lets face it, not all vaginas in reality look too great, and thats okay. The human body is grotesque that way, and there is beauty in that.

But what i've noticed is that very few artists have the ability to capture the realism of sexual organs, of course when one thinks to draw an appealing set of genitals they dont take into consideration the fact that realism is not only portraying the good, but the ugly as well, and people have a sexual response to this since flaws add to the realism and realism in erotic art can add to the appeal. symmetry, cleanness and uniformity does not always work well when drawing private parts as that is not how it is in reality, since every set of junk is different in certain ways, the viewer can subconsciously pick up on this.

While im not saying every vagina or penis in a drawing must be 100% realistic or grotesque, im saying that certain ugly truths of realism work to benefit erotic art sometimes.

I'd say being able to capture the eroticism within the grotesqueness of reality and exaggerate it or stylize it would be a point where you truly are a master of your craft, because something like that, in my opinion takes a lot of skill.

>> No.2236339

that's actually why I dislike most porn. Too manufactured, too perfect and clean (or gross in the 'proper' way). Some level of realism is a huge plus for me. Might be why I prefer amateur art/vids, because they fuck up unintentionally and the product ends up hotter because of it.

Granted I'm not usually part of the target audience, but the point still stands. I imagine it's less common because it's hard af to pull off. It's easy to draw appealing beautiful people (compared to appealing ugly/normal people)

>> No.2236340


>> No.2236342


Uhm, no. It's way easier to draw ugly unappealing people.

>> No.2236344


Sorry, I read your comment wrong. I agree

>> No.2236388
File: 99 KB, 1082x713, STRONK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some lesbians on /lgbt/ asked gays to draw vaginas how they see them. it was a year ago.

I drew this character as a "vagina character". im curious about how heterosexuals would judge this representation?
(that round thing on her head is clitoris obviously. and her body is a basic shape of vagina being very stylized)

>> No.2236390
File: 56 KB, 464x656, wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one

>> No.2236392
File: 68 KB, 723x635, yours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2236394

Not heterosexual, but I would have never guessed that it's trying to represent a vagina.

>> No.2236395

I'm always going for this. My favorite porn artist is nezumi.

>> No.2236398
File: 191 KB, 1040x1041, tumblr_nvd3c5yDhA1tnjmmio1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah good porn artists are the ones that can capture the veins/folds of skin.

>> No.2236406

good god those veins are beautiful, the line dithering on them are really great as well, nevermind whats going on in the picture this line work is giving me a rager.

>> No.2236408
File: 871 KB, 1240x1400, tumblr_nvbptyMgUv1tnjmmio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ModeSeven is pretty fucking good.

>> No.2236410

post in the damn porn thread

>> No.2236413

>post in the cancerous hive of tumblr triggering and furfag circle jerking
no thanks.

>> No.2236418

I seriously had no idea that was supposed to be a vagina.
if this is how gays see vaginas, i can understand why you guys like butts

>> No.2236419

then you can always fuck off back into /d/ or /h/.
for gods sake just contain yourselves.

>> No.2236420
File: 16 KB, 236x284, e4c6a202efb6bb4b48e1bff276abbb43[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting triggered

>> No.2236423

im sorry, is talking about drawing parts of the human anatomy bothering you?
why dont you fuck off draw more beastly hags or steven universe fan art.

>> No.2236428

>abloo bloo
motherfucker i can recognize the pussy in the OP. and i'm still saying that you belong in the porn therad.
and just because the pornthread is going down the shitter doesn't mean you should give up on it and spill into the rest of /ic/. like i said, why don't make your space in /d/ or /h/? just contain yourselves.

as for the thread topic. it's about contrast. contrast always creates interest, and it's not just contrast of values.
>thick vs small, thin lines
>simple and smooth vs ragged and uneven

>> No.2236430
File: 206 KB, 918x865, 1285819456248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this the psyche of why people love Nezumi?

>> No.2236436

Nope, it's not. Ugly people =/= badly drawn figure. Tard.

>> No.2236437

>muh generals
or should I say.. subreddits?
way to go against the spirit of 4chan
you can hide threads you know... faggot

>> No.2236440

a newfag like you wouldn't know anything about the "spirit of 4chan". /ic/ is not made for pornfags. there are boards specifically made for your kind. make a drawthread there or something.
or like i said, post in the damn pornthread. it would've made a good post which maybe would've generated decent discussion.
but no, apparently you're too much of a special snowflake.

>> No.2236442

I agree. I think what another anon said regarding contrast and thick vs thin lines is accurate too.

>> No.2236449


any tutorials or anything on drawing realistic vaginas like that or the OP?

>> No.2236453

Yeah, the man, but the girl is all grossly perfect. I'm glad there are so many people here agreeing with me though, regular high budget porn is just disgusting. Who the fuck likes those layers of make up and other fake accessories? 10 year olds?

No. Stop advertising. It's exactly what OP said is wrong. Just the ridiculously gigantic penises are properly detailed, every female part is "perfect", but still awfully drawn.

>> No.2236471

the first one with all it's wobbly lines makes it look like cartoon poop

>> No.2236472

>>thick vs small, thin lines
>>simple and smooth vs ragged and uneven
can you go into more detail on this?

>> No.2236473
File: 102 KB, 250x356, raita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the sentiment. I've read once that man would be desensitized to the appeals of sex in our modern age. I felt as though I represent part of that statistic. The appeal of reality in my youth was because I was naive and could only appreciate it from afar. As time changed, the eroticism of reality became a social norm. Then too did my thirst thirst for lust.

I found myself eluding the scheme of breasts. If a pair were fall upon me, I would expel it out of my domain. I would only hunt for what was not there. Was it my love for minimalism? Did I have shit taste? I'll never know but the impotent demon tore through me as if I had done him wrong. Such a lust for revenge. I was split in two with a peculiar etching. My head told me it was wrong but the other spoke the opposite. It took some aggressive thinking but I understood.

>> No.2236477

i love how the biggest insult some of y'all can come up with is something akin to "no, you are the one who uses tumlr/rebbit"

honestly, OP, a lot of comes down to it being really hard to draw a genitalia right in that golden zone of just realistic enough without going too overboard into that niche level zone of realism

sure, keeping it simple and clean as the way that you're making me feel tonight won't get you the widest possible audience, but it can get you one large enough to live off of (most smut summoners' goal) while still being easily replicable. not everybody on that JFK spirit of the apollo shit, just in an out, 1 2 3, no bodies please

>> No.2236481

OP's post was only about drawing good sex organs, and sourcing artists is good courtesy.

>> No.2236494
File: 275 KB, 1024x768, rakugaki12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll have to just study artist that draw them that way or hope Arkomeda does his tutorial as in deph when he gets to it

>> No.2236900

i wonder, is there any specific method for constructing realistic vaginas? any sort of construction lines or things like that?

>> No.2237309

Opposites attract.

I recognize this pussy but I forget the sauce.

>> No.2237348
File: 78 KB, 960x540, giger alien_vault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think HR Giger drew some roasties embracing all its monstrosity

what you want it's some niche stuff: most people want art to make real our idealizations on the female beauty, for the actual imperfect, mundane stuff, there's photography

>> No.2240216

imagine you kick a hole in some sliced roast beef, there you go.

>> No.2240280

look up pictures of vaginas and use them for ref or if you have a vagina, taking pictures of your own vagina and using that for reference works too.

>> No.2240284
File: 174 KB, 917x761, 93d26a61cbfe47d5f9d562affda0ae23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furry porn warning:

anyone else think nezumi draws the very best assholes and gross looking pussies? I have a slight obession with his work.

>> No.2240347
File: 154 KB, 888x910, e - 1948925 - 1boy 1girl anus areolae ass blush bottomless breasts breasts_out_of_clothes cro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love his assholes, and everything about his art in general, even though i am not big into kemono i can
easily masturbate to anything from him.

>> No.2240351


a fleshlight is actually a pretty good way to think about vaginas:

a cylinder with a small piece of a sphere sitting on it, then rotate the whole object until its facing downward at the appropriate angle to the pelvis

>> No.2240515

I like that and the fact that he draws his figures with lots of muscular weight and thickness, enough to make them look "fat", but in a healthy way.

>> No.2240557

It's the same reason why women, overall, are drawn pretty much the same and with less variation in body types. Also, why attractive men kinda look the same. Also, why Greek statues were considered the ultimate perfection of mankind and why people during the Renaissance thought that human beings had devolved as a species.

It all goes back to the age old question: Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? It's like society has deemed certain things attractive and therefore that train of thought is passed down until some people decide to throw that concept away and the new concept gets adapted as the new one. Like, your goal as an artist is to pull out the beauty of things and the only way to do that is to make them idealized and what is considered idealized depends on the culture of the society assuming that they haven't been Westernized already.

>> No.2240560

>until some people decide to throw that concept away and the new concept gets adapted as the new one

I should add that it depends on the economical climate and how well that society is doing at the time.

>> No.2243619

sauce please? iqdb and google doesn't help