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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 10 KB, 261x193, dfghhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2231259 No.2231259 [Reply] [Original]

>Anime is the ultimate form of art
>Mfw there are people irl who believe drawing manga/anime is the most difficult form of art that exist

>> No.2231266

Allow them time to come out of their weeb stage, theyll regret everything, surely.

>> No.2231271

This person was like 25 years old.

>> No.2231303

Geez normal people strt to despise anime after being 15 years old

>> No.2231308

I only became interested in anime at like 19 or 20. I also don't think most people despise it. I despise many of the fans and culture surrounding anime, but I don't despise anime.

>> No.2231319
File: 296 KB, 460x391, only90skids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres an anime kid in my drawing class

jesus fucking christ hes so awkward. one day he was pacing outside of the classroom for 10 minutes before coming in to just drop off his homework

10 fucking minutes I saw him peripherally come into view in one of the doorways, then the other one, and then turn around and do it again.

>> No.2231330

i never went through an anime phase. never really liked it, the writing was always way too unbelievable

maybe he has really bad anxiety. maybe you should be nice to him

>> No.2231336

You can like anime without it being a phase and without being obsessed. I casually watch some now and then, maybe while eating dinner or before I sleep. I don't draw in an anime style, I don't talk about it with people, and I don't read anime forums or await new shows or anything. But I watch it, so I guess I am a fan in that sense.

Also I would be careful to make any generalizations like about the writing. Anime is a medium. It's like saying "I don't like movies, the writing sucks". Well it does in a lot of movies sure, but there are tons of genres and tons of writers and tons of stories. Anime has been around for decades and each year there are numerous movies and shows made. It can't really be grouped together in any way other than the fact that it's all animated.

>> No.2231338

I never was interested in watching anime even casually.
You dont need to pick apart what i said, you know what i mean.

>> No.2231340


I've been incredibly nice to him. I even saw him at the art store and talked with him for a few minutes while we got supplies for the class. Everytime I see him I acknowledge him in some way, head nod or hello, whatever. doesn't make him any less awkward though.

>> No.2231361

You have people on /ic/ who still think that very same thing. They just stay in their containment threads (stylization and porn thread).

Like Hollywood films, anime is, by and large, a product made to make money and/or sell merchandise. It's not about making art with quality storytelling. There are some anime that tell really decent stories, but most of the time those anime come with poor viewer ratings/sales and don't pull in large numbers in comparison to others since they aren't conventional and don't have the trappings that pander to the main demographics of the medium (kids, teens, and otaku manchilden). There are only a handful of anime I truly enjoy on an inspirational level and will rewatch but none of them came out post-06. I dislike most anime.

>> No.2231387

I don't see why it can't be.
>Intense technical skill required
>Mass appeal
>not prohibitively time consuming like sculptures.

Anime is pretty high tier if you think about it objectively.

>> No.2231390

>using the minority to represent the majority

No, it's not. You're just a weeb.

>> No.2231393

>Intense technical skill required
rarely, it's certainly not a prerequisite
>Mass appeal
>not prohibitively time consuming like sculptures.
how do these two make it high tier difficulty?

>> No.2231397

>Ultimate form of art

I didn't even consider difficulty to be a requirement. I probably just didn't understand the OP. I figured the "ultimate art" would be a balance between looking good, easy mass production and mass appeal.

>> No.2231408

Anime style is better than cartoon style because it's more realistic and attractive. Anime is just better for making characters and stories.

>> No.2231412

Better than western big silly eyes and red sausage noses.

>> No.2231419

Just a quick question. I'm in drawing class and so uhm. It's only old people that I'm surrounded with. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.2231420
File: 377 KB, 1600x1123, kenshiro-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who's always been into realistic art and only in more recent years come to appreciate anime and manga - I'd say that it's very easy to do a crude approximation of that style of art, hence what you see from DA and the like, but it's supremely difficult to do it well.

>> No.2231425
File: 57 KB, 500x386, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to /ic/ your picture looks like this

>> No.2231426

>implying most anime stylizations aren't in the same vain.

Hokuto no Ken is not among the majority. Neither is Samurai Champloo, or Cowboy Bebop, or Monster,or any anime with a stylization that isn't trying to pander to the main demographic of anime consumers. Exceptions do not make the rule.

>> No.2231429

>Hokuto no Ken is not among the majority

>Neither is Samurai Champloo, or Cowboy Bebop, or Monster


Show me 10 other anime that looks like that I'll show you 10 others that proves you wrong

>> No.2231430

By that logic we should never mention Moebius when we discuss Eurocomics, or Alex Ross in relation to cape comics, or John K in relation to Western animation...

>> No.2231432
File: 25 KB, 253x320, 1292137809179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the most simplistic artform that exists. There is almost no shade. Everything is just an edgy copy and there is NO complexity in the entire body. What's so hard about drawing this shit? You would know what I'm talking about if you actually draw stuff instead of comming here slapping your fat weeaboo tits against the screen and talking about something you don't know anything about. Wait so It's not time consuming BUT it's still incredibly sophisticated? Get out bitch and take your Chobits dolls with you.
This is artwork not the actual manga but I heard good things about Berserk. Yeah it can be well drawn now look at pic related 95% of all manga/anime probably even more than that.

>> No.2231433
File: 7 KB, 188x266, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic

>> No.2231434

the majority of everything is shit. There are WAY more shit tier realist artists than there are good ones, so by your logic, all realism is shit as well.

>> No.2231435

I've never heard anyone claim this and I'm literally surrounded by weebs all day.

>> No.2231436
File: 299 KB, 688x1044, Unbeatable-Squirrel-Girl-c9f8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just proving that you're an ignorant fuck who follows the mainstream mentality of anything and are too afraid to form your own opinion.

People do it because it's simple.

Like this for example

You see this style everywhere on tumblr, deviantart, because it's simple to copy.

I don't see you bitching about this, because not a lot of people you are with are making fun of it.

>> No.2231437
File: 262 KB, 780x1024, 1241235234562346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah it can be well drawn now look at pic related 95% of all manga/anime probably even more than that.

Yeah, now look at pic related. 95% of all realism, probably even more than that.

>> No.2231438

I guess I'm a wannabe American for reading American art books.

This is your logic.

>> No.2231440

I sympathise with him. I have pretty bad social anxiety, you don't understand just how bad it feels. In his head everyone is staring at him and judging every little thing he does. He wants to relax and be friendly but his mind is stuck in fight or flight mode. Life is hell.

>> No.2231441

those fucking lips man. even iron man

>> No.2231444
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depends on the company and deadlines.
considering how short some of them have to draw, being able to push out 20 qualityish pages a month is actually pretty impressive.
while I wouldn't say its the hardest, its not nearly as easy as some of you think it is.

and as always with anime hate.
lets see you draw the easy form of art, why are you so bad at it if its so easy?

>> No.2231446

jesus do you guys know what anime is?
it's japanese animation.
that's it.

the fact that commonplace studios who go for acceptance of masses produce moe, and it appeals to plebs, doesnt make geniuses of anime any worse.

waste of energy and time, you will never make it, etc.

>> No.2231450

But this meme I saw on the internet said that anime is bad

You're stupid and wrong

>> No.2231457
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1322615842122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I ever mention I like that specific style? What am I supposed to do mention every single artform that isn't anime and describe my fucking feelings for it or did you mean that I like all western art because I don't think anime is the exact best artform that exists? Where are you even comming at, are you an idiot? I never even said I didn't like that anime stuff it's entertaining but I just don't think it's the ultimate artform and repetetive. You are putting words in my mouth and what's so mainstream about saying anime isn't complex? My God you are really stupid just leave you retard just leave. Fucking.hell.

>> No.2231458

I'll just stop before I lose any more brain cells responding to you. I guess I have to accept that mentally challenged people like you browse this board too. Sorry.

>> No.2231464

Wtf dude..Yeah stop please. Stop samefagging too if you will. You're the one working yourself up over nothing. Idiot.

>> No.2231478


You probably live in a retirement community.

>> No.2231480

No in a respectable city man. Should I go in the afternoon instead of the morning?

>> No.2231487

Read what you just said.

You jumped from "most" to "all". So which is it? The majority of everything IS shit, because the entertainment industry is a business who's goal is to make a profit first and foremost.

>> No.2231506
File: 126 KB, 347x344, mhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't see you bitching about this

/co/ literally has USG hate threads just to hate on the art.

>> No.2231508

I'm talking about the artstyle, einstein

>> No.2231519
File: 72 KB, 1189x896, 1437567408196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me rephrase that then. /co/ Literally has threads that's only existence is to hate on that art style.

>> No.2231553

My point is that people keep saying how anime in general is shit, based on the fact that the majority of anime drawings are shit. Yet you never hear people judge realism based on the same criteria, despite the fact that the majority of realist artists are just as bad, if not worse.

For every great japanese animator, mangaka and illustrator, there are thousands of weebs posting their laughable Naruto fanart on Deviantart and for every great realist artist, there are hundreds of thousands of people posting horrible photocopies of Walter White on Facebook. Yet somehow only anime as a whole is constantly judged by the worst it has to offer whereis realism is always judged by the best it has to offer. Why is that?

>> No.2231567

>be nice to the weird guy
>avoid death in school shootout

>> No.2231568

bad animu art just makes a much bigger impact, that's the reason.

>> No.2231580

Shitty celebrity portraits get way more likes and views than shit tier animu art. It's much harder to impress plebs with a line drawing and flat colors than with a terribly done "realistic" softbrush rendering.

>> No.2231584
File: 14 KB, 342x245, 1442320412042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop samefagging the entire thread. It's so obvious it hurts a little. Nobody is convinced, you are a confirmed loser, you are stupid and incoherent. Stop posting you sad little shit nobody is impressed.

>> No.2231587 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded or something or did I trigger you with the Walter White celebrity portraits?

>> No.2231590

You've made me curious actually. What are your favorite animes? I wanted to ignore your post but I can't help it I want to judge them and laugh. You seem like a massive manchild.

>> No.2231674

>screams samefag
you need to kill yourself.

that's not what i'm talking about.

you don't see anybody throw a fit when shitty beginners make shitty cartoon drawings, but when it's shitty animu, people will feel the need to connect it to the fact that it's from japan and scream weaboo.
most of the time, shitty drawing are actually kind of funny. but only when it comes to animu, something changes for these people.

it's because animu has a really bad rep. most of the people in this thread build their opinions on that bad rep alone. they don't actually know shit about any of this, as you can see with their posts.

that's also why berserk gets mentioned every time.
>"everything is shit except for maybe berserk"
that's about all they know. they don't actually know why berserk is good or wether it's good at all, and in the same way they don't really know why anime is bad save for the generalizations they spin up out of hot air.

>> No.2231939

Anime doesn't really even exist as an art form when you think about it. It only refers to animation and comics from Japan. It's just that Japanese comic artists often tend to apply more aspects of realistic drawing and painting to animation and comics than western artists do, and plebs pick up on that and think it means it's like the most complex form of art there is since it's the most accessible form of art that is employing those principles.

To be fair, animation does pretty much run the gamut as far as visual art principles (light and shadow, gesture, proportion, perspective etc. is all necessary to good animation) and since Japan produces so much animation it's easy to see why that would be the wide perception, but it just comes down to a higher demand of anime audience for the content to rise to that standard of attention to detail. In other words, consistency and accuracy in drawing is more expected of anime. And Japan absolutely ruled the world of animation from roughly the 70s to the 90s, so it's possible that people draw a connection between the drawing styles (character design, cel shading etc.) of anime (which is nothing more than a creative decision) and that high volume of quality content.

So basically anime isn't the most difficult or complex form of art, but all of the most complex aspects of representational art have been applied to it. Or, it has been applied to them, whichever way you want to look at it.

>> No.2231960
File: 512 KB, 1366x768, e0105007dd2c5507f4054338cc4f3401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hard still

>> No.2231964

just say animation is the ultimate form of art, bitch.

>> No.2232022

>By that logic we should never mention Moebius when we discuss Eurocomics, or Alex Ross in relation to cape comics, or John Ceeeeeeeeeena

>> No.2232081

Is it weird to like just about everything to do with the anime art style, all except for the way eyes and hair are drawn?

>> No.2234222

pretty much this. The vast majority of western comics are demographic pandering, mass produced, mediocre garbage, along with pretty much every form of medium in existence, be it music, art, animation, or film. In any one of them you can find dozens of good examples if you give it more than a cursory glance.

Sure, about 90 percent of anime is shit, but so is every other medium. When has the standard in any form of modern media been the best it has to offer? It's like those retarded kids who cry about how "this generation of music sucks uwu!11"

But don't expect /ic/ or any other place with an anime hate boner to admit that, goes against that pretentious group think they have deluded themselves into thinking is a well formed opinion. Just keep screaming about their husbando Loomis and jacking off to baroque statues.

>> No.2234248

I agree with the trips
90% of most stylized medium is garbage. there are some beautiful mango and some beautiful wesdurn stuff

that being said, shit wesdurn style is shit and shit animu is shit. wesdurn seems to be better at hiding the shit then animu, since i'd argue that this generation has been riding the animu dick more then western style, so they act like they know how to do animu

long story short; learning how do draw like a fucking adult with a strong focus on realism is the only way to not be shit at both anime and western.

we can all agree with this? good. don't respond and get to work with your gesture you twat

>> No.2234294

There's no such thing as a bad style: there are only bad artists.

>> No.2234416


>> No.2234418
File: 257 KB, 1154x843, 1439220599459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm talking about the artstyle, einstein
Can confirm. /co/ literally has thread complaining about this artstyle

>> No.2234426

I don't see these faggots trying to pass off their ugly as fuck artstyle as something great. It's shit and they want shit. It's offensive when they try to pass it off as something intricate like >>2231420 which is flawed by nature

>> No.2234433

Whether or not something is great depends entirely on the skill of the individual artist, not the style they are drawing in, you fucking idiot. Especially when we are talking about something as broad as "anime style" or "western comic style" which in reality is like a thousand different styles.

>> No.2234827

it's not all bad. like most art mediums, it's absolutely oversaturated with crap. though i will say that the clientele in certain mediums have much more insufferable faggots than others.

>> No.2234887

Western stylization can be anything, while anime is always the same shit.

>> No.2234906

>while anime is always the same shit.
"western stylization = disney"
there, now we can both play the retard

>> No.2235014
File: 299 KB, 1365x1586, IMG_3929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"western stylization = disney"
>there, now we can both play the retard
Western AND european art style = all kinds of different style.

Weeb shit = Anime Style.

Get it now? I hope you do. Most of people including me dont like anime for a very limited art style with little to none of variety.
Its simply: Cute Lolis: the genre.

I know there are some shit like Miyazaki or Paprika but these are like 0000000000.1% of all that weeb shit.
Quit defending your pile of crap. People with good taste in art or animation will never admit they prefer anime or really like anime.

>> No.2235017

I'm glad you don't like it. People like you can fuck right off and never taint this sacred medium for as long as I'm young.

>> No.2235021

Crooked nose aside, the pathetic otaku dude is kind of cute.

>> No.2235031

i'm not reading all this bait.
just chimed in to say that trolls are really getting pathetic making threads for attention now.

>> No.2235032

you forgot to say n-no homo.

>> No.2235040
File: 285 KB, 1019x1266, 1325521307920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People like you can fuck right off and never taint this sacred medium for as long as I'm young.
Implying we even care about this "medium" outside of such threads. There is nothing to learn from that medium that dont exist in "western/european" already. Its a dead end.
>otaku dude is kind of cute.
i cringed a little...because his face is kinda "uncanny" valley. his face looks nice but there is something in it that makes me cringe.
i DO however enjoy the mix of early 90s/80s anime with western style. it creates something unique.
For example Aeon Flux the animated series.
(also weaboos hate that cartoon because "girs are not cute in it...:(")
It seems that most of people like me actually ok about oldschool anime.
Picrelated is what i can relate to.

>> No.2235043

JRPGs improved

>shitting on merurururu

>> No.2235051

>JRPGs improved
except they did not.
its the same weaboo-territory that everybody except weebs tend to avoid
we can play something like Breath of Fire on GBA but seriously...

>> No.2235056

>ctrl+f weeb
>a gorillion results found
Yup its a bait thread. Some anime art is appealing. Some is not. That's all there is to it.

>> No.2235085

>people not being weaboos and make fun of weebs defending anime
>Yup its a bait thread.
butthurt weeb detected

never understood how such people can be artists and not having common sense.
Like for example - what are you even trying to achieve with your anime drawings?
go to Japan and become mangaka?
because anything other than that is a dead end.

>> No.2235095

>discussion is clearly about stylized eastern/western comic style
>this retard is unironically trying to pile up classic european art in a vain attempt to win an internet argument
You /pol/tards are getting dumber every argument I swear.

>> No.2235098

>this thread

>> No.2235101

hes right thought. western and european art style has much more variety than...well duuh the anime style.
How can you not agree with that?

>> No.2235129

Not really.

>> No.2235136
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 1441477082209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is. Prove me wrong.
the variety of a weeb style is no match to a goddamn army of what western/european culture did
Are you a legit weeb with a delusional weeb brain?

>> No.2235194
File: 14 KB, 546x566, fcplm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still trying to compare comics to classical art. Fucking retard.

>> No.2235204
File: 654 KB, 500x586, same faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to compare comics to classical art. Fucking retard.
when did i fucking said that you delusional manchild?

Again for special readers:
1) weeb cartoons connected to one particular stile with a very little variety
2) the rest of the world of graphic novels and animation contains is more rich an valuable art

anime is very limited. because when you are a weeb with DA gallery full of underage girls and edgy teenagers with swords, you most likely will not be taken seriously
nor you will get as many different jobs in an art field as a "western/european" artist that is able to use around different styles that will fit to many markets from mobile games to children illustration books.

Anime is a thing that you like when you are young. Something that you will grow up from. It dont have that much of a value in an adult community (i dont count waifufags/hentai wankers as adults btw).

>> No.2235212
File: 89 KB, 960x540, 1405303760525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2235214

>being this triggered for someone having common sense
Christ, you might as well just say "STOP DRAWING THINGS I DON'T LIKE"
Some anime styled art looks appealing and some doesn't. I don't understand how that statement makes you so triggered on a fucking imageboard for chinese cartoons.

>> No.2235236
File: 86 KB, 640x559, 1437582688012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my favourite art style is better than your favourite art style
just end yourself

>> No.2235254

>>my favourite art style is better than your favourite art style
>Christ, you might as well just say "STOP DRAWING THINGS I DON'T LIKE"
bunch of autismos that dont even read the thread

the discussions here are about weeb style is not worse than any other or anything like that
it's that it has much less variety and not a style that an artist will have a good future with.

Ever read/watched/heard advices of animators and concept artists from videogame movie cartoon industry?
When they talk about portfolion building most of them mention that you should avoid flooding it with weeb drawings.

Stop pretending that Naruto will make you a good artist. Stop pretending that people will respect you if you will be drawing lolis.

>> No.2235261
File: 265 KB, 1100x778, 49738771_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ever read/watched/heard advices of animators and concept artists from videogame movie cartoon industry?
>When they talk about portfolion building most of them mention that you should avoid flooding it with weeb drawings.

That's entirely dependant on what you want to do. The american videogame and movie industries have a general agenda and style they want for their products much like Japan does. But if you showcase a strong grasp on fundamentals, it means you're flexible. Industry heads wouldn't turn down shit like pic related being in portfolios just because "it's weeb". The grasp of fundamentals is showcased and that's all that really matters. You can do that with weeb shit.

>> No.2235267
File: 5 KB, 82x177, daryl_dixon__the_walking_dead_season_1__by_alexmicroheroes-d7hlux2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The american videogame and movie industries
stopped reading here.
As a freelance artist from a videogame and illustration industry i hardly can say that people i work the most are from USA.
i worked with people from all kinds of countries.
from working on an Ipad game with people from France, to illustrating a book for a person from Poland.

the thing that is wrong with weebs is all that they see is
2) cute and GORGEOUS anime ^__^

while there is a fucking shit ton of things besides america and american "style"

Most of animulovers dont even do any researches and know things beside generic stuff like Spongebob or Spiderman which makes their delusion grow bigger to fool them into thinking that anime has more variety because "durr hurr non anime cartoons look like Spongebob and fart jokes xDdd"

>> No.2235269

>But if you showcase a strong grasp on fundamentals, it means you're flexible. Industry heads wouldn't turn down shit like pic related being in portfolios just because "it's weeb". The grasp of fundamentals is showcased and that's all that really matters. You can do that with weeb shit.
yeah good luck with anime faced people fitting into something that dont need them.
and that like more than 50% of projects everywhere

>> No.2235270

>stopped reading right there

Sounds like a personal problem. Now your post just looks retarded.

>> No.2235275

Do you even know what a portfolio is, anon?

>> No.2235283

>when faced against facts quickly become defensive and draw retard card
I see.
>Do you even know what a portfolio is, anon?
well you most sertainly don't

>> No.2235285

What good are "facts" when they are irrelevant to the point being made. Nothing I said was false, you just went on a tangent no one really gives a shit about. Congratulations.

>> No.2235288

>Ever read/watched/heard advices of animators and concept artists from videogame movie cartoon industry?
>When they talk about portfolion building most of them mention that you should avoid flooding it with weeb drawings.
In all the interviews and podcasts I've listened to, not a single of them has ever said anything like this, quite the contrary a lot of them started out being inspired by a lot of animu, but then transitioned into a more realistic style as they eventually grew out of it.

Some even encourage doing it, especially now when patreon and other ways of making money off it has started appearing.

>> No.2235298
File: 12 KB, 173x215, 1438838330281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

logic ----->* [your weeb-poisoned mind]*---->

>> No.2235300
File: 766 KB, 880x1873, art-of-dreamworks-160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thread.
reading through this and watching all those anime artists on galleries im happy im not into it.

>> No.2235316

Why are you trying to compare every single style of art ever created in the West to a single genre of art in Japan? Maybe if you actually read a few comics, you'd see that there are just as many cliches and samefaces as there are in anime. Also, why would you post a bunch of pictures all from the same artist as an example of how all anime is the same? If you're just pretending to be retarded, you sure fooled me.

>> No.2235327

>solely making art in some anime art style
>being unable accept any art done in anime art style

What a load of faggots.

>> No.2235330
File: 192 KB, 1696x714, sameface syndrome in anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, why would you post a bunch of pictures all from the same artist as an example of how all anime is the same?
not him but...dude i hope you know that the first thing anime being made fun of is having the sameface syndrome.

>> No.2235463
File: 8 KB, 127x147, 1438638800535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2235465

le boring kungfu panda chasing grashopper so deep coloruss

I'm glad I'm not into that type of tryhard shit you posted

>> No.2235475

man you're really good at playing the retard. you should make this your job or something

>> No.2235492

take a look at these butthurt weebs.

>> No.2235504

Simply epic, you sure are rekting those god dang weebs all the way to the moon my fellow memer.

>> No.2235515

toasting in an epic bread :DDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.2235516

<) )? 'Cause I just wanna look good for you
/ \
<( (> good for you
/ \
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<) (> uh <) (> huh
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>> No.2235525

no, you're just retarded.

when talking about this, you also have to include manga. especially since you mentioned "graphic novels".
now, how much do you know about manga?
judging by what you know about anime, probably not much.

and i bet you don't know jack about western comics either.
now please spare me with your hot opinions when you don't know shit, alright?

>> No.2235527
File: 350 KB, 298x270, Anime-anime-gif-Smile-precure!-1973377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least I'll get jobs sooner than you'll ever get employed at dreamworks making tryhard conceptart. Wank at some more pandas fam.

>> No.2235528


>Mfw there are people irl who believe drawing manga/anime is the most difficult form of art that exist

People like that exist? Jesus christ, the autism must be immense.

>> No.2235530

>panda art

>> No.2235551
File: 232 KB, 769x810, anime ended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2235565
File: 808 KB, 1280x1979, Last Days of American Crime 03 (Kingpin) pg10 Kopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, murricans really are better than nips wow, look at all those shortcuts wow

>> No.2235577

such colour
such blood

>> No.2235581
File: 95 KB, 350x274, 1438783815929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if its not anime
>its murrican. there are no other countries
nice butthurt, weeb
dont forget to close your door when fapping to waifucartoon.
your mom told me that she hates that sound.

>> No.2235583

only AMERICA matters

other countries BELONG to AMERICA and don't you forget that

>> No.2235657

Do you guys piss yourself in anger whenever you see the 4chan banner?

Fucking autists.

>> No.2236358
