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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 121 KB, 544x653, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2229979 No.2229979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, what's going on /ic/. I'm a TA for the art class at my highschool, (I'm a senior) and I like to dig through all the "advanced" art kids' work, and god, it's so fucking awful. Pic related really caught my eye. It's so shit, he has no idea what he's doing. The art teacher even supports him on it and says stupid shit like, "HURR I LIKE UR ART STYLE! XD" I even wrote a little helpful advice next to his shit drawing. I can't wait till' I see the look on his face when he reads it tomorrow. I have more of his work to post, along with some other kids.

>> No.2229984

Don't belittle your own art like that OP

>> No.2229986

>I can't wait till' I see the look on his face when he reads it tomorrow

OP you have to be at least 18 to browse 4chan

>> No.2229987
File: 503 KB, 2340x4160, just kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is fucking shit as well. Don't worry /ic/, I have plenty of more cringe.

>> No.2229991

stop wasting space with your thread op

>> No.2229992

You wish. Unlike all these newfags, I actually practice my fundamentals, and do studies. These people just think that they can get good by drawing shitty anime. I really just want the art teacher to just have everybody just read the fucking sticky.

>> No.2229991,1 [INTERNAL] 

wow OP is a dick... High schoolers are so shitty..

>> No.2229993

God I want to slay those shoes.

>> No.2229994


>> No.2230005

I want to slay the fucking weeb that drew that shit. There doesn't need to be a fucking advanced art class in high school. Seriously, I mean what's even the point?

>> No.2230011

Fuck you. You're part of the problem with artists today being so horrible.

>> No.2230016

>I really just want the art teacher to just have everybody just read the fucking sticky.

Stop being retarded and quit your whinging. There's no such thing as a skilled or sensible highschool art teacher, and there never will be.

Why the fuck would you want to enable a bunch of normies to git gud?


>> No.2230020

>Why the fuck would you want to enable a bunch of normies to git gud?
To be fair, I do agree with that. But it doesn't need to be like that. We can kill the cancer that is a normie. We'll introduce them to 4chan, and save them, so the world can be a less shitty place. We truly are humanities last hope.

>> No.2230021

are you for real

>> No.2230028

What's wrong with you OP? Why do you care so much about what other people are doing? As long as they're having fun, that's all that matters really.

>> No.2230031

Fuck you kill yourself. I sit in that fucking classroom every day watching a bunch of autists sit and draw their fucking kawaii animu girls. Art isn't supposed to be fucking fun, it's hard tedious work, and it takes fucking years. Not some fucking youtube tutorial.

>> No.2230033

no one made you be a teachers assistant, you sound like a faggot.

>> No.2230034

No, OP. fuck you.
You're an immature, spiteful, unpleasant person who takes entirely too much pleasure in pointing out the shortcomings in others.

The whole "haha fuck those faggots they suck im better" attitude is part of the problem with artists today being so horrible, to put it in your words. Ask any truly skilled artist and they will emphatically defend the need to share knowledge and practice, practice, practice. So to belittle others in a HIGH SCHOOL art class for not being technically skilled draughtsmen is like making fun of toddlers for not being able to gymnastics. You have to learn to crawl before you can run.

You're not coming back home from school to your secret /ic/ clubhouse where all your art buddies are hanging out to have a good laugh at the noobies, you're just a bully and weaker for it.

Also, post your art faggot (which im sure was the point of the thread to begin with, im sure you have something prepped)

>> No.2230040

Post your superior work, OP.

>> No.2230042

Advanced classes only work if you have advanced people in the school. I got college credit last year for art classes, but those of us who were able to do such had been there all through highschool and were also likely pursuing artistic careers outside of school. There was a lot of talented people where I was at, though. And then at other schools; maybe the same, maybe not. Clearly not the same in this case.

>> No.2230044

It also really depends on the teachers. If the teachers are not willing to inspire the students into being creative, and showing them proper technique, then there's no point. The kids won't learn. It takes tons and tons of practice/self motivation.

>> No.2230047

>implying normie artists today being horrible is a bad thing
>implying sharing knowledge with normies is a good thing
>unironically using the word bully

You're just as retarded as OP.

>> No.2230048

>calling people normies

oh bite me

>> No.2230050

The pics I posted are fucking worse as you can get. I don't think I need to post my work. It's obvious my work will be of higher quality.

>> No.2230056

lol not necessarily

>> No.2230057

Come on, OP. I wanna see your art.

>> No.2230058

its an unironic observation that the kiddies in OP's class are normal well-adjusted people that have better things to do than browse the sticky or spend a socially-disabling amount of time trying to git gud when they obviously have no hope or drive, and that they should be allowed to continue making shitty animu doodles and pat themselves on the back for it.

>> No.2230065

>it's obvious that my work will be of higher quality

Pics or no proof OP

>> No.2230070

>it's obvious my work will be of higher quality

Why? Because you browse /ic/?
Pics or no proof OP

>> No.2230074

OP will not deliver. :(

>> No.2230080
File: 8 KB, 184x173, 1440160805102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What kind of pathetic individual must you be in order to make fun of children? Maybe work on improving yourself before critiquing others. How shameful.

>> No.2230081

well obviously if they're not seriously interested in becoming artists, not much of what i said applies. I think we're in agreement here

>> No.2230082

Confirmed for beginner thread shitter

>> No.2230087

I'm rooting for you OP. Show 'em what your art looks like.

>> No.2230088
File: 627 KB, 1170x2080, My Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, you fucking faggots, here's my art. It's way better than any of the fags in "advanced" art.

>> No.2230090

Yeah, right. Come one OP. Bring out the big guns. I wanna see your real art.

>> No.2230091
File: 5 KB, 200x200, losing sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2230098

damn, I bet the guy who drew the OP picture is mad jealous :^)

>> No.2230104

Nice try. We all know OP won't show his real work to evade criticisms of his skills.

>> No.2230107

Include a trigger warning next time, asshole

>> No.2230108

I was top in my school for art and when I posted some art on here everyone told me it was shit, they just don't teach fundamental stuff in art classes, I don't even know why they bother.

>> No.2230156

ahhhhhhh the internet drives me crazy! I'm legitimately curious if OP is fucking with us or nah. Is that seriously your work or just an evasion ?

>> No.2230178
File: 2.26 MB, 3256x2419, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other people suck at doing stuff.
Some people can't cool, Some people can't put on coffee, Some people are starting out on their path to drawing as a hobby / profession.
Don't judge a fish by it's abillity it climb trees. There is something good and admireable in almost everyone you meet. Why not be the that cool guy that drew amazing drawings that had so much to teach them but in the future they will regret not having taken your advice?

It's way harder than beliteling them through passive agressive notes.
In less then a week you would be rewarded for your attitude.

Good referance from the teacher, students that will want to hangout with you later in life(this is how you get in good with younger girls).
Or you could make a great thread on /ic/. The choice is yours.

>> No.2230179

Cook* lol
They can't cool either

>> No.2230181

in my school, advanced art classes where 16-18 year olds only due to year requirements. i hate to say it, but they arent children anymore to anyone outside of out backwards society that has the oldest children on the planet.

independant art in my school was what you are saying advanced was, you needed a b or an a to get in and depending on the year, you may not get in without an A...

that said, once the good teacher left and the bad one came in, she made art semester classes, and focused on graphic design over art, and lowed the bar... she was a good person but a fucking shit teacher. none of the classes had respect for her, though the people who went into independant art lowed the bar like you wouldn't believe, it was still a good program for the people who deserved to be there due to the books and the teacher ability to at least teach oil painting... even if one of the kids did a life size painting as autistic as op image of sephiroth, ans when i commented on how to make it better, he went int a fucking rage... it seems like many people told him its shit.

our first art teacher, before the woman came, was fucking great, his art plan more or less had perspective as a focus for the first two years without grinding perspective, that alone made us good, than the dumb bitch came in and we lost the good teacher, but than she did us all a favor and got knocked up so he came out of retirement for a year.

a lot of the truly good refuse to teach at all, the less people have your skill set the more you are worth.

they dont deserve to go bast a freshmen level art class, calling them anything but beginners is lying.

no, most people take art as an easy credit to pad their highschool life, many of them hate it and just fuck around.

no, art should be fun, the problem is getting the fundies down so art can be fun again once you take it seriously.

>> No.2230183
File: 4 KB, 209x214, 1281531667944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2230184

>fellating yourself by mocking other beginners
Stay classy, OP.

Saw this in the beginner thread. Seriously, what are you doing?

>> No.2230190

fair enough

>they dont deserve to go bast a freshmen level art class, calling them anything but beginners is lying.

I agree. Don't know how you inferred otherwise from my post

>> No.2230213
File: 71 KB, 612x612, 11176041_817495351620307_114165509_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a senior must be exciting huh? My senior year i dropped out. pic is a science test freshman year. This like allot of my other work done in high school has been thrown away by TA's like you.

>> No.2230215
File: 57 KB, 612x612, 11189919_1770402576519486_724281344_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do my best to write what I remember.

>> No.2230221
File: 76 KB, 612x612, 11190873_1050044888357788_906524982_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone in here thinks Artwork can only be maximized and achieved through the education system then you are fucking delusional.

>> No.2230222

wait what's happening now

>> No.2230229
File: 710 KB, 791x791, prt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2230242

You're not bad. You're not that good either. Plus, you're a juggalo.

>> No.2230243

A senior year dropout is challenging a TA to an art showdown?

>> No.2230254

your post makes it sound like you are in favor of the shitty artists getting passed on for their ego sake.

>> No.2230263
File: 55 KB, 612x612, 11257080_777841812336406_1443447704_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol why even bother to rate my work done back in high school? Also have to say I'm not really into that culture. >thinking all clowns originate from ICP smh
Not even a contest, kid already has one foot in the grave thinking any work done within the education system matters on top of this desire to cut down and/or strive for this "advanced" status. OP is either a lying about their age or they are an autistic hipster faggot.