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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2 KB, 97x97, ?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2229797 No.2229797 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread

>> No.2229800

How do I make my shit less flat?

Sorry for the small pic btw.

>> No.2229813

Learn how to draw 3D objects, add lighting to your drawings.

>> No.2229816

There are many things that give idea of depth, from the top of my head:

Broader lines are more in front than thinner ones
Sharper angles
Lines ending in other lines
Warmer to colder palette

And many, many others

>> No.2229827

which loomis book am i supposed to read if im an intermediate artist

>> No.2229829

Figure Drawing for All It's Worth

>> No.2229889

Is Aguri's one year of fundamentals a good resource to follow?

>> No.2229996

What should I look up if i want to improve inking?

>> No.2230000

Think on terms of volume instead of shapes. Volume has an axis which you should be aware of to properly locate it or manipulate it in space, this will also make it easier to shade and consequentially your drawing will look less flat.

>> No.2230003

it's good stuff, if you are an absolute begginer though you should do edwards or dodsons book first

>> No.2230012

Now that I've started seriously studying, my work has become bland and forced. It's hard to draw anything that isn't "correct" and my style has become muted. Is this just the result of a lot of studying and temporary or do I need to take more time to do personal work? I'm very pressured right now since I just lost my job and my girlfriend is on the verge of losing her so I'm finding it hard to take time out to just relax and have fun with my drawing. On that topic, how lucrative is comissioning pornography as a side-job?

>> No.2230029

it's probably just stress messing with your creativity, maslow hierarchy of needs and all that.

>> No.2230036

I'm trying to start painting and I want to have it set up properly.

How should I set up my canvas without an easel for acrylic painting?

What should I use for a palate?

What do I do with the leftover paint?

>> No.2230038
File: 104 KB, 1052x811, floating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I better show perspective so it doesn't look like she is just floating?
Please be aware of the limitations of mspaint.

>> No.2230060

See those lights cast on her hips, there's some hitting the floor too. You can try using that distortion to give volume

>> No.2230123
File: 57 KB, 324x540, asdfasdfasdffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk you could always add some sort of ground plane, though mine is pretty bad the camera should be higher up. And maybe a cast shadow of sorts

>> No.2230124

Ok i got around to making an faq for the question thread. made with my own flawed answers so take whatever is written there with a grain of salt.

the V X.0 will go up when new questions are added or answers are modified
the V 0.X will go up when spelling/grammar is fixed

this info is now part of the paste, but not added due to not wanting to make a new paste right now.

there is no real reason to do it on a smaller resolution, you can just zoom out on any program you draw with.

one of the best 3d programs made in japan is a program where you add vertices point by point. just because they do something one way that is fucking retarded and time wasting doesn't mean you should do it that way too.

that said, the work done there is largely vector based. so tablets are less useful than you would think.

dude also had to change the style of drumming to compensate.

ah the fun of photoshop.

drivers could crash and be a pain in the ass but that's about it, if the psu blows up, it could take the tablet out with it.

hell yea... it may not be top tier, but it will be good enough... hell set up a patron and if there is a god and your lucky it takes off and you can justify spending even more time drawing.

I have a comic book right next to me, i resised the image to be comic book page sized, i cant see the dots, what i see is another shade in the gradient. if it was printed out, i may be able to see the dots better, ill get one of my manga out as the comic handles everything with hatching.

all of the shading in a manga is dot based, i have to get a x20 jeweler loupe to even begin to see the dots. these images were made for a specific print type and size, if you take it to a different medium, like digital you see tricks used that you weren't suppose to see before.

>> No.2230126

Does anyone know if you can find Mike yamadas brushes anywhere?

>> No.2230140

generally in these threads are beginners, with a few people who know their shit.

on top of that, traditional is expensive as fuck if you want to do color, so many of us transition to digital, or learn color digital, and once we go back to traditional, most of the people here couldn't help us with out questions.

and on that note, sorry, my knowledge of acrylic doesn't extend to your specific need.

i would say in general, the first time you stop seeing flaws in your drawings, and than when you start to see them again would put you past beginner... granted i also see so many people on art boards who cant tell what they make sucks, so this may not be a good metric for everyone.

learn to draw traditionally first, than go back and look at 1900-1940's animation.

diminishing returns and if you draw every hair it looks like hell. you suggest the form and the volume, not drawing it.

like others have said, suggest it, i would go with a base color for the bottom, a highlight direction and curve and a shadow direction and curve. depending on the style it lets you have more or less leeway with it.

Wikipedia, and random, do that till you find something draw able.

yes and no, you will probably find vectors on specific topic boards or /gd/ more so than here.

really whatever you are interested in that doesn't feel like work is the best so long as its not covered in mah style.

first off, traditional, 18x24 news print
draw with arm not wrist
overhand grip
do not render
do not polish shit
and make her aware when you start out everything you make will suck, and family and friends can not help you and tell you what is good or bad, a decent art teacher may be able to help you, i'm assuming she is in school, dont be afraid to go to the high school teacher for help as k-8 art is usually treated as a babysitting tool. if the person ever says there is no flaw, they are lying.

>> No.2230148

its likely the paper itself is prone to sucking in ink.
i have news print and i have printer paper (some drawing paper here and there but nothing to special) and news print is like a fucking sponge, there is no way to not get a pool of ink and it just soaks it up, but printer paper usually doesn't and it kind of hard to make a splotch, especially with microns. never tried it with drawing pads i have though.

learn to use left hand, if there was no way yo draw at all, probably train my eye a bit.

draw body parts you can see, request a mirror, draw from life, from the spankings to the shower rapes, take your sketch book with you, just dont let guards see it as it could be material evidence, and no one likes snitches.

videos, learn the concepts from a book and just draw from life then?

the ongoing idea you must draw from imagination and if you need references you are a shit artist... do you come to /ic/ often? there are fuckloads of idiots here who parrot that idea.

post something you did for practice, that way we can see what aspect you are fucking up on.

god no, 8 weeks of prospective as a first and foremost thing... are you fucking kidding me? there are parts of the guide that could be decent like what it tells you to look and, but the order and time you do it in are retarded and cause burnout.

watts youtube did an inking drawing with a brush a while back based of a frazetta piece. watch that and you may pick some shit up.

getting out of mah style usually kills the style you had before, and if you really want to have that style, you need to re learn how to apply your new knowledge to it.

as for porn... depends on how fast you are and how good you are. you could make 2$ per hour or 200$ per hour... and if you are that good, you may be able to set up a patreon too.

>> No.2230153
File: 76 KB, 468x663, keep working on proportions first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lean it against a wall and make sure it wont move,

in school we used plastic trays with cups and put saran wrap over the top when we were don so shit didn't dry out.

dont mix base colors in the cups, do that in the center, when you are done, any color that isn't fucked can probably either go back into the paint thing, or into a used paint jar with a syringe.

i suggest used paint jars if you have the money.

see image name

they wont make you better, and probably not.

>> No.2230194
File: 544 KB, 1048x1440, tumblr_mjsn93CQr71r8hralo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get better at drawing (and ultimately become very good), do you have to read books and study anatomy and perspective, etc, or can you just draw the things you like over and over until you git gud?

>> No.2230199

define good?

as for books, no.
anatomy, no
perspective no.

if you draw humans, you will get better at anatomy just because that's what you like

books are ok, but largely they are shortcuts to getting better by focusing you on what you need

and unless you want to draw 100% perfect perspective, you dont need to study it, but you will be using it in every single drawing you ever make with very little exceptions, you will get good at eyeballing perspective...

in reality, you dont need books, but videos on topics you want to tackle will help alot

you dont need anatomy, but looking up a medical chart or having an artist tell you the major forms will get you to drawing a human better a lot faster

and perspective may not need to be ground out but damnit know 1 2 and 3 point perspective.

>> No.2230225

the only thing you NEED is hardcore all day practice, but books are a good resource. They're like steroids, except instead of 'roid rage the negative side effect is sounding like a posh asshole when you talk about art. Videos are same but even better, and a teacher is best.

>> No.2230232

no, the negative of books is being caught up in collecting them and then deciding ill practice once i get everything i need.

book are best used by reading a chapter than fucking off from the book and applying what you just learned to your drawings, even if the book gives you examples to practice, to many people when they start get caught up in copying the books lessons down and not practicing the books lessons.

>> No.2230234
File: 834 KB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im practicing on faces and trying to make my face not look flat. Eh crit please also the one on the left is a old one

>> No.2230237

What settings do people use when drawing on their cintiqs? I'm having a bitch of a hells time configuring my cintiq to work the way I want it. Which is just as though I draw on paper.

I know its a lot to ask but it is still a pain in the ass. I'm trying to simply draw, in terms of programs I have a copy of TVPaint 10, a demo of Corel Painter 2016, and free copy of Corel Sketchbook in terms of software. I just want to be able to draw.

>> No.2230269

what's the name of that design tool people used to use a few years ago? It was that thing where you paint in black on the screen and it makes a symmetrical image

>> No.2230275
File: 20 KB, 225x346, 51N3zmufbCL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I learn perspective from Norling's book or Erik Olson's video classes?

>> No.2230276


I don't see construction lines under the final lines. Just setting up the proportions lines won't teach you enough.
Watch the Proko video about drawing the head, there is useful insight there that you may not understand well enough reading books. It helped me a lot some years ago.

>> No.2230280

would also like to know this

>> No.2230285

I have noticed that I can't draw for shit until I'm "warmed up". Is this normal?
I'm looking for warm up excercises that are fun and that teach me something .

>> No.2230298

no one that can answer?

>> No.2230306

Just like sports. and not being to do things right after you wake up.

I usually draw easy 3d shapes, and work on my perspective.

>> No.2230308

the answer is read whatever book that says its about perspective, read them all, if you think youre already a pro then scan the pages fast and skip over everything that looks like its doesnt contain any useful information. its that simple

>> No.2230427

>start with fun with pencils like everyone else
>"dude you have no perspective
>learn perspective
>realize no point learning how to draw head if you can't place it on a plane
>learn gesture/figure drawing
>books tell me to go learn anatomy

how do you even learn gesture drawing and drawing the body without anatomy knowledge?

read the fucking book. It's easy to understand and while it's long as shit, you don't need to read it all. It goes on to shadow and shading later on which is another topic if you just need to know how to place your objects on a plane

>> No.2230434

Gesture doesn't rely on anatomy, visa versa actually (gesture is like the 'big picture' view of the model/object, I.e. "what is it doing". Volume > form > anatomy, tho all of these are related; multiple ways to go about it). Gesture will help with sizing/proportions over time if you do it daily for 30 mins to an hour. Anatomy will help with proportions and proportions will help with anatomy.

Protip: when gesturing, don't think too hard about it. Analyze the figure for a few secs (visualize the gesture) and proceed. After you warmed up on gestures, figure studies are easier to apply anatomy to. Grab a ana. book or reference and use your gesture as an aid.

>> No.2230436

I didn't answer ur question tho:
>how do u learn gesture without anatomy knowledge

Gesture relies more on forms. Break the figure into simple shapes (ribcage is oval, pelvis square, legs cylinders, etcetera) and gesture over the forms while thinking of volume. SIMPLIFY. Anatomy is more detailed, useful for rendering tho!

>> No.2230563
File: 188 KB, 1000x668, anatomy_course_ecorche_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing from reference or just drawing the figure in general. Are you supposed to draw an ecorche version of the model first? Usually I draw like this

1. Construction (Yes, I know I should do gesture more)
2. Ecorche, to edit the construction a little
3. Erase most of the ecorche, and only leave the stuff you would have in the lineart

I find that drawing the ecorche confuses me, and complicates it too much. Like, I think I should just try to only draw the necessary marks, and sculpt the construction based on my knowledge. So I guess it really boils down to this.

Is drawing the ecorche necessary for drawing the figure, or is it only just practicing anatomy?

>> No.2230564

thats just for practice, you don't need to do that all the time

>> No.2230573

how often do you do it then?

>> No.2230586

save it for anatomy studies, when you are trying to understand a muscle group better. Don't do it when you are trying to make a finished illustration, maybe do a bit if you are having trouble making something look right.

>> No.2230596

okay anon.

>> No.2230626

I can't draw believable mountains at all.
I think it's because, from afar, they lack detail.

I'm decent at drawing things with any amount of detail, but when it comes to mountains, I just can't a good idea of depth and placing the values in a believable place. I also do not know to interpret the basic 3d shape, as oftentimes mountains are partly covered (by other mountains).

Is it okay to just copy a lot of real pictures of mountains to get better? Will I get it at some point?

>> No.2230627

Some threads ago I asked if anyone knew a good muscle/skeleton figure so I could understand how muscles work more. An anon recommended me the l'Ecorche app, it's the best 4 euros I ever spent. During breaks at school or whenever I have free time I can just take out my phone and study (anatomy). I'm really, really grateful. Thank you, anon.

>> No.2230633

yes, that's called a study, it's almost the only way to get better at drawing.

>> No.2230644
File: 47 KB, 1190x697, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually lurking that same thread and saw your same post. I bought the app too, its great. and guess what, I bought another program after it.

(pic) This software will allow you to see individual muscles move at different angles. Ignore the gender option though, it doesn't do anything except give boobs and vaginal to the female.

But don't get me wrong, I still find myself looking up things in anatomy books that can't be expressed in the app. But still, for taking anatomy software to the next level, Im satisfied, its $40 though. Its good for learning bone movement and muscle insertions.

>> No.2230648
File: 54 KB, 1196x698, this2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I have not tried any other anatomy app except this one, so if any anon knows of anything better speak up.

Also, free 3d model programs are good in general, sketch up and designdoll, and theres this website called tinkercad. Although, I dont think sketchup is free though.

>> No.2230686

How do I connect lines on digital drawings? it's my biggest problem right now, specially with thin lines
help please

>> No.2230978

Ive been looking for a video i saw awhile ago, someone painting boobs on an anime girl, using the lasso tool and soft brushes.

>> No.2230982

ah. Is anatomy more like the fine details then?

as in gestures is the overall form but then you chisel it into something more detailed with anatomy knowledge

>> No.2231116

Zoom in.

>> No.2231147

I'm experiencing lag with my tablet and I don't know why. I'm using Win 7 on a laptop with Photoshop CS and my tablet is Wacom Intuos 3.

>> No.2231148

buggy driver maybe or you have too much stuff open.

>> No.2231172

Does anyone have a torrent for Scott Robertson's book "How to Render"?

>> No.2231175

it's better for me to learn the basics before going into rendering and all that stuff right? I'm going through Keys to Drawing and have no clue about such things.

Do I have to learn how to set my brain to "drawing mode" before delving into things such as perception and shading?

>> No.2231221

it's in here somewhere mega:///#F!es1BSKQR!spODyd0iaQmMelGA2GscFw

>> No.2231222

Can't find it anywhere, anon =/ The only one in there from Scott Robertson is How To Draw and not How to Render. It's two different books.

>> No.2231237

You might have already solved this issue, however the next time it happens, the first thing you can do is restart the Wacom Professional service.

You can find it in the Services app, accessible by searching with the start menu. Open the app and a window will appear with a non-trivial list of the background services installed on your system, find the Wacom one, right-click it and restart.

It may or may not fix the issue, but that doesn't matter, restarting the service won't damage your system or tablet.

afaik nobody has it or is willing to upload it. a few anons teased it before, I think one was in the process of uploading photos of the individual pages on one of the past book threads, but nobody liked them so they stopped posting.

There's some vid demos that goes along with the book, however I don't have the website where you can stream them handy (some other anon might). iirc there's a torrent on cgpeers.

>> No.2231241

haha, that was me. at the time i was on vacation and only had my phone for pictures and internet, so my only option was single page photos, one at a time. every post had three faggots bitching about how much ~*~time and work~*~ it would be for them to save so many files, so i stopped about forty pages in.

>> No.2231242

I have two questions.

I am making a project with a "thick" woman in nude and I am currently debating unique poses and pictures to reference on contouring the body. Where is a good place(s) to find pictures to study?

Right now I am using the stencil method with my art as shown here http://imgur.com/a/UI4UF

Is there a better way to do this method?

>> No.2231253
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Is there a book for artists on general animal anatomy? Maybe one that goes through the skeletal/muscular structure of common animals (horses,cats,birds,etc)?

>> No.2231254
File: 18 KB, 229x216, 1351876973860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you willing to start uploading the pages again? The book isn't easily accessible anywhere else on the internet. even if photos aren't the most ideal way to read it, you can have the honor of being the first one to upload the book fam :^)

and fuck those whinging faggots, no fucking patience. they could've just stfu and left it to someone else to download and package the images in a .zip for reuploading.

i have the means to automate image downloading from here, so its no skin off my nose to reupload a single zipped file if you're still unable to bruh.

>> No.2231258
File: 83 KB, 700x943, Clipboard Image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists -- Ellenberger, Dittrich, Baum (155 pages)
Animal Anatomy for Artists, The Elements of Form -- Goldfinger (257 pages)
The Artist's Guide to Animal Anatomy -- Bammes (142 pages)

these are just titles, post in the book thread if you want more info.

>> No.2231265

god damn nigga put a trigger warning on your shit.

regarding your first question, look in >>>/s/ for threads centred on thick or curvy women.

google images and bing images are also pretty based tbh fam

>> No.2231595

I want to go to art school because I feel like I (personally) would benefit from a structured and disciplined learning process. I really want to learn. I don't think I can self teach because I really lack the discipline for it. I'm 18 and in my last year of high school and I'm planning on going to community college for two years, then transferring to an actual art school for the remaining two years and getting a bachelor's degree. But, my parents are far from rich, and I live in Florida, where most of the art schools seem to be scams, for-profit, or ridiculously expensive (aka Ringling).
Is there any hope for me?

>> No.2231667
File: 383 KB, 1280x1750, tumblr_nl9xshFDJS1tugm28o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people say they use conte sticks for life drawing, what do they actually mean by that? I'm not from an english speaking country and when I search for conte sticks, I only find a brand called "conte a paris" that is selling conte pastel, crayon and charcoal sticks.

>> No.2231679

I'm not sure what it is either but I'm pretty sure its just a stick of charcoal. You can get them in varying thicknesses and they're good for life drawing because they are very fast- even faster than doing anything on the computer. Also if you get Vine Charcoal drawing sticks you can wipe away a drawing after you've drawn it which is good for 30 second gestures.
Any kind of charcoal stick will do, however.

>> No.2231683

Then you may benefit from art school. Keep in mind that art school doesn't actually teach you to be disciplined although it is very motivating to discipline yourself. I have seen FAR too many idiots go to art school who don't even know how to draw. I'm in art school and they think I'm good at drafting only because I have drilled it from being torn apart on /ic/. My teachers are often irritated with the fact that people don't get their work done and turn in things unfinished or that they simply don't know how to draw basic things. (my teacher's biggest pet peeve seems to be people doing portratiure and ALWAYS getting the neck wrong but they can't force anyone to practice)
Keep looking around for art schools. I go to a fine arts college of a university and it'll cost me probably 30k for 4-5 years of school. That's pretty cheap compared to AI.

>> No.2231687



This is what conte is usually referring to, the crayon stick

It's different than a pastel or charcoal

>> No.2231690
File: 31 KB, 1243x683, Fadeaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any need tips on fading away with a brush? I don't really know the terminology, sorry.

>> No.2231722
File: 2.71 MB, 4977x3766, 314533-aliya06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon-kun, dont listen to those stupid autists from /ic/, draw animu. Im a kawaii girl, not some 20 year old muscle man. What would those autists even know about drawing animu girls if they dont even like any anime except for ones that came out 20 years ago.

>> No.2231744

>I go to a fine arts college of a university
That's kind of the problem though. I'm not looking to go to a fine arts college - I'm a lot more interested in stylized character design, visual development, etc for things like cartoons. I'll do some more looking/asking around but I imagine it's going to be pretty hard to find a good school around here for that specifically.

>> No.2231752

Would any of you fags fuck Sakimichan?


>> No.2231755
File: 161 KB, 671x680, 1438202959308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a drawing pad

the thing is, I'm still learning to draw

Can I get better with a tablet?

>> No.2231776


>> No.2231801

Yall are a bunch of muthafuckin' faggots who can't even look in the archived book threads.

I fucking took those pictures for you guys to stop this whining.


>> No.2231807

You're going to have to deal with fine arts at any college you go to. There's no such thing as a stylized art school. You're going to have to get over it you dummy. You're also going to have to take shitty classes like Art History which is nothing but Fine Arts. If you want a school that has more to offer like animation and cartooning (rare courses) you're going to have to pay out the ass.

>> No.2231819

No, no, that's not what I meant. I know I'm going to be doing fine arts courses regardless. I'm cool with that. I was just concerned about any of these colleges offering those specialized kind of courses, like sequential art, animation, et cetera. But I guess if I really can't find any of those without paying out the ass like at Ringling or something, I'll have to look to online courses or self teaching.

>> No.2231826


It's different, but the fundamentals are always the same.

Holding a pencil and sketching on paper is just a different feel, but all the stuff like perspective, gesture, anatomy and all that is always the same.

>> No.2231833

I started with a tablet in fact now that I have a SP2 and a Note 4 I realize that I find my wacom bamboo more comfortable to use than drawing directly on the screen: my hand is not obstructing the drawing, its texture feels better than of the glass, keyboard shortcuts are easier to reach, etc...

>> No.2232026
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 8543095637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the beginner threads? Did we git gud already?

>> No.2232065

It's up to you to start another one fam

>> No.2232144

How do you draw big tits without making it sexual?

>> No.2232188

make them saggy

>> No.2232246

Anybody have any tutorials on how to draw like a 80s anime?

>inb4 fuck off back to /a/
>inb4 anime isn't real art

I jusf want to know if there's any type of concept sheets or guidelines I could incorporate into my art is all.

>> No.2232252

christ, first I have to prevent all the forest fires, now I have to keep making beginner threads? this work load is getting ridiculous.

>> No.2232257
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Study 80s anime and manga art then. Is this your first time here? Do I need to break out the loomis? Literally just take a screenshot of an 80s anime, redraw, and learn from it. You can also try drawing some old video game spites like king of fighters.

Also, 80s anime art is kind of broad, Dragon ball and Ranma were both 80s anime or manga and had distinctive styles. Im not that big of fan of the early dragon ball art that much. A-Are you sure you're not going for the 90s art, where everyone is shiny like they're covered in oil and theres crosshatching everywhere for shading?

>> No.2232268 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 654856983753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2232331

I want them to look sexy tho. But still not obviously sexualized at the same time. Maybe if I give her clothing that doesn't reveal a whole lot?

>> No.2232574

I just have no inspiration. I have all these ideas that randomly come up whenever I'm outside under the rain or when I go to bed...

But I don't have even the start of an idea when in front of the paper.

Is it lack of confidence? Motivation? Something else?

>> No.2232575

I have noticed that as I draw on my tablet/computer, as time goes on, and as I switch over to other tabs/programs, there is a increasing amount of lag between when I touch the tablet and when the mark appears on my program, this happens for anything that uses the tablet/it's pressure sensitivity, as in clipstudio/sai/photoshop/mypaint/mischeif, everything, but it's fine on my browser/chat programs. To fix it I have to save the drawing, close all other windows, then open up solely the drawing program. I believe this to be an issue with my computer itself, and not the software, and I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem.

>> No.2232581

I don't know shit about acrylic painting. What are important things to know as a starter? Things about how to use your brushes while painting, how to use your paints as you progress when it comes to water and brightness and when to use what when, what to do before you start, etc.

>> No.2232667
File: 766 KB, 1836x3264, 20150926_155102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want to answer to help me, do it to save the canvases. Gave up on this one when I was in to the boat and doing the buildings. Going to do something easier later tonight maybe.

>> No.2232675

What's a really, really simple art program to use? I don't like programs with a lot of features, since I won't use most of them, and I don't want to spend time learning it. Something that at least has layers.

>> No.2232768


>> No.2232804

The most important thing with acrylic painting is learning how to mix the colors to get the one you want. After that the brush strokes and stuff like that can be solved with ease, because it's a matter of construction and filling the blanks.

Another piece of advice would be to use a pencil to draw some help, and keep a sketchbook near you if you find you can't solve a shape, position or something like that. It doesn't feel nice when you're drawing a portrait and realize you don't know shit about hair, and decide to go on anyways.

>> No.2232830

Alright thanks. How about really basic stuff similar to priming the canvas? Speaking of which, how do you know what colour to prime the canvas with? I heard the complimentary colour of the main colour. I'm doing an underwater painting on an 8x10 canvas though, do I really want to prime it orange?

>> No.2232845

Anyone remember the name of the book with prompts and rectangles for practising different value scales? It was generally all about refining fine pencil technique. I can't quite remember any further specifics beyond the fact that it's a little old so archive searching didn't help me.

That's definitely a RAM problem. Get more, or don't draw with other programs open. At least close your browser mate.

>> No.2232847

has layers, minimal functionality, is free. only thing is that it's a social drawing site.
you don't have to join a public canvas to draw, but some of the functionality is cut off from you until you hit a certain criteria, which you can only reach by drawing with other people.

>> No.2232852

How do you make non-art fags realize you suck at art?
My roommates caught me drawing shitty animu doodles and now think I'm a good artist because its not stick figures.
How do I get them to stop thinking I can draw them stuff?

>> No.2232854

what? you mean the gradation?
it's either opacity set to pen pressure, blending 2 different colors, or using the gradation option with the fill tool.

google any of these things.

>> No.2232862

Just Say No
eventually they'll stop asking you cuz you're a no fun anus.

>> No.2232863

draw them a really bad shitty picture on purpose and hopefully they hate it so much they never talk to you again

>> No.2232869

Never mind, I just found openCanvas. It's pretty decent.

>> No.2232883

I always prime it white. Consider two things:

-When you're mixing colors the 'weakest' are the clearer colors, like white and yellow
-If you prime it with a darker color it'll take you even more white, yellow, etc. to get the color you want

White is just easier, and cheaper.

>> No.2232886


Without study/instruction, you will likely just practice terrible habits, and waste a shit load of time trying to figure out from scratch things that have long ago been reduced to very simple formulas.
Think about how long it took our species to git gub, how many corpses needed to be dissected just to figure out how the fuck anatomy works. You want to figure all that out on your own, minus the actual effort of corpse dissection.
You're not that hot shit.

>> No.2232887

Also another thing:


A good palette always has a bit of white, black and two primary colors. The more you work on your colors the better, richer, interesting your work will look. If you want to try an exercise, get a paint catalog, cut a random color, and try to mix your acrylics the closest you can to that color (of course knowing that the result depends on light, texture, how the paint dries on the surface, and so)

>> No.2232907

Dubs decides who I draw. I need a purty gurl.

>> No.2232915

Two Steve Harvey's fighting each other, and Dr. Phil nervously holding a gun, deciding which is the fake one.

>> No.2232916

Is it a problem if I spend most of my time practicing drawing and working on little projects and hardly any time making a "complete" work?

>> No.2232919

the dude from the pogues

>> No.2232922


>> No.2232926

most of the work in art is done in the first few phases, so it's technically the most important part to practice. You should push your art further at least occasionally, though, because if you NEVER do it you will hit a wall when you actually WANT to work more on a piece.

>> No.2232932

loli giantess clobbering the World Trade Centre

>> No.2232934


>> No.2232936

How do I get followers?

>> No.2232943

Get your work out there. Draw stuff people are interested in.

>> No.2232947

>A good palette always has a bit of white, black and two primary colors.
So you shouldn't use all of red, green and blue, just two? And all of the colors you use should be mixed from those these two base colors? So I'll only have white, black, and two primary colors on my palate to start?

>> No.2232958
File: 495 KB, 570x1000, e6152508fab80b3963e6f2173e3b2c1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From /ic/'s years of experience, would it be ignorant to say women are much easier to draw than men? I mean, drawing a woman is like drawing a man except without all the muscle indentations, so you're pretty much 90% done after getting the basic construction down. Just look at this pic, those legs are pretty identical to just rendered cylinders. Or is there more to it than just drawing a man without muscles?

>> No.2232964

Most people find the female body harder than male due to the natural curves. Men are more "blocky." While it's more work, it's easier to most

>> No.2232973

I might actually do that because it made me kek.

>> No.2232977

>Natural curves
I guess I see what you mean. I intemperate that as how flesh and major muscles react to gravity. Would you still agree that pulling off a successful male body requires more anatomy knowledge though?

>> No.2232992

Nah nigga, you need to draw the Steve Harvey drawing. Dubs demanded it.

>> No.2232997
File: 1.11 MB, 1598x2412, STUDY THIS FUCKING PALETTE HOLY SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, you can use any amount of color you want. What I meant is that if you have a red, blue, or yellow, it is ALREADY leaning towards another primary color, but it's very likely that you need to push it even more. Besides that, the colors should always have a bit of white and a bit of black

The purer the color not only the more unnatural it looks, the harder it is to balance the palette

Of course you shouldn't go overboard with the mixtures or you'll get it all muddy-grayish. But always remember, if things are imbalanced, chances are they aren't on the same palette

Just check neoclassics, romanticists, even impressionists, they palettes aren't high.

Btw: that's the reason your stock merc_wip concept art always looks so unconvincing, it has too much white, the palette is high and imbalanced. Hence everything shines, your eyes aren't guided towards anything, the composition is awful, it looks standard, plastic and overall shit. Bouguereau on the other hand

>> No.2232998

what is a good stenciling method?
Specifically for large scale projects likes posters.

I have been using masking tape and layering it like this.

I feel it is a tedious method to be honest.

>> No.2232999

it needs to be combined into one drawing

>> No.2233001

Trips demand. Do it.

>> No.2233007

Alright thanks for the help. I didn't really know where to start. I just watched some Bob Ross and listened to a friend talk about colour theory then tried it out. I'm gonna write that down and check it out when I can.

>> No.2233042

Depends on what you mean by successful. But I guess the ideal woman would have less muscle detailing than the ideal man. So given that scenario, yea I guess.

>> No.2233044

For someone who draws and sketches as a hobby and doesn't have resources for a Wacom, would a Huion work fine?

I mean, their tablets seem to have an awful rep in here. I don't doubt the quality of the Wacom ones is better but is Huion THAT bad not to warrant getting one for less than half the price of a Wacom equivalent?

>> No.2233053
File: 12 KB, 301x167, f1ee7c76-782f-4da6-8869-a3c0ec234053..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I could get a copy of Harmony 12?

>> No.2233091

How does a female thigh look like cross sectioned at the thickest part? Is it more like a circle or an oval?

>> No.2233160

So guys, I have this problem with my intuos pro, every time I put my Pc to sleep my tablet driver somehow gets fucked up and Iose pressure sensitivity. the pen works but no variability, I either have to restart or close the session and log in again.

anybody know how to make it work or restart quickly without having to close eveything ?

>> No.2233179

1) Log out when you would normally put it to sleep. If starting up anything after logging in takes 2 minutes+, check your startup programs/processes/apps/etc, that might be what's slowing it down.
2) Unplugged/replug the tablet.
3) Find the driver process, kill it and restart it every time your put your comp to sleep.

>> No.2233188

How about cardboard cut-outs with double-sided tape ?

>> No.2233202

I don't know how to explain but, I'm really horrible at color, i can draw in a way that doesn't make me want to set fire to my art desk, but I always get hung up on coloring, I think I need to start from the beginning somehow.

Where would I start if I wanted to improve my painting ability from the ground up, focusing on color?

>> No.2233230
File: 1.58 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150927_130102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my manlet look so tall? Loomis said to draw each body type, the measures have to be correct 7 and a half heads for the manlet type. When I draw the heroic body type it's going to look like a fucking naavi from avatar.

>> No.2233356

I'm exactly where you are. But it seems everywhere outside of /ic/ Huions are getting ok reviews, so I'm going for it.

>> No.2233365

What's a good combo of book/studies to get a grasp on perspective along with human proportions?

I'm not really a beginner, I'm just slowly getting frustrated over not having a solid foundation to rely on. Drawings feel like a gamble, I try to make them look good, fix stuff that looks off but then I take a look at the overall thing and it feels wrong.

>> No.2233368

Thoss proportion sheets are just guides. You're supposed to apply those measurements to your current drawings. You won't learn much by copying them like that.

>> No.2233370
File: 1.70 MB, 2085x2399, 1441049204064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1: Read Perspective Made Easy and do all the exercises.
2: Read How to Draw by Scott Robertson and do all the exercises and watch the videos.
3: Read Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis and do all the exercises.
4: Read Drawing the Head and Hands by Loomis and do all the exercises.
5: Read Force by Michael Mattesi.
6: Read How to Render by Scott Robertson and do all the exercises.
7: Read Color and Light by James Gurney and do all the exercises.

There you go, with 4 hours of focused practice a day (don't check your smartphone every 30 seconds) this training will last a whole year or a bit more. Also you need money to buy the books and a cintiq or intuos pro and ellipse templates etc.

After you complete that just do what you want for a while, explore styles, what you like to paint and such. THEN make a list of the things you are not good at and you want to learn and get to it.

>> No.2233407


>> No.2233453



is this >>2233370 a good answer?

>> No.2233454

>you need money to buy the books

>> No.2233460

why not just look for stuff on the internet? Buying these books sound kind of unnecessary

>> No.2233461


Not him, but yes. That's a solid recommendation to grasp everything you need to improve. A year might seem like a long time, but you'll notice a massive improvement if you save your sketches and compare them a year from now.

There are no shortcuts. Practice your ass off.

>> No.2233470

>kind of unnecessary
for now*

>> No.2233592

How do I go out of my comfort zone?

>> No.2233595

get a new comfort zone

>> No.2233629
File: 54 KB, 800x1120, Man_Modo_render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one go about gesturing a stiff pose? I like to do gestures for 20 mins a day to warm up but I always struggle with static, stiffer poses like pic related( it's a render but you get the idea).
Should I try to change the pose if it's too stiff?

>> No.2233644
File: 963 KB, 600x338, SanePresentHapuka.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one in comics express speed? or fast moving characters?

>> No.2233648


literally with a straight line; it's what you feel.

>> No.2233703
File: 153 KB, 800x1153, tumblr_n0aig7rJzh1r0c5dxo3_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck manga, european comics is all you need, learn from bastien vives and michael sanlaville.

>> No.2233709

hope you weren't serious with that picture.

>> No.2233718
File: 356 KB, 690x754, lastman2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shit taste detected in less than a milisecond

>> No.2233731

it looks like it was drawn in mspaint

>> No.2233748

Hey /ic/is, Beginner Q:
Should I draw the head first when sketching?

>> No.2233750

no, draw the penis.

>> No.2233752

What's a good ink pen that you can just pick up at any sort of pharmacy or walgreens?

>> No.2233758

What if it's a woman, shoudl I draw the begonia first?

>> No.2233762

Oh my god you cis shitlord it doesn't matter draw a penis on the girl anyway.

>> No.2233763

now, you just draw a feminine penis then

>> No.2233766

this >>2233368 and also because you have drawn him thinner it gives the illusion he is taller. if he was just a little bit wider he would look short. i think.

>> No.2233770

How do you draw a feminine penis?
I'm sorry.

>> No.2233774

you draw a penis, then the rest of the figure then you erase the penis

>> No.2233791
File: 221 KB, 400x399, 4534654654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to depict more subtle periods of the day(like dawn or dusk) using only values, but no color?

>> No.2233809

What's that twitch-like website where furry autists like to stream their shit?

>> No.2233817

picarto? or someshit

>> No.2233820

Shadows dude. The earlier or later in the day it is, the longer the shadows.

>> No.2233828

That's it, thanks.

>> No.2234025

Feminine penises are a meme

>> No.2234030

like any other penis, but you just act like the character is female.

>> No.2234031


thank you for the answer anon, but it seems like restarting the two only tablet services I've got doesn't do anything. meh, i'll just have to keep restarting i guess, but for a tablet they have a shit load of problems.

>> No.2234104

Depends what's your comfort zone.

Always same pose > random figure/pose generator
Always humans > paint objects and landscapes, practice rendering them both fast and with more detail
Always inanimate/from photos > go outside. an anon once recommend getting on a bus and sketching the people you see

Start by the spine and hipbone.

>> No.2234105
File: 4 KB, 200x194, 2bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! I just lost 5 hours worth of work in flash cs5 when it randomly decided to crash. FUCK FUCK FUck! All of that time and effort gone to waste, I should have saved more often. I can't deal with this lads I think I'm going to commit sudoku.

sorry I just needed to vent somewhere

>> No.2234113

Yeah I've had this happen. Also had it fuck up during a save and corrupt the file. Now I always save duplicate files at each stage. The good news is that now that you've done it once, that 5 hours of work can probably be redone in 2.

>> No.2234150
File: 239 KB, 1280x947, tumblr_nrgqhn1p1X1txtd5bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make my linework look like painted lines instead of ink lines? I use paint tool sai.

>> No.2234208
File: 21 KB, 180x204, 1440973979031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any legitimate reason I shouldn't practice photobashing other than "it's stealing" and "no talent"?

>> No.2234209

it looks like dog shit

>> No.2234228

Has anyone here tried SAI 2? Is it an extension of the old program or a completely new one?
How buggy is the beta?

>> No.2234234

Photo-bashing is good for putting colors on your canvas, giving you a kind of starting point. You then paint over it completely (maybe start by giving it a strong Gaussian blur); it's not meant to provide form, just a shortcut for setting the mood and color pallet. When you're done, there should be no indication you used photos at all.

This technique isn't very useful if you don't already have a basic understanding of the kind of color pallet or mood you're going for.

>> No.2234269

Is an Intuos Pro Small fine for painting? The difference in price from the medium one is noticeable.

>> No.2234270

care to elaborate what you mean by painted lines? Like an example? Not really understanding what a painted line is but my guess is you mean softer lines and opacity variations?

>> No.2234271

Definitely, you'll get used to the tool and never even notice the smaller space. After a couple of months of practicing with it nothing else will be as comfortable

>> No.2234272

Thank you very much.

>> No.2234273

I used a intuos for 3 years, decided I should finally get one of those fancy cintiqs, I think I returned it after a couple of days. I was so used to using a tablet and looking at my monitor the cintiq was terrible

>> No.2234277

I do hear a lot of stories of people that stick with their Intuos for almost a whole decade and can't get used to anything new.

>> No.2234305

How is wacom one for a first tablet? It looks pretty nice for 60 shekels but I'm not sure whether to get this or some huion in the same price range.

>> No.2234306

I've got a year of free time and want to get good at drawing but have no prior experience, can anyone recommend a plan to follow?

>> No.2234307
File: 51 KB, 442x112, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 4.36.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking know that feel. my prayers go out to you anon

>> No.2234311

My wrist is starting to slightly hurt. What exercises can i do to keep it flexible and don't fuck myself over.

>> No.2234321

You could make use of your arms more when drawing for one. Look up carpal tunnel exercises as well to prevent injuries or whatever.

I own a Bamboo Pen and Touch myself and it's alright. I kinda regret not having the bigger drawing space though, I'm sure lotta anons here would agree to get at least the medium-sized Intuos or something.

Literally right here >>1579290

>> No.2234475

the sticky or this >>2228600

>> No.2234478

I keep reading on here that deviantart is dead and that to get any exposure there you need to have been there for 10 years so making an account there now is not really worth it.

So what's the story behind accounts like http://picolo-kun.deviantart.com/
He joined in January 2014 and has massive exposure.
What are the factors involved in this? I don't think it's the quality of the art primarily, although his works are fine, the "more from deviantart" sections almost always has better (with not even half his views). I don't think it's groups either.

I think it's a combination of several factors including fanart, the moleskine look combined with digital painting (sorta making it all look traditional when it's not), and the prolific output. But how does that add up to so much exposure?

>> No.2234670
File: 79 KB, 256x256, 1428939929478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ic/ how come I get incredibly depressed when I stop drawing even for a day it feels as if I have failed a test or did not pass an exam when I don't draw but when I start drawing something I feel great.

Does anyone else feel that way, if so do you think its normal? I'm amazed at how quickly I can go from feeling good to being miserable when I do not draw.

>> No.2234674

Anyone remember that one tripfag from 08/09 that plagued the board with his snotty misinformation?

Skunky, or something?

>> No.2234676

Skulky. May he RIP.

>> No.2234984

Wanna try some blind contour drawings. Do you have to use an actual physical object, or can you just use a picture from google images?

>> No.2234988

It's rare but it's good, it shows you have strong and burning desire to draw and improve. Most people don't care enough, so don't let the feeling die and keep drawing every day.

>> No.2235025

Does anyone have any info on how the buttocks and maybe the legs relate to the pelvis, specifically simplifications of the pelvis (hipbox, etc)?

>> No.2235029

this might not belong here, but im actually having some photoshop CC / Cintiq issues. I'm getting abit of lag with each stroke, or just using it.

I dont have this issue with Clip Studio nor Sai.

Here is a video, I hope you guys dont mind. I didnt know where else to ask this question


>> No.2235193
File: 49 KB, 480x470, pheasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What medium did Fred Marcellino work in? Pastel?

>> No.2235219

>Fred Marcellino
google says colored pencil.
he also did some drawings in watercolor, but the particular image you linked looks to be colored pencil.

>> No.2235264

>University preselection kits due tomorrow.
>realise all the art I have done this year outside of school is anime trash or porn.
How fucked am I?

>> No.2235279

submit the porn. no shame.

>> No.2235281

But its gay porn anon.

>> No.2235312

Are there any good books about drawing drapery and cloths?

>> No.2235497

Try "Dynamic Wrinkles and Drapery" by Burne Hogarth

>> No.2235585

anyone knows how to print comic pencils on a bristol or comic paper board to then ink them? is there any config i need to know?

>> No.2235595

so what? stop being such a homophobe

>> No.2235605
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x1057, DN[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did he paint all that vegetation? Looks like it'd take forever, did he photobash it¿?

>> No.2235606

back to your containment board faggot


>> No.2235607

could be a bash, it could also be a plant brush. I think the bigger ones are painted normally though.

>> No.2235615

Looks all painted. It's not as detailed as you may think. There's just some really well designed brushstrokes and some well used textures that imply a lot more information than is there. Some of the brushes he used leave a scratchy or speckled type mark too which implies a lot of detail.

>> No.2235668

I'm a total beginner and still overcoming symbol drawing as mentioned in the /ic/ guide. should I get into gesture drawing from the get go? Or should I completely forget any kind of figure drawing for now until I have a solid foundation?

>> No.2235756
File: 201 KB, 374x292, Tomoya-clannad-32985782-374-292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you feel like you're gud enough. What are the very first steps in getting paid or taking small commissions? Im really new to this, I dont know how tumblr nor deviantart work, and I think I have a vague idea on how to get paid for fetish work.

>Just google it faggot
Well, the answers I found were kind of broad, and I was worried they would be dated, and would apply for only people who have already been posting on deviantart and are known.

im looking for anything to read, watch or just some answers on making your first baby steps in getting a dollar. My moral is, drawing is drawing, whethor not you're drawing generic animu porn, i still enjoy the process of drawing, and thats what matters. And again, my only knowledge of the art world is just from lurking /ic/

>> No.2235777

Why the fuck was the artbuddy thread deleted?

>> No.2235779

Don't worry, trips. That thread will appear after a while again in the form of a new thread. Trying to meet art buddies via /ic/ is useless anyway.

>> No.2235783
File: 101 KB, 320x240, 142lc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods never do shit on /ic/
>finally something new with potential happens
>gets deleted

no wonder this place is shit

>> No.2235798

So besides digital stuff, all my traditional drawings so far have just been done with pencil. I'm wondering, what's a convenient way to branch into color?
Are coloured pencils a good first step, or do any of you have suggestions for a reasonably convenient next step?
I want to avoid messy stuff so probably no paints (unless anyone can suggest really hassle-free paints), and preferably something I can use with my sketchbook.

>> No.2235800
File: 13 KB, 200x200, le smug gook face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's to make room for all the shitposting.

>> No.2235801

>/soc/ thread
>art related

>> No.2235807

>because all the other threads in the catalog are more /ic/ related than artbuddy hookup thread

>> No.2235808
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 73264873284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ please!

>> No.2235825

i too have a collar fetish

>> No.2235835
File: 55 KB, 848x480, 67986070908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, thanks for responding

>> No.2235842

I have no idea but I would seek the advice of artists that are already making money off of their art. As in, go to their blogs or whatever and ask them for advice.

>> No.2235850
File: 610 KB, 600x595, 3432847923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good. It makes sense, why would I ask random d/ic/ks that hate sakimichan and shitpost on /ic/ all day, when I could ask the sakimichan myself. Its gonna be hard getting the attention of someone who gets paid though, I imagine they get messages from people like me all the time.

Thanks lefty.

>> No.2235852

>mom all the other kids are doing it so why can't I?

>> No.2235867

This is an actual question. There are people debating this and I wanted to know an answer.
Is "anime" a style?

>> No.2236009

At what point can one begin to stylize?

>> No.2236022

I don't know one thing about scultpure but it looks interesting, where do I start?
Also is there a market for sculpture in the modern world?

>> No.2236154

Just stop being a bitch and draw an animu girl already. Who cares if /ic/ has an autistic attack about realism. You shouldn't draw stylized all the time, but a couple anime drawings wont permanently make you deviantart tier. Theres no "level" of skillness you need to acquire to have fun.

>> No.2236155
File: 344 KB, 1080x478, 1421136747638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not listen to this Anon. He does not want you to git gud. You must first learn the rules before you break them. Draw from life, stop drawing Anime.

>> No.2236167

>you mean softer lines and opacity variations?

>> No.2236198

Do both concurrently at least.

>> No.2236209

I feel like my gestures look like crap. How the hell do I improve my gesture drawings?

>> No.2236214

I can sketch, draw, and shade with values.
I can't seem to use colors well. What should I look into next?

>> No.2236221

Care to post some examples of your gestures? It would be easier to tell you how to improve that way
Gestures aren't supposed to look 'good,' it's supposed to teach you how to simplify, and how to get your idea down quickly and efficiently without losing it later in rendering, making a stiff pose. The only real way to get better is to keep doing them. Find new ways of simplifying things, try different methods of gestures drawing, instead of going from head to toe try blocking out the whole figure first, etc.

>> No.2236225

Color Theory, Composition, anything you like.

>> No.2236232
File: 120 KB, 679x1020, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas how can I draw the head of puc related? I can draw all the body, but for some reason the perspective pf the head is makings difficult for me to place the eyes and stuff, any tips?

>> No.2236235
File: 93 KB, 850x656, Gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the most recent 30sec gestures i've done.

>> No.2236331

Is it ok to paint over background from like 3d models or it's "cheap" to do so?

>> No.2236349

Looks like you're getting a bit caught up on outlines. Try to look for the main line of action in a pose and capture that first and foremost. An exercise that might help would be to limit yourself to capturing a pose with just one or two lines/strokes. No meandering, no outlining, just one/two lines that expresses the pose in its simplest form.

Best of luck, don't give up.

>> No.2236371

I was just about to post something along the lines of this but you summed it up better
Good luck anon, keep practicing

>> No.2236400

Thanks :-)

>> No.2236515

So how does the spin work when the body contorts? Whenever I see a pose and if one side of the body seems to be ``pinching`` inwards I mentally think the spine is curving out at that area the make the rounded shape. Am I just retarded?

>> No.2236516

How is it possible to draw 4-8hours a day without fucking your wrists up?

I'm motivated, I love drawing but the only thing holding me back is the fact that my wrists start hurting after 1-2hours of drawing.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.2236627

Are there any good guides on how to set up and use photoshop for painting/drawing?

>> No.2236873

where do you guys find references? i can never decide what to use as reference

>> No.2236898

draw with your arm, keep your wrist still and move your elbow and/or shoulder

>> No.2236937

Either search on pinterest/tumblr for something you like and look through some photos until something catches your eye or you can go to sticky -> w/ic/i -> reference. There is a ton of stuff. There are also youtube channels like onairvideo and New Masters Academy they have a ton of figure drawing videos. Also if you check out the book thread there is always something interesting to find

>> No.2236946

aight, thanks m8

>> No.2237236
File: 20 KB, 236x531, 18054776821226779daa67fc2719349e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know any good tutorials or books on costume design?
Sometimes I see some for fashion design but I'm looking to go into more fantastical costumes.
Sometimes I see character design but its usually crappy cliche design tutorials and just shows you how to make boring generic characters.
I want one that will show how to use shapes and silhouettes, textures and patterns to make a good design.

>> No.2237274


>> No.2237455
File: 90 KB, 640x480, nanael queens_blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually gud, or are you just a meme-spouter like 95% of /ic/? Also, I wouldn't be suprised if that ol' meme there wasn't meant to be taken seriously and was supposed to parody people like you.

So basically what I said the first time
>You shouldn't draw stylized all the time, but a couple anime drawings wont permanently make you deviantart tier.

Thank you, based retards.

>> No.2237482

Thanks. Ill try that out.

>> No.2237519

What is Ambient Light and how would I implement it into my paintings?

>> No.2237667

For natural light, how do you determine the angle of incidence?

Alternatively, given two identical objects under sunlight, what are the necessary conditions for one to cast a longer shadow than the other?

>> No.2237680

Nevermind. Got my answer.

>> No.2237777

So after a while on manga studio, my cursor slows down, still moves really smoothly, but slower, annoying as fuck. anyone have a fix for this ? Is it memory related ?

>> No.2237787
File: 3 KB, 125x106, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1440465135025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2237796

Do I need a business or a personal PayPal account to commission artists?

>> No.2237828

personal, apparently the other option, that use to exist(premium or whatever), was merged with it.

>> No.2237927

How much RAM do you have in your computer?
How much is currently in use when this happens?

>> No.2238024

Is there a service for free online comics like there's one for free blogs?

Shouldn't those tumblr/etc. fuckers also provide an outlet for that as well, since a shit ton of people like to browse comics?

>> No.2238216

Google webcomic hosting. I've mostly seen people use Smackjeeves, but there are others out there.

>> No.2238218

All I need to do to get better at drawing is just to read some of the recommended books?

>> No.2238222

no, you use those books to help you understand things but you gotta apply it to practice constantly.

>> No.2238224

I use to have the same issues with photoshop until I started consolidating my layers, instead of trying to give every single object doesn't need it's own layer. Maybe you are using too many layers, at too high of a resolution otherwise.

Otherwise you would need to allocate more Ram or Scratch Disk.

Or you could try these steps

>> No.2238407

look at bob ross, if there is one thing he does well its mountains and making detailed shit fast ans simple.

i personally cant get use to tablets, 10+ years of using one, and i still cant make base drawings digitally. would love to try out a penable display.

well, dont draw them with a hand groping them, tongue caressing the nipple while it locates is a good start.

tell them a price and draw what they want you to, you can use it as practice and they can pay you for it... win win if you dont care to much about them.

2 steve harveys and doctor phil on the trade centers as the giant loli is going to work on them in the background.

drawing is the work, rendering is the bullshit you do to make it look nice, liek the other anon said, you are doing valuble work, and i will say you are not polishing shit along the way makeing you better faster

pander and porn

if you are talking about anime girls... men and women are largely the same, women just have an hourglass and men at best are slightly wider top side.

god, anymore there is very little difference.

personally, i use cardstock and a program to make vectors in, than you print out one set of cardstock for each vector color. if you use an air brush, it works so much better than spray paint.

huions are fantastic, you just have to do a bit of driver troubleshooting if you fuck up, and there are also conflicts between windows tablet driver and ones they supply.

quality wise they are as good as wacoms intous pros, just without tilt functionality, and honestly, how often do you use that? for most people its never.

mac version is the only one i can easily find. other wise you are looking for version 10 on windows.

learn light to save you a headache later on, and also try to paint from real life photos and shit, something that you can compare between instead if original shit.

>> No.2238417

I can't seem to sketch on a drawing tablet as well as I can traditionally, inking and coloring I can do fine though. I'm almost considering going back to scanning sketches into Photoshop. Specifically I can't seem to make the curves I want, and straight lines for that matter.

Is it just practice makes perfect, or are there methods that help when sketching digitally? Hell I'll take brush packs even.

>> No.2238418

look up animation that got awards for being good and see how they did it.

largely to show speed you need blurring, how much blur give the illusion of if its fast or if its slow.

draw the cranium, and there is your un fuckupable basleline to measure the rest of everything by.

i suggest pentel pocket brush

yes and no.
if the area you are drawing is foggy or shit in the morning, than yea, you can get the feel for dawn, but its not going to have the same feel in black and white.
shadows will only get the man so far.

and this is why we save
and this is why we save in duplicate
granted, in non animation, i save the duplicate as png files because even if it corrupts, you still got part of an image to work with.

you answered your own question

are you a working professional who needs to get shit done by 8am tomorrow because your boss demands it? than go for it
if not, than what the fuck would you want to cripple yourself for?

the fact no one mentions sai 2 should be all you need to know.

its not cant, its dont want to take the time.

probably because he doesnt suck dick, most people who go there suck, and the people venting that you can't get exposure there probably suck dick too and are seriously unaware or went full muh style and never took the time to figure out the style was unappealing shit.

granted, post in more than one place anyway, dont ever wall your ass off if a place could potentially help.

what did the dude do?

doesnt matter

probably make your own thread as very few people have cintiqs.

your in an art school/program, straight there is a minority

throw bedsheets at shit and draw it.

gnomen is the best bet for this.

>> No.2238420

>your in an art school/program, straight there is a minority
This is unironically true in a lot of cases

If you just started drawing on a tablet, it'll take a while to get used it. They simply feel really different but a few weeks of working with it will have you used to it in no time.

>> No.2238428

zoom in and look at it, depending on the area, he put color down than added highlights and black, or he put down color on an area that was already black, its bitch work no doubt, but its not hard or even all that time consumeing, at least compared to the monster.

no reason to not gesture as it has nothing to do with symbols. also, the moment you try to draw form, you are no longer symbol drawing, however you fucking suck dick so anyone who sees it will say you are.

hate is a strong word, even though i can rip some of their work apart and have in the past doesn't mean i hate them, they are over rated and because they pander like a motherfucker somehow got to 68,000$ a month and this pisses people off who could probably be objectively better but cant sell shit. never expect to be anything more than minimum wage till you get good, and if you are asking on ic how to make money, you are FAR from the get good level.

there is a rule against hookup threads, and its the entire reason a board was made because this shit happened to much. but lets do this, ill go through the catalouge as of right the fuck now and see whats not /ic/

mspaint how good is this shit
a rate my shit shitpost
see above
read the sticky
ic v i
something retarded
see above

out of 150 threads 7 were ones i would personally prune, and of them only 3 are legitimately breaking rules and not shitposting within them.

go digital until you have a firm understanding of color as that shits expensive.

if you REALLY want color though, remember, frazetta used a mickey mouse crayola water color for his watercolors, you do not need to spend a fuckload to do good, its all about that skill.

look at manga, you can easily tell what people learned from manga and which ones could rock realism if asked. the rule is there because everyone worth a damn paid their dues in learning realism befor going stylized

>> No.2238436

yes and no.
anime as a style name, at least in america, is what they call it when non anime/manga fans try to draw what they think anime is based off the shittiest looking anime with a western backbone.

but there definitely is a style that screams anime/manga to the point that when you see something inspired by it, you know where its roots are, such as avatar.

there is a flow to your progress, if you are an adult, your ability to see (eye) will be higher than you skill by a large margin.

draw till you exceed your eye, than branch out into rendering, and once your eye exceeded you catch up again, and at that point i would say sure try a style, you already got good enough you dont see flaws twice, that means you are fairly far up there.

doing a style before this will just mask where you are shit and you wont get better.

z brush, or sculpty.
yes there is, you sculpt the base object that gets molded and cast, but there is likely FAR more work in digital sculpting than traditional anymore.

is this image yours or is it your reference?

did you make the models or did you find them and place them?

largely whatever works but ideal you would be able to do it without.

if you made it yourself, awesome, but if its someone elses, that feels a bit cheep.

overhand grip, force your ass to use your arm.

there is an image search engine that deals exclusively in things that are free to use without paying anything... i forget what its called, but i would try to get everything from there.

whatever allows you to do invoices, that way someone cant send you money saying "thanks for the hardcore gay porn with the gaping anus" and get paypal to steal all your money.

you need to grind skill, hundreds of thousands of shit drawings till the good ones start coming out.

>> No.2238438

I learned to draw on an HP TC1100 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Compaq_TC1100)) and occasionally on a tablet.

I feel like I can't draw on paper now, and I got so used to the pen display that getting a cintiq was pretty much a requirement for me when the TC1100 was getting old.

>> No.2238441

i speak from the prospective of i spend 3 months without a mouse and fucking years of trying to draw digitally with tablets.

i just cant fucking do it.

painting, i can
inking, while i can i instead use the palet knife in photoshop on scanned in/photos and it gets me good enough lines that i can skip that.

this is what i tell everyone who asks if a cintiq is worth it, aside from telling them about the cintiq alternatives, can you get use to it? try using it as a mouse for a month, and if you absolutely cant get use to it, than get one of the alternatives/cintiqs if you have a place with a good return policy, that ay you aren't out a few thousand dollars if its even worse for you than the tablet is.

>> No.2238444

When online shopping I bought a non-descript lump of "sculpting clay" as a bonus to try my hand in sculpting. I think it was just regular old dirt (so "pottery clay"?), but at least it doesn't solidify permanently.

What should I try if I want to work with something that won't permanently dry up? I'm all for those poly-whatever synthetic stuff, but it usually says it'll harden in contact with air.

Is there a guide to all this somewhere?

>> No.2238447
File: 2.96 MB, 1521x2025, jacko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PS this is my totally intended akhenaton-michael jackson mutant.

>> No.2238451

Awesome possum just answered a ton of questions. I think I can speak for the many and say

Thank you :-)

>> No.2238471

>work through exercises
>"spend at least 45 minutes drawing a pepper"
>done in 15 minutes

Am I doing it wrong? My detailing is lacking because I'm using a fineliner but I don't see how this could possibly take more than 20 minutes.

>> No.2238494

I'm not going to ask in /g/ so..

What is a good monitor for digital painting? Not extremely expensive pls.

I'm using this one but I don't know if it's any good: http://www.kagoo.com/TVs-Monitors-Projectors/PC-Monitors/1499524/Philips-246V5.html

>> No.2238500

fuck off to /g/

>> No.2238909

well, its an exercise, so why not post your result and your source.

personally i would never give a hard line for a time frame because that leads to polishing shit more often than it does not.

/g/ doesnt know shit about art, that rule is there to make people not create endless threads about what tablet what monitor here, if they want to come to a pre existing thread like this and post thats fine.

with that said

there are 2 kinds of monitors that are common,
tn and ips.
tn usually offer faster refresh rates and response time, and are ideal for gaming on, ips are more focused to color accuracy at any viewing angle. any more a 60hrz monitor of either one will preform about the same with ips having a massive color advantage on average.

however, a well calibrated tn can match many of the lower tier ips monitors, though im guessing you dont have the money to buy something for calibration/unable to calibrate it yourself.
so you are stuck looking at an ips display.
for under 300$ you will get at most adobergb values of 70%, this is still good, just not nearly as good as they can be, if you are not doing art professionally this is all you need.
you may be able to find a used ips display that has adobe rgb values up to 90-99.5% and these will definatly be better.
what you want more than adobe rgb at the low end though is a static contrast ratio of at least 1000 to 1 or 1 to 1000 i forget how that shit is written.
on an lcd, you will never get a true black, every black is just grey but by contrast to whats around it it appears black.
1000:1 is the base line you should get any monitor for.
i know there are some benq monitors that get close to 2000:1 or 2500:1 that are amazingly cheap, but again i dont know your budget.
if you want an art monitor new, plan of 300-400$ and if you want the best, look for a true 10bit panel, this will run you around 1000$
make sure the static contrast ratio is at least 1000:1
and ips>tn or other types

>> No.2239696

Been studying Loomis' head construction recently and have been having trouble putting the eyes in perspective, especially when I try to change up the size.

Any tutorials or techniques I can look at or study to improve this would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.2239759

Well, without knowing more about the problem you're having I'd just suggest tackling alternative methods of constructing the head. Sometimes certain methods don't "click", so just try something else.

Do you have an example of your problem? Are you just having problems making the eyes look set into the skull, or is it alignment or what?

>> No.2239777

Quick question:
How do I not lose sense of what i'm doing?
Example would be that after a period of time when im drawing i take a quick break and come back to see that what i just did was absolutely horrible.

>> No.2239779

I can't remember if it was a picture or a drawing, but I remember seeing sometime ago an image of someone receiving surgery on a limb and his skin was completely stretched outwards like rubber and pinned.

If it was a drawing in was probably Kim jung Ji
If it was a surgery it's likely amputation.

Has anyone seen an image with this sort of description? I remember it being a really good reference for an interesting angle

>> No.2239781

Well that's good. Keep doing that. One of two things happen when you are working on a piece. You'll either be blind to obvious problems or see problems that aren't there. It's highly recommend that you step away from a piece and come back to it.

>> No.2239787

I see now, thanks.
Now what I have to work on now is trying to fix the horrible stuff, which of course needs experience and practice :|

>> No.2239797

A little of both. The biggest issue is with alignment.

The shaping of the eye's also becomes a problem when I try and play with different expressions and emotions, though. But that's an issue I'm planning on tackling once I can get the alignment down better.

>> No.2239822
File: 174 KB, 960x960, 12106952_10153529035615485_6586124544776300831_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An artist I look up to told me to do some gesture drawing. Something I never really studied much about or looked into. Am I doing this correctly? Can this even be done "correctly"?

>> No.2239837

How to draw weapons?

>> No.2239858

ok, draw the eye ball and not the part of the eye we see, this means draw a sphere.

drawing the whole damn eye should help you allot, than layer the skin and shit over it.

report back when you try this.

dont polish shit, if everything is broken, start over. one artist i listened to told us that if the proportions aren't right, dont even move forward, and this was from a very basic gesture/construction thing he was doing.

if something fundamental to the drawing is broke from an early point, fuck the whole goddamn thing.

now, >>2239777 depending on what you are talking about, if its fundamental parts of the drawing that are broke, or you have a vision of what you want, you take a break come back, cant remember the vision and without it what you have makes not sense/looks bad, this is more a problem of you getting all the info down in a very short time frame.

if thats the case, take old master shit like
and try to sketch out everything in 30 minutes, just enough to get the info down so you can come back to it later on and finish it. same artist i mentioned also showed off how he does simplification so that a 30 second life drawing can be finished years out because all the info he needed to do it was right there.

there is a metric fuck ton of images like that, if you definitely know the artist it becomes easier to narrow down. and if it was a kjj drawing, you wouldn't be saying probably, dude is VERY distinctive... that said, cant hurt downloading his art books.

what kind of weapons?
practical or ornate?
fantasy, scifi, real?
future past?

>> No.2239866

ok, there is no correct way to gesture and watching vilppu showing off several different ways, there is no correct way or one way to do it either.

you want to see if you are doing it correctly...
try doing this.

get some boxing videos and went punches are thrown pause and gesture.

does the drawing feel like it has movement behind it?
are you able to feel the weight, and tell what parts are grounded?

if yes, than you are at the very least doing something right.

a gesture should be a fairly loose drawing, proko will tell you to push it/exaggerate it to a retarded extent where its no longer useable in the final drawing, whereas vilppu will tell you to feel the form and he can take his gestures to final drawings.

i personally like prokos explanation with vilppu's execution, but i'm also the kind of person who can do extremely complicated math in my head so long as you give me a real world situation where that math can be applied.

>> No.2239894

>all these tutorials with a shitload of publicity telling you the same exact stuff you hear everywhere else
>lists of actual exercises receive no attention

Where should I look for stuff I can grind through for hours on end?

>> No.2239899 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 640x480, 20151003_213728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should mention that I'm turbo new so any kind of exercise is welcome. Going through keys of drawing right now

>> No.2239900

gesture is a fucking waste of time and the people parroting PROKOOOOOOPROKOOOOOOOOOOOGAHHHHAKEWWZ need to fucking kill themselves

>> No.2239902
File: 504 KB, 480x640, 20151003_213728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should mention that I'm turbo new so any kind of exercise is welcome. Going through keys of drawing right now

>> No.2239906
File: 27 KB, 283x342, 1370885476255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gesture is a fucking waste of time

Nice dubs though.

>> No.2239914


>thinking people are parroting Proko

Most people here are parroting Vilppu.

I don't think gesture is as great as some people say but it's not a waste of time. It's a useful exercise.

>> No.2239936

Whats /ic/'s guide to discipline. I want to work 8 hours all without even getting up to pee, and work fast and efficient. Some say to read the art of war, others say to join the army. Whats your quick strategy?

>> No.2239978

Everyone likes to jerk each other off over the handful of exercises "the old masters" offer. I don't disagree with that. But don't completely discredit gesture drawing as an exercise and foundation for figure drawing. While it is given waaaay more importance than it deserves, it's still a valuable tool especially for beginner artists.

>> No.2239980

Work with daylight, sleep a lot and drink with water. For how simple it is it gives you a decent boost in productivity.

And you're probably talking about Art of Learning. Art of war is very short.

>> No.2240002


things will be answered there if there's anything i can i can answer from where i left off last.