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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 130 KB, 749x959, nickybeats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2229364 No.2229364 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an art improvement thread? I've started taking up art again seriously for the first time in like 3 years and seeing amazing improvement between old and new stuff would be inspirational.

>> No.2229367

How about you worry about yourself and mind your own business.

>> No.2229489

Somebody's salty. Not everybody gets jelly of other artists you know

>> No.2229539

Nobody is jealous of your half assed study, OP.

>> No.2229621
File: 178 KB, 500x431, tumblr_nma0c5MTkm1u62icso1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This belongs to none of us. This is NickyBeats' work.Literally you came in upset for what tho? Get the fuck out if you didn't have anything inspirational to post.

>> No.2229654

wow, props to that kid. She improved a lot.

>> No.2229656

Cry about it, babby boy

>> No.2229663

leave already.
getting assblasted and then going "yeah, well ur a fagot so i wasnt wrong anyway" makes you look like a fucking clown.

>> No.2229665

Cry about it, babby boy

>> No.2229667

sounds like you got burned so badly that youre reverting to a childhood mentality.
anon put this little bitch back in diapers.

>> No.2229668

Cry about it, babby boy

>> No.2229673

lmfao you broke him

>> No.2229679
File: 1.03 MB, 1883x690, noahbradley2009-2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the troll OP, or don't- he's bumping this thread which is honestly a great idea.

Have some Noah Bradley!

>> No.2229681

>projecting this hard
>implying I'm mad

>> No.2229683

You are literally a crying babby boy

>> No.2229688

>ignore the troll
>posts trolla badley

>> No.2229693

It's more about the improvement than the person. But I wasn't aware there was anything wrong/trollish about him.

>> No.2229697

He's one of the most hated people here, so usually praise towards him is a troll trying to rile people up.

>> No.2229701

what? Why do people hate him? I thought he was an inspiration because he started from nothing and got really good over time. I've been on /ic/ for about a year and honestly never encountered negative speech about him. But then again I only see him brought up once every so often.

Honestly sorry though, I wanted to see this thread succeed not cause problems.

>> No.2229834

my god

sakimichan is contagious

>> No.2229867

His artwork really isn't bad at all.

What people don't like is the way he carries himself online. He has a very smug/narcissistic personally, and really rustles people up.

>> No.2229869

This. I followed him on twitter hoping to see interesting art and to see into his process but he turned out to be pretty insufferable.

>> No.2229882

Not to rain on someone who's REALLY good for their age but I went through their tumblr and it's mostly shoulders and heads, full bodies are traditional anime poses with blank backgrounds.
Nothing really of substance when it comes to the composition of a piece other than the really good rendering.

>> No.2229890

...wasn't he also running a fraudulent art class business that ended in a lawsuit or something?

>> No.2229894

Also the fact that he markets himself more than he paints and has a huge ego. And he conned all those noobs out of over 100k.

>> No.2230212
File: 2.93 MB, 850x2180, yuumei improvement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2230219

he's a joke haha, someone paid 140 bucks for this


>> No.2230316

I don't know what to think of this

His progress is all over the place

>> No.2230817

Pretty old pieces though.

Still surprised how far she made it since I started following her in 2007/8 (Death Note/saturated eyes phase).

>> No.2230832

Even though she's better technically her pics are still generic and uninspired as hell. I'd even say that her older pics, despite being edgy as shit, are more interesting. Hopefully this got better up until now

>> No.2231040
File: 1.97 MB, 850x2098, improv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just threw this together the other day. Nothing impressive, but I mean there's some sort of progress going on.

>> No.2231042
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x2448, 20150925_010237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to drawing and was just doing some practice at work. Both of these were done within the hour.

Still a long ways to go.

>> No.2231043

I think the technical skill was always there, it's just his preferences in what to draw changed throughout the years.

Some people are literally happy drawing animu their entire life, as foreign as that might seem on this board

>> No.2231048

Really bad angle for showing off your work.
In any case, try to work a little rougher with your sketches so it doesn't take nearly as long.

>> No.2231051

Will do. And I have no idea about the angle. My phone flipped the image.

>> No.2231057
File: 27 KB, 831x407, angle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2231067

I think you're doing just fine, man.

>> No.2231070

>fishing for compliments

>> No.2231082

>looking for compliments on /ic/
How dumb do you think I am
If I wanted to fish for compliments I'd just go to facebook or tumblr

If I don't act like that to begin with, I just always get anons going "wow you haven't improved in the last few years" or ">still drawing anime". Yada yada yada, heard it all before. Might as well get it in before they do.

>> No.2231099


Don't listen to trolls/haters. You're good and I like what you do

>> No.2231102

I like it.
I like your rendering style in 2015 and I love how you did that blue young girl in 2013.

>> No.2231104

So how did you get an artist alley table at 14...?

>> No.2231105

really? I find her work more inspired than the vast majority of artists out there. I mean, have you seen her newer works? 1000 words is great and the newer comic on freedome aswell. She's tackling important topics apart from most anime weebs who just draw their waifus and lolis. Link related
can I follow you somewhere?

>> No.2231114

>Oh hey, this con is selling artist alley tables
>Buy the table
>Show up
It's very easy if it's a smaller con, and it was way easier back in 2011. They didn't even ask for an ID or anything. So long as I gave them the money, I was golden.
Some bigger cons have jury systems so the alley isn't filled to the brim with the babbysfirsttablet scribbles of a 14 year old, but its rarer. Most small cons are just happy to fill up the alley at all.

>> No.2231123

Good on ya, keep drawing. I wish I did more as a kid. Being an adult its a real effort and putting aside isn't always easy.

>> No.2231128

MS Office Lens on IOS or Android : it correct perspective and white balance automatically. Great app in my everyday life !

>> No.2231130
File: 104 KB, 960x704, 11952051_403235753214894_7650800168670275037_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the person you replied to! But thank you so much. I've been looking for something that helps with taking pictures of physical art.

>> No.2231135
File: 59 KB, 551x514, here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally cannot improve this picture

>> No.2231195

Oh hey, that's neat. A bit too heavy-handed for my taste, but I like how she sets up the shots.

>> No.2231200

you can make it into a circle (its fucking wider than tall) and use some antialiasing

>> No.2231217


I think a lot of the hate Noah gets is completely undeserved. To a large degree it just looks like envy to me, because he was incredibly smart and good at promoting himself and building up his persona online in a short matter of time.

>> No.2231229
File: 2.18 MB, 2000x5000, 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2231238

Respectable how you've retained that fetish for almost a decade.

>> No.2231246


Some of your subject matter is not to my taste, but I think you have a real eye for composition. Even some of your earlier pieces even have good composition.

>> No.2231248


Giant "little" muscular girls destroying things. I think going to a gallery full of bob ross like environment paints is more interesting than looking at your work, and that's a lot. Who cares about story when the subject matter is so untasteful and bland to watch? Really lame that you have this fetish because you have skills.

Also, with this kinda of fetish so intense that you almost only show those works I would probably look into professional help.

>> No.2231270


>> No.2231276

is this b8? this transcends retardation.

>> No.2231282


Well... What transcends retardation is a matter of opinion if you have the same taste as this artist.

Drawing giant muscular children for a decade is worth a psychological help I think.

>> No.2231287

if he drew generic pinups for a decade you wouldn't be saying that. just because he enjoys something different than you, it means he needs help?

>> No.2231304

Wow you actually sound like a huge faggot

>Drawing giant muscular children for a decade is worth a psychological help I think.

objectively false

>> No.2231314

Generic pinups are based on normal women with real bodies and not giant muscular kids destroying things in sexy poses.

>objectively false

Based on what? I'm sure being a 20 something year old virgin drawing muscular children can't be healthy.

>> No.2231326

i just opt to draw things i like when i'm at home. i draw plenty of other things at work

>> No.2231329

You don't know anything about anon's life.

You don't dictate what is proper or improper content.

>> No.2231331
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1080, 1355213329885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you faggots wouldn't love to be used as a dildo by a /fit/ loli

>> No.2231334

>I'm sure being a 20 something year old virgin drawing muscular children can't be healthy.


>> No.2231345

Wait thats sakimi???

>> No.2231416
File: 2.09 MB, 1810x4572, vuosia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be the sappiest fucking thing I've ever said, but this community is the most motivating one I've taken part in in my life.

Thank you all for making it this way. Cheers & let's work harder.

>> No.2231459

Man, I don't mind giantess works but I don't really get the fetishization of crushing things/destroying cities. Rinfag, do you hate people? Do you hate civilization? Why do you get off to hundreds of people dying?

>> No.2231494

do you draw anything besides people??

>> No.2231504

there is some decent improvement, but holy fuck, how can your stuff stay so boring and uninteresting?
nothing stands out at all as memorable, besides maybe like the very last goat thing.

>> No.2231509

Occasionally. Not enough.
I've been planning on taking a month for solely focusing on landscapes for ages.

>> No.2231522

Ha! A combination of playing it safe and simply not having the ideas, I suppose.
Thank you. I'll try to take this as a wake-up call.

>> No.2231526

Poster is a girl

>> No.2231528

oh then its ok, it looks reallz great, interesting ans what not. because gender matter when it comes to art and grills get automatic bonus points.

>> No.2231533

I just like being a faggot. Hit me and I'll work harder. Bonus points for no one for nothing.

>> No.2231748

You have a long road of improvement ahead of you, but it's clear that you're trying hard. Good job.

>> No.2231766

>asking /ic/ for improvement threads

Every time I've ever seen one of these threads it's always infested with jaded assholes who post the joke improvements to feel better about themselves or trolls who shit on any improvement and say they've gotten worse/are still shit.

This really doesn't strike me as the place to ask for this sort of thing given how many shitposters this board has.

>> No.2231803

I just like a really strong cutie showing off how powerful she is. Maybe its a bit of both, who knows.