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File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, doodleedoo_by_zedig-d6npsva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2227095 No.2227095 [Reply] [Original]

over the past few years I've come across quite a few artists with a simular design style as alexandre zedig. I was wondering how many people you guys can think of with a simular design style.

>> No.2227097
File: 47 KB, 736x1044, f7583503a14fe20dbb127ec5c94423cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

julian mayer

>> No.2227158


I can't find his work, the name is right?

>> No.2227162
File: 119 KB, 540x304, tumblr_nnu5p2Obnf1sqh0kno2_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zedig a god of aesthethics

>> No.2227179

he's one of the many jean giraud ripoffs, maybe that's what you mean.

>> No.2227180

>over the past few years I've come across quite a few artists with a simular design style as alexandre zedig.
fanboys can go away

>> No.2227184
File: 266 KB, 1280x780, tumblr_neli8oaoNO1sqh0kno3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, not really. His inking technique is inspired by Moebius and the fact that he likes to draw surreal, crazy shit. The actual drawings themselves and his stylization look nothing like anything I've ever seen from Moebius.

>> No.2227195


Ripoff? On what fucking planet you imbecile. Obvious inspiration but only the dumbest of fuckfaces would consider it a ripoff. Christ you are stupid.

>> No.2227289


seems like he deleted all of his old work...

you can still find it here tho; https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=Julian%20mayer&term_meta%5B%5D=Julian%7Ctyped&term_meta%5B%5D=mayer%7Ctyped

>> No.2227291

you can tell he's influenced by Moebius, but he's not really a ripoff imo

why does everything has to be a ripoff on this board...

>> No.2227330

because you've never actually read his comics. he's a meme artist among 20 year olds today that no one really appreciates.

those monsters and that girl >>2227095 look like they're straight out of arzach

>> No.2227475

>he's a meme artist among 20 year olds today that no one really appreciates.

No one but you, anon. No one but you :)

>> No.2227533


>> No.2227539 [DELETED] 

im not

but then again all I draw is porn

>> No.2227575

>look like they're straight out of arzach
Sounds like you've never read Arzach then.
There is obvious inspiration, but apparently the moment you see splashs of random colours you shout MOEBIUS RIPOFF, because none of those characters or designs would fit in Arzach at all.

>> No.2227724
File: 152 KB, 752x1063, dave_rapoza_s_starveil_fanart_by_zedig-d6ov516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've read every comic he's been apart of.

>but apparently the moment you see splashs of random colours you shout MOEBIUS RIPOFF,
i'm talking about the oblong shape vocabulary and character designs. not the color scheme.
you're just being blinded the big eyes he draws, take it away it looks like a moebius character ala >>2227095

zedig has drawn many arzach warropr/starwatcher ripoff designs and his sketches are more obvious in ripping giraud
he's not original at all, stop licking his nuts.

>> No.2227777

Zedig does borrow a lot from Moebius, but I think it is still unfair to call him "not original at all". He's got a style that stands out, he's developed his own painting aesthetic, and while his designs can at times be slightly derivative they also can be innovative. He's also still in his early twenties I think, so hasn't had the time to mature his art to the point of Moebius in full swing.

>> No.2227780
File: 296 KB, 752x1063, rauque_poster_by_zedig-d6ife3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. Zedig is heavily inspired by Moebius, but also by plenty of other french and japanese artists. His work is not a ripoff of one particular artist, but a highly skilled mixture of many influences. You're a sad loser who is angry that someone has studied this artist you're a huge fanboy of and understood more about his art than you can ever hope to learn. Hell, I'm not even sure you want to learn anything form Moebius and his art.You sound like a consumer who just likes to read his comics and get into internet fights whenever you see some actual artist apply something they learnt from studying his art.

If Moebius was still alive he'd love Zedig's work. If he saw your work, he couldn't give less of a shit. Just let that sink in, you faggot.

>> No.2227785


>> No.2227909

they're not really innovative imo. gobelins has already had this moebius-like design aesthetic for a decade now. and now everybody draws like that so it's no long visually interesting.

> His work is not a ripoff of one particular artist, but a highly skilled mixture of many influences.
you're using that image as an example of "highly skilled'? he's made way better art than that.

>If Moebius was still alive he'd love Zedig's work.
way to talk for someone who's dead. i didn't even say anything like that.

> Hell, I'm not even sure you want to learn anything form Moebius and his art
giraud is a meme artist, i love him but he's been ripped off so much that i don't want to be another imitator like darrow, graham, vives, abbadon, and a million others.

the rest of your post was pathetic nut licking, i told you to stop doing that.

>> No.2227911

why does that guys pompadour have a butthole?

>> No.2227920

>giraud is a meme artist, i love him but he's been ripped off so much that i don't want to be another imitator
Reminds me of “Why be a second-rate Frazetta when you be can be a first-rate you?” -Frank Frazetta

That being said, Jeff Jones started as a Frazetta clone then eventually grew out of it until he developed his own style and blend of influences and reached a height arguably on par or higher than Frazetta. But there is of course the danger of being a Vallejo.

I think you criticize too much for originality, especially on an artist so early on his journey. Rockwell was a Leyendecker wannabe early in his career, but he grew out of it. Cornwell was a Dunn clone at the start but he grew out of it. It's a common enough path for an artist to follow extremely closely in another's footsteps before branching off on their own. It's a great way to learn some really solid skills, and I think you would be crazy to say that Zedig isn't drawing and painting at a high level.

>> No.2227986

>imitator like darrow, graham, vives, abbadon, and a million others.
none of those artists is a moebius ripoff not even close...

>> No.2228050

>moebius ripoff
Do you realize Zedig is still 24?
Jean Giraud started to be Moebius after something like 10 years of Blueberry, near 30.

>> No.2228053
File: 38 KB, 377x377, 1428955149035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and understood more about his art than you can ever hope to learn.
what you're saying doesn't make any sense, fanboy

>> No.2228175

>giraud is a meme artist, i love him but he's been ripped off so much that i don't want to be another imitator like darrow, graham, vives, abbadon, and a million others.

You will never make it as an artist. Any good artist is the sum of his inspirations coupled with his own individual input. Someone like you who refuses to stand on the shoulder of giants out of the fear of being a "ripoff" has no chance to ever get good.

You can call people fanboys and nutlickers all you want, but the truth simply is that Zedig is already a better, more technically skilled AND more original and interesting artist than you will ever become in your entire life. That is because he didn't shy away from learning from artists who inspire him. No one who looks at Zedig's work sees a Moebius ripoff. They see an innovative, creative artist with strong Moebius, Miyazaki and general French comic influence.

>> No.2228183

That's because you are an idiot. You read Giraud's comics and learn nothing from them, because you are a consumer, not an artist.

Zedig looks at Giraud's work, analyzes it and understands what makes his design language and drawing technique so appealing and then applies it to his own work.

>> No.2228199

>That's because you are an idiot. You read Giraud's comics and learn nothing from them, because you are a consumer, not an artist.
hurrdurr you so dumb, i'm not a fanboy! seriously, keep posting. it's amusing.

>> No.2229530

These designs are really pretty and calming.

>> No.2229537

GUYS those who are into moebius can i get some advice please? i really want to buy a few of his comics/art books but i don't know where to start! i'm kind of more interested in his drawings/paintings than his comics but if a comic has particularly great art or storytelling i'm open to that as well. thanks for any recs.

>> No.2229641

See Arzach, published in Heavy Metal
Also check out Blueberry for his linestyle