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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2214275 No.2214275 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2214281


>> No.2214282

100$ for a stylus? Ayyyy lmao

>> No.2214284

>still has input lag

Overpriced as usual.

>> No.2214285

It's probably not actually that good.

>> No.2214288

Thanks, but no thanks.

>> No.2214290


>has to charge the pen

gay. wacom still is king.

>> No.2214294

I am SO SO happy this is finally happening

I have been waiting for years, not because I want one, but because Apple is brilliant at opening markets and if this means more/better tablets with active digitisers for art purposes then the better.

I always hated how overpriced wacom price their shit and hope this will mean more windows cintiq companion alternatives will be made

>> No.2214295


The best art apps for tablets are iOS.

>> No.2214296

Wow, behold the "Ipencil" huh... Apple is as dead as S.Jobs.

>> No.2214297
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Yeah, I'm glad us Wacom users don't need to worry about that at all.

>> No.2214298

I use ios Art Studio to color my line work, is there a netter one, anon?

>> No.2214300

What is optional accessory?

>> No.2214306

I'm really hoping that this will push third-party companies to make good pens for the iPads again.
Overall, the 32gb iPad Pro and the Pencil are still cheaper than a Cintiq Companion.

>> No.2214308

I'm so mad there is a product I'm not going to buy!

>> No.2214311

I'm glad that someone on this thread can think outside mama basement. There are 3 posts on this thread whining about a LAUNCHING of $100! Hell, this is one work-day at Mc'Donalds you lazy ass faggots!

>> No.2214314

I'm hype for the iPad Pro. Apple makes really good hardware - I expect good things from the Pencil.

That screen's gonna be a beauty. I wish it came in rose gold, but gold will do.

>> No.2214320

Adobe Photoshop Sketch, Procreate, Adobe Photoshop Sketch, Adobe Illustrator Draw, Tayasui Sketches...

>> No.2214325

Are you faggots joking right?
What "really good" hardware are you idiots talking about? WTF?

>> No.2214329

>drawing with a tablet

Found the Tuxpaint user.

>> No.2214336
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As you can see in this video (1:23), they will also launch an app called "YouMake" witch looks like a 3d-2d environment that might help with perspective drawing.

>> No.2214343


>visually unacceptable input latency
>in a promo vid designed to look as smooth as possible

nothing to see here

>> No.2214347

Impossible, isn't it?




>> No.2214348

There is not even technical information about fucking latency! Stop the bullshit, most of these adds are made by 3d animators.

>> No.2214352

Procreate looks so fucking good.

>> No.2214353

This. Apple starts a new trend, within a year or two we'll have other producers making the same product except cheaper and better. Thank mr jobs.

>> No.2214354

top kek
Thread dropped

>> No.2214355

Fucking cool.

>> No.2214361

Anyone know how many levels of pressure sensitivity this thing has?

If this lives up to it's potential, there's really no point in the Cintiq Companion. The iPad would be better for on the go, while a desktop would still be best for at home

>> No.2214371
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I think that the new iPad Pro has potential to be your solo artistic tool. Retina display, huge screen, apps that can be a SketchUp substitute ( >>2214336 ), a bigger range of art related apps, more light and thin than any Wacom product can be.

I just imagine how cool would be to make some well made sketches right in front of a client.

>> No.2214373

>posting Kyle Lambert

Top kek, confirmed for retard.

>> No.2214377

>one day working at mcdonalds
>8 hours.. maybe a couple more with overtime
>deduct money for rent, food, taxes and other essentials
>one day working at mcdonalds

>> No.2214379

He is not that good, but his drawings still better than most of everything we see on /ic/.


>> No.2214381

Kyle Lambart is a fucking fraud you knob. The Morgan Freeman "painting" is the most notorious example of it.

>> No.2214383

>deduct money for rent, food, taxes and other essentials

Most of you still living with your mom, you get the fucking point.

>> No.2214390

I hope to be at the level of the Intuos Creative Stylus 2, if not, not worth it.

i think is a great chance, for example the galaxy note 10.1 2014 and the Ipad Air 2 cost like the same, they have many similar features, but with the Ipad you have to buy the pencil so is like $100 more.

Anyway these things are good because they give more variety. I think the future may look interesting for us.

>> No.2214391

Don't give me that shit. $100 is not one day at mcdonalds. It's more like half a year.

>> No.2214403
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Ha! Haha! HAHAHA!

>> No.2214405
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>half a year

Oh! Wow, seems like I'm the only one that is not allowed to talk figuratively. Please, get the fuck out of this thread. Go discuss about how to get free gumroad class on this thread:

>> No.2214411


>Still living with mom

>Not having disposable income?

>> No.2214415


I will basically pay for a "tilt" feature. If you're professional its fair game, but if no, its better wait for the next 2 years.

>> No.2214417

I really wish Wacom would fucking enable tilt recognition on their non-Cintiq non-Intuos-Pro product lines.

The hardware is already capable of it, so just fucking do it.

>> No.2214430

the real useful thing is rotation sensitivity in the Art Pen. Tilt is worthless.

>> No.2214446

>better than most of what I see on /ic/
>comparing photobashed faux-photorealism to work from mostly beginner and intermediate artists
>not being able to see how the video was made

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.2214456

You're buthurt because is truth.

>> No.2214457

>you're j-just mad


>> No.2214462

Dude, /ic/ has talked about this fucker before, he's a fraud.

>take photograph
>add new layer and fill background
>draw out basic shapes and pretend you're rendering into greater detail
>once the painting looks half convincing, start meticulously erasing certain parts
>keep erasing until all of the original photograph is shown

Ta-dah, there's Lambart in all his unearned glory.

>> No.2214465

Rotation requires a specialized pen though. Currently all Wacom Feel devices (and probably all other Wacom devices) with their current pens CAN and DO detect tilt but the Wacom drivers don't pass the information along to the operating system.

>> No.2214467

I just spent 20 minutes watching the video and reading about it. How the fuck can there even be any debate, it's a fucking viral stunt with a dishonest process used to produce the artwork.

>> No.2214468

>thinking I care enough to be butthurt

lmao I'm just calling you out for what you are, I'm not the one d-riding some hack by posting up his work and going

>i-its better than /ic/

as if that means something. Its better than DA and Permanoobs and CA.org as well if you take into account the number of beginners.

Stop sucking his dick please.

>> No.2214474

>drawing on glass
thanks but no thanks

>> No.2214476

Am I the only one here who hates drawing without hotkeys?

>> No.2214482

If its not pen&paper, then its gonna need at least a Ctrl+Z

>> No.2214484


i guess with a mobile setup I can be happy using a simple sketching workflow, just having a draw tip and an eraser end or button on pen would suffice

>> No.2214491

People have other shit to pay for, dude. Half a year is an exaggeration but it's certainly isn't a days work.

Why are you still pissed over THAT particular Gumroad tutorial? Others have been pirated here in the past. Are you Devin?

>> No.2214497
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my sentiment exactly.

>> No.2214524

>Implying their failure testing isn't the most exhaustive in the industry
Do you even know what MTBF is?

>> No.2214947

>best failure testing in industry
>bendable iphones

>> No.2214979

Apple starts a trend, and everyone else copies it exactly and no progress is made. They set the format for phones being one button pieces of shit, started the size race and generally make everything worse for the single thing they do right.

>> No.2214983

Have they said if it has palm rejection? From the videos I've seen all the examples are of someone drawing without their hand touching the screen

>> No.2214993

Yes right on the product page it says "palm rejection" verbatim.

I'm waiting for an unbiased artist's review.

>> No.2215008

but that video has like 40% likes

>> No.2215029


>> No.2215030

Are tablet threads not banned anymore?

>> No.2215059

There's no reason for them to be anymore. /ic/ is fast enough to cycle through them.

>> No.2215061


So? You still need to buy the tablet which is purpose built for drawing with very little other utility. At least if you get an ipad and this stylus (assuming it's as functional as they claim - I'm going to wait and see) you have the added utility of an ipad roughly the same price as a cintiq.

If nothing else, I'm hoping this will scare wacom enough to start pricing competitively.

>> No.2215064
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It's $11 an hour where I live.

Of course the Canadian dollar is also in the shitter right now so the benefit is largely negated. That said...
>$100 of disposable income
>half a year

Are you a fucking retard? Holy shit. What kind of fucking poverty are you living in that you can't afford $100 of disposable income in HALF A YEAR.

You need to start living more within your means if you can't budget $100 in half a year, McDonalds or not.

>> No.2215066

Jesus Christ /ic/, i always knew you guys were faggots but today you reached a new faggotry level.

>> No.2215068

Drawing on an inferior tablet that can't run multiple programs at once smoothly will in no way make wacom fear anybody.

>> No.2215075

>added utility of an ipad
As opposed to a fully-functioning PC like the Surface Pro 3? I mean for $1050 ($800 for the iPad Pro, $100 for the pen, $150 for the keyboard) you could get a Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 460 with the keyboard and pen already thrown in and the newest (6th generation) Intel Core processor. Sure not tilt sensitivity, but so many other advantages of a full PC as opposed to a tablet.

You're basically paying for the Apple logo.

>> No.2215092

Hopefully Wacom will follow suit and make it a fucking skinnier pen.

>> No.2215097

Something Samsung had for literally had for four years. It's called a fucking S Pen. Whoop de shit mac fags.

>> No.2215108

What's it really good for, though? My phone has one but I never use it.

>> No.2215115

to doodle while you poop

>> No.2215120


As opposed to paying for the Wacom brand name.
I probably won't buy one unless it turns out to be exceptionally good (not holding my breath), but some likely will. And maybe that'll be enough to make Wacom actually compete for once.

Apple starting to sink their fingers into anyone's pie is enough cause for concern.

>> No.2215308

So blinded by the apple hate. Why are you so jealous that apple succeeds where others fail to capitalize on.

Inb4 marketing tricks and sheep.
People have choices and if others "innovations" we're so great why arent they the ones being successful? It's because apple polishes and does not cut corners compared to the shoddy bottom basement implementations other companies settle for.

Samsung had it first! Yeah so fucking what they didn't do shit with it despite a head start and billions in marketing.
Fuck them and people like you who cry salty tears, I'll laugh as apple overtakes another market dinosaur.

>> No.2215378

the best art app for a tablet is photoshop 2015, for the surface tablet

>> No.2215444

Wacom is already kill but people still suck their dick by habit.
I got a SP3 and it's really good (not sure with PS tho, only use it with Misfire and Maga studio. But Manga studio is better than PS anyway, just don't pay attention to the weaboo name)

>> No.2215464

>being jealous of an entire company
But please, go waste your money on the latest piece of garbage from Apple. You can order it with your iWatch.

>> No.2215493

Why would I care? I don't want to draw with a shitty dumbed down iOS app. I want to use the real Photoshop, Clip Studio Paint, ToonBoom and stuff like that.

>> No.2215650

Looks laggy as fuck.

>> No.2215705

this tbh. I tried the s-pen on my mother's note 3 and it was a pain in the ass to use.

>> No.2215752

I had a intuos 3 pen that fucked up on me. Had to pay $70 for a new one. About 1/4 the price of a tablet.

>> No.2215842

>have a Samsmung Tab 4
>buy a shitty 2€ pen from a chinese store
>buy Sketchbook Pro for 5€
>draw on the tablet

Although I think Procreate is the best program there is, i can't justfiy the need to buy a 800$ tablet plus 100$ pen just for drawing on it.
I could buy 4 Intuos Pro and they already come with a pen!

>> No.2215846

Fairly affordable wacom until I can put down for a 2K+ cintiq

No use for this middle ground wishy washy bs that will only be as half as useful than the wacom

>> No.2215879

Those general use tablets with mobile OS are always pretty bad compared to dedicaded graphic tablets.

Even some chinese dedicated graphic tablets seem much closer to a Cintiq, which is the ideal.

>> No.2215939

This blind hatred. Why are people so irrational

>> No.2215980


At the end I prefer to use pen+pencil+markers and paper. It's just so much better.

>> No.2215985

Doesn't seem irrational to find that a mobile OS is garbo for digital painting.

Have you ever even tried to draw on just a touch screen? Not having access to hotkeys is a pain.

>> No.2216144

Get a surface pro you shitlords

>> No.2216156
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>mfw live in western europe
>mfw mcdonalds is $20 per hour and $25 after midnight
>mfw i get more than that with my side job

>> No.2216167

Ok i'm new to this whole apple thing so will i be able to torrent photoshop or any art softwares and use them or is it gonna be like those tablets with android and not windows? And will it be a huge disadvantage of having no flash support. Sorry if i sound dumb af.

>> No.2216169

I've never used a tablet before to draw or paint on so I must admit my firsthand knowledge on the subject is nonexistent but I have used tablets in the past and they always struck me as under powered and slow even when doing things as simple as internet browsing.

Am I to understand that any of these options, the ipad, the wacom version, can handle Photoshop and files with 5000 - 7000 pixels wide with 20+ layers? Large pixel size brushes? If not then whats the point? If can't use it to work on client stuff (who knows how well the screen is calibrated anyway) then It's just a glorified digital sketchpad, with a limited battery life. Deffo not worth the hundreds or grand I need to spend on one. I'd be better off getting a newer tablet or cintiq.

Yeah sure it'd be cool to do small lower res sketches for client work not sitting at my desk but I'm not seeing anything here that's worth what they're charging. Especial apple who makes inferior products and charges a third more for everything because apple.

>> No.2216170

>is it gonna be like those tablets with android and not windows?
Yup, except it runs iOS instead of Android. Think about the kinds of apps you see on phones and ipads and nexuses - that's what it will run.

>> No.2216174

Thanks man, sadly i'm into those windows tablets, i'll probably get a surface pro 3 i7, the pen design looked awesome tough.

>> No.2218485


this is a joke right? a fucking crippled mobileOS?

-you depent on apple to not fuck this thing up with further iOS updates. like they already do with their old iPads (extremely shitty performance and low battery life)
-no filemanager
-can't connect to USB Sticks, External drives
-internal storage is limited and can't be changed
-Bluetooth only works with other iDevices
-battery is soldered and glued
-painting on glass
-pen and keyboard cost extra
-only mobile Apps and no actual pro level software
-you would get a professional wacom graphic tablet with pen and a midgrange Desktop PC for the same amount of money

>> No.2218495

this so much
i hope wacom gets a bit under pressure now and releases better products. competition is good for the market, and for us as customers.

>> No.2218881

My iPad A2 can do 2000x2000 pixels with just above 40 layers in Procreate, and those files can be exported in .psd

I'd guess the substantially larger and more powerful Pro would be able to do at least twenty layers of 4000 pixels. They've gotten much better since their introduction to the market.

That said, I think the Surface Pro or something with the S-pen are the better choices over iOS, at their respective price points.

>> No.2218884

Its never that good

>said no one ever



Ever seen windows surface, faggots? Y'know, the same shit as this, with windows.. and photoshop, and paint tool SAI, and programs.

Apps are gay and apple is generally shit.

If you're wondering, I can still pay a Cintiq.

>> No.2218886

>retina display
Nothing innovative, they sell you fancy words.

>bigger range of art innovative apps
Which costs money. Better wait for jailbreak.

>> No.2218895

Is the latency better than the surface pen? Also the hands-on videos make it look like you don't have to press much to get it to make marks which is what made drawing feel terrible. and the gap between the nib and seems to be reduced.

I am excited about it even though I know they will upgrade it next version with a pen and eraser.

Nobody seems to be saying anything about this wtf though :

> Apple includes an undisclosed number of replacement tips for the pencil, since they'll wear down over time (the representative we talked to compared it to a ballpoint pen refill), and Apple will also sell replacement tips separately.

>> No.2218922

>I just imagine how cool would be to make some well made sketches right in front of a client.

learn to draw faggot

>> No.2218923

what if you accidentally touch the screen with your hand?

>> No.2219168

It's definitely a wait and see. This will not replace a cintiq and it doesn't have to in 80% of people's workloads.

Apple has not said this is a replacement for workstations. That I can get a entry level draw tablet with the added bonus of the apple ecosystem makes this very compelling to me and most people.
You sperglords spewing the anti apple hate are delusional.

>> No.2219169

^correction I meant to say this is a might be good solution for the majority of people except on the highend workstation market.

>> No.2219184

Normally I'd agree, but they have been trend setting since Steve Jobs died. Did you see an increase in smart watches when the apple watch came out? No, cause all those suckers were already out for cheaper. Apple has been late to the game for the past 5 products and it's only a matter of time before they die completely if they keep acting this way.

>> No.2219865

except you are both wrong. Apple has just overtaken the $1000 and below segment of the market and it's not even November.

That Wacom will step up it's game is great but wacom's recent scramble to patent as much as possible before it's too late speaks volumes.

>> No.2220018

Thank you Apple, for reminding we can always get better quality non-proprietary shit for cheaper.

but seriously this thread belongs in /g/

>> No.2220021

>is there a better one, anon?
well, MSPaint would be an improvement.

>> No.2220095

I was thinking of getting a cintiq lately, should I hold off for a while and see where this goes? I won't be buying the new iPad because they tend to be overpriced to hell and back but android tends to follow suit.

The only phone I can think of now that exists using a pressure sensitive pen is the Galaxy Note phones.

>> No.2220111

>android tends to follow suit

The Galaxy Note already has Wacom tech and the illustration app climate for Android will never, EVER be good. If you're willing to settle for less in the future, why not just settle for less right now?

>> No.2220114

Good point, I don't really use apps much anyway plus I doubt I'd use my phone to draw shit in public anyway.

>> No.2220789


And what makes you so certain that is the case?

Desktop softwares exist from a 30+ year legacy whereas apps have only been around 5 years and despite that what they have achieved and their growth/progression is actually quite impressive

For example Clover Paint is almost desktop grade. Definitely in the same level as tools like sai

>> No.2220949

If wacom sees this as a threat to their hold on the market, good

Maybe this will force wacom to drop their price, innovate or both

>> No.2221505

I really hope this takes off, Wacom need some competitors in the market. Maybe then they'll stop with the overpricing and shitty business practices.

>> No.2221588

What's wrong with drawing on glass? Personally I prefer drawing on glass, feels really smooth

>> No.2221589


>> No.2221830

Any likelihood of an improved N-Trig stylus for the Surface Pro 4?

>> No.2223021

>Wacom need some competitors in the market

>The windows surface shit


>> No.2223064

Like any of those are genuine competitors. Wacom practically own the market.

>> No.2223091

>Wacom practically own the market.
And how's that? Babby level digitizer overpriced touch screens?

>> No.2223100
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literally no studio would use those shit-tiers products. And they wouldn't use this iPad Pro either because it runs iOS.

>> No.2223179

>And how's that?
Because they do, look at any market share table or chart.

>> No.2223222

these are literately non competitors.

Those brands are for people who think they are saving money and then realize 6 months later they need to get a real tablet and wasted their money on shitty support, drivers, and build quality.

>> No.2223240

I never buy the version 1 of any Apple product. I'll wait for Apple to test it and improve it to then ship the Ipad Pro 2

>> No.2223253

>living in a developing country

>> No.2223402

They're going to have to come out with something that can replace my IPS monitor, intuos4 and workstation. It's clearly not for professional/power users.

>> No.2224807

There's a reason why Wacom offers replacement nibs for most if not all of their pens... js.

>> No.2224926

I like the idea of rechargeable styli, since AAAA batteries suck.
What are the chances that the Surface Pro 4 will have a rechargeable N-Trig stylus?

>> No.2224934


>> No.2224941

if its Ipad pro's secret weapon why do you have to fuckin buy it for $100. include it in the price you fucking jews

>> No.2225354

The pro will taken 1/2 of the market away from wacom. artists are already blogging this is a wacom killer for most work.

>> No.2225367

It sounds like a Cintiq killer, not a Wacom killer. I see no reason to replace my Intuos with this thing.

>> No.2225385

It'll never be a "wacom" killer because it'll cost too much. Most people are still going to need a desktop computer to use alongside it for work, why shell out tons of money for redundant tech? Unless this thing totally revolutionized how digital art is made (which it doesn't) something with a higher price tag won't be amazingly popular compared to cheaper alternatives that are high quality for less money.

Honestly, it doesn't even sound like a cintiq killer.

>> No.2226069

This is /v/-tier shilling. Fuck off

>> No.2228524


You'd be surprised how many normies don't need desktops

>> No.2228689

Apple will huge money with this anyway its hipster pen, not for artist , you cant work with tablet

>> No.2228770

Purchases by "Normies" don't pay wacoms bills so my statement still stands, not a wacom killer. It'll be another expensive gadget few people will by and use, overall may help drive down costs for similar tech from other companies but the apple version will always be more expensive than the rest. (and not always guaranteed to be the best designed or best quality anymore.)