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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2211225 No.2211225 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on unwanted critiques?

>> No.2211237

Don't be a bitch, they're just words.

>> No.2211241
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You should never not want critiques.

>> No.2211245

post your work.

>> No.2211246

If you put your work somewhere where people can see and comment on it, don't be surprised that somebody comments on it.

If you don't want to hear what people think about your work, then stop showing people your work.

>> No.2211247

>unwanted critiques?

Those don't exist for any decent artist who wants to keep growing.

>> No.2211248


That critique in particular is terrible so it's not surprising that she completely disregarded it.

>Make head taller
>Give hair "life"
>Sometimes simpler is better. But not always.
>you gotta "look at perspective more"
So does every other artist in the world. How does that apply to her image specifically?

>> No.2211250

Hobbyist don't usually look to grow. People also love to show off, they usually don't actually care about helping the person improve.

>> No.2211265

this is why you don't help normies, you can tell just by her "style" that she does not want to grow and does it to look cool.

>> No.2211268

Lmao that person went out of his way to be super nice and she still responds rude.

>> No.2211276

> #wat #like #people taking the liberty to critic a 15 mins sketch and stuff #its not that i dont like critic #buuut like do you know me or the rest of my work or stuff? #don't do that people #its kinda annoying and invasive #better critic some other of my more elaborated pieces #not this super fast sketch i did for funnnn #¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Eh, doesn't really excuse it but I'd be a little annoyed if I got crits on something done quick/for fun than a more serious image.

>> No.2211286
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>> No.2211289

Some people want to give out advice to people they think need it. Other times they could just be doing it to feel better I mean really go to deviantArt and see what some art critiques have made there's a good chance they aren't much better . And sometimes they are right but unless that person is asking for it your coming off bit rude to just start giving out criticism if the drawing was made for fun.

>> No.2211291

So critiques by those with little understanding shouldn't be dismissed because well, >GOTTA GIT GUD

>> No.2211295
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People with little understanding are your majority audience as an artist.

>> No.2211297

I think generally you should ask someone if they want critique when you notice something.
If they take it well whenever you do then you can probably just assume it's okay most of the time.
If they've never at any point asked for it then just avoid in general.

Inviting yourself to publicly demean someones work (even if it's shit )is generally not looked kindly upon.
That said, you shouldn't post work if you don't want to risk being torn apart.

>> No.2211301

exactly. If you have to explain to everybody why they should like your art then you've failed.
Imagine a chef saying you just don't understand burgers as well as he does.

>> No.2211303

the fuck is this from ??

>> No.2211304

Everyone in that image is an asshole.

Also that "feedback" is disgustingly vague and buzzword riddled.

>> No.2211307

Lots of people like lil wayne's music. Doesn't mean that it isn't objectivley shit.

>> No.2211320

lol that person is trying to critique someones art style. thats like if i go to loomis and say his art is shit because not enough animu eyes. the good thing is that her art went from animu to fine as fuck

>> No.2211328

>lots of people like thing
>I don't like thing
>thing is objectively bad

is this bait or are you 15?

>> No.2211334

well first off, there's a time for critiques and there's a time for holding your mouth shut. While a good artist is always open to critiques its not always what you're looking for and therefore unwelcome.
For example if you're displaying your art on a gallery, sure you'll take criticism and such, but the goal of displaying your art isn't to get better, its to get your art out there and make yourself known.

second, those critiques are terrible and brings up another point. If I were to post my art on deviant art or tumblr and I get a critique from someone that looks like they've only been drawing for 2 weeks and have autism and 1 arm with 3 fingers, then why should I accept their criticism? In fact, I'd advise they shouldn't be critiquing at all because they have no idea what they're talking about.
The critiques on that image are god awful, while the image itself is bad that "critique" is useless.

tldr there's a time and a place for everything, and depending on your skill level you might not be in that place.

>> No.2211340
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>> No.2211342

They're a big, stupid waste of the critics' time. Stick to criticizing people who actually ask for it.

>> No.2211344

>not knowing what subsets are
holy shit, this is why noone takes women seriously. they don't even under basic mathematical constructs.

>> No.2211348

This is why no-one takes men seriously. They libel Peter Noone and they change the subject to math when they realize that they've been called out on their bullshit.

>> No.2211352

this is why no one take man and women seriously

girls take shit to seriously and fight for no reason while blaming guys for all the shit some random guy she dated did to her an d they trick them self into failing to blame guys for it instead of saying it was there fault And think that eqUAL rights means i c an't hit you but you can hit me or that i a docter should get paid 9.99 because your desk or bla bla job does not pay you so well.

guys think they live in the 90's where if you cry and or are sad you are a bitch and believe that you must be this james bond kind of guys to get the ladys. they also do what girls do and fail themself because they saw to much fresh prince and think they are cool and will make it in life by being a low iq bitch

both girls and guys can eat a bag of dicks
thank god i am a panda

>> No.2211353

I understand what he means.
The hair looks plastic so make it look alive.
The head is too small so make it bigger.

>> No.2211354

>plays the victim and goes on a feminist tirade against a serious question that didn't even instigate anything
Can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.2211359
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Pandas are my rigger I'ma bamboo kin.

>> No.2211363

pandacat is that you?