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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 72 KB, 1063x514, fengzhuvidcap12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2203783 No.2203783 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a venting thread about shit that makes you sad/frustrated/angry.

>have art friend at art school.
>her artwork is okay, style is generic anime/anime games inspired.
>She has her first booth at a local anime convention, she shares table with a fellow weeabo artist from our school.
>After the convention she comes to me frustrated.
>Her original artwork didn't sell very well, and her friend who only drew Steven universe, homestuck, and other cartoons and anime bs sold a lor of merch and art.
>I tell her that that's how anime conventions are, and that maybe she should try a more sophisticated convention that values original products and artwork.
>Skip to a year later, she is getting ready for her next convention.
>Now she only makes fanart, and fan merchandise.
>Steven universe, kill la kill, homestuck, final fantasy, fma.
>she hasn't drawn original artwork in like half a year.
>shes doomed.

I have stopped caring about her. She is a pathetic sellout who doesn't realize that drawing isn't her hobby, that shes spending thousands of dollars on an expensive art college and that she is planning to apply to the animation industry eventually and now her portfolio is full of shit she can't show anyone.

while I know there are mixed thoughts about feng zhu on /ic/, he made a great point in one of his recent videos where he spoke about drawing things that will impress the internet/your friends vs things that will impress an art director and get you into the industry. Pic related.

>> No.2203786

Why did you even care about her? is she your friend? did you dream of impregnating her? jesus christ.

>> No.2203790


shit thread. can you tell me which video though? i want to rewatch that, seems relevant to me.

>> No.2203791

>have art friend at art school.

anon do you know what friends are? They are people you care about, and they care about you. I'm sure you will get a friend one day too that you don't want to impregnate.

>> No.2203792

is it relevant to you because you belong on the right side?


>> No.2203799

She's going to art school, yet still draws shitty anime?

Something doesn't seem right.

>> No.2203800


i'm waaay to the left. and applying for jobs atm. so yeah, lol.

>> No.2203802

You have obv never been to an art school then.

>> No.2203803
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>art school
Stopped reading there, you and your friend sold out the minute you decided to go to art school

>> No.2203804

>applying for art jobs
Sorry to hear that you will never be considered over the art seniors with a recommendation from an industry professional.

>> No.2203805 [DELETED] 

>what is every artist who works in the industry right now.
I'm sorry you couldn't afford art school anon, but most big companies will only hire graduates.

>> No.2203806


i'm not exactly applying for senior positions anon. but thanks for your honesty.

>> No.2203807

I was talking about seniors in art school retard.

>> No.2203808


ah. well i'll have to outportfolio them i guess. so this vid helps.

>> No.2203810

If only it was that easy ;_;

>> No.2203811

>"Young" Subject Matters
top fucking kek

>> No.2203812

>switched to making art that sells

Pick only one.

>> No.2203817

unless you are sakimichan, fanart will not give you a financially stable future. A good job in the industry will.

Selling fanart is a hobby at most.

>> No.2203820
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>I want to make it in the art industry
fucking dropped

>> No.2203821

> A good job in the industry will

start honing your bash skills

>> No.2203823


tits, dragons, spacemarines.

>> No.2203827

This thread.

>> No.2203832

>a hobby at most
>except when it isn't

This is another jelly thread, isn't it?

>> No.2203835

There are many more artists than Sakimichan who make a comfortable living with primarely fanart though. Sakimichan is just the outlier who also makes more money than any veteran art director at the biggest studios in the world.

>> No.2203838

You sound like some out-of-touch grandpa who thinks young people still listen to that devil rock & roll music. Dragons and space marines? Young subject matters? That shit is so 70s.

>> No.2203854


People not being able to tell when they're doing shit art. I mean, I always knew my place when I was literally doing shit, always knew what I did wrong and that even if I was still being proud of my progress that the end product was garbage.

I.E: https://youtu.be/4CnYji014PQ?t=13m53s

the guy is "keeping this drawing sample for a contest" just wtf.

>> No.2203861

stop sucking at art.

>> No.2203870

>he made a great point in one of his recent videos where he spoke about drawing things that will impress the internet/your friends vs things that will impress an art director and get you into the industry.
He's selling his school.

There's game companies in your country. Ask for a visit in the studio, talk to the artists there how they landed their first jobs. If you live too far away, contact a handful through linkedin.

I personally find it ironic that Feng shits on facebook likes since that's how he and all other /ic/ celebs built their careers. There's a lot of quality artists that never bothers to post their shit online because it's not helpful for their careers.

>> No.2203872

> friends are people you care about
> I've stopped caring about my friend because she is a sellout

So the person you are responding to is asking "What is your motive for helping someone you don't care about?"

>> No.2203889

>I personally find it ironic that Feng shits on facebook likes since that's how he and all other /ic/ celebs built their careers.

What? Feng had already built his career about a decade before Facebook was even invented.

>> No.2203922

>shit that frustrates you
When I point out what's wrong with someones picture and they respond with insults and "post your art".

>> No.2203926

>"young" subject matters
>Mature subject matters


>> No.2203929

what is reading comprehension

>> No.2203931

>want to paint pretty shit
>have to make sure initial sketch is correct
>refine refine refine
>refine refine refine
>want to just splash color on it
>refine more
>finally get to splash color on it
>realize my color theory is weak since I focus more on construction

Fuck nigga

>> No.2203937

"young" subject matters = everything an edgy teenager thinks is cool (sonic, ponies, gore, furry, chromatic aberration, memes, Beksiński, huge tits and kawaii girls)

>> No.2203940
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>color theory

it takes like 5 minutes to learn. 10 minutes if you're dump.

>> No.2203942

>companies pay thousands monthly, 100s of thousands yearly for color experts
>takes 5 minutes to learn

anime shitters are always, and forever will be terrible

>> No.2203943
File: 130 KB, 936x496, pokemen_masters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat feel when you escape depression momentarily, get confronted with the reality of the shitty situation you're in and go back into depression.


>> No.2203960

on your superficial, amateur level, sure.

>> No.2203966

Feng didn't use the word "young" as an insult, whereis you apparently use it for everything that you don't like. It's kind of funny how insecure some faggots like you are, that you are so desperately trying to be perceived as mature in your taste, yet you just come off as a complete and utter tool.

>> No.2203972

He pretty much is where is today because of internet fame. There's many artist of his level that never bothered to share their shit online.

>> No.2203974

>she makes fanart and fan merchandise
>she is making money
>you claim she's doomed just because she didn't draw original artwork even though she's making money

Sounds to me like you're just salty, anon. Keep doing original work if you want, but don't force it on other people if they don't want to do it. You can easily do fanart if you want too. No one's stopping you, look at sakimichan.

>> No.2203976
File: 145 KB, 593x318, Katsuragi_Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me angry when I see plebs decorating themselves at "artists" instead of just drawing or painting or crafting or whatever and being artists.

It's also irritating(without fail) to see people getting fanny-flustered over fan art so that they can raise originality on a platform. I won't say originality isn't important or anything, but that sort of thing gives the eerie sense of an obsession with morals and dignity that boils my blood.

>> No.2203995

>pleb tastes
High school art, old people art, generic tumblr amalgamation of styles, anodyne works in general. It's really depressing that strong voices are almost completely shunned by the glut of mass appeal and you don't see many really pushing a style. The sheer amount of bad art that caters to plebs with cheap tricks is annoying as well.

>watching shitty workflow
I don't know why this one is so painful to watch but it is. Watching a pretty good picture get made in a shitty way can kill it. Shit tools like crayola marker level or just a disgusting workflow and technique hurt me. Crawling pace, haphazard workflow, lack of draftsmanship and other shit like that.

>muh style
When an artist starts simplifying his shit and goes too far into cartoony and it actually gets worse. It's depressing to watch someone halfway good stop getting good. Webcomics are notorious for this.

I think the obsession with fanart is pretty creepy. I agree with the superior posturing being some bullshit, but the fear of originality not stemming from a mass media outlet among the general public is frustrating. I also don't think fanart is a good habit or stable platform past a certain point. Not out of any moral imperative, just that it shouldn't be so representative of one's work.

If I were to make a bold statement, it would be that fan artists generally can't seem to produce anything iconic on their own. At least with purely original work, you can see if the artist has anything worth saying pretty quickly. Fan art lies.

>> No.2204047

she hasn't actually been to the convention yet, so I don't know how her sales are.

she just posts pics of her merch online. And I make p decent money off my art myself, probably more than her.

>> No.2204058
File: 126 KB, 750x709, 1439966965324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why be frustrated, OP?

>Have art "friend" at art school
>He's not a good human being, every time he sees a good illustration/drawing he points out the flaws to feel better about himself
>Due to this and liking anime shit he doesn't improve too much and has a bland style
>I never watch anime and only improve via Loomis/Robertson/grinding a lot
>He doesn't press like button when I upload my illustrations to facebook even though he's much closer to me than most of the people who like my work on social media
>Every time I'm painting and I make a mistake he's there stalking to say "well looks like you made a mistake friend hehe"
>Thanks to meditation I ignore his negative energy and bullshit
>Now during summer I've studied a lot instead of going on vacation and I've improved fast
>He hasn't uploaded anything in months, stopped talking to me months ago too
>Talk to him
>Turns out he's dropped his art dream and is now studying programming and other computer stuff
>mfw I just crushed someone else's dream thanks to Loomis

>> No.2204064

>He's not a good human being, every time he sees a good illustration/drawing he points out the flaws to feel better about himself
>Due to this and liking anime shit he doesn't improve too much and has a bland style

You sure it's safe to post that here? Sounds like he's a regular on this board

>> No.2204075

what if you got a full tuition scholarship?

>> No.2204079

Doesn't sound like that was really his dream.

>> No.2204081
File: 59 KB, 480x360, 1439964198259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Artistic mischief?

>Live in small town in the middle of nowhere in Yurop
>Go to local ice cream shop
>There's an art contest soon, you have to create an impossible ice cream
>What a waste o-
>200€ first prize
>Go home
>Draw a cool ice cream with photoshop in 3 hours abusing photobashed textures and color dodge
>Go to the shop the day of the contest
>It's all kids with pencil drawings and some scrubs who paint with acrylics and don't know shit about anything art-related
>Win instantly
>Get my 200 buck prize and leave

Those kids should've become patrons of kr0n if they wanted to have a chance.

>> No.2204248

>He pretty much is where is today because of internet fame.

Uh, no, not at all. Where the fuck did you even get that idea from? Feng made a career from concept art, made enough money to start his own studio and make his own school BEFORE he started posting hist first videos on youtube, and that was before he even started posting on blogspot, let alone facebook. He became internet famous in order to promote his school. How the fuck do you think he got the money to buy the fucking school in the first place? He got lucky in Vegas?

I think some noobs who only know Feng from shitposts on /ic/ don't even realize that he started his career almost 20 years ago. He worked on the star wars movies back in 2000, that was before concept artists even used digital art.

>> No.2204429

Well, I don't think that's fair. Perhaps you disagree, but I'd say something like Michelangelo's David is fan art, and that's pretty iconic.

I think it's a stable platform as far as getting an artist attention and money. There's plenty of examples to prove it.

I think if anything, it's a limiting factor for people that are limited by their own shortcomings in the first place. Drawing's just drawing, and you can create just about whatever composition. Visually, whether it's fan art or not, a piece can be meritorious and have something to say to the viewer. If the piece ends up purely gratuitous, it's the fault of the artist for failing to create an original composition.

I don't see how fan art can lie more or less than an original piece.

>> No.2204433

Shit I wish I had an art friend that cared, all I have is a bunch of flaky people.

>> No.2204443

It can lie because most of the creative work has been done. You already have an iconic character with iconic fashion. You can make it your own but you can't make it from scratch. Much of the very core of it isn't a testament to your own skill. I like fan art, but many of the artists have little to say outside of it.

>> No.2204465
File: 708 KB, 526x731, urghh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most female illustration majors

pic related

>> No.2204474

>Much of the very core of it isn't a testament to your own skill

Making up kawaii OCs is not an important art skill.

>> No.2204521

You're right. Its the most important. Capturing archetypical iconography is for the illustrator the same thing as capturing likeness is to the painter.

>> No.2204533

You have clearly never had friends

>> No.2204568

Most of the creative work is done for everyone for everything thanks to google images.

I don't know whose art you look at, but personally I don't have any artists that I look at that draw fan art but can't come up with their own designs or don't. Typically they seem to have a style that makes their work recognizable, and in that style are the design choices they make whether it be of a character or whatever else within a composition. I don't see how an artist can make good fan art but lack the ability to make good art outside of that with their own designs.

I feel sorry for anyone that can draw the belts and zippers in one character design, but can't then incorporate similiar belts and zippers in their own. I was made to understand that learning is comprehensive like that.

>> No.2204606
File: 1.48 MB, 1421x787, Screen Shot 2015-08-30 at 6.45.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most male illustration majors

pic related

>> No.2204614

Don't feel sorry for people who don't exist, anon. Literally anyone can make up a character. Not many people can do it WELL, but the premise that the characters everyone is drawing fan art of were done well is a flawed one.

>> No.2204630

That probably didn't happen but it's a great metaphor for the industry. There is literally nothing wrong with cheating to make extra money.

>> No.2204662

No but well done art is well done art, even if it's fan art.

The premise that fan art is inherent to a lack of ability is a flawed one.

>> No.2204700

Not really a vent, but I thought this was fucking hilarious.

>be in an intro to entertainment design class.
>class mates have homework up on the walls, this week its character silouhettes, both full black and blocked in detail.
>we work our way around the room till there's one girl left.
>she struggles to explain her convoluted story about wizards, magic gems, aliens, and whatever else.
>finally finishes, instructor stares blankly at her silouhettes.
>after a long pause instructor turns to the class and points to her silouettes.
>"does anyone recognize this character?"
>class responses, "..Cloud from Final Fantasy."
>"if your going to steal a silouhette, you probably shouldn't pick such a well known one, especially not in a class full of nerds."

We went on a break and she never returned.

>> No.2204731

but those are pretty cool

>> No.2204832

>/ic/ celeb

>> No.2204833

"young" subject matters = the loli shit that you draw

>> No.2207738

and all homogeneous
they're just catering to mass appeal which is boring to us
I think it makes sense since their exam piece will usually be presented at job interviews
of course recent graduates will have a generic style, that's what they went to school for. if they'd go to a school that focused on individualism I doubt any of them would return a good artist

>> No.2207739

hyperion kek, for manbabies they would.

>> No.2207745

>He doesn't press like button when I upload my illustrations to facebook

I have yet to hear from both side of the coin but you already sound like a douchebag

>> No.2207747

artistic merits aside, at least they have possession to a wider set of skills and tools than >>2204465.

>> No.2207866

OP's the type of nigga that walks into a bakery looking for new shoes.

>> No.2207873

Well then fuck you and your full scholarship

>> No.2208763

i generally get frustrated by the 'modern art is crap' mentality that's around these days. not because i do modern art or anything. it's just there's so much beautiful stuff out there that people can't see because of they're own idk, ideals or whatever.

like i was looking at something with a friend of mine.

i said, "look isn't this beautiful!"

he says, "no, he's a fraud."

"ok," i say, "he's a fraud, but still, isn't it a beautiful picture?"

"no, anyone could of done that. he was a good marketer, not an artist."

"ok," i say, "he was a fraud, he wasn't an artist, a kid could of painted it, but isn't it pretty!"

idk, it's like he was literally blind. it'd be easier to get these people to admit that a mass produced piece of furniture has a nice design then it is for them to admit any abstract design has any merit whatsoever.


>> No.2208765

When you posted this, i instinctively knew a brony or autist would froth at the mouth in rage and try to personally insult you for telling the truth.

>> No.2208775

maybe i'm not getting your point but:
tbh, i can relate better to your friend than you.
i find it hard to like modern art myself most of the time, but i don't see the point of praising the work of a fraud.
regardless how pretty it may look.

>> No.2208830

see there you go. what has 'praising the work of a fraud' got to do with it?

like if someone spills a coffee on the floor and it makes a beautiful pattern it's still beautiful, if they cut up the floor and hang it in a gallery it'd still be beautiful. it someone pays $20 million for it, it's still the same beautiful thing.

i don't get the attitude where a thing loses value as an object just because idk, it didn't take any skill to spill coffee.

>> No.2208850

I finally get the
>wahh I can't draw

I used to think you guys were dicks for getting mad at that but it is so awkward to have people tell me that and having myself just want to say "well yeah I'm a fucking slave to drawing, its LITERALLY my job, I do it for like 5 hours a day and frankly if you could just do it with ease than I'd have a big problem"

>> No.2208882

not the same thing.
the person at least created something original.

>> No.2208890

kill yourself onegai

>> No.2208918

No, you don't get it. >>2204465 has a style.

>> No.2209426 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2209494

Things that piss me off? Easy,

The idea of improving slowly.

The very name "Sakimichan" - not because of their success, which is what I believe should be attainable for anyone willing to go for it, but because they're mentioned too much on /ic/.

People who think everyone has to develop slowly and be a starving artist failure like they were.

People who are jealous of others and spit vitriol at whoever tries to succeed because they failed.

Yeah, I hate like 68% of /ic/

>> No.2209738

>>He doesn't press like button when I upload my illustrations to facebook
>there are actually people who think like this

>> No.2209768

I think feng is being way too harsh on artists who do art for themselves. There's tons of people who only do personal work and do all of the things he lists as benefits of working in the industry.

>> No.2210247


>> No.2210311

>have this friend who has no self confidence
>every time she draws something she tells me it's trash and won't let me see it
>every time she looks at my sketchbook she looks at me with this annoying fake mad face and says "I'm mad"
>her art is fucking good
>it pisses me off but I can't tell her to stop because it would just make her have even less self confidence goddamn it

>> No.2210449

>every time he sees a good illustration/drawing he points out the flaws to feel better about himself

Funny, I feel like I know some one, maybe more than one, who is just like that. It's on the tip of my tongue, I know it starts with an "I."

>> No.2210460

well it's all good as long as she keeps drawing and improving. The real problem comes when she either gets too full of herself or gives up.

>> No.2210465

People that legitimately believe "style vs. substance" is an actual dichotomy and not a simplification for knuckle draggers with no imagination.

>> No.2210493

sounds like an awful person to be around tbh.

>> No.2210532
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>friend comes to me asking how to gitgud
>teach him everything he needs to know to go pro
>he's on fucking fire and unstoppable
>continue mentoring him because he has potential
>one year later
>made ridiculous improvements in his art
>now completely burnt out and depressed as shit
>he gave up everything he loved to study and draw
>cared more about improving than his friends
>wonders now why his friends think he's an asshole
>quit drawing to do some soul searching
I know he'll come around once he gets his priorities straight but for fuck's sake how did he not see that coming?

>> No.2210548

Nah, hes right. Dragons and space marines are mostly drawn by high school students.

>> No.2210552

Finally, someone who knows their shit. I hate it people randomly trash talk artists without knowing any back story at all. But thats /ic/ after all...

>> No.2210558

>The idea of improving slowly
And how do you think you're going to improve quickly?

>every time she looks at my sketchbook she looks at me with this annoying fake mad face and says "I'm mad"
>fake mad
Man, what a cunt complimenting you like that.

>> No.2210771

I don't have a problem with her complimenting my drawings, but she always acts like they're so much better than hers and it's depressing.

>> No.2210911

I remember I had a blog on Tumblr (chosen with the idea of an easy social network, not into the Tumblr shit so don't be annoying) a year ago where I made pretty decent drawings, original stuff. I consistently got 0 feedback, fucking NOTHING then at some point I'm like what the fuck I'll draw some Steven Universe shit 'cause it's popular

Instant 100 reposts likes whatever
make another SU shit next day, more likes and shit

back to original content, back to 0 likes
and what I drew was a lot better than the fanart I did quality wise

at least on social networks it's fucking impossible to get exposure without fanart, so I 100% understand sellouts

>> No.2210915

Actually I'm sure fanart is THE gateway to get exposure on social media, how the heck are you supposed to be noticed

unless you draw like a fucking god and have a really strong voice it's very unlikely anybody will give a shit for your original content