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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 118 KB, 924x530, 1440863699528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2203152 No.2203152 [Reply] [Original]

Are we getting worse at drawing?

>> No.2203157


>> No.2203158

This is your reply

>> No.2203161

We have a pretty considerable number more artists that are are really good, and several orders of magnitude more artists that are garbage.

>> No.2203168
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>> No.2203174

fuck off OP

>> No.2203175
File: 245 KB, 600x540, CD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


burn everything, burn it all, bring it down

>> No.2203182
File: 849 KB, 509x318, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can this be real?

>> No.2203183
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>> No.2203185

Why are you so trans-phobic Anon it's 2015 not 1945 get with the times wake up go out and smell the future.

>> No.2203192
File: 985 KB, 800x800, BT012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The future smells like smoldering plastic and rotting fruit

>> No.2203203

it's just bad.
it's like those shitty cartoons schools use for edutainment in terms of animation quality.

the writing is fucking shit. "You showed us more crappy apartments than Bill Cosby drugged dates!" who the fuck talks like this. seriously, try saying this line out loud.

and it's all covered in a thin greasy verneer of manufactured Edginess and Topical Humor.

>> No.2203204

stop responding to trolls we all know why it sucks.

>> No.2203216

no you don't.
it's like those shitty cartoons schools use for edutainment in terms of animation quality.

the writing is fucking shit. "You showed us more crappy apartments than Bill Cosby drugged dates!" who the fuck talks like this. seriously, try saying this line out loud.

and it's all covered in a thin greasy verneer of manufactured Edginess and Topical Humor.

>> No.2203222

Eh. It's not worse than South Park.

>> No.2203223

kill yourself

>> No.2203231

no, but I think we're making more people think they're good at drawing/have no need to improve, which is really bad for the reputation of art and it floods the market

>> No.2203237

At least South Park has half-competent voice acting

>> No.2203242

Why are you comparing a Disney animator to some random hobbyist?

>> No.2203245

>my trash animation show is better because its too-good-to-take-a-stance politics resonate with me

It is you who should kill yourself.

>> No.2203247

lel Peter Hitchens is my spirit animal.

>> No.2203249

Something reeeeeallly disturbing about those animation movements

>> No.2203256

Because it is no longer an useful skill for serious jobs.

Everything across all industries can be done with photos, 3D or photoshop. And if they don't they will in the future.

The time it takes to get good at drawing is not matched with the salary or job stability. Cartoons for cheap entertainment might be the only things to survive.

>> No.2203260 [DELETED] 

Groundbreakingly unfunny.

>> No.2203262
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Groundbreakingly unfunny.

>> No.2203274
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>> No.2203276
File: 408 KB, 986x1379, kXlt23o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell, the quality of that pic is horrible. Maybe this one is better.

>> No.2203277
File: 463 KB, 1600x1035, 1436156521306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because it is no longer an useful skill for serious jobs.
>Everything across all industries can be done with photos, 3D or photoshop

Yeah, totally. Jin Kim is probably scared shitless of Shaddy and Wojtek taking his job in the near future.

>> No.2203278
File: 254 KB, 1600x1035, 1398061626051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please Shaddy, don't take our jobs!

>> No.2203281
File: 230 KB, 1400x788, SamNielson_Infinity_CaptainAmerica_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mister Safadi, we hired you to explore stylized versions of Captain America that we can use for our toy chain, please stop sending us photos of Chris Evans.

>> No.2203282
File: 1.93 MB, 400x300, tumblr_nlj3gaQEeT1rc3pqko1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know he's one of the best animators, but I never really liked Keane's style that much. I liked his design of Ratigan though.
Milt Kahl on the other hand is the best.

>> No.2203283

This. 3D artists need 2D artists to set the foundation. J.K. would be able to draw that entire page by the time the 3D guy started manifesting his first 'primitives'. There's a reason storyboarding and character design is still largely 2D. 3D software simply takes too much time to manipulate, especially the smaller details.

>> No.2203290

I dunno about you but I'm getting better

>> No.2203293

But you're just confirming what I said you massive imbecile. Cartoons and stylization are the only uses left for drawing.

Everything else, from architecture, books, medical, marketing, concept art, animation, product design; all use newer technologies.

No one needs good draftsmen anymore except for cartoons. That's it. That's all the use it'll have from now on.

>> No.2203311
File: 279 KB, 1600x1000, 1364518237-hunter-armors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using newer technology doesn't mean you don't need draftsmanship to execute it well, you dimwit. If you can't draw, you can't design anything worth a damn. You seem to be one of those idiots who just doesn't understand that pic related is the vast majority of work that is being done by concept artists for a project, stylized or realistic. Clear designs that the 3D modelers can easily understand and work with. Photobashed visdev pieces make up maybe 5% of all concept art done for a project.

>> No.2203315

it's... beautiful.

>> No.2203323

For now, that is.

3D keeps evolving everyday as well as procedural algorithms. Polygon counts aren't an issue anymore, so many are skipping the planning process and jumping directly to usable 3D.

That's why precise drawing is no longer taken as a serious career path.

Consider how much things have changed in 15 years, and tell me that expertise in drawing will still land you a serious career in the next 15.

>> No.2203328
File: 212 KB, 637x1200, VenusHerculesLamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like saying "knowledge of painting and color and light is no longer taken as a serious career path."

Drawing was never a career path you complete idiot, it's a SKILLSET that is required for absolutely everything related to representational art. The ability to draw is what allows you to visualize and create. No matter what new technology you are using, without drawing skills, you are absolutely useless as a designer, which is what concept art is all about.

Pic related for example is what a preliminary sketch of a digital sculptor looks like. Why does he draw when he could just sculpt it in Zbrush? Because drawing sketches is how you get the fucking composition, pose, idea etc down in the first place.

>> No.2203408

These are worse than the Pinocchio drawing

>> No.2203412


On what grounds?

>> No.2203421
File: 192 KB, 1449x815, 1440896505664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trannies, anime, ponies, minorities, angry white men

>> No.2203688

well... south park is animated in maya, they chose to make it that style, and that style is hard as fuck to pull off in 3d software... while this is sheer incompetence.

lets go with z brush, look up 1 hour full body sculpts, someone who draws will get the concept down and they will get more work dont quicker, but the guy who sculpts it after 1 hour, they now have a figure they can pose and do whatever the fuck they want with it, and when time comes to go forward, that is the basis for all things and can be worked on.

1-2 hours, the drawer will be faster but after that, the sculpture will be faster.

that said, sculpting and drawing have very transferable skills, at least in terms of z brush.

>> No.2203694

South Park is deliberately made to look simplistic and childish, you fucking retard. It was originally made with paper cutouts, long before doing it on a computer became viable.

>> No.2203742

>muh style
>they used software that made it difficult for no reason, so it's better

These are DeviantArt-grade excuses for Newgrounds-grade work.

>> No.2203757

I really like the backgroudns tho.. are they photoshoped pics or

>> No.2203946

The ride never ends

>> No.2203950
File: 618 KB, 500x591, 1440875065991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian chick with a hair streak


>> No.2203983

kill yourself retard

>> No.2204112

>Being transgender takes balls
Wow that's really transphobic like, don't people realize that trans* people experience a lot of disphoria because of their testicles?

>> No.2204145

as a programmer who works with graphic design programs I can tell you that you're full of shit.
you cannot create these amazing algorithms and such without massive knowledge of how art works in the first place. even if computers take the place of 'artists' the people who program those computers need to have the knowledge to make them take your place.

>> No.2204417
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>> No.2204424
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>> No.2204463

Hey! We didn't do anything,..yet.

>> No.2204481

no really kill yourself

>> No.2204482

>they probably got more views from us today than they ever had
just ignore it guys, don't give them more publicity and let it die in peace.

>> No.2204483

If I was as edgy as you, I'm sure I WOULD have cut myself by now.

>> No.2204484

No, teachers are becoming worse.

>> No.2204486

south park isn't even that bad though, it clearly does it in a sarcastic manner and wasn't intended for a mature audience.

>> No.2204489
File: 189 KB, 620x320, feelingtheanger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when companies are now playing the victim card to pander for money
>That feel when 4chan is just a boogey man for professional victims to get victim points
>That feel when every time it involves an artist they are shit

I don't know how much more I can feel this.

>> No.2204494

Take notes, /ic/. This is how you get popular.

>> No.2204500

>implying this is anything new
I was seeing this shit on /b/ like 7 years ago.

>> No.2204517

>That feel when 4chan is just a boogey man for professional victims to get victim points

But that's 4chan's fault. We know that trolling SJWs makes them more powerful, but we like it too much to stop.l

>> No.2204518


Pretty much this.

We fuel the SJW victim complex without fail. You can count on several boards on this site to constantly feedback boost those nutjobs and get them all the attention they want.

>> No.2204532

>buff adult cis man is the trainwreck and portrayed as violent and intolerant
brave. witty. unique.

>> No.2204535
File: 163 KB, 566x284, ICOULDBEMASTURBATINGRIGHTNOWandyouwouldnt_even_know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut your whore mouth you filthy fucking nigger

>> No.2204557
File: 86 KB, 1024x545, GCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct me if I`m wrong, but:

Computers still haven't completely replaced pen and paper.
E-books still haven't completely replaced paper books.
Digital art still hasn't completely replaced traditional art.
Internet TV and Radio still has not replaced classic TV and radio.
News websites still haven't replaced printed news.

Everything has it's place, and following your logic, Art in general isn't a serious career path, 2D or 3D.

And even if it were true, people crave 2D animation and art more than 3D, simply because 3D is everywhere, and imho 3D animation has more detail but much less style.
People want old-style 2D Disney. People want 2D comics, not those uncomfortably wonky 3D experiments. People would rather have drawn posters in their room and, paintings in their living room than some 3D render.

For sure, 3D will be continue to dominate the scene in comparison to 2D, but, more demand means more 3D arists, good and bad, which means less chance for originality and less jobs for not-top-notch 3D artists..

If you`re serious about anything and give it your best, and by best I don't mean practice for about an hour every other day, you will make a career off of it.

At least that's my stance on it...

>> No.2204564
File: 189 KB, 587x838, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong that I believe that a transgender protagonist was a marketing move... You know... like that shit Michael Bay pulls off in all of his movies...

>> No.2204570

It's not wrong to believe it was for marketing, but it's wrong to believe that making things for marketing is bad.

>> No.2204575

literally NOT AT ALL
trannies are so desperate for something that represents them, so, like furries, they're easy to target and they'll eat up anything that has a transsexual in it, even if it's bad (also like furries)

remember when everyone made a big shit about how "she-zow" is the first transsexual superhero? the creators had to clarify multiple times that the guy isn't transexual, he just puts on a girl's costume. they'll find anything

>> No.2204586

>remember when everyone made a big shit about how "she-zow" is the first transsexual superhero?

Since when is /d/ everyone?

>> No.2204609

Gee, the reason people hate their shitty show can't be because of its reliance on shitty pop culture references, absolutely atrocious animation, or horrible writing!

It's transphobia! Yep, definitely transphobia!

>> No.2204635

a cartoon called me a transphobe thanks cartoon

>> No.2204644
File: 31 KB, 468x267, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty mean. ):

>> No.2204649

I smiled. It was like reading Bendis.

>> No.2204651

Ishmael Daedelus Saltonstall honestly is a pretty cringeworthy name, haha holy shit

>> No.2204664

They are literally professional victims. And not "literally" in the tumblr sense of the word.

>> No.2204667

Op, your sense of humor was not lost on me.

>> No.2204670
File: 51 KB, 680x329, 5135135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy types a well-thought out, serious, passive criticism of the show without bashing it
>goes into thought about how shows can be "period" shows, and may be "firsts", but that never means they're good
>points out the problem with making constant pop culture references in a comedy series
>this is their reply

Whoever's behind this stupid show is the next Dobson, I swear.

>> No.2204672

I still haven't watched it and I'm never going to

>> No.2204674

what a bunch of cunts

>> No.2204675
File: 60 KB, 274x353, 1440801995007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whoever's behind this stupid show is the next Dobson, I swear.

>> No.2204677

quick, someone do porn of the trans girl

and for the love of god don't use the show's art style

>> No.2204679
File: 15 KB, 622x109, 8835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is whoever manages the facebook page fucking 12

>> No.2204691
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>this is the state of the western animation industry

>> No.2204693

>you're not the target audience
lol yeah stupid tumblr lgbt teens won't know the difference. good thinking genzed.

>> No.2204761
File: 1.09 MB, 1452x1599, 1440944977170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there are people who say that the anime industry is shit.

>> No.2204822

>professional victims
This. These people know what they are doing. They knew full well that releasing that awful trailer would create backlash. They probably posted it here first.

>> No.2204831

>muh false flag
>muh SJW conspiracy

Is it really so hard to believe that queers have no taste and /v/irgins have no self control?

>> No.2204852


>> No.2204857

another bullet for another western animation vs anime thread, noice.

>> No.2204858

>Western animation

One of these words do not belong here.

>> No.2204874

How is their animation so weak? Fucking solo animators on youtube make better shit than that. Why do they have no sense? There are so many fucking references to compare their awful crap to so that the awfulness comes to light. AM I JUST WASTING MY TIME THINKING ABOUT THIS?

>> No.2204875



>> No.2204885
File: 653 KB, 500x750, 1416600025388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck im gay and i hate it because how DUMB it is - they using really ship low quality way to throw LGBT stuff in those homophobic faces.
which means heterosexuals will hate gays even more because they will feel uncomfortable

Also the animation and design is fucking garbage.
Also they making the only heterosexual white man a dick and a douchebag. Which will never work and only make people hate them.

Also fucking asian chick with that "purple thing in her hair".
Fucking christ. How many times they will use it?

>> No.2204901

said the nazis

>> No.2204908

>heterosexuals will hate gays even more

Lemme straightsplain you a thing, cake boy. You have more rights now than you ever did in history, and it happened because you fags manned the fuck up and shoved your AIDSy dicks in America's faces. Visibility works. Silence got you nothing but unmarked graves.

>> No.2204910

You've posted this before on /co/ and no one took you seriously than, dumbass.

>> No.2204912
File: 99 KB, 957x1300, 1437854339161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have more rights now than you ever did in history
the fuck are you even talking retard? im from russia.
LGBT is not even in a half of a way to equality because amerfat country is a shitty small compared to Russia and all those countries where gays still can be killed just because the Law says so.
So shut the fuck up and continue fapping to MLP sonic recolorings or whatever you pussysuckers do in your spare time.
I expected another butthurt neckberd because of wrote "im gay" and it burns those butthurts like hell but this is still hilarious.

>> No.2204917

>That meme response
Wow. so intelligent
Much effort
Such comeback
Here have a doge meme, its about the same level of thought you put into that you butthurt dope.

>> No.2204919

>im from russia

I thought you guys were supposed to be soviet stronk. Why are you scared that Tumblr cartoons will make people hate you? Does Putin watch Tumblr cartoons?

>> No.2204920

Isnt 2d animation dying as of late? Do you think Mr Williams is rolling tamales

You stay out of my /ic/ and take your ass back to tumblr. You fucks aren't talking about art.

>> No.2204924
File: 433 KB, 500x360, 1439434199695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that autism and tumblr boogeymen
sure every gay is from tumblr.
How about you will pretend you don't have a butthurt and continue drawing buttugly anime girls?

>> No.2204926
File: 116 KB, 884x744, dogbert-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deflecting this hard with meaningless buzzwords
Try harder next time anon.
We all know where the real source of these ideas comes from.

>> No.2204930
File: 59 KB, 645x720, 10251954_10152199562303889_8794715737719741420_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mommy he insulted me!
>did he used a 4chan language?
>i-i think so
>then use a Buzzword-card and you will cover your butthurt
>Gee thanks mommy! i would be such a faggot without your advices!!

>> No.2204931

Dont feed the tumblrina anon. He'll reply with something unrelated, to the thread, and claim we suck at drawing. Just get back to studying anon and let fag waste his time.

>> No.2204933
File: 45 KB, 423x375, funny-picture-putin-beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally not a tumblrine
>still go with "LALALA CANT HEAR YOU TUMBLRINA" retardation
keep up the good work :^)

>> No.2204934

Okay now you're trying too hard.

I wouldn't ordinarily but they've shitposted this same thread like several times by now.
Same picture and stupid arguments ad nauseam.

>> No.2204938

He wants attention anon. As much as it hurts, its better to ignore him. You should get back to studying, its for the best.

>> No.2204939
File: 110 KB, 417x599, 1399819964196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the person who become butthurt over nothing
>i actually show him his place and troll him
>quickly plays victim card and calls me a shitposter while he is a "nice 4chin anon who tries to keep threads safe and clean"
What a faggot.
Sure your special thread looked good at the very beginning.
However you dumb amerifat probably coudlnt even read through half of that text because its way too much for you.

>> No.2204941
File: 161 KB, 301x312, 1439704888984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plays victim card
>calls other people tumblrinas
my sides

>> No.2204943
File: 2.40 MB, 1752x5426, modern art4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2204944

>quickly plays victim card and calls me a shitposter while he is a "nice 4chin anon who tries to keep threads safe and clean"

you're on /ic/

>i actually show him his place and troll him

go to /b/ or /pol/

here is your reply

>> No.2204945
File: 35 KB, 468x295, 1439663365774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butthurts in this post >>2204908
>uses shitty memetastic buzzwords like "cake boy", "shoved your AIDSy dicks" and etc.
>whines about /b/-tier language
autism speaks in a hellish level in this kind of retardation i must say

Butthurt heterofags always fun to watch.

>> No.2204946

God, I want to punch his fucking face off and his shitty ironic hipster beard

>> No.2204947


>gets criticized for bad writing
>repeats the same thing 3 times in a row


>> No.2204948
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>> No.2204950
File: 66 KB, 500x500, conchitawurst-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job!

>> No.2204961
File: 60 KB, 620x670, kek 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likes/dislikes disabled (just like them).

>> No.2204969

f-fuck, going on /his/ is a thing

>> No.2205048

Anybody else notice how the characters were laying on top of the letterbox the entire time? And holy shit this animation is bad. Like bad Drawn Together rip off bad

>> No.2205049
File: 35 KB, 559x550, MV5BMjE2NzI2NTIzMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTY3NTMwNA@@._V1_SX559_CR0,0,559,550_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm Hayden Black, the director. I hope you enjoy my show goyim.

>> No.2205050

Top fucking kek.

>> No.2205053

Nice job, brat!

>> No.2205054
File: 25 KB, 662x258, 5sx4DSx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are all losers

>> No.2205114

reminds me of

got any more? I secretly love stuff like this especially when it gets posted on /ic/

>> No.2205170


>> No.2205189

I wish there was a way to say this without being jumped on for being transphobic.

>> No.2205206

except some furries are actually good at what they do

>> No.2205211
File: 101 KB, 717x960, 544993_418762344841648_608636662_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The so called art "revolutions" might be the ones to blame of what is happening to the industry nowadays; whether it is animation,art classes, paintng and so on.
As an example take:
It is not about the animation nor the puns per se, but more about the "controvesy" generated by them.
Artist are becoming lazier with execution and seem to be more interested in selling their points of view.
Thus, as Williams says, we end up with unskilled teachers teaching art and those with the abilities to do so want to be paid huge amounts of money; which are unaffordable for most of students.
But there is hope when we find talented people using coming every day.

>> No.2205225

most of the best artist don't work as artist due the lack of money for them. Hell some good comic and animation guys sit round drawing porn for a few years give up and get real job in marketing or killthemselves

>> No.2205266

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fxls1XrcJc [Embed]

>> No.2205272

who's the artist?!

>> No.2205275

Like who?

>> No.2205280
File: 43 KB, 400x550, 1441021417154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2205286
File: 55 KB, 848x480, 1426912897368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every board, I always manage to find this posted.

>> No.2205325

/co/ is the same board that praises Steven Universe.

>> No.2205481

And what do you have against that?

>> No.2205488

Regardless of how you may feel about how "tumblr" the show is, there's no denying that it's popular for a good reason. The characters are flawed, likeable, realistic and actually develop over the course of the story, the animation is solid, and the music is excellent. It's certainly not everyone's type of cartoon but I'd say it's one of the best things CN has offered for a long time if you take the 4chan goggles off and look at it as a cartoon, or just an animated series, not just "lol tumblr".

>> No.2205496

>Sex changing hippie shit crystals subtle lesbian sex from outer space.


>> No.2205502

The Flynn drawings you quoted aren't by Keane, they're by Jin Kim. He does all of those expression sheets for Disney's latest films (Frozen, BH6, etc)

>> No.2205519



A psychopath as a protagonist!?

A psychopath, a trust fund kiddie, and a fucking poet? It's almost like they *want* us to hate trans people, throwing them in with that lot. Just needs an aspie and a pedophile to round out the ensemble.

>> No.2205547

When you put something like that, you can make any cartoon sound stupid, anon. Most anime have weirder concepts than this.

>> No.2205560
File: 1.28 MB, 1105x624, WOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are we getting better at drawing?

>> No.2205564

what happened to the basketball theme? he may have gotten better with the colors, but there is no thought put into the concept anymore; for that reason alone I like the 1913 better.

>> No.2205602
File: 397 KB, 827x1223, 1439112595944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


^this guys a new kind of dumb

>> No.2205613

We started at fucking walt disney.


>> No.2205616

Disney was not progressive enough!

>> No.2205621

The only goo picture(somewhat good) was bottom left. At least (s)he made good use of color.

>> No.2205622

When did trolling become news?

>> No.2205656

You had me rustled at 'Youtube comedian'

>> No.2205697

Education went down the shitter when Modern Art happened.

>> No.2205724

The truth is that in making art, there's always a big risk. The art industry wants to make a lot of money from you, but it NEEDS to at least make its money back (i.e. the money it invests in making your art into a TV show, a published comic, a piece in a gallery, etc.). So, naturally, it favors art that is cheap and fast. Whatever has the simplest design, whatever's easiest to make. It's simple risk analysis.

>> No.2205727

That's fucked up.

>> No.2205731

>Ishmael Daedelus Saltonstall
That's a fucking awesome name though!

>> No.2205734

>remember watching American Pie when I was a kid and laughing when they said that "Ariel is sooo HOT!"
>mfw now

>> No.2205758

Riccardo Ferecci

>> No.2205873

no we are getting better
at least with every new biological discovery in anatomy and function
its thats along with the times, now anyone can grab a sketchbook and post it up

>> No.2205887

is this some fake profile the picture is ethan from h3h3 youtube channel

>> No.2205910
File: 90 KB, 435x638, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe; all the hands I draw look like carrots. It's maddening and also makes me hungry.

>> No.2205964

>falling for the most obvious bait since July 27 1943

>> No.2206806

not a person

>> No.2206961

well im mad

>> No.2206995

It's a waifu bait magic girl cartoon for people who don't like anime and it takes itself way to seriously for a cartoon directed at kids. Only pretentious waifufags like it and pretend it's anything more than an anime knockoff with terrible art that set an awful trend.

>> No.2206998

I watch anime and I liked it.

It's not a terrible show. Most of the hate it gets anyway is because there's diversity in the characters.

>> No.2207000

and shit draws

>> No.2207001

The music and backgrounds were really nice at least.

>> No.2207009

The music is cringe worthy, especially when the voice actors try to sing. Just about the only thing I'd give the show are some nice backgrounds. The story is basically just "less problematic magic girl". Also, "diversity" you mean lesbians which is the safest way to pander and seem like you are taking a creative "risk". Then again, they can just pretend they are "space rocks" and write off any critics that come their way.

>> No.2207017

you are stupid
you fell for it

>> No.2207027

The psychopath is a cis white male too.

>> No.2207046

>the safest way to pander and seem like you are taking a creative "risk"

What are some unsafe ways to pander that are actual, scare-quote-free creative risks?

>> No.2207050

Gay men. Gravity Falls has a gay character that offends both Christian moms and SJWs just because he's gay and presented in a humorous manner. When it comes to lesbians in cartoons you have quite a few people defending you. You have liberals, SJWs, yuri fetishists, and the lgbt community... yet you can pretend to be taking a risk because the only two groups you are pissing off are Christian moms and some conservatives. Personally I'm fucking sick of lesbians and the "strong female character" which has become a worse trope that the tropes these people hate.

In general though, pushing some lgbt character right now is not interesting, it isn't controversial, it's boring as shit and usually one dimensional. Hell, the only good gay character I can think of is from Kamen Rider Gaim.

>> No.2207051

if your talking about Mister Dangerous, he's the most flamboyant gay guy out there,

>> No.2207052

And yet he's a likable interesting character that I think was handled very well. He wasn't made gay just because, nor was it to pander. It adds to his character. It's silly at times, it makes other characters uncomfortable(which would be considered horribly offensive over here), yet he grows as a characters and other characters grow to become more tolerant of it and it becomes something that doesn't even matter towards the end of the show. They don't play it off like it's normal and everyone who hates it is some horrible bigot.

And the crazy thing.. that's not even the focus of his character nor the show.

>> No.2207426

OP's post is comparing two professional artists.

>> No.2207439
File: 176 KB, 2048x1447, 11224895_912895758785414_6174166073742563975_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is real life becoming worse then drawings?

>> No.2207496

>friend is going to AIB which is a pretty decent school in the US
>is learning illustration
>posts images of his drawings and paintings from time to time
>they're not bad, but they're not good either
>people praise him and somehow he gets good grades for his flat, uninspiring art
>too scared to speak up and critique him honestly because he'll probably get butthurt and his other friends might even descend upon me like locusts because I never went to art school in the first place

I hate this

>> No.2207497

>yfw most old disney girls look 100 times better without the lipstick lips

>> No.2207502

...do you really think you'd even be impresssed by Disney if not for the near-century of incessant marketing shoved down our culture's throat? You were brainwashed to like that shit from childhood nigga

>> No.2207504

We'll, if there's one thing art school is great for, it's building a blind confidence in its students. If they had the teachers to provide the critique and skills it would be fantastic, but all my friends who went are the exact same as yours. They all go to conventions to try and sell their art now and none of them can draw barely above stick figures or even make a solid line.

There really aren't to many good art communities left besides those online workshops.

>> No.2207506


>> No.2207511

Like I'm not saying I'm some great artist, but you'd think his art would be better than mine considering he's in his 4th year of school for art and illustration and I went to a year of community college for fucking criminal justice

>> No.2207524

Most art teachers aren't allowed to critique to much, and that's assuming you get one that actually can critique your art. He went 4 years to get his ego stroked and build a wall around it. That's pretty much what art schools are for now... that and to make connections. Back in the day one could argue that you'd go for the peers and rivals, but all that is going to be there now are tumblr stylefags who don't want to learn anything and just want the connections and the piece of paper that says they're an artist.

I'd post some of my friends art, but they are generally good people and I'd hate for them to somehow stumble on the post or a particularly mean anon to find them... suffice to say, they both went for quite a few years and neither can do gesture drawing, perspective, they don't understand form, nor color, and just about the only thing either can do is market themselves. One draws anime in flat symbols and scratchy lines, the other draws just above stick figures.

>> No.2207536

...if i promise to be really nice and not troll them will you link me? I'm just curious. Will give dummy email.

>> No.2207546
File: 102 KB, 640x620, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it.
from a friend who studied art at Ball State

>> No.2207549
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>> No.2207551


Man, you are making me not regret choosing autodidactism.

>> No.2207553

I'm impressed by classic Disney's level of skill and innovation in the medium of animation.

Please go complain about "the sheeple" on /pol/ or some shit.

>> No.2207554
File: 184 KB, 460x306, 1440352878003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F-f-f-f-f-four years of art school and he produces THIS?

>> No.2207555

Yeah it was all marketing and nothing else


>> No.2207557
File: 2.16 MB, 1300x7472, BFAMFAPhD, Bradley, Cearley, Silver - Artist's Report Back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2207559
File: 133 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also studied fine art while he was there... and graduated. It's weird isn't it? How can somebody be so blind to their own flaws? How can you find this acceptable? How could an art class let you get by without even truly studying and understanding anatomy at the very least. I mean, hell, that alone would give you SOMETHING.. but nah, basically they just pat you on the ass and tell you what a good job you're doing till you get that piece of paper, give them your money, and get out of their lives.

>> No.2207562

I think the reason they do that is because they would fail the vast majority of students if they had even they slightest of standards. For example, I just started attending college with the intent to get an art degree. In my drawing one class I am the only competent or even remotely serious person there. That's not me bragging, the fact that I'm the best one there is a terrible sign.

>> No.2207563

...doesn't art school at least teach you like ... Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain kinda stuff? That, at the very least, should have knocked him out of that flat style.

...then again maybe they don't.

...fuck, what the honest fuck do they do in art schools that is worth that much fucking money?

>> No.2207572

Art Schools have become for-profit businesses. In the past, art schools were very exclusive places and your friend would have been mercifully cut loose from the school for his own good for performing at such a poor level. This guy is probably in massive debt because his school refused to tell him the truth, to tell him he wasn't capable of performing at a high enough level to justify his continued attendance there.

>> No.2207575

You wonder why these other people are even there in the first place. I just can't imagine spending that much money for nothing but a piece of paper and maybe a few connections. If you're not willing to put in the work to git gud then why even go to an art school?
I have no idea man. The whole thing has dumbfounded me for years. I have a feeling that the teachers recommend books, give assignments, then just hand out good scores to everyone for merely attempting it seeing as the whole "subjective" argument will come into play if somebody fails.

>> No.2207582
File: 312 KB, 1280x1024, tumblr_nsv6ae27ky1rfwfq9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2207590
File: 527 KB, 404x697, dobson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2207599

this is unsettling......

>> No.2207610

lol anyone know what vid thats from?

>> No.2207626

its good to grip onto something when you begin

>> No.2207648

>'fashion victim'
>that horrible sense of style

Jesus christ

>> No.2207786

And now less deserving artists are making their way into the industry and taking up the already small number of jobs.

>> No.2207889

I love Stephen Silver

>> No.2207950

That headline seems like a joke

>> No.2208061
File: 424 KB, 604x366, 382f9a45d4975b781ada8718b8cfb50c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the animation is impeccable.

>> No.2208104

Miles has been stagnating for years now and he was never really that good. The only thing he works on nowadays is his ego.

>> No.2208111

adobe flash and topical humor
the french are the only hope we have left


>> No.2208134
File: 153 KB, 400x285, tumblr_m6c596XwYt1rtzdaqo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean... I like it. What's the big deal?

>> No.2208143

>symbol drawing
>no understanding of form
>no understanding of proportions
>no texture
>no design to the anatomy or gesture

You can like it, but there's a lot of reasons why it's bad.

>> No.2208157
File: 1003 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you might think of animes, satoshi kon's tokyo godfathers was technically very impressive.

>> No.2208226

Yup, liking has nothing to do with knowledge.
>Also, no perspective and gesture.

>> No.2208283
File: 318 KB, 731x720, 1433804557995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2208292

I would take 8000 SAO over this.
god bless you japan for being such a retrograde

>> No.2208311
File: 405 KB, 639x357, fuck this show.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know anon, it looks ok to me?


>> No.2208399
File: 677 KB, 813x460, lanadelcray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about keeping the character inside the frame?

>> No.2208420

Guessing he meant Riccardo Federici

>> No.2208437
File: 8 KB, 185x273, 200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2208476
File: 251 KB, 500x375, ijust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Here you go we can all feel better now

>> No.2208501

Excellent grasp of grammar there.

>> No.2208556

That actually got really depressing as it went on.

>> No.2208650

Yeah, i forgot.Thanks.

>> No.2208697

I bet you didn't know I go on 4chan too. Fuck you.

>> No.2208700

I'm not even sure if this is legit.

If it is you better fucking read the thread because you can't draw worth shit.

tl;dr git gud draw on the right side of the brain

>> No.2208705

See >>2208143 >>2208226

>wasting time posting
>not trying to desperately git gud after wasting your money on college

At least these anons have highlighted your biggest issues, assuming this isn't some cheap bait.

>> No.2208895
File: 184 KB, 265x395, puke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pop culture referential humour
>obvious pandering of equality subject matter over quality writing or direction
>"It's okay to abuse prescription painkillers!"
>"It's okay to make jokes about rape if they're about a rapist!"
>Roid raging white dude being absolutely unpleasant/violent towards everyone.

You don't even need to get into the artistic faux pas to know this is terrible.

Also the /x/ in me has to say:
>all those all-seeing eyes
>all that celebrity and media promotion over something with obviously zero effort

There's no excuse to have this much promotional backing for something this low-quality. It's ridiculous.

>> No.2210385

holy shit that was hilarious

>> No.2210394

No, bad artists just have a platform to present their art. They didn't have that before.

>> No.2210421

There will never be an animated horror short film based on the Giles Corey book

>> No.2210424

Does France count as 'western'?

>> No.2210426

Just for the record if you're talking about Wakfu Ankama studios is heavily populated with oriental immigrants.

>> No.2210439

Silver you sly hebrew fox

>> No.2210450


I wasn't sure if Stephen was Jewish until I saw this video and then I knew there's no way he wasn't lol.



>> No.2210454

I'm talking about the massive franco-belgian comic/animation industry in general

>> No.2210456


>> No.2210463

In all seriousness though I'm guessing you're referencing the fact he opened his own "school" after saying that he didn't attend school himself and yet found the tremendous success he has. However he certainly had attended life drawing workshops and classes and that's the kind of lineage his "school" follows. It's a pay-as-you-go atelier-style school for life drawing, cartooning and art-business instruction. I'll probably illustrate that point more clearly with the next iteration of that image if not omit the fact he opened his own atelier entirely. I wanted the point to be "look how successful this self-taught artist is" but when the graphic itself is ostensibly "anti-school" and it prominently features a person who's opening his own school (even if it is a different type of school that isn't really the subject of the graphic) it muddles the entire thing

>> No.2210466

>all this rambling

Sorry, I get even more autistic when I'm tired. Goodnight /ic/ fam

>> No.2210472


>> No.2210546

>If you can't draw, you can't design anything worth a damn.
[citation needed]

>> No.2210694

>mfw now they have to do a trigger warning for internet harassment

>> No.2210697

Can I have a screencap of the guy's original post?

>> No.2211443

Are are aware that almost every form of media needs some kinda of traditional artist, right? Concept artists aren't something you can replace

>> No.2211811
File: 66 KB, 500x644, 1437259840152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who's played by a trans woman who happens to also be Jewish and a lesbian
This is fake. There's no way.

>> No.2212186
File: 272 KB, 617x379, That's pretty artistic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is triggering me. Please tell me that whoever made that was cherry picking. Please tell me that college isn't a huge scam.

>> No.2212192

College isn't a huge scam.

Art school is.

>> No.2212204

That would have been amazing

If a 12 year old did it.

>> No.2212211

It is not that bad, it is just that the artist is clearly retarded and chose the most disgusting clothing for them to wear.

>> No.2212227
File: 171 KB, 346x297, 1435047147518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dub voice for Meowth from Pokemon was an intersex, assigned-male-at-birth Jewish woman. Anything is possible.

>> No.2212434

>and you thought the breakfast club was edgy
I. I don't think I did. I don't think I ever will.

>> No.2212447


>> No.2212463

you know the french can't fight but they can make cartoons and draw comics, god fucking damn.

>> No.2212469

Thanks anon.

You got me to smile.

>> No.2212654

No, more people are just drawing.

Nice bait by the way.

>> No.2212670

>professional artists.
Isnt the pinochio picture made by hitler?

>> No.2212706

>trans woman

Well, yeah, of course that's fake. Trannies are men. But almost all of them are attracted to women, and will throw a fit about misgendering if you don't call them lesbians.

>> No.2212853
File: 26 KB, 346x339, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 12 I knew a big about construction from a shitty how to draw manga book.

From the looks of it, he doesn't even know how to do that. It's amazing how untrained an eye can be, and even kind of scary.

>> No.2212875

> Tumblr artstyle

I'm not baiting I swear, but what the heck is the Tumblr artstyle? Like is there a guideline or something for shit to qualify
Fucking everyone has a Tumblr and I see everything on it

I'm not very internet savvy, I started coming in here yesterday because every other discussion board is awful

>> No.2212882

There's a pic floating around that describes it pretty well, hopefully somebody will post it. It breaks down the whole style and "progessive" character down perfectly... and a year or so later somebody made a magic girl comic that's main character rips everything from it like it was their Bible... put bluntly though it's somewhere between anime and old cartoons with this weird "brown" race dominating everything. Washed out colors and weird noses they think adds to the personality. It's mostly made by the kiddies who watched 90's anime but don't want to put in the work to get their foundations so they end up with something like Rebeca Sugars art. They also haven't studied anything on design or how uneven distribution of proportions work so their art tends to look extremely bland and sometimes straight up ugly because they think that being different from beauty norms=good.

>> No.2212891


>> No.2213008

>Internet harassment by 4chan
>Implying it's not gonna be it's biggest fanbase

>> No.2213032

I think they want a serious "enlightened" audience... of course, if they were smart they'd realize their new found audience and make the first episode accordingly. Either make it riff tier, or pander to us like crazy because at the moment your "quality" isn't going to save shit.

>> No.2213052

Looks as much as an American fag can look like a fag without fag clothes. Also, what's wrong with his eyes?

>> No.2213055

The left drawing looks like a japanese style drawing just with western clothes. Also what's up with the dollar sign?

>> No.2213065

The one on the left looks like kaiji. Fucking cannot unsee. Also disgusting as 999999999 year old dick smegma

>> No.2213353

Is he British?

>> No.2213414
File: 1.35 MB, 1222x1920, tumblr_noets9GFpx1u8tznao2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2213420
File: 47 KB, 394x379, BK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2213459
File: 977 KB, 215x198, arthur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that face

>> No.2213867

That better not be Nami...

>> No.2213872

Rather Tsunami

>> No.2213956


>> No.2213991
File: 214 KB, 784x757, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is 24 carrots of pure comedy chocolate gold!

Btw, your 'art' is shit.

>> No.2213995

>24 carrots

Whether this is intentional or not, I'm going to start saying this all the time now. It's the perfect bait.

>> No.2214009

He's obviously Jewish.

>> No.2214207
File: 478 KB, 900x1467, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2214210
File: 107 KB, 431x655, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2214263

I'm just gonna assume this is a joke.

>> No.2214267


>80s-90s anime

But anime was actually good back then.

>> No.2214291

Never underestimate Tumblr.

>> No.2214303

>80-90s anime

Literally what?

>> No.2214309

It is not.
I think they are referencing how in restive these people are and how most just rip-off the sailor moon formula but make it more "progressive". It also might be calling out how the style is a dumbed down anime thing that has no real foundation.

>> No.2214327

But that was drawn on 4chan

>> No.2214505

No, that's Kate Leth's comic.

>> No.2214547 [DELETED] 


Looks like the guy on the left is literally worse than Hitler then.

>> No.2214565

>all these positive youtube reactions
Kill me now.

>> No.2214599

They've been monitoring and deleting the negative ones. Don't worry, the first couple of days all the top comments were negative.

>> No.2214605

Whose been known to browse /co/ and her comics are regularly posted on 4chan.

>> No.2214632


You don't know who the fuck Kate Leth is.

>> No.2214978

The best part is, she's working for marvel now. If comics sank any lower they'd hit the earths core.

>> No.2214997

LOL I'm happy I checked back.