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[ERROR] No.2200564 [Reply] [Original]

what's the miracle method to draw woman hips? i'm close to giving up tbh

>> No.2200582

The method is knowing how a pelivs looks like and having eye to hand coordination, you dingus.

There are no "tricks" for doing something as innate and intimate to a human artist and viewer as the human body.



>> No.2200584

>draw a baby
>draw thighs around the baby
>erase the baby

>> No.2200585

by thighs I obviously mean the hip region

>> No.2200600

yeah, interesting. it seems that it's harder to draw than a male body because it's not logical, it's not made to be a perfect machine but to bear a baby

>> No.2200616

It's not logical to you because you aren't a girl.
To me the male body seems like it's full of extra shit it doesn't need. At least in this day and age.

>> No.2200617

> it's not made to be a perfect machine but to bear a baby
by that logic the female body is superior to male just because it has the extra option of bearing a baby.

>> No.2200620

no, it's less fit for physical activities and survival because of these big hips, ass and boobs. it's an imperfect male body

>> No.2200623
File: 194 KB, 992x735, Hiperino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a good question mang. Im not really a great artist by any stretch of the imagination, but gesture drawing helps me draw better. Women especially tend to have more of a flowy figure if that makes more sense. Men on the other hand are usually more angular shaped. Well thats what i find at least. Obviously knowing your anatomy would be a great start.

>> No.2200627

haha get off the internet mate rl women are anything but that, a large majority anyway.
not to mention that size is a minor performance inpact. If we were talking about nicki minaj then I would agree with you.
Lastly it's unimportant, you don't have to survive or be physicaly fit in today's word. Most people aren't. So basically what you're talking about is the chad males and plastic surgery divas.

>> No.2200629

thanks, nice sketches. yeah i think it's harder to draw without clear angles, maybe that's the problem

>> No.2200632

>it's not logical, it's not made to be a perfect machine but to bear a baby
you just described women in general

>> No.2200634
File: 2.59 MB, 460x335, deer_pop_corn_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>misogyny on /ic/

I'm okay with this

>> No.2200635

i agree it's less important nowadays, but still, the most important parts of a female body are aimed at reproduction and would be considered as deformities if it wasn't for sexual desire. a male body is beautiful per se, it's entirely made to be functional

>> No.2200637

It's called anatomy studies and applying that knowledge.

>> No.2200638


I advise you do stop being butthurt about this, mr salty male feminist or whoever you are to get your fanny flustered over such an innocuous statement.

The male pelivs is better from a biomechanical standpoint, since it's geared towards it's primary (and only relevant) function more, it has better properties physically. This translates into it looking more dynamic and people visualize it working more intuitively.

Instead of herping and derping on about how walking is irrelevant in the modern world because muh extinct saber tooth tigers or some other trilby tipping-tier ramblings how about you just deal with it and move on?

>> No.2200643

>being this much of a faggot

>> No.2200644


>being so insecure you can't even discuss this simple truth let alone admit it

lel virgin

I bet you're one of those people who still don't know what orientation they are since they never got their dick wet and are thirsty as fuck.

>> No.2200646

Tell me, how is that beautiful "per se" male body working out for you?

>> No.2200649

>how is that beautiful "per se" male body working out for you?
>trying to strawman this so hard into it being about vanity

You must be very gay and very in the closet. Poor thing.

>> No.2200651

>keeps implying I am gay because I don't think the female form is deficient in any way
bro, do you even logic.

Straw man argument is about exageration. You're the one taking one sentence and making it into meaning I'm gay.

>> No.2200653


>A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.

But please keep crying about someone calling you out on being in the closet, when your opening "argument" was calling someone a faggot, you nimrod.

>> No.2200654

I never advanced or said I was gay, that's what OC did.

OC is super salty about someone not agreeing that the male form is perfect and the female form is an abomination.

I rest my case that he is the faggot.

>> No.2200658

>I never advanced or said I was gay, that's what OC did.
>gaiz strawman is about exaggerating

Uh huh. Sure.

>OC is super salty

Nnno, the salty one is you. Who started the argument? the faggot who was hurr breh get outta da internets herp derp.

>keeps projecting the faggotry after someone going top great lengths to teach him a lesson about crying faggot

See, you might actually be a gay teenage babby in denial. I was just trying to point something out to you earlier, but now you make it seem plausible.

>> No.2200666

Tbh I'm just sitting back in my chair enjoying you getting all worked up at something over the internet and trying to prove I'm a male homosexual because I called you a faggot at some point.
You keep coming back everytime I throw you something. It's like flicking peanuts at a monkey at the zoo. Are you really this retarded or are you only pretending? Anyhow, keep going. This is funny to me.

>> No.2200685

sorry if you mean OP, that's me. i think you misunderstood me, i said the female body is nice because of sexual attractiveness, not that it's an abomination.

>> No.2200728
File: 305 KB, 1300x1300, hips_for_the_hip_god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wider hips than man

>> No.2200733

Break them down into 3 shapes or less depending on preference.

Or just make them fuckhuge and cower behing sexualizion like everyone else.

>> No.2200753

>the male body is a perfect machine
>perfect machine

Stop rhapsodizing about dicks and actually study anatomy some time. The human body is a fucking illogical mess of a tacked on bullshit design regardless of gender.

>> No.2200762


What the fuck are you talking about? Reproduction would be a deformity if not for sex? You know, basically the one thing every single fucking living organism has in common? Reproduction? That deformity?

>> No.2200764

>beauty is objective
>tits get my cock hard but otherwise they're kinda meh
How much do you love yourself?

>> No.2200769

you're the only one here who's flustered gayfriend

>> No.2200772

you are either very stupid or you didn't understand anything from your "anatomy studies"

>> No.2200775

it is and it isn't, there is undoubtedly a rhythm to the human form, (muscles almost always having opposite pairs, ideal humans having symmetry) but thanks to evolution there is a lot of leftovers or crappy builds that had to just kind of remain or else the whole house falls apart. The other anon is mostly right though about the fit male form vs female form but ideally a genital less man would be the most practical form (except concerning reproduction) but at the same time not quite since male hips and pelvis are designed knowing there is a dingdong in between. The hips and pelvis of a parley functional person (with no regards to reproduction) would probably have male like hips with female like flexibility since its our genitals that inhibit aspects about our design.

>> No.2200776

The male pelvis is geared toward walking. The female pelvis is geared toward walking and giving birth.

I'd say childbirth is more important to a species, and even if we're only talking about walking, males aren't better at it. In fact, back when humans had to walk after their prey the females lasted longer because females not only live longer, but also have shit stored up for the baby because no matter how poor the conditions, a female must be able to give birth and raise a child.

You visualize the pelvis of your own sex better, because you've been walking all your life. If you can't visualize the pelvis of the opposite sex working, it isn't because it's inferior, it's because you're lazy and stupid.

>> No.2200777

What are you on about? Considered deformities by who, do you even know the meaning of the word deformity? You'll end up with some pretty sickly humanoids if you stripped males and females of reproductive traits.
>since it's geared towards it's primary (and only relevant) function more
And that is? the pelvis has many important functions and humans don't work without them.
So please tell me, what's this one role that's the most important? :)

You guys don't do much anatomy studies, do you?

>> No.2200780

We're done guys, let it go.

>> No.2200807


>So please tell me, what's this one role that's the most important? :)

Because it's related to movement and muscle function. Duh. And that's what determines a huge part of what contributes to human sense of aesthetics when looking at creatures they don't want to bone.

This is why you view the bull of any breed more majestic than a milk cow, which has prominent features not serving any mobility or exerting some kind of force. That's why you like how horses or panthers look, when their muscles play under their skin. When you desexualize your view of humanity same happens to viewing humans. Schopenhauer put in a lot harsher terms:

>It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of the fair sex; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. One would be more justified in calling them the unaesthetic sex than the beautiful.

Add to that our modern culture populating our imagination with mostly nonexistent female body types and you have the source of your disagreement with me. :)


>I'd say childbirth is more important to a species,

And yet irrelevant to aesthetics. Do you cum in your undies when you see a termite queen?

>and even if we're only talking about walking, males aren't better at it.

Yes they are. As seen in any kind of walking/running sport.

>In fact, back when humans had to walk after their prey the females lasted longer because

They didn't. I wonder what crackpot prog fed you that nonsense.

>females not only live longer,

Because they lead more sheltered lives and their hormones promote more immune system activity later in life. See thymus size reduction.

>> No.2200808



>but also have shit stored up for the baby because

By that logic the morbidly obese are gods of endurance, since they have enough fat for a whole village.

Yet what we see in primitive societies is the men venturing out and the (not unoften fat) women sitting on their asses around camp. To my knowledge, without exception.


>Tbh I'm just sitting back in my chair enjoying you getting all worked up at something over the internet and trying to prove I'm a male homosexual because I called you a faggot at some point.
>u a monkey
>le superiority face
>le tbh

I tried to walk you past your inanities by showcasing how dumb you look making them, hoping we'd go quickly to the meat of the discussion, but you're too daft to even enter a convo with.

>> No.2200821


>You keep coming back everytime I throw you something. It's like flicking peanuts at a monkey at the zoo. Are you really this retarded or are you only pretending? Anyhow, keep going. This is funny to me.

This is always my favorite part of an internet argument. Where the smug cunt condescends about how amusing it all is so he can feel superior about being part of a shit flinging contest on an imageboard.

I've got news for you, friend. Most people arguing on the internet get a kick out of it. You're not special. You're not intellectual. You just come off as a dipshit when you say stuff like that.

Now I'm sure you'll find the time to reply how salty I am too because le masterful troll.

>> No.2200898

>This is why you view the bull of any breed more majestic than a milk cow
How is this related to anything? Very few animal species have gender roles or physical differences between sexes similar to ours.

>Add to that our modern culture populating our imagination with mostly nonexistent female body types
Are you saying that the average male looks like a Hollywood action hero?

>And yet irrelevant to aesthetics.
So is walking and so are muscles. You're still claiming that beauty is objective. It isn't.

>Do you cum in your undies when you see a termite queen?
No, I do not find them sexually arousing, but I do consider them better-looking than regular termites.

>By that logic the morbidly obese are gods of endurance, since they have enough fat for a whole village.
Evolution hasn't carefully shaped them into lardasses to ensure the survival of the species. By YOUR logic myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is the ultimate form of beauty and functionality.

>Yet what we see in primitive societies is the men venturing out and the (not unoften fat) women sitting on their asses around camp. To my knowledge, without exception.
Did you see that in a dream or something? In primitive societies it's usually the women slaving away. Even in Asia pale-skinned women were rare and desired because it was unthinkable that a woman was from a family so wealthy that she could afford leaving the rice fields for a second.

Also, Schopenhauer was a fraud second only to Freud. You should have started with the Greeks.

>> No.2200919


>Very few animal species have gender roles or physical differences between sexes similar to ours.

And how is THAT related? The principle is the same, that's what matters. Not it being some sort of universal constant.

>Are you saying that the average male looks like a Hollywood action hero?

I'm saying that the average idealisation of a woman is greater than that of a man's (all you have to do is buff a man up, what the female equivalent is getting is stuff like tampering with joint width) and is reproduced much more often than a man's. The culture is brimming with it.

>So is walking and so are muscles.

I posit that it's the root of human sense of aesthetics and provide examples. I can guess, not without some apprehension, it has to do with humans having a use in assessing the health and overall condition of animals and fellow man.

>You're still claiming that beauty is objective. It isn't.

The cornerstone of what makes people appreciate similar things is completely rooted in human biology and therefore completely objective and, eventually, with sufficient study, measurable.

>Evolution hasn't carefully shaped them into lardasses to ensure the survival of the species.

That's irrelevant, because biomechanics stay the same for both. And like I said: men are better at any kind of walking sport. It's human dimorphism 101.

>By YOUR logic myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is the ultimate form of beauty and functionality.

if it expresses mobility and strength instead of heaviness and bloating, then it has a lot to do with it. Along with a host of other things, most of which men also express more than women. le passive aggressive smiley face :)

>> No.2200923



>Did you see that in a dream or something? In primitive societies it's usually the women slaving away.

So in bushmen or abbos the women are the hunters? The women go out to hunt?

Women aren't "slaving away" unless it's an agrarian society and even then the axis of the economy is male labor in the field. That's why you get male-headed households most of the time, because otherwise it'd be culturally unsustainable.

>Even in Asia

Because asia is the prime example of primitive society? You're stark raving mad.

>it was unthinkable that a woman was from a family so wealthy that she could afford leaving the rice fields for a second.

That's nonsense for several reasons:

1st - a lot of wealthy farmers locked up their wives in their boudoirs and they didn't do anything but weave cloth. That's well documented during Ming and Quing dynasties.

2ndly - pale skin in women is particularly valued among brighter complexioned peoples because it's actually a sexual difference in skin tone and people picked up on it eventually. This is compounded with wealth status making it desirable, while rich men still being required to go to war or tend to their possessions made it less relevant to their image

3dly - poor women working the fields, planting rice?! Guess who plowed the field AND is planting the rice as well AND is doing the irrigation maintenance. Women did primarily the household part of the chores and helped out when there was too much work for men, like in the planting season. Without men they'd starve at the same population density they'd normally live in most historical periods of Asia excluding South East Asia where agrarian societies started to encroach on the jungles slower for obvious reasons

>Also, Schopenhauer (...)

Smashing argument there.

>You should have started with the Greeks.

Oh, so now you not only get to remake history into le patriarchy opreshun of le field slave women, but also tell me where I started? you writing my biography too?

>> No.2200927

>That's why you like how horses or panthers look
Nice examples, both don't have any visible gender differences other than a giant cock hanging if you see it at the right angle.
>Yes they are. As seen in any kind of walking/running sport.
Since when are we talking about athletes? Keep to normal people. If a man isn't trained or fit he is no better than a woman, if he's a lardass then women are better. If both man and woman are fatasses they both die of a heart attack at the 20m mark.
>They didn't. I wonder what crackpot prog fed you that nonsense.
I was at my local Neanderthal museum and they said it too. How they know it was like that I don't know. I never read the plaques.
>Because they lead more sheltered lives
From which fantasy book did you emerge from. get real pal, everyone has a hard time. Can't remember the last time I heard off, let alone seen a couple where the man supports his wife and family. Nobody has that much money.

>> No.2200929

Aaah now I get where you're coming from. Hate to burst your bubble mate but a lot of people don't share your view of aestethics.
I under no circumstances share your views on the "root of human sense of aestethics". That's just your own personal opinion.

>> No.2200933
File: 27 KB, 620x350, ming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most practical form is that of the ocean quahog, whose simpler bodies are easily regenerated and whose durable shells will protect them from many kinds of trauma. Humans at their oldest can live only a fifth as long as the oldest known ocean quahog.

>> No.2200936

shellfish are officially superior to humans

>> No.2200945

ITT: people claiming one form is superior to the other

My phone is not superior when I'm looking for something to throw, then I prefer a brick. When I need to call someone, I prefer a phone. And here we've got people arguing why phones or bricks are better.

>> No.2200950


phone fight brick
brick smash phone
brick win everytime

>> No.2200968

why are you pitting phones and bricks? that's fucking cruel! Altho I'd like to pit my old 3310 against your brick. Good ol' Inga never failed me yet.

>> No.2200972

I made the brick-phone comparison.

I still have a 3310.

>> No.2200978

>Nice examples, both don't have any visible gender differences other than a giant cock hanging if you see it at the right angle.

This is not about a universal transspecies divide along sexes though, rather traits exhibityed. So your protests are irrelevant.

Simple logic neither of you can grasp.

>Since when are we talking about athletes? Keep to normal people. If a man isn't trained or fit he is no better than a woman,

Nope, excluding weight problems he's statistically better at running and at walking as well. Both because of muscle mass and the narrower pelvis.

Again, sexual dimorphism 101. And I do really appreciate the horrendous sophistry of trying to divorce sport examples for average life. basal muscle hyperthrophy will be higher in men as well.

>I was at my local Neanderthal museum and they said it too.

About who? The Neanthertals? They told you neanthertal women went out to hunt? Or that Neanthertals had large scale farming?

>From which fantasy book did you emerge from. get real pal, everyone has a hard time.

O rly? Like today? Women and men work equal hours at equally risky jobs? Really? Funny how something like 95%+ job related deaths are the share of... guess which gender.

Who's living a fantasy here? Men get exploited more, get lesser share of any sort of social safety nets everytime a gender distinction is made. That's all to it and I guess you won't ever accept it since it was staring you in your face your whole life so why would you change now, eh.

But no no, the patriarchy, guys.

>> No.2200979

great comparison. It's /thread in my opinion
pit it with a brick, post fucking results!

>> No.2200983

>Can't remember the last time I heard off, let alone seen a couple where the man supports his wife and family.

They work easier, shorter houred jobs, often not working through all their working age. are supported by law and communities more (comparatively almost never go homeless), end up widows with nice mc mansions while hubbie up and died a decade ago mostly from being an overworked wreck.

Either way, it was aimed to describe societies of the past, where women were obviously more sheltered and men did most of the dying.

>Nobody has that much money.

Ohh, but if they had the money? Gee, I wonder who'd fuck off to "care for the kids" and sit at home while Conchita cleans the house? Truly, it's a mystery.


>Hate to burst your bubble mate but a lot of people don't share your view of aestethics.

Oh no no no, I hate to burst YOUR bubble, but determining what is right is not a vote. :^)

My position on objective human tendencies existing (weather I'm correct at assessing them or not) is grounded in common knowledge we share or is readily available to us all. Your protest consists mostly of "n-nuh huh, it's all relative, because were not 100% determined by your genotype ergo check mate!".

As Socrates wrote in his magnum opus that Plato later hid from the world out of envy: top fucking kek, m8. Go write a letter of protest to the gene pool, maybe it'll agree to share influence with your fee fees. You can personally subscribe to the tabula rasa idea all you want, but you'll be patently wrong untill you undo some 100 years of research.

>> No.2200988

This logic:

>the male form is superior and more powerful, women are not fit for construction and dangerous jobs because of their bodies being inferior so get out, ovaryfags
>more men die on the job, we are being oppressed
>it's all feminist's fault!

>> No.2200991

>societies of the past
>men doing most of the dying
Women died in childbirth back then bro. Popping out a kid was mighty risky and didn't end well a lot of the time.
Though if you want exact figures, children did most of the dying.

>> No.2200993

I know personally atleast 2 women who have greater muscle mass than me mate. And no they don't exercise.

And please drop that social media bullshit on job deaths, I don't know and haven't heard of a single person to work at such a job personally. I said that because of what happens around me. Every family I know the women both works and takes care of the home and kids, the men are there literally for the extra income and companionship. And don't get me started on how many single moms I know. 6/10 of my friends are from broken homes where the father left them and of course doesn't give a dime for them. So tell me about those social nets again, we sure could use them here.

>> No.2200995

The great thing about believers of evolutionary anthropology is that their cherry-picked bullshit always tells you so much more about their psychology than it ever says anything about the psychology of humans at large.

>> No.2201001

This. Thank you.

>> No.2201003

>They work easier, shorter houred jobs, often not working through all their working age.
Lolwut? In ym country everybody works exactly the same, they even removed the earlier retirement for women some years ago because they protested that they want to work more and can work more. Are you american?

>> No.2201004

But men are from Mars and women are from Venus, anon

>> No.2201010

I want tumblr to leave.

>> No.2201011


PS I now recall why they tell you that about "cavemen" of all sorts.

What their methodology basically is: they divide all small invertebrate, tiny game (like rodents or frogs) and flora-source food from the proper game and then they assign the 1st group to women (because they're gatherers primarily) and the meat goes to men (hunters). Which makes it so that women seem like the primary providers.

The problem with this is that when you look at khoisan, papuas or whoever else the hunting parties also gather tubers, frogs, crabs, berries etc. etc..

And not only do they do that but they venture far outside the camps to gather the food they find while the resources around the camp dwindle from being stripped by women and kids, by which the expend extra effort to prolong the current camp's lifespan. Then they move, live the easy life for a week and go back to their usual habits, when most of the game gets scared off by predation.

Can you see how this is hippie-style anthropology trying to appeal to the academia sensibilities, groveling for some grants?

Also then there's the sources they use for these studies: where do you think a hunter that goes into the wilderness for a week shits and litters? Near camp?

>> No.2201012

There's no logic involved. It's purely a reactionary pushback. Reactionary pushbacks just need to make the one pushing feel right in the moment, not craft an actual logical narrative of opinion.

>see: women are illogical children and incapable of anything more than staying in the kitchen!!
>and yet: FEMINAZIS are RUNNING the GOVERNMENT from behind the scenes to oppress men and push their pro-women agenda!! despite being illogical children somehow

Or to use a more classic example
>black people are a weak and frail race, obviously incapable of playing sports like us strong healthy whites and evidence as to why they're inferior
>black people start kicking white ass in sports
>black people are fundamentally ANIMAL BRUTES who are only good at the physical unlike us less muscular whites and evidence as to why they're inferior

etc. until eternity

>> No.2201014


And men died more, statistically. You get periods like the early Mediterranean city-state era and you'll get 80% of men dying in violent conflict alone because of how the social order worked then.

>> No.2201015

this tbh

>> No.2201017


>> No.2201022

Redditor pls go

>> No.2201026

yep, only progressists such as yourself are coherent, it's well known
>men are savages
>we have the right to be like men !!

>christianity is evil and patriarchic
>islam is great and tolerant!!

etc until eternity

>> No.2201027

>I know personally atleast 2 women who have greater muscle mass than me mate. And no they don't exercise.

So you're going all out and trying to either flat out deny physical dimorphism or scream "NOT ALL" yourself out of it. Either way I'm not interested.

You're such a goon. Women are in complete control of their reproductive systems, don't come crying to me about single mothers and deadbeats. How is a man a deadbeat in this day and age when he can be forced to pay by the grace of being a sperm donor (and a past walking ATM and companionship monkey apparently)? Oh right, he ain't the father after all, she doesn't know who the fuck is father/never even got his name, he's broke as fuck etc.

>So tell me about those social nets again, we sure could use them here.

Like the welfare for single mothers? Yeah, that's a thing, you walking meal ticket. Gee, who foots most of that bill I wonder? Who gets taxed out the ass, works most hours and is legible for least welfare?

Don't cry to me about women wedding the state.

>> No.2201034


I'm not but in most of the developed world this is the norm: men take 200% more overhours, women work less harsh jobs, hang from their man's wallet if possible. If their guy is loaded they try to stop working after they had kids. That's how a lot of female doctors etc. end up. They go to higher ed to snatch themselves "an extra income", basically.

>> No.2201035

>>Also, Schopenhauer (...)
>Smashing argument there.
>>You should have started with the Greeks.
>Oh, so now you not only get to remake history into le patriarchy opreshun of le field slave women, but also tell me where I started? you writing my biography too?
pretty sure he's a /lit/erarian calling you an enormous pleb for taking Schopenhauer seriously

>> No.2201037

>welfare for single mothers
Dude if you think that's enough to pay a rent and raise a kid with, you're pants on head retarded. At least here they basically fall below the poverty line if that ever happens.

>Women are in complete control of their reproductive systems
Hahahahaha. No.

Yeah, in 1950s. Here a middle-income couple has to have two earners or they don't make it. Putting us at the same level as proletarians in the beginning of the previous century, where middle class could be supported on a single income. It's a lovely tale we've been spun.

>> No.2201040

>Women aren't "slaving away" unless it's an agrarian society and even then the axis of the economy is male labor in the field.
You clearly haven't ever been to Africa. The dudes are chilling on the porch while the women work in the field. And sometimes, when they take a job, they send their wives.

>> No.2201045
File: 39 KB, 1000x1000, hispicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want women to shut the fuck up.
Also the happiness of women has gone down every decade after the feminist movement got active.
Also check out Milo Yiannopoulos. That motherfucker is like a gentle breeze of putting women in their places.

Can we go back to the thread now and start drawing hips please, Or every time if you have something to say either For or against the subject you need to include a drawing that you made of mother fucking hips. I'll start. Its still an art board so how about we actually try to get better.

>> No.2201046
File: 460 KB, 1280x850, 1403550097083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that a waifu will never leave you or cry rape when she doesn't have her way and take away your livelihood. Why don't you have a waifu yet /ic/?

>> No.2201048

Because I have sex with actual women?

>> No.2201051

>My position on objective human tendencies existing
Kek, that's exactly what you were arguing against. That anyone capable of thought can leave his retarded human tendencies behind and admit that men are the prettiest.

Look up any definition of beauty and they'll tell you about beauty being subjective and some shit about the female waist-hip ratio.

>> No.2201053

lel make sure you get a written consent with her signature or else

>> No.2201057


>Dude if you think that's enough to pay a rent and raise a kid with

Who gives a shit? Who had the kid me or your dumbass mom? lol Why you keep having kids and no cash to care for them? Abort, bitch. Your body, your wallet.

> At least here they basically fall below the poverty line if that ever happens.

The woman herself deserves to slam face-first into the gutter if she decides to have a kid with nothing to care for it.

>Hahahahaha. No.

Not only are they in complete control by multiple means, they hold men accountable for their own female reproductive decisions. If a woman blows a man in USA, then injects his sperm into herself she's legally entitled to him paying child support, for example.

But the more mild cases are very much the same. Woman decides something, man foots the bill for 18 years. Poor woman, she doesn't earn enough from fucking the man over to live comfortably. Then we get such fantastic statistics like 1/4th of black men incarcerated in 'Merca being there because of child support. And the women sitting in the ghetto and whining about muh hardships. Who the fuck decided to have a kid in the ghetto with no job?

You know what this is the general indicator of? The women involved being trash.

>buh-but muh sudden divorces

Initiated almost twice as often by women than men.

>> No.2201063

>Look up any definition of beauty and they'll tell you about beauty being subjective

To a degree. And then there's culture and then there's biology. You honking dumbass.

> At least here they basically fall below the poverty line if that ever happens.

If you had no reading comprehension then sure it was.

>> No.2201068

Yet you're bringing your celebrity gossip here. Milo Yingoponos is a casual bandwagon-jumping hair-dyeing attention whore gamer like the tumblerinas he's fighting against.

>> No.2201071

> And then there's culture and then there's biology. You honking dumbass.
Yes. Culture states that beauty is subjective and biology states that females have evolved to be the beautiful sex.

>> No.2201075

man your virgin is showing. not only do you not have a grasp on reality bur all your information is directly from 4chan. it showms man, you're not fooling anybody.
Just do us all a favour and don't reproduce. That shouldn't be too hard considering your opinions on the matter.

>> No.2201076

No woman is allowed to steal sperm, that's a crime. If you want no babies keep your seed to yourself. Is thinking that hard to you?

>> No.2201080



>> No.2201081
File: 31 KB, 1000x1000, FUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you do that, we can continue

>> No.2201084

>Culture states that beauty is subjective

Culture has canons of beauty, slogans aren't the same as culture itself. You're really borderline insane here.

>and biology states that females have evolved to be the beautiful sex.

The attractive sex. And men evolved to be attracted. But then there's aesthetics. Why do men find something beautiful if they're not supposed to bone it? Men aren't supposed to bone sunsets, junior. yet there's a common string in the human soul that is touched across cultures when he sees a peaceful sunset. There are primal visual instincts that were likely repurposed dozens of times in our ancestors and now contribute to the common experience of the species. Accent on the word "common".


>y-you're a bad maaan ;_;

Very engaging argument. lel


>Is thinking that hard to you?

it certainly is so in your case.

not a long time ago there was a case about awomen getting the sperm from her mouth into her snatch without the guy knowing. And guess who the justice system sided with? And since US fallows the saxon legal tradition they look at cases by precedent basis so this is now the likely outcome for most such shenanigans.

>> No.2201087

>implying you're even close to her standards

>> No.2201089

It's not an argument, it's the truth. Every faggot who gets all his info from 4chan has the exact same collection of information.
But seriously tho, are you american?

>> No.2201092

>Men aren't supposed to bone sunsets


>> No.2201095


>but seriously doe can I use an extra ad hominem

With deep regrets, no. You can't. Because I'm part of a less populous, less stereotyped nationality. For shame.

>b-b-but you get your x from 4 chan

Don't usually browse 4chan, I have less flooded chans to go to, where people don't abuse "tbh" and "literally", because their adventure with imageboards exceeds 2 months time.

>> No.2201099
File: 47 KB, 1000x1000, adsagaghs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit nobody wants to draw with me, ill never get gud like this

>> No.2201108

>mom wants to know the weather
>notices tabs
>/ic/ - what's the miracle meth...
>"I swear, it's nothing like that! Let me show you."
Fucking hell guys

>> No.2201112

You're the only one talking about slogans. I was saying that art shows that beauty is subjective, there isn't even a way for you to prove otherwise.

And men aren't supposed to bone paintings either. Or is it their dick painting and scultping all those flabby ugly women? How do you know they weren't painting and scultping men for the exact same reason?

>> No.2201118

/ic/ - Women and Philosophical Pessimism

>> No.2201122

Why do Women have to ruin everything fucking thing. Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.2201127

>I was saying that art

Not a single word about art.

>shows that beauty is subjective, there isn't even a way for you to prove otherwise.

You mean by showcasing healthy women with both breasts, with all limbs intact, with no scars etc. etc.? Because if it's truly random there would be hardly any trend visible.

Tabula rasa assholes, never ceases to amaze me how you can live in this world and keep your idiotic outlook on human nature.

>> No.2201157

If men didn't have the need to be so edgy, this wouldn't happen


>> No.2201164

>Not a single word about art.
How desparate are you? Fine, I was saying that culture shows that beauty is subjective, there isn't even a way for you to prove otherwise.

>You mean by showcasing healthy women with both breasts, with all limbs intact, with no scars etc. etc.?
By showcasing women, men, children, animals and abstract shapes. You were claiming that women can't be beautiful, only attractive, yet we see far more paintings of women than of sunsets.

How the fuck did you even come up with your randomly generated women in this sort of discussion? It's not like male sculptures often feature deformed lardasses.

>> No.2201201

I'm bisexual and you're all a bunch of faggots.
Schopenhauer and Freud are pretty cool guys.
Aesthetics are a social construct.

>> No.2201204

Nobody cares.

>> No.2201213

>women are imperfect males
holy shit fuck off to /b/ and jack it to traps you faggot

>> No.2201216

Show some fucking respect.

Traps are girly boys, anon. He would probably fap to bara instead.

>> No.2201244

schopenhauer literally said that women are monstruosities that are made beautiful by sexual impulses

>> No.2201249

>Show some fucking respect.

At what, some degenerate who is spreading aids and other forms of illnesses? How progressive!

>> No.2201285

Life itself is a monstrosity that is made beautiful by sexual impulses tbh.

I'm a permavirgin, you commie.

>> No.2201291

>I'm bisexual and ...

you"re a girl

>> No.2201294

like some other anon said, you don't want to fuck the sunset

>> No.2201303

>How is this related to anything? Very few animal species have gender roles or physical differences between sexes similar to ours.

Are you, figuratively speaking, literally retarded? Have you ever seen a fucking animal change its genders because >muh free will
Or have you ever seen a lion caressing and feeding milk to his cubs? What kind of tumblr weed are you smoking? Gender is not a "role", gender is a biological fact, the fact that some people question it is already proof for the stupidity and ignorance of western societies, especially of the younger generation.

I can't believe how someone would say that women are better than men because they have hips wider than men, making them less mobile and making them able to bear a child, just because bearing a child is somehow more important than planting the seed. You fucking male feminists are the worst, betraying your own gender, oh there I did it again, just for the sake of achieving some nutjob daddy issue ridden cunt who has no decency and will leave you at the sight of someone with more money and influence in a heartbeat. If men would be the ones to carry the child out, do you think for any second that they would always cry about it, about the pain and the sudden hunger during pregnancy or the heat waves? If women would be the one with the dicks they would try to use this as a means of looking for something discriminating. They would probably always whine about having to stand whole pissing while men can sit.

>> No.2201305

this was a thread of hips

>> No.2201307

>Gender is not a "role", gender is a biological fact

Gender is whatever the fuck you want to be, you're thinking sex.

>> No.2201311

>splitting cunt hairs
If I were to tell you to fuck off back to tumblr, would you do it?

>> No.2201313

I'm starting to think this is why no one here can draw hips

>> No.2201314

What I said is objectively true. Your gender may be a cheeseburger if you want, sex is either male or female, what genitalia you were born with.

>> No.2201320
File: 407 KB, 1391x1443, simp torso 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your gender may be a cheeseburger
Just fuck off or get back to the point of this thread.

>> No.2201326

>r u retarded
>do u tumblr
I think you're the retarded tumblrina for seeing "gender roles" and immediately exploding into an sjw-like rant. If you read the rest of the post you would've realized it was about the different roles between male and female lions compared to those of male and female humans, not claiming that female lions tend to get their nose pierced and pretend to be male like seahorses.

>> No.2201329
File: 183 KB, 724x850, heeyups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your gender garbage and draw hips you god damn faggots.

>> No.2201370
File: 3.14 MB, 2970x3400, 1434801474457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is currently the worst thread on /ic/.

>> No.2201374
File: 296 KB, 800x600, Redlineguy15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2201379
File: 708 KB, 1280x586, Redlineguy_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2201382
File: 451 KB, 1280x586, Redlineguy12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2201383
File: 644 KB, 1280x586, Redlineguy13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2201749

Oh you motherfuckers. Where were you yesterday. Anyway, I'm back now and ready to draw hips again

>> No.2201762

>Faggots and white knights.thread
All OP wanted was to know how to lay fat on those bones.

>> No.2201806

and all I want is to know how to lay bones on that fat from OP picture

>> No.2202470
File: 64 KB, 722x1106, 35f742cb2546eb46f7f5e0f2f4fa3d60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2202473
File: 76 KB, 500x383, 1435196532567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2202479
File: 943 KB, 700x3636, hip_toot_by_mldoxy-d7fjz2q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2202485
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x2760, butt_toot_by_mldoxy-d806xsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2202544

I'm honestly surprised no one mentioned clownfish yet.

>> No.2202572

I start with a rectangle to frame the torso, then draw a diamond on the bottom half with the side corners sticking out

>> No.2202612
File: 37 KB, 440x875, f10016a0f4760bb15ecb4d20abaf44f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go faggots case closed. Didn't even read the thread but at a glance it looked awful.

>> No.2203435

Go back to tumblr retard

>> No.2204134

this video is very helpful


>> No.2204161

like a brain huehuehue

>> No.2205528

Uh everyone in this thread, you do know that males being stronger on average is well-known trivia right? It's about testosterone levels mostly, but the male body is better suited for physical activity overall. The world's strongest female powerlifters barely measure up to a somewhat decent male one, and that's when they're being pumped full of steroids, so they usually look like they're FtM transgenders. Why do you think there are different competitions for men and women in most sports?

>> No.2205569

I wish I had hips like those

>> No.2205633
File: 73 KB, 717x960, 10660204_517007038429823_632271047198972447_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this image, you got the source on this?
>>Ignore the image I posted. I was referring to the quoted one

>> No.2205636


>> No.2207217

lol, yes

>> No.2207221

but he's right anon

>> No.2207236

It'd be nice to have those kind of hips as a dude, too. Confuse some niggas in the gym showers

>> No.2207242

I seem to find the answer to all how do I draw ... questions is Draw a bunch from ref

>> No.2207280
File: 2.96 MB, 269x720, girl walk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, you can't simply look at a reference photo and see how hips look like? wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.2207783

you have a very interesting worldview

>> No.2207784

why is her arm clipping through her butt cheeks

that rim lighting is also pretty disgusting

>> No.2207989

The hips are the uppermost parts of the legs, they are not part of the torso. Ive always drawn torso first, using a v shape for the bottom. Ive found it is much more natural to draw the hips as part of the legs, it allows you to better appreciate the shape and volume of them.

That's quite basic though, think of the human body as a series of shapes.