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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 54 KB, 540x1024, when photobashers painttttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2195682 No.2195682 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys, my name is Maciej Kuciara. I'm a really successful concept artist working for the biggest clients in the industry.

Usually I use a combination of 67 different programs and photos I stole from photographers flickr's to do my 'paintings' (yeah I actually call them paintings hahaha!)... but I'm a real artist so every now and then I really enjoy going back to the basics and showing the world what I can do.

>checkout that glorious noodle arm
>check out how skillfully I showcase the form of her chest and neck area with a straight black fucking rectangle
>check out how beautiful my ultrablack cast shadows are
>check out what utter garbage of an artist I am
>check out the arm angle makes absolutely no sense
>check out how proportions are a complete catastrophe

>the goggles look sort of alright... oh that's because they are a photo! HAHA! haha! ha.

Wow I truly am a great artist, who creates gorgeous paintings. Oh yeah photos are just a tool guys, just a tool. You have to work hard to understand form and light like me, then you can become a great artist no matter what tools you use!

>'I'm not a complete hack guys, I swear. And all these polish guys idolize me because I'm such a great artist guys!'

>> No.2195683


>> No.2195688
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>> No.2195689
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semon demon, fluid druid

>> No.2195691
File: 114 KB, 592x960, when photo bashers paintttttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's another I did some time ago. Look at how well I understand form and how tasteful my color choices are. Really redefining what it means to be skilled guys, eh? Ya'll wish you could paint as good as me. I mean boy am I a good painter.

>> No.2195694

wow such salt. i don't even know or care about the guy.

aren't you embarrassed to vomit out such obvious and impotent resentment over someone else's success? it's like you can almost see the neckbeard stewing in front of his computer as he types this out, jowls jiggling from the spasms of indignation.

>> No.2195698

Perhaps you should go outside

>> No.2195699
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>> No.2195704
File: 120 KB, 945x630, 1435151383141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i going to get b&

>> No.2195707
File: 203 KB, 1000x669, 1430273994110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys plz

>> No.2195709

post ur work, fgt

>> No.2195710
File: 172 KB, 654x802, 1430326136461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2195713

oh boy, a thread where we shit on professional artists how original and productive.

Fuck off you dumb shit.

Also, why the hell are noobs like you always getting angry that it's according to them really easy to get hired by big clients? Shouldn't that make you happy that the skill level is not that high? If clients would only hire artists of the calibre of Ruanjia or Mullins, you could as well just kill yourself.

>> No.2195714
File: 75 KB, 720x960, when photobashers painttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't tell me it's not absolutely hilarious and sad to see how you can build an incredible career on nothing other than crutches and strategically combine software.

Soon there will be 'Maciejs conceptart software bundle', and it will be actively used by all the hacks out there.

>daz pro edition

Oh what a great industry! Hard work really is rewarded in this field!

>> No.2195717

>when photobashers paint

Looks pretty solid for a quick sketch. Not great, but I am 100% certain it's better than anything you have ever done.

>> No.2195720

>Shouldn't that make you happy that the skill level is not that high?

This. Just do the same shit if it's that easy. Make 15k per week like Sakimichan and stop crying.

>> No.2195722

I think it's heartwarming and inspiring to see that you could build an incredible career if you stopped shitposting about your archenemy and put in as much work as he did.

>> No.2195733
File: 601 KB, 1235x1209, piece-of-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maciej isnt even that bad, this piece of shit on the other hand makes 300k a year by just throwing stock photos and ugly lens flares and calling it art

>huh but thats how US artists who work on the movies usually work, silly :o)


you are one the main reasons why movies nowadays are so uninspired and uninteresting, you and the brown piece of shit of shaddy shafaggot worry more of getting a "photorealistic" look rather than an interesting picture

>> No.2195736
File: 353 KB, 1280x650, tumblr_noa2u2ERtO1qhcpgpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, there is a point where I can't help but respect a guy who puts THAT much effort into "cheating". I would never have the patience to learn all those different kinds of softwares that Maciej is using.

>> No.2195737
File: 49 KB, 600x1000, frazetta_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2195740

You do understand that artists just deliver what the art directors want to see and the art directors deliver what the producers and directors want to see?

Shaddy and co paint like that because that is what the movie industry wants from them. They didn't make the movie industry the way it is, the movie industry made them that way.

>> No.2195766

>Don't tell me it's not absolutely hilarious and sad to see how you can build an incredible career on nothing other than crutches and strategically combine software.

actually that's pretty dope. he's obviously resourceful and quite skilled at finding and mastering those shortcuts, and it allows him to speed his production and excel at his field.

his field, you may note, that is concept design. he's not nor is he trying to be hired for high-quality portraiture or perfect realism of figure, he's hired to quickly and efficiently slam out a bunch of baselines based off someone else's vision so they can bring to to the production designers and go 'okay now do something like that'.

so you're effectively going 'BOY the fact that this guy is making a successful living by being REALLY EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT at the JOBS HE'S HIRED TO DO rustles my jimmies SO BAD!!!'

seconding that other anon - time for you to go outside.

>> No.2195770

>I am mad and jelly.

The thread.

>> No.2195801
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1433770091694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe: the thread

>> No.2195809


>> No.2195816

c'mon dont be that guy..

>> No.2195820
File: 846 KB, 1600x1200, all my keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shaddy shafaggot

>> No.2195839

Dude if you have any refs photos of his wife post that shit right nowwww

>> No.2195852

Wrong, you mongoloid. I am skeleton jelly.

>> No.2195859
File: 7 KB, 154x154, le dexter's dad face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Digital Artist


>Digital Artist



I'm probably giving the photobashers too much credit though.

>> No.2195882

>there is no rain in front of the figures...its only raining in the background, yet they are getting wet and the rain is hitting their silouttes....


>> No.2195901

But that's wrong, you fuck. Using references to build a picture is a time honored tradition. The skill that goes into that to make it an entirely new piece of work, including things like gesture, anatomy and all the rest of that shit, takes a lot of time to build up. Don't go shitting on someone else because they don't magically shit out a sketch or work from imagination or their methods, when perfectly valid, differ from what you consider acceptable for an artist.

>> No.2195925

>>checkout that glorious noodle arm

I have to agree on this one

>> No.2195960
File: 682 KB, 1600x1487, jupiter_ascending_by_tiger1313-d8p62wq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love Maciej's art, but nowadays even he admits that he wants to completely stop painting and just do all his concept art with 3d programs. His newer work is depressing as fuck. Pic related.

He and Shaddy are leading the charge into the dystopian future where the software does 90% of the work for you, and every Indonesian teenager with a pirated copy of ConceptShopPro is competing with you for jobs. That shit is coming: software is going to make drawing/painting basically obsolete and economically nonviable. Just keep that in mind, Maciej-groupies.

>> No.2195973
File: 344 KB, 820x1300, Dragon__s_slave_by_tiger1313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say Maciej isn't a good painter, though. I mean look at this. Just the body language in the figure, conveyed with economic brush strokes. I love this painting. It's sad that he doesn't work like this anymore, but I guess there's just no money in it.

>> No.2195974

The good news is that if tools will reach a point where they can do most of the work to make something look professional, then the only way to stand out would be through good design (which is what this is supposed to be about anyways). So hopefully it will push design into new and interesting directions and make it about that rather than about how realistic you can make it or whatever.

>> No.2195978

>It's sad that he doesn't work like this anymore, but I guess there's just no money in it.
There is money in it. Just not as much since you can't work as quickly, and you can't really do film work like that anymore, which means no access to big movie budgets. When you are at the level of Maciej, working with photos is a personal choice to have a faster workflow so he can make more money. He is perfectly capable if taking a paycut and doing painting, but he isn't interested in that. I guess his focus in on making images and getting ideas across through any means. It's a different thought process/goal than /ic/'s focus of "painting painting painting be like old masters".

>> No.2195984

Uh oh I hope you guys don't figure out that all texturing done for concept art is done by using layers of stock textures from photos because the industry pipeline demands a quick turnaround time for concepts and doesn't have time for you to draw every fucking scale on a dragon's ass.

If this guy is beating his dick over being an incredible illustrator or painter then jump all over him. But the sole purpose of a concept artist is to develop concepts for use in films and media, not to produce finished pieces of freestanding individual merchandise.

It does not matter how the concept artist gets the concept across to the director and art team. I'm sorry if this job isn't a fulfilling artistic endeavor of purity, but the deadlines and pipeline doesn't give three fucks about appreciating the hard work of the artist.

Concept artists are cogs in the machine. They can be brilliant artists or lazy corner cutters, it doesn't matter. Concept artists flesh out concepts, and that's it. That's the job. There's no more to it.

>> No.2195985


>There is money in it.

Where, though?

>He is perfectly capable if taking a paycut and doing painting, but he isn't interested in that.

it's not only a matter of being interested, though: it's also a matter of being competitive. if you're painting but all your competitors are just pasting photos, you're probably not getting hired in the first place. he might be very interested in painting, but it doesn't matter, because it's just not a viable approach anymore.

>It's a different thought process/goal than /ic/'s focus of "painting painting painting be like old masters".

/ic/ has that thought-process because they think it's going to lead them to a career in art. unfortunately, the industry is changing in such a way that that might not be a correct approach anymore.

>> No.2195990


>/ic/ has that thought-process because they think it's going to lead them to a career in art. unfortunately, the industry is changing in such a way that that might not be a correct approach anymore.

There's also the fact that while every anon is willing to piss on anything in /ic/, I have yet to see any anon here show the slightest bit of knowledge of how the industry works other than a smugness and snobby heralding to the types of art they feel is superior.

It's people who can't distinguish their opinions from their own assholes anymore.

>> No.2196012

>/ic/ has that thought-process because they think it's going to lead them to a career in art. unfortunately, the industry is changing in such a way that that might not be a correct approach anymore.
Painting will never die. 3d and photobashing will take over some areas yes (and they already have somewhat), but the design pipeline is very large and the things that are replaced are only small pieces. Furthermore, not every project demands photoreal finishes, and many DON'T want that.

Never mind illustration, in which painting skills and personal style are more important than using photos to do quick turnarounds.

>> No.2196040
File: 95 KB, 710x539, norman_2up_alow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The method is valid if you aren't a shitty artist and have a sense of a design.

De Ro is a shitty artist with no sense of design.

>> No.2196051

Welp, today mainstream media is getting kinda overtaken by the Pixar film and design style. Disney took it's time to jump on that waggon but now is full on this new ultra stylized 3D.
So I wish good luck to the photobashers trying to photobash character designs for Tangled3, Frozen4, Cars5, Toy Story6, The Incredibles7, Findin NemoXII, or Big Hero9.

>> No.2196064

How do people still not understand what concept art is?? Fucking retarded faggots.

The important part of concept art is to make sure the form reads well and there is enough design and mood to help get to the next stage (whatever it may be). A lot of concept art actually doesn't need to be all that great as long as it served a certain purpose in the production pipeline. Then you faggots come along and cry over dumb shit that doesn't even matter. Who cares if a shadow is slightly off or the lighting isn't 100% realistic. It's for movies and games anyway. Every fucking movie and game ever made has fake lighting and camera tricks so why can't the concept for it? Should they spend another 3 hours making sure everything as accurate as possible? Or should they use that 3 hours to make new content since the other one wouldn't have held up any part of the pipeline in the first place.

Concept art isn't about making 17th century paintings or using the slow "right" methods like fucking oil and canvas and shit. They will use whatever tools they can find to speed up the process because whatever company hiring them wants a shit ton of content, and nothing more.

Also, you still need to know your fundamentals when using all these tools. They don't just magically create your design for you. No photograph will look good just slapped into any piece without understanding basic lighting, value, form, and focal point.

TLDR: shut the fuck up faggot and get a job if its so easy

>> No.2196074

Listen here, you dipshit
The reason people do this is because thats how capitalism works
You produce product, not art. Thats what capitalism demands
It doesnt matter how, only result matters
If you don't like it you're comminust

>> No.2196098


Hi. Where do you work?

>> No.2196118

>Painting will never die

not completely, but like you said, the trend is for 3d and photobashing to replace it in many areas, and that's only going to continue. I think software is coming that is going to blow people's minds. Imagine being able to use a 3d program to set up, texture, and render a scene that looks practically indistinguishable from one of Brad Rigney's paintings, or one of Jaime Jones', or one of Mullins'. That sort of stuff is coming. And even if art snobs like us can recognize it and think it isn't as good as the real thing, because maybe the composition isn't so hot, or the brushstrokes aren't quite as painterly, or it's missing some little style thing that only art snobs notice, most people won't care. Clients certainly won't, because it will be infinitely cheaper than hiring a human artist. Jaime Jones will probably still be able to find work, but you won't.

It's the future, maaan. Robots and software are going to replace all of us. I remember PrometheusANJ saying this on CA 10 years ago, and I thought he was crazy... but I can see he was right, now.

>> No.2196121

>If you don't like it you're comminust

You're missing the point, maybe intentionally, but I can't tell if you're serious or not. The point is that people who get into art don't do it because they want to be rich, fast capitalists who make products. They get into this because they love to draw and paint and create. Obviously, using a photo instead of painting is faster and cheaper, but nobody ever became an artist because their dream was to paint less.

I think some of you would be happier as accountants.

>> No.2196129

You forgot
>check out my minimalist painterly style in a desperate attempt to impress all of you Jaime and Mullins fans

>> No.2196131

At least Shaddy can paint. He has gotten lazy these past few years though.

>> No.2196185


I think you need to remove your head from where it's jammed so far up your ass you're licking your small intestine and stop romanticizing art as somehow inherently purer and more noble than other branches of work.

Writing can create great, timeless novels, shlocky sci fi wreck for the neckbeards to hoover up, and dry technical writing with a specific purpose, but people don't whine about that nearly as much, the lucky pricks.

People get into art because they want to convey things visually. They get hired if they're good at it, and the things they learn to convey are the things other people want. That's it.

>> No.2196223

this looks terrible to be honest, fucking uncanny valley as hell

>> No.2196280

Maciej and Jaime were friends and both of them learnt directly from talking to Mullins when he was still posting on the Sijun forums. Maciej, Whit Brachna and Jaime were the artists who originally made that style popular amongst digital artists.

>> No.2196287

>looks terrible


>> No.2196289


well here it is. the ultimate proof that this is industry is an absolute joke and you can have total garbge in your portfolio yet get to work on movies and get paid big bucks. good luck trying to make it in a field that is entirely built on nepotism, favouritism, fakingithopingtomakeit and dicksucking. what a fucking joke.

conceptart is a fuck dead end street. it's never been any more clear than now, looking at this vomit inducing piece of garbage conceptart. every highschool kid who is 3 years away from applying to art center can do this kind of garbage. and could essentially do your job. wow. such career.

being a professional conceptartist consists of 2 things:

- suck peoples dicks while stopping only to inhale every 60 seconds (exhaling can be through your nose, with the latest cock in your mouth)
- swallow the shit of the established dicksuckers, the likes of shaddy shaffagy
- spread your asscheeks for the most established dicksuckers
- pretend you love everyone else and are a skilled artist who 'made it'

i wish somebody had told me sooner.

>> No.2196346

If you think a computer will be able to do anything like Jaime or Mullins in the near future you are sorely mistaken.

And I remember PromentheusAnj making that comment too, he just said humans brains are complex computers. You would need a computer with the same or greater powers of reason and thinking and understanding as a human brain in order to create truly human paintings. Not gonna happen (at least not for a long long time).

>> No.2196348

>every highschool kid who is 3 years away from applying to art center can do this kind of garbage

Then why is it substantially better than nearly everything that gets posted to this board?

>> No.2196351


who the fuck is that??

>> No.2196355

You shitty me? /ic/ IS that guy.

>> No.2196370


Different methods. He does the bare minimum to make a profit, whereas /ic/ people finds it intruiging to expand their knowledge.

If we all tweaked ref photos from quickposes then we would all be good as he is. Not suggesting that it's entirely without skill, but it is far more easy than what the majority of us are doing here.

>> No.2196399


He is not you clown. Me and many many others here could pump out 500 total garbge paintings like those 'when_photobashers_try_painting' images, in a single fucking day.

Don't ask for proof because it's pretty obvious that would end the anonimity, and expose us/me as a total asshole, which nobody wants. But if unless you are an incredible shitty artist yourself, you'll know that those doodles by maciej can be done in 5 minutes by any kid with photoshop. That's how fucking bad they are.

>> No.2196406

Reminds me when that user here posted their first photobash and it looked perfectly good but butthurt photobashers who felt threatened attempted to shit all over it by throwing out a bunch of subjective bullshit just like abstractfags do. Fucking losers.

>> No.2196410

I misspelled his name there I think haha!

He's the guy who made http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm

He also has some really insightful articles on design, I remember there was one on spaceship design and then there were a couple others too I believe.

He was a somewhat big poster on old conceptart.org in its prime. He works in a very simplistic style heavily influenced by old video games. Very skilled, very knowledgeable, though not doing the type of work that usually gets /ic/'s dick hard (not super realistic).

He's pretty much off the grid now I think.

>> No.2196421

this is sakimichan lever cringe.

>> No.2196654
File: 81 KB, 634x899, mercwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2196657
File: 50 KB, 293x331, 1428465352220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2196658


holy shit i need to see this, link to pic or thread or anything?

>> No.2196659
File: 43 KB, 807x792, 1440029122952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2196670

>that would end the anonimity

But I thought all this babbytier photobash garbagetrash looked the same. Surely you could bash up some puke that would fit in without giving yourself away. I'm not asking for your best, I'm asking for your Kuciara.

>> No.2196674

Why is it so hard for /ic/ to accept that mixed media is a thing?

>> No.2196685

>If you think a computer will be able to do anything like Jaime or Mullins in the near future you are sorely mistaken.

We'll see. I didn't say "near future", btw. It won't happen in the next 5 years. But it's definitely coming.

>> No.2196688


You are either very stupid or maybe just functionally illiterate, but whatever your handicap, it precludes debating this with you through the medium of text.

>> No.2196776

Why the fuck do you want to be concept artists in the first place?
It's boring as shit and 90% of the "paintings" are also boring as shit and uninspired.

>> No.2197364
File: 1.37 MB, 365x467, 1437538850415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone draw his merc_wip
>we can actually tell the level of posters from their merc_wip's

>> No.2197374

Probably a lot of people got interesting in art/digital art because of video games. They're a big inspiration for many. Furthermore, it's a massive and growing industry with lots of full time positions, so there are lots more opportunities to make a living off of art than in other areas. Plenty of people in the industry don't even play games, they just like the paycheck and getting to paint sci fi and fantasy.

>> No.2197399

Oh look, another bitter anon crying his eyes thread.

We know, anon. All the professionals are hacks, you deserve a spot in the industry way more, employers don't recognize true talent, etc.

>> No.2197408

>The point is that people who get into art don't do it because they want to be rich, fast capitalists who make products.

Every other artist I see is trying to monetize his work and is incredibly sour about Sakimichan and concept artists who become rich on their art.
In a perfect world, artists would do art for the joy of it, but they don't. Lots of them (for whatever retarded reason) get into it because they think it's a career that can make them a lot of money. Then they get bitter and disenchanted when it doesn't.

>> No.2197427
File: 87 KB, 320x370, 1426339448630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2197582
File: 21 KB, 600x330, f80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2197584

I don't remember that. Care to post it?

>> No.2197608
File: 283 KB, 1920x1357, concept illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah some people can't paint and just cheat and bash their way through things as fast as possible so they can make fat stacks off tasteless clients. Such is life. Just watch how defensive the bashing community gets though when someone accuses them of having no skill compared to the likes of anyone who actually paints, even when they have a guy like pic related posting. They wouldn't get so riled up if they weren't paranoid of people finding out how bad they are.

It's reffed from JJ's ODST sketches, and even with this the ground is from a photo.


>> No.2197614
File: 314 KB, 1020x1200, dragonslair3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, do you see absolutely no difference skill-wise between what you just posted and say pic related?

>> No.2197615

>JJ's ODST sketches


>> No.2197619

So, do you see absolutely no words in that post or do you just struggle to read?

>> No.2197624

>Just watch how defensive the bashing community gets though when someone accuses them of having no skill compared to the likes of anyone who actually paints

Is there a skill difference between the shit you posted and the image I posted? Just answer.

>> No.2197633
File: 224 KB, 800x920, thumb set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing he's referring to this?

>> No.2197634
File: 657 KB, 1100x1320, MaciejRef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2197636
File: 233 KB, 1280x649, gvsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a photobash you fucking retard, my question is whether or not you can see a skill difference between this image and >>2197608

>> No.2197638

I'm not that other anon, I just noticed the ref he used so posted that out of interest. I think a blind man can see the skill difference, I'm not sure why you are even bothering to ask.

>> No.2197643

He needs validation by winning arguments on the internet and making his counterpart admit it.

>> No.2197647


Haha wow. Yea h now i see it. The difference in skill could not possibly be any greater. Learn to paint kids. Learn how to paint and then do whatever you feel like doing with it. But learn how to paint.

>> No.2197650

Because he is claiming that "Just watch how defensive the bashing community gets though when someone accuses them of having no skill"

There is a very clear and obvious skill difference between the photobash he posted and the one I posted, which logically concludes that photobashing requires skill, otherwise every photobash would be of the same quality. So why wouldn't people get defensive when some bitter noobie says all photobashers are skill-less hacks?

>> No.2197653
File: 353 KB, 1090x1100, 059_max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn how to paint and then do whatever you feel like doing with it. But learn how to paint.

That's exactly what Maciej did though you ignorant shit. Do you seriously think you have to reach Jaime Jones level before you are allowed to call yourself a competent painter? Have you yourself reached Maciej's level where he was back in ~2008 yet?

>> No.2197658

Well, thanks for admitting that i won, i guess. As long as you reflect on your stupidity and think about what I taught you today, we're good.

>> No.2197662

I'm not the person you're arguing with, Anon.

>> No.2198145

There has been research on this (which jobs will get automated first) and artists are at the bottom of the list, pretty much the only ones lower than that are social workers (people who help the old, hobos, anything that requires human interaction etc.). By the time Mullins can be replicated by a computer, every other job will also have been automated. This is partly because of what art is and partly because people with money are more interested in automating soldiers than artists.