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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 51 KB, 480x640, beginnerthreadnumber209348329829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2193514 No.2193514 [Reply] [Original]

regular op is slacking so i made new one and heres a tree and simple landscape study

Old thread >>2182822

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

Do not forget to resize and crop your images before uploading them.

Before asking "what should I read/view/study/learn," consult the sticky: >>1579290 → →

This thread's study is the human skull. There are several things you can do with this image.

Beginner- You can simplify the shapes to try and understand the basic forms that make up the human head. (check the book thread or wait for infographics on how to do this if you don't already know.)

Amateur- You can attempt to draw all the various views as accurately as possible. If you want to make things a bit tougher don't just do line art, shade your drawings as well.

Pro- Draw faces for each of these views (adding in the mandible and all the soft tissues, eyes, nose, ears, etc)

Fun- You can use this as reference to attempt to create your own stylized heads.

And of course you can also do anything else that comes to mind. The purpose is to work on your anatomy and understand the underlying structures that make up the human head. Friendly reminder: The anatomy varies slightly from person to person, this is just to help you get an idea of the basic structure.

Threadly reminder to avoid carpal tunnel:

>> No.2193521
File: 109 KB, 700x800, a nice thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can draw well on paper (nah its till shit but you you what i mean) and decided to buy a tablet
>how hard can it be..
one hour of "getting used to it.

>> No.2193537
File: 775 KB, 1920x1080, askjdnf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just going for it

>> No.2193543


It'll take a few days to get into things. Get used to using shortcuts and hotkeys early and you'll become a lot more efficient.

As an anon who started on tablet then tried to do more traditional, I'll also say that tablet will probably always be a little less precise (maybe unless you have a cintiq) due to the hand-eye coordination disconnect, but it can be rectified by being able to quickly and easily correct a badly placed line.

>> No.2193555


What type of tablet did you get friend? Like >>2193543 said, it takes awhile to get used to it but if your halfway decent you'll love it! Just keep doing Peter Han exercises and using it even when browsing the internet.

>> No.2193561

intuous 4 medium. i hate the damn pencil it feels too big, is that normal?

>> No.2193567


Yeah it feels like shit and is very frustrating the first week or two. Some people get used to it a bit faster, but for me it took about that long. Try doing some studies so you can just focus on learning the tools rather than also trying to invent things.

>> No.2193571

man, water color is hard.

>> No.2193646
File: 440 KB, 1500x1500, 200815(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some gestures and moving into hampton's block construction. what are other good resources to learn how to paint digitally besides ctrl paint?

>> No.2193700
File: 791 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_20150818_154249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is drawing blooks for hours even worth it? should i just draw basic shit from my room or what? not sure where to go.

>> No.2193703

Draw whatever you want to draw

Identify what's wrong, or the things you can't solve

Do studies to understand what's going on and make it better

Drawing just for the sake of it is almost a waste of time. I say almost because there's the slight chance that those mindless studies you do may coincidentally be useful for something you may or may not do in the future

>> No.2193709

i'll do just that and post back here sometime to keep me goin in the right direction. more blooks it is. it leads to the portraits i want to learn. thanks anon

>> No.2193710

What are some good resources for painting with shit like Manga Studio/Sai?

>> No.2193713

These are lovely, how long did they take?

>> No.2193725


Am I alone in hating doing those loomis caricatures? I find them strangely difficult. Or at least I don't like the style very much.

>> No.2193729

Is it a waste of time to do the Bargue plates without doing them sight size just measuring with the eye?

>> No.2193738

I would argue it's a waste of time to do them sight size. When they were designed they were meant to be just copied by eye.

>> No.2193751

Really?? I only ask because in the book the instructions say do it sight size. However I want to train my eye for comparative measurement.

>> No.2193763
File: 286 KB, 1000x600, jungle cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me please. I just jumped in this is the first environment that I've tried to any extent

>> No.2193766

I did a quick read to fun with a pencil and I also dislike the style. If I could, I would study from another book. I hate drawing old geezers.

>> No.2193826

I think they're good exercises, helps us beginners use shapes to make organic stuff like faces which I think is important

>> No.2193828

Hm, doesn't feel very interesting, maybe try to make those highlights on the rocks brighter and change the position of that guy

>> No.2193860
File: 1.30 MB, 848x1200, heads2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this be the day head grinding begins to pay off? I should really stop half-assing ears and study some, though. I also have no idea how hair is supposed to work. Or women.

>> No.2193868

You're clearly getting there, good job anon.

>> No.2193894

>regular op is slacking
IKR he was a new op after me, made 2 threads and got bored it seems.

>> No.2193897

Also you didn't change the op text, its still the human head text.

so, teach us how were meant to draw a tree op.

>> No.2193908

Just act like Loomis is making you draw them to help you.

>> No.2193910

Dedicate your entire month to this, then hop back into Fun With a Pencil.
Trust me, it'll make things way easier.


>> No.2193943
File: 61 KB, 795x768, perla1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying values right now.

>> No.2193952
File: 383 KB, 750x500, bottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing with environments from photo reference. Shit looks crude and it's killing me, but at least I'm doing something different.

>> No.2193966

I also recently got a drawing tablet (wacom intuos), and getting my lines right is so far the biggest waste of time.

Despite really never having done artistic drawing before, I am good at drawing lines exactly where I want them to go on paper (have minor mechanics drawing experience, without the use of a ruler, also perspective circles and stuff), but on tablet, especially the subtle curves come out too straight and if I try to curve them further than the motion I am doing, I'll overdo it by a lot.

I often re-do those lines I find difficult up to 20 times. It's hell. Outlining from a decently-detailed sketching takes up way more time than coloring because of this. And let me tell you, I am shit at coloring and don't use any shortcuts, nor am I completely familiar with the effects of the different brush settings yet, so I change them all the time mid-coloring, seeing what happens.

Is it a limitation of using a tablet, or am I just retarded? Is it the budget tablet that's part of the problem?

Also, do experienced people go with an eraser after outlining to adjust the thickness, or do you use different sizes during the outlining itself instead, and never use an eraser?

>> No.2193970

I actually really like this, keep grinding and it'll get better

>> No.2193979

Are those line exercises on the video good for graphic tablet? I have one, but I don't get the hand-eye to do what I intend to do in the screen.

>> No.2194023
File: 1.64 MB, 1000x1000, wheredoyougettheseguysmortalkombatreference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love power armor . But I find myself having a tough time drawing it or getting the symmetric right with it

what are some tips on how to design good looking armor? or how to draw it better?

>> No.2194080
File: 669 KB, 800x1200, pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to draw correct anatomy in different poses (other dan simple ones) but I seem to make quite some mistakes. Am I correctly using my construction guidelines? Or did I already go wrong there? Note I did not want to exactly copy the reference's pose, just use it to try to envision how the body would look if the pose was a little bit changed.

I added a few different stages of my drawing process in the picture.

>> No.2194118

My advice is not to sweat it too much. The pose is there, if your idea was to copy 100% then yes, you made some mistakes, if the point was to get the pose right, them it's fine. However your neck is wrong. So lay down the poses and do some head/shoulder/neck studies to see how it attaches and twists.

>> No.2194249
File: 278 KB, 1044x787, fatigued.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help, i've been at this for hours. is my whole process wrong? can't get it to look correct

>> No.2194256

oh man, the thumbnail totally looks like wojak

>> No.2194262

>Beginner Th
MFW sight size is fun as fuck!

>> No.2194274

You're focusing too much on details of the face (eyes, nostrils, etc) and not the actual proportions. Her jaw line is too wide and her face is too long overall.
Here's a tip we get told a lot at my school: Don't draw the features of the face, such as the eyes and mouth, etc, until you've got perfect proportions and have accurately drawn the planes of the face. Focus on areas where the structure of the skull is visible, like the cheekbones, jawline, and brow.

>> No.2194288


I guess I have trouble reading the shape and proportion right, especially when it's a face with delicate features. Thanks, the problems you mention are glaringly obvious now, although I'm not sure if I'll manage to fix them.

>> No.2194308

good advice I do that all the time uderrated post!

>> No.2194331

You learn this shit in the first chapters of Fun With a Pencil. I don't know why there's so many here who has forgotten about it.

>> No.2194422

After looking through a variety of beginner material I think I like Villpu the best.
The Drawing Manual is nice and straight to the point but I have a couple of questions about the gesture drawings.

First, how much detail is expected in that 30 sec window?
I'll draw the initial stick figure and end up running out of time when adding the actual arm/leg widths.

Second, what is the criteria for a 'successful' gesture drawing?
Is it just conveying the motion of the model or is there something more?

>> No.2194443
File: 74 KB, 800x567, fasto-study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First study, took me like 20-30 min. It sucks to be shit.

>> No.2194485

Spend another few hours on it, or however long it takes to get it right. You won't improve by doing rushed things and saying "well I suck". You improve by working at it until it doesn't suck. Don't worry about speed for now, worry about quality.

>> No.2194541 [DELETED] 
File: 2.60 MB, 2243x2707, skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with digital a few months ago and I decided to start practising traditional more. This is my first real foray into it, am I doing anything particularly wrong? I know I fucked the cheekbones up a little in the top left one.

>> No.2194548

eyes dont shrink(height) in 3/4 view stop shirking the far eye. thing COMPRESS because the difference in distance is negligeable.

you completely ignored head tilt and made it normal again. dont go back to what you know because its easy.

>> No.2194561
File: 585 KB, 1000x1207, skulls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting with a smaller image size.

I started with digital a few months ago and I decided to start practising traditional more. This is my first real foray into it, am I doing anything particularly wrong? I know I fucked the cheekbones up a little in the top left one.

>> No.2194607
File: 1.33 MB, 1500x1053, dumped together resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly I've been finding it horribly difficult to finish anything I start, I just find too many errors while I'm drawing and eventually drop it to do more 5 minute figures or cubes.

Is it a good attitude to move on or am I slowing myself down by giving up too fast?

>> No.2194624
File: 135 KB, 793x1041, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2194631

I would like an answer to that as I tend to do the same.

Sometimes I finish pieces and even things from two weeks ago look cringeworthy to me now. I don't post anything online anymore because I'm just not confident with it.

So now I'm drawing cilinders. Yay.

>> No.2194632

What were you attempting?

For gestures these are good, for anatomy studies they are under-developped.
A bit too much symbol-y still.

>> No.2194666

Nothing in particular. I'm just trying to put something down on paper because I haven't drawn in months.

>> No.2194667

>Is it a good attitude to move on or am I slowing myself down by giving up too fast?

I'd say you're slowing yourself down. A major part of learning is to identify and fix your mistakes. It sounds to me like you've got the first part down and you're skipping the second part, which is going to hinder progress.

I found personally that I had far better periods of growth when I tried to work through my mistakes. Admittedly digital makes it easier to salvage fuckups, but it might not hurt to learn how to lay in your work more lightly on your first pass to make sure it's how you want it before you do anything that makes it scrapworthy.

>> No.2194707

I saw somewhere in some other threads about some resources about line control(pen handling) a few days ago but I totally forgot them. Could somebody recommend videos/artbooks about line control? Is there also a book mainly about proportions?

>> No.2194735

peter hans dynamic sketching video is great for line control and i used dynamic anatomy by burne hogarth for anatomy. some on here say that hogarth is a bit too stylized to use as for a beginner learning figure

>> No.2194737

if your this off to begin with youd probably benefit from measuring before trying to eyeball. overall her loomis is correct is the specifics you need to focus on, thus the measuring. later on you pick up on the specific things on a face that you use to capture a likeness

>> No.2194745

I just staring out too and want to eventually use a tablet. Should I just keep practicing on paper then move to a tablet or get one right now and start practicing on that.

>> No.2194749


I started on tablet and I'm starting to feel like it's better to at least learn the fundamentals with traditional.
Tablets make it all very forgiving, which if you're like me means you just get reckless and fix it later, rather than actually being deliberate and thinking it through before you slap lines down.

That said there are elements of digital art I find really helpful. You can almost always salvage your fuckups (though admittedly sometimes fixing a badly done drawing can take longer than just starting from scratch) which can help you learn, rather than just scrapping it when you screw it up.

>> No.2194783

Can I get tips on drawing character turn arounds?

Like, facing forward, and then sideways. I just keep messing it up with improper placements,

>> No.2194803
File: 243 KB, 1000x600, jungle cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brightened up the lights,cleaned up a little, added some color contrast and changed the staff. it looks a little more interesting than before, but im just not hitting the magic spot. am I missing somthing

>> No.2194820
File: 35 KB, 480x480, IMG_20150821_40432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its horrible. any tips or just keep drawing for now?

>> No.2194848 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 550x500, foric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real question.
I'm the kind of guy who needs guidelines and marks on where to go next. (Ive never been much of a learn as you go kind of guy, because of past stuff which has made me a stickler for THE RULES)

I really need to be guided and thats why I learn better at school. That being said, I'm bootcamping myself for a year or 2 to get better. Now, I got this guide

Aguri's one year of fundamentals Guide,

Curious to know what you guys thought of it. Also, other than figure drawing. What else should I be looking at what to do to improve my figures. In terms of anatomy and proportions.

here is a quick 5 min sketch of my stuff,

>> No.2194853
File: 108 KB, 550x500, foric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real question.
I'm the kind of guy who needs guidelines and marks on where to go next. (Ive never been much of a learn as you go kind of guy, because of past stuff which has made me a stickler for THE RULES)

I really need to be guided and thats why I learn better at school. That being said, I'm bootcamping myself for a year or 2 to get better. Now, I got this guide

Aguri's one year of fundamentals Guide,

Curious to know what you guys thought of it. Also, other than figure drawing. What else should I be looking at what to do to improve my figures. In terms of anatomy and proportions.

here is a quick 5 min sketch of my stuff,

if you guys need see something else to see where I am, lemme know and i'll draw something else !

>> No.2194987
File: 716 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_1792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo fuck my shit up fam.

>> No.2195021
File: 20 KB, 556x772, noumena post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to everyone: read this when you plateau

"In the beginner's mind
there are many possibilities, but in the expert's
there are few."

>> No.2195025

start by rotating that image.

>> No.2195027 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 994x616, asdflkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has to be simpler way to do this...

>> No.2195030
File: 56 KB, 994x616, asdflkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has to be a simpler way to do this...

>> No.2195042
File: 179 KB, 539x777, idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too stupid for /ic/'s tutorial level.

>> No.2195059

i remember in art class of middleschool they made us draw that

>> No.2195096

Eh, five minutes tell us little to nothing.
Post a bunch of gestures and then something on which you've spent an hour.

>> No.2195129
File: 140 KB, 1078x909, squares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it right? I'm at a loss here.

>Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.
Thanks OP.

>> No.2195135
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x4008, 100_texture_studies_by_tanathe-d5yo9un[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you study texture and material?
I've been trying to paint wood and metal for days and having an awful experience.

A good amount of your lines run parallel with the opposite, when they should probably be meeting at the vanishing point a lot sooner. Notice how the angle of the board in the example is slanted to meet the line on the right?

>> No.2195151

>that coral
>muh trypophobia

To reply to your question: still life studies mostly. Looking at the things unfocused to see the light/dark patterns better. I'd lay off doing cubes and such before you actually know how to render texture, I don't think the image you posted is a good exercise for someone who is struggling.

>> No.2195169
File: 18 KB, 340x208, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there is no vanishing point? I don't even get what this diagram is saying.

>> No.2195172
File: 342 KB, 1000x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working through Betty Edwards and I'm just at the point where I'm supposed to go and find a real person to draw

Is this level of work acceptable enough to continue if its the same quality as the real model drawing? How will I know what is acceptable enough to continue?

Also, how many times should I practice each different exercise? Is it best to work through the book then revisit exercises after to practice before moving on to Loomis?

>> No.2195174
File: 209 KB, 757x1006, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2195175
File: 43 KB, 532x399, vanishing point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno what the hell it's trying to say with the rectangles, but there's definitely a vanishing point

>> No.2195194
File: 112 KB, 1078x909, correction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this? If so, I am terribly bad at eyeballing.

>> No.2195197

Good enough, the only part you really goofed is the area around the sideburns

>> No.2195198

Yup, that's perfect. You can rough out a couple cubes rendered at different angles if you want more practice, just remember to lead all the edges toward a vanishing point unless you're looking at it head-on.

>> No.2195200

Texturing of any kind
Looks like perfectly smooth clay

>> No.2195205
File: 134 KB, 1275x1650, gestures90s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with my gestures?

>> No.2195231

are these done in 30 seconds or something?

>> No.2195249

Thanks man, you've helped clear it up a bit.

The logic of parallel lines, just connecting the end points together clashes quite a bit with the concept of vanishing points. I still can't get the feel of it. Eyeballing the vps are a bitch.

It seems that I didn't do it all completely wrong? It seems the lines just need a slight slant. My feeling is off, can't get em to be right yet.

>> No.2195284

>my no face when mine of those is always the worst one

>> No.2195285

this makes me even more depressed so much better than mine

>> No.2195317

Anyone have any good tutorials for drawing heads similar to the Blook method? (Loomis). I need to get better at drawing onto a 3D object without resorting to symbol drawing.

>> No.2195350

okay sure, i'll make that my mission today.
though im not so sure im great at gestures

>> No.2195541

why do you do such a violent line on the cheek and jaw? its too aggressive make it more circular man. try to study the muscles of the face, overtime your mind will add the bumps in the correct spots because it will know there is mass in those places.

>> No.2195549


>> No.2195567
File: 75 KB, 1024x576, BN8rvmjh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i doing with my life?

>> No.2195570
File: 41 KB, 561x960, attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first thing I've drawing in months. I'm not the best at drawing bodies or anything anatomically correct, how bad did I mess up?

>> No.2195571

what this, shut up man up and keep drawing. ..plus subb to him

>> No.2195573

>I've drawing in months
lol wut? there's your answer.

>> No.2195597
File: 54 KB, 535x462, damn son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a very painful thing. enjoy the pain.

>> No.2195614

Just stop, it's not even worth it honestly.

>> No.2195617

That's very emo anon.

>> No.2195634
File: 49 KB, 978x600, asdflkj2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2195646

>do not reply
>actually draws the nipples
>clearly shows what hes really aiming for.

>> No.2195656
File: 86 KB, 618x590, 8943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently practicing human heads. I thought I was going to have a bad time drawing muscles but it's actually pretty fun.

>> No.2195662
File: 684 KB, 464x1000, Octopussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I get a hardware failure right after I finish saving

Thanks for the advice, Anon, I've decided on finishing this one although I can't help but feel that my inking is way too slow, it feels like I'm doing something wrong.

Any glaring errors before I go on? The stump right arm is intentional btw

>> No.2195819

Do any beginners bother using tablets or should I just stick to paper until I get gud?

Seems more convenient than constantly using paper tbh

>> No.2195826

You're better off starting traditionally if only because digital adds additional barriers to the development of the skills you want. You'll have an easier time just picking up a pencil and working on your fundies than spending a week getting used to your Wacom™ and the lack of hand-eye coordination.

>> No.2195829

i disagree with this. i think he should get a cheap tablet and spend about 45 minutes everyday drawing lines so he can get used to it, it wont hinder him at all since the knowledge of art is the same in both mediums, its all a matter of execution and that's something he can get with time since it will take him years to get good with a pencil anyways so why not let him get good on both?

>> No.2195830

I've been sketching for a while, but I never bothered to learn fundamentals, so I'm treating myself as a beginner. However, I got some unexpected money, so I decided to treat myself to a Wacom Intuos. I want to learn on this medium.

>> No.2195915

>I want to learn on this medium
Top fucking kek. More money than sense.

>> No.2195919 [DELETED] 

For all you beginners who are wondering whether to do traditional or tablet...

Just practice both.

>> No.2195922

if fundamentals are so important why doesnt someone write a whole book about it? Im struggling to find a book that teaches me how to draw shapes and forms in different perspectives

>> No.2195983
File: 244 KB, 1439x754, Screenshot_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between 5 to 10 minutes since I get too distracted during my draw time. Some day I'll regret this.

>> No.2196146
File: 180 KB, 800x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the real life drawing today

There's huge benefits to actually being able to draw something that's in front of you rather than on a screen or book. There's also the big drawback of them wanting to rest their head against a pillow or move

>> No.2196151

because there's no teaching it. Study perspective, learn how vp's work, it'll click by itself, nig.

Try drawabox.

>> No.2196153

Like the anon above me, it's handled in perspective books. Andrew Loomis's Successful Drawing spends the first part of his book on basic shapes in perspective.

>> No.2196161
File: 57 KB, 1000x700, sketches aug 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some sketches, could use some feedback on the colors

>> No.2196162

fuck off pedo!! translolis don't exist!

>> No.2196203
File: 73 KB, 800x567, fasto-study-finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I actually took the time to do it right and finished it, any advice for how to improve/ get less shitty? (especially regarding the digital aspect)

>> No.2196205

forcing myself to do gesture drawings. What intervals are the best?

>> No.2196213

From my personal experience i would say no more than 2 minutes per drawing/model, and do it for 20-30 minutes (it really puts you on the mood to keep drawing).

>> No.2196230

quick advice, you went insane with the values, try to use mostly grays and very few whites or blacks, use greys which are similar to each other, your value changes are too harsh and make the piece look unrealistic



Compare these two, the first one is from now, the artist is really good, the second one was from years ago when he wasn't really good, what changes can you see? the second one has too much black and too much white, strong contrast is often a mistake, notice in the newer one that he doesn't go too crazy with values, instead of making shadows dark he just makes them colder, it's more natural and looks better, in black and white it's the same, don't use too much white for the lights or too much dark for the shadows, only use nearly black in occlusion shadows, google that, but the rest of the shadows are very midtone, and so are the lights

>> No.2196231


>> No.2196235
File: 6 KB, 333x151, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mix up the links?

Second is way better imo.

>bland samurai bathing
>mostly smudged
>somehow better than realistic marmot skewering grasshopper and looking very pleased with himself

>> No.2196237
File: 866 KB, 504x693, 1387810156466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you can't see why the above illustration is better I have news for you..

>> No.2196247
File: 761 KB, 1222x654, jojo__l__homme_tarsier_by_zedig-d37ig8z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see why you would argue that in the case of shading
>the layered trees almost effortlessly intimating a thick forest
>two in the shade, one in the sun - still manages to look congruent

I think you just picked a poor example of the artist's "bad" work. That marmot is fucking cool and the shading is very decent.
>that armor is "bad"

>> No.2196252


What is bad about that illustration is the color palette, placement of edges, value range, compositiona and detail density in areas where it shouldn't be, all of these factors are much more important than "the tarsier is cool", try to create a neural pathway which associates good art with the things I mentioned as soon as possible to get good faster.

>> No.2196258

Lol, I don't even draw m8

>> No.2196272

You don't have much ground to stand on. From your posts I can tell you have limited knowledge and experience of the subject. Not saying that because you don't draw, but I thinkn you just don't look at much art in the first place. The other guys' points are going way over your head. Just stop posting and read their posts.

>> No.2196281

Who gives a crap?
Let the man draw what he likes.

>> No.2196309


What book it is?

>> No.2196338
File: 408 KB, 813x1150, f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stuff from this morning.

>> No.2196365

Anyone has a programme or app that gives you a series of poses at a set interval? It's to do gestures obvs.

>> No.2196375
File: 102 KB, 400x500, old-cartoon3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here has tips to pratice squat and stretching?

I've been invited to work on an animation studio, and I would like some tips to improve.

>> No.2196382
File: 407 KB, 853x480, Texte.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Also, here is part of an animation that I did for a contest.

>> No.2196385


Try the animation thread. You may get a more in-depth answers in that section.

>> No.2196386

dude that's terrible. For one thing, the tail is going all over the place randomly instead of acting as a counterweight

>> No.2196396

Assuming you'll one day be able to draw half as able as you would like to (and half as well as you deserve) what would you imagine yourself drawing?

Me? Copious amounts of fetish porn.

>> No.2196401
File: 980 KB, 471x363, talent is life.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turning a beginner thread into a personal 'crying and being a bitch' blog

>> No.2196402

meh honestly I think I'll draw a lot of porn too. It's just the most natural extension to nude figure drawing, don't you agree?

>> No.2196404

Thanks, I will check there. I don't have much experience on /ic/

Humm...that's strange, I modeled it frame by frame from a video. But now that you said it, it does look a little bit off.

>> No.2196408

By my experience, drawing porn (and especially fetisg porn) is a good way to pratice.

Also, the demand is high and the quality is usually very low level, so a "kind of decent" artist can become well know very quickly in some circles.

It also helps you to deal with a lot of things, like sudden popularity, autist fans and how to proper manage an account on sites like DA or Tumblr.

>> No.2196409

The prices for some of the subscription comics are staggering considering the quality of some of the works. You could commission a single work and earn a day's pay out of one half-decent drawing. It's the artist equivalent of being a cam girl.

>> No.2196428


I've been doing fetish art for 8 months, and I got 1000 watchers on DA, plus a lot of comissions.

And my drawings are "kind of decent" atempts to ATLA style.

>> No.2196429

How much do you make on average?

>> No.2196452
File: 85 KB, 804x802, the mask of feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show us something? i've always wondered about the 'sales man" part of art.

>> No.2196487


you dont know what youre talking about at all

>> No.2196493
File: 20 KB, 360x640, IMG_20150823_2491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to learn the andrew loomis method. really struggling. just trying to do the basic form no real details and have it at the angles i want. can't get it down.

>> No.2196499

I've been told that Loomis is a bad start. Furthermore I was instructed to start with Keys to Drawing and then to move on to perspective.

>> No.2196513

i did a book on perspective but maybe i didn't spend enough time. round objects like a head are difficult. any way to get a pdf of keys to drawing or should i just order a copy when i can.

>> No.2196516

a used copy of keys is cheap as fuck

>> No.2196518

Keys to Drawing will help quiet a bit. Half way into the book they explain contours and what not, giving you more insight in how to see something in 3D. To review what you've learned, you can also check out "You Can Draw in 30 Days" as that book will go over what you've learned from Keys and a little bit more.

Good luck on your studies!

>> No.2196523

formal perspective is best start if you ask me
then, then you can do keys
doing them right off the bat will only frustrate

>> No.2196595
File: 152 KB, 1280x960, CAM00364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there /ic/, I picked up the book Keys to Drawing and have been practicing the exercises in the hopes of becoming an artist.
I've been doing relatively alright in my other exercises, but this one "1-F" is giving me issues. It wants me to draw a mechanical object. I chose a recording camera since it's relatively challenging.
I don't understand how it wants me to draw it larger than life-size. This is giving me a lot of issues since in the exercises it also wants me to not erase and shit.
Any tips? this is making me upset. Stupid camera. I'll post the exercise instructions.

>> No.2196600
File: 56 KB, 313x373, ssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2196623
File: 93 KB, 750x750, Slick+IRON+MAN+Armor+Designs+by+Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with something less complicated? something that's fun? you are your own teacher i would draw from the chest up since i like ironman.

>> No.2196632

>Browsing this thread, getting hype for drawpad to come in on the 2nd [That was the ETA for that + headset]
>Knock on door
>is drawpad

welp. fucking amazon prime, man.

>> No.2196662
File: 104 KB, 700x494, Stuffyguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a secret to draw hair and folds in clothing or does it simply come over time?
That stuff is abstract.

>> No.2196664

Drawing larger than life, it's all about increasing the shapes you see proportionately.

Like from that angle the side of the camera is about the shape of a rhombus with equal sides.

>> No.2196666

I'm having trouble doing that for some reason....when I'm drawing I tend to lose my focus and try to draw exactly what I'm seeing.
I'll try this and then get back to the camera.

>> No.2196719

Hey Satan, have you considered using construction to supplement your observational drawing? It seems like some mild construction and attention to negative shapes would work here but I dunno if Dodson is all about that life.

>> No.2196724
File: 1.29 MB, 480x360, Jew'd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is Amazon paying you?

>> No.2196725

Nothing, I wasn't expecting my package this early is all.

>> No.2196728

You're chicken scratching.
Have zero perspective. Everything is flat.
You need to practice 3D shapes first mate.

>> No.2196740

Thanks, I try 3d shapes eventualy.
The detail stuff on hair and clothing is way out of my leauge anyway.

>> No.2196742

Just wondering, will using the grid method hinder my progress? Will it create some weird dependency on needing a grid every time I draw? I'm still learning to draw "on the right side of the brain" and want to draw a huge scene with quite a few objects and people in it.

>> No.2196752
File: 20 KB, 225x346, why the fuck are you reading this filename but not reading our holy grail start reading right now y-you rightbrainer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surrender pseudoscience technobabble book immediately and proceed to learn real stuff that is really required

>> No.2196755

The book I'm reading so far has the reader make simple block shapes, straight lines both vertical and horizontal, then creates a series of progressively more complicated (but easy due to understanding what came before it) shapes which eventually make the underlay of a building. The most important factor fo this is understanding the relation between lines whilst drawing, and line control. The book is "Harding's Lessons of Drawing" -- which I'm going through right now and has been great for this kind of issue so far. Right Side of the Brain isn't helpful because of the sheer amount of time wasting essays and subtle 'draw the fucking owl' level of progression.

Give the book a try. It's in the book share thread somewhere.

And this.

>> No.2196760
File: 2.23 MB, 2560x1920, 20150823_180739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me how I can improve this thing. I tried focusing on rendering here, but critiques on any other aspect would be appreciated too. Will post reference in a moment.

>> No.2196762
File: 49 KB, 611x800, figure-2-1303878308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2196764


Thanks, that sounds promising. The Betty Edwards book I find has been overwhelming me quite a bit.

>> No.2196766
File: 78 KB, 456x320, 1436466331068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it should end with "you left brainer" since its like, the better side...oh god i'm a left brainer for caring!!

>> No.2196790

fuck. i fell off for like 3 weeks and totally lost steam. I completely forgot where i was going. what do i do? do i practice figure drawing some more? do i draw from life? I haven't gotten very far in either of those respects.

>> No.2196802

Try Vilppu

>> No.2196806

What part is overwhelming?

I'm about 3 quarters through and so far the primary problem has been contorting my body into various places and nearly losing my mind trying to hold that fucking viewfinder steady

>> No.2196809
File: 1.22 MB, 1687x1139, CLONE WARRIORS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry this took awhile. i did some 30 second gestures and drew this picture

>> No.2196822

I'm dumb as shit is all. Don't let my post turn you off of the book or anything.

>> No.2196885

I'm pretty sure if you want to elaborate on what problems you're having and get advice that this is the best place to ask

Like, there's a good chance you'll fuck up one of the exercises and it will look wrong but having to erase the majority of an image and start all over is a great way to learn to be more perceptive and actually focus on what you're doing

>> No.2196892

How do I do guidelines, I see all these guidelines and they seem extremely complicated. Is there any simple ones I can learn to do ?

>> No.2196915

How do I practice gesture drawing effectively?

Can I take one part of a picture at a time, and do that for the 120 seconds, or should I force myself to do the entire thing?

>> No.2196923

this is matter of opinion depending on what you want to convey aesthetically, dont try to project that on other people, both of those are suitable on their own; akin to the difference between monet and a commercial illustrator

>> No.2196970
File: 235 KB, 1024x768, big meaty claws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't drawn for days, this is the last thing i did. i have had no motivation these past 2 weeks.

>> No.2196998

I like this, do you do this free hand ?

>> No.2197007

yes i did, i kinda drew the outline first experimenting around with the brush used to draw the dick on the left. Then continued to put down hard lines.

>> No.2197010

It's extremely nice just a slight proportion issue but nothing major, do you have anymore ?

>> No.2197015
File: 267 KB, 1024x768, SwampAss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stuff thats probably gonna get worst the further back i look for shit to post. Im sure ive posted it all before somewhere.

>> No.2197023
File: 362 KB, 1024x768, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2197025
File: 215 KB, 1024x768, gave up on face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2197031

You could benefit from using guidelines

>> No.2197034
File: 405 KB, 1024x768, bubble boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duly noted

>> No.2197051
File: 53 KB, 500x409, shapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this does anything to improve my stuff.
Maybe 100 more of these?
This is a bit mindnumbing.

>> No.2197060

Arange shapes so that they have some correlation with each other as well as there being a solid ground plane if you feel that you can draw them without much hassle.

>> No.2197070
File: 462 KB, 629x457, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished this, any critiques? im not to worried about how the shadows or tiles perspective/texture, just how the dog looks

>> No.2197088
File: 182 KB, 960x1020, Snapshot_20150816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I tried too hard here and it just came out bad
tell me if im doing this right

>> No.2197133

A bit late but yeah I was having trouble with values. I hope that it's because I'm just starting with digital art, anyway gonna try using more grays and try to avoid blacks and whites.

>> No.2197170

It's lifeless.

>> No.2197189

what do you mean? i was just trying to paint my dog from imagination

>> No.2197190

your dog doesn't have joints and is missing a lot of details.

I think some anatomy exercises are in order.

>> No.2197195
File: 23 KB, 480x800, dixie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls dnt kill

>> No.2197196

what joints are missing and whats wrong with the anatomy? thats what im worried about the most.

>> No.2197201

Not that guy but directly from observation I can tell that the left leg looks like it is one continuous curve. The neck also appears wonky, it looks like the neck is somewhat in front of the dogs head.

There are probably issues with the back leg as well but I have no references to work with.

>> No.2197205
File: 151 KB, 767x1023, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a ref

>> No.2197206
File: 255 KB, 960x886, fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2197232

Anyone? Am I doing this right?
I understand that the board goes slow because its night in murica and all

>> No.2197237

Draw a skull from reference, preferably from the same angle as this drawing. Just one, so you have a point of comparison.

It's more effective than just pointing out that the consistency of the head you drew is dough-like, faces becoming vertically stretched when drawing the nose seems like an universal mistake for beginners. The eyes are also disproportionately massive.

>> No.2197238

How do I draw hair and clothes ? Are their any video tutorials on how to do it that explains it step by step ?

>> No.2197244
File: 270 KB, 448x327, face2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this helps, heres the ref. It was the first time actually trying realism.

>> No.2197246
File: 156 KB, 894x978, Snapshot_20150816_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also another one I drew of realism, my second attempt

>> No.2197249
File: 70 KB, 960x639, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and ref

>> No.2197250

Proportions are all fucked up. The nose is way too long, mouth is tiny and flat. Eyes are huge and seem to point in slightly different directions and the separately drawn one above shows that you do not fully understand its structure. Get Hampton's head drawing lecture from the analytical figure drawing series, Loomis' Drawing the Head and Hands and Vilppu's head videos and study.

That body on the right is also flat, stiff and suffering from proportion related issues. The rest of Hampton's videos will help with this, watch them then build up some figures same way he does in the lecture. Do some from reference at first until you become confident in your ability to correctly place the muscles and convey their volume, then try building some from imagination.

>> No.2197252

Looks more like he just needs to read the sticky

>> No.2197254

thanks, I´ve actually got a folder full of drawing books including loomis´ head and hands and thats what I used to build these drawings. So I should study the books more I´m guessing.

>> No.2197284
File: 121 KB, 638x861, michael-hampton-figure-drawing-design-and-invention-1-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i work with this?

>> No.2197334

What is a good way to brush up on construction, any good exercises?

>> No.2197356
File: 50 KB, 539x960, lay-ins1.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /ic rate studies like these. tryin to do a "lay-in" please rate

>> No.2197387
File: 306 KB, 1648x1200, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one render things in photoshop?

>> No.2197393

I'd give her a pearl earring, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2197395

i would also like to know

>> No.2197400

literally ctrlpaint basic photoshop rendering

>> No.2197401
File: 38 KB, 308x400, Analytical Week 6 - Demo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/, headaches. Placing the planes

What would this type of rib cage look like in aerial view and sideview?

>> No.2197419

you should probly start by not drawing neked women kid. everyone knows your true intentions but if you wana git gud u gata start somewhere solid and not rushing it.

>> No.2197432
File: 239 KB, 655x607, how do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who's never completed a painted piece like this, idk what the fuck I'm doing :/

I have a few references for basic face shading but I think it looks off, especially the nose

>> No.2197436

...are you sure you've never painted like this before? it's not incredible but it's not beginner, either

>> No.2197438

I mean I've painted before, I just haven't finished anything
I get frustrated and give up halfway through a lot of the time :v

>> No.2197501

ugh.. is it me or does her hair feel like it's coming out of a hole in her head?

>> No.2197574
File: 209 KB, 682x600, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2197593

>I hate drawing old geezers
My man

>> No.2197596

it does. Draw out the entire skull and add hair after, then it will have the right placement.

>> No.2197605
File: 236 KB, 1232x892, Harding Drawing Lessons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going through Harding's Drawing Lessons and I hit a snag with this. I can't draw the circular shapes as well as in pic related. Everything else regarding straight lines I'm find, but I can't get the follow through lines that make it look 100%.

Is there something I'm missing with this? How precise to do I have to be before moving on?

>> No.2197616

No, i't's not just you! I didn't notice that; when I get on my tablet I'll start fixing that up :0

I now have a gross image of a literal hole in her skull with hair stuffed in it :(

>> No.2197620

I did do that, I just messed up with fixing things when painting it (you know when you block something out and repaint it? I did that and didn't think to plan the hairline again :/ )

>> No.2197652


What the other anons said, BUT, but for some reason very cute. This definitely has some kind of presence.

>> No.2197654



>> No.2197655
File: 14 KB, 236x323, 1440179590968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I´m guessing this is because of "my crap music taste" or is it legitimately about the drawing. I came here for critique, and you seem not to give any. Thank you.

>> No.2197657


Paint this, literally, after you are done with the corrections. Would love to see it

>> No.2197695

Not op, but wat? Is learning anatomy, proportion, light and shadow, gesture, and poses not a good place to start? What do you suggest then? Also, no need to be condescending by calling him a kid, kiddo.

>> No.2197709

How long have you been drawing? I'm also learning head construction (Loomis/Hampton) right now and it doesn't feel like its going anywhere.

>> No.2197713

Should I keep practicing drawing straight lines/circles until I feel comfortable with them or should I keep studying the other basics?

>> No.2197715

Is this the wrong thread for this?

>> No.2197729
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 48702984892-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck /ic/, I finally understand it. Loomis was right the whole time! Perspective is the key to drawing the figure! Loomis is god! Loomis is god!

>> No.2197784

I used to occasionally draw shitty animu and tumblrcore back in highschool but it hardly amounted to any real knowledge. Started taking it seriously this spring, got into regularly practicing almost every day about a month and a half ago.

Heads are pretty hard to nail, I suffered a lot of frustration studying them too so I know that feeling. I used mainly Hampton for the basic geometry and Vilppu's head videos for more in-depth explanation of features. Keep practicing, anon, it's a hard subject, so you shouldn't feel discouraged when progress is slow.

>> No.2197794

No, it's not. There's a lot more to it than just perspective it is perspective that allows you to make a believable form in space perspective will not teach you about anatomy.

>> No.2197856
File: 442 KB, 1026x1000, stuckintheshadowzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I've been loomising for abit, what do you guys think? Some turn out better than others...

>> No.2197861

Good. Now make your own.

>> No.2197919
File: 107 KB, 539x960, shithead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my shitty head study please?

>> No.2197927

It´s better than my heads.

>> No.2197936


Has stared into the abyss and seen the abyss stare back/10

>> No.2197945


What's a good program to edit images that isn't heavy, but isn't paint?

It's for making a chart.

>> No.2197950

damn Thanks! anon!

>> No.2197951

so you are saying eyes look dead then?

>> No.2197974

I feel like this is better than what I will ever do.

>> No.2198016


>> No.2198023
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Charlotte - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.24_[2015.08.21_06.58.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 6 hours doing nothing but anatomy studies, and now I dont even want to pick up a pencil. And so /ic/, I have a proposition for a drawing a schedule to prevent getting tired drawing the same things.

Monday- Anatomy Studies. Copy anatomy picture. Draw again from memory. 30-50 reps

Tuesday- Reference Study. Draw reference, draw again from memory. 10-20 reps

Wednesday- Head day. 20-30 reps

Thursday- Hands and feet day. 30-50 reps

Friday- Clothing day. 10-20 reps

Saturday- Coloring/Fun Day. Color a bunch of pictures. Next, You can participate in a drawthread like on /b/, or you can draw all those original ideas you came up with during the week, and then post it on /ic/ to get ridiculed.

Sunday- Work on the criticism you received from the draw threads, or from the /ic/

I chose to use reps instead of time, because it gives you a goal to strive for each day, and you could do two or more on one day if you have the time.

Please, someone from /ic/ help edit my schedule.

>> No.2198031

stop watching shitty shows like Charlotte to save time :^)

>> No.2198035

you are burning yourself out too quickly

>> No.2198045


I'd say work a theory day in there somewhere, unless it's included in your respective days.
A day for tutorials/books/etc.

>> No.2198046


Something I don't quite understand, coming from studying music, is why I keep seeing individual subjects in art given entire days for study. You could do an intense focus session on something you need to really crack open, but ideally you would be doing some of everything everyday.

Maybe you could break it up a bit so you're not trying to tackle too many subjects in a single day, but I feel like a more consistent practice schedule would be more efficient than just doing something once a week and not touching it for the next 6 days.

You would be studying each subject more consistently and breaking up the monotony with variety in your exercises. It's not like going to the gym where you need a week for a muscle group to recover, you really need to hammer this stuff into your long term memory.

>> No.2198072
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Charlotte - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.02_[2015.08.20_15.42.13].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being immensely entertained by this face


I think theory could be combine with another day. Or just have it on sunday.

I could combine days. But I think the problem with doing everything a day, would be there are times when Ill just focus too much on one thing and skip over thing, and also, I think it will be better to spend a bunch of time learning about something a day, instead of rushing it to fit in other things everyday.

>> No.2198083


I'm sorry, but I just can't for the life of me understand why people sit down for more than 3 hours drawing. I understand that it's more practice, but your brain is a muscle. It needs down time to internalize new information. After a long session, I usually do a short session the next day because I feel burned out. However, I also feel like I understand more from the previous day, and can immediately jump on those ideas and put them into practice. This pumps me up for the next day (during which I'll probably draw 1-2 hours).

Maybe it's just personal preference, but I'm just not with that "do shit for 6 hours" when I know my brain just isn't wired to chug along for that long. I'd rather take small steps over a long period of time than try to run an endurance race.

>> No.2198085

another guy here
serj tanakian is pretty based
but try reading the sticky my man

>> No.2198089

While I can't do >>2198023, if you don't spend at least an hour on a fully rendered picture, you're trash and wasted your time. This is coming from a "beginner".

>> No.2198091

>if you don't spend at least an hour on a fully rendered picture, you're trash and wasted your time.

Congratulations on having the most retarded opinion in the thread.

>> No.2198093


Unless I misunderstood you.
Are you saying unless you create a fully rendered picture you wasted your time? Or that if you created a 'fully rendered' picture in less than an hour you rushed it?
If the former, you're a bona fide retard.

>> No.2198094

can you show some of your art? if you are a beginner, i think it would be better to focus on getting 2-3 good and axcurate studies out rather than FIFTY horribly useless ones where you are missing everyrhing

>> No.2198097

I mean more of the latter. Granted, time doesn't always equal effort, but they're not far from each other.

>> No.2198104


I definitely see your point, and I am a beginner as well. I'm a lot less focused on rendering at this point, however. I'm just looking to get gestures to a level of "basic understanding." Perhaps my standpoint is more biased because of the nature of gestures. Though I have a goal in mind, so I don't feel like I need to zerg rush gestures down for a 1/4th of the day. Again, I think it boils down to your work speed and personal preference at the end of the day.

>> No.2198109

you're focusing too much on making them look pretty when it should just be laying in proportions and no frills
you fix it up after

>> No.2198125
File: 100 KB, 477x3199, anatomyforic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Yes, I know its bad. Been trying to study the planes more and getting anatomy right. I was too disorganized today though, did not cover major groups like the back. I just dont want to get into the habit of drawing too slow again, and actually fill up pages, but I might need to slow down to concentrate more on the details.

btw, I already went through perspective made easy and keys to drawing. So dont tell me to start drawing my shoes without looking at the paper again.

>> No.2198140

most is off, try to practice your drawing skills

>> No.2198159
File: 481 KB, 1500x1500, 240815(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more gestures. experimenting with canvas and pen colors.

>> No.2198263

Good call, Anon. Will simplify more on the next batch!

>> No.2198290
File: 195 KB, 800x800, pff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried 2 minute gestures, its hard to get the conturs right in first try and switching between the screens takes up lots of time.

>> No.2198309
File: 583 KB, 711x517, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damnit. ive been use the transform tool to play with the anatomy but i feel like im making it worse

>> No.2198312

>Chameleon eyes
>Super Jewish nose
>Lopsided mouth
>Only drew face for a head study
Post reference pls, or I can't really rate the study as a study.

>> No.2198317
File: 275 KB, 783x600, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm doing currently is

>open day with some scenery from reference
>continue with a daily study of a randomly selected animal
>later do some gestures and work on anatomy
>close out with random bullshit from imagination

I think I can handle at least another week of this before I feel like I need to change up things.

>> No.2198349

i still think 50 is a bit much, but i guess it's good that you like to grind.
but think of it like this: don't you want to know how good/bad it can get once you push a study to the bitter end? to make it as "perfect" as your skill allows? do that every now and then and then review your mistakes.

you need some time to view your stuff through a critical eye and correct the mistakes.
quantity is good, but don't forget quality.

>> No.2198363

Thanks for the reply and the encouragement, will do

>> No.2198383

>6 hours
How do people even do this
I can hardly stand 30 minutes before I start losing my shit
Do I just have ADD or are people really this driven?

>> No.2198386

not him and I realize getting criticism from people who know what's up is critical, but is it possible for someone to know their own work is shit and where it's wrong?

>> No.2198390
File: 686 KB, 1000x1109, studies250815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noob here, some recent studies that I made. Critique is much appreciated.

>> No.2198391

Some people have autism or aspergers. This seems that this is especially true for people who use 4chan.
I would estimate that aspergers is 5 to 6 times more prevalent on 4chan than the average for the United States.
People with aspergers tend to have obsessions with their interests, allowing us to spend hours in order to pursuit what we enjoy without getting bored.
So it's much more likely that you see people who spend hours working on art on 4chan than it is in real life.
I personally have spent some sleepless nights drawing and/or studying because I find it enjoyable. I don't even have to practice art to make money because I am an engineer. It's just fun.

or you could just have ADD and everyone just enjoys practicing art.

>> No.2198406

>want to practice drawing figures
>construct with shapes and whatnot
>continue drawing
>can tell it'll turn out horrendous
>stop drawing

help me /ic/

>> No.2198407

if it interesting or fun then of course you can spend time on it. also the more you do it, the longer you'll be able to go.
it's fine to start with 30 minutes a day if you don't feel like it. eventually you'll start to feel like 30 minutes aren't enough anymore and do more.

to an extent, of course. you can see the difference between yourself and a professional. you can differentiate between good and bad. if you can do that, then you can also tell where you stand in terms of skill, as long as you don't delude yourself.

as for knowing where it's wrong... ignorance is bliss, so you usually won't be able to tell unless you compare your work to real life or other people's art to raise the standards.

>> No.2198410
File: 388 KB, 1000x1080, typo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a typo for this exercise or am I not getting it? I've circled what I think is the typo with a red circle. This exercise wants you to draw this structure shown but says 'draw E to F closer to AB than to DC' -- shouldn't it be the opposite if I want to make it look skewed?

>> No.2198437

Ill keep that mind. Its like when working out, you do less reps of the heavier shit, but more of the lighter ones.

>> No.2198444
File: 67 KB, 696x960, shithead2.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best I could do in 1.5 hrs please rate

>> No.2198482

what's better - straight line from hand or alive line?
because computer can do straight shit for me
but no computer can make it alive
that's my reasoning to practice combined alive gesture-line instead of radial lifeless straight draft-line

>> No.2198489


Read the entire book, then apply what he told you by drawing from reference.

>> No.2198497
File: 738 KB, 1228x600, feet study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been having trouble with drawing feet, so did some practice. Trying to make them look as attractive as possible.

>> No.2198560
File: 96 KB, 1017x786, hampton_p_14_17__spine_2_by_thethirdcartel-d5fkpfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess nobody told you. Gesture is not contour. The entire point of gesture is to represent force, motion, balance and pose. It's meant to be ~mostly~ abstract. Unless you're an already a competent artist you can't start figures with contour or it'll look stiff, like yours.

So yeah, you've basically just done two minute contours, not two minute gestures. There are as many ways to do gestures as there are artists, so I'll let you look into that yourself and give the different methods a try, but the one way NOT to do gesture is via contour drawing.

My one piece of advice is put your strokes down quicker [they'll be more loose, fluid and smooth] and you should practice economy of line. Since you're working digitally, you have the benefit of undoing and erasing without degrading the image. So fucking use it! If you miss a line, don't just go over it 5 more times and muddy it up. Clear that line and do it again. You won't get better if you don't hold yourself accountable for these things. Lastly, exaggerate a bit. The liveliness of gesture can be lost in details as you continue your figure drawing, so by exaggerating everything a bit you help some of that vitality survive the process through the end.

>> No.2198563

You just had to pull one of the worst images off deviantart to use for your post, didn't you?

>> No.2198569

I just googled gesture drawing and picked one of the first ones so that it had a picture. I'm not making some statement with the image or some shit. Get off your high horse.

>> No.2198574

>high horse meme

oh it's YOU again

didn't I tell you to stop saying that

>> No.2198585

Oh man, thanks for all the info. But what you wrote made me think that im not ready for gesture/figure drawing. I gonna search for something simplyfied, i'm not good at figuring things you by myself, or selfteaching in general.

>> No.2198594

Alright, no worries.

>> No.2198608
File: 270 KB, 1200x1200, pff2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also gave it a second try a couple of hours after the first, but it also just endet up as 2 minute contours. Now that I think about it I cant imagine any force and motion in something like a sitting pose, not sure if that even counts as a gesture.

>> No.2198629
File: 152 KB, 850x1000, thatsright-jay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good. Now make your own.
Okay, I tried doing my own. Some of the top stuff is loomis (you can tell because it looks good) as it goes on some are from imagination, some are from cartoons and two are from real life people. (one is nice and one is a horrible mess)

What do you think? Am I heading in the right direction?

I have some questions.

I draw on a level piece of paper, but I always find myself drawing tilted.

also, what else should I be looking at while I do loomis? (side by side) and such?

>> No.2198667

There is force in every pose. We have weight. So even in a sitting pose there are forces acting on your pelvis, spine, and neck since they all support weight. And gesture is also used to define the rhythm of the pose, so even if a person were limp, floating in space, gesture is still invaluable for rendering the pose and rhythm of the figure. There are tons of good primers online that'd cover the basic to get you started. Just search on google or youtube for "gesture drawing basics/beginner" etc. It isn't as complicated as you think. There are just a few major concepts you need to understand, the rest is practice and execution.

>> No.2198680

you are not thinking about what shapes make up said faces after you stopped using the examples. At least i think idk.

>> No.2198684

you think so?i mean i looked back at the examples for reference? but you are probably right

>> No.2198694

1st pic at the top right shows the forms very well eg. the cheeks the chin same with the middle of 1st pic. the rest not so much

>> No.2198696


>> No.2198719
File: 71 KB, 620x330, Golden_Retriever_History_620x330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit, stop trying to fix it.
Look at actual pictures of dogs and see where you went wrong.

If you want to be able to draw dogs from imagination in the future, focus on studying and memorizing the anatomy.

>> No.2198720

okay, the top right was kinda just a generic, loomis, instructor. The others I tried to branch out with for more i guess, different, like I tired some robots and real people. But I do see what your saying, I'll guess I failed even at step one of loomis.. Time to try again..

>> No.2198744
File: 28 KB, 640x480, IMG_20150825_13503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started keys to drawing. did the first two excersizes. its actually fun. can't get a pepper at the moment for the next one.

>> No.2198754
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro. just quit. kek

>> No.2198895

I have similar problems. No two heads or faces are the same. You have to get gud at the fundamentals to be consistent.

>> No.2198904

The top foot on the bottom row, second from the left looks like it's broken.

>> No.2198922

What pc specs are needed to run manga studio? i'll be using the waycom 13hd critique hooked up to a laptop.

>> No.2199037

dude you're not drawing the arch. Looks like flat feet

>> No.2199089



I know its a bit early sorry

>> No.2199161

kevin chen anatomy.