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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.54 MB, 2630x1638, viking sketching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2193054 No.2193054 [Reply] [Original]

>Disclaimer: If another 'holy trinity' thread pisses you off, just hide it, and go back to doodling animu tits you fucking sperg.

With that out of the way:

How to make the (giant) leap from mediocre, achievable, unimpressive 'competent art', to god tier high testosterone alphamale impressionist work, that captures light, texture, the thickness of the particles in the fucking air even, and just caresses your eyeballs in way you didn't think possible???

I mean shit. Lets be real here. Doing work like 99% of people out there, is really NOT that hard. Couple of years of dedicated study, lifedrawing, fundamentals, yadayada, and you can hang your stuff in the room with all the other 'competent' artists and nobody will see your work stand out. Neither positively nor negatively. Sure you can score some bonus points for being like this, or like that. Drawing more tits, or drawing surprisingly little tits, drawing the most cliche shit in the entertainment industry, or having good ideas that seem fresh.

But you'll never be amazing. You cannot paint 'light'. How the fuck does one learn that? There's just something 'else' about the images of the absolute best digital painters (note I say painters. Yes that other guy you like is cool too, but I'm talking PAINTERS here) that seems DEPRESSINGLY far out of reach.

I'll post more examples. Yes it'll be the same old shit you've seen a million times, I don't care. I wish there was a larger pool of artists to post examples from, but there is not.

>> No.2193056
File: 281 KB, 900x658, Alara 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2193057

master studies and learning the physics and anatomy.
because they stop learning, or they dont learn in depth enough. nobody wants to learn every single muscle in the forearm, its origin and insertion. nobody wants to study materials and learn fucking physics and do master studies for 10 years. the ones who do get really good. now go back to studying you cultist sperg

>> No.2193064

>nobody wants to learn every single muscle in the forearm, its origin and insertion

implying that shit even mattered. at all. agree with the physics and materials though.

>> No.2193077

>How to make the (giant) leap from mediocre, achievable, unimpressive 'competent art', to god tier high testosterone alphamale impressionist work, that captures light, texture, the thickness of the particles in the fucking air even, and just caresses your eyeballs in way you didn't think possible???
It's just a really high level skill in lighting and colour. Do a shit ton of master copies and really try to learn and not blindly copy. Paint from life a ton. A lot of the best artists started their career by copying someone else obsessively, then later developed their own styles. Jaime copied Mullins, Mullins copied Syd, Rockwell copied Leyendecker, Sargent copied Velazquez.

You need to fully understand shape, texture, simplification, lighting and materials to get the images of the level you want. Use lots of reference too.

>> No.2193079

I thought you would post some impressive images

>> No.2193084
File: 174 KB, 1200x641, baron_stroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more nigga, I always can appreciate godly work. The colour and lighting in this one is great.

No shitting on the holy trinity, didn't you read the OP?

>> No.2193090

Why are they called the holy trinity?

>no creativity
>romanticism wannabes
>only digital
>full pandering

I really can't see what's the appeal. Unless your horizon is looking at pretty MtG cards

>> No.2193112
File: 188 KB, 1200x718, The hunt cicinimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the holy trinity cause they are miles ahead of the rest in terms of skill and influence.

For creativity, I think they are pretty good. They are not Moebius, but they are certainly imaginative. Jaime is good at messing with scale of ordinary things and using unusual compositions, pic related. Mullins can create any world and have it feel like you are sitting right there, and he paints scenes ranging from serene fine arts things to space battles to pirate raids. He's incredible at capturing the mood and atmosphere of a place. Ruanjia paints more generic subjects but treats them with a great deal of subtlety and has a unique sense of design.

They're not really romanticism wannabes. They're more 19thC academics with some more impressionistic and painterly influences, and then some golden age illustrators mixed in. In any case, I don't see how their interests and influences are relevant here. They paint in a style they like. Nothing wrong with that.

Digital doesn't matter, it's just a medium. Yo udon't criticize someone for only doing oils or only watercolours.

I don't see how they pander.

Anyways, I hope I'm not responding to bait. If you're serious then please feel free to post some contemporary artists that you feel are better in terms of creativity and style and whatever else you hold as important.

>> No.2193117

>How to make the (giant) leap from mediocre, achievable, unimpressive 'competent art', to god tier
Good artists get to a level where they can pay their bills with their current skillset, great artists never stop learning.
Knowledge is power. Have you ever read about old masters saying "well, that's it. I have reached the endpoint of my craft. I know everything there is to it."

>> No.2193123
File: 214 KB, 650x722, richter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care much about contemporary art, but there are many traditional artists who are on another level of accomplishment

If you compare this holy trinity to older painters like Dali, Rembrandt, Ingres, Goya, they'd be more on /ic/'s level than the other

If you call them holy trinity because they're arguably the best at digital art right now then go on

>> No.2193125

>only digital

What kind of retarded criticism is this? Do you also criticize someone becuase he only paints in oils?

>no creativity

Wha.... oh, I see now. Youre just a troll.

>> No.2193128

Creativity isn't just drawing kinda different Magic the Gathering art compared to the rest

>> No.2193130

>If you call them holy trinity because they're arguably the best at digital art right now then go on
That's what we're doing. They're not the holy trinity of art, that would be stupid. They're the holy trinity of digital art.

>> No.2193134

Sargent kind of did didn't he?

>> No.2193136
File: 235 KB, 1600x900, battle-fantasy-epic-god-giant-digital-art-high-quality-and-203036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define creativity then you faggot, also the "amazing art" that you've been posting is shit.
There you have creativity on pic related, creativity that will make your faggot jaw drop

>> No.2193137

Oh okay, go on then.

>> No.2193139

What? No he didn't. His art constantly evolved throughout his career. Even in his old age he decided his work wasn't good so tried to do all those murals in a different style in an attempt to leave a mark on the art world. I mean he was dead wrong about that particular one, but he still was striving for new levels at all times.

>> No.2193145

Damn I like Komarck and all but the close ups of his work look kinda bad/rushed. There's such a different in information density in different parts, like he use some hi res textures and low res ones right next to each other. Also you posted a weird crop, post the whole image as it shows the scale a lot better.

>> No.2193150

wow how original

>> No.2193186
File: 960 KB, 1280x960, 21223[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love Eldrazi, they are Lovecraft as fuk

>> No.2193190
File: 45 KB, 580x564, tumblr_mk3qbvT9GO1s1gj3vo3_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2193202

he got tired of doing portraiture, so he went and did watercolors until he died : ^)

>> No.2193208

I would like multiple people in this thread to define 'creativity', because everything here is derivative of SOMEthing and I'm not finding myself wowed by any of the subjects.

>> No.2193209

Well I think creativity is in how you paint the subject.

Rembrandt painted portraits which are not a creative subject, it is standard and has a long history. But he painted them in a very creative way--novel lighting, genius paint textures/application, lovely colour, etc. It is the compositions, the narratives, and the way you treat a subject that is creative.

It seems some other anons here are focusing on creativity of subject matter. Someone like Moebius invented entire worlds and cities and cultures and stories so is creative in that sense (he is creative in how he treated them too).

>> No.2193293

The issue is that people in this thread think that any topic that has been done before is not creative.
eg: >>2193150
Creativity in itself is honestly overrated. If your paintings are 80% technique and 20% creativity, you can probably get by as a good painter.

>> No.2193327

just use references lol

>> No.2193331


Now this is my kind of thread. I'd say paint from life, but I don't do enough myself to really know wether it helps. I bet it's what 'they' would tell you though.

>> No.2193334

>god tier high testosterone alphamale impressionist work
But all art is inherently feminine. Real masculinity is about doing things that change the real world and not spending time in imaginary worlds.

I could never date a man who is into art.

>> No.2193363
File: 162 KB, 800x800, 1438056461124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that every man on /ic/ isn't an ugly paragon of masculinity and every female on /ic/ isn't super feminine and attractive

Art is something real. It's a mental and physical discipline and it has a lot of overlap with others such as sports and fitness. Don't blame art for the shortcomings and emasculation of the modern male, place the blame where it belongs, on the media, government and chemicals in our environment.

>thanks, Jews

>> No.2193372


Real masculinity is about doing whatever the fuck you want to do. You dumb broad.

>> No.2193384
File: 107 KB, 551x600, 1429925664065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2193385
File: 48 KB, 550x366, 1438706305469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw all of the art posted in this thread is bad

>> No.2193476

but who are you to judge, the right from wrong?

>> No.2193480

Post your art

>> No.2193483

It probably is, and? This is an environment for bad people to get good. Once people get good they most likely ditch this place.

>> No.2193539
File: 2.53 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG1135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cannot paint 'light'. How the fuck does one learn that?

r u 4 real

you fucking study it you pretentious twat light is literally everywhere and all around us because it's fucking light.

That said, learning and mastering light and lighting is pretty much the biggest difference between a good enough piece and a jaw-dropping one.

>> No.2193583
File: 7 KB, 205x246, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2193588

>Creativity in itself is honestly overrated
/ic/ in a nutshell

>> No.2193637

let's see how far your creativity without skill gets you while trying to find work

>> No.2193643

Honestly I'm so glad this meme exists maybe people will stop asking people to post their art on a fucking anonymous imageboard

>> No.2193676


>> No.2193677

Post your work faggot

>> No.2193679

honestly i really feel people should only be asked to post their work when they say they're good/pro.

people just see any sort of critique as "i'm way better than this artist lololololol" rather than just stating the objective flaws with a piece of art. everyone should know it's easier to understand artistic concepts than it is to execute them.

>> No.2193714

Who said anything about not having skill?

That said, none of them have even quarter the skill a random photorealist from the ARC thread has

Yet most of that stuff is soulless as hell

>> No.2193718
File: 72 KB, 640x1018, crucifixion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with Dali?

>> No.2193869

how the fuck does dali belongin this thread? nigga is a textbook example of 'paint by numbers'

>> No.2193871

Here's the secret: There is no secret and there never was one. The sooner one realizes the meaning to this the better.

>> No.2193901

you do realize those guys draw the same stuff 5 years old draw, only with more skill?
monsters and fantasy shit?

>> No.2193902


yeah, who gives a shit. only the neckbeard gamerpleb or the 'muhmaturyteee' neckbeard carmechanicpleb even talk about the subject matter.

the connoisseur, the artist, sees only patterns of light and dark, efficient description of form and surface, compositional flow, and so on and so on. talking about the subject matter is like talking about the color of a car. WHO FUCKING GIVES A SHIT?

>> No.2193947

"neckbeard gamerpleb or the 'muhmaturyteee' neckbeard carmechanicpleb"
well meme'd my friend

>> No.2193962

>monsters and fantasy shit?

You must be one of these insanely boring people in life, I see now.

>muh abstract art that explains the transcendent meaning of the individual life


>> No.2193974

>"everything that isn't fantasy is boring"

>> No.2193975

>painting what the common man sees everyday in his reality is exciting

>> No.2193982
File: 99 KB, 1000x597, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true, SF can be nice as well.

>> No.2193984

No one said that. You are the one who is judging art purely based on the subject matter, which is the single most pleb thing you could do.

>> No.2193994

Actually, most children that age draw real life stuff. Like their pets, their parents, their house, their living room, trees and flowers etc. Then they get to the age where they watch cartoons on tv so they start drawing, I dunno, Spiderman and Batman or whatever kids watch these days. Then in their teenage years they might get into fantasy, but 99% of them have stopped drawing by then. So in reality, fine artists are the ones who draw the same stuff what 5 year olds draw, only better.

>> No.2194056

Yup. Don't forget that before they draw their family and house and stuff they draw abstract.