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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 105 KB, 445x805, frazetta studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2192861 No.2192861 [Reply] [Original]

Old one stopped bumping

previous thread: >>>2187641

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others!

Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

>General resources :

>fellowBro's books :

>Figure Drawing Tool:

>Photoshop Brushes

>> No.2192865
File: 109 KB, 685x540, hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also made some hands (reference from my porn folder mostly) about 1-2 minutes each

>> No.2192891
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x6918, skeltalpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing these for some time now, but am I doing it correctly?

If not, what else can I do to improve my studying?

>> No.2192897

i like most of them, maybe make some lines to indicate the different forms and contours more?
also try to get the head positions in better, its important too

>> No.2192900

Keep going, you are making progress

>> No.2192902
File: 327 KB, 720x1960, musulmane 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP but I know there are a lot of things that are wrong with this one so any critique is apreciated ^^

>> No.2192903
File: 674 KB, 762x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New sketchbook back cover. I focused in too much in some places so it suffers in others - any critique and advice is heartily appreciated. Thanks all.

>> No.2192905
File: 221 KB, 709x797, grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never made a full rendered character before, thinking about doing it but its kinda scary

>> No.2192906

What the fuck is wrong with you son?

>> No.2192907
File: 615 KB, 2539x2835, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need to slow down, take a step back and put more thought into your process for figure drawing. The faces you drew are generally decent, but the bodies are lacking greatly in structure. It feels like you don't quite understand the shapes you are drawing, and as a result the bodies look flat and all you're really doing is chickenscratching their approximate form.

Try out something like pic related. Using boxes like this should give you a better idea of how a body occupies a 3-dimensional space. Don't just use boxes for the head, torso and hips; use some for the limbs as well. When you feel comfortable with this, it should be relatively easy to lay down organic shapes onto the boxes.

>> No.2192910

She is falling backwards a bit, be careful of the center of balance. Also the things in her hands are not clear at all.

>> No.2192914

lol that's not a critique but there's nothing wrong with a naked trangender muslim woman :)

>> No.2192923

practice hands more, the left is okay but the one on the right looks unnatural and claw-like
try to enforce the weight of her weapons by putting more tension in the arms
think about what you just posted and revise your life choices

>> No.2192928


Go to porn thread. This is not tasteful nudity. It's just nasty gay shit.

>> No.2192932

Please add a trigger warning next time, so people here don't get so offended

>> No.2192972
File: 1.49 MB, 230x172, 1438880827329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol this is 4chan faggots what did you expect?

Why is this not tasteful nudity? is not making anything sexual, it is just standing there, naked, with a smile on her face a dick between her legs. There are tooons of sculptures and paintings with nudes doing thing waay more sexual than mine and still it is seen as "tasteful nudity". If a nudes has boobs its ok, and if it has a penis it's ok too, but if it has both then suddenly is not tasteful.

I think that we need to see this nude as any other in art, ignoring the sexualization and foccussing on the beauty of the body or the idea behind the piece. And that's exactly what I wanted to show with this drawing. There are a lot of transgender people that feel unconfortable and even disgusted by their own bodies and they suffer a lot because of their families, religions etc. Trangender muslims exist I wanted to represent them as we do with non-transgender people. I don't see how that can be offensive to anyone but it wasn't the point anyway. It is just to give support to transgender muslim people by noticing their existence and admiring their beauty as I do with any other body.

So yeah, peace and love motherfuckah ^^


>goes to 4chan
>doesn't wanna be offended

>> No.2192981

I won't comment about the nature of your drawing, but rule of thumb is if it's NSFW (tasteful or not), it belongs in the porn thread. That's just how it works here to my observation

>> No.2192982
File: 3.46 MB, 2600x2500, Laocoon_Pio-Clementino_Inv1059-1064-1067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is also NSFW and should be in the porn thread?

>> No.2192987


>> No.2192990

WTF why? I mean, I know has nudes on it but there's a big difference between nudes and porn

>> No.2192992

I'm just shitposting. Ignore the other nerds. No one actually cares if what you're posting is porn or not.

>> No.2192994


Lol ok ^^

>> No.2192995

this can't be serious.

My little internet can't be this brain damaged.

>> No.2193007

clearly a clueless newfag. just leave them alone, they'll adapt with time.

>> No.2193008


Lmfao. typical that this brain-damaged twat drew a terrible picture, defends terrible picture and goes off on a SJW tumblr-esque rant about trannies.


>> No.2193010

Come on, this is different. Don't be dense. Just use your judgment. People already have some expectations going into the porn thread so you wont get as much complaining there. Its about avoiding that. It has nothing to do with tasteful nudity or whatever.

>> No.2193015

Yeah but that thread it especifically states that:
"This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings."
And I don't want to make anything erotic, I just want critiques of the technical aspects of the drawing.

>> No.2193021

Let's say you wanted crit on her genitals. Porn thread people are good at that, they'll help you more.
No need to interpret words so literally. You posted your pic here, look what happened. You can decide what to do next time.

>> No.2193025

shouldve spent more time on the face instead of the dick, I get that its your fetish but still.
Its terrible by the way

>> No.2193032
File: 320 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20150819_171435-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really know what I'm doing with ink. Just kinda playing with it and hoping for the best.

>> No.2193037
File: 409 KB, 603x755, Hermaphrodite_engraving_circa_1690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SJW tumblr-esque rant

His mistake was thinking that it was necessary to do that here. Off of 4chan, where night is day and SJWs rule the land, you can get women or trannies or whatever it is you like to bend over backwards to cater to your insane fetishes if you use their language to request it. "It's not perverse to celebrate the body," "It's about taking charge of your sexuality," "Every body deserves to feel beautiful", all that bullshit.

Anyway, he's right. Slapping a penis on a lady might get you kicked out of a nightclub, but it's not enough to disqualify an illustration as tasteful.

>> No.2193048
File: 764 KB, 1000x1102, otter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I add corkish texture to the rocks and what's a quick but effective way to do the leaves?

Any other criticism is welcome.

>> No.2193055

>and what's a quick but effective way to do the leaves?
Jesus christ, this.

>> No.2193060

>goes to a NSFW board
>complains about NSFW content

>> No.2193063

hate to burst everyones bubble but anon is right there's no such thing as "distasteful nudity" people are free to draw whatever they like especially in draw threads the point of these threads are for critique.

I honestly don't see the point of porn threads when they serve the same fucking purpose.

Also why are you guys arguing about the topic and not giving critique? He was asking a for suggestions on how to fix it not on the subject matter.

and lastly whats with all the newfags?
people can post porn wherever they like as long as it's a pink board this isn't a blue board you faggots if you don't want nudity too fucking bad.

>> No.2193065
File: 815 KB, 2560x1440, DSC_0085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somethng that i did out of boredom just now.
>fucking markers man

>> No.2193066


Look how many replies you got, you succeeded in creating a controversial image. That's considered a key to success in this day and age.

Make more weird shit like this and get commissions from fetishists. i think you can make a lot of money from it, especially from moslem cucks, thats a niche market.

>> No.2193068
File: 285 KB, 800x905, dsfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character design practice.

>> No.2193072
File: 60 KB, 1860x2371, thumbs-up-right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice. This actually is Art.

>> No.2193075

>art is objective

>> No.2193078

a quick way is to just work with lighting and rendering but if you want it the easier and lazier way just make a leaf brush on photoshop and set the setting to scattered and put a lot so you draw like 10 in 1 circle. Then you just drag and use the same brush with lighter colors on where the lighting is.

just look for tutorials on leaf brush for photoshop there should be ones but I wouldn't rely on this too much.

>> No.2193091

It's nice, Anon.

>> No.2193095
File: 809 KB, 1028x654, 3e21030dedfce847c213ebbecfb2cd78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've tried that brush thing before on photoshop but didn't like it.

>> No.2193097

Oh, thought that had the grass on it. Ah well. I didn't like how plastic it looked.

>> No.2193099

noice mate

>> No.2193100

this is cute

>> No.2193107
File: 196 KB, 1024x1024, jenh022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good resource for understand how the spine bends in relation to torso/pelvis rotation? I'm just trying to capture this understanding and I can't seem to find anything other than medical book illustrations, and they never show how the spine bends.

>> No.2193110
File: 24 KB, 316x350, 4torso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the closest thing I've found in relation to subject I'm looking for. Still looking into it further.

>> No.2193113
File: 568 KB, 1242x1242, IMG_20150818_164036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git gud or go home

>> No.2193115

go home

>> No.2193226
File: 3.16 MB, 4961x7016, wws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate pls.
enough to get into art school?

>> No.2193230

Extremely good work. Not even kidding. You should apply for that art school right away.

>> No.2193233

Thanks man

>> No.2193239

Jeez I nearly broke my browser opening that. Resize your images.

Anyways, it's got some pretty bad line quality. Why are you doing digital lines? Do this in pencil and it will look better and schools will give it more weight when considering you.

>> No.2193244
File: 926 KB, 789x941, natportlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just completely butchered Natalie Portman.
I know the face shape is completely off among other things. This one took a while, I'm fucking bad with eyes. Got burned out and just finished.

Advice please?

(does this belong in a beginner thread? Didn't see one..)

>> No.2193246

Read the sticky, you rotten asshole

>> No.2193247

I'm just asking for criticism... I'm already following the guide on the sticky..

>> No.2193248

depends on the standards really

just basing it on fundamentals I would say no
if they don't base it on fundamentals then I suggest you ignore my advice.

-line treatment isn't that good but at least it isn't chicken scratch.
-I don't see the construction of forms contours of the figure
- anatomy is wrong
- very unclean and looks rushed
- lighting is wrong
- no gesture or flow

you need to practice more OP
I suggest you go back and reread the sticky

>> No.2193250

I have a shitty drawing tablet and its hard for me to trace the lines.
But serious question, the lines are mostly straight and I do feel comfortable doing them, but what else gives lines greater merit and quality?
Sry bout the img. size though

>> No.2193253
File: 634 KB, 2000x2400, 2015-12-04-estrutural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. And yeah, I keep making huge heads and shrinking them afterwards...

Sounds good, will do for the next batch!
Should I go back to Loomis? I read it 5 years ago as an absolute beginner and didn't have any confidence to do guidelines, I rule-measured and erased a lot, got frustrated and gave up on this shape-building, too advanced for me.
But nowadays I've gained some confidence in my own pencil to push through a challenge and learned to eyeball instead of depending on rulers.

Also this is an older, detailed study.

>> No.2193254

ah, português?

>> No.2193257

I'm not the same guy OP but there's just too many things wrong in that drawing that the sticky will literally be the best answer.

- chicken scratch lines
- you can't make out the forms
- head shape is wrong( forms issue)
- the lighting isn't correct
- the shading isn't correct or it isn't gradual
- the rendering of the hair is wrong
- nose is wrong

I can go on OP but criticsm wouldn't help you right now just keep studying for now focus on basic shapes first and then come back.

>> No.2193258
File: 1.04 MB, 357x330, Giratório.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly.

>> No.2193259
File: 176 KB, 500x649, oldhag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life drawing 1 hour

>> No.2193261

>Not even kidding
Are you blind?
Even in a thumbnail you can clearly see that proportions are off, there are no sense of weight or movement and rendering is done in a very lazy way.
After opening the file you'll see that anatomy is oversimplified (especially of the neck, elbows, shoulders), that author didn't care about drawing face (did you know that some art schools require you to draw a bust as an entrance exam?) and that his line work is simply awful.
There's no chance he'll get into a good school by submitting something as unfinished as this.

Why do you think that his work is "extremely good"?

Find a drawing course that prepare students to get into art schools and try next year.
By the way: there's nothing wrong with going to art school, as long as your parents will pay for it.

>> No.2193262

I'm just joking, you brain dead donkey

>> No.2193263


stop doing portraits and learn to render cubes and spheres

god. i'm only replying becase you spam bad work so often.

>> No.2193264

what's wrong with the lighting?

>> No.2193267

Your mom have skinny legs.

>> No.2193269

>I'm just joking
Stop pretending to be retarded, if you don't want to be treated like one.

>> No.2193270

>you spam bad work so often.

I literally posted 4 different drawings on /ic/ in the last month.

I am on "Keys to drawing". I'm not on perspective yet. I just wanted criticism. Not "it's wrong, read things". I know it's wrong.

>> No.2193272

Not my fault that you're mentally challenged

>> No.2193273

the model was very skinny indeed

>> No.2193276

well the same reason as why the shading isn't correct you didn't shade the thing properly because of lacking fundamentals.

I really can't help much since you're lacking too much on a lot of things as of now you're just drawing symbols

>> No.2193280

That's the only critique you're getting, because you're trash. Now go redeem yourself by reading the fucking sticky.

>> No.2193283


thanks bros :^)

>> No.2193288
File: 368 KB, 487x800, figure-3-1306276904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its was done in under an hour(cca. 45min), and of course I wont submit this piece.
But thanks for the advice's, still hope that Ill get in.

>> No.2193292


>> No.2193302
File: 152 KB, 797x520, z685n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2193306

Most art schools I know are testing only your drawing from life skills: I would suggest doing some plates from Charles Bargue Drawing Course. This course explains (roughly) how to measure angles to make more accurate drawings - I believe it will be very useful for you.

>> No.2193308

thanks for the dirtier fix, can't tell now.

>> No.2193322

i have to fix some other things

>> No.2193336
File: 630 KB, 1000x1000, orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2193401
File: 172 KB, 813x969, heads2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some studies then attempted a freehand face on the bottom. Crits? Preferably on the freehand.

I'll be doing more studies.

>> No.2193403
File: 223 KB, 906x693, studie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and here are the studies I did yesterday

>> No.2193417

Ears next, please.

>> No.2193419

Loomis could be a good refresher, yeah. You might want to look into his work about drawing figures in perspective, if you haven't already.

The study you posted here isn't bad. I actually find it a lot better than the original gestures you posted. If I were to point out one thing, it's that the step where you draw in all of the major bones is a bit superfluous, because you don't actually end up making any changes to the body in the inking step. You kind of force the bones to match what you've already drawn, which defeats the purpose of it.

Anyways, keep up the good work.

>> No.2193441
File: 70 KB, 392x416, heads3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another freehand before I get back into practice


God you're right, ear studies coming up next

>> No.2193447
File: 86 KB, 1263x560, z651l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2193507

You're right, but it's still hard to observe this kind of dysfunctional, and I want it to go already.

It's fucking wretched.

>> No.2193512

It is art.

It's a very crude and poorly designed piece of shit art.

>> No.2193517

Did she have tattoos?

>> No.2193536
File: 253 KB, 1184x793, ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ears, the ones with red dots are freehand

>> No.2193544

I like this

>> No.2193547

you have really good colors and painting skills, I envy you T_T. But I think you need to work on your drawings more

>> No.2193550

please help me with leaves

>> No.2193552
File: 774 KB, 1000x1102, otter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2193553


Thankyou! I'm spending today working on my human anatomy more. If you have an idea on what I should work on next let me know.

>> No.2193557
File: 12 KB, 346x160, ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Now you're doing ears! Thanks.

Even if you don't want to go full detailed, you can simplify the core parts if you understand the form.

This is how I usually do it, find yours.

>> No.2193558
File: 396 KB, 1500x1552, telly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put my heart into this.

>> No.2193559


I remember seeing an anatomy book once where they drew the "Y" (which I just learned is the helix) of the inner ear first, so yeah I think that's a good method.

>> No.2193575
File: 1.71 MB, 4128x2322, 20150820_194238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for crits on this girls face, anything off?

>> No.2193580

you better call for surgery. those eyes look so familiar..

>> No.2193582
File: 153 KB, 450x800, 1440125581030 (450x800).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops here it is flipped and resized

>> No.2193586

you're too knew man, the problem would be that if you get a crit you might not be able to do anything with the knowledge. just draw shapes and try to shade them look for Scot Roberson, its okay to do portraits but they will all look like balls since you still symbol draw, consistency will pay off just keep trucking.

>> No.2193597
File: 1.30 MB, 1073x751, ic picc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope this is not the blind leading the blind but I think your nose and mouth could be shifted to the right a bit.

the changed one is on the left if it's not obvious..

>> No.2193603

Yeah definitely you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.2193617

haha, what could possibly mean

>> No.2193619

she looks more retarded now

>> No.2193621

You are right, but your fix is wrong. The face is asymmetrical on both.

>> No.2193624

are you implying she looked retarded to begin with?

>> No.2193665

Yes, please get some taste/look at real people.

>> No.2193666
File: 199 KB, 717x496, 336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mouth cast shadow is making her look like she had a stroke. It's just so harsh that it looks like her lips sorta, looks odd in any case. I would bring the form shadows around on her face to merge with that cast shadow. Also bring some of the darks into the rest of the shadows, it feels spotty now. And as >>2193597 said the nose is out of perspective (so is the mouth). They moved the entire thing over which looks wrong, the bridge is okay it's the projection out from the face that is wrong.

I did a quick paintover but it's not that good cause I was working such a small resolution. Only noticed now that you actually posted a bigger pic earlier lol, would have made my job easier and it a better paintover, but whatever. Oh also, be careful of having too many hard edges. Soften them slightly, at least in a few places.

>> No.2193745

you already know the face is fucked up, look how much her face goes in after her cheek bone in the photo, now compare to your drawing. look at where her eyes are looking, notice how the back of the neck curves out rather than goes straight down. look at how her mouth is slightly open. redo it and pay attention next time

>> No.2193773

>the ones with red dots are freehand
Did you used ruler of something for the rest?

>> No.2193788

This is good. Can you please explain what you did and how you went from the first version to this one?

>> No.2193810
File: 253 KB, 544x1000, NOWHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still designing this damn dryad character. It looks weird to me, can I get some input?

>> No.2193824


>>2192903 - the reference I used was Franz von Stuck's "Athena" - and I essentially used the hands exactly as they were in the original. Given the difference in materials I'm not sure if I could have conveyed form as accurately as he did, but thank-you for your advice - I'll focus more on that in the subsequent pieces I do.

>> No.2193832
File: 633 KB, 1000x954, BATTLETOADS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going through that 7 book list someone posted, but I like to paint some shit while I'm going through them.

I don't know a lot of Japanese.

>> No.2193841
File: 440 KB, 700x1000, 2015-08-20 (Thu) 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip that will probably stay wip

>> No.2193845
File: 427 KB, 608x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting back into doing gallery studies - this one is of William Beechey's "Portrait of a Lady." any more advice is greatly appreciated, thanks!

>> No.2193846

thank god because its a piece of shit

>> No.2193847


Too bad, looks interesting.

>> No.2193849

Thanks. I had to draw her cause it's my ranger character in a video game. Anytime I play an RPG I fantasize about my character being cool.

It's not that I don't like this drawing, I just don't know if I'll still focus on it later. Thanks again, though.

>> No.2193862

the jelly is strong with this one

>> No.2193867
File: 71 KB, 544x1000, 6134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

values maybe

>> No.2193890
File: 227 KB, 800x800, goblikon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2193891

I don't understand where the light source is coming from.

>> No.2193895

ahh, yeah. I'll work it in. left is mostly a color test. thanks for the reminder man. when you dont for awhile you forget things lol.

>> No.2193896


When I'm referencing I usually rule/compare distances between lines with my eyes. Makes drawing anything 10000% easier.

>> No.2193899

dont draw* fuck im tired

>> No.2193920
File: 182 KB, 800x503, cinematic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still stucked on this, gime me a bump

>> No.2193921
File: 446 KB, 746x900, jente_watercolorsketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5"x8" watercolor and guache painting, with some color correction and effects in photoshop.

>> No.2193922
File: 257 KB, 733x877, beans!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try some beans

>> No.2193940

Please kill yourself

>> No.2193949

Do something else, it's destined to become a learning experience, it's not worth wasting another week on it, practice anatomy and composition as well as perspective and try again.

>> No.2193972
File: 346 KB, 726x677, monki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought an Intuos Pro so I'm using photoshop instead of SAI for the first time in years and dabbling in custom brushes which I never used to do. I used to consider it cheating for some reason but everyone does it so.

Crit/tips on using brushes greatly appreciated.

>> No.2194020

My autism is flaring up.

>> No.2194038
File: 683 KB, 5312x2988, 1440161112350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont want to be that one faggot that posts stupid shit, but what do you guys think? I tend to just doodle shit so its kinda "big" for the time being.

>> No.2194042

Fuck sorry its sideways. On my mobile.

>> No.2194044
File: 828 KB, 559x800, drips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2194047

That's a chimp, not a monkey.

>> No.2194053

Hello fellow autist.

>> No.2194074

oh I like these

>> No.2194076

Thanks mate!

>> No.2194084

What's happening in this scene? What's the narrative? Who's the chick? Where are we? What's that gradient background, is this outdoors? Are those pillows they're sitting on? Why are there pillows outdoors? Why is she sitting awkwardly pulling the pillow upwards? Why is she adjusting her shoe? Why is she angry while adjusting her shoe? Why doesn't the big cat mirror her expression - she dislikes us but the dangerous pet is very content with our presence?

What are we supposed to feel and why?

You have some compositional issues. For starters the girl's head blends in with the background. Squint or zoom out, and you'll find the entire head - arguably your focal point - is lost save for the occlusion shadows in the lower hair.

It doesn't look like you thought this through enough, nor did sufficient planning through thumbnails and exploratory sketches. It feels like you had a vague idea, drew it, then painted it. Very seldom will your first attempt be the best possible - experiment with your narrative and pictorial goals in mind.

>> No.2194107

It's a pity the bathing suit is one large blob of the same colours. Add some volume, small creases etc. to make it look more alive.

>> No.2194151

neither does he

>> No.2194175
File: 126 KB, 800x800, IMG_20150820_191124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh terrible design

>> No.2194195
File: 317 KB, 720x1960, musulmane 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update bitches :D


Holy shit so many anons talking about the dick but not even one crit :/

Thanks you :)

I know, that's why I'm asking for crits.

That will be cool as fuck to get paid by drawing muslim cocks and weird fetishes. And yes, controversy is the key.

That's creepy, I like it

Ikr, it is a pretty shitty drawing and that's why I post it here, but anons keep talking about the cock instead of giving crits.

Again, all critiques are welcome and appreciated thanks.

>> No.2194204

Learn basics first

>> No.2194208
File: 628 KB, 474x877, orange revolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critq please

>> No.2194222

Are you aiming to create a finished piece out of this? Do you really want crit?
Instead of this trivial update you could have addressed the things that anyone could see: the unfinished legs and lack of background or any convincing sense of where she is and what she's doing. The message is not getting through. Think about expressing/telling the narrative, through her gestures, facial expression, somthing. right now it's very dull.

>> No.2194224

I rendered the otters (the most effective thing i did imo) and did some more work on the rocks and the leaves.

>> No.2194242

Way too many folds in the clothing, it looks all wrinkled. The colours are pretty ugly too, really saturated skin, ugly green bg etc. Small hands, short legs, awkward pose. I would take a step back and try to fix these bigger issues before doing rendering. Also think of who this character is, how you want to portray him. He's in a plain suit. Is he military? The boots feel like that. Maybe give him some medals or insignia or something denoting his rank. Maybe have his posture a little more disciplined.

>> No.2194402

I like the way you do leaves though. It's effective and it conveys enough of the pic.

>> No.2194412

Alright, have crit.

As one anon said, it's rather dull. No interaction with the viewer except >>/pol/ purposes

Face: something is off with her left eye, her nose is non-existent.
Hijab: the texture of the fabric is not rendered. It doesn't look like it frames her face or that there is an interplay between the folds you drew and the way it drapes around her head.
Shoulders/body should be 2.5, maximum 3 times the width of the head total. She's too wide.
Her left arm looks like she has a taut biceps but then it disappears behind her back like a stump, with no anatomy or indication of the elbow. Worse on the right even.
You have drawn a standing belly on hips that look like she is sitting.
I don't know where your balls go when you sit, anon, but normally it is not on top of your legs with the cock on top of that even. The cock is drawn wrong. My cock isn't a cone lest time I checked.
And then of course the unfinished legs etc.


>> No.2194427

help me figure it out then. Would be beneficial.

>> No.2194428

you're confusing art with stupid offensive, obvious and vulgar statements via images

>> No.2194466

you should look into peter hans dynamic sketching and bridgman maybe, the thing is to see not in contours but in shapes and forms that are arranged in space, its hard to imagine light hitting something when you actually think of it as a 2D image.

>> No.2194467

wow, you know youre shit. at least that is a step I guess

>> No.2194473

will do. checking out peter hans lessons right now

>> No.2194486
File: 801 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_2207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2194494
File: 370 KB, 548x768, aug21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the image is too poorly presented - you aren't likely to get a decent crit. Put some effort in and try again

this is nice, I love seeing unexpected complementary variations like that. The only thing that strikes me as odd are the two arms you have drawn, they come off as stiff and rigid in comparison to the rest of the flowy composition.

design for what? I'm not really getting the concept of the image - try breaking down your idea to simple visual language rather than ambiguity. I do like some of the subtle textures you have there, though.

I feel like you could benefit from some perspective studies

>> No.2194533

her dick looks like it's in mourning

>> No.2194538


I usually just name my filenames random shit, i'm well aware the difference between apes and monkeys I assure you. I would be autistic about it too

>> No.2194567
File: 111 KB, 950x554, z689b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2194587

I like it

>> No.2194594
File: 1.60 MB, 5000x2488, armywip9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda stuck with doing the distant crowd in a way that doesn't look too over-rendered.

And I have no clue what's going on with the values at the ground in front of the emperor. Please help and crit.

>> No.2194598

thank you!

>> No.2194609

i don't understand why people who can't paint (or draw) always try to do these epic conceptart army scenes.

honestly you should scrap it and work on more basic lighting exercises. and use some references/ go outside...

>> No.2194619

noice. you're way above my level, I can't say something is wrong or not okay with it.

>> No.2194620

I can't scrap this when I've already spent so much time on it. I may be polishing a turd here, but I'd still like to do it as best as I can.

>> No.2194677

Sunken cost fallacy.

Just stop on it for a few months and return to work on it once you have practiced lighting and painting more. By then you'll see lots of things you can fix very easily and it will actually save time and have better results.

>> No.2194751
File: 3.04 MB, 4000x4000, bowiewip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just die in my fucking sleep already. I've wasted so much time on this and it looks like total shit, It's unsalvageable.

>> No.2194758

Oh shutup faggot it looks pretty fucking cool to me

>> No.2194759

Resize your shit, faggot.

>> No.2194764 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 963x1206, Young Garden 02 - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Garden
Acrylic on canvas, 30 x 24 inches
C&C welcome

>> No.2194774

sorry I did in the other wips I forgot this time
it loosk okay to me in full size but in the thumbnail it looks totally fucking retarded, I need to just keep working on the eyes and not get frustrated I think,

>> No.2194777

Is Furiko japanese for Marceline?

I like your palette, but not your anatomy and ambiance, the character doesn't dialogue much with the BG. If you want to keep the anatomy simple, at least work on the silhuette, that square-shaped hand could have some curves above the fingers to suggest a grip.

>> No.2194779

I don't

>> No.2194780

Hey, I watched that Sycra video too

>> No.2194781

i'm sorry

>> No.2194784



>> No.2194788

i'm sorry, i can't do nothing else

>> No.2194791
File: 152 KB, 595x447, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2194794
File: 42 KB, 422x700, girlys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2194799

the anime chin/jaw looks out of place with that rendering style, but that's just like, my opinion.

>> No.2194801


>> No.2194802

>anime chin

Shut the fuck up

>> No.2194809
File: 1.02 MB, 1500x1500, bowiewip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's liberating when you fuck up a painting so bad that you can just go wild with warping and messy overpainting and shitty effects guilt-free. This turned out pretty neat.

>> No.2194814
File: 17 KB, 490x349, plastic-surgery-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not denying a girl unless she has a qt3.14 Korean plastic surgery chin

>> No.2194818

i was, and alot of others were putting single tone block colours into sketches before that video. i have watched it, but i have shit like this dated well back on DA to support what im saying now.

>> No.2194837
File: 171 KB, 899x521, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2194841

nice job with the scale aided lighting.

>> No.2194846

made some slight changes, I'm actually going to go with this as my final style, I kind of dig it actually. I'm going to work on the background tomorrow, I might go for kind of a collage look as though this portrait was cut out of some magazine and added to a collage.

>> No.2194849
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1500, bowiewip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2194888

Do you get offended when something is rightly called anime?

>> No.2194893

Yes. Fuck off. Not everything is a fucking anime.

>> No.2194906

its also the most generic bowie pic u could pick from

>> No.2194915
File: 71 KB, 452x517, what have i done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking shoot me

>> No.2194922

mate this is great,finish it and dont be a faglord

>> No.2194936
File: 1.62 MB, 1243x844, Monkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a political cartoon, which I don't usually do. Political opinions aside, I just want some critique on it on an artistic level. What can I do better next time? This is my first one.

>> No.2194955
File: 312 KB, 720x1960, musulmane 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you very much that was exactly what I was asking. I'll correct all the defects and post it soon.

Thanks again anons ^^

>> No.2194956
File: 968 KB, 794x1000, august-21-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i painted some lilies

>> No.2194961

I actually really like that
only if the background was less busy and more painted to the actual surroundings

unless you painted those in a snowstorm, but those dont come too often in august.
do you live in Antarctica by any chance?

>> No.2194966 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 960x1200, Young Garden 03 - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the comment!

How about now? Is this better?

>> No.2194970
File: 710 KB, 800x550, mehhhhhsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did another random page from the blackbook.

>> No.2194973

ABD by van gogh

>> No.2194992
File: 2.27 MB, 2550x3300, manster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made sketch, rendered in greyscale, hardlight layer with a bit of rendering on top. I don't really know. What could I do better?

>> No.2194993

So you're agreeing me that >>2194794 is an anime-esque image? Because it is.

>> No.2194995

try making something with a message that doesn't use words. or if you're going to use words make sure the image makes sense without them first.

if you got rid of the words your image wouldn't have a punchline. it doesn't have one with them but that's not the point. try to make sure the joke comes before you're agenda.

>> No.2194996
File: 716 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_1792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy fam, fuck my shit up, fam

naw but for real how can I improve my drawing without a reference? I feel like I am mostly off of symbol drawing, and I want to keep the same kind of cartoonish style but I also dont want my art to look like dawg-shit, knowwhatimsaying?

>> No.2194997
File: 735 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_1791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw the eyes first and space the rest of the face around them

... or not, I still suck at drawing

>> No.2194999

draw the whole shape of the head first...

>> No.2195003
File: 6 KB, 168x196, 1409977019164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can I improve my drawing without a reference

>> No.2195005
File: 423 KB, 1200x1600, kalypso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bust of Kalypso

>> No.2195007
File: 462 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_1788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my nigger language I meant how do I take a mental concept for a character and vomit them into creation upon my paper without needing to look up a similar character and steal their design, all the while trying to make it not look like a pile of shit.

>> No.2195014
File: 40 KB, 393x379, noumena post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


chill outttttttttttttttttttt

>> No.2195015
File: 492 KB, 1440x900, background.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruv I was just rephrasing what I meant, no salt here.

also what the fuck i got candy as my capcha too?!

>> No.2195019
File: 251 KB, 710x414, adadad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im saying the solution to your problem is that its impossible not to steal

in order to critique your design i would have to redraw your mage witch

would you like a critique?

>> No.2195036

>arms you have drawn, they come off as stiff and rigid
point taken, thanks.

>> No.2195038

go for it fam, make improvements if you want even.
ily fam

>> No.2195071
File: 991 KB, 6528x4896, hjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for starters

>> No.2195076
File: 1.01 MB, 6528x4896, hjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This step requires suffering because im asking you to turn off your style for a while

style is infinitely more fun than volume drawing

>> No.2195084
File: 1006 KB, 1200x1600, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


outlining in white with a midtone is the easiest way to train your eyes to see a midtone as natural and volume as natural

>> No.2195092

>what could be better
the filesize?
Anyhow, I can't even get part of it on my screen, but something about the back of the neck seems off to me. But I can't say more than "off" unfortunately.

>> No.2195093

top kek, it's already 6:1, you can't use head canon with the hat and blank spaces, that's the cheapest critic I've seen so far on this board haha

>> No.2195094
File: 147 KB, 1200x3200, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and lastly, i think youre doing everything right design wise
git gud~

>> No.2195108


>> No.2195118

You made her into a fat midget, gj man. Aside from that it's so full of shit I don't know what to tell you other than please don't ever give advice again.

>> No.2195121
File: 24 KB, 667x594, fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overblown but hopefully it shows that you could take the lighting a bit further

>> No.2195125

whats the video?

>> No.2195134
File: 540 KB, 456x800, pagesketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he goes on to say "block in your base colour ect"
good advice, but almost everyone that has been drawing for more than a year does that regardless.
also he goes on to recommend restricting your pallet.


>> No.2195137
File: 113 KB, 684x684, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2195141

Yeah i know right. I even did it myself in one of my updates, i really regret choosing a really overused picture. Also the lighting in the reference was criminal.

>> No.2195144
File: 208 KB, 1086x722, ss+(2015-08-21+at+09.08.47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally drew legs that kind of look like legs! I live for small artistic accomplishments.

>> No.2195147

Sehr gutt mein herr.

Saved because I struggle with this too and seeing the construction on yours helps.

>> No.2195179

Draw bigger, sticky, beginner thread.

>> No.2195192
File: 112 KB, 626x626, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2195193

Neck is too long
Fabric does not fold and bend right, it can't be straight down until it meets the neck.

>> No.2195199

beginers thread.
god bless you.

>> No.2195206
File: 880 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-08-22-13-59-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started a new project last night any critique welcome.

>> No.2195207

do you use loomis exclusively for your heads? For me it does not really work that well, most of the time I dont know how to imagine the lines bending around it or if they should bend at all, so I use a ball and the square bridgman style.

>> No.2195209

I like the style but the neck is wrong. It doesn't taper out like that.

>> No.2195211

you are putting too much time into needless rendering and not enough time into understanding fundamentals. You are symbol drawing.

>> No.2195212

The hair looks awesome though. But yeah, some fundamentals for the face would be nice.

>> No.2195217
File: 19 KB, 1026x538, z690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2195219
File: 51 KB, 396x518, d3d637e315a4fba1eb9eec9c5a22a34e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks guys, I can agree on that the face is a little off. Is there anything particular that you could see me improving on?

>> No.2195220 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 1010489_1502607890023267_2799514896556733746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back/collarbone I did in art school?

>> No.2195221

you have at least 2 different angles in the thing, the hair looks like it is a wig that is glued onto her and the hair has no weight, her eyes are shit, you copied from a photo, you dont understand light and form, you dont understand angles and you dont understand how hair falls. if you want to be a photocopier at least do it right and not like this.

The forehead would imply that she looks downand her head is angled towards the ground because it is so long, the hair on the other hand flows back as if it was a hard mass already placed in a different enviroment or or glued on top of her cranium, one eye is too long even and the yes dont look like that, the angle of the eyes would imply a downwards motion of the head too the nose on the other hand shows from the front negating the perspective or tilt of her head.
the lips are frontal too, or else you wouldnt see the mouths opening frontal, the jaw line is waay too long the ears are typical for somneone who does nto know anything about anatomy or basically drawing at all. The mouth is off center too, the chin is too long compared to her face and does not work at all with tthe angle of the jaw, the neck does not go into a pyramid shape. The only thing this "project" proves is that you have a tumblr

>> No.2195222 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 720x960, 10003107_1508429712774418_6621718205057356547_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my first time posting o I might as well get the trial by fire soooo collar bone ^ also mine
#2 muscular system

>> No.2195223 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 960x699, 10686898_1502607916689931_5711793940137395878_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/4 Northern Shrike (lol yeah I watch Hannibal)

>> No.2195224

magnificent, truly a masterpiece

>> No.2195225 [DELETED] 
File: 448 KB, 1632x1224, 10900089_1532513910365998_151459873817254784_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/4 my friends selfie that I drew

>> No.2195226

AYYYYY, what the fuck is that?

back to the beginner thread

>> No.2195229 [DELETED] 

Thank ya :D
You wanna actually make an educated critique or...?

>> No.2195232

thanks very appreciated. I'll take all those nice words to consideration for my next pr-p...drawing.

>> No.2195233

critique is wasted on you because youre too deluded to even realize how bad you are. If I would draw like that I'd never even so much as dare as uploading it here. you cannot draw a circle freehand, let alone copy from a photo. go ahead, try drawing 5 circles freehand and upload them, but no chickenscratch please.

>> No.2195234

you can be as salty as you want and ignore it but the only one its harming is yourself. You are shit, and the earlier you realize that the better

>> No.2195235
File: 136 KB, 680x534, 1436641559497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god youre so rattled xD this is literally the first time/last time im ever going to be on this board. Just as suspected its run by pretentious fucks who think they can "win" art. have fun being mad the rest of your life.

>> No.2195239

not salty m8 just feeling the words
I know I am far away from mastering anything that some of you guys happen to be experts at. I feel you were the one getting triggered by the p word.

>> No.2195241

Really like this one, no unnecessary strokes, even though it looks messy. Good feel of movement also. Dapestry also lovely.

>> No.2195242

I'm the guy who posted the original. Jesus Christ that looks better. I guess I'll be upping the contrast. Thanks anon

>> No.2195243

Just don't be a faggot anon. Your stuff is beginner level. Revise the basics of anatomy, post on the beginner thread, learn to deal with dicks. I mean, these other anon is a dick, but he is still right.

>> No.2195245

See, there's an actual critique I can actually get behind.


>> No.2195250

he might be beginer, but you're an asshole

>> No.2195258

both seem like assholes tbh, i mean look at this strawman, embarrassing >>2195245

>> No.2195262
File: 2.59 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20150822_153701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find the alternative thread, so I thought I'd ask here, sorry.

I feel I should foreshorten the hand some more, feels a bit small... thoughts?

Also, picture inspired by the lyrics and visuals of that MGMT song, Electric Feel.

>> No.2195263

My phone is retarded when it comes to rotating, sorry.

>> No.2195282

i've been checking out your tumblr for a few weeks now

good stuff, i really admire the way you can grind out so many drawings on a page. you'll improve quickly.

>> No.2195322
File: 2.82 MB, 2336x4160, IMG_20150822_180341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, finished the lineart, so its too late to fix anything till the traceover, but critiaue is still welcomed for future pieces.

That goopy shit is gonna have a kaleidescope effect, so chances are I won't be painting this till I get my comp back.

>> No.2195354
File: 341 KB, 1055x805, iuiuouo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dudes, I was wondering what you guys think of this style? I've been trying to step out of my comfort zone with these; even with cartoons I usually do semi-realistic.

>> No.2195361

honestly i think its fukken great man. Would be great when applied to animation or comics.

Some people might shit on it for being a bit too tumblr but you have to consider where you are.

>> No.2195362

>Too tumblr.

What does that even mean? I mean, aside from the trademark tumblr noses.

>> No.2195367

dontcha know anon, anything thats non 100% loomis inspired realism or anime wankery is "tumblr shit"

>> No.2195369

looks like everything that comes out of calarts.

i had a friend in school who made this. exact. shit. but better

>> No.2195370

I like the colorful noodle guys! Not such a big fan of the more detailed caricatures though, but that's probably just personal taste.

>> No.2195378

Ahh, alright.

Mind critiquing my anime wankery btw? I always seem to go ignored on /ic/. I guess it's cause I'm not good enough to draw attention, but not shit enough to get my shit fucked up.

I noticed a few minor mistakes myself already that I'll have to fix once I takevit o digital, and I felt her face was too simplistic, so I added some minor details and hatching to add a bit of volume to it. But that aside?

>> No.2195379
File: 134 KB, 739x739, IMG_20150822_183028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit pls no bully. Bad anatomy and hiding hands is main weakness I know

>> No.2195381
File: 147 KB, 795x795, IMG_20150822_172401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2195383
File: 496 KB, 1402x1402, IMG_20150801_201247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2195385

Thank you! :)

>> No.2195387

Bad anatomy isn't such a big deal if you work it into a style. So long as you can do construction.

I like this one the best btw, especially since it was inked.

>> No.2195405

>Bad anatomy isn't such a big deal if you work it into a style
God, please shut the fuck up and stop giving advice. You're going to actively harm this dude's development.

>> No.2195406

It happens, I get ignored all the time.

You would have better luck over at the stylization thread >>2186863

>> No.2195426

Ahh sweet thanks!!

I was looking for thst in the catalog jut couldn't find it.

>> No.2195427

Thanks but it was just biro and
Is right in a way, theres no real excuse for bad anatomy. Unless it actually does go with a "style" but in the interests of learning its good to try and reach on point levels of anatomy

>> No.2195428


i'm convinced this thread is filled with same-faggotry of epic proportions.

That muslim trans pic is 50% samefag. This is why we need IDs on this board.

>> No.2195430

Bro, I've seen people with terrible skill get decent jobs because they have a unique style, and two, they're willing to put themselves out there.

As an artist, you should always seek to improve, but the best way to improve is to DO IT. Just draw. The more you draw the better you get. Sometimes you're better off making complete pieces that grinding out tons of exercises, main reason being is cause preparation can only get you so far, and the only way to fix probles, is to encounter them, and work on fixing them.

Too many people get stuck in grinding out exercise after exercise, and drilling Loomis into their head again and again instead of putting out presentable work, and aside from the fact that this creates a self made barrier from which you never step out of, also, disregarding petsonal style, or foregoing it, makes everyone's work look terrible homogenized. Critically great, very skilled, but with a lack of personal flavor. Oftentimes, clients will hire you based on your style. They'll look at your portfolio, and see if the type of work you do appeals to them. They're not gonna be looking at your 1000s of sheets of Loomis and anatomy drills.

>> No.2195432
File: 107 KB, 950x554, z689q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2195439
File: 41 KB, 561x960, attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this is my best, but it's the first thing I've drawn in months, how bad did I mess up?

>> No.2195468
File: 114 KB, 800x362, BIGreilly-method-heads021213.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for such kind words~

I use the Loomis method for the structure, but only after I get the general shape down in a gesture first. Loomis doesn't explain the planes of the head very well imo, so it's good to supplement with other books. Bridgman and Hampton are both good in my experience.
It may also be worthwhile to look up some material on the Reilly head abstractions (I used the anatomy ImagineFX from the book thread)
They're very useful for finding feature and plane change placements.

>> No.2195470
File: 264 KB, 740x570, People_Eater2 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People Eater / mobile oil refinery vehicle from Mad Max Fury Road. Japanese ink & mechanical pencil.

>> No.2195474


best in the thread imo. but i agree with anon, the suit as such an important shape not having any kind of form hurts the whole piece.

>> No.2195499

youre literally so bad. and you try to give help

>> No.2195616

i like your stuff, you mentioned a tumblr, can I have it?

>> No.2195640

holy fuck the salt
agreeing a little with what ^ said but you have the crosshatching shading on the face with basic geometric contrast and that goes into the hair. Its like 3 generic stylizations that would work separately but together seems a little convoluted and you're necessarily sure of what you're doing, it makes the crosshatching look like not enough paint between the lines on a canvas

>> No.2195645
File: 752 KB, 1536x1536, IMG_20150822_210559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh tennis comics

>> No.2195660
File: 456 KB, 796x720, kanna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP commission for a buddy of mine. what do you think, /ic/? feedback welcome.

>> No.2195670

IMO the face looked a lot better in the 3rd and 4th frames.

>> No.2195676

now that i look at it, you're right. thank god for layers, lemme fix it.

>> No.2195692
File: 255 KB, 1000x1000, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lil more

>> No.2195695

Is she suppsoed to be pregnant or something? Also the drawing is pretty off, I would get some ref and fix it.

>> No.2195696 [DELETED] 
File: 364 KB, 855x1200, Project 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /ic/. I'm relatively new to any sort of drawing. I've been sketching for a few months, but this was my first foray into adding color to one. And so far, I've been flying by the seat of my pants.

At this point, I really need someone with more experience then me to help tell me what I did right, what I did wrong, what I need to improve on, just some good ol' constructive criticism, really. Because as we all know all know, practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice make perfect.

Thank you in advance to anybody who is willing to help.

>> No.2195703

attempting such an extreme perspective shows ambition, which is good. that said, everything else is terrible and you really shouldn't be trying pieces like this when you haven't trained yourself enough to immediately spot the glaringly obvious, like how her eyes are two different sizes.

back to fundamentals with ye.

>> No.2195718

Thank you!

>> No.2195723
File: 364 KB, 855x1200, fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /ic/. I'm relatively new to any sort of drawing. I've been sketching for a few months, but this was my first foray into adding color to one. And so far, I've been flying by the seat of my pants.

At this point, I really need someone with more experience then me to help tell me what I did right, what I did wrong, what I need to improve on, just some good ol' constructive criticism, really. Because as we all know all know, practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice make perfect.

Thank you in advance to anybody who is willing to help.

I did actually know about the eyes being different sized, but at the time, I wasn't very familiar with the program I'm useing(that was done about 2 weeks ago) so I decided to leave it as is until I could come back to it, and as it seems I forgot about it. Here is a fixed version of it.

Also, as I said, I have no idea what I'm doing, so "everything else is terrible", although it is a criticism, it isn't constructive criticism, and is of no help to me.

Again, thank you for your time

>> No.2195755




If you dont care enough to read the sticky, you don't care enough to improve.

>> No.2195768

how is it off

>> No.2195774

To be honest, I'm not looking for "professional opinion(s)." I simply wanted to see maybe what I should do to improve on my doodles. I haven't been able to draw very much at all.
Pardon if I'm being stupid in what I was saying.

>> No.2195775
File: 171 KB, 561x960, 1440269401030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep doing it m8, you can make it. Just don't give up.

>> No.2195776

I will come back with something I was making for a friend.

>> No.2195784

As I said earlier, I don't have much drawn art experience, so reading a page of general tutorials won't help if I'm reading up on the wrong subject. I was looking for some direction to help focus my practice, like "do I need to work on color", "do I need to work on shading", "what should I have show/not shown that I did or didn't draw from this perspective", "is there something I'm just completely not understanding that I should". Those are the questions I came here to get answered

If you don't want to help, if nobody wants to help, that fine, I can understand that. If that''s the case, just don't bother posting in the first place.

>> No.2195831

not him, but arms seem fucked

>> No.2195832


You need improve line shape and form foremost.

-Loomis: Figure drawing for all its worth
-Hampton: Figure Drawing: Design and Invention
-Norling: Perspective Made Easy

read those book.

You need skills in all of the fundamentals. Start line and gesture, then form and perspective, then rendering and color theory. You don't need them in that order, but you do need all of them.

Trawling /ic/ for redlines will teach you nothing.

If you really want to draw for yourself, check these resources, read the sticky, and hang around the beginner thread.

>> No.2195833

elbow down yeah but elbow up they are fine imo

>> No.2195837
File: 304 KB, 1755x1400, 1440286896336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the guy who gave you feedback from before, but it truly looks off man. being unfamiliar with the hardware or software you use is irrelevant at this point. also, seeing as you asked to be spoonfed, lemme give you some clues.
1. stage left shoulder misaligned with arm
2. legs too large for the perspective aimed
3. pillow "puff" not well-defined
4. stage right hand shouldn't be there if upper arms can't be seen from this perspective.
5. proportions are a little wonky, look up references for this particular pose and perspective.

in short: back to the fundamentals. as much as you hate to admit it, you're still far below.

now i took the time to show you a what i meant in pic related, so if you reply with "this won't help" or "not the answer i'm looking for" like all your replies to other guys, then this isn't the place for you. all those people gave you the answer but you're just too lazy to put some effort into looking it up.

it's like somebody posts a pic and you asked for the source, then they answered "google image search, anon." and you said "that's not the right answer".

well, it is.

>> No.2195841
File: 277 KB, 540x727, 540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a sidenote: here's a reference for the kind of perspective you're looking for. before you ask to be spoonfed again, the artist is as109 on pixiv.

look it up on fucking google you lazy turd.

>> No.2195844

Uugh, I don't mean to sound like the elitist everyone thinks /ic is full of, but please take a look at your redline before you post it.
Just because you're better in your mind than someone else doesn't give you the right to rag on them. The intention may have been good, but you both suffer from the same chronic beginner issues and giving incorrect or bad advise can very much be toxic.
Please take a look at your redline before you post it, you have failed to address the key issues and should leave the critiquing to someone more capable of helping out.

As for >>2195723
your forms look incredibly 2 dimensional and your drawing is full of symbols. If I walked into this picture and looked at her from any other angle, would she pop out in 3d? Your biggest problem right now is a lack of understanding for forms. Understand how the basic forms work in space, learn how to control the illusion of 3d space in a 2d environment. Your leg and arm and head look like stickers pasted onto a piece of paper, their forms are bad and the whole thing lacks depth. Even before you go into anatomy, grind out basic cubes, cylinders, circles, etc. because everything you draw should be derived from it.

When anons tell you to read the sticky, read it. It lets you diagnose where you are and what you have to do to improve. Be honest with yourself on where you are, if you lie to yourself then no one can help you.

>> No.2195896


>> No.2195913
File: 85 KB, 794x600, 564562154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys, this is exactly what I was looking for, an impartial eye, of someone who knows what they're talking about, to push me in the right direction.

>> No.2195927

Ah, well what I mainly did was do an outline from the pic. Then I outline the brighter leaves. Do a base color, darken the dark areas and lighten the light areas. I also put the lines and leaves together because I dont like the outline look that much on plants when i draw them so I color them up.

>> No.2195976


>> No.2196819
File: 936 KB, 710x890, abdb4c022c9c64d419c7cf0c878b9e1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so bad at art.
I quit on this earlier today.

>> No.2198021

Look up tutorials on construction.
If you have already, practice construction more.

>> No.2198314
File: 426 KB, 1600x1600, practice2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practice that went on far too long

I really want to get better at faces but... I feel like I'm just up against a wall I'm not improving very much at