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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2192507 No.2192507 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to "git gud" while having a 40h/week job?

>> No.2192510

Yeah, there are lots of hours in each day and you still have weekends. You may need to sacrifice some social outings or other activities in your spare time to do art instead. You also may take a bit longer than if you were NEET, but there's nothing stopping you from doing it.

>> No.2192519

>You also may take a bit longer than if you were NEET
that's not necessary true, I'm thinking about taking a part time job to be more focused on the time invested studying and to avoid getting burnouts

>> No.2192524


>> No.2192532

Part time job is very different than 40 hours a week. But yeah, I think part time is a good option, it keeps you from burning through savings like a NEET, and it helps you with discipline/time management.

>> No.2192559

I do and I did. I kick ass. No need to ask me to post my art.

>> No.2192562

I don't work 40 hours a week but I am enrolled (art) school and have a kid.
you can do it dude.
If you work 8 hours a day that leaves you 8 hours to sleep, like 3 hours for eating, meal prep and chores, plus hygine (I think that'd be enough) so that leaves you with 5 hours of free time a day. That's about what I have and its doable. You just have to be focused on drawing- keep it in your head all day, even if you're not doing it.

>> No.2192635

I have a full time job and I have no problem practicing to improve, at all.

This is what my daily schedule sorta looks like:
- Go to the train.
- Do some life drawing on the train.
- Go to work.
- Doodle at work or listen to some online instruction.
- Sometimes I might draw during lunch (depends if I have a pressing deadline).
- Go back to work.
- Do more drawing on the train.
- Go home
- Eat dinner, take about a hour to relax
- Then draw until late into the night.

During the year I also take classes and I started teaching one last week. Sometimes I have to take off from work to hit my deadlines, but so far so good.

I do agree with >>2192510 though. You have to sacrifice a LOT of social activities. Unfortunately, I lost about 3 friends along the way, but I feel that I've been moving a lot further along with my art than before and I'm actually getting work and offers so, imo, it's been worth it.

>> No.2192642

>worth it to lose 3 friends just to be good at drawing
Dude you need to go watch a Disney movie or something, that's so fucked up.

>> No.2192647

I have 3 friends total.

>> No.2192657
File: 66 KB, 900x900, based-proko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need friends anyway,
just you, your art and your loyal followers

>> No.2192670

It will take longer, but yes.

Friendship is vastly overrated.

>> No.2192700
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>Friendship is vastly overrated

>> No.2192702

Depends on what your job is. I have a 2.5 hours commute and the train is shakey so not always able to draw.
Also, mine is pretty physical so most weekdays I'm exhausted and I don't do much in the evening except watch videos and doodle.

Also, those people that do the calculus annoy me.
1 hour to get ready before work
1.15h commute
4h work
1h lunch break with collegues
4h work
1h to make evening meal and eat it.
That's 13.5 gone. Add 8 to sleep = 21.5 hours. Leaves you 2.5 hours in which you're able to do things you like. And then your mother calls. Or your kid gets sick.

It slows you down, sure, but it's still not impossible. I'm seeing progress. I might not git gud that fast but I'll get there eventually.

>> No.2192705

>answering your phone
>having children

>cooks an hour long meal every day
>not just making a big meal then saving it in the fridge

>spending the hour talking with co workers and not getting good

You're not going to make it, even if you do you'll be 80 by the time you can make something decent.

>> No.2192707
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>> No.2192709

Super commuters unite! I clock in a 4-5 hr daily commute + 8hrs at work. I would never say I got gud, but the joy is in the journey.

here is some pasta that I usually post - Polyphasic sleep schedule

>Wake up - go to bus stop

>get on bus - check 4chan to see if people responded to my drawing bait
> bus nap 1.5hrs

> start work, check 4chan
>avoid work, check 4chan, lunch, write 2 lines of code
>meetings - check 4chan, wish I was drawing, consider quitting

>get on bus - check 4chan
>1.5hr nap

>cook dinner, tend to hygiene
>watch movie, check 4chan
>study pix, plan tonight's draw session

>Start drawing - self crit last nights work
>practice faces, gestures, materials, and whatever sucked from last night
>pick something to ink and color

>document tonight's draw session - post on 4chan
>Sleep 3-4hrs

Replaced my 23:00-27:00 activities with drawing for the past 2yrs. I used to stay up till 29:00, but I heard some anon got epilepsy from sleep deprivation so I dialed it back to 27:00. Otherwise same schedule for over 5 yrs

>> No.2192713
File: 2.91 MB, 391x220, getting past the invisible wall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up friends and alot of vidya time to get good at drawing.

It's just decisions everyone has to make based on their goals and responsibilities. Hell, if you have kids, you can't do shit unless you have a ton of cash for a babysitter.

>> No.2192741

I just started a construction gig and work evenings at a restaurant. I'm so depressed that I can't pick up a brush to make shitty art because I'm a noodle. Fuck you student loans.

Although, all the free plywood and exterior/interior paint I can shake a stick at. So murals, murals everywhere.

>> No.2192751

neets are incredibly lazy

>> No.2192754

Since this is a schedule thread now, here is my amazing schedule

>Wake up
>Check 4chan

>Art study



>Check 4chan
>Maybe work on a rendered piece
>Check 4chan


>> No.2192762

I think I might just give up drawing. I haven't the slightest clue of what the fuck I'm doing and please for the love of god don't tell to read the sticky because I've done that like 30 times.

>> No.2192767

Read the sticky and don't give up.

>> No.2192771

I can guarantee you haven't been drawing nearly enough for nearly as long. Learn drawing accuracy and observational skills, learn to draw basic forms and how to contort and distort them, learn how to depict them in proper perspective and just keep fucking drawing.

>> No.2192772

>find something to draw
>draw it
>look at how you fucked up
>google "how to not fuck up what i fucked up"
>fix what you fucked up
Fuck Loomis. Fuck the sticky.

>> No.2192781

Did you even finish Fun With a Pencil

>> No.2192808

27:00? Do you mean 3 am?

>> No.2192827

Post no art fgt


>> No.2192871

I would like to see your progress, because I have seen too much deluded retards who think theyre good in my life, to trust a stranger with this kind of thing

>> No.2192873

>4hours and 30 minutes sleep if you fall aspleep in just a minute
Yeah, sure, try doing that for a year and youre a fucking zombie. Everyone who says working a 40 hour job and getting gud at anything really, especially drawing/painting is fucking deluded and I dont buy that

>> No.2192883

How do people get goddamn money then?

>> No.2192887

Most people who are sane commute for less than an hour and most anons live alone, smoke weed and play vidya, and have all kinds of free time just waiting to happen. It's rarely the 40 hour job that's the problem, it's all the stupid decisions and poor lifestyle choices that have to be overcome.

>> No.2192893

Just go homeless for a year or 2 on purpose. There, unlimited time. Want to get out of homelessness? You know
what to do.

>> No.2192926

Op only have to travel like 10 minutes so I got that going. It is a store job in an accessory store.

>> No.2192939

Giv monies to better artists to mentor you and tell you what to do. it's still the cheapest and best method.

>> No.2192952

Yea 3am same day - the format is from Chinese cartoon schedules

I usually fall asleep in under 5 minutes. Also, check your maths 1.5+1.5+[3, 4] = [6, 7] hours total. I'm not a zombie, but I'm not normal either. Pretty sure nobody on 4chan is normal...

>> No.2192962

Yes. As long as you have the motivation, you can have any kind of bizarre schedule and be able to git gud. I have a few of my co-workers (all of us are working 40h/week) to join in on drawing with me as well so we could motivate each other. They don't have to be as serious as you obviously, but it's nice to have something to talk to your co-workers about besides well, work.

>> No.2192969
File: 87 KB, 684x576, Qdan2js.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think it's possible.

My commute is 2 hrs total. The morning is getting ready, breakfast and feeling terrible. Come home at 7pm fucking exhausted, mainly because I'm introverted and speaking/communicating without going full spaghetti is mentally and physically draining.

I have 3 hours tops before my mind recoils and have heart palpitations from all the caffeine and crippling anxiety/depression after I see all I could do was scribble some random shit in my free-time.

The only reason I can post this is because I took a week off. This job is killing me but i'm on the breadline, need to pay the rent somehow. And i've been lazing around watching netflix all week, eating fast food. Felt damn good but i'm going to regret it.

Once you're a wage-slave it's very hard to get out. My advice for any kiddos out there with all the free time in the world attending college/out of work. dont fuck it up or you'll end up a wage-slave like me.

>> No.2192983

Have you considered switching fucking jobs you miserable submissive piece of shit?

>> No.2193003

>switching fucking jobs
>it's so easy!
NEET pls.

>> No.2193011

Who says getting gud is the goal? I think in terms of getting better. That's always possible no matter how much time you put into it.

>> No.2193022

Not that other anon, but jobs are kinda scarce these days so switching jobs often means relocating or enduring an even longer commute.

>> No.2193029

Yes. Consider than most NEET people blow through some 40 hours a week playing video games and watching shows and jerking off. The vast majority of people learning art, that aren't going to school for it, are not spending 8 hours a day drawing anyways.

But consider that on an 8 hour sleep schedule you still have 4-8 hours a day [depending how disciplined/motivated you are] to draw/learn during the work week. Then your entire weekends.

The only limitation is how much time you're willing to spend. Working 40 hours a week is not an excuse not to get gud. The responsibility is entirely on you. You could learn/practice in ALL your free time [during breaks at work, while on transit or at red lights, and every free moment and home] and be putting more hours into developing yourself than a lot of NEET people. So it's all up to you. How much do you want it.

>> No.2193059


did he die?

>> No.2193062


Exactly! These lazy bums. Just quit and go to a new job.

It's fucking easy. I quit 3 jobs in the last 2 months and just get a new one. Who needs so much money anyway I work like 16 hours to keep myself occupied and spend the allowance I get from my parents. Why dont you all just ask your parents for money thats what they are there for.

>> No.2193083

Reading the sticky means reading all the books and shit in it
It should take you over a year to fully read through the sticky and over 5-10 years to fully understand it all?
You've done it 3 times and you still don't know what you're doing
Sticky hasn't even been on /ic/ for 10 years c'mon man

>> No.2193087

>If you work 8 hours a day that leaves you 8 hours to sleep (etc...)
I wish, there the time to go to work, to come back, over time and additional works from home sometimes. Good thing there are week ends.

>> No.2193102
File: 511 KB, 1400x700, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really love it if you could tell me if I'm deluded or not actually. Its one of my biggest fears so I'd honestly be glad to show you my progress.
Its hard to show you the difference because I didn't make a lot of finished works in the beginning and going digital has made a good difference in the quality of my current work.
One of the biggest changes I notice though is the amount of time it takes me to complete something (or just completing something at all-because before I didn't because it wasn't worth it) and also the amount of reference I need. I remember before it took me 3-4 hours to draw a picture of Harley quinn kind of plainly walking forward.

>> No.2193108

Also I should mention that after the Spring of 2013 (in which I took Intro to Drawing and Color Theory) I decided to become an art major so I had more time and feedback. However, I had to take mostly bullshit classes. (well, woodshop and sculpture and stuff) The o nly drawing class since 2013 was Figure Drawing and Painting. I'm only now starting Advanced Drawing this fall.

>> No.2193127

I don't want to start my own thread.

I haven't drawn anything seriously in about 18 months, maybe a couple of years. Other that the occasional posemaniacs, but it's very rare. I know you would understand, when I look at someone's face, no longer see how to draw it. Should I be worried? How do I get back on track? How do I make myself feel the need or urge to start drawing when I see a beautiful face or a complex structure?

>> No.2193144

bretty good

>> No.2193162

To be honest it's not great improvement for the time it took. There is improvement but you could have done so much more.

Do more studies and draw more.

>> No.2193210

solutions simple:

just draw and don't worry

>> No.2193216

As long as its boring, you propably come up with shitton of ideas, which you can later use to skip the thinking process and start drawing/painting right away

>> No.2193223


i can tell you don't draw. doesn't work like that. ideas come DURING drawing as you experiment and get in the motion of things.

>> No.2193446

It's ok to be able to do something by the time you are older. At the atelier that I take classes at there are lost of elderly people doing art there and selling it.

>> No.2193525
File: 1.73 MB, 1006x4018, Sleepless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you relocate part of your workload to the weekend? For instance, working 7 hours a day and 5 on Saturdays?
This might reduce your tiredness over the week, so you can spend more time drawing every day.

Can you skip your 1 hour lunch and take off one hour earlier instead?
If you have a big meal before leaving to work, you won't have to eat so soon. Take some snacks with you just in case, but that is not going to kill you. Unless you're fat.

Can you take a shift where the commute is shorter? Or do any of the above already affect your commute, making it shorter due skipping rush hour or something?
Also learn to make at least a daily siesta in order to reduce your sleeping needs.

Let's suppose you chose the no-lunch suggestion above and suppose your commute takes 2 hours, daily. Let's call getting on the bus/train/car by the morning the [Hour 0]. So you will arrive home by [Hour 10].

Suggestion: Go to bed as soon as you get home. Sleep for 6 hours. When you wake up, it's [Hour 16], you still have 8 hours before taking the bus/car/train.
Use about 7 hours to do whatever you need, including drawing. Now it's [Hour 23].
Sleep for another 20~30 minutes. Wake up at [Hour 23:30], prepare yourself and go to your commute.

Let's suppose you use 5 out of 7 hours from this free time, daily. There are about 251 work days a year, plus 114 non-work days. Let's then suppose you use 8 hours from the non-work days to draw. This way, one year may grant you about 2167 hours of drawing.
You remember that 10.000 hours rule for getting good? You can achieve this in LESS THAN 5 YEARS.

Now let's suppose you don't want to skip lunch and you don't want to take a siesta, sleeping a single block of 8 hours.

That leaves you 5 free hours a day. If you spend 3 daily at drawing, plus the 8 hours during non-work days, one year will grant you 1665 hours.

It'll take 6 years to achieve the 10.000 hours.

tl;dr: Yes, you can. Stop fagging around.

>> No.2193716

The problem with being NEET is that you get there by being lazy and unmotivated, something which doesn't mesh with getting good.

>tfw you totally would go full hermit draw 10 hours a day if you could afford it

>> No.2193761

I work 50-75 hours per week and I still manage to find an hour a day to draw. In that time between work, my "5-year-plan" simply becomes a "15-year-plan".

If you truly love making art, and you truly want to reach a professional level at your craft, it doesn't matter if it takes you longer to get there than other people. You have a means to fund your passion, and you only work 40 hours a week. You have four hours to draw on weekdays (if you plan on sleeping for ten fucking hours) and an entire weekend to draw. I don't even have time to take my morning shit during power plant shutdowns (12 hours of work 7 days a week with a four hour drive there and back for two months) and I still manage to get some art done.

It doesn't fucking matter when it happens. Make the time and it will happen.

>> No.2193764

You cannot legally skip lunch unless you work a part-time shift.

>> No.2193768


I can tell you're retarded. My best ideas come to me when I'm not drawing and simply going through my regular daily routine. This is quoted by so many other artists that it's clear to me you've never heard a real artist answer the question "how do you come up with your material?"

>> No.2194431


>neet giving work advice

Thanks for the kek

>> No.2194440

>my "5-year-plan" simply becomes a "15-year-plan".

props to you for even have the will to pursue it, being fully aware of how much longer it'll take you.

>> No.2194477

>4 years
Im sorry to tell you mate but you defenitely showed me that its completely wishful thinking that you can get good with a job (maybe if that is the only distraction) and a kid. 4 years for this kind of progress is fucking sobering, the newest one couldve been done in 1 year of 2-4 hours a day

>> No.2194495

probably true, but speaking from experience, having something else that is heavily "borrowing" time from your main focus, which is not gaming but doing something productive(aka brain work) is really tiring, I honestly can hardly see myself doing a full time job and getting good at a measurable rate (speaking 3- 5hours a day, like I do now, and have been for some months and I rarely do anything else, I dont play videogames, I dont watch a lot of movies anymore (maybe 1 a week at best) I dont meet with friends and anything really except for 1 hour on the internet maybe. The rest is getting up (holidays) and working a little after that or going to school and then going at it.
I honestly dont know. I am not sure if I should go to art school or take a job with fewer hours that is not fucking tiring. I am only 19 at this point but it will determine how much better I can get at doing what I love and getting better is one of the main reasons why I love it
if you dont want to get good, why are you into this in the first place? I surely dont want to express my fantasies or thoughts in a shit way

>> No.2194510

Vaguely related -
How old is too old to learn?

>> No.2194513
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>Listen, anon. You got a negative attitude! That's what's stopping you!

>> No.2194525

I'm the long-winded anon from before who has the 50-75 hour work week.

Let me put it this way: in order to reach a professional level, you need to hone your craft for about 20-30 years. So don't let a full-time job and the thought of not being able to do NOTHING but art for 4-8 years stop you, because the truth is, it's going to take a lot, lot longer than that to be a self-sustaining professional artist who doesn't have to struggle with freelance bullshit to survive. If art is truly your passion and obsession, 20 years won't seem that long.

And you're never too old to learn. Just keep in mind that by the time you're amazing 30 years from now, you might be 80 or dead.

>> No.2194550

Keep looking for excuses... If you are miserable you should a) quit b) stop whining and be a slave.

>> No.2194590

I'd say age only depends on your goals. If you wanna be a commercial concept artist or an architect you're better starting young since you got more time and energy to evolve as a professional artist. Being 'old' (think 30yo and more) just means you'll have a MUCH harder time starting stressful careers if you aren't used to such workload before.

If you're just doing it cause you wanna do pretty pictures in your spare time or get money doing art for nerds on the internet I'd say it doesn't matter at all. The internet isn't going anywhere and with this patreon trend getting money from art through the internet may be easier in the future.

I took to a life drawing class this summer and I was the youngest there at 23. My classmates were all 50 years old or more and all of them were beginners as well.

>> No.2194636

>if you dont want to get good, why are you into this in the first place?
Because I enjoy drawing in and of itself and I want to progress? I don't mean to sell my art like ever. I just like doing it, I don't know why, and I have the stable job to pay for my supplies and shit.

>> No.2194651

It really depends on the job. Many aren't especially taxing on your psychic energies and give you the time to formulate some shit you want to do later. I agree though that there's only so much you can do in a day before you become useless at it.

My real point was that people make shitty decisions they think they need to because they can't see any other option. I know those that are actually crunched for time and have no way out of their schedule, but most people just do dumb shit like take a job with a 4 hour commute from the suburbs instead of living in the hood where rent is even cheaper, play vidya instead of doing something with the least amount of effort, or just have poor time management the way others burn through money.

On the other hand, a job can make you much more productive and better at time management. When you only have an hour or two to get shit done before your brain needs to clock out, you get more done than if you had more time. Assuming you weren't dicking around in the first place, this means some very focused productivity. Assuming you were, it means you find the flaws in your workflow. When you see an amazing sketchbook page full of shit as opposed to the usual random shit, it's usually because the artist has really honed the way they fuck around and made it more purposeful.

>> No.2194656

Whoa, opinions are realy divided on this.
I hope barely any social life, no bf will finaly pay off.

>> No.2194661

We all have different jobs and different tolerances. I've known old farts with full time jobs who took up painting or life drawing and excelled faster than full time students of it. It's how you manage your time and that comes with experience.

>> No.2194669


maybe not the answer I expected but surely it's the one I needed

>> No.2194675


Yeah, but if you're not drawing during that time, you won't be ready. Ask Bukowski, different art form but the creative process is essentially the same.

>> No.2194685
File: 126 KB, 391x500, liljippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my hand writing that bad, are you from the future or are you just such a defeatist that you're denying facts? Dude do the math, the first pic is from very late 2012, this year is 2015. That's 2-3 years, not 4 years.
I probably draw 15 hours a week on average, not a lot but its most of what I could afford at the time. I'm working on a portfolio now so I'm pushing in more hours.
I agree I could've done a lot more, I regret not having more direction in the beginning.

>> No.2194686

Not him, but your handwriting is pretty shit

>> No.2194701
File: 202 KB, 927x1026, avestruz comendo rato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already graduated and work 50 hours a week, at home.
I don't know how cattle goes to work (although it used to take me 40 minutes to go to school by bus), so I just went with some statistics to give some perspective from a new angle.

Besides, I even made a "worst case scenario" where you have little time to draw and still gave you a 6-years term plan. What's so unrealistic about that one?

>> No.2195652


Yeah, it's all about how you manage your time and how dedicated you are in practicing that will make the difference.

>> No.2195655

My commute is about 20 minutes on the bus (including wait time) and then about 40-50 minutes on the train and I don't always get a seat. Otherwise I, totally, understand how those naps help you.

I'm almost tempted to ride the train for like 30 minutes during lunch to see if I can sneak in a nap.

>> No.2195663


Well, I think it's for the best. I don't need to surround myself with unsupportive assholes.

>> No.2195949


Dude, when you're not having fun with your art then it fucking shows.

Networking is the only way you can survive as a professional artist. Rubbing elbows (and cocks) with other artists gets your name around, as projects are filled with groups of people you know and like. Artists support artist friends. You can NOT lone-wolf this shit and expect to make a living if that's your choice.

And besides, your friends will inspire you and cut down your stress.

>> No.2195964

>You can NOT lone-wolf this shit and expect to make a living if that's your choice.

>> No.2195987

I'd say networking covers for skills and vice-versa, but you can't have absolute zero on either..

If you're not skilled enough, networking helps.
If you don't have a network, but your work is impressive, people will come to you and offer an opportunity.

On the other hand, If you're absolute shit, networking won't help you.
And If you're the master of masters, but has zero networking and doesn't reply to anyone offering you a shot, you'll never be recognized.
Even Stanley Kubrick had to network a bit. STANLEY KUBRICK.

>> No.2195995

Deviantart counts as networking. Her degenerate gender-bent Disney characters were featured on dozens of high-traffic websites for example. She didn't see a penny for her artwork until, after like 10 years at deviantart, Patreon allowed her to ask for it.

>> No.2196196

How does one network? You obviously can't just message an artist and say you want to be their friend. Excuse my autism.

>> No.2196216

Actually you can sorta can. You just need to behave like you are really interested, ask them how they started and ask for advice in how to land a job etc.

>> No.2196248

I don't feel like I need 'friends' who are raising my stress and making me unhappy due to their selfish antics. I would rather support all those who support me rather than wasting my time trying to appease assholes who want you to bend over backwards for them, but can't be arsed to do the same for you.

Fuck that.

I do agree with what: >>2195987 said. I have a friend who has lots of friends and contacts, but it's not helping as much as they would like to. I think that they need to work on their art and improve, but people keep saying it, but they aren't hearing it.

>> No.2196290

>Day off, nothing to do but ART
>Going to bed / Getting up early in the morning to do ART all day

>Oh boy, what a great day !
>Proceed to eat breakfast
>Take a shower

>Need milk for morning coffee
>Nearby stores are closed until 9AM
>Watch a show / movie

>Watched five episodes of Breaking Bad
>Go to store, get milk
>Get back in car
>Low on gas
>Nearest station is 8 miles away
>Getting fuel
>I'm hungry
>Stop by a fast food stand to get hot-dogs
>Meet a co-worker there
>Talk for a while

>Got back home
>Need to do laundry
>Need to cook for tonight
>Make meal
>Clean house while cooking

>It's getting late
>Eat meal
>Go shower
>Shave my pubes

>Go to my computer
>Look up for references and ideas
>Get distracted by reddit, 4chan and shit

>Do some warm up sketches
>15 mins
>Getting an Art Block (During Warm-up sketches)
>fuck this
>Go to bed

>TOMORROW will be a great day for ART.

Even when not working I think getting gud at art is impossible, well good luck with your 40h.

>> No.2196318

you're an idiot. all that tv youre watching is whats keeping you from practicing. what did you even do between 12 and 4?

>> No.2196323

>7am to 12pm
>5 fucking hours
>doing nothing for 5 fucking hours

Dude you suck.

>> No.2196326

Is this bait?

You need to work on your priorities. Bad.

>> No.2196344

I think I know what's going on here.

You need to stop being afraid to fail. The reason you're not drawing is because the result looks like shit and you feel miserable just looking at it. Well power through it. Everyone has ten thousand bad drawings in them at least. Face your own shittiness like a man and you will improve. Start with Peter Han then move on to Dodson and then FWAP.

Do it, you fucker!

>> No.2197143

Talked to a co-worker for a while

>> No.2197256
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Sounds like me!

My plans for this past weekend:
>Watching 3 episodes of an anime;
>Listening to 3 music albums;
>Drawing (at least) 19 figures I've separated for studying;
>Re-reading Loomis;
>Taking a shower;
>Finishing a Digital Painting;
>Attempting to create some music;
>Fixing my internal clock

What I've accomplished:
>Watching 1 episode of the anime
>Fixing my internal clock

I wish procrastinating would at least make me absorb a reasonable amount of entertainment.

>> No.2197273
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Entertainment is distraction, observe and think more. Read books, just skip those fucking shows and movies.

>> No.2197291

Are you a nigger? If you read my post, I've skipped it.

>> No.2197295

A good movie or tv shows is every bit as worth it as a good book is. A bad book is every bit a waste of time as a bad tv show or movie. Dunno why books are seen as superior

>> No.2197298

I actually fixed a large part of that "doing nothing" thing by no longer watching movies or series.
I read a ton more and I listen to a lot more music but those things make me want to draw and don't leave me visually hungover.

>> No.2197316

>Read books, just skip those fucking shows and movies.
Why people who don't read books always praise them above anything?

>> No.2197322
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This has to be the most pretentious post I've seen on /ic/ in months

>> No.2197324

Because thought is required for book. Television and movies spoonfeed you a narrative.

>> No.2197333

Not just the narrative but visuals, characters, details and such as well. I used to have a hyper detailed imagination as a kid, I would picture everything, from the bed the characters slept on, their clothes, their faces. Then I got depressed and on a steady diet of Netflix and pizza, and that capacity just disappeared. Watching images and just passively undergoing them kills my imagination. I am slowly going back to being able to envision all hooks and crannies when I read a scene in a book though. But it takes work.

>> No.2197339

I bet you're the type of nigga that think True Detective is deep.

>> No.2197342

I just read books to brag about it like most people. Not gonna lie. I'm a special snowflake.

>> No.2197702

This guy here. You're obviously a lazy piece of shit if you're watching shitty series all day, but if you have free time to spend, watching a good movie/tv show is the same as reading a good book, except books require more time.

Also, it pisses me off enormously when people think you're automatically smart if you read books. I've known a lot of girls who like to read and all they read is literary soap operas.

I personally never found any joy in reading fiction, I do read a lot of non-fiction though simply because I want to learn things.

And even if you read quality literature, having good vocabulary and grammar isn't gonna do shit for an artist, whereas seeing a lot of beautiful cinematography helps a lot.

>> No.2197845

My life in a nutshell
>wake up


>smoke a bowl or two

>pretend I'm still an artist and go to ic
>Open manga studio draw 1 thing



>> No.2197850

I actually think this routine is making me worse lol

>> No.2197929

>manga studio

also waffles captcha

>> No.2197931

I'm trying to do just that and I'm making better progress than I thought. Obviously you won't have the same amount of time a neet can invest, but you've still got a few hours a day. I can usually put in between two or three hours a day, and more on weekends.

A lot of /ic/ has a really ridiculous all or nothing approach to art that's complete nonsense, and many of them likely use it as a way to validate their shut-in lifestyle.

>> No.2197934


Thought is required for good books, for every good book there's thirty pieces of schlock. Movies and TV are exactly the same in that regard.

If you think you're an intellectual just because you read books and turn your nose up at other media, you're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.2198036

proko is your friend

>> No.2198038

loomis is the only friend you need, get rid of your other "friends"

>> No.2198078


And the sad part is, few of them can get as good as another non /ic/ guy would, at the same age- with less fucking time on his hands.

>> No.2198082

>I can only think inside the box
>therefore movies are bad

>> No.2198131

Anon, pls, take control of your life.

>> No.2198367

Full time NEET reporting in. I do art around 3-6 hours a day and I play vidya very rarely.

>wake up, take dog for a walk, check mail

1 pm
> have breakfast and watch one episode of a show

2 pm
> check websites, looking and applying for jobs

3 pm
> draw/paint in sketchbook

4 pm
> look for references, research things I'm working on or clean apartment

5 pm
> take dog for a walk, go to the store

6 pm
> have lunch, watch one episode of a show

7 pm
> art

1 am
> take dog outside, eat a snack

2 am
> go to bed

>> No.2198645


>draw at work
>i sit on 4chan at work
>i play games at work

I hear this shit often, what kind of jobs do you people have ? I want one too

>> No.2198715

Meetings are great for idle practice. As is a lot of IT work. Lunch breaks are good, too. I like to sketch during lunch often.

>> No.2199855

I have an open space job where people ARE THE CONTROL and I hate it, I can never do that.

Also why are all these people so much against other people eating lunch alone oh christ please leave me alone I want to draw and not listen to your kids' birthday party adventures.
BUT NOOOO I get evaluated as "lacks sociability" in my annual report interview whablabla

>> No.2200709

There is no reason to watch so much tv or Netflix. I understand it's a good show, but that's a huge time waster. Persinally, I feel it's all or nothing. Either watch as much as you can or don't watch any at all.

If you are good about spreading out your time then watch 1-2 episodes p/day & that's it. Or hire someone to clean your house.

>> No.2200717
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>Netflix is a good show

>> No.2200721

Reading comprehension

>> No.2200722

yuo can read if i wirte like dis bt it dsnt mean i'ts appppppproriate yo

>> No.2200912

watch fight club over and over ... blow it all up and make boss eat anual report... but then you need to care about giting gud and gitting gud aint easy ... noone to punch but you

>> No.2200924


I think half of /ic/ views "drawing for 3 years" as "drew everyday for 5 hours a day for 3 years." and view anything short of mastery as a failure.
I'm also willing to bet that most people who give those "your progress sucks" comments haven't been drawing long and are still convinced that they'll pull off crazy progress in a year because they made mad gains after learning the fundamentals and haven't hit a plateau yet.

>> No.2201042

I swear half the time people here start spitting venom, it isn't out of a genuine desire to give insightful critique, but to keep up /ic/'s rep of being super harsh on everyone and everything.

>> No.2201062


More or less.
Most of the critique I see here is actually really shit critique. It's uninformative about what the person actually did wrong and usually just points the person vaguely to some other resource, like shouting "loomis".
The problem is every retard thinks he's a great critic because he's "hard on people" and substitutes insight with insults.

>> No.2201067

I hate to break it to you, but the clock rolls over to 0:00 after 23:59. There's no such thing as 27:00.

>> No.2201109

I was referring to Breaking Bad.

>> No.2201119


>tv is a good show

How about shut your autism