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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2188577 No.2188577 [Reply] [Original]

>"Hmm, what are you drawing there?"
>I'm just laying out the sketch foundations for a head
>Starting to draw the guidelines across the face and everything so I know what to put down later
>"Oh! Wow Anon, that's a really nice football helmet. Good work."
That was said to be by my Art Teacher in 7th Grade. Middle school I know, but for any art teacher to now know what guidelines are, I thought she was being sarcastic or something. It's only later when we were never taught or mentioned within earshot them that I realized she was completely serious at the time.

>> No.2188591

>How long have you been drawing?
>All my life

>> No.2188601
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>The only options for art classes we had were photography and design
>pick design cus fuck cameras I wanna draw
>design actually means advertising.
>teacher gives us cameras and tells us to take pictures for posters and pamphlets and shit.
>I tell her I want to do some illustration instead
>"Noo that'll take forever! You should take a picture and then trace over it in photoshop! You get that cool drawn look without wasting all that time!"

If your art teacher is younger than 50 then 99% of the time, they're a failure of an artist. They couldn't get a real job with their skills so their only options were to teach or flip burgers.

>> No.2188631

>Be me, anon in college
>Take Graphic Design class, because my knowledge or Illustrator and Photoshop is lacking
>Took the same class in highschool however so it's pretty easy, but whatever
>Sit/partnered next to this one kid who thinks pretty highly of his artskills
>He shows the Professor his deviantart once
>It's all Sonic OCs airbrushed and whatnot
>He mostly just watches youtube videos and plays Online computer games during class, even while the professor is lecturing
>He says he's so good and "Already knows this photoshop stuff" that he scarcely pays attention
>I do a bunch of work for our partner assignments, like the Animations
>He constantly interrupts the teacher to mention trivia like Doctor Who or Megaman, his favorite fandoms, ect
>His self portrait Graphic design project, I crap you not is just him cut out with a photoshop filter and border that I could apply in all of 3 minutes, for the 3 weeks he had to work on it
>Groans at professor for having to use other software like Illustrator, Drafting software, any program that's not plain old Photoshop saying they're "Useless" for his methods and artstyle
>I check out his Deviantart again once, yep still all airbrushed Sonic OCs
I didn't mind the dude, he was real nice to me and all but it was like a rude awakening of how seriously I needed to take myself as an artist, less I get equivalent results as him.

Some of that shit I sort of did in Highschool (Playing games, complaining, goofing off), but now it's it's just eyeopening.

>> No.2188666

>Computer media class
>photoshop tutorials basically
>blow through the coursework in a week because I'd been using photoshop for years at that point and it was basic babby bullshit
>Basically just goof off and play touhou the rest of the time
>realize the teacher just doesn't care in the first place about three weeks in
>continue to have comfy touhou time at school, get some people interested in touhou + cave story

I kind of wish they had an advanced class where I could actually learn things, but I forget that art classes in schools are pretty terrible.

>hit highschool, take art 1
>wow it's fucking nothing, collages collages everywhere
>take art 2
>It's still fucking nothing, still mixed media useless shit
>art 3
>basically just work on your own projects and that's about it. It's where most of the serious artists at the school ended up, but there was still no instruction.

>that one kid in all three that kept trying to show everyone his futa/furry collection on his psp

Feels bad man, the teach basically just macked on his gf in the art supplies room all the time.

>> No.2188691

>going to college for drawing
you dun fucked up

>> No.2188693

anything that's like a "reality check" i just laugh at

>> No.2188733

this was in highschool you dummy

>> No.2188756

>tfw highschool art class
>teacher is design teachers bitch
>also one of the school librarians
>provate school so design teacher is industry standard
>bitch trys to teach us perspective and how to construct shapes
>shows us how to set up a paplet and mix colors
>non nude life drawing
>whole class is chuckle fucks and we don't learn a thing

Honestly wish I had pushed myself in highschool.

>> No.2189563
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>show loved one drawing

>do basic drawing that is not just eye level, front faced, viewing
>"why is x like that?"

>"what do you need to make a charcoal portrait? Just a pencil, right?"

>those people that expect a commission or animation for <10 bucks

>> No.2189589

>show loved one drawing
Hugbox, your drawing is shit stop thinking it's not.

>> No.2189591
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this is more of a personal thing

>looks at friend's art
>it's amazing and nicely stylized. the proportions and anatomy is correct enough where teachers dont mention if it's wrong looking
>ask him about how he learned
>says "i dont know fundamentals and I never learned anatomy, i just drew in a style "
>mfw im shit at 24 and he's 17 and he offers me help and advice

>> No.2189604

thats not the problem, its that they cant be straight up with me

>> No.2189640

"Artists don't erase."

>> No.2189642

post deviantart

>> No.2189645

Oh I misunderstood, I can see that, though

>> No.2189669

yeah i couldve been clearer

>> No.2190746

I had a teacher named Mrs. Bandy that taught "Digital Media" my sophomore year of highschool. She introduced herself with "Hello class, I'm Mrs. Bandy; which rhymes with candy." in the same tonality one would use talking to a 5 year old.

She gave an assignment to make a mock up iPod poster(silhouette of a person dancing with earbuds in) then gives a demonstration which consisted of selecting herself from a picture with the fucking lasso tool(not polygonal, not magnetic) using a mouse and then filling it in with the paint bucket producing a shitty silhouette with choppy edges. This took up the whole class.

Next class she has us take pictures and start the assignment.

>open levels
>crank up shadows, use the brush tool to patch up the few spots that didn't go completely to black
>add headphones from clip art we were provided with
>done in less than 5 minutes
>submit assignment and start dicking around in illustrator while the other kids are meticulously outlining themselves with the mouse
>teacher comes over
>"I'd like you to be working anon."
>"I'm actually finished."
>show her the method used on a random picture from the internet
>there's an uncomfortable pause coupled with a possible realization that she's not qualified to teach this class
>"Anon, it won't help you to take shortcuts. Please redo the assignment the way I showed."
>luckily it was only about a week into the semester and I had time to switch out of the class

another one

>taking a drawing class at a community college(yeah I know)
>she wants us to draw cups
>I plot out my ellipse for the top of the cup in perspective using Scott Robertson's method
>teacher looks over shoulder
>"I don't want you using perspective. It's a crutch."

Later during the 2 day period in which she attempted to teach perspective it became apparent that she had no knowledge of the subject(she didn't even know what a station point was). The woman had over $100,000 in student loan debt and nothing to show for it

>> No.2190752

were you using a transparent image?

>> No.2190763
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>go to art college
>every class is stupidly basic to the point that Peter Han's videos looked crazy intense in comparison
>only good class is figure drawing
>have girl in my class on first day trying to argue about anatomy with prof because she learned it differently her "japanese figure classes"
>mfw this happened before he even introduced himself
>mfw she was trying to critique a quick demo drawing he was preparing before the class even started
>mfw she used a mouse for all of her digital art
>halfway through the semester, prof's wife died or some shit so he stops caring and the class goes to shit
>drop out and never look back
Fuck art college, I've learned way more since I've started self studying

>> No.2190815

i went to an art high school and we got a new teacher for computer class like a month before the year ended. the last teacher didn't give us grades and just let us jerk around so she didn't know what grades to give. the last day before the end of school she takes me in this one room where she wanted me to show her how much i know about photoshop. she's clicking and i'm just sitting there, she can't find photoshop anywhere. she goes into "uninstall or change a program" to find photoshop. she starts uninstalling it while thinking she's opening it. she doesn't know english so she's just going next, next, next. i sit there in disbelief, debating internally whether i should say something or not. i end up not saying out of fear that she's be so humiliated she'll fail me. she was one of those people that gave off that crazy vibe. she ends up trying to give me a mediocre grade cause she got frustrated with the computer. i flip my shit and end up getting a slightly better grade.

>> No.2190854 [DELETED] 

"Oh.. you undo? I've never needed it :^)"

>> No.2190860

>art class in middle school
>draw a line horribly wrong
>tell teacher it was a mistake
>"there are no mistakes in art, anon"

>> No.2190890
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>Buy Scott Robertson's How to Draw
>Bring it to class
>People come to my desk to see what the fuck is that big book with cool drawings
>They go through a few pages, looking at the perspective techniques
>Can see the increasing look of fear and despair in their eyes as they turn the pages
>They close the book and look at me
>What the fuck anon? You don't need to know all this in order to draw

>> No.2190891

What does that even mean

>> No.2190906

that confirms it, there are no stupid ppl, just lazy fucks who chose to stay ignorants afraid of work

>> No.2190914
File: 220 KB, 366x480, 1432323235045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be first year at private art college
>We take a simple foundation drawing course, which focuses on sight-sizing simple prisms as well as rendering. It was very "classical" or at least my instructor was.
>We are taught just enough perspective to easily understand, yet not enough to really intimidate anyone.
>About half way into the first semester
>Girl who is in PRODUCT DESIGN walks by me, talking to her friend.
>I overhear, "I always thought that lines going away from you travel away from each other, not the other way around!"
>My jaw literally drops, seriously I am flabbergasted
>Later that semester
>Another girl is literally FAILING foundation drawing 1
>She ultimately decides to drop out of her drawing class
>Next semester, she literally switches departments to a worse department (In terms of drawing skill) and she takes Drawing Elements which is apparently simpler than Drawing 1 (I have no idea how that is possible though).

Sure I can see someone from Fibers, Advertising, or even Crafts having trouble in Drawing 1. But even with that, I feel that private art schools should have higher standards that what they have now. Unfortunately, it's all about the money, so they'll accept whoever is willing to pay.

My second semester was amazing, so no complaints there.

>> No.2190918

I kinda feel bad for that prof

>> No.2190946
File: 267 KB, 400x228, FiFTIu8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese figure classes
She does realize this is not what real japanese people look like right?

>> No.2190949

what's shocking about this?

>> No.2190950

lots of art teachers are working artists, and many are under 50. sounds more like you have a problem with teachers in secondary schools.

>> No.2190952

satan, are you this autistic kid? :

>> No.2190955

these autists only consider it drawing if you're studying it as an academic subject

>> No.2190957

>silhouette assignment
was this in 6th grade?

>> No.2190961

>My jaw literally drops
>literally FAILING
>she literally switches departments
I hate you so much

>> No.2190962

>What the fuck anon? You don't need to know all this in order to draw
fucking savages

>> No.2190968

i literally could care less

>> No.2190972
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>pretty big town
>"Hello, how much life drawing sessions cost?"
>"Students only"
>"But I will pay..."
>next art school

Life is suffering.

>> No.2190980

>"What are You doing there anon"?
>"These are guidlines for eyes. Very simple"
>"Lol, i never heard about doing this"

From a friend that claims he is painting all the time -_-

>> No.2190981

Painting and drawing faces can be vastly different things.

>> No.2190991

typically paintings begin with a sketch. though I don't use guidelines for either, they're useful learning tools but not necessary later on.

>> No.2190992

Do they check for IDs?
The local art school in my city is "students and alums only," but I used to just walk in and no one asked.
You can do pretty much everything if you just act like you're entitled to it.

>> No.2190993

>big town

>> No.2190994

These was like the simpliest thing You can imagine. oval for head, two lines for eyes. I remember having this in a primary school.

He is just a kind of person that even if You made art greater than Bouguereau he would still tell u that he could do it better. Annoing pseudoartist ;p

>> No.2191280

so you do care.

>> No.2191402

>loved one
Yeah, like a Tumblr genderblender will know how to give any useful advice.

That's pretty useful advice for beginners, though. With time you learn to draw very lightly and just put pressure on your pencil if you're somewhat certain of where that stroke goes. Saves a lot of time.

Start with grammar.

Since they had a photoshooting session, it was probably set up to have a cleaner background.

Can't read this, sorry.

>> No.2191933

I get actually agressive reading stuff like this, and the fact that there are probably 90% of people this incompetent and actually allowed to teach others and when those untalented incompentent lazy fucks get together with pupils with the same attitude, it makes me want to kill and vomit, because this is the thing that ruins the world for everyone who actually has goals in life and is not a fucking failure

>> No.2191935

there are stupid people, it just so happens that they are ignorant and lazy mostly at the same time.

>> No.2192112

>Had art class years ago with this girl
>She was dead set on being an illustrator and had the skills to make it big
>Find her on Facebook a couple of days ago
>No sign of her art anywhere
>Ask her where her art went
>"Oh, it's just a hobby now."
>Find out from mutual friend that her parents are the art is not a career type and pressured her to switch to pursue something that actually makes money

If it wasn't such an autist thing to do I would message her parents and tell her they robbed the world of a great talent.

>> No.2192182

>>I overhear, "I always thought that lines going away from you travel away from each other, not the other way around!"
What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.2192187

She thought that parallel lines in perspective got further apart on the page instead of closer as they got closer to the VP, I think.

>> No.2192191
File: 54 KB, 556x545, 1323104147442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet another artist IRL
>Roll a joint
>Offer it to him after a few puffs
>Nah dude I don't smoke

>> No.2192211

I'm just gonna go along with OP and tell my bad teacher story

>freshmen art class
>teacher is having everyone trace leaf stencils and color them orange and blue
>I opt out of this shit and go sit at the advanced table and do whatever they're doing
>Teacher tells me to trace leaves
>I get sent to the office

Here's her deviantart. http://hypknot.deviantart.com/

>> No.2192215

So what?

>> No.2192220

>fake story
Go away

>> No.2192230

Someone I knew was in a similar situation - incredible skills and potential that teachers recognized, parents actively dragging her down and legit threatening to disown her if she pursued it.

Her mother admitted that perhaps there was a career possible in graphic design and illustration when she was three years into the pharmacist track and she almost had a mental breakdown.

It's sad, man.

>> No.2192240

>It's sad, man
>People without own opinion
Why? They deserved it.

>> No.2192284

>in anatomy art lesson of already shitty art course at local college
>the teacher is treating muscles like bubbles on the figure
>ask why the teacher isn't mentioning the insertion points of any of the muscles nor the purposes of the muscles.
>"Oh you don't need to know any of that technical stuff for art"
>Like the little bitch I am I waddle through the course until the end learning nothing rather than leaving straight away

>> No.2192371

Eh. I'd have rather she struck out on her own and followed her passion no matter the hardship, but I can certainly understand why the threat of losing your family and the support network they provided, especially right out of high school like she was, was enough to kill her dreams.

It didn't help that she had no real money saved or practical job experience because they forbade her from getting a job as it might distract from academics. Asian parents mang.

I'd like to think I'd have had the resolve to push on regardless if I was on her place, but I honestly don't know if I would. Luckily my parent's reaction to me first working as an artist was basically 'lol good thing you never minded being poor you can always come back here if you're evicted and/or starving.'

>> No.2192391

I still don't get it. Depending on what perspective we are drawing in lines could both get closer or further apart.

I'm assuming I'm missing some really obvious hint here.

>> No.2192505
File: 124 KB, 548x593, 138008397214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine has a pretty sweet voice and dreamed of being a voice actor. Did some fansings and fandubs through her entire highschool.

Nowadays she's studying to be a Doctor, since her parents (rich) wanted her to be as rich and art was a no-no. Besides that, she's afraid of needles, blood and whatnot.

I've started my own studio and if I ever have any audiovisual work on my hands, I'll try recruiting her for some acting... such a waste.

But I somehow agree with >>2192240, she let it happen by not daring enough.

Are your eyes fucking concave? Vanishing points are the most basic concept for perspective, you can't have parallel lines going further from the viewer (thus towards the vanishing point) and growing further apart. Unless you draw some serious inverted-fish-eye shenanigan.
If you still don't get it, I beg you make a drawing of parallel lines growing further while going to the back.

>> No.2192626

Quit killing yourself
It's onlt a matter of time.

>> No.2192629

They fuking sucked

>> No.2192661

step it up friend. dont refuse help just because you are proud. having that thinking will only hold you back.

>> No.2192729



>> No.2192734

Where do you go?

>> No.2192739
File: 72 KB, 1024x1024, CMLKw0YWwAALDtX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cocky art friend from highschool
>doesn't study anatomy at all
>mostly just draws korean looking girls
>charging $50+ minimal for commissions

holy fuck.

>> No.2192750

Is pic related? Cuz I wouldn't pay shekels for that

>> No.2192753

>go to an art school

>> No.2192755


>> No.2192758

Steal his costumers, you stupid nerd

>> No.2192759

>graduate top university with medical science degree
>fucking hate academia, always loved art
>"mom, dad, i'm not going to apply to med school, i'm going to sell my art to make a living"
>dad literally starts crying, mom calls me a failure
>literally no fucks given, i'm tired of chasing after their dreams

It's now 2 years later and I make over 80k a year selling my art online and doing commissions. Fuck the noise, as long as you aren't delusional in your skill level, you can make it.

>> No.2192766

What are your parents saying now

>> No.2192770

I'm trying to boss.

>> No.2192773

Dad is still a stubborn old fuck, doesn't want to see any of my art whenever I visit the parent's house. I barely talk with him other than the respectful "Hi Dad, I'm home again to visit, leaving tomorrow."

My mom has accepted it and now even helps me with shipping during busy periods. Moms are truly the best.

>> No.2192775

Care to post your art? I'm pretty curious.

>> No.2192787

/ic/ is my guilty pleasure and the last thing I want is for the cesspool here to know I visit lol, sorry buddy :(

>> No.2192788

You're kind of a pussy, but okay.

>> No.2192789

>You're kind of a pussy
I know, thanks for understanding thou. I can definitely answer any art business related questions you guys have thou.

>> No.2192796

How did you go about the self-promotion I assume you did to pull the income you currently claim to pull? Also, it's a useless question, but how many years has it been since you got serious?

>> No.2192843

So, now we know what it's like to be in possession of the Necronomicon.

>> No.2192872

>Doing basic construction of a head
>Teacher comes over
>"Your drawings are too technical, anon."


>> No.2192885

It means you are too focused on the construction lines and the simplifications of the head you learned that you are losing some of the other aspects of the head. Probably it looked like a lifeless diagram with no resemblance to the model. Or it had no personal style to it, you just drew some memorized lines, but you are drawing with any nuance or emotion or personality.

Construction is important, but it is a tool to help you achieve other things. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss your teacher anon. Try to figure out what they mean or ask them for clarification if you are confused. Maybe at the end you will still disagree with them, but maybe you will learn something.

>> No.2192892

calm down ,he probably just wanted you to finish the exercise. To get practise as a whole before construction lines. In my mind you dont learn how to draw construction lines first, you learn how to draw shape/form etc.
He also might just want to keep it simple, once things get intimidating you procrastinate, its why I'm after all

>> No.2192924

Saved, Maki a cute.

>> No.2192943

how do you sell your art?

>> No.2192953

>100,000 in student loan debt
Is that common for post grad teachers? I hear horror stories about this.

>> No.2193017

that's a hell of a lot, I think 20-40k tends to be the more common range. Most artists I know with fresh graduate degrees owe around 20.

>> No.2193026

Hes obviously joking. How can you be this autistic??

>> No.2193033

I made a youtube channel and it quickly became popular. It pretty much did all the work for me. I started taking it serious about a year ago but I already had a little knowledge prior.

>> No.2193047
File: 254 KB, 720x714, Screenshot_2015-08-20-13-16-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinkin outta cups... Bein' a bitch
Yeeaahhh rriigghhttt

>> No.2193484

Basically similar to this guy >>2193033

I just post my art on tumblr, DA, and reddit and they share themselves. That's the best part about the art business, the internet advertises and shares your art for you.

My art sells for around ~$80 for a copy and over $1000 for an original, most people buy copies. I focus on fanart because original works do not sell anywhere near as well.

I started getting serious about 2 years ago but I'm super fucking lazy and hate working so it took a long time for me to build up a good portfolio of work that I was actually happy with.

>> No.2194406

Are you daft you learn to draw shapes and forms WITH construction lines
That is how you learn to draw shapes and forms
It's like saying go learn how to draw letters but don't actually draw letters

>> No.2194650

sometimes there isn't another option and especially if you have no where to go and have to live with your parents you have to appease them. i agree with you to an extent

>> No.2195295

You realize that there is precedence for language like this going back over 200 years right? If anon had said "really" you wouldn't of batted an eye despite it originally meaning the same thing.

Even before it had literary uses, the informal vernacular usage of "literal" and "literally" existed.

"He is a fortunate man to be introduced to such a party of fine women at his arrival; it is literally to feed among the lilies." - The History of Emily Montague by Francis Brooke, 1769

"We had been literally rocked in our bed." - Sanditon by Jane Austen, 1817

"Lily, the caretaker’s daughter, was literally run off her feet." -Dubliners by James Joyce, 1914

Don't take this the wrong way, but the recent uproar over the world "literally" is nothing but a pop-intellectual meme.

The same criticisms have existed before as language changes, and very often they lose, for example the criticism of "The Church is being built" as a degeneration and abomination of the English language, as the originally proper would be "The Church is building". Yet you wouldn't scoff at the aforementioned "abomination".

>> No.2195398

>over 200 years right
You don't go right when talking about time, just on/backwards.
>wouldn't of
You are doing this on purpose, right?

I'm not the anon you quoted, but I also don't think "really" would fit into those sentences properly:
>My jaw really drops
>really FAILING
>she really switches departments

This sounds really out of place and you suck cock for defending corruption of the vernacular.

>> No.2195454

>Be 19, at art school
>Have a school lecture from this late-twenties graphic design hipster.
>Tells the audience; "if you don't get the drive to create every day, choose another line of work because you won't make it as an artist."

I asked /ic/ about this once, a lot of people said this was bullshit. I didn't know about his advice, due to his age and rather kitschy work.

>> No.2195456

you are literally a massive faggot

>> No.2195492

This is a cheap trick to lure people into creating. It does more good than harm, it put procrastinators face to face with their problem and make them draw.

It's not like anyone is going to actually give up just because of this.

>> No.2195512

Same, my parents persuaded me to go do A Level Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, i did Art for my last subject and ended up failing all the sciences and passed in Art, that's when my parents realized i'm practically that loser child so they allowed me to enroll in art based courses which i've passed. I did like studying psychology though i guess i don't perform well in exam based subjects.

>> No.2196293

>>loved one
>Yeah, like a Tumblr genderblender will know how to give any useful advice.

'Loved one' means anyone close to you, not specifically your lover. It could refer to anon's mother, father, siblings, friends, anyone - ie, multiple people of varying gender. 'They' is simply good English.

>> No.2196296

>It's not like anyone is going to actually give up just because of this.

And if anyone does, they wouldn't have made it anyway amirite?

Fuck that, saying that shit is just discouraging as fuck. Tell people they need to create every day, sure, but don't threaten them that they're just wasting their time and making a fool of themselves if there's any remote possibility that they might fail or feel disinterested at some point in the unforeseeable future.

>> No.2196330

boo hoo teh words arr mean! ban bossy!