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2183923 No.2183923 [Reply] [Original]

At what point can you justify buying a Cintiq?
$2800 is a lotta cash.

>> No.2183931
File: 27 KB, 300x460, FIVR3AFG6MPG5IO.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it in your early 20s when you have tons of extra income and you can justify it later on by saying "Oh I was in my early 20s with tons of extra cash and not a lot of common sense." but secretly be like "fuck this guy and his questions. He probably probably spends $2800 a year on going to chilis and appletinis"

That's what I did at least.

Protip: No one will know its a $3k drawing luxury if you don't tell them.

Everyone just thinks its a weird screen with buttons. Burglars are more likely to steal my $200 TV or my xbox than this thing.

>> No.2183932

I had a few times the chance to draw on one, it feels really great. I´d say if you have the money just go for it.

If you really want justification you can think: will this investment return at least 2800$ somehow

>> No.2184016

People spend tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars on cars they drive sparingly, you don't need to justify putting down 3k on something your going to be using a lot
And even if you don't, who cares, your a grown ads adult with his/her own income, you wanted to burn 3k for fun go ahead

>> No.2184047

It's not really an expense worth mentioning unless you're a wage slave or didn't use a condom. I have more trouble justifying the amount of physical art supplies I do every month which costs me more in a year.

>> No.2184156


I don't know how much you get fucking paid but the average person with reasonable expenses and an average income doesn't just throw 3k around for shits and giggles.

>> No.2184166

The average person with a career easily spends twice that on the weekends getting drunk and going out to dinner in the course of a year. Or buying trendy clothes. Or on entertainment. Fishing tackle. Art supplies. Weed.

It's really not much compared to most other hobbies. Go tell /o/ you think spending just 3k on a toy you don't really need is unreasonable.

>> No.2184168

If you have the cash or can earn it back with comissions then you should.

>> No.2184189


ha ha ha ha

Just buy things you want.

>> No.2184195

They dont offer any advantage over tablets. If you want one to play with go ahead, but dont buy it thinking it'll make your work look like 3000$ worth.

>> No.2184197

>those tablets are sour, anyway

Eliminating the gap between your drawing and your display is an advantage.

>> No.2184212


Yeah its a bit odd. They don't offer much advantage if you already spent thousands of hours using a normal tablet. Your muscle memory being used to horizontal posture and pen grip will even make you prefer using a normal tablet over the vertical screen.

They are much better to use when you are first getting into digital as a straight transition from traditional but the catch there is it seems crazy to spend 3k on hardware as a beginner so you end up buying the 200 dollar graphics tablet.

>> No.2184218

why do you need to justify it?
why do need one that expensive?

it's your money, do with it as you please

it seems that you're looking for the push to buy it
if that's the case, have you considered the alternatives?
Other companies
the smaller cintiqs?

in the end, buy without regret

buy once, cry once

>> No.2184220

Holy fuck am I just a poorfag or are you guys just insanely above middle class. $3,000 is not something to throw the fuck around everywhere. The only logical reasoning I've heard so far is the early 20's shit. Everything else sounds careless and silver spoonish

>> No.2184222

>am I just a poorfag


>> No.2184232

I make about $1,700 a month which is not enough to move out of my parent's house (even with no rent, because I pay for internet, phone, food, gas and so on I end up spending about $800 a month right there) but is enough to throw money around recklessly on stupid bullshit and still save up quite a bit. That said I have an Intuos large and am fairly happy with it. I've had a Cintiq 12WX before and it was awful.

>> No.2184243


>I make about $1,700 a month

with your art? that's breddy gud if so anon

>> No.2184245

lol, I wish. I'm still drilling fundamentals. I only do art as a serious hobby and don't necessarily plan on making money with it (I would certainly relish the opportunity though)

>> No.2184258

you'd have to smoke more than a quarter sack of weed a week to spend 3k a year on the habit. and that's based on my local prices where weed is illegal. 3k in fishing tackle? maybe if you're a doctor who fly fishes at his cabin on the weekends. it's a simple fact that most people just don't have that kind of expendable income. if you've got a good career that affords that luxury, then you probably don't have the time required to pursue the serious study of art that justifies buying a cintiq.

>> No.2184272

Every single person who isn't starving in some godforsaken fourth world nation has SOME luxury they can turn down for a year if they want a Cintiq more. This is a fact.

>> No.2184278

A pack of cigarettes a day is like $3k annually, I know a person that spends $10k in a combination of weed, cigarettes and beer a year and he doesn't make very much money (a little bit more than me, though). A fat person typically spends $450-$600 on food and drink a month, etc. ($10/day = $310/mo, keep that shit in mind)

I bet my dick that you spend way more on this shit than you think and I fucking urge you to tally that shit over the course of a week and see what you find out.

$2,300-$2,799 is not the kind of money you need a career to expend, It's just hard as fuck to spend that kind of money when you're a hedonistic normie with vices living on your own in an apartment with existing college debt or with child support and so on. I work at a retail store for relatively little and I have a shit load of shit. $2,300 isn't much, really.

$20,000 in savings (after lending out about $8,430 to people that cannot and/or will not ever pay me back)
$20,000k car (paid off)
115 blu ray movies
36 dvd movies and series
220~ video games for various systems
an Intuos large
an Intuos medium
a Cintiq 12WX
a grayscale printer
a poster printer
about 10 guns
A really expensive laptop and second monitor

What's my secret? I don't smoke, I don't drink, I've been working full time or more since it was legal for me to do so, I still live with my parents and I'm impotent, lmao

Please keep in mind I'm not trying to brag about having shit or whatever, I'm fucking anonymous, I'm just trying to show you that in the grand scheme of things $3,000 isn't all that much even for someone with a shit job. That other anon is right.

Am I saying someone should get the Cintiq though? I'm not convinced. I honestly think an Intuos large and a really nice, big monitor is probably a better way to go, or wait for the Cintiq companion 3 which is what I'm doing.

>> No.2184279

>At what point can you justify buying xyz?

When you are an adult, and you have the money.


>> No.2184413

>tfw spending $1800 a year on lottery tickets because a big win is a light at the end of the tunnel for you

>> No.2184426

Just buy it if you can afford it.

>> No.2184427

You're giving money advice and yet you buy blu-ray movies.
Just torrent damn

>> No.2184430

The colors are still off compared to other monitors. And a tablet lets you map to a small stroke equals a long stroke. And it's nice to not have the bigass pen blocking your view.

>> No.2184433

> My muscle memory is used to it so it must be better for me
First fucking thing I learned at collage was to ditch that cancerous habit and draw standing up or placing the drawing board vertically. It does wonders for your work just because it gets rid of bad habbits. Not to mention it's better for your back, shoulders and arms.
Your argument here is literal donky balls.

>> No.2184435
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Just buy 1k worth of nibs instead.

>> No.2184437

>At what point can you justify buying a Cintiq?
$2800 is a lotta cash.
When 2800$ stops being a lotta cash.
Thank you and goodbye.

>> No.2184439

I bought a 13HD for 800
Does me well although the connector sucks

I'll upgrade to a 22HD at some point

>> No.2184464

>At what point can you justify buying a Cintiq?
a) your parents are wealthy
b) you're sucesful profesional, you have more savings and want the upgrade to better tools
c) your father works at wacom
d) you've work your savings with daily jobs and you can pay it
e) you're poor and stupid and didnt even considered other alternatives and/or second hand

>> No.2184465

he's supporting what he likes with his own money, just shut up freerider

>> No.2184477

>he thinks that buying flimsy bootleg trash is smart
>he thinks that buying a Cintiq secondhand saves so much money that the price stops being a stumbling block

>> No.2184520

When you don't have to ask other people to justify it for you because you're confident that it's the right thing to do.

Fucking christ.

>> No.2184524

Is there any way to try these out? I don't want to drop that much cash on something to end up regretting it later.

>> No.2184527

For amateurs and hobbyist it IS quite a purchase. But as a professional it is, hands down, the best thing i ever bought.
Remember, as a business you buy it without the VAT. The amount left can be spread in the books over a few years as an expense (the amount of income you don't declare as an expense will be taxed... so compare everything you buy for your business as "tax free shopping", since they will be coming for the money you've got left after your expenses).
But most importantly, productivity has gone through the roof. I loved my intuos, but i now get so much more stuff done in a month. I'm pretty sure it's already paid itself back since i bought it earlier this year.

>> No.2184534

Buy a ipad and that wacom pen thingy.

>> No.2184550

I don't enjoy drawing on glass, too much parallax.

>> No.2184558

guess I need to move back in with my parents

>> No.2184651

Doesn't the 13HD only cost like 900-1000$? Why not go for that instead?

Honestly though, "other people do dumb shit with there cash so it is okay if I do dumb shit too!" isn't really a good reason, make sure you have a real cause to buy the thing. If your reason is 'I want it' then make sure you don't have ten thousand things you also want.

>> No.2184691
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You never really need one, and not every professional Artist uses one either, this was done on my wacom tablet.

>> No.2184694

This, its really just a comfort/time saver thing. A normal tablet will work just as well really.

>> No.2184699

Buy one in Japan, I got a 24HD for £900.

>> No.2184716

When you make money through art you can justify buying it because it's a tool investment

>> No.2184755

When you're already competent artist, and can afford it somewhat easily. Don't be one of those guys that spends a shit load on your hobby thinking it'll make you more proficient. I see it all the fucking time. People buying $4000 DSLRs and putting watermarks on shitty pictures on their local park. People buying an Intuos Pro just because it's a fucking status symbol and they don't even grasp what "tilt" functionality is. And lastly, the worst, people who buy a fucking Cintiq before than can draw for shit.

Think of a Cintiq as one of those ridiculous aerodynamic bicycle helmets. Unless you're a pro where fucking milliseconds matter in your lap-time, don't bother wearing it.

>> No.2184826

you're not impressing anybody anon

>> No.2184830

K, wasn't trying to, just giving an example of wacom vs monitor...

>> No.2184849
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I think it's great, never not draw anymore please.

>> No.2184850
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>> No.2184863

I like the idea of the Cintiq Companion 2, but from what I hear it has ungodly fan noise and attrocious battery life.
Are these complaints exaggerated?

For a cheaper option, I'm considering a ThinkPad Yoga. The 12.5" model has wacom tech, while the 14" model has wacoms new active (battery) tech plus dedicated graphics.
Then it's possible the Surface Pro 4 could bring N-trig improvements.


>> No.2184869

I love the style of caricature in OP's pic. Who is the artist? Would they be overlaying colour later (is that even a good idea compared to just starting in colour)?

>> No.2184870
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the Huion GT-185 recently. Cost me £450 after import charges. Americans could get it for $599. I like it, i'd happily answer any questions about it.
I bought it with spare student loan money because why the fuck not

>> No.2184875
File: 51 KB, 960x720, 11850763_934973746573850_1028572717_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought the Huion GT 185 for £450. Americans get it for $599. I like it, anybody have questions about it?

>> No.2184876


>> No.2184877

can you use the intuos pro pen on it?

>> No.2184878

Any info how good the colors are displayed? Something like XX% of adobeRGB.

>> No.2184879

Does it get warm when drawing for hours(aka the sweat hands)?

>> No.2184891

Almost definitely not... I haven't tried though. The pen provided is perfectly fine though. No battery, light, rubber grip, doesn't feel cheap.
The colours are sub-apple display without a doubt. Not bad though, the blacks and whites are especially good, better than my laptop. It took a decent amount of calibration to get it right. Its colours don't piss you off and it has a decent enough dpi that everything looks good. Sorry I don't know how to be more specific. Its good enough that I watch movies on it in favour of my £500 laptop

>> No.2184901

Warm sure but, not uncomfortably so, not "hot". Just like, standard electrical appliance heat generation... I have it on for 12 hours a day and the slight warmth has never bothered me in the slightest

>> No.2184908
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You got me there, I used to pirate a lot of stuff when I was younger. However, I like being able to just watch Commando or Conan or whatever at will without having to have it clogging up my hard drive or waiting for it to download. It's almost more of an ornamental thing these days, kind of like our grandparents collected little ceramic figurines or plates and our parents collected sports cards, my generation collects movies and video games.

Mostly I'm just at that point in my life where I feel like if I can afford to pay for something I ought to, that's why I bought Adobe CS5 some years ago when up to that point I'd pirated it. It's also why I own most of the books that I have .pdfs for, It's just the right thing to do in my opinion. I don't expect everyone to be such a moralfag it just is what it is I guess.


That helps, yeah, and a lot, but like >>2184272 said a lot of it is just about personal sacrifice. For example there have been times when I've basically subsisted off of little more than cans of black beans like my idol, the stacked fedora tipping gay jew Scooby just so I could jew that much harder, myself.


Every daily habit you have adds up tremendously over a short period of time. If you're spending $10 on shit you really don't have to every day, be it cigarettes, coffee, beer, energy drinks, excessive "comfort food" or whatever, that's $300 a month and that's a Cintiq by the end of the year. If you trim down your peripheral habitual costs you can certainly invest in things with real tangible value like a nice tablet, computer hardware, exercise equipment, whatever it is that you're "into".

I'm waiting on the Companion 3, I'm banking on it being something I can take outside and draw with and I really hope they don't fuck this shit up. I'm kind of interested in the surface but I like the buttons on Wacom's products.

>> No.2184909

Cintiq is a waste of money. Get a Monoprice or better yet a Huion.

>> No.2184913

did you have a tablet before you purchased this? And was the huion worth the buy?

>> No.2184922

Enjoy drivers that don't work with anything but Gimp lmao

>> No.2184928

Well... I had pic related since high school. I've also used medium intuos and stuff at Uni. Honestly the biggest advantage is just that the drawing area is so much bigger. Being able to draw with your wrist and elbow. Its definitely not an essential upgrade but I'm happy I got it. drawing on it feels natural

>> No.2184930
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forgot pic

>> No.2184935
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Thats a point, I definitely had driver issues with the huion 185. At first only mischief worked lul. I managed to get it working perfectly with photoshop cc though. I suck but heres a dumb doodle I just did in mischief

>> No.2184936

The only reason I went for Wacom over a third party is because I don't want to wrestle with "good enough," I'd rather know I'm getting a quality product

>> No.2184944

learning to draw anatomically correct ears will make your drawing incredibly better even if it is a doodle. also try to mix straights and curves in a smarter way, don't just make areas with only straight lines or only curvy. its cool overall

>> No.2184948


this is not gud example but i appreciate effort

>> No.2185010

I had a very small tablet before I bought the Monoprice. They don't even compare. One is drawing and the other is using a credit card stylus.

>> No.2185159
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This is what I have and I like it a lot. $429


>> No.2185170

How dank is it, worth a purchase?

>> No.2185171

I set a goal to buy a Cintiq when I make enough money from art-related endeavors. Right now I'm just a hobbyist but it's a motivating factor for improving while not wasting money on toys.

>> No.2185177

Why not compare reg tablet with cintiq? Your drawing and post was pointless.

>> No.2185238

Yes I've never had a cintiq but I've had a cheapy tablet before this one (without a screen) and I'm really happy with it. I wanted to buy a tablet with a screen but they were all so expensive. This one is reasonably priced and works really well. I just kind of stumbled upon it on Amazon one day. The reviews are all good too. Glad I bought it

>> No.2185241

Pen is also super easy to charge, no battery just a usb that you hook up to it like once a week for 30 minutes and it's good to go

>> No.2185264

was trying to show the irrelevance of the matter, whether you buy a cintiq or intuos your artistic abilities don't change, as I've used both.

>> No.2185397

Samsung 7 Series Slate is like $1k and portable. And a self contained PC.

>> No.2185400

I have the exact same one.
On my last pen nib and my neice at the time being 2, got a hold of it and fucked it up with scratches on the tablet's surface.
"She's just a toddler, anon!"

>> No.2185524

>hurr durr why bother with quality for any reason

A good artist can paint with ketchup and make something that looks good. Tablet monitors feel more comfortable to use and that fucking matters.

>> No.2185569

>Tablet monitors feel more comfortable to use

For noobs. I bet you can't even ride a bike without stabilizers, kek what a faggot.

>> No.2185582
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I did exactly this. When i was still living with my parents, I bought 24 HD with my summer work money. I never told them what it actually was worth. Now when i am a student living in an another city, i would have never managed to do it.

>> No.2185585

>For noobs
>meanwhile, upthread >>2184212
, people are complaining that they can't use a monitor because it's too hard to adjust to after years of busting their wrist on a shitty product

>> No.2186043

Is there a place to by a refurbished Cintiq Companion 1st gen?
I was hoping now that gen 2 is out there would be a fire sale of sorts on the 1st gen.
A refurbished model might no longer suffer the known charging port issue.
Plus, although it lacks the 'traditional cintiq' mode, it has better battery life and less fan noise than the new model.

>> No.2186097

wacom sells refurbished cintiq companion 1 on their own website...

>> No.2186146

Not having your hand in front of your screen right where you want to draw, as well as not having to touch the screen with your dirty mitts are both advantages too.

>> No.2186281

Neither of those things are advantages, poorfags just like to pretend they are. Screens are not paper - the drawback of smearing your medium does not exist. And pretending that it's easier to make a stroke go where you want when you're not even drawing on the surface your work appears on is simply silly.

>> No.2186799
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The only real justification is if you have an actual money making career in art. Some of my fbf animator friends say it speeds up their workflow. So if you feel like your speed is being bottlenecked by a regular tablet after years of use then maybe try a small Cintiq. If you feel like your accuracy is being bottlenecked, try a large tablet as close to your monitor resolution as possible (this made a big difference for me)

But if you're a painter or sculptor I can't see it being more than a placebo. A Cintiq isn't going to make you a good artist, half the people I've known with one are amateurs who try to buy skill with money.

As a freelance illustrator I make a good living with an old Intuos 3 12x9 I got for $200. There's nothing a Cintiq can do for me except make my back and arms hurt. Which brings me onto ergonomics. Using a tablet you can sit comfortably upright, looking straight ahead at your monitor while resting your arms on your desk to draw. Hunching over a cintiq or having your arms lifted to the screen is painful after long periods.

>pic is mfw 'starving artist' amateurs buy themselves Cintiqs

>> No.2186808

>I have bad posture when I draw and this is the Cintiq's fault

>> No.2188846
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My dad bought me the wacom cintiq 24hd
I can't even draw, its just collecting dust in my room.

>> No.2188888

any1 have the cintiq 13hd/touch?
I have the touch and was wondering where to get the protective foil for it? can't find it on the wacom page.

>> No.2189023

I have the cintiq 22hd, I bought it with graduation money that I saved.
Honestly I can work as well on the cintiq as I can on a bamboo, it does speed up workflow a bit and helps with lineart but overall it's definitely not going to make you a better artist.
If you can afford it and draw at least 3 hours a day and plan on making art your career (if you haven't already) then sure go for it.
I have a bit of buyers remorse with my cintiq, but I still enjoy it.

>> No.2189145

The only time I'd ever buy one is if I had to work digitally, and if that happens then it'd be easily justified as a business expense.

>> No.2189384
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Give that to someone worthy.

>> No.2190183
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I bought a retour-cintiq 13" from ebay for 650 €. shit's cash.

>> No.2190285

I just returned my cintiq 13hd today. Felt excited on the day I got it, felt relief when returnedit. Overall, great experience 10/10.

>> No.2190287

You dumbass, SELL IT.

>> No.2190660

why don't you learn how to draw?

>> No.2190663
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Use the thing, man. Don't be fucking intimidated by all of these people including yourself basically implying "you don't deserve it". You have it. Use it.

>> No.2190664
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>"fuck this guy and his questions. He probably probably spends $2800 a year on going to chilis and appletinis"
oh fuck

>> No.2190974

One of my friends bought a $1500 paintball gun and a $1,000 compressed air tank, not to mention the 3 other guns that didn't cost that much and all the other gear.

He didn't play enough, the paintballs he stored got Flat on one side because you didn't rotate them accordingly. Janmed his expensive gun up, never was able to fix it. Stopped playing the sport all together when it died down in this area.

Grown adults spend ludicrous amounts of money on bullshit all the time.

>> No.2193587

I like you

>> No.2193606

have to assume op has dick for money yet wants something either for fun or hopeing to get work with it.

uc logic based isnt bootleg, its a competing tech and because wacom sat on its dick with patents for so many years they caught up in quality when the drivers work (some people have initial problems with the setup)

find a place with a fantastic return policy, but i would only do this if i was serious about wanting one.

because its not as big of a work space?

i would bill them for their hell spawns destruction.

and because of how thin it is its going to use a relatively weak processor, and im not sure if you can use it as a penable display for a bigger computer... would probably be better off with the wacom hybrid android thing, i know that would hook up to a computer and work as a display.

as for your question... i would justify it if i had income to burn and i could burn that much and not complain. otherwise i would be looking at uclogic based penable displays.

i could also justify it if i was making money off art, even if its just 100-200$ a month, i could justify the purchase just because its a future. also, wacom monitors unless broken, retain their value pretty good over years of use.

>> No.2193627

If you can't draw with a normal tablet, don't bother with a Cintiq. $2800 isn't worth dispelling your discomfort. When you're a professional and deadlines are everything, then consider buying a Cintiq.

>> No.2193671
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I bought a wacom intuos 4 medium, tried drawing on it, practiced for about 6 months to no avail, as almost every painting or lineart I drew with it ended up looking shitty.. and the ones that looked good were all really based on luck... Since I couldn't draw what I had imagined, like... ever, or even go over my lines without messing it up, I just ended up drawing and hoping that whatever comes out would look good enough to go along with it, even though it wasn't close to what I had originally imagined. So I started saving up for a Cintiq 13hd and bought it almost a year later. It ain't magical let me tell you that. It also has it's own flaws, but. finally I am able to draw like I draw on paper... it did not make me a better artist skill-wise, it just made my digital art as ''good'' as my traditional art. However, digital art for me is much more fun than traditional art, so now that I am no longer pulled back by a medium that works against me I am finally enjoying drawing again, more than ever before, and I practice much much more than ever since it doesn't feel like a chore anymore and I`m actually loving every second of it! It also sped up my workflow 100 times.

So tl:dr - Start off with a medium/large intuos and really really really give it your best, and give it time, then compare objectively your drawings on paper to your drawings on a tablet. If you have the same problem as me by all means go for it, have a blast, enjoy drawing again... but, if you think a Cintiq is going to make you a great artist if you are no legend with pen and paper, without months and months of long practice sessions then congratulations you just threw away a large amount of money that you will never be able to refund.

A lot of great artists have Cintiqs as it helps them use all the skills they have and saves them time, and are actually quite mediocre on an Intuos.
A lot of great artist use Intuos as they have no need for a Cintiq and are actually more used to Intuos.

>> No.2193680

Don't buy cintiq. The drivers are shit, your lines will be jaggy. And it's waaaaay too expensive for a hobbyist. Only buy it if you already make money from digital art.

>> No.2193693


>$20,000k car

>> No.2193705
File: 20 KB, 281x426, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking as that poster...

Don't do that.

Don't you ever do that.

I had enough money to pay it off and did so within 6 months but it was a shit idea regardless, at least at my limited wage.

>> No.2193707



Oh, that's what you were pointing out.


>> No.2193778

> My car costs me 4 times as much a year than my Cintiq 21UX that has lasted me for 7 years now. It's not that much cash.

>> No.2193780

You don't need it but it's really fucking nice to have. If you have a real job then go ahead and buy one. If you're jobless and banking on your art to put food on your plate, then you have a whole other set of problems to worry about.

>> No.2193789

never. fucking hate the idea of having my hand in the way. i see NO benefit to a cintiq at all.

>> No.2193804
File: 16 KB, 960x640, intuos-creative-stylus-2-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the ipad+creative stylus 2 compared to a cintiq? Feel wise. Anybody know?

>> No.2193823

Basically the same problem, i solved it by doing pixel art. It cost me 0 money.
But yeah, i see your point.

>> No.2194072

Cintiq 12WX

yay or nay? whats the most i should pay for pre woned one?

>> No.2194096

Just go by logic.

At what point can you justify buying a Ferrari ?
$300 000 is a lotta cash.

>> No.2194098

> Don't buy pre-owned ones
Pre-owned will more likely be a shitton of troubles for 100$ less than a brand new
> Were you drawing before considering cintiq 12WX
If it's your first buy on a tablet, don't even think about it, first try to do something good with an intuos
> Yay or nay ?
Cintiq 13HD is the best quality price you can get right now

>> No.2194102


lol anon please. cintiq is to the artist, what a fucking 30 million yacht is to the normal person.

>> No.2194125

what actually is the trouble with pre owned tablets?

are you saying its not even worth 100 USD?

not my first one (got h610 pro, and no complaints, just want to step up the game)

didnt ask about 13HD, im asking about the older 12WX

>> No.2194145

>are you saying its not even worth 100 USD?
No, he said the troubles you'd likely get with a pre-owned device isn't worth the $100 you'd save by buying new. As in it's better to buy a new device for $800 than a used for $700.

>didnt ask about 13HD, im asking about the older 12WX
12WX is shit. Go read some reviews. 13HD is a much better value.

>> No.2194157

what possible troubles could there be?

how is it shit? and does 13HD still give you a better value if i can get the 12WX for 250 USD?

>> No.2194170

Drivers don't work! Don't buy! How many times I need to tell you!
(unless you are an Apple facboi)

>> No.2194178

I had a 12wx. Don't do it. The colors are fucked and you can't fix it, mine has a problem where the pressure sensitivity setting fucks up every dozen strokes or so leaving a disgusting full-pressure stroke you have to undo; sometimes this happens several times in a row. You couldn't pay me to start using that again.

>> No.2194180

you could also try out yiynova. I own one and it's working great

>> No.2194215
File: 72 KB, 900x711, tumblr_n44qw4Ashw1qz9v0to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awful screen
>awful thick ass screen glass
>awful stylus on glass feeling
>didn't make me draw better
End up doodling more on my fucking smartphone
Bright side: bought it from my disappointed pal for half price

>> No.2194271
File: 206 KB, 1500x1125, 81xcdZFy6tL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the Yiynova MSP19U+ is $500. its a great size for a work space. the resolution is.. meh but ill have another monitor already. Do you think that the Yiynova MVP22U(V3) would be worth the extra $400 over the msp19u? the ips panel is fantastic looking but that price difference is daunting for my budget.

>> No.2194291

Just fishing licenses around here total up to almost 300 for everything including trout. My point was that people spend a lot more on stupider shit and no one says anything or even cares.

>> No.2194407

>>awful stylus on glass feeling
subjecitve. I love how smoothly the pen slides on the glass.

>>didn't make me draw better
fuck off.

>>awful screen
27" 1440p.

I can tell you never used one.

I love doing graphic design work and started to draw recently. This is enough reason for me to drop $2k on one.

>> No.2194408

what if i dont care aboutr the colors too much? the pressure sensitivity sounds like driver issue, not the model.

thing is i can get the (second hand) 12WX for quarter the price of new 13HD

>> No.2194413

>what if i dont care aboutr the colors too much?

Then you'll learn an expensive lesson in why you SHOULD care.

>> No.2194432

what i ment is:
>adjustment layers + my good monitor
also is it just the colors or are the values fucked too?

>> No.2194873

>> Don't buy pre-owned ones
>Pre-owned will more likely be a shitton of troubles for 100$ less than a brand new

What about refurb from Wacom?

>> No.2194892

Wacom is a shit company with no customer service and overpriced outdated panels. Like $2k for 1080p is insane when they're still based on 15 year old tech

>> No.2194905

getting this next month, does it have peen tilt? idc for it just wana know if it has it?

>> No.2195240

I worked on a company where we have several out of warranty units fail and the cost of repairing them is almost the same cost as getting a new unit of the same model because they take a while to fix and it caused us shortfalls and delays to our work. They have loaner programs for premium user but holy fuck the larger units still take a while to fix and sometimes you have wait for a loaner unit. the unit that is the most cost effective is the 13HD since it share spare parts with the Cintiq companion line up and they often stock spare parts for those models and seldom has to import part from japan.

>> No.2195254


Shitposters go home.

>> No.2195355

Stfu faggot you don't need a Cintiq to be a great artist
12WX is crappy for its price right now, might as well get a 13HD
Used / Refurb are the same : paying about 10% less for something that has so many chances to broke without a warranty

>> No.2195388

i spend 50 on a wacom tablet and dont need anything else. you gotta start respecting and stop hating because no one in the industry wants to see assholes like you around

>> No.2195392

Yeah, it's pretty good. The pen is shitty though. Mine broke after just half a year of use after I changed the batteries a couple times.

>> No.2195396

I'll respect Wacom when they start using USB ports that don't fall out of the device when you breathe on them.

>> No.2195483

>12WX is crappy for its price right no

so what would be a justifiable price for 12WX?

>> No.2195486

When you absolutely need to compensate for a lack of traditional skills is when you should buy, like when plebs argue for Photoshop or sai... Muh curves much selections muh stablizer

>> No.2195488

>Muh curves much selections muh stablizer

Actually, those things exist to compensate for a regular tablet's weaknesses. You don't need any of them on a display tablet, because what happens on the display matches what you do with your hands.

>> No.2195511

You completely missed the point with that sad attempt of sounding technically smart. You must have a tablet and I bet you use the "industry standard" a lot.

>> No.2195513

So your point is that people should buy Cintiqs because then they can demonstrate their real skills? I agree! They are fine tools, and they let an artist's draftsmanship really shine.

>> No.2195531

Sometimes it truly feels like a sin to be poor.

>> No.2195581

I'm currently saving up money from commissions and my small allowances for a 13HD, and hopefully I'll get a part-time job soon as well.

The pen and touch version is more expensive but as a person who absolutely never uses the touch on their current tablet, it would probably be a better option to buy the version without touch, right? What are the advantages of having a Cintiq with touch?

>> No.2195585

Get a Yiynova MSP19-U costs 500 and works just as well as a cintiq does

>> No.2195598

Do you not understand the word compensate?

>> No.2195609

Do you not understand how Cintiqs work?

>> No.2195639

This anon gets it.

>> No.2195657

12WX is outdated and full of bugs that you won't be able to find fixes on the internet (Because it's too old). If you get one, you will likely get a used one, so bye bye warranty (And even if it's new, I don't even think the warranty would work anymore cause it's too old).
Plus, it's not even worth 250USD$, add 100$ and you have a brand new Intuos Pro Medium, and even tho it doesn't has a screen, it's probably the best all-around tablet you can get.

Buying a 12WX was a great idea back in 2008, not anymore..

>the pressure sensivity sounds like driver issue, not the model
Well, one more reason why not to buy this shit, they won't make new drivers, there won't be any new fixes on these simply cause they're too old.
Even if you can pay a second hand for a quarter of the 13HD, it's still over 200$ and isn't worth.
This anon is right and why the fuck would you not care about the colors if you're to buy a such a tablet ? Get an intuos then !

I never had this tablet, but it doesn't even have true widescreen and, because its TOO OLD, its compatibility with newer versions of programs (Or even windows and macs) will occur even more troubles.

Even if you could havve it for cheap, whatever the price, 12WX isn't a good investment : It's too old.

>> No.2195659

I know what you're trying compensate for by defending them.

>> No.2195693

Was saving up for a cintiq for a while, but it would take until spring at this rate. Caved in and just ordered this. Hope its worth it.

>> No.2195701

I don't understand why you are afraid to use a Cintiq. You like traditional drawing, right? When you draw on a Cintiq, it's just like on paper. Is it because you are a bad artist that you are afraid to use one?

>> No.2195702

hope you're not serious fam

>> No.2195712

>What are the advantages of having a Cintiq with touch?
Realistically just panning and rotating, which is easily accomplished with keyboard shortcuts anyway.

I wouldn't want the touch version just to avoid unnecessary smudges on the screen. If it's anything like my tabletpc that oil and grime creates unpleasant and uneven friction. I have to use a smudgeguard and clean the screen with a water misted microfiber cloth annoyingly frequently. I don't know if the cintiq 13HD has an oleophobic coating or anything, but I hear they scratch SUPER easily so you'd want a quality screen protector with the right friction feel you prefer.

>> No.2195728

Agreed with anon.
First of, the main benefit of having a touch screen is to avoid having a keyboard and a mouse, but HEY, you want to do art, right ? So a Keyboard is preeettyy much core and your mouse will be your pen. Case almost closed.
Second, the smudge in your screen will likely affect your drawins; You'll think there will be pressure issue and might even think of changing either your tablet or your pen (Or both) when the only problem you'll have will be an unclean screen.

TL:DR : Touch screen is for not using keyboard and mouse.
Keyboard and mouse (Pen) are core for art, therefore, touch screen is dumb.

>> No.2195739

Can't you just clean your screen?

>> No.2195744

You could, then again, go back to point number one : There is no point in having a touch screen : Your keyboard will be 1000x more practical and will make you work faster than a touch screen.

>> No.2195746

Why would you add 200$ for a feature that is not needed / that will slow your work and progress ?

>> No.2195754

How else will you smear your paint with your fingers or fingerpaint or pan and rotate the screen? Also, don't you have an actual day job or are you underage poorfag living with momma?

>> No.2195777


I am, and now I saved quite a bit of money too.

>> No.2195889

Rotate with Keyboard Shortcut and Pen, if you don't know you could do that, that means you don't know the program you are working on :
Before buying something that expensive, you should at least know and understand the tools you already have.

And poorfag or not, 1k is goddamn expensive for you and not needed especially cause you just proved yourself that you'd buy a cintiq for the wrong reason..

>> No.2195897

>It will smear your screen
just get this thing http://www.smudgeguard.com/

>> No.2195899

Oooorrrr just save 200$ by buying something without a feature that will slow you down in your work

>> No.2195981


this guy owns a cintiqu, how would you rate his art?


>> No.2195988
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>> No.2196877
File: 66 KB, 600x586, 1439337714717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am serious. We go to the same college and I've known him for a few months now.

>> No.2196880
File: 41 KB, 540x304, le knowing lizard face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What u tryna' say, bitch nigga?

>> No.2198288
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