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2175003 No.2175003 [Reply] [Original]

Post your current WIPs, nothing completed.

Origami meets cubism meets resists. 9x9in, oil on canvas.

>> No.2175032
File: 2.22 MB, 3264x2448, 20150803_154310_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2175064

I've never understood these artists that want to make art that fits into a long dead movement. It's completely uncreative and it's kind of like committing artistic suicide. Don't you have anything to say yourself? Also tape resists aren't cool.

>> No.2175067

Not only do I not understood what you said, I don't understand what this thread is for.

>> No.2175070


idk maybe it's a troll thread. I recognize the easel in that pic he posted a pic of his studio a while back. What I'm saying is you should never try to do work in an old movement aka don't do cubist, dada, impressionism, etc. because no one will give a shit because it's boring as fuck.

>> No.2175076

fuck off retard, impressionism is the best thing that ever happened to art.
go back to creating desktop wallpapers or some shit

>> No.2175078


That must have hit close to home. Sounds like you need to rethink what you're doing. There's no future in impressionism, you need to wake up

>> No.2175182

theres always shit you can pick up from different styles even if you dont like them. so telling someone to not do something just because you dont like it is retarded.

>> No.2175194


You can pick up some elements of a style and use in something else original. But no one is going to give a shit if you do a straight up impressionist landscape. He said "origami meets cubism meets resists" none of that is original, he's not using a few elements of cubism, he's literally doing cubism with a couple other things that are also stupid. Cubism already sort of resembles origami so that's not any kind of innovation. So tape resists are the only original thing you're left with and we all know that's a gimmicky technique at best and is probably closer to elementary school project tier. I honestly don't even know why I'm posting this, I need to just let people fail because I'm tired of posting harsh/honest comments it makes me feel like an ass hole.

>> No.2175369

OP here, just got back from collecting collage materials with my girl. Yeah, I get that it's dead. I'm going to try and keep this flat and geometric as fuck. I get that it's a gimmick at best, but when I woke up it seemed like a good excuse to hit the easel. So I'm rolling with it. Let me roll a question your way, what is modern painting and what would you do that is interesting?

What I enjoy about Cubist work is that it allows you to capture time and space, or multiple subjects allowing for interesting juxtaposition. I enjoy it for the same reason I love painting at sunset, everything is changing and what's left in any local area of your canvas is how that spot was at the exact moment.

Posting current Merc_WIPS.

Muh nigga, the other half of the reason I paint is because I am left in the finished work. Photographs distance that element way too much for my liking.
>mfw making a painting and people come by to shoot a picture from my point thinking it's the same thing.

No future for Cubist and Impressionist works. Maybe derivatives influenced by at best. What is your future look like?

>Cubism already sort of resembles origami
Why do you think I'm mashing them together? Your not an asshole, you a half cocked reality check from somewhere. Keep it up, faggot.

>> No.2175405

>Posting current Merc_WIPS
But what makes something a "merc-wip"? If it's just whatever you're working on recently, that's the draw thread. So what exactly are you looking for?

>> No.2175410


I post my work here all the time, I think people are tired of seeing it at this point to be honest.
You don't need to give me the whole cubist sales pitch, I've got that shit shoved down my throat for years in art school. The whole "capture time, movement, different angles, blah blah blah" line is so tired and overused. We all saw Duchamp's descending a stair case. Don't feed that to me like it's your concept. That hasn't been fresh since 1912, literally. If you do that you're a dead artist.

Also don't use that "juxtapose" word. It makes you sound like an institutionalized drone. It's an overused buzz word that people plop onto every god dam sentence in an attempt to sound educated. Whenever I hear someone say it it's like a red alarm that the person doesn't think for themselves.

>> No.2175428
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s/juxtapose/contrast with some other shit/g
The word serves a purpose, but yeah it makes you sound like a wanker. As far as the deadness, I don't believe I've seen any cubist works incorporating vastly different scenes or content. It's all fucking still life after still life. Then there's Picassos limited ass palette, Gris at least got the memo that colour is delightful.

Yeah there's that Johnson guy posting his autistic dudes in a field with some contrived ass reasoning that would never be arrived at. I mean at least with a cubist work the space and time angles hit you in the face pretty quickly. No idea how anyone would rip "regional differences caused by a post internet society" from SoniChu in a field. Another example is a dead ass looking painting that is supposed to represent a dead marriage. At least that one is fairly reasonable to arrive at, but would be hard to tell it from a nicely developed shit painting.

I never want to hit that 2deep4u water, fuck that. Art is to be understood, not edgy as fuck.

>> No.2175459


About the cubism thing, hopefully you'll learn from your mistake and try something else. I've been desperately looking for people with fresh ideas.

I really don't need to defend my work against you because my shit is better than anything you've ever thought. But I will anyway because it’s good practice, better to have these talks here than somewhere that actually matters.

The title of the works are literally the usernames of the avatars I used as reference in a list so the audience knows what they are. The background photos of my "rl" contrast because of the obvious medium difference. The avatars don’t have any continuity and it’s that variety that makes them recognizable as part of the online community. That’s also in stark contrast to the background which has complete continuity which makes it recognizable as “rl”. So the audience will naturally get that it's about the online experience vs the offline experience. As far as anything deeper than those aesthetic things go, that’s up to the audience to think about and that’s the reason people look at art in the first place. There’s more than enough substance to dig into and I’m confidant about that. I wouldn’t have an artist statement or if I did it would be extremely sparse because I think the work can hold its own.

>> No.2175461


If anyone else happens to see this you can see the work in question here: http://ryanrebane123.deviantart.com/gallery/

>> No.2175530

>because my shit is better than anything you've ever thought

>The title of the works are literally the usernames of the avatars I used as reference in a list so the audience knows what they are.
So you rely on the gallery card to give your work context. Solid work champ.

>The background photos of my "rl" contrast because of the obvious medium difference. The avatars don’t have any continuity and it’s that variety that makes them recognizable as part of the online community. That’s also in stark contrast to the background which has complete continuity which makes it recognizable as “rl”. So the audience will naturally get that it's about the online experience vs the offline experience
All you've shown is a disconnect between your characters and their scenery. Where does online interaction fit into this? If I don't know what 4chan is this loses most meaning.

2deep4u out of 10. I do like your Abstract Composition and therein tinted works. Especially the one with the mirror. Decent work there, everything else is just trying wayyy to hard.

>> No.2175542


The avatars are obviously from the internet and their one of the best ways I've found to express the online culture that pervades all the social websites that aren't fabook and twitter. They don't come from 4chan they come from virtual reality games.

>What I enjoy about Cubist work is that it allows you to capture time and space, or multiple subjects allowing for interesting juxtaposition. I enjoy it for the same reason I love painting at sunset, everything is changing and what's left in any local area of your canvas is how that spot was at the exact moment.

And yet my works too deep? Do you know how much context you have to have to understand and appreciate cubism? A lot. If the cubists hadn't preached what they were doing vocally no one would have gave a shit. For dada you need even more, a lot more. Compared to those movements I think my work is pretty obvious. People who are older and basically just get on facebook look at my work and get that the characters are from a videogame or the internet.

>So you rely on the gallery card to give your work context. Solid work champ.

Hardly, the title couldn't be any more practical. I'm not given any hints about my actual philosophy, I'm just stating exactly what's there. Also it automatically gives credit to the account names who's avatars I'm painting/drawing.

>> No.2175556
File: 555 KB, 1000x1270, New canvas 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i still haven't had the chance to progress on this. Don't know if I should continue with lines or try to put time on details after painting it.

>> No.2175566
File: 108 KB, 655x1064, the-violin-1916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you know how much context you have to have to understand and appreciate cubism
Here's a violin, hey that's the back of the violin, hey there's a part of a table! There's a glass, there's a similar shape that's shattered, I wonder if they're connected? It's not rocket science to put together. I'm a dirty pleb hack who knows nothing about the underlying philosophy of Cubism, let alone enough to "appriciate" it. But it's fairly simple and coherent. If formal training is required to appreciate my work, I've failed. I make art for the plebs, not the contemporary wankfest. Fuck the philosophy.

Vorticism was just nice simplified angular strike you in the face forms as far as I'm concerned. Sure it rose out of a soft bellied england blah blah blah blah. Nobody cares, enjoy the look. Fuck the deepness.

When the visual appeal of a work is compromised for a philosophy, it's failed as a painting. Probably succeeded at being an Art object though.

Paint that bitch.

>> No.2175591

I'll never find out the fuck is supposed to be posted in this thread.

>> No.2175596


I'm not into the contemporary philosophy, I avoid it like the plague. I hate performance art, artforum, Hirst, Koons, etc. etc. I've gotten into a lot of arguments with college professors over it, almost yelling matches. A few months ago I submitted an essay to an art theory professor saying that I refuse to write a research paper that asked students to write 5 pages on a contemporary art theorist because it made students internalize institutional dogma through recitation. I had a high A and because it was the final project I completely tanked my grade.

Even if my work isn't successful at it, my intention is literally the exact opposite of buying into the contemporary art world philosophy.

Basically I'm trying to create art that accurately portrays where I feel I come. Hopefully in doing that I can provide the same thing for other people in my generation. We’re almost like a generation of immigrants in the sense that we’ve adopted this greater international culture that we were exposed to from a very young age through the internet. For me it feels like I’m not fully Kansan anymore even if I’d like to be. I identify with the popular online culture to such a high degree that I can’t completely relate to regional culture my parents and grandparents were in. When I saw those avatars it immediately registered as a visual that summed up the online community. If I just painted the avatars alone though I couldn’t fully identify with them. In the same way, if I just took a picture of the local landscape I couldn’t completely identify with that. But when I combined the two I suddenly could. Hopefully that makes sense.

>> No.2175607


come from.*

>> No.2175651

To the guy that paints those avatars:

It's a kind of a ridiculous thing to paint avatars in outdoor photos. And I don't mean that in an offensive matter at all. It's odd is what I'm saying, it makes me think the artist has a sense of humor. It's celebrating the same kind of weird that fan art is (this is connected to fan art in a way right?).

But the text really drags your work down right now, because it takes away the fun, the playfulness and the humor. It's a run-of-the-mill, no-fun artist statement. I found the oddness of your paintings more intruiging as I thought to myself "what kind of person does things like this??"

Have you looked into post-Internet art anything?

>> No.2175718

I get you, I feel a large shift in the quality of interaction that we've entered into post internet. We define ourselves by the communities we participate in and that isolates us by giving us each a extremely different context to work from. That and we exist behind screens, using extremely limited forms of communication to our detriment. I mean the bandwidth isn't there for good communication, IRL this discussion could have been had in 5 minutes, not n hours. It's also insular, providing escapes from life. To comfortable to phone use then staring outside, thinking or god help you conversing with strangers.

Look at the earbuds and blank gazes into phones. Scream 2.0 is pretty much walking down the street or riding in a bus. With the exception of ic and Hacker News, I avoid online interaction. It removes me from my people. I try to immerse myself into those around me and I come off as almost alien.

I come from small town Saskatchewan, it's pretty much Kansas. But honestly I'll take the everybody knows you vibe to this post apocalyptic wasteland of people I'm living with in City now.

Use your fucked perspective you farmland goon.

>> No.2175722
File: 2.75 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150804_042735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another WIP, giant 30x50in collage on canvas. Scavenged materials from all over Saskatoon today with my grill, going to try running with some more Origami ideas and watercolour regional colouring.

>> No.2175731

Looks good mate

>> No.2175785


This is great advice. I agree, when I completely explain my work it totally kills the joke and takes away any of the excitement or interest for people. People don't need to know every detail of how you arrive at an idea behind the scenes. If you hadn't been on an artist to artist discussion board you would have never heard all that from me because I think it kills the work for people. I need to remember that going forward because I can spoil it by talking people to death.

I despise contemporary artist statements so so much. I think people basically get a stack of art theory books and a thesaurus and then pick out as many pointless buzzwords they can find. Then they construct sentences that don’t say anything meaningful but instead just provide a structure which they use to string those hyper-academic buzzwords together. They are miserable to read. They’re like the most wordy possible way to insult someone's intelligence.

>> No.2175836
File: 532 KB, 1000x750, Foto 2015-08-04 14 14 02 (kopia).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a thing I'm working on right now

>> No.2175848

Why are you so obsessed with that sailor guy?

>> No.2175975

He's weird as fuck and I see him pretty much daily when mI hauling my gear. We sit and have cigarettes together, talk art shit and scope out hoes. He's cool and everyone here knows him. Actually don't have any other pieces aboot him.

But yeah it's pretty autistic.

>> No.2176553


I really hope our generation doesn't get the label "post internet". It sounds so conventional and obvious. It sounds like post modernism or post structuralism both of which are boring. "post internet" isn't exciting at all, we need an exciting banner for our generations art

>> No.2178672
File: 3.23 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150806_223209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still needs glazes once this dries.

>mfw reading UPC refrences for painting

>> No.2178676

>store-bought, pre-stretched, already-primed canvas


>> No.2178686
File: 265 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nskab6MRrl1rxcbefo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comic panel of She-Hulk looking pissed. Not happy with it, chances are I'm gonna do it over.

>> No.2178688
File: 353 KB, 1479x1792, aylamo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't think of a pose for her shoulders/body, probably should have started with more construction

>> No.2178694
File: 2.06 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150806_233142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I don't stretch my own canvas like a man.

This ones for you.
>Its a roll of canvas, pile of lumber and some tools

>> No.2178695

what the fuck does that prove, you little bitch? OP is clearly store bought

>> No.2178718

Lel, it's been so long since I used a panel I forgot my guide was on a old one.

Sorry breh.

>> No.2179546


The current leading Rembrandt historian Ernst De Wetering says in his book "Rembrand the painter at work" that they discovered that Rembrandt didn't stretch his own canvas and that he and many other artists of the day bought them pre-stretched and sized so they didn't have to bother with it. Don't be such a pretentious twat. I've stretched, sized, and primed canvas's, it's a lot of hassle and time that you could spend actually painting.

>> No.2179550


Also price check it some time. Archival canvas+Stretcher bars+sizing+Gesso(expensive) is almost always at or above the price of a equivalent sized good pre-stretched canvas at hobby lobby or Utrecht with a 40% off coupon.

>> No.2179628

Oil painters ITT? Cool
Are drawing skills necessary when starting oil painting or something I should develop while starting?

>> No.2179642


>> No.2179645


They draw on the same skill set essentially. Painting just has color added. If you're a complete beginner than its probably best to learn basics without having to worry about color i.e. drawing

>> No.2179718

But at the same time drawing and painting draw (kek) on two different skillsets. Proportion, placement of marks. Composition, etc are the same but drawing relies on discerning of the boundaries between forms, painting the shape and placement of forms. I painting lines create themselves!

I cant draw well, but I can paint.

>> No.2179926

Not true quit talking out your ass

>> No.2179943

>drawing relies on discerning of the boundaries between forms
Not always. Drawing doesn't always involve lines/boundaries.

>painting the shape and placement of forms. I painting lines create themselves!
You can also draw the shape and placement of forms. You can have actual lines in a painting, as in a pencil/pen drawing, not just boundaries created by forms.

Depends on the approach, which varies for each artist. There are many more possibilities and I think your view is quite limited.

>> No.2180183

Personally I like using the edge of my palette knife for when I do need lines. Looks clean compared to juicy strokes.

>> No.2180192
File: 3.42 MB, 3432x4320, IMG_1318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently working on this and boy it's taking a while. I'm either slow because of colored pencils or just lazy and distracted by the internet.

I really cannot wait to finish this soon.

>> No.2180204

I love rough brush strokes in drawings.
This is looking good, keep it up!

>> No.2180206

Your anatomy skills are very good. I think it'd be perfect if you put in as much detail as you could.