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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 645 KB, 1200x1600, start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2170059 No.2170059 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Stay on topic.

Last thread: >>2166989

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.2170111

Nice. Thanks!

>> No.2170230

where de fuck is alternative art general thread ?

>> No.2170233


>> No.2170241
File: 229 KB, 1000x932, liru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent request. Things I should improve on with my next one?

Strong/weak/extra weak points?

Also, red lines are always highly appreciated, if anyone has the time and energy to do it!

>> No.2170254
File: 250 KB, 900x479, jajaja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need some input

>> No.2170274

Dunno, seems great.

>> No.2170316

thanks, I will lineart it then.

>> No.2170325
File: 196 KB, 585x414, cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless this is some banner/wallpaper, or there will be things like text to fill up the image, I would get rid much of the unnecessary space by heavily cropping the image.

>> No.2170329

It would be really cools as a banner!

>> No.2170330

Something is not optimal on her right side close to the boobs, it looks like she has a very large ribcage, I suppose you made it to support the large breasts, but that area needs a bit of correction (or I'm misinterpreting a line)

Her right foot: the tibia is almost facing us frontally, so the metatarsus should too, or in any case they should be rotated slightly less. I looks a bit like she there is a 90° angle difference between the leg and the foot.

I do think her vagina is slightly too puffy (I know it could be stilisation so disregard if that was on purpose) and a bit too close to the front, it needs to start "lower". I don't know if you see what I mean.

Please keep in mind that this is nitpicking over details and that the general art is really, really good. I am miles from being able to do this.

>> No.2170332

If you got rid of part of the line of her right wrist it'd be less "blocky"
The ears don't seem to be implanted at the same heigt, her left one looks closer to the viewer than her right one.
Because you didn't use shadow or shading in the coloring, it looks like something is wrong with her right knee/thigh. Also the tail hiding where the knee bends makes it look weird.

Strong I'd say is the perspective, it's not an easy pose but you pulled it off.
Weak is the coloring. I would have liked it more if you had delivered a crisp, clean lineart of this.

>> No.2170340

Thank you so much for the feed back! I'll keep your words in mind. I really agree with what you pointed out, especially the line and color-work, plus some general construction/anatomy, and will do my best to improve on this from now on!

>> No.2170352

If you can spot so much mistakes then i doubt you have miles. i wont fix them tho (no time) beside the cropping maybe but thanks for spotting.

>> No.2170358

>i wont fix them tho (no time)
More like you're just lazy. Don't make excuses.

>asks for crit
>replies to compliment
>dismisses actual crit

>> No.2170361

ugh stop replying to this guy. he's just here for the Likes. Arrogant cunt..

>> No.2170386

>he's just here for the likes.

But his work to be shit and boring. Crappy facial expressions and boring compositions. None of his works ever look finished either.

>> No.2170401

I agreed with the crit so whats your problem ?

>> No.2170406
File: 156 KB, 809x737, Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 03.26.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2170411

has this guy even posted before?

>> No.2170428

>crit without redline
>wall of text

>> No.2170433

spotted the newfag

>> No.2170436

gib tumblr

>> No.2170437

are you sure you aren't confusing him with someone else

>> No.2170446

I don't use tumblr, maybe i should make one

>> No.2170464

i wont spoonfeed you

>> No.2170470

sure, tell yourself that.
jesus christ.

>> No.2170472

>i wont fix them
Then leave this board and never return.

>> No.2170475

is BBC chan

>> No.2170482

Not that other anon, but dang, I didn't recognize him at first. I guess the only distinct thing about him was his use of pink, and without that his style just kind of becomes generic.

>> No.2170485


>> No.2170494
File: 91 KB, 762x1048, i_can_spread_myself__by_yellowmatsumoto-d8w4fe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2170497

hey guys. im decent at the fundamentals.
but i dont really have good ideas.
how do you come up with good(fappable) ideas?
my default is picking a character from a show, 3/4 view in sexy clothes aka boring shit

>> No.2170498
File: 109 KB, 209x193, 1368253265331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i just hope you're not confusing him with me.

>> No.2170525

Its /ic/. They're jelly cunts. If what they said about you being shitty were actually true, then you'd see a lot more really good art being posted here.

>> No.2170540

Its true Im shitty i just dont get the hostality from me saying I dont have time to fix the picture. Who cares what I will do with the crit ?

>> No.2170555

I can't draw that well, but I did medschool and my anatomy lessons are rather on point.

>> No.2170558

I guess if you post an unfinished picture asking for crits, people would like to see their corrections in the final piece. Critique can have a value for your next work, but it seems weird to not finish with the crit, as you have now had pointed out flaws that you will use hours to polish, which could have made for a better piece with little effort, had you changed them at til level.

I guess it just boils down't to if an anon takes the time and effort to give you guidelines (which are good and agreed on) they would like you to take the time and effort to incorporate them after you asked.

>> No.2170562

critics can be fairly entitled. well, you essentially said
>thanks! but i don't care!
which seems lazy and also makes their critique a little pointless. it's like you wasted everyones time

>> No.2170565

You a medic? I'm starting my first semester this fall, guess the anatomy class will be a good point to bring out some Loomis on the side:)

>> No.2170567

Well put.

>> No.2170568

Careful anon, one boob is noticeable larger than the other. (her left one is bigger)

>> No.2170571

Not a medic, I switched to pharmacy after a while.

(dem drugs mate)

I don't know, I am just horny a lot of the time and then I want to draw that. Get hornier? What makes you hot? Draw what you like and comes naturally to you, I guess.

>> No.2170573

Do you mean right boob?

>> No.2170575

Right boob for the viewer, but her left boob, yes.

>> No.2170577

Sometimes I finnish with the crit applied sometimes I dont. It can take me extra hours to correct stuff while spoting mistakes takes up to 2 minutes. I might post with crit applied next time if you guys take it so to the hearth.

>> No.2170579

Original crit here. I don't mind, I don't care, I'm an autist about human anatomy and I like to nitpick and it took me exactly 2 minutes yes. Do with it as you want, I am not offended.

>> No.2170589

thanks medbro your nitpicks werent nitpicks but a valid crit stay based.

>> No.2170591

Thanks for the crit, but I'm not seeing it bigger than the other, It's at an angle so more of her right boob is seen. A redline would be helpful

>> No.2170593

meant left not right gah. Also forget it, I think I see the error now.

>> No.2170607

Original crit (medbro) here, I only do traditional art so I can't really redline for you, sorry.

Ah, nice.

>> No.2170615
File: 795 KB, 2500x3000, kumatora2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modeling it after real life.
I mean what do you fap to anon? What actually makes you go "oh yeah that's sexy"
Chances are if you don't think it's sexy no one else will either (well unless you are subjected to draw vore/furry if you're not into it).

Most people, including myself, find romance/intimacy sexy. Make this a foundation for your idea to springboard off of. Of course you can draw two people bonking eachother, but if there is not an implied situation or readable expressions of pleasure (or some other emotion, like fear, or excitement) then people can't relate.

This is for drawing porn, you know, sex between two people. If you wanna draw pinups or ecchi that's cool too. But if you're really trying to nail down the "I want people to wank off to this" factor, you have to create a "scene" and a connection between two people.

I don't know if this is true for most, but I believe it is; ecchi with a plot and relateable characters is way more erotic than just a picture of a girl bustin' her pussy open. Try to mix both and you will get what you want.

>> No.2170653
File: 154 KB, 726x1494, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fatpad above the vagina is confusing me.

>> No.2170656

try to spend some time exclusively on heads while not neglecting the body.

>> No.2170657

It's a problem of perspective. Look at your pic with only the head and shoulders, then only the hips. It's like the hips are nearly frontal.

>> No.2170671

Try watching some perspective tutorials to help you out.

>> No.2170674

OT, but do you guys think this piece was drawn by hand, then scanned, or is it a custom brush in sai/PS?

>> No.2170690

It's MS5 pencil brush

>> No.2170708
File: 315 KB, 747x1000, roughsketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since I've been critiquing on everyone, 't is only fair you'd get a go at my own stuff. It's not because you have a sharp eye for other people's stuff that yours is flawless, far from it.
Cleaning up hasn't been done yet, and I'm not happy with the arm that's holding the mask up.

I don't own a scanner btw, hence the crappy phone pic.

>> No.2170710

I drew that lol, and it's a CSP/MS brush.

It's the "rough pencil" brush with continuous spraying turned on.

If you have MS then try out their default brushes, because they're great for what they are. I also got some new ones I love that I can compile if anyone is interested.

>> No.2170720

Wooa, it's really good! MS... I guess you are not talking abound MS paint?

>> No.2170727

Don't have anything specific to say about this pic.
You basically suck and should either draw until your fingers bleed, or go back a step and review your fundamentals.

>> No.2170728
File: 137 KB, 799x1170, sketch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay gave it one more shot.

>> No.2170729

Aah, Manga Studio? Got it!
Thanks for sharing the brush tip!

>> No.2170731

Manga Studio, or Clip Studio paint.

>> No.2170740

At least you got anatomy tied down to save you months of studying it.

>> No.2170745

I just downloaded Paint tool SAI. I've used CS5 for a few years, but I'm struggling with the linework, so thought I could give a different program a shot.

I know CS is considered really good, but for an amateur like me I'm afraid it's a bit too complex at times...

Is SAI any good? How does it compare to MS or CSP?

>> No.2170747

Thank you! I just arrived at that conclusion myself after some googling. Should have figured..

>> No.2170753
File: 166 KB, 476x615, 8e8602722d40c349a665b24f1d95cb35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSP is really not that complicated.
I've used said up until I made the switch a year ago and relatively little has changed (as for basic functions)
There is also stuff that is a blessing compared to sai like
>change color to opacity
>straight lines with variable pressure sensitivity

I appreciate all of the extra technical stuff I COULD use if I wanted to, so I stick with MS.
Also I really like how much you can customize your brushes

and mesh transforming.

fuck I just like CSP a lot.

>> No.2170754
File: 106 KB, 800x800, coverlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of it looks a little wonky, you would probably benefit from learning to construct with boxes and simple shapes, like pic attached.

The hip area is actually quite decent, but I think the pussy needs to be shifted a little to her left.

>> No.2170757


>> No.2170758

I'm quoting myself:

>I am miles from being able to do this.

There's a reason I never posted before.
Just wanted to make a point that knowing your anatomy doesn't mean you're any good.

>> No.2170760

The boxes and such are what I am working on atm so at least I picked the right exercise. Thanks.

>> No.2170802


Thank you so much for taking the time to elaborate!

Let's see if I got this staight:

You used to work with SAI, but have now switched to CSP. The two are similar at large, but CSP offers better options in color, vectors and straight lines.

MS as a lot of technical stuff, but might not be as fun for the amateur.

All in all, you like CSP the best.

Did I get it all right?

(Also, I'm using PS Creative Suite, which I guess is great if you know what you are doing, but it's a bit too advanced for me. )

>> No.2170806
File: 12 KB, 307x327, 1436493353582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so when did you guys decide to give up your dreams and become a commission whore? 21 here, been in the biz for about 4 years i still think i might come back to my stories and stuff one day, and it's definitely given me time to refine my skills but right now i need to focus on getting a real job.

>> No.2170809

Isn't doing commissions closer to a real job than drawing exactly what your heart desires?

As I see it, a real art-job means fulfilling your employers desires. Following your own is a privilege you get to do when you've got a big enough team, name or bank account to support it.

But I might just be a cynic..

>> No.2170811

>>Did I get it all right?
and the technical stuff is really not all that hard.
It's just if you're looking to paint, is has everything you need.

There are things like 3d renders, or comic spread management that most wouldn't use, but if you wanted to it's extremely straightforward.

>> No.2170813

1. He's like 10 times better than you.
2. You still need to learn your fundamentals, no matter what other people's art looks like and how much you think they know about anatomy.
3. It's not like anatomy is the only thing you suck at.

>> No.2170814

Nice loser mentality brah.

>> No.2170816

well, by real job i meant like an on the books job in a real company. but you're right, what we're doing is certainly a valid form of work. i just don't want to be doing it forever.

>> No.2170818

keppok do you model your drawings after real life
is brekkist a shota

>> No.2170819

Ok, I think I'll download the free trail of CSP tomorrow. Again, thank you for helping me out, and sharing your great art!

>> No.2170822

I get what you mean. Being part of a work environment can be essential in it's own!

>> No.2170826

>commission whore
>21 here
This thread is not for kids. Go away, cancer

>> No.2170830

i wasn't clear. i meant i was 21 when i started. english isn't my first language, sorry if i'm not clear

>> No.2170833

Where you the non-English speaker who posted earlier this week? May I ask what your first language is?

>> No.2170837

not sure who you're talking about. i am swedish.

>> No.2170840
File: 112 KB, 315x318, 1436558253436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I don't know how to answer this
You can usually get it on sale for 15$. It almost always goes on sale around the holidays. It was 15$ a couple weeks ago, too.

>> No.2170843

I decided to do so cause I have no other options. Now I have landwhales sending me their pictures Im almost pukeing when I see their ref images oh god why, why. When i get gut I will make a rule that Im not drawing anyone real.

>> No.2170845

Okidoki. There was a guy who posted a picture earlier and explained that he wasn't a native English speaker. I just wondered as I think it's fun connect random conversation with the different drawings I've seen earlier.

I was born in Kalmar, so hej på dig! :D

>> No.2170850

Oooh, I'll keep a look out for it!

>> No.2170854

bbc chan is a swede I knew it

>> No.2170864

It would be really fun to see your land whale commissions!

How do you know that it's bbc-chan?

>> No.2170870

You can tell from the grammar styling.

>> No.2170876

I cant get an erection from drawn porn unless its well animated, is this a problem?

>> No.2170880

no it means u need to do animated porn.

>> No.2170884

Or you can just work without an erection? Do you guys use your boner as a kind of barometer for how good your porn is?

>> No.2170895



yes the further the dong extends the better the picture. I often fap to my reference insted of the my picture and im worreid when my boner dont approve.

>> No.2170909

>tfw you can get off on your own porn

>> No.2170912

>...and then she farts!

>> No.2170913


>> No.2170915

that is not bbc chan.

>> No.2170917

>Do you guys use your boner as a kind of barometer for how good your porn is?

No, because I can fap to relatively crap porn much like a I can a girl with a butterface. You just have to know where to focus and ignore the bad. I can't do that when it comes to my own art, I get paranoid and obsessed with fixing the problems to notice anything good about it.

>> No.2170919


Hehe.. If only my porn was half as good as my jokes, right?

I guess it could work as a pretty good indicator, but, as OP pointed out, it could also just be your imagination fooling with you. Though I guess as you grow as an artist, what you see in your head and what's on the paper becomes more and more synchronized.

Still good to hear you guys are enjoying your work!

>> No.2170921

Or maybe she just did? Hard to tell by that look on her face;)

>> No.2170924

Not sure, but I think http://brekkist.tumblr.com/

>> No.2170925


>> No.2170927

>People still confuse brekkist and keppok

The styles may be similar (because kep just x-copies) but there are still distinct differences that allows you tell them apart.

>> No.2170929

nobody cares

>> No.2170955

stay mad

>> No.2170980
File: 114 KB, 371x578, 1413852149133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because kep just x-copies

>> No.2170988

I wanna lik yo butt

>> No.2170995

Nah hes not

>> No.2171104

Who did this? it looks really nice.

>> No.2171171
File: 539 KB, 1580x1100, Daily-NSFW-023c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be some kind of sherlock holmes.
I'm not that guy and neither am I sweedish.

Also, daily nsfw.
Why do I always manage to fuck up my lineart when I try to colori it? Bad values?

>> No.2171184

There isn't a defined source of light.

>> No.2171189

Up frontal. Standard god-light setup.

>> No.2171191

I like it. Knee in front looks smaller than the one behind it though. This...should not be so!

>> No.2171197

imo it's just an optical illusion because of the lose sock on the leg in front

>> No.2171208

I wish to be this good. I know your stuff isn't perfect and there's never a level but damn you're so far away ;_;

>> No.2171209

You're an optical illusion fgt

>> No.2171211

butthurt much?

>> No.2171213
File: 22 KB, 600x400, 9f8aosdhlfotolia-angry-phone-spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2171239
File: 904 KB, 500x532, 1435540779583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is not the best place to ask
but can any SAI owners share me their lineart/sketch brush settings. Shit like >>2170753 Looks really nice and comfy to work with.

>> No.2171247

When will you faggots realize that brush settings aren't going to make you better at drawing?
That illustration looks nice because of the illustrator's skill, not because of the brush.
Fucking morons.

>> No.2171249
File: 488 KB, 125x125, 1435880291904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus dude I was just curious, no need to be a faggot on /ic/

>> No.2171253
File: 105 KB, 619x707, 1435269880616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just answer them with the simple hard round brush. You really cannot go wrong with that trustworthy hard round brush.

>> No.2171310
File: 172 KB, 831x1626, them_feet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying a different pose.

>> No.2171336
File: 1.35 MB, 200x179, 493029383475754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When will you faggots realize that brush settings aren't going to make you better at drawing?

Never. They will always keep trying to find shortcuts. Asking for tutorials, despite the resources already being out there and available, asking for brushes, etc. They don't just shut up and draw. We even live in an age where there are art streams going on almost all the damn time. Places were you can see the process of a decent artist first hand and they STILL constantly ask for shit that won't make them better any faster.

>> No.2171342

why are you so angry? calm down.
maybe some people want different brush settings because they want to experiment with their art style or find a setting that is comfortable to them

>> No.2171344

>maybe some people want different brush settings because they want to experiment with their art style or find a setting that is comfortable to them

Then learn how to make your own brushes? It's not even a difficult concept. It's just people are lazy and want shortcuts.

>> No.2171352

To each their own, fuckhead.

>> No.2171361

The only "fuckheads" are the lazy artists who ask for tutorials and brushes ad nauseam instead of just making good use of the fundamental resources already available and breaking shit down for themselves.

>> No.2171363
File: 1.30 MB, 2560x1821, tatiesukumizu_2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This head is really huge even for a loli, take this it might help you figure out what kind of loli body you are going for.

>> No.2171373

"go out to eat at a restaurant? lol, just learn to make your own food you lazy asshole."
bad comparison, but you get the idea.

seriously, what kind of digital artist NEVER uses assets from around the internet? are you one of those assholes that thinks using reference images is copying? what's so wrong with wanting to try out a new set of brushes? sure, the whole "make your own brushes" thing sounds easy, but some people would rather spend time drawing instead of fucking around forever in their brush settings. what the fuck is your problem?

>> No.2171381

>Draw 5'0'' teenaged character with size-appropiate head and limbs, taken from reference.
>People bitch because she's not drawin in 7 heads canon.

I stopped slaving to "realism" when I realized academic artists aren't really naturalists, they're zealots.

>> No.2171388

>"go out to eat at a restaurant? lol, just learn to make your own food you lazy asshole."
>bad comparison, but you get the idea.

Yeah, I get the idea you're a moron.

My point is the resources are out there and made available already. All you have to do is simply look. If you're still sitting around asking artists for their brushes or to make tutorials, you're a lazy SOB because of the resources already available to you thanks to the internet. The process of brush altering/making in itself is a part of experimentation. Why are you so retarded?

>> No.2171395

woah now, i'm not talking about asking artists for their brushes, although there's nothing wrong with that. i'm just talking about downloading brushes in general. is it really fair to call an artist lazy for wanting to use a different brush setting that they found?

>> No.2171398


If you're that good you won't get so fucking flustered by sharing experience(in this case, brush properties) with aspiring artists.

Sure - experience is gained by DIY. But you're nitpicking minor points(again, brushes) and sounding like a hung-up SOB yourself.

>> No.2171426
File: 440 KB, 1249x1441, eyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to go full ahegao, failed miserably.

>> No.2171439

Also legs are tiny, they should reach shoulders if embrione pose, yours can only reach the bottom of the ribcage.

>> No.2171440
File: 172 KB, 900x883, Bunny Squid Help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. Recently whenever I do this position, I feel like the boobs may or may not be right. Help. Any other problems I'd like addressed too, thank you.

>> No.2171441

>knees should reach

>> No.2171445

you need to kill yourself if that's "far away" and "unreachable" for you. seriously, just leave.

eyes are too close together. body seems a little flat in general

head is way too big.
because clavicle too high, breast too high.
>mikufag STILL can't into proportions

>> No.2171446

How do you guys draw dicks? Just a spiral tube with a ball to top it off?

>> No.2171451
File: 629 KB, 1011x1781, tumblr_naj9fhKVL41rjf577o1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2171457

>eyes are too close together

Given the proportions used for the face, no they aren't.

>> No.2171460

>Given the proportions used for the face
Given the proportions used for the eyes themselves, you are wrong. given their size there should be a little more distance between them. they're too close

>> No.2171461

>Given the proportions used for the eyes themselves, you are wrong.

The eyes are clearly exaggerated and aren't mimicking realistic proportions 1:1 and even then there is still a clear space for the bridge of the nose. You're reaching.

>> No.2171465
File: 874 KB, 2498x1441, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the main problem is that the torso was drawn too long, throwing off limb proportions.

>> No.2171468

what about

>> No.2171469



>> No.2171471
File: 731 KB, 1110x864, 113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full ahegao
That's not even half ahegao nigger.
Seriously though, many people including myself afraid to push expressions in the beginning, don't think expressions as something that comes from reality,
something like ahegao didn't come from real life nor its supposed to be used for real life, when you look at the face of a character you instinctively try to make the
same expressions/movements in your head, use them like that, give movement/life to the expression.

>> No.2171476

I agree that her left boob might look a little off, try lifting the mid line a bit perhaps? And her right leg might be a bit off as well. I t appears too close tho her left, and maybe a little to close to her stomach.. Other than that I think it looks amazing!

>> No.2171482

Agree for the body, not for the eyes.

>> No.2171489
File: 1.19 MB, 2775x1451, quickies01a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While grinding the fundamentals, I decided to study some doujin stuff since I plan on doing this. Did you guys also do this?

>> No.2171493
File: 651 KB, 1850x967, quickies01ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about file size.
Also forgot to ask. Do you guys have any general tips on making something sexy? For now I'm just looking at stuff and studying the ones that make me go "DAMN" or get me hard.
Thank you.

>> No.2171498

I do, also watching live streams on the side can be useful, i pick up things i never thought myself here and there.
minazuki is live right now http://live.fc2.com/62975839

>> No.2171499

Aww shit. Thanks for the link.

>> No.2171502

my god please keep posting these, wether it's a porn artist or not.

>> No.2171507
File: 650 KB, 1123x1600, risty_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That expression to 2terrifying4me

>> No.2171509
File: 2.15 MB, 1518x2150, amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any comments on anatomy?

>> No.2171511


tsugumomo's artist is also live, put your dual monitors in use.

>> No.2171513

That one doesn't have an annoying girl, nice. Where do you find out about these?

>> No.2171522

annoying girl? the text to speech? he also has it usually.
>Where do you find out about these?
By following artists, they announce their streams on pixiv/twitter etc or sometimes i lurk fc2 to see if any decent artist that i don't know is streaming.

>> No.2171551
File: 821 KB, 249x188, 1427325661823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, it's an older lineart but I got some new brushes from a friend and tried them out on this picture.
I got like 400+ new brushes I just organized for CSP.
Good brushes won't make you a better artist but there are decent texture brushes that I'd say "do some of the work for you"
When you shade in binary use banding a really good brush will make it look like you put thought into what you drew, and you can be more relaxed with where you plot your pen.

Here's the brush I used for the oni girl.

>> No.2171583

im looking for a brush that makes the end of your stroke a bit more thin like here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc850blMZkI

starts at 12;00

>> No.2171584

in mnga studio you can toggle the pressure sensitivity very specifically.

Even with the square brush I linked, you can make it "fade" if you mess with the settings.

Anyways the video only goes up to 480p and I'm having a bit of trouble discerning the exact texture.

I'll say that your best bet for inking (for eventual coloring) and having interesting looking lineart is going for a slightly textured thin black line.

>> No.2171597
File: 152 KB, 371x578, 1438300844464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2171666
File: 75 KB, 800x1167, Untitled-1 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2171699

Oh god those faces. My sides

>> No.2171702

the vagoo is out of place and the perspective looks wonky

>> No.2171718

yeah, there should be a slightly flat/concave area of flesh between the labia and the abs.
her stage left arm also looks incredibly long

>> No.2171722

WHOOPS I meant pubis not labia. damn these anatomy terms

>> No.2171723
File: 363 KB, 911x1290, amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I tought it looked ok, can you redline or something maybe?

>> No.2171729
File: 304 KB, 911x1290, amazrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok does this look better? I guess it's bit misleading since I didn't put the fairy girl so all that odd perspective is for making her look giant-ish compared to her.

>> No.2171747
File: 301 KB, 600x850, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closer, but you pushed it back too far. Here's a super quick n sloppy redline to show what I'm trying to say.

>> No.2171751

What do you do when you have absolutely no idea what to draw porn wise?

>> No.2171774
File: 484 KB, 900x900, barbarian attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only a scribbly sketch, but I would hugely appreciate a redline. Having trouble with the foreshortening in the foreground.

>> No.2171795
File: 486 KB, 900x900, barbarian attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this? Realised I *completey* fucked up the chick. Oops.

>> No.2171802

nice trace

>> No.2171814
File: 430 KB, 944x564, muscle ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the ref, smartass, and thanks so much for your helpful comment.

>> No.2171835
File: 215 KB, 900x883, Bunny Squid Help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.2171845

It's just your perspective is totally fucked up, characters do not correspond well with each other and with the background, thats why it looks like trace.
*another anon*

>> No.2171849
File: 9 KB, 184x173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ref gives you the perspective and even adds a nice widdle cube, and you go fuck it up with another cube in the backround.

>> No.2171852

Bleh, ok, yes, I'll start again.

>> No.2171856
File: 156 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I open up my dash and whatever pokes my intrest I do some more reasearch in that area

>> No.2171862

>Do you guys have any general tips on making something sexy?

Face/Body Expression and lineweight

>> No.2171867
File: 117 KB, 750x1004, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send help

>> No.2171870
File: 373 KB, 607x860, amazon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it overall?

>> No.2171878

The Penis in her mouth seems off as well as the side of her lips on the opposite side of her face.
The slit of the head should be viewed from the side, such as the rest of the penis is. Also, look at some penis refs to make it look more attractive. The inward curve underneath it doesn't look natural.
Also, her ear is a bit too small.

>> No.2171882

Well those abs are kind of ... abnormal

>> No.2171885

Agree with >>2171882
They look a big strange, check your anatomy there. Also the contrast between her ultra muscular upper body and smooth undefined legs is odd.

>> No.2171889

Just use a grid with the horizon line, vanishing points and shit

>> No.2171898
File: 1010 KB, 788x876, DC_-_Amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got it, her official art isn't always same, sometimes she has round fat butt, sometimes really muscular legs and really slim waist with big chest and so on, I'll try to fix the legs but idk about abs. Hope vagina isn't out of place now.

>> No.2171919
File: 1.89 MB, 224x169, vomit1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these 20-heads proportions

>> No.2172000

The arms and chest does look much better now, however, I have to admit that I preferred it without shading, or at least this kind.

>> No.2172019
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, mind_blown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tryna draw porn but fucking anatomy

what steps/processes can I take to internalizing human anatomy to recreate it from imagination?

>> No.2172026

Learn it really well is the obvious thing but what i do is this, you cant really learn all that well when you are just copying because you don't do mistakes so
take a reference of some pose that you think it's difficult, draw it from the reference and then try to do it from imagination, you will most likely fuck up but then
look at the reference again and see why you fucked up and do it again and again and again, and it will stick. Also go and get some really good quality
anime figures but only figure of the year kind of things that /a/ drools over not any cheap shit, and draw them from all kinds of angles, it really helps.

>> No.2172040
File: 335 KB, 1109x1000, SQcolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on this now, any crits?

Also tips/help with color greatly appreciated!

>> No.2172053

Is that some kind of goat-squirrel with the Shadowmourne? Kek'd a bit, sry for unrelated comment.

>> No.2172056
File: 54 KB, 1136x808, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yea, you did well with the axe.

>> No.2172058

"First you taste my dick, then you taste my blade!"

>> No.2172071


Close! It's a squirrel-squirrel, with the Shadowmourne.

It's a request, I got a picture of the ax and was told to draw a muscular squirrel with flaccid penis holding it. As for now I'm really bad at getting ideas for pictures, so I find that requests helps to get me going, and hopefully build some style and skill along the way.

>> No.2172073

The ax is traced, I'm afraid to admit:/

>> No.2172079

Haha, I feel like he's looking in the mirror with his newly achieved ax going "yeah... I'd fuck me!"

>> No.2172084

You decided to trace and you picked an axe of one of the most popular games out there? come on now mate.

>> No.2172086

Villpu geatures and the sculptures book on anatomy.

Then find the vagina and penis you like the look of and start studying them, there's a huge variety available.

>> No.2172101

As I said, I did it for a request. I Wasn't familiar with the game, and to spear me too much effort, and to make sure it was recognizable to the requester, I traced it. Had it been for a commission or some thing more serious, I wouldn't have.

>> No.2172102

Also, he asked for this ax specifically.

>> No.2172103

Draw a lot of humans. Hard, I know.

>> No.2172214
File: 280 KB, 1000x750, nsfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal semen demon.
Are there any guides for selling nsfw online? You guys got any tips?

>> No.2172230

Make accounts on hentai foundary, devient art, tumblr, instagram, etc
Establish prices, number of redraws, shit you won't touch clearly.
Find a fandom to pander too, steven universe and mlp are still hot ticket items.

Send the customer an invoice with paypal and ask them not to leave feedback.

>> No.2172255

step 1: git gud
step 2: get noticed
step 3: sell your art

for now try reaching step 1

>> No.2172264

You can actually replace step 1 with "draw for a couple of years with frequent updates to build a fanbase"

>> No.2172276

That's step 2.
But yeah. You can skip Step 1 if you don't care you are drawing crap.

>> No.2172317

Gotcha. I'll make a separate tumblr for porn and a hf acct.

>> No.2172342

Like look at shadman or some shit.

>> No.2172394

Whats your tumblr?

>> No.2172398
File: 218 KB, 900x700, barbarian 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely gave up on the funky perspective I tried earlier. Just can't make the 3 point work, so fuck it, normal fukkin' straight horizon lines it is.

>> No.2172400

Just looked him up. He sucks and people with standards will never be part of his following or his clients.
If someone wants to make it by posting crap, sure thing, go for it, but don't get your hopes too high lel.

>> No.2172505
File: 228 KB, 1000x750, nsfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still messing around.

No nsfw tumblr yet.

>> No.2172543

her breasts are a little too close together and her nipples are shooting for the sky

>> No.2172550

There should be more of a highlight coming up on the sternum, plus the shadow'll come in less on the breastbone. That'll separate them out. I kind of like the perky nipples though. I'll decide when I'm working up the painting.

>> No.2172623

Why are most porn artists completely mental?

Like, I've been trying to get into drawing porn casually as a hobby but my artist friends are fucking nuts and only draw each others original characters

>> No.2172626

You mean furries? A lot of them are weird that way.

I don't see this stuff among other porn artists.

>> No.2172628


My friends draw a lot of Animal Crossing porn, so furries in denial.

I love the porn but I hate the people.

>> No.2172637
File: 973 KB, 2100x1265, 1436931741177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You draw as many figures and gestures as you can every day, you identify your weaknesses, and you draw them until they're in your comfort zone. Rinse and repeat until you're able to draw everything you want to draw in your sleep. You can do it.

>> No.2172652
File: 507 KB, 860x940, Blazing Hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's back once again to request critique. Please be honest and brutal though that's a given, being that this is /ic.. Thank you.

>> No.2172724

>I love the porn but I hate the people.
Story of my life.

>> No.2172742

Reminder that tits are connected to the chest muscles and follows the shoulder when an arm is lifted. Lift "it's" left breast up with the arm. That will also create a more dynamic pose, as the pose in that picture is really "straight up and down" without much happening. Drawing a naked body is one thing, drawing porn is something else entirely. When the pose is balanced, the camera is straight on, and the angle of the camera is 90 degrees, it makes the picture flat and boring, and if you want people to be aroused, I suggest doing something more exiting with those elements.

I really like the daring shading on the aerolas.

>> No.2172747

OT, but where did the porn-shame thread go, did it get too political?

>> No.2172753
File: 628 KB, 2884x1280, side by side Power Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is my first attempt at doing a nude edit of an image. Also this is the first time working on something that is not a photograph. The main thing i do is take porn images and shoop off the nipples/toes/give lazy eyes.

So this a from a cover of a Power Girl comic and this is what i have so far. Im unsure of how to proceed with drawing in nips and a genitals once i remove the bottoms.

The pic on the left is the original obviously.

>> No.2172757
File: 430 KB, 642x584, 1437440029855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2172758


Boobies need a full outline and nipples.

>> No.2172766

sauce for this? google's not helping I'm afraid

>> No.2172772

Looks a bit like ShindoL to me..

>> No.2172773


Jupp, I was right!

>> No.2172774
File: 101 KB, 658x700, 1355878087888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was just about to post that
Great stuff for inspiration.

>> No.2172777
File: 102 KB, 1200x1200, 1377121336249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you kindly sir, but I must say, this was heartbreaking to read.

>> No.2172781

I know, it's known for that.. We are all routing for Saki-chan's salvation!

>> No.2172791


what, that guy is american ?

>> No.2172793

New chapter when!!

>> No.2172797

Heard something about his parents being Japanese living in the US, not quite sure how it goes..

>> No.2172807

I like shindoL's style, but often the anatomy makes me cringe. Is it possible to lack in anatomy yet pleasure readers with "visually" good images?

>> No.2172808

>but often the anatomy makes me cringe
The way he breaks the anatomy is actually very appealing and makes it much better imo.

>> No.2172810

I can't fap to his stuff tbh, I think drawing porn and making fappable comic is two seperate things, visual information is not only constant sex scenes and ahegao faces, tho I can see the appeal.

>> No.2172811

This. He's a fucking master of anatomy stylization and stylization in general.

Gesture and style >>> strict anatomy and realism

>> No.2172822

could you explain? Im having issues with how he draws flesh 90% of the time.

>> No.2172827
File: 323 KB, 954x1400, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you make such a gradient screentone in mangastudio?

>> No.2172854
File: 125 KB, 760x537, eee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2172872

Is it futa/trap? Otherwise I think you need to de-puff the pussy a little bit.

>> No.2172877


>> No.2172886

*tips hair gel* m'lady

>> No.2172887

>The way he breaks the anatomy is actually very appealing and makes it much better imo.

Agreeing to disagree. I don't get the hype behind ShindoL's work. It's not that appealing and the way he breaks anatomy is just disgusting because his style is not that appealing to me at all so it doesn't save it.

>> No.2172890

>his style is not that appealing to me at all
It's your own opinion and therefore irrelevant.
Thanks for sharing though.

>> No.2172891
File: 1.87 MB, 1518x2150, amazon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've "finished" this

>> No.2172908

it's her right hand, she's masturbating

>> No.2172909

When you go away from the basic fundamentals it's all about taste, this guy quickly became one of the more popular eromanga artists in japan and
pretty popular on patrion among porn artists, it's a matter of taste and if your taste is popular you will get popular you can literally find someone to dislike any artist, absolutely any artist,
you can't satisfy everyone when it comes to taste.

>> No.2172916

Thank you very much for the tips brudda. and in hindsight yea I didn't move the breast enough to be more dynamic. Though all I did from the last post was color it, so the problem seems to have been there from the get-go which is honestly disappointing. I'm sorry it wasn't found until it was too late. At least I'll know for next time.

>> No.2172917

The moral of the story is that you shouldn't graduate from being a gross nerd and/or have sex. You'll end up as a drug addicted prostitute whoring money for your abusive boyfriend who only sees you as a fuck buddy.

>> No.2172927

I need to know your secret. For me I do a rough sketch, color it in, and then work around the colors/mass like I'm cutting it away to make the figure.

>> No.2172937
File: 744 KB, 847x1200, New canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick redline for the torso's perspective.
Maybe it'll help you in the future.
Try to think about your lineweight as a tool to both define shadows and contours. If you look at abs from a low pow, the muscle masses that are higher up will be behind the ones that are lower. Your pic deals with this concept very half assed-ly and some lines are totally out of place.
Hope this helps.

>> No.2172941

You didn't do anything much different perspective wise. You maybe freshen up the contour quite a bit, but i wouldn't say you fixed the perspective.

>> No.2172943

Thanks, that's really great, I knew few stuff was off but didn't care that much about it because mainly her proportions are quite odd at times, so I used that to my laziness.

Also my linework never satisfies me, I kinda stopped caring about it because it was preventing me from finishing stuff, I know people say this alot but lining with bamboo tablet sucks, I need something better, probably a cintiq.

>> No.2172947

Maybe this can explain a little of my work process

>> No.2172949

Have I said anything perspective wise in my comment? I emphasized the problems with line weight (ok that involves some perspective knowledge too). I didn't try to fix proportions or perspective. Maybe just a tad on the legs and sides of the torso.

>> No.2172950

Drawing without construction is always impressive to me. Do you make guidelines in your head or what or just improvise while drawing the lines?

>> No.2172951

>Quick redline for the torso's perspective.
Lol, I actually said it. I'm officially a moron, sry.
Have to start thinking before I write. Anyway, didn't really try to fix the perspective per se, but more the linework/anatomy oof the muscles.

>> No.2172952

I don't care about your process. I just wanted to point out that your not using the terminology as well you might think.

>> No.2172962

As you see from the timelapse I improvise a lot. Ok, here I didn't even start with a plan of what I wanted to draw. Many times this results in the anatomy being sloppy and having to fix it on the go with digital tools (cheatorz hax) that make my life a lot easier.
The construction happens in my head, yeah.

>> No.2172964

I think you might be quoting the wrong person.
Also, termi-what?

>> No.2172968
File: 9 KB, 252x150, 1420580629012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those eyes

>> No.2172971

These threads are the new cancer

>> No.2172972


>> No.2172977


>> No.2172980

>people posting their work, giving/getting critique, and being productive in general

yeah man total cancer, we need more threads with lopsided photographs of some 13-year olds anime notebook drawing

>> No.2172981

kill yourself

>> No.2172982

Don't forget the muh feels thread and attention deprived faggots moaning about muh views and lack of upboats and of course the personal army threads trying to get /b/tards to raid an artist accused of tracing or someshit.

>> No.2172984

ah, then you're process is completely different. I work from thumbnails onwards. You seems to know the anatomy right away.

>> No.2173004

Because the old masters never drew naked women or erotica of any sort. NEVER. Not to mention you don't have to know anything about anatomy or perspective to draw decent porn. :^)

>> No.2173005

It's everybody putting on airs, agreeing with whatever so they can be apart of the group. Critiques are fake with you people, they're cliche stubs diquised as personal advice. You act like you're being sincere but we all know it's just a show.

>> No.2173065

Keep projecting and/or assuming, please. I feed on this shit.

>> No.2173069

You forgot your avatar

>> No.2173070
File: 778 KB, 1440x1280, Power Girl Edit 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i took of the bottoms and adjusted the colors on the stomach and highlights on the boobs

Now i just need to figure out how to draw on nips and genitals that don't look completely retarded. Time to scour for references i guess.

>> No.2173076


>> No.2173078

She's flying. She clearly doesn't give a fuck about gravity.

>> No.2173083

Kryptonians ignore it and there's probably a strong wind coming in from behind her.

>> No.2173105

I like! But I feel her spine is a bit too broken. Shouldn't we be seeing at least a lil' of her back in that pose?

>> No.2173108

Bright and orange background behind a bright red and orange character is hurting my eyes a bit...

>> No.2173115

I don't think breasts should work that way without anything to hold them

>> No.2173119

>already deleted


>> No.2173123

Oh wow.

Thanks so much to the anon that managed to report my UNLISTED videos.

Had this playlist up and running for half a year. Posted here. Got flagged in a few hours.

I guess I can't trust anyone. :S

>> No.2173128
File: 42 KB, 500x500, trust no one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the pleasures of posting on a Thai Prostitution Ring Bulletin Board.

>> No.2173133

Maybe you can post on dailymotion

>> No.2173142
File: 14 KB, 317x317, 294419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you expected from leepictroll-chan and other /ic/ shitposter?
Submit counter-notification. Works 100% for everything.

>> No.2173147

It wasn't me cunt.

>> No.2173148
File: 214 KB, 900x1051, 1430085787401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ you're all a bunch of cunts you know that? kek

>> No.2173151
File: 264 KB, 1278x903, 54343424324242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust me

>> No.2173152

The only cunt here is the mod >>2173142
I wouldn't be surprised that it was her who snitched. You have to remember part of thier job is to instigate things to make it more "interesting"

>> No.2173158

are you saying mods are shitposters ?

I wouldnt be surprised

I worked for 2 days at some moblie marketing place and part of the job was to animate the comments so people would start talking.

>> No.2173160

>I worked for 2 days at some moblie marketing place and part of the job was to animate the comments so people would start talking.

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.2173197

I would just lay down a flat gradient and then use a soft eraser to manually create the gradient. Use the lasso tool if you're trying to get that "cloud" look that's happening in the first panel.

>> No.2173199

I'm saying if you sit back and just watch it's very easy to spot a mod or a janitor. And you can see things are not they tell you they are. Mods like to use types of characters as thier avatar. Really they use them as a calling card for each other. One will use Disney characters, another may use chibi characters, or another may use comic characters, or a specfic comic. etc. It's really just a game to them.

>> No.2173205

Nu tred plax this one sux

>> No.2173212
File: 773 KB, 260x221, whichmgsdoistartwith.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Real children have big heads, sure. Anyone reading a loli doujin doesn't want real children proportions. They want proportions that are sexy and kind of resemble a little girl. Don't be mad that people want something appealing to touch their dingus to.

>> No.2173250

You want to share em or not?

>> No.2173253

>It's your own opinion

No shit sherlock. The moment you break away from fundamentals and start breaking rules it's all a matter of taste. Doesn't matter if you like it or not. I just think ShindoL's stylization is ass. I don't care how popular he is. You can't argue popularity as a measure of good taste for obvious reasons. Specially when we're talking popularity in Japan of all places.

>> No.2173264

But I like it when it's apparent that an artist actually knows what lolis look like naked, and doesn't just shrink the proportions.

>> No.2173270

New Thread:


>> No.2173280
File: 794 KB, 1440x1280, Power Girl Edit 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is pretty much done until i can figure out how to draw nipples and a vagina.

I tried to fix the boobs by giving more definition where they meet the chest to suggest they are hanging down and not just sticking straight out. If you look at images of women with large breasts from this angle, you just see them jutting out and you don't really get a sense of how saggy they are. And this is a stylized image of a person with a perfect body, so they wouldn't hang much anyway.

>> No.2173403
File: 838 KB, 1332x400, Πρεωιες.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a preview of a hot to draw penises tutorial that I am making right now. I'm not exactly sure if there is a tutorials thread that this can go to, so im being safe and posting it here instead.

I'll post the finished version as soon as its finished.

>> No.2173484

wand tool and select the area you want.
Make a new layer then use the gradient tool to make the gradient you want, then go over to the layer properties on the right and click the tone and there is your screentone gradient

>> No.2173639

well clean those artifacts its all yellow and shit.

also *dad walks in*

>> No.2174387

official art but the wrong for reference, that's cos kamitani applied a low angle, tilt and shift distortion to the image during it's development well achieving the effect but 99.99...% of people dont know what a tilt and shift lens is and for what purpose it even exist (i am aspirant of architect so i know the lens)