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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2166733 No.2166733 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you have even asked that yourself and answered honestly?

Art is skilled, which can be gained like any other skill.
But do you love to draw or just push yourself in hope ti get good one day, without much passion?

>> No.2166734

another one of these?
look op stop fucking procrastinating and get back to fucking work, shit.

>> No.2166746



>> No.2166749
File: 157 KB, 1280x660, 1437603683685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love every single fucking momment of drawing, painting and designing. It's been years since I started and it's finally getting me freelance clients.

>> No.2166750

This thread is pretty much a general at this point.

Sometimes people don't enjoy every aspect of their hobby, that isn't the end of the world.

>tfw you enjoy dropping basic gestures and pages upon pages of elipses, lines, arca and waves so much you sometimes forget to draw at all

>> No.2166752

this. Sometimes I just draw straight lines for an hour straight. Heh.

>> No.2166760

This board has turned to such shit.

/ic/ just 1- 2 years ago:
>at least 1 study thread at any given time
>gesture drawing threads
>'take this reference photo and draw something loosely based on it' threads
>collab threads
>character design threads. (Where people actually drew stuff, not for dumping other artist's work)
>environment / landscape study threads

/ic/ now:
>"Hey, /ic/, is xy cheating?"
>"Do you enjoy art or do you want to quit?"
>"Is 20 years too old to get good?"
>Patreon / Kron / Sakimi threads
>"Do I have to kill myself in 10 years because I won't make enough money as artist?"

Just what the fuck happened? It's like the majority of posters don't even draw anymore and just come here out of habit to whine and to shitpost.

>> No.2166761

It's pretty naive to think you'll love all aspects of art all the time. If you want to do this as a profession there will be clients asking you to draw shit you don't want to at times you don't want to draw. You're not always going to feel like putting time in the char. You might not always feel like doing studies. Having the "passion" is great but if you also can't force yourself to do it when you aren't feeling that you're going to have trouble making it more than a hobby.

>tfw you enjoy dropping basic gestures and pages upon pages of ellipses, lines, arca and waves so much you sometimes forget to draw at all

Having fun doing those things could also be a form of procrastination and avoiding doing the harder stuff you don't want to do. Loving the mundane and tedious aspects of learning can be great as long as you don't avoid challenging yourself cuz it's hard. Assuming you want to do this as a job and not a hobby, if it's a hobby you can do what ever you like.

>> No.2166764

Probably because all the hot shit, git gud, I love working 16 hours a day morons burned themselves out.

>> No.2166765

>>"Do I have to kill myself in 10 years because I won't make enough money as artist?"

that was me. that always is me.

>> No.2166773

I literally don't enjoy anything so I might as learn a skill that's neato.

>> No.2166776

Why bother to learn art if you don't even enjoy it? You'll never be able to force yourself to practice the hours a day for years it'd take to improve, you'll get bored after a week or two.

Might as well pick a easier but also neato skill, like archery or yodelling. Good luck.

>> No.2166779

haha youre fucking dumb

>> No.2166784

Says the person who thinks they can force themselves to spend thousands of hours doing something they don't like.

Okie dokie.

>> No.2166797

It's more of a secondary job for me at this point, I have a part time job and I'm learning to draw porn to illustrate a novellete collection I'm writing.
That procrastination assessment might have some weight to it eventually though.

>> No.2166805

I enjoy winning. The actual act of drawing is neither positive or a negative until I see the end result.

>> No.2166819

I don't like drawing, but I like drawings. Drawing is how I get the drawings.

>> No.2166827

>That procrastination assessment might have some weight to it eventually though.

Well, just try your best to identify when you are avoiding the harder stuff and force yourself to do it. For me after the first 10 -15 minutes I tend to be fine and get into it. It's just that initial start that's hard.

I expect these motivations after a while wouldn't be enough to keep you going.

>> No.2166852

Take it easy with the assumptions pal, I've been drawing for 2 years now.

Is also not me, seems pretty obvious from the lack of capitalization.

>> No.2166854

You're reply to a troll. why would you do that..

>> No.2166877

>I expect these motivations after a while wouldn't be enough to keep you going.

No motivation lasts forever.

>> No.2166879

i do truthfully enjoy making art

>> No.2166903

/ic/ has always had that shit you complain of. It never was GOOD. It used to have maybe a slightly higher proportion of decent people posting and making cool threads, but those were still rare. And I think it was more than 1 year ago since there's been any collab threads and whatnot.

I think honestly there were probably around 3 or 4 people who made up all that content you get nostalgic for, and they got tired of /ic/'s attitude. Pretty much every single pro has ben harassed to the point of leaving. The ones left don't have the energy to try to make the community a great place, especially when the "reward" for that effort is to be ignored or insulted.

I also think that the big sakimi and kron drama shit a few months back really fucked over /ic/s already bad reputation and scared people away. It became obvious how delusional and beginner most people are and what a shit attitude most of the community here has.

>> No.2166907

I like making my own shit but studies are boring.

>> No.2166909

Sounds like those "pros" just didn't have what it takes to post on 4chan.

>> No.2166912

Yeah, cause we deserve to have pros contributing who are able to withstand constant personal attacks, insults, and lack of respect.

>> No.2166945

There is a line between objective and subjective that 90% of current-/ic/ mistake

>> No.2166946

If you want to get technical you can argue that everything in art is subjective. Literally nothing in art can be considered truly objective.

>> No.2166947

You sound like a stupid faggot, of course they didn't and now they're gone, because of donkey shit eaters like you.

>> No.2166957
File: 189 KB, 699x688, 1359971082571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember finding Proko's head drawing video here two or three years ago and it changed my life. /ic/ seemed so fun and cool at the time.
Came back to /ic/ a few months ago because now I'm taking art seriously and progressing. /ic/ changed from what I originally saw.

>> No.2166958

I stopped enjoying it when I realized I dont have what it takes to get results like the OP pic.

But I still have to do it for pre 3d concepts/mockup so I feel like im in a rut.

>> No.2166961

Op's Pic is Ez. .. You just gave up though so you're right you'll never get there.

>> No.2166962
File: 214 KB, 1920x1031, ruan-jia-guild-wars-2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get results like the OP pic
Setting your sights pretty low. If you're to realize the peak of the digital mountain, look at Mullins or Ruan Jia.

>> No.2166964

This also looks really nice
I just didnt feel like I was doing it for the right reasons.

I was always bored/tired to do it, and I was putting in lots of time to get shit results and when I did do something that looked better I had nothing to show for it. I couldnt sell it, show it to anyone for some arbitrary ego boost/pats on the head. All the WRONG reasons.

>> No.2166968

It's the bad artists who can't handle criticism. Good riddance.

>> No.2166969
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MFW you actually believe this.

>> No.2166970

Not sure if you are trolling or what, but the pros who posted didn't get criticism they got systematically attacked

>> No.2166971

But OP is oils, not digital.

>> No.2166975

I've seen some nice oil imitations and thought this was one of the subpar ones. My bad.
He should look up to the old masters then.

>> No.2166977

Composition Errors, Unreadable perspective, Mediocre anatomy, Non existent design.

>>Oils not digital


>> No.2166980

>I've seen some nice oil imitations and thought this was one of the subpar ones
Care to post some? I don't think I've seen more than maybe 2 or 3 digital painting EVER that have been somewhat convincing in appearance of oils.

>> No.2166982

I never said it was good, I was just pointing out it was done in oils since that guy was talking about the peak of digital. As he pointed out here >>2166975 it would be better to say that they should look to the old masters if they want to work in oils. Well they should look at old masters anyways ahead of any digital guys.

>> No.2166985


>> No.2166988

Ah but that's lame, a good deal of that is just the way he purposely left it unfinished so that the fake underpainting tricks you.

>> No.2166993

out of my favorite pros,


One of the shittier artists I follow kinda looks like heavy oils sometimes so it's not undoable.


>> No.2167000

Peleng has always been very digital to me. Same with Theo, his work is obviously digital, though I guess you can argue that each of them have some colour/value/edge choices that an oil painter might make. But the markmaking is still quite digital.

Same with that other example you posted, it's very digital looking. He actually just looks like a poor man's Justin Sweet.

>> No.2167002

How about Jamie or Mullins then?

>> No.2167004
File: 695 KB, 1600x1326, Maui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference I think something like this is closer, but still has some obvious tells for being digital

>> No.2167015

I enjoy it when I actually do something of my own. Meaning no exercises, no reproduction or anything.

Seriously, who likes practive over creation?

>> No.2167017

>Seriously, who likes practive over creation?
Beginners often do. I know I did. If I did a study then I knew I could get a result that was satisfying. But doing personal creative work often was a failure due to lack of skills, so it was very discouraging to put in an effort and get no return.

But that's definitely switched as my skills have grown. Doing creative work is much more fun and fulfilling.

>> No.2167020

High caliber athletes don't enjoy every minute of their physically painful and mentally grueling training, neither do artists.

>> No.2167022
File: 232 KB, 887x900, 1432808882835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly the thread I was looking for to post.

A week ago I finished art school, so now I'm training every day, starting with perspective drawing to move on to figure drawing and anatomy in a few months.

The thing is, I feel tired, I have no inspiration at all, when I relax to sketch random stuff I don't even know what to draw so what I draw ends up looking like unmotivated shit.

How can I regain my inspiration and imagination? How can I fight against depression to be more productive? Anyone else feels the same way?

>> No.2167031

>A week ago I finished art school, so now I'm training every day, starting with perspective drawing to move on to figure drawing and anatomy in a few months.
Shouldn't you have learned that stuff in art school??

>How can I regain my inspiration and imagination? How can I fight against depression to be more productive? Anyone else feels the same way?
Give yourself assignments. Rather than thinking "ugh gotta do these boring studies" instead say "okay I need to do an illustration for X story by Y date." Then you can practice things specific to that piece, maybe you need to research I dunno, flowers. So you practice drawing a bunch of flowers. And then you apply that knowledge into thumbnails and sketches for the illustration. Then you find your values are a bit off so you will do some studies of images with similar value structures to what you want. Then you can paint your illustration out. With this type of approach you will apply the studies, you will create original pieces, and you will have more motivation.

>> No.2167033

Its different for everybody so these are just some ideas.
pick up a hobby on the side, try out a new tool, draw and learn things you have never drawn ? Still lives are always good aswell.

>> No.2167040


Well this was helpful, thanks!

>Shouldn't you have learned that stuff in art school??

I know but it's just not that good the one I was attending, so I learned most of the stuff I know by myself painting digitally, now I want to have a solid foundation but doing perspective drawings only every day is killing me

>> No.2167058

> I want to have a solid foundation but doing perspective drawings only every day is killing me
I know a lot of people will probably disagree with me, but skip it. If you know the basics of perspective then you can probably skip over the other stuff. Sure, it might help in the future, but if it is a chore to work on it then skip it and work on other things. Forcing yourself to do something will cause burnout and make you lose passion.

I never studied perspective formally, like I never copied out and drew diagrams of shit. I know the basics, but I never practiced it, I only skimmed stuff. I just made sure my other skills were solid and now I make a living off doing art. So it's entirely possible to make it without Robertson-level perspective.

>> No.2167062

Go plein air painting.

>> No.2167071

Art is the thing that keeps me away from falling into the nine to five downward spiral, you know? It's so easy for the weeks to just disappear when you work full time and it's easy to feel you don't have much else to live for. But art saves me from that because I'm constantly thinking about my upcoming projects - how to execute them, what to tell with them, etc. I'm looking at this nine to five spiral from a distance without getting dragged into it. Working with art gives my otherwise pretty dull life greater variation and I'd probably lose my mind without it lol.

>> No.2167072

Other anon.
I completely agree. If you know the basics you have no need to burn yourself out. I've been doing digital art for a year now and I recently just finished a few commission earning myself $300 in a few weeks.

>> No.2167077

as someone who has worked his ass off with robertson, what did you consider "the basics"?

>> No.2167082

One-/two-/three-point perspective (arguably you don't even need 3-point). Cross through center to double or mirror something is helpful. General idea of how things looks above or below horizon line. Minor and major axes of ellipses. Probably that is enough. Maybe you can get by on even less than that.

>> No.2167085


How do you look for clients through the internet? I could use 300$ and my skills are good enough already

>> No.2167087

I did paintings of people's character's from a mmo I used to play. It's a really niche community though.

>> No.2167093

Look on forums for job postings. Research companies that put out games or whatever that uses artwork. Look up what companies other artists you like are working for (especially if they are around your level). Get a website for your portfolio and apply away.

>> No.2167094

So just out of curiosity how can you construct complex forms without mirroring curves, cutting forms and all that? or do you just use intuition for the small stuff?

>> No.2167102

Well I don't do much hard surface stuff. If I need architecture or something I might use sketchup or something for a block-in. For anything organic I can do it through "intuition" as you call it, or you can simplify things into basic forms. Like an arm can be two cylinders, then you can put it in any position in space you want. I just eyeball stuff mostly and it can look pretty decent.

>> No.2167104

Also yeah I can do basic mirroring through construction lines or through eyeballing. I don't think it's necessary in most cases though.

>> No.2167107

Interesting, I guess I just don't trust my eyeballing skills as much as my construction skills when it comes to complex stuff.
anyway thanks for satisfying my curiosity.

>> No.2167111

I think it comes with experience. I'm not the most experienced, but I guess I have more than most people on the board (been painting/drawing "seriously" for around 6 years, have been pro/living off art for about 1 or 2).

>> No.2167119

Maybe I guess, last three months or so were the first time I was crunching technique non stop instead of fooling around with stuff either in my comfort zone or way above my level. I just got finished with construction a while ago.

>> No.2167126

Hm, maybe you should spend more time on construction. But not the anal kind that Robertson does, more like simplifying forms into basic planes and forms. Like I started out with a couple years of grinding figure drawing and anatomy, every name possible, Bridgman, Vilppu, Hogarth, Loomis, Peck, Vanderpoel, Kevin Chen, Michael Mentler, Reilly method, Bammes etc. (this was before Hampton, but I think he is good too). I think that sort of informal construction of the figure really built into my head a decent understanding of forms and how they sit in space and interact. So I don't need to plot out things and use a ton of construction liens to get to the heart of it.

>> No.2167132
File: 49 KB, 500x419, 1434345251231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at the stage where I'm learning the fundamentals.
It took me an embarrassing month or two just to fully grasp the Loomis head in Fun With a Pencil.

Personally I fucking hate drawing currently because it makes me feel so dumb.

Am I alone in this? How did you guys start taking your art seriously? How did you get over your "don't polish a turd" perfectionist mindset?

>> No.2167135

I love this piece so much. I know there was a psd file of this but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone happen to have it?

>> No.2167143

He posted it on his facebook page last year, dig through and you can probably still find the link.

>> No.2167144

I've been doing fundamentals for at least a month as well, I don't even look at loomis yet because I don't feel confident in my lines or anything.

I don't even know when I'm going to move forward, I just make it an obligation to work a bit on the fundamentals every day.

>> No.2167153

>How did you guys start taking your art seriously?
I never do, which is why I'm so comfortable with whatever I draw and finish for commissions.

People with a stick up their asses the size of East Texas will say that you should stick to the fundamentals when learning, but I say do whatever the fuck you feel like you wanna do, but do it again and again and again until it sinks in. I never learned line quality from how to draw books or any shit like that, just doing whatever I wanted when I was in the mood.

>> No.2167173


Also Sycra hates us now

>> No.2167176


wut? was that kebab guy on /ic/ too?

>> No.2167191
File: 31 KB, 640x514, 10491079_761829200534156_4337319837167563959_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mediocre youtube artist doesn't like this shithole filled with artists who at best are intermediate and arrogant.

>> No.2167192
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>> No.2167194


Can't say I blame him, though.

>> No.2167204

Why? I remember asking about his thoughts on /ic/ and the question was acknowledged by his gf (don't know for sure if it's his gf), but he and his friends just ignored the question.

>> No.2167208

Never mind, I'm a dumb faggot. They did answer the question, I must have just been away.

Skip to 1:11:00


>> No.2167213

Around 1:10:00 actually.

>> No.2167217

Doesn't sounds like much hate, just recognition of what /ic/ is like a lot of the time.

>> No.2167221

Drawing makes my dick hard. The difficult part is actually starting something. Paradox.

>> No.2167305

I don't understand how people can listen to Sycra. His voice literally gives me headaches.

>> No.2167643

300 in a few weeks sounds like a really shitty pay, not that I mean that I make more right now, but if I had the knowledge and skills of someone that can prodvide good skills and results I wouldn't want to go for that, unless of course you only worked like 10 hours

>> No.2167646

I am actually kinda bummed out because I didn't take art serious earlier (started when I was 18 (5 months ago lol) and I am seeing decent progress already, but I think that being on 4Chan really helped me in this regard, because I couldn't have taught me completely myself and I wouldn't have known where to look for books and shit, so I guess 4chan or rather /ic/ might be the reason to me getting gud one day

>> No.2167659

Most of the time I spend practicing drawing is very tedious and boring.

10% of the time though, I get into this mode where it becomes insanely fun, and I feel like I could do it forever.

That 10% is why I draw.

>> No.2168111
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 11422010_392771834264699_1522361582_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post here since it seems like the correct thread:

When I draw, my mind is usually full of thoughts about random shit, things which happened in the past, etc. and I can't concentrate properly, I usually stand up and change the song every 5 minutes.

BUT, when I smoke weed, for the rest of the day I have 100% focus power and can spend hours drawing and having the time of my life, because when I draw while high, only the drawing exists, nothing else can distract me.

How can I be as focused as when I'm high but when sober? I need to be more productive.

>> No.2168188

Hey, I recently turned 18, any tips? are you going to school?

>> No.2168255

My guess is that it has something to do with this


>> No.2168283


Do reaserch on ADHD (you more likely have ADD, not hyperactivity).
I had same problems. One option is weed, other is medications.

>> No.2168289

I don't find the things I used to enjoy as enjoyable anymore. I have no friends, my family has forgotten about me, and I might as well be autistic. It's do or die, I have nothing else to live for.

>> No.2168290

Draw only in Black and white, Study perspective, Draw basic shapes and learn to shade them and their cast shadows. Watch the Vilppu series and use michael hamptons anatomy book.

You need:
Perspective made easy
Design and invention
Vilppu drawing series.
Light and Color gnomon DVD.
and this series

Now take this information, get the books as pdfs or buy them.
Take this fucking information and run.
Is something in your studies not making sense?
Compare it to the books or videos.


>> No.2168309

>Love animating
>every aspect of it, practicing, timing, planning, designing, even drawing each frame
>can't stand studying fundamentals of drawing

here's to a life of animating stick figures and shapes

>> No.2170403

I don't love to draw. I don't mind it at all, it's not bad, but I don't love it. What pushes me is the ideas I have filed away that I can bring to life once I attain good enough skill, and I would love doing that.

>> No.2170459

I love it.
Deep down I kinda feel like it's my calling.. Altho I'd never admit it irl

>> No.2170473

oh man, im not enjoying every minute of it!!! what do? I better GIVE UP because i dont deserve to be an artist.

Let's do something else, that even I deserve to hate, as a living.

fuck logic

>> No.2170626

I enjoy the act of drawing at times and enjoy the results much more at others, but overall I like it well enough. Technical feats bore me to no end, but things like gesture drawing or detail work only make me hate it until I see the final result. The rest is a meditative experience.

>> No.2170644 [DELETED] 


dude that was really funny
thanks for posting it i
appreciate it lol

>> No.2171638

cool concept.
sometimes it's fun all the way, sometimes it's just training.

>> No.2171642

I'm not entirely sure. I do a lot of addy and drink a lot and painting can feel very very good while doing either (or both!). It's all very physical for me. Little abstract friends are made. Now and then, I make something I feel a little proud of.
I'm in such a rough patch right now. I think it's depression, maybe, but I'm painting a whole bunch and it all feels ugly. I think I may take a break, read some, start running again possibly, and then see if the flow is back. Maybe I'm done with it, like I can get with things.

>> No.2171643


What is addy?
if you have depression you should change alcohol for medicine or you will end up killing youself one day

>> No.2171656


>stop drinking and get medicated
My sides, anon. My sides.

>> No.2173753

>complaining about the issue instead of doing anything about it.
Starting a thread isn't that hard. Being anonymous you can even make several threads without people noticing you're the only one starting them all.