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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2159732 No.2159732 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't /ic/ nice? Why do you have to be so mean?

>> No.2159739

because tumblr and deviantart and reddit already exist for your hugboxing needs. also, plenty of people here are helpful. i don't need nice (most people don't), i need useful crit (everyone needs this).

occasionally /ic/ delivers. the rest is great for laughs.

>> No.2159740
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The only recourse for disappointed and broken idealism is to become bitter and cynical as fuck

>> No.2159758

i actually asked for help and havent posted anything on this site for years but i thought i actually had a pretty good question and no one answered it. so i guess maybe its just a couple people helping eachother out with their boners where other people can see it instead of exchanging emails. do me a favor and look up the definition of community and show me where in that definition it says to not allow new comers and only help outspoken members who youve been helping for years and probably dont even take your advice to heart like someone who actually listens might. fuck you.

>> No.2159763

post your question and i'll see if i can help you then.

being a part of a community means learning it's rules and finding a way to fit in. this isn't always easy and if you aren't willing to do it then perhaps this isn't the community for you. either way post up and i'll do what i can for you or at least direct you to a thread that might be able to help you. can't promise you anything though, it's 4chan after all.

>> No.2159768

You're expecting people to be nice on 4chin?

>> No.2159769

im wondering how much natural light affects the color palette of a painting. if its taboo to paint under the sun and then go finish the painting inside under a lightbulb. im painting from a photo on my computer right now so im not sure what to do because i feel like i get the best colors when i paint outside but i cant see the screen. should i just paint the whole thing inside since it will be quicker and im no vincent anyway? or just give up on the whole thing cuz painting from a computer screen is a stupid idea? sorry for the rapid fire i just know alot more about drawing

>> No.2159777


>useful crit


>> No.2159782

first up there is no taboo. if it works it works, so if you can get results with that method then run with it.

yes natural light affects your view of other colors, any type of light affects your view of colors, as does putting colors next to each other. the usual advice is look up james gurney's blog and his books (which you can find in the book thread links). color theory is not something i've studied extensively so can't help you much beyond that.

secondly i'm not sure i'm understanding your question correctly. you are painting from a picture on your computer, but you think painting outdoors under natural light is going to make your painting and color choices better?

>> No.2159783

I guess you have to be close to an internet virgin to find this place mean.

>> No.2159797

>yfw /ic/ is one of the nicer boards

>> No.2159798

i dont want to finish my painting under a light bulb and then look at it the next morning to find its way too dark or some other malady. im thinking i should just suck it up and finish the painting and try to get the feel for it. thanks for the advice it really helped

>> No.2159815

Hey there, apologies if we've been mean. Please don't get discouraged.
As to your question, I've painted under a lightbulb away from windows, and when the painting was moved to a naturally lighted room, the colors seemed suddenly very desaturated, and there was a marked difference. So what seems to be the best course is if you can determine the final resting place you're going to give your painting, and try to paint under similar conditions, so you will be seeing what the colors will really look like to those viewing it in the end. If you're not sure where the painting'll end up, or if you're just going to take a photo of it or something for your portfolio, then what I'd recommend is, (since while you could print out your reference picture, printing absolutely ruins colors, even on nice photo paper,) paint by your screen, but keep a nearby window open if possible, to filter in as much natural light as you can, and either a couple of times while you work, or at least once you feel you're finished with your piece, take it outside and have a goof look at it. If the colors seem off, take it in and tweak it. Bring it back out and see how it looks then. Tweak it outside if you like. Moving it a time or two under different lighting conditions till you're generally satisfied with how it looks no matter the lighting. Just be careful not to overdo it and be gentle with your corrections, so you don't inadvertently lose some of the good things that had happened while you were painting originally.
Best of luck.

>> No.2159816

Places like tumblr and deviantart exist almost solely to circlejerk and boost people's egos, so /ic/ has to go in the complete opposite direction.

>> No.2159819

I like to be nice to people on here.

>> No.2159824
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>i was gonna say the same thing

this board doesn't even do what the description implies

>no tablet discussion
>don't be rude

>> No.2159825

Because they are losers, anon.

>> No.2159826


you're the painting the patio guy

from the computer screen

stop painting from the computer screen, you feel like the colors are better outside, paint outside

it isn't taboo to paint inside but you might just not like it

>> No.2159833

yeah i am that guy but i didnt create this thread. i thank all of you for the advice and im sorry i was on edge the other day. i just have been lurking for so long and thought it was a good enough question that might spark a debate so i started a new thread. you guys are cool i take back calling you all faggots. sorry.

>> No.2159847

No worries anon, I really like it here both because there's often nice content floating around, and because people feel free enough to express what they really think. Hearing earnest negativity's kinda nice, sometimes, because people are often so careful that you can't get a good idea of what sort of response your work might really produce. So good on yer.

>> No.2159904


>> No.2159914


>its just a couple people helping eachother out with their boners where other people can see it
>only help outspoken members who youve been helping for years and probably dont even take your advice to heart like someone who actually listens might. fuck you.
We're all anonymous, you dumb cunt.

>instead of exchanging emails
Yeah, you fuck right off.

>> No.2159944

>first reply is m-m-muh hugbox fuck off to tumblr


>> No.2159945

>why isn't /ic/ nice?
I'm only here to bully people, mainly the faggots in the porn thread who think they know anything about art outside of pleasing horny autistic weebs and dwelling in a cesspool of stagnation. That place is literally the stylization general but only MORE cancerous.

>> No.2159948
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I've gotten critiques on my figure studies and gestures that have helped me immensely so it's different for everyone.

>> No.2159979
File: 135 KB, 400x2525, 1406309041223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think this place is mean go to /3/.

All people post there is "needs anatomy" and "it's shit".

>> No.2159981

What the fuck is /3/? I don;t see it in the boards option.

>> No.2160028
File: 20 KB, 225x237, feel_itdotjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /3/
>see July challenge thread
>model this breast pump
>'no uh it's lame/boring/I don't have time/u suck, I'm totally a top tier artist though
>only one person actually bothers to do it

It's just like /ic/.

>> No.2160032

heres your metapost

>> No.2160043

Because when 90% of threads is just you, having to repeat "go read the sticky" trying to be helpful, eventually the stupidity of those people wear you off, so you quit or go full fuck you mode.

You're not entitled to be helped anytime you want, you cunt, /ic/ is slow, so a thread may need 24h+ to see a decent reply, also there's people who just don't get out of their containment boards. So you have to go to them, cunt.

Also there's a shitload of question that should not be asked since they're answered on the sticky, you cunt. Google exists, you cunt.

Someone got their fee fees hurt by /ic/.

>> No.2160107

The only thing /ic/ delivers is pizza

>> No.2160129

>i thought i actually had a pretty good question and no one answered it.
You're entitled as fuck, anon. We don't /have/ to answer your questions just because you post here.

>> No.2160131

Where the fuck do you think you are exactly?

>> No.2160134

>so you quit or go full fuck you mode.

>> No.2160142


I just think people should try to be more nicer

>> No.2160146

You have to realize that people can be anonymous here which means they will either shitpost as much as possible, vent their hidden anger, voice their true opinions, etc...
It's all open house here and I personally like it like that. I've gotten really harsh criticism and it helps instead of someone being nice and saying "just work harder".

Also, I dislike Reddit's interface so fuck them.

>> No.2160147

While it would be nice you have to realize that this is how 4chan is, was and always will be. About once a week /ic/ will get an idealistic visitor that believes something should drastically change and sometimes they'll launch a whole campaign spanning a month only to realize that it can't and won't change. This has been going on for quite a while and that's just the way things are. Sorry to break it to you, anon.

>> No.2160148


You've already failed

>> No.2160150

/ic/ tards think, that in order to give good advice you have to be an exact opposite of deviantart hugboxes: unreasonably mean, constantly shitting on other's work, only pointing out negatives, not things that are actualy done right.
If it wasn't enough, they don't have any knowledge themselves, so they can only parrot "loomis".

To see what a good advice and critique looks like, look how Marshall and Proko goes about helping students in the youtube videos.

>> No.2160154

because /ic/ can't draw

>> No.2160165

they're mostly 22 year olds making out that they are worldly experienced tobacco chewing draughtsmen.

I shouldn't worry about it.

4chan is a cunt which is why we're here.

>> No.2160206

dude i dont fucking care what you think

>> No.2160210

I'm more curious as to why /ic/ is so damned slow. It's like /lit/ tier speed.

>> No.2160212

i mean i do. i get what youre saying but im obviously still learning and got a little frustrated i dont think i would be going out on a limb by saying it happens to the best of us. sorry again.

>> No.2160217

its because people like this guy>>2160129
dont allow any new threads made by anyone. haha

>> No.2160220

Apparently the rest of the boards are afraid to come here, I asked in a /pol/ drawthread that what was the big deal with not going to /ic/ and that you're all just kittens and there is no boogeyman and they all ironically replied Loomis.

>> No.2160250

i think /ic/ is too friendly tbh.

>> No.2160276

I've seen /ic/ work on a couple projects. One was the random monster princess threads, then there was mushroom girl.

>> No.2160277

>why /ic/ isn't more like every other shithole out there

It's actually refreshing how /ic/ can put you on your place, meanwhile most wannabe artists outside a classroom (hell sometimes even with classes) aren't evolving, they're too caught with themselves instead of trying hard, at least /ic/ tries, it might not succeed but god dammit, we try.

>Hey guys, look how these people who are PAID to critic, do them, you should do like them but for hotpockets free

We are critizing your shit doodles for free, be thankful or prepare to lose shekels, oh nose one.

/ic/ is like the professor in Whiplash, sometimes with less or no knowledge but equally agressive, i like it. It's not for everybody.
There isn't really another option out there for people who like this style while there's hundreds of leddits and deviantards for people who want to be cuddled.

>> No.2160293

Artistic people seems pretty elistist people. Withering criticism will make you train harder, otherwise everybody would think their art is hot shit, even tho it would be reddit tier stuff in reality.

>> No.2160302

If you can't give critique don't give it.
Nobody says this place should be a hugbox. There is a difference between cuddled or given actual advice instead of rude remarks.

If you can't give advice, ignore a post.

Anonimity also does a great disservice to an art site because nobody has any credibility.

>> No.2160304

Both devianart and /ic/ deliver the wrong kind of critique.
Deviantart patter you on the back and tell you that you're perfect. So you don't improve because you think you can't improve.
/ic/ treat you like shit and make you feel like it's impossible to improve because you've got no talent.
The secret is balance. Top tier artists don't cuddle you but they also don't shit on you, they tell you what you're doing wrong, what you're doing right. This way you can understand that you're made good progress but you've still got work to do.

>> No.2160310

You don't HAVE to give critique. If you choose to do so, either do it proper or don't do it at all, because nobody likes to eat turd nugets, even though they are free.

I no longer come here for advice just to save pictures and post in favorite artist threads.

>> No.2160333


It really depends on how lucky you are when posting/asking for critiques. Sometimes you'll get a hardass who just shits on everything you do or idiots who just scream LOOMIS(Hogarth best hands) and then you'll have times where you get nice critiques that are Proko & Vandruff tier. Very rarely you'll have one Jeff Watts tier advice that helps you a lot.

Really, just get Proko premium and have him critique your shit if he still does that.

>> No.2160335

People here do really use abrasive language for no reason. Even in critique, there doesn't need to be all the name calling and aggressively toned swearing.

eg. If you accidentally make a typo, all the replies will be "you UTTER IDIOT you'll never making you FUCKING PLEB".
>Why so aggro friends?

>> No.2160378

So like is this the new generation of kids who cant take a ribbing? i mean back in my day shit like this was trivial.

>> No.2160406


People think nitpicking and useful crits are the same thing here while actually having no clue what they're talking about.

Once in awhile a more experienced artist or aspiring pro may make an actual useful crit but those are rare and far in between.

Nothing to do with feelings; want a good crit ? Find someone actually good or starting to get good at least.

>> No.2160414

>We are critizing your shit doodles for free

And that's why /ic/'s critiques are shit and ultimately worthless. You get what you pay for. /ic/ is good for nothing but the sticky and resource threads. That's it. 99% of the people here can't draw for shit in the first place. Of course they wouldn't be able to analyze or give worthwhile critique since they don't have the experience.

>> No.2160437

Thanks for making this thread OP.

May it be a beacon of light for everyone on this board that ties their feelings and sense of self worth to their work. Their poor poor feelings and ego.

May it attract those that are incapable of critical thinking. Those who cannot determine the difference between bullshit and useful crit.

May it forever stand for those who are convinced this place is shit but for some reason keep coming back.

May it be a reminder to the rest of us that some people don't understand how to filter 4chan forums by hiding threads.

And most of all, may it continue to be a source of laughs for the rest of us who are fully capable of finding useful things on this board and enjoy being here despite all these idiots and their soft squishy feelings.

Lastly: 4chan is 18+, the real world requires critical thinking and the ability to filter bullshit and being able to deal with assholes. If you can't into all of that, go somewhere else it's easy. No one is making you come here.

>> No.2160499


Surprised nobody has realized I made this thread to troll yet. I thought it'd be pretty obvious with the image I posted.

>> No.2160505

You're not even OP.

>> No.2160513


Actually I am

>> No.2160580

If you don't like the critic, ignore it, that's how shitposting became a job for some retards in here, they know you don't have a thick skin, so they attack and what do you do? Well this thread is a great exemple of what you people do.

And >>2160437 tells how it is.
Even the most memetic critic full of foul language can teach you something if you really stop to think, if you don't want to, just ignore the post and move on.

>> No.2160620

why would it be fast? art is a tiny hobby compared to things like videogames or anime

>> No.2160632

There are a lot more lurkers then posters....

>> No.2160687

The common response is that /ic/ tries to stay away from sucking everyone's cock and giving people false confidence.

The truth is that people use it as an excuse to be niggers. Rarely do I ever see useful crits, mostly just snarky comments and insults. Even then, most of those are largely unfounded.

>> No.2160728

This. Also, many people here are very competitive.

>> No.2160750
File: 65 KB, 500x475, feel it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, let this be the day where we come together as a community, and try our best to set our emotions aside and critique one another in the most objective and helpful manner. Help each little d/ic/k bloom into a beautiful firm flower.

>> No.2160760

gay you need loomis

>> No.2160778
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Where else am I going to find the brutal honesty in all its forms.

>> No.2160781

Several thoughts here

Whether you made this as a troll thread or not, OP, I'll just say your post will probably not change much around here. Shitposters will stay shit and constructive critiquers will stay constructive. I think shitposters and actual helpful people are mostly mutually exclusive but I could be wrong. Could sometime helpful people admit that they shitpost from time to time? Seems plausible but unlikely.
For chronic shitposters to improve their attitude will require something more than a thread like this.

Don't take words too seriously especially here. When typed out you miss a lot of things such as sarcasm that's why words may seem more abrasive than they actually are. Where else are words like "faggot" "nigger" and "kill yourself" repeated ad infinitum by people and brushed off because it's accepted as part of board "culture"? Filter that and move on.

>> No.2160795

Lots of /ic/ mistakes being an asshole for being critical, when these aren't the same thing.

A lot of the people who behave rudely on here actually give really shit, vague critique, rarely actually establishing what the person did wrong in any detail, and often just point a person somewhere else to fix it. Then they go and feel like they were anything more than useless cunts.

That said, this board has some critique that isn't nice but is necessary, so sometimes you need to shovel through all the shit in the hopes you might get someone who's not a retard who thinks he's the Simon Cowell of art critique or something.

>> No.2160819

And you need a hug.

>> No.2160899


/3/ is the board for 3D modelling. Blenderfags saying "what's it like to suck autodesk's dick".
Non-blenderfags saying "What's it like to not have a UI".

Everyone saying "your work is shit. needs anatomy".

>> No.2161007

Your father

(too brutal)

>> No.2161013

Yeah, sometimes people can be so unashamedly harsh on /ic/...but I have learned so much from the amazing people here. It's an amazing resource, to have peers. Some of you are better artists, some are just beginners or have been drawing longer than me but aren't as good...but it doesn't matter. We're all here on this board for the same reason, to discuss art, to get better, to improve and learn.
I started a new part-time job in an art environment and there's two artists there I'm supposed to be learning from. One who is younger than me has no recognition as an artist but he's taught himself through youtube tutorials how to paint digitally and is drawing every day mimicking his favourite artists. He actually started coming up to me lately, asking for art advice which was a huge breakthrough in our working relationship. The other is a guy who has a couple hundred or so followers on instagram and just draws pokemon, adventure time, super mario, that kind of stuff. Everything has a filter on it to disguise he cannot draw for shit. He brags about his followers (even when half the photos are just of himself being an egotistical shit) but he doesn't draw every day and refuses to learn any other styles or mediums. Realism is simply "too hard" for him, so he doesn't try. He considers himself the superior person out of the two workers there because he gets more business...but I have faith that the first guy...he's gonna be the one to watch out for. He's slow, but he's got the hunger to learn.
Working there at first was exciting, then I realised neither were on the same level of discussing mediums/techniques/artists/loomis/ect which was disappointing. But when I realised the first guy was willing to learn, I knew which guy I'd rather work with artistically. He wasn't popular and nobody really understood my choice when the other guy is supposedly "the better artist" for now...but he is going to get way further in his career.
Sorry, kinda off topic...

>> No.2161030

>don't give critique if you can't draw
>If you don't like the critique, ignore it
let's be realistic. as much as i like the former, the latter is more applicable.

>Lots of /ic/ mistakes being an asshole for being critical
no. you are confusing critique with attitude.

>> No.2161148

Even when I get a reply that is nothing more than an insult, it motivates me to get better. It makes me think about why it is shit. DA on the other hand is completely useless with their comments of "cool" or "great".

>> No.2161149


Yea sometimes the ridicule is good too.

90% of the times anyones ever commented on my work on /ic/ its been pleasant enough.

>> No.2161154

Hey I'm all for being objective with your art.. but comments like "Cool, or great" aren't useless.

They provide encouragement to the artist and also helps shape art culture/standards..

Maybe you're just buttmad that good artists are getting these comments but you aren't? In that case you need to look inward for a solution to your anxiety.

>> No.2161156

>They provide encouragement to the artist

Not him but encouragement is overrated. The best thing anyones ever said to me about my art is that it sucked.

>Maybe you're just buttmad that good artists are getting these comments but you aren't? In that case you need to look inward for a solution to your anxiety.

Calm down Freud its a preference.

>> No.2161157
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o-okay then.

>> No.2161165

>The best thing anyones ever said to me about my art is that it sucked.

I understand where you are coming from, but that does sound odd to me. But whatever floats your boat.

It's nice to hear that though, Sometimes when I critique, I lay out all the problems I see with a picture and don't mention any of the positives even if there are many. afterwards I wonder whether it comes off as too critical or butthurt since I didn't compliment the artist at all even though I did appreciate his picture. now and then I have to remind myself to mention both the negatives and positives.

>> No.2161168

>I understand where you are coming from, but that does sound odd to me.

I was talking of it more as a single turning point when I really started to improve. I'd obviously rather not get "you're shit" anymore.

Yea being level with critique is difficult, especially on 4chan where throwing in fuck/shit/faggot etc is standard vocabulary and things come off much stronger. I've found that posting examples from other artists that illustrate my points helps a bit.

>> No.2161176

yes, they aren't useless. the issue is where the standard is.

>> No.2161210

You shouldn't need to mention the positives, it's implied. If you lay down the negatives, what is left? The positives. Some people are dumb, jesus christ.

>inb4 why don't you just tell the positive points

Because saying what you did right will not lead you to improve, you're already doing alright, you need to up your negatives, improving more your positive points will lead to an abyss between what you do well and what you don't.

What really happens is, you tell someone part of his drawing is good, they see what you complimented and instead of improving the negatives, they throw themselves into those positives points, because working on them will make him get more positive reviews, creating a sick cycle of not improving but it's okay, people love it. Just look at DA or other art sites, same bullshit. Some people draw just to reach fame/get attention, give an inch of it to them and they will attach themselves, like a leech.

And since negative reviews come with implied positive reviews, there's no point wasting time writing everything down, unless you're talking with a 10 year old.

tl:dr Some people are dumb.

>> No.2161230

>You shouldn't need to mention the positives, it's implied.
not that guy, but you're retarded.

wether it's the positives or the negatives, both serve as confirmation/relevation.
for example, if i made a drawing i think was nice, it'd be good to know if others find it positive as well.
it's same as with the negatives, if you don't tell them they can't be sure.

i'm not saying to find good where there isn't anything good, but if there is, it doesn't hurt to tell them.

>> No.2161231

>“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

ergo the harshest critics on this board never post their art or probably even do art in any capacity.

>> No.2161234
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Whenever I come into contact with a artist that I get to know I develop a understanding of their journey so far.
When some guy asks for help on /ic/ and you have helped someone else with that problem 5, 10, 15, 20 times before on the board over the years you eventually just feel like going:
"This is the shit part, look into this book" rather than going: "You did some nice work on the construction but bla bla bla" fuck that shit.
Even when you do paintovers the nigga who get's it doesn't even say thank you on this board and then some fag comes along and whines at your paintover and then it's like why the fuck even bother.

>> No.2161335
File: 235 KB, 182x200, 1437496531262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ is actually an excellent board, you're just a little bitch.

>> No.2161491

Rumple Stillskin was the only good actor in that show.
>Why is /ic/ so mean
>Calls him a little bitch :^)

>> No.2161495

I've never gotten a mean critique on this board, ironically enough.

>> No.2161499

I'm going to assume you're newfag
leave while you can and if you can, 4chan as a whole (shitposting is one hell of a drug)
there's alternative forums out there like permanoobs that gives honest critique
but seriously get out while you can, be free like a wild bird or some poetic shit

>> No.2161501

me too
the 'meanest' comment I got was from /co/ where some anon straight up told me my art was shit
but it was for the better

>> No.2161569


I srsly just made this thread to troll m8

>> No.2161882

My point was that insults motivate and encourage me more, while "cool" and "great" do nothing more than make me feel good for a moment.

>> No.2165446

I remember being 17, it's easy to try too hard to be a badass. I never took out my insecurities on other guys, though.

>> No.2165482


Both should motivate you. Good comments motivate you to keep drawing. Negative comments motivate you to keep LEARNING.

>> No.2165512
File: 290 KB, 970x1280, whoahnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.2165523

Because glorification of mediocre artwork does not promote the motivation to improve.
We are not a Deviantart hugbox, we critique and give pointers and helpful tips in hope you DO improve along the way.