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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 150 KB, 830x550, Project-Paint-in-session-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2155906 No.2155906 [Reply] [Original]

What do people in prison draw?

>> No.2155908


>> No.2155921

Damn imagine requesting nothin but loomis, scotty, bridgman, and hampton for 6 years and then coming out of prison as an art god ex-convict. Then you advertise yourself as a hardened criminal in the past, but an artist in the present. Set up your own patreon with followers that love the "tough past" scheme and make that paper like sakimichan.

>> No.2155924


>> No.2155925

And your inmate poses for you.

>> No.2155926

>not using the skills and knowledge you acquired in prison to eliminate the competition so you can design every mtg card

>> No.2155932

Kek, exchanging one hour buttsex for one hour of posing for gesture practice.

>> No.2155933

>not doing life drawings of that pedophile in the cell next door getting raped and stabbed by countless inmates.

>> No.2155945

ask richard matt
oh wait

>> No.2155954
File: 273 KB, 600x781, Gacy-Pogo-the-Clownm-haunte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2155962

>not drawing the cause of each inmate's inprisonment
>not drawing that pedophile slamming yung lolis

>> No.2155967
File: 114 KB, 543x630, FREEGUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like in prison? Anyone ever been there? Are you allowed to read draw whenever you want?

>> No.2155975

Man... imagine the amount of requests a standard pornfag would get in there! They'd be a fucking superstar!

>> No.2155983
File: 47 KB, 460x464, huge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend 6 years drawing
>go from zero to god tier
>become so well you become the art mentor for fellow aspiring inmates
>one month before you're out
>some big nig called Rufus comes in
>he's scrub as fuck
>try to tell him this
>he gets mad
>picks up pencil
>shoves it into your brain
>manage to choke out "L-Loomis" before hitting the ground dead

>> No.2155985

At least if I ever get hard time, i would have no choice but to grind out my whole sentence and git gud by the time i'm out....

>> No.2156055

>because troublesome inmates are allowed these luxuries

>> No.2156062

>no Hogarth
What the hell man.

>> No.2156064

Its prison man, can't have everything.

>> No.2156066

i remember sending my brother a book and they sent it back so no

>> No.2156071


>> No.2156082

You guys do realize they don't let inmates with nothing pointy, right?
They wouldn't have access to pen, pencils or a sharpener.

>> No.2156085

then how do they write letters? Dumbass

>> No.2156092

You must be joking. They are watched when writing letters. They are in a specific room with other guards. They aren't just given pencils dumbass. Same with books.
Only religious books are allowed in their quarters. Other books, they must read them in a room with guards, on top of having good behavior, like the OP.

>> No.2156095

Literally no one likes Hogarth
Sure his anatomy is solid
but holy fuck he's a meme now

>> No.2156097

Why do those pencils look like two pencils at the top, but only have 1 pencil point at the bottom?

>> No.2156108

sorry man. I was just busting your balls

>> No.2156168
File: 217 KB, 292x314, 2009-04-08.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a drawfag friend who was sent to jail because of his crazy girlfriend. Inmates fucking loved him because he drew animu grills with huge tits and ass with hips to match

>> No.2156215

So, if you can draw lewds your ass will be safe in prison.
Good to know

>> No.2156233


Also he was released sometime later because they found out his crazy gf was lying/they didnt have any proof

all of this could have been avoided if he lawyered up though

>> No.2156249

I've always suspected this

>> No.2156267

>Literally no one likes Hogarth
Don't talk about things you don't know about.

>> No.2156315

No one on /ic/ recommends him.

>> No.2156366
File: 193 KB, 450x602, hogarthtarzan_got29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one on /ic/ recommends him.


First time I posted in this thread but Hogarth is a fucking boss, his anatomy is just very stylized because he doesn't use much reference - especially for his books. He's still a master of how forms contrast and interlock each other and turn in three dimensions, no one "recommends" him because they either are ignorant of him and his works or recommend drawing from life instead as a better alternative (which IMO it is always the best option if you have a model). Think of him as Michelangelo/Frazetta hybrid.

>> No.2156385

probably with a computer.
But they got all kinds of classes and shit there too, they got to have a couple of art ones.
Someone could probably hook u up with a lap and a tablet too.

>> No.2156614

The idea of spending years in isolation with only things like books and videos to hone your art skills has some holes in it.
You'd be missing out on important things like critique and life experience

>> No.2156618

I think part of the problem with him too is his books are not all of equal quality. I have his anatomy book, and I was disappointed by it. It wastes a lot of space on art history, it doesn't explain insertions or origins of muscles, skips over the skeleton entirely, has some questionable stuff for the head etc etc. Years later I flipped through his figures book though and was incredibly impressed. He's very good at showing things like foreshortening, explaining how to manipulate the body in 3d space and show the structure so on.

As you say though he is quite stylized. This is both good and bad. So long as you supplement his books with other sources of learning, you will be fine (you should be doing this anyhow with any book).

>> No.2156623

I like how Hogarth is chastised for his 'exaggerated' style yet Bridgman is lauded when the shit he draws isn't even recognizable half the fucking time lol. I like 'em both but I'm just sayin'.

>> No.2156625
File: 366 KB, 983x844, chicchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get good or get raped. you heard it here first. how's that for motivation

>> No.2156627

Bridgman stylizes in a way that makes understanding the forms easier, especially for concepts that are not well covered in other books like how the forms interlock or major plane changes.

Hogarth stylizes in a more personal way, so some must be ignored if you don't want to draw like him. The stylizations he does use to show the forms better are things like his pillow shading, which, while effective at showing individual forms, creates an ugly whole. Hogarth's stylizations also sometimes mean a pretty major divergence from reality, like strange bending of poses or unnatural proportions and heads.

Both are very good sources, but it's obvious why Hogarth gets more flack given that you need to be more critical about which parts of his work you absorb into your own.

Also I think part of the reason some people have trouble recognizing what Bridgman is showing has to do with poor reproductions of his drawings rather than the actual drawing being unclear. The effect is even stronger in pdfs of Bridgamn, some are impossible to see properly. If you buy his books though I never had a problem understanding what he was drawing.

>> No.2156677

How can I get to a jail?

>> No.2156691

How CAN'T you get in jail? Isn't like 20% of US populated current or former convicts?

>> No.2156692

Commit a crime

>> No.2156747

Yeah, but that's because they throw people in prison for the dumbest shit.

>> No.2156753

Haha, I noticed that too and was wondering if it was some sort of security thing?
Like, shoving a bundle of pencils in your neighbour is probably harder than a single one?

>> No.2156756

You might be confusing with Australia and their infamous ancestry?

>> No.2156764

From what I've seen:

Shitty edgy tattoo designs

Shitty naked chicks

That's pretty much it.

>Be felon and can't get job anywhere

>> No.2156767

in the documentaries they always draw graffiti

>> No.2156769

it peaked at like 3% in jail or prison a couple of years ago, but yeah, that's still insane.

>> No.2156779

>Middle School tier graffiti "art"
Oh yeah that too.

Imagine those kids you went to middle school and high school with that thought "drawing letters" was like just the most bad ass thing.

Now put all of them in prison and make some of them violent felons.

>> No.2156787

i cant remember what documentary it was but the stuff they showed was pretty decent. i was surprised actually. then again they probably didnt show the shitty stuff.

>> No.2156792

Yeah some of it is going to be good because if you get enough people packed into one place some are going to have some artistic ability.

But most of it is like the edgy shit people come here and post.

>> No.2156797

hentai commisions

>> No.2156799

kek nice story

>> No.2156807

Man, it's good to know I'll be rollin' in cigs, toilet wine, and heroin.

>> No.2156808
File: 38 KB, 615x751, Leah-hospital-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are Charles Bronson, you draw anything you damn well please and that's about all there will be to say about it.
Although apparently now he does postcards for sick children.

>> No.2156813
File: 141 KB, 715x432, bestia-marzy-o-twoim-dziecku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2157068

brb going to jail

>> No.2157138

Eat Fresh

>> No.2157191
File: 56 KB, 604x453, 1436052843452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be very skilled in drawing women
>go to jail
>all the jailmates ask you to draw their waifu for fapping

>> No.2157211

it makes me want to draw honestly

>> No.2157266

Literally nightmare inducing.

>> No.2157278

I can see this being very true
seriously though they just draw a bunch of tattoo garbage

>> No.2157285
File: 78 KB, 640x427, raza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story time,

There's actually a magazine called Teen Angel which revolves around prison art. Much of it's submissions involves artwork that revolves around the Chicano culture which consists of vintage cars, women, realism art, chicano art, tattoo art, illustrations and sometimes very detailed and complex graffiti. Many of the drawing are usually done with Pen and Pencil/Eraser due to safety and abuse regulations within the prisons. My friend actually went to jail for a few months and told me about his time there,the artist culture within the prison systems is mostly focused on cultural pride and unity. Most of the artists are either ex-gang members that fucked up and turned to art to make up for what they did or people who got locked up for a very serious offenses who just wanna draw. Each submission has a story behind their pieces. Some of these guys are actually talented,but just made a very bad choice in their life.

TL;DR : Prison art surprisingly has it's own culture and has it's own unique stylization,loosely based off the lowrider arte style and barrio art. Exclude the fuckheads that can't draw,some of these guys are actually good.

>> No.2157287


The magazine collective is based in Los Angeles, so the artwork must come from prisoners from all over California and Los Angeles. That also explains the repetitive"barrio" lowrider arte style,I'm not too sure how it is in other state prisons that may not have a large Mexican-American population.

>> No.2157290

You've been drawing dishonestly?

>> No.2157291
File: 95 KB, 480x600, watermark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2157460

Low rider arte magazine isn't prison art.

Also the guy who drew that studied electrical engineering and as far as I know didn't go to prison.

>> No.2157548

>drawing dishonestly
aka tracing

>> No.2157561

there was a bank robber here in Australia that just got our most prestigious art prize, go figure :^)

>> No.2157623

There is this artist called David Choe who went to prison in Japan and basicly did that. Inmates would fight for his drawings.

>> No.2158532

Isn't everyone in australia a criminal?

>> No.2158722

As much as this is tempting, once I'm IN jail I'll be worried about my shit.
I won't be able to pay rent if I'm in jail, so all my copics and things will have to be stored with my family. There's no way that they're going to stay safe until I'm out.

Better stay on the outside, to protect my copics and tablet.

>> No.2158738
File: 819 KB, 1198x800, panos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks that was really interesting.
It reminds me of the prison culture 'panos' (Spanish for hankerchief?) which is where inmates from hispanic-heavy areas draw onto hankies using mostly pencil. They traditionally send them to their mothers on mothers day, I could be wrong on that though.
Same areas so same kind of art work.

I don't know how different art is in prisons in my country, Scotland, but I know in Russia the style is a lot more graphic and lineart heavy and geared towards designing tattoos that have specific meanings in keeping with the prison hierarchy.

>> No.2158741

What kind of magical prison has whites and asians in it?

>> No.2158789

The guy with the beanie? Latino.
Depending where they're from some asians and latinos can look very similar. I know cuz I live in a city that's mostly white and latino that's currently going through a kind of gentrification (rich asian invasion) and sometimes they're hard to tell apart.

>> No.2158804


>> No.2159858

A coworker of mine went to prison, federal.

He was allowed to make art, but the hard part was mediums, he got a hold of Oils once, but they were too expensive to keep doing, because they would be taken away when he was moved around. But he said he could convince them to let him keep his tiny case of colored pencils. He did huge scale portraits of people, friends, family, inmates, inmates loved ones. He also did tattoos, in exchange for food/protection.

>> No.2161957

No, but everyone in Crimalia is a Austriminal.

>> No.2161995


A lot of prisoners are really good artists

they tat each other up all the time

>> No.2165142

they are showing the drawing area. The negros are probably stabbing someone in the meantime.

>> No.2166165


It was his sense of form and space that was solid, NOT Anatomy.
Come on man, you're better then this...

>> No.2166167

My mother drew scavenger hunts and sent them to me when I was 10. When I visited she would correct/show more

>> No.2166588
File: 12 KB, 200x227, Mister_Hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's "panuelos" but you were close!
I wouldn't be suprised if this were a thing but it sounds like a gesture many G's would do to show love for their madres and padres,sounds about right. Luckly i don't have many friends going to jail anymore but i would assume it would be a thing wherever many mexican/chicano prisoners would reside.

Yeah I'm only familiar with the West Coast culture, so I'm not too sure what it's like in the East Coast.

Russia have adapted many things from the West,especially the street culture and in prison.

Even Mr. Hammer the Russian clown has his chest tatted up with a Russian Orthodox Church. Inmates often get religious figures and symbols on their body. Cool little innuendo to his background.

>> No.2166926

top kek

>> No.2166932


>not bara

>> No.2167649
File: 68 KB, 729x530, LonelyplacePhoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A drawing by Nicole Bradley. Convicted almost 20 years ago in the shotgun killing of her carjacking victim. It was an accident cause he slammed on the brakes. But she had the sawed off shotgun to his head.

>> No.2167654

>It was an accident

>Convicted almost 20 years ago in the shotgun killing of her carjacking victim.

>But she had the sawed off shotgun to his head.

>It was an accident

Nope. She deserves to be in prison.

>> No.2167674

A few years ago I was interested in writing with criminals in jail. I never did it because I was scared that when they come out of prison and have no one, they will remember me and my adress and come visit me or something. Anyway,on the site you could pick the criminals you want to write with, and lots of them had their drawings uploaded: http://www.writeaprisoner.com/inmate-Profiles/generalartwork.aspx

>> No.2167713

He isn't saying she doesn't deserve it. He's just saying she didn't intend for this to happen.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.2167730

Her intentions were shit.
Her perspective is shit.

>> No.2169460

when my brother was in jail, I'd write him letters and along the side of the letters I'd just doodle and shit. When he got out he told me that my art was really popular amongst his inmates and they'd literally try and trade my doodles for commissary ( I think thats what it's called)