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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 300x225, what the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2155896 No.2155896 [Reply] [Original]

should we be worried?


>> No.2155907

If you´re murrican, yes.
If you´re not, shit´s the same as always.

>> No.2156012
File: 13 KB, 258x195, Murrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, should you be worried? pfff bwahahah! Corps already took your health care, your jobs, your houses, your education, your polititians, your freedom, and now you're worried for this?

This is just the cherry on the pie. America is fucked up already in all of her holes. They will pass this law. And then they will go for more. Till some day maybe muricans will rise their fat asses from the couch and go out and do something.

It will be so funny if some POS like Trump or Romney get to the white house, but then again, Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes already did... lol

>> No.2156032

There's no way I'm going to watch 1.5 hrs of what is likely wrong and/or sensationalist information.

>> No.2156035


>> No.2156039

copyrights? i dont give a shit, as long as I know that my work is going somewhere. I dont care if they take credit.

>> No.2156040

Davinci would bitchslap you right now if he was alive.

>> No.2156050

Thanks for this anon. This it's how you do it. Simple and to the point.
A 2 hour rant about some bureaucratic (at this point) minor bullshit won't stop what is been happening in America.
I like Will Terry, it's a nice hard working dude, but he let slip many times his republican fucked up ideology and now it's bittin' his ass.

It's funny how many right wingers ranters on youtube go all out in outcry when fucked up finally knocks at their doors.
They don't say shit when americans don't have health care, they don't say shit when americans lose their jobs, they don't say shit when blacks get killed for fun. But when big corporations step on their shoes then "it's rant time".

There're lots of artists who use kickstater to fund their art book, or sketch book, and they actually send the money to fucking China to get the product done... Fuck your fellow american workers right? Well now it's time for these guys to get fucked. And no one will give a shit.

>> No.2156069
File: 104 KB, 596x796, Werner_Rachtman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its actually rather ironic how dystopian the world is becoming

>> No.2156073

im more worried about this effecting me in Australia

since most countries follow em like sheep, maybe i should move to hong kong like RANDIS

>> No.2156074

What's the status on TPP right now?

>> No.2156122
File: 61 KB, 225x225, Hang in there pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just kill myself now?

>> No.2156125


>> No.2156140

we need an answer!!!!!

what happen to me copypoop!!?!

>> No.2156142
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what the shit.

>> No.2156144

Does this mean fan-artists will get BTFO and will have to be creative for once?

>> No.2156151


doubtful unless creating fan art becomes illegal you should still be ok accepting donations on patreon.

>> No.2156153

Unfortunately, TPP allows Users (literally anyone on the internet) to be fined or jailed over file sharing, even without a proper, formal complaint from the copyright holder.

I doubt it'll happen to fan art, but things like the Book Thread or cgpeers will be annihilated if caught.

>> No.2156154

add this thread as a sticky!! this effects all of us!!!

>> No.2156269
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I'm out.

>> No.2156285



>> No.2156286

why is that kyle?

>> No.2156293

Soooo if my goal is to make concept art for corporations which will own any concepts I make anyway will this affect me?

>> No.2156301

Someone just tell me what is going on

>> No.2156308

cuz, nugs smoked my loomis.

>> No.2156310

Read the letters from people had a problem with this http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Artists-Alert--The-Return-of-Orphan-Works-Part-2---ARTISTS--LETTERS.html?soid=1102063090742&aid=DEeIBiwWgJ4

tons of links in the uboob description

>> No.2156322
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So how does it seem american friends, is it going to pass?

>> No.2156439

so glad I don't live in this capitalist shithole

>> No.2156456

Republicans have majority in the senate so they will vote this law for sure. It's all about what kinda deal will happen to avoid that. Maybe shut down the Obama care that is making a hole in the pocket of the health corporation fuckers? Who knows. Either way the little people will lose.

>> No.2156458
File: 79 KB, 275x274, 45222532_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait will this affect my korean porn comics?

>> No.2156468
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don't be worried, be angry.
if you like chans, modding, weebshit or if you just want to keep selling porn for autismbux like i do then you don't want this shit to pass. so contact your representatives and let them know. cripplechan /v/ has a thread w/ a list of all the us reps. idk about yurops. p sure links are banned here, so just search the catalog for tpp, you'll find it
better yet, spread the word and get people informed about this
yurop gets TTIP, which is the same shit
4chan is hosted in the us

greymarket fair use (i.e fan artists, fansubbers, modders, et all) will be prosecuted like child pornographers
just weaponize your autism, you can kill yourself later
you're already in it

>> No.2156497

These two things are related?

>> No.2156502

all part of a wider trade agreement, the scope of which we aren't allowed to know until four years after it's been signed

>> No.2156508

I was just about to post this.
Good on you anon.

>> No.2156517

So copyrights will become a criminal offence? great, now i have to buy a vpn in some 3rd world shithole and download with 30kb/sec.

>> No.2156523

The law isn't written yet so whats in it isn't set in stone but most of the websites talking about this all seem to say the same stuff Brad Holland is in that vid.

If this were to go through existing copyright laws will be done away with, you'd no longer have inherent copyright of your work upon creating it. You'll now have to register every piece of work you do, for a fee and lengthy paperwork, with one of several private corporations that will handle copyright/licencing and all that shit. Anything not registered with them will pretty much become "orphaned work" turning it to public domain I assume and allowing someone else to copyright it and thus sell it to whoever they want.

The worst part about what he describes is part of the law that loosens fair use rules allowing people to change minor things about an image say, turning reds to yellows and then claiming copyright on the image. Where under current law that would never work as you have to substantially alter the image almost so it's not recognizable to get away with it. I know you all hate photo-bashing, well this is just straight up altering/stealing your paintings to use and sell to other people. They wont even need to make something new out of it. If you don't think this will effect you outside of the US you're wrong. People in the US would be able to steal your artwork and copyright it here in this country under the new US law and sell it to US companies.

While you're all worried about "muh loomis" this law could make all of that irrelevant, killing off major portions of the freelance market. Most of you may not be good enough now to think this matters but if you want to be the next Mullins or even a lower tier pro artists this law would greatly hamper that dream.

>> No.2156532
File: 51 KB, 600x491, we-the-corporations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The private sector already did this with the US Dollar money. When basics things and rights don't belong to you anymore you're fucked allover.
Voting will become meaningless, that's the idea behind this. The state and the people are tools to put rules and laws to the bastards who wants to fuck everyone. Corporations little by little are shutin down stuff that the USA State Goverment elected by the people should provide no matter what. The private sector already took the important things, now this copyright privatization "law" is a little detail.

/ic debates a lot about having the talent but not the marketing sawy. Well these corporate sharks knows that already, but the law and justice sustained by democratic government doesn't allow them to take your talent and make money from it. Well, they are working on that right now.

Why would they give you money for monetizing your art and creations? They are doing the "job", makin money out of it, you just do "art" wich is shit if you don't make money outta it. Does this idea sounds fucked up? Well it is just the logical result of the path America has been taking from the late 70's.

If you took something so sacred and basic as health care and turn it into a business... Then what would you expect to happen with all the rest of your rights? This law is nothing, much worse things are to come.

>> No.2156547

Russian domination when?

>> No.2156565

What the actual fuck? Are we seriously doing this?

>> No.2156572


>> No.2156576

Are you crooked or something? We have same shit and even worse, christian ban for lolicon incoming

>> No.2156577

This. I believe art should be for humanity, not for the artist himself.

>> No.2156578

>implying corporations are humanity

>> No.2156579

Nigger, do you even read? What the fuck does lolicon have to do with IP?

>> No.2156582


>> No.2156584

It's already illegal in Canda, so, yeah.

>> No.2156587

This isn't about CP, guys. It's about every sketch you ever made or will make. It's about people monetizing your creations and you not getting shit.

>> No.2156590

This is really scary, not that it's not happening now in various ways, look at things like doujinmoe, but if this passed many sites alike will start to
come up and will be putting free material behind paywalls and many people would be buying them without knowing that they are free, and this will actually
be legal.

>> No.2156602

It's intertwined. Right now we already have companies here in Russia that straight out DO_NOT_GIVE_A_FUCK about digital copyright blahblah. They see art, they take it, they ain't asking YOU the artist, and if you try to press them legally, well good luck with that, about half of our court judges are leftovers that don't even know that internet exist and yes they are corrupted as fuck so it's probably you the author will be guilty.
And then we have shitheads like Mikhalkov, special snowflakes in that most of their actions are law, so that if he wants to get money for your work for all your stuff people buy, he will under perfectly legal reasons and there's nothing you can do about it, all your queries will be ignored. It's true right now mostly to musicians and film-makers but just a matter of time until these faggots will make their way into digital art and photography.
Same people will judge our works and decide whether we have right to draw them or not.
Our faggots may not be that fucked up YET but they are learning very fast what is smelling profit and shit like in OP is billions worth.

YOU my friends are lucky in that YOUR bandits are at least somewhat civilised and can be dealt with legal methods. OUR bandits are protected by GOVERNMENT itself.

>> No.2156605

He mentioned in the video that there is already legislation similar to this in play in the UK. Any Britbongs here who can tell us if this is affecting them considerably?

>> No.2156609

Has /pol/ made a thread on this?

>> No.2156610

Not a bong but do you mean the TTIP? it still hasn't been voted yet, they are making regular meetings about it behind closed doors however, and by closed doors i mean
not even our european representatives are allowed.

>> No.2156613

Plenty, check the archives.

>> No.2156615


>> No.2156619

It'll be back to the days of large obtrusive watermarks over all your work, but then again who knows if under whatever this law will be that would even protect you if you don't pay to register copyright for everything you share. Wont matter much with work for hire stuff, that's the companies problem, assuming they still need to hire you with a vast sea of now free top tier work to steal.

Certainly no one will be sharing hi res or even large size images online for fear of someone fixing them up and trying to sell them to a company. I can see this law being especially troublesome for people who do jobs making images that are only going to be used online, not in print, were a low res image is good enough for a company to steal off any one of the image sharing websites like DA or art station. I don't see how this couldn't destroy a major portion of the freelance art job market even jobs that need hi-res images for printing.

All the more reason to "git gud", so you have a better chance of being one of the last men standing on the other side. (assuming it passes)

>> No.2156620

So that was depressing as shit. What now? Jam a bunch of fax machines like the guy said, write letters, what? With the TTIP bullshit, this seems like it's being pushed globally.

>> No.2156636


Yes actually. Go to this site >>2156572 and follow the instructions on how to send a letter to the copyright office. You only have until the 23rd of July to do this. They have some example letters there your an view to get an idea of how to word it.

If you want to get a job doing art in the future it's in you're best interest to help stop this from becoming a thing. If you cant even do this to help secure your future why bother doing art at all, you'll never make it anyway. If you have art friends spread the word, tell them about it and get them to send in a letters too. You'll only stop it by getting massive amounts of people putting up a stink, like anything.

>> No.2156659

I've been hearing it's full of shills. Maybe this will change there minds?

>> No.2156690


Get to upboatin. Copy pasta the link, no clicking!

>> No.2156789

Real talk: if this passes, will there be any point in becoming a professional artist?

>> No.2156833

>christian ban for lolicon incoming
yeeeessssss, cry more you pedo piece of shit

>> No.2156860

They don't distinguish lolicon with any other anime stuff. It's not about pedo shit we're talking here son, we're talking about highly probable ban of _entire_ style.

>> No.2156866

It's not anime that might be banned, it's hentai. Good on them, I say.

>> No.2156880

>called private or capitalism


>> No.2156888

They don't distinguish hentai and anime m8, we're talking about soviet leftovers who don't know what the fuck is anime and don't want to know, they'd rather ban it entirely.

>> No.2156894

perverse incentives

you bann lolicon shit, that's fine

pedos will consume real child porn rather than weird art, there will be a bigger cake for criminals making that (this time trully) criminal contents
>trying to make a better world with politics
>making it way worse without realizing

>> No.2156896

Hows about you stop pulling stupid opinions out of your ass, son? They banned cartoon porn, not "an entire style". End of discussion.

>> No.2156898

So they're banning ALL anime because they think it's related to loli? Yeah I can see that as a problem, though I still think loli itself should be banned.

>> No.2156900

>pedos will consume real child porn rather than weird art
[citation needed]
Also, I just love how you gags either defend it as not pedo material or cp substitute.

They banned hentai specifically, not Japanese cartoons.

>> No.2156902

>pedos will consume real child porn rather than weird art
>Implying pedophiles don't view both anyways
>Implying loli can't be just as bad as real child porn
Ever heard of baby fuck?

>> No.2156903

Oh whatever will they do without their 2dpd

>> No.2156904

if it's drawn, it does not hurt anybody

if someone with that mad impulses can't consume it in form of art, there you're opening a door for RL criminals to supply that demand, just as happens with drugs or bitches

>> No.2156905

there will be exponentially more bullshit in between you and a living wage; we better make sure it doesn't pass.
emails motherfucker, send them

>> No.2156907

Be normies and have sex with their girlfriends?

>> No.2156908

Yes, just continue to make your own shit...don't torrent books/videos
Try to get in galleries or studios or even large companies like Warhammer, Magic, Blizzard, etc
Freelance illustrators are going to have it rough, though...unless you have a giant fanbase that buys your shit

>> No.2156912

i don't defend that it's not pedo, being pedo is irrelevant to me, I don't care to what other people want to fap/fuck even if it's uber disgusting to me

the problem is not about having anormal sexual interest, the real problem is about being or supporting coaction (crimes) for it, meh, drawings can't be in that category

>> No.2156916

>don't torrent books/videos
Just pirate everything now and hoard it.

I wasn't talking about you, I mean in general. The other day there was a shitstorm about lolicon, and all the prololi guys claimed it has nothing to do with attraction to children. The other common argument is "b-but they will watch real CP then!" which doesn't even make sense, since that is illegal as well, and has a 100% chance of conviction if caught.

Tbh, it's a tricky issue. If it's banned, guro ought to be banned as well. If guro is banned, what about paintings depicting cadavers, autopsies, etc. etc.

Still, the only people who care either have nothing better to do, or are personally invested into lolicon. Also, I think we derailed the thread enough, and there's really no reason to continue.

>> No.2156920

>Freelance illustrators are going to have it rough
any original ip that's not being bankrolled is gonna have it rough. say goodbye to creative freedom. i hope you like ironman 12

>> No.2156923

Either nothing is banned or everything you totalitarian fuck.

>> No.2156930

A lot of times it leads to someone getting bored of "regular" loli because tit doesn't satisfy them anymore, which leads to people seeking out actual cp, but you're right in regards as drawn porn doesn't necessarily hurt anyone. Sometimes people do have self control and avoid it altogether, which is why I don't hate pedo's, I hate what they can do.

>> No.2156933

That's why I was asking you sensitive cunt.

>> No.2156939

Protip: having sex with a child doesn't make someone a pedo, pedophilia is a psychological condition comparable to addiction. Courts are generally more lenient on actual pedos, who get sent to a medical facility, than they are to non-pedos, who just get locked up.

The more you know

>> No.2156942
File: 10 KB, 225x225, None of that shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2156946

Sounds like you hate freedom.

>> No.2156953

I am not him, but you wished for loli to be banned, truly showing you have no idea about the importance of free thinking. Either everything is allowed or nothing at all you aspiring thought police.

>> No.2156960

Either I can fuck anyone or no one, you patriarchal oppressor

>> No.2156966

Keep blaming your fantasy oppressor, you could have fucked that rake a long time ago.

>> No.2156972
File: 241 KB, 640x480, 0SNATCHER_036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we living on a distopian cyberpunk yet?

>> No.2156980

I thought the exact same thing, but then I realized we only got the dystopian part. No cyber. No punk.

>> No.2156984


>> No.2156986

only the shit parts


>> No.2156991
File: 259 KB, 250x153, giphy2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I didn't know that, why the fuck are people having sex with children if they're not pedophiles!?

>> No.2157041
File: 90 KB, 404x373, 1379915676940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this country.

>> No.2157155

Thanks. I'll remember your words when they have me and every other half hard working artist in a sweat shop feeding us rats. At least humanity will get to see the extremely specific images which the corporate gods will require of me so that they can squeeze out every last cent from my beloved friends with my help

>> No.2157195

How can there be any art if the artist can not feed himself....
Your logic goes in circles.
If humanity needs art, it therefore first needs the artist.
And therefore the artists needs must be satisfied.

>> No.2157257


>> No.2157283

It's over, anon. We can call attention to the issue and try to bring as much attention to it as we want, but the public doesn't care anymore. This bill will pass, and the people will forever suffer for it. You can either kill yourself now or I'll be seeing you in the sweatshops.

>> No.2157394

>tfw I don't even live in a tpp/ttip country and I'm still getting completely fucked by this
>tfw I just want to be an artist, but instead I will be running around in the woods, eating leaves and sleeping huddled with a bunch of guys to keep warm, all for a futile attempt to defend my country when war inevitably comes
Why, God? I knew it would come to this, but not like this, not so soon. I didn't even experience gitting gut yet.

>> No.2157419
File: 21 KB, 650x353, 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking normals are the downfall of us all.

>> No.2157423

>not normies

>> No.2157434

Only a 2015 vintage summerfag would incorrectly use >newfag to refer to someone whos not from newgrounds. That's you, anon.

>> No.2157438
File: 74 KB, 440x300, 1216004833186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not normalfag.
This might be bait but since this is also /ic/ i'll take my chances. The term came from 2chan and normalfag is the closest translation of it, normie is the tumblr politically correct version without the fag, welcome to 4chan.

>> No.2157442

>Faggots arguing about loli and buzzwords instead of facing a legitimate problem that could change the world of the commoner.

This is why the world is being flushed down the shitter.

>> No.2157443

Alao, there's nothing I can do about it, this one's on burgeristan's hands.

>> No.2157446

>Implying most people here give a fuck about the real world.
I have been running away from reality as far and fast as i can my whole life, i won't change now.
I just came here so i can draw cute things to make me happy and lew things to procreate with.

>> No.2157449

Where can I read more about this? I wanna know it all

>> No.2157451

Even if you don't give a shit about the copyright problems, this bill will affect you in more ways than one.

>> No.2157452

Trans-pacific partnership
Transatlantic trade and investment partnership

google it

>> No.2157459

Also, this is already happening, microsoft's tos already include spying on you and reporting you if you speak against certain corporations.
The shit going on in the health industry is literally pulled out of cyberpunk. We're fucked, have fun being a wage-slave or eating rats in the sewer.

>> No.2157462

Source for this?

>> No.2157464

Microsoft? Look over /g/, it's there somewhere, I'm not on my pc.

>> No.2157467

who else lost motivation drawing over this?

since I found this thread I haven't felt like drawing and feel physically ill. how much does it even cost to copyright all your stuff? sketches eveything?

>> No.2157468

Apple (iirc} checks your bank account to determine which ads to show you.

>> No.2157471

I knew this was happening, but I didn't know certain corporations could sue you for negative comments directed against them.

>> No.2157472

It's not the "no inherent copyright" you should worry about the most, it's the bullshit fair use that would allow anyone to sell a slightly edited version of your copyrighted work.

>> No.2157474

So I could take a picture of mickey, turn him blue, and be able to legally sell it?

>> No.2157476

Windows 10 TOU already state they can keylog you, open your files, capture your voice, etc. etc.

Now we just need actual technology, and we'll be living in a hollywood movie

>> No.2157478

Of course not, the point of the bill is that corpos fuck you, not the other way around, silly slave.

>> No.2157479

Oh right, silly me.

>> No.2157480
File: 34 KB, 660x414, 1399803870680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Fucking Christ

>> No.2157481

I don't get it though. What special rights to the corps. get that doesn't allow others to sell slightly edited versions of their work?

>> No.2157486

The will have very specific official copyright documents made, something you won't be able to afford.

>> No.2157489
File: 455 KB, 625x480, assure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.2157490

Listen to the vid in the OP, the private firm that will be in charge of copyright can sue you without any involvement or consent from the copyright owner.

Disney still owns Mickey, so while you can sell someone else's picture of him, you are still fucked by the copyright enforcers.

On the other hand, any painting you do can just be sold/monetized with minimal effort, and you don't get shit. So if you drew Mickey, Disney can just take it AND you get fucked for copyright infringement.

>> No.2157491

Once again, thanks for clearing it up. One last question: how much more time do we have?

>> No.2157496

23rd, though I'm not sure if that's the deadline to actually do something (write to congressmen) or if that's the date of the vote. I'm not American, I don't know how it works.

Sadly, this affects me even more than Americans.

>> No.2157499

Where do live m80? I'm sorry for what my country is doing. I can imagine your more paranoid about this than me.

>> No.2157515

Serbia, and it's not really USA that's doing something, it's the corporations all over the world, they're just using your back to break this over because EU and the rest will inevitably follow.

The worst thing is that even if this ONLY passes in the USA, it still gives people free reign to copyright other people's work, because under their law, the authors don't actually own them, and given that the industry is most developed in the US...

This all honestly sounds too retarded to be true, but there it is.

>> No.2157520


The 23rd is the date you have to submit a letter to the copyright office for their "review period" while they decide what they want to have in the law. It'll be some time I assume before the actual law is crafted and voted on.

Go to this >>2156572 website to read more about it, to see sample letters written by people and how to send one in. You don't have to be a professional making a living from art to send a letter in they give samples for what to write in that case too.

When the vid in OP's post first went up the guy said it wasn't possible for people outside of the US to send in letters since there was no option to choose where you live other than US states, but he claims he complained and the Copyright office said they'd fix this. People outside the US who want to send in a letter should check first on the form if thats possible yet.

>> No.2157521

I don't even have an image to convey how mad I am.

Haven't even been able to live out on my own yet, FUCK this nation, it's government, and the dumbfuck moron masses who casually dismiss anything slightly resembling a conspiracy theory.

>> No.2157522

>inb4 artists start some kind of terrorist organization and this is the begining of some kind of dystopian future.

>> No.2157523

how would this apply to those 'revenge' porn cases?

>> No.2157525

You can select "other" as your state (not country), but the form heavily implies you must be an American.

>> No.2157527

that would be pretty rad

>> No.2157534

And extremely short lived, have you seen artists?

>> No.2157542

here's an idea,
why not contact all the hosting sites & artists that will be affected by this? banners on Artstation and Drawcrowd would be a huge step towards fighting this bullshit, Deviantart even more so.
If people like Dave or Sakimi start speaking up, people will listen.
pretty much any one who uses fair use or creates intellectual property stands to lose from this, so why not let them know? democracy can only work if you let it.
in my experience these 'review periods' basically come down to "send us a bunch of ideas before we tell you what we've been bribed to do" the only actual power you can exercise over bureaucrats is to make them fear for their jobs; otherwise, they won't listen to you. and why would they? they stand to gain far less from being on your side than being on the side with the money. you need to swing the cost/benefit analysis in your favor

>> No.2157545
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>> No.2157546

There's only a couple of days left, but it might help.
Someone should actually explain what this is about to the admins, though, male it clear they're fucked and there's no time to lose

>> No.2157556

Why is this happening? I just wanted to draw and sell my work to those who want it. I know nothing about politics or copyright, even less now ;__;

>> No.2157557


Well exactly. Lets not kid ourselves into thinking the review thing is anything more than a poll to see how many people don't like it. Legislators and copyright office: "Lets see how many people this thing pisses off, oh not that many? Ok we'll keep our jobs, lets do it."

The image sharing websites would stand to loose a lot of traffic as people will stop sharing images, I assume, so they don't get pirated. Only work done for large companies will be put online who can afford to protect them, contracts from these companies will might even heavily restrict what you can post online so they don't have their work stolen. (via new fair use rules) Might have to wait long periods, years to post non personal work up. Think of the chaos, startup companies scanning/swiping magic card art (or any large catalogue of easily obtainable images) for new games, etc. Changing minor stuff and then just re-selling it under the new proposed fare use rules. Kiss low and mid level freelance jobs goodbye. This would destroy the art sector of the economy, world wide.

If anyone knows anyone (doubtful) who works at those image sharing companies you should contact them. Or all of us in general shooting an email blast out to some of the big ones, DA, Art Station, Drawcrowd.

>> No.2157562

that's what we all want. left to my own devices, i'd gladly never touch politics again. the shitty thing about politicians is that even if you leave them alone, they wont leave you alone, the only question remaining is if you're going to let them just fuck your shit up

>> No.2157564

no hope

>> No.2157567
File: 659 KB, 434x753, always.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods deleted it?

fucking god

>> No.2157568


It's not realistic to just "leave them alone". It's not politicians that are pushing this, it's the special interest groups that lean on them, aka large corps looking to make money. Not that I'm against corporations, just shitty ones. From how this law has been described it's being pushed by one of the largest search engines in the world....hint hint.

If you want to be left alone to draw you have to be moderately informed and keep up with whats going on and time to time fight back. It's icky and what grownup people have to do....you dont want to be grown up you want to be a neet hermit. The people in this thread >>2157564 obviously aren't informed. They are either under the age of 18 and haven't got a clue or are older and don't want one. They just brush it off as no big deal, "Oh you read it wrong". That's how we got obamacare here in the US. The people in that thread are deluding themselves to think other countries will stand up to the US and stop this. Little do they know their countries are also looking to go this way. They have no clue how international court or politics works and they don't care, they have their safe ignorant little bubble. Most of them are probably 15 anway, it's DA.

>> No.2157571

Someone with facebook or twitter or whatever, inform Sakimichan of this, she has shitloads of aspiring artists looking up to her. If she asks people to write, they will.

Does anyone who follows pros know if they said anything about this? Can't imagine Jaime, Mullins, Rapoza, etc. wouldn't care about this.

>> No.2157573


I did my part. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.2157575


DA probably likes the law. They can copyright all your work and sell it all in their stores and keep the money they make from prints and mugs.


I haven't seen anyone talking about shit. I dont see anything on any forums (very few anyway) I think people just don't know. I wouldn't have unless OP posted this.

>> No.2157583

>I think people just don't know. I wouldn't have unless OP posted this.

same here

>> No.2157585


People could try tweeting these artists, perhaps some of them will see it. Maybe a short msg and a tiny url link to this site. >>2156572 If they get a lot of tweets better chance they might see it, read the site and help spread the word.

>> No.2157586

Fuck you too deviantart

>> No.2157597

D-did SOPA take this long to catch on? Everything will okay, right?

>> No.2157600

I just sent an email to all the pros I could remember.

Probably won't do shit, but better to try than do nothing. I have no idea if they will even see my shitty message, but please do the same.
I only found out today, they might not even be aware of this, and their voices will carry more weight than ours alone.

>> No.2157602

thank you mr doubles, it's a good start. we might have more impact if we concert our efforts.

>> No.2157604

Rapoza's still on about Skeletor, so he will probably do something. Ironically, I think the poles are our best bet due to levelup.

>> No.2157608


I did the same. Lots of people do not know as of now.

>> No.2157610

As good as it would be to email big name illustrators you might get further by contacting art groups, or artists who promote themselves to lots of people like the Noah Bradley's of the art world, or people who make youtube Tuts and have lots of followers. They make have larger audiences, willing to listen and send in letters.

It might be hard to get in contact with the ultra famous Mullins's of the art world.

>> No.2157613

I sent Crab an email, that's not hard. The question is if he even opens it. That's why it's better if more people do it.

And as I said, their resumes will make their arguments more compelling than those of art students and neet aspiring artists, though the more the better

>> No.2157616

Also, if you're going to email Illustrators make a form letter in a word doc and cut and paste it in each email to save yourself time. Maybe taylor some parts specifically to that artists. Someone could even post what they wrote here they have something good for others to use for others who are bad at writing that sort of stuff.

Social media sites like Tumblr could help if you could find someone with a ton of followers to help you get the word out.

Also maybe a list of Artists to contact inace some people don't follow a lot of artists and are at a loss.

>> No.2157620

I think it'd be better if we didn't all send the same letters.

I also added please inform your fellow artists bla bla. Just be respectful, explain the urgency, keep it short and direct them to http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Artists-Alert--The-Return-of-Orphan-Works-Part-1.html?soid=1102063090742&aid=3vozerBiCPE

We're not convincing them this is bad, they will understand that better than us, we're just informing them this is a thing that is happening.

>> No.2157622

Also, I didn't, but it might be good to also direct them to Brad Holland

>> No.2157627


I put a link to the Will Terry youtube vid as well as the website in my emails. Since that website alone doesn't do a great job of telling you what's going on and artists can have the youtube vid on in the background if they are working.

I think the youtube vid is key since Brad Holland is sort of a name and he clearly knows what he's talking about having already fought against this before and has lawyers going over all this with him.

>> No.2157638

Ok, so I got Mullins, Rapoza, Anthony and Jaime Jones, Scott Robertson, Wojtek and Darek, Noah... Who else? I figured I'd go for the guys who are either big, run their own communities, or can easily contact many other artists

Couldn't find Feng's email, only his amanager's.

>> No.2157641

good idea, contacting sakimi and kr0n wouldn't hurt. they might be shitters, but the normies pay attention to them

>> No.2157655

Also maybe chris oatley or people who run their own online art schools, they have access to a lot of people. Pete Mohrbacher and the one fantastic week guys, they know a lot of people. Jon Schindehette would be great but his contact info on art order is down.

If you're emailing non US artists try and explain to them this will affect them as well as US citizens will be able to steal their art and sell it to US companies where a lot of the jobs come from.

>> No.2157659

>either the dream dies and the world goes to shit or /ic/ helps save art
Oooooh boy

>> No.2157666

Wouldn't it be neato if this fucking anti art shithole actually contributed to the stopping of this bill.

>> No.2157693
File: 1.22 MB, 2048x1536, Shonan_monorail_type_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Next Great Copyright Act" would replace all existing copyright law.

It would void our Constitutional right to the exclusive control of our work.

It would "privilege" the public's right to use our work.

It would "pressure" you to register your life's work with commercial registries.

It would "orphan" unregistered work.

It would make orphaned work available for commercial infringement by "good faith" infringers.

It would allow others to alter your work and copyright those "derivative works" in their own names.

It would affect all visual art: drawings, paintings, sketches, photos, etc.; past, present and future; published and unpublished; domestic and foreign.

Background: The demand for copyright "reform" has come from large Internet firms and legal scholars allied with them. Their business models involve supplying the public with access to other people's copyrighted work. Their problem has been how to do this legally and without paying artists.

The "reforms" they've proposed would allow them to stock their databases with our pictures. This would happen either by forcing us to hand over our images as registered works, or by harvesting unregistered works as orphans and copyrighting them as "derivative works."

The Copyright Office acknowledges that this will cause special problems for visual artists but concludes that we should still be subject to orphan works law.

>> No.2157696
File: 316 KB, 1250x970, TamaToshiMonorail6061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i'm That doosh

>> No.2157697

yeah, we get it, you're bitter that they're making money

>> No.2157701

fuck them

>> No.2157704
File: 2.42 MB, 174x174, Grand Happening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We told you so.

>> No.2157707
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>> No.2157711
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>> No.2157727
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I'm not even gud yet, god damn.

>> No.2157728

time to sign every traditional painting and watermark every digital painting.

>> No.2157730

I know, right? Just kill me

>> No.2157754


Yes, but also won't really solve anything.

Under the proposed changes to fair use people could still just trace over your work, change parts of it, paint out the watermark and just use that again. Or even photobash existing artwork together and just smooth it out and hand it in to a client. Yeah it'll be low res but if all they have to do is steal your ideas, comps, sketches, up res them and paint a little that +50% of the work already done for them, by you, for free.

>> No.2157757

This is a disaster. Why would anyone think this is a good idea?

>> No.2157758

God's work

>> No.2157761
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>Why would anyone think this is a good idea?

>> No.2157762
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>> No.2157765

post the motherfucker that revived this act shit so I can murder them and proceed to >>2155906

>> No.2157766
File: 254 KB, 592x319, dangoldingadiddly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2157767

Can we get some names who are pulling the strings behind this act?

>> No.2157770
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>> No.2157771

It IS a good idea. For them.

It's devastating to literally everyone else, but for the people/companies who stand to profit from this, this means millions at no cost to anything they care about.
That's actually how you can summarize the entire TPP/TTIP.

>> No.2157775


One of the world's largest search engines and creator of self driving cars is one of them...Good luck! Rather than trying to act like a tough guy or crying like a girl help get the word out to established artists so they can use their connections and networks to spread the word better than we alone can.

You dont have to be gud to help email the artists, it's just to let them know whats going on so they can make their own informed decision about it and do what they feel is warranted. They dont know you from a hole in the wall, just write a polite email giving them a link to the youtube vid:


and this site: http://www.drawger.com/holland/?article_id=15400

Thats enough information for them to form an opinion.

I emailed Dave, Bobby Chu's studio, Pete Mohrbacher, Sam Flegal and planning to send more. I'm looking for people who have decent amounts of online followers.

Find popular artists you know make a living off their own IP's would be good, they stand to lose the most under these new rules.

>> No.2157812


sycra and sinix have the same audience as kron and samiki. they might be our best hope

>> No.2157840

I've given up on trying to sell art a long time ago, as long as i have my patreon it'll keep me going, and if that dies then i'll just kill myself.

>> No.2157841

Or you can get a real job.

>> No.2157842

Are you talking about Elon Musk? Because if you are, that's just more reason to shank him

>> No.2157845

>automation is putting millions out of work with no new jobs to replace them
>"real job" working for some asshole
Yea... no.

>> No.2157853
File: 723 KB, 640x686, 1430015480748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what is wrong with this generation, no drive or initiative and expect everyone to serve them something on a silver platter and feel entitled to have all doors opened for you with little to no effort. You are spoiled.

All you have to do is simply dress nicely, find the Manager, look at them straight in the eye, smile and shake their hand firmly.

>> No.2157855


Posted on the level up facebook, not sure if anyone will see it. Also saw a post on the One Fantastic Week facebook and replied with more info for them there, and facebook msged James Gurney. Hopefully one of these artists will eventually see someone's msg and spread the word.

No Google >>2157842

>>2157840 What's to stop someone from subscribing to you, getting any content you make changing it slightly, copyrighting it and selling it to your patrons at a lower rate getting them to subscribe to them for less money. Or any similar version of that scenario.

Your best hope is to try and put up a fight, send in a letter to the copyright office, inform other artists, groups, anyone who will listen in the next few days. Even after this thursday the fight isn't over I assume. Debate over this will continue on into the future until a law is crafted and voted on. You need to stay informed and keep informing people.

>> No.2157858

>This is what is wrong with this generation, no drive or initiative and expect everyone to serve them something on a silver platter and feel entitled to have all doors opened for you with little to no effort. You are spoiled.

Projecting much?

Speak for yourself, loser.

>> No.2157859

I make animations and believe me, all my work gets ripped and reuploaded all over the place (facebook is a huge offender). At least with youtube the content id and manual claim does work. My goal is to just keep building an audience that likes enough of the cartoons that i do and supports me via subscription, and possibly eventually sell my shorts to netflix as a pack or something.

>> No.2157863

This is how we got ourselves into this predicament in the first place, instead of writing letters to your elected officials we let ourselves get distracted by someone being "brave" and calling themselves something that they are not. Get used to it, welcome to the brave new world.

>> No.2157864

>tfw I'm 24 and emailing strangers who draw better than me is probably the most important thing I've ever done

>> No.2157865

>not recognizing the stale pasta

Do you only browse /ic/ or something?

>> No.2157868

Sorry, was pouring hours of work into commissions and other projects too lade back to be considered real work?

>> No.2157869

I stopped paying attention to this thread back when people started talking about kiddyfucking, so.

How would these laws affect the independent content creator? I've seen stuff in the thread about needing to pay money to establish copyright rather than getting assumed copyright automatically, but when looking at articles about the TPP it's all about the stricter piracy rules.

Also, can we just fucking give disney its own law that says Walt's property stays with the company so they'll quit this ridiculous after-death extension bullshit. They've been the driving force behind killing a chance to get your hands on out of copyright goodies every goddamn time.

>> No.2157871

How is Disney not fighting this? This would allow all the chink firms to sell their knock offs legally?

>> No.2157874

Not to derail the thread. But what's wrong with people like you is rather than talking about the actual problem, this copyright issue (or whatever it is) you simple start in with the haggard rhetoric of old farts from yesteryear. "Everyone who wont walk uphill both ways in 10 feet of snow to work at walmart is lazy." We've all had shit jobs and worked the bottom, some want better. I fail to see what wanting to work in art has to do with your preachy bullshit.

Good for you dude, just keep chugging away and you'll make it. People can steal your art but ultimately they can't steal your brain that generates the creative ideas and artwork. Skilled people will always have a good shot at finding work. But it's still always good to be looking out for the community and changes that will hurt it, informing people and protecting your future to the best of your abilities.

In short: Via: http://www.drawger.com/holland/?article_id=15400

It would void our Constitutional right to the exclusive control of our work.
It would "privilege" the public's right to use our work.
It would "pressure" you to register your life's work with commercial registries.
It would "orphan" unregistered work.
It would make orphaned work available for commercial infringement by "good faith" infringers.
It would allow others to alter your work and copyright those "derivative works" in their own names.
It would affect all visual art: drawings, paintings, sketches, photos, etc.; past, present and future; published and unpublished; domestic and foreign.

>> No.2157875

Read >>2157478, >>2157486, and >>2157490

>> No.2157876

How's about you watch the fucking vid in the op, you stupid faggot?



Just the opposite.

>> No.2157881

Why is nobody talking about this outside /ic/?
Do people think this is too absurd to be passed so they just wont bother?

>> No.2157884


If you don't give enough shits about this to follow along, are too stupid to, or lazy, you'll never make it.

Why bother coming to this board.

This stuff is basic business issues. This is basic shit any aspiring pro illustrator, concept guy, fine artists, etc should care enough about that it pisses you off and makes you get involved. If you ever want make a living doing art these rules would directly affect that. This will kill the low/mid freelance market, why hire someone when any moron with PS can alter some top tier images and slap that in their game/book/rpg and roll with that without legal worries. Free art!

Wake the fuck up, stop shitposting and watch the vid, contact other artists and let them know.

Most people don't know, or don't know enough to interpret what it means and see how bad it is. This is something that allegedly has been under debate for a year or something....I never heard anything about it. So I can see how others may not have either. Government is so complex and there is so much going on nowadays lots of stuff gets lost in the shuffle. Thats why you need to help and spread the word.

>> No.2157885


>> No.2157887

There was a thread about it on DA.

Mods deleted it.

Also, the video in the OP was posted on the 17th, and it only had 4500 views yesterday.

Spread the word, nigga.

>> No.2157888

>27th of June

>> No.2157889
File: 18 KB, 794x232, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, /ic/ in one post.

>> No.2157890

Yeah but that's too broad. While a lot of stuff they talk about in that is bad you many not get the connection to art from there. What we're having is a very specific convo about that part on copyright. Not hard to see people wouldn't know what's going on.

>> No.2157891

/pol/ has been discussing this matter for months now I want to say since the begging of April somewhere.

>> No.2157892

It wouldn't be stealing, it'd be legal, that's the issue.

You think the industry is just rehashed shit now? Just wait.

>> No.2157893


All the more reason you need to contact artists with large fan followings to get the word out, talking just on here or /pol/ won't do shit, no one with any pull or followings reads that stuff.

>> No.2157895

Well make a thread on /pol/ and present this topic to them and let them know that their Artists making their secret Futa fetish is about to be jeopardized.

>> No.2157896

basically, corporate copyright gets stronger while independent copyright gets weaker

>> No.2157899

cripplechan is.
>Do people think this is too absurd to be passed so they just wont bother?
that's more or less what my dad thinks:
'there's no way this pass, look at what happened to everyone who signed nafta'
>we still have nafta
'oh.lol well nafta wasn't THAT BAD anyway'

>> No.2157901

Might be too late considering theres only 4 days left and pros react slow since they're bombarded with lots of stuff and they also work a lot. Still, if it gets passed it will create massive outcry and will be changed back, or not.

>> No.2157902

>if it gets passed it will create massive outcry and will be changed back, or not.
You are wise, master wizard.

>> No.2157907


Right but we don't know how these rules will be coming. Most likely in a law buried 10,000 lines down with a bunch of other regulations and shit. So the news reports aren't going to frame this like we are here. People wont KNOW it's up for a vote.

Right but thursday is just the end of the time to send in letters. After this they will still ave to craft the law and people can still voice their opposition to the law makers in their states. I wouldn't give up yet.

>> No.2157913

On places where the site link got shared people are mostly ignoring it, pretty sure they just write it off as BS since its so absurd and wont investigate further.
Which leads me to think that this kind of shit will get worse in the future, since everyone is bombarded with so much info.

>> No.2157925

Your probably right, but all the more reason you need to keep trying.

It was never going to be as simple as -post topic -get thousands of replies -profit. It's always going to be an uphill slog of informing people one person at a time. Why do you think people have made careers being advocates for issues. Now that you know better than those people and you have an idea of whats going on doing nothing is idiotic.

If the idea of this law doesn't make you want to get involved than you probably don't have the drive to make it as an artist in the first place. It's not hard just take an hour to write a thing and post the info around on some forums or email people. Who cares if only a few people get it. This is someone literally telling you they don't want you to making a living at you job. That should piss you off.

>> No.2157932

There should be a list made of well known/popular artists to message about this to spread the word better.

>> No.2157936

Someone with twitter should message https://twitter.com/Oglaf

She's pretty popular, and probably earns a good percent of her income from her original content.

>> No.2157943

i guess:

Anthony Jones
Bobby chiu
Ben Mauro
Mathias Verhasselt
Brad Rigney
Crimson Daggers
Muddy Colors
i thought oglaf was a burly Australian man? but yeah message them

>> No.2157951

Twitter is hard to get your point across with so few words. Direct msg or email with more space might be better.

Some people I have on my radar either through youtube, art sharing sites, twitter, tumblr or others. Some are artists some AD's some large social followings some not. In no specific order.

Chris Oatley
James Gurney
Dave Rapoza
Peter Mohrbacher
Noah Bradley
Jon Schindette
Paul Shipper
Andy Park
Bobby Chu
Calum Alexander Watt
Sam Flegal
Brad Rigney
Arnie Fenner
Dan dos Santos
Jesper Ejsing
Donato Giancola
Greg Ruth
David Palumbo
Paolo Rivera
Justin Gerard
Cory Godbey
Gregory Manchess
Lauren Panepinto
Howard Lyon
William O'Connor
Tim Bruckner
Terryl Whitlatch
Eric Fortune
John Jude Palencar
Petar Meseldžija
Daniel LuVisi

>> No.2157992

The Copyright Office recognizes that there are special concerns with regard to pictorial,
graphic, and sculptural works. Notably, advocates for illustrators and textile manufacturers have been persistent since 2006 in pointing out that, because their works are rarely made available to the public with copyright information attached either for business or aesthetic reasons or because the information is nefariously stripped out
a search, no matter how diligent, is unlikely to be successful.
Thus, they argue, orphan works legislation, if applied to commercial uses, will
create a loophole for bad actors to exploit, without any benefit to visual arts creators and owners in terms of increased licensing.232
Furthermore, they maintain that in order to close this loophole,
visual artists will be effectively forced to spend an enormous amount of time and money
digitizing and registering their works with private registries, a burden that only the most wealthy will be able to bear.233
The Office takes these concerns seriously, but does not believe that they outweigh the benefits of comprehensive orphan works legislation encompassing all categories of works. In fact, it is the very same characteristics of mass distribution and frequent lack of textual identifying information that some argue would put visual art works at special risk for infringement under an orphan works regime, that make it necessary to include such works. Visual art works present, in fact, almost the paradigmatic orphan works situation, and better that potential users have an incentive to diligently search for their owners than that they are infringed outright or collect dust.
Furthermore, the Office believes that many features of the proposed legislation, such as the rigorous search standard and the Notice of Use provision, make it less likely that bad actors will find an orphan works limitation an attractive shield for their activities.

>> No.2158001


>we recognize these concerns and take them very seriously
>loljk everything you said totally supports the bill, trust me, I know these things

>> No.2158003
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>> No.2158008

Additionally, developments since 2008 have helped to reduce the obstacles facing visual
artists in an orphan works context
most notably the development of credible visual art registries
and a major report and legislative proposal from the Copyright Office regarding a small claims

As orphan works legislation goes forward, the prospect of its enactment may spur
increased support for and investment in visual arts registries. Currently, several visual arts
organizations support the non-profit PLUS Registry as an important way to enable diligent
searches for owners of orphan works.PLUS functions as a "hub" connecting registries in
eighty-eight countries, and provides both literal and image-based searches.
235 Rightsholders may
list their works at no cost, while the storage of image records and rights records is at a nominal
cost.236 protected works easier, for both owners and users,
237 and it connects with several collective
licensing organizations and registries.

Other ongoing initiatives are likely to produce
additional resources of this type in the coming years. For example, the Copyright Office has
entered into an academic partnership with Stanford Law School in which students are exploring
ways to centrally assemble information concerning the licensing of photographs and the data
standards relied upon by copyright owners and licensees to engage in such transactions.
239 Of course, the use of PLUS, or any other registry, should be treated as only one component of a
qualifying search.

>> No.2158009

welcome to politics

>> No.2158014

>>2157992 >>2158008

So the people who actually make the work these companies want to find have no say. But because companies who have no right to use our work claim they cant find out who owns said work they have a right to force you to spend money and time to register all your images or else they can use it because they made a "good faith effort" (aka 30 second google search) to find you but were unsuccessful. This law will only protect works and creators who have the money and time to copyright everything.

"The Office takes these concerns seriously, but does not believe that they outweigh the benefits of comprehensive orphan works legislation.."

So the people making the work are telling them this will hurt them, but the people who didn't make anything have more rights to the work than the creator who made it. ....


None of this even addressed the changes in the fair use/derivative works part of the law which are far worse.

>> No.2158023

In the unlikely but unfortunate event that a work of visual art is erroneously claimed by a user to be "orphaned" and cognizable damages to the owners result, a small claims tribunal of the sort recommended by the Office
should provide a suitable forum for hearing the resulting
complaint. Photographers were one of the primary constituencies advocating for a small copyright claims system,
and the Office believes that such a tribunal would be a particularly apt
venue for determining whether a qualifying search was performed by the user, and other
questions of compliance with the remedy limitation requirements of an orphan works solution.

Page 60

>> No.2158034

I'll try and get there, so much to read

>> No.2158035

"...Of course, the use of PLUS, or any other registry, should be treated as only one component of a
qualifying search...."

a.k.a We're going to make you pay to register your work with a ton of different agencies and websites not just a single one before it's considered "owned" by you.

This whole idea stems from some liberal fantasy that society has the right to use what you make for the greater good, and by copyrighting things your depriving other creatives from making new works using your ideas that advance society as a whole. What they fail to see is most modern advancements didn't come until people were aloud to patent, copyright or trademark their ideas to ensure they could make a living off them. oooooo evil capitalism.

Right so now the onus is on you to prove you were infringed upon, you have to take time off from work and spend money to go to court to stop them person from using the work rather than it just being against the law for them to use it and telling them to stop via email or lawyer letter.

>> No.2158050

Make sure to also send personal messages to artists who you are friends with that have small/medium following aswell. They are much more likely to see the message and act on it.

>> No.2158055

>all those chinamen who don't speak a word of English
>China not in TPP
>lel free art copyright everything
And you though they were gonna take your jobs.

>> No.2158061

Cant be sure yet but whats to say chinese or any foreign firm cant just make a business that goes around and copyrights "orphaned" works under these laws.

If you have to go to court for ever single image individually that's infringed would you be able to contest these companies massive bombardment of copywriting? Who would have the time if you need to work. The courts will be over loaded on top of it and by the time you get to court, like now with most cases, they would have already had months/years to sell the thing thus eliminating the need for you. Thus killing off a potential client that would have normally commissioned you for a new work of art.

>> No.2158062

Copyright for Derivative Works and Compilations
The proposed legislation clarifies that, despite the language of 17 U.S.C. § 103(a),
292 any user of an orphan work who qualifies for the limitation on remedies may still enjoy copyright
protection for a compilation or derivative work that employs preexisting unlicensed orphan
works. Like those sections of the bill relating to injunctive relief, this provision seeks to
incentivize good faith uses of orphan works, despite the fact that they are technically infringing.
Users are encouraged to engage in productive uses of otherwise dormant orphan works,
provided the works qualify under the diligent search standard.

i despise the term "good faith"

>> No.2158076

Even if this doesn't effectively kill freelancing (something many governments have been trying to eliminate for a while now), even if it doesn't lower your income at all (and it will), this would make the job suck massive ass.

What is this, Futurama? Do they expect me to file 5 different forms for every fucking drawing I make?
To have to prove something is, in fact, mine through bureaucratic bullshit every time someone tries to sell my work?
Since when is the internet some hippie commune and I sign away my rights to anything I upload for other people to see?

>> No.2158078

Since people let ex-hippie fuckers run the government bureaucracies. (liberal democrats in the US government.)

>> No.2158101

I know for some court things where you need to notify the other party, (like divorce) for people who have moved to another state and you have no way of directly contacting them. A "good faith" attempt at contacting them could be an ad in the newspaper letting them know you're looking for them. So it's just a passive listing that they may, if they are lucky, see and know you are searching to inform them of some legal shit.

Something like that could be extended to this, why not, where the government makes this massive listing where companies are looking for copyright owners of images and unless you bother to check it for the 30 days (or however many) you'll miss it and they are considered to have looked for you in "good faith". Now unable to reach you they can legally take copyright of your orphaned work.


>> No.2158106

And in the case of derivative works created with orphans, the draft legislation significantly limits the availability of injunctive relief. Where a user has created a derivative work containing a "significant amount of original expression," the general provision with respect to injunctive relief, which dates back to the 2006 Orphan Works Report, remains the same in the current draft: a user may, upon paying reasonable compensation to the owner of the work in a reasonably timely manner and providing attribution(where requested), avoid an injunction and continue to prepare and use the new work. A court may determine that payment of a percentage-based royalty constitutes reasonable compensation. This provision accounts for the reliance interest of the user, who - based upon a qualifying but unsuccessful search for the copyright owner - may have created a new work that combines the orphan work with his own significant original expression in a way that is effectively impossible to untangle without doing damage to the new work.

While limiting injuctive relief encourages users to utilize and invest in derivative works based on orphan works,it does not do so without exacting some cost. The restriction on the scope of injunctive relief with respect to derivative works applies for the entire term of the copyright in the orphan work. Therefore , a user could continue to use a derivative work for decades despite objections from the owner, as well as enjoy copyright protection for that derivative work.

>> No.2158111

You could draw digitally exclusively and collate all your drawings into a 100gig psd- send it all in in one go.

It raises the question, what even qualifies to be valid for copyright? How sparse do they want it? By pages of sketches, or a single sketch, or by a single line or even the basic notes for the idea? Is this specified anywhere?

>> No.2158118
File: 499 KB, 500x335, cumfaceshitface4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it just keeps goin...my brain just won't stay awake for right now.

I suggest anyone to search through it because there is a lot and i'm typing it out in notepad, anyone know a way to copy paste .pdf text without it getting turned into heiroglyphics?
An case you didn't see the link is http://copyright.gov/orphan/reports/orphan-works2015.pdf

>> No.2158127

Straight out of a fucking book. Been telling my friends corporate interest would out weigh those of the human race but fuck me for thinking ahead. Least thinking is still legal

>> No.2158128

So, if I'm getting this right, I can take your picture of a farmer, darken the skin and draw a sombrero, and use that whether you like it or not for my shitty project, while paying you a percentage of what may very well be nothing?

I don't get it, though. If A steals B's picture and edits it with EXPRESHUN, can he then sell it? How is B compensated then? If A sold it to a game developer, and it resulted in an iconic whatever, who pays B royalties?

This just sounds like it will result in "art asset resellers" that hoard images, edit them slightly, and sell them while paying you a fraction of the profit, if anything. Even worse is what will happen to concept art.

>> No.2158131
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Surely it's too ridiculous for them to even consider?... Don't these fucking cunts know how anything works?

>> No.2158133

No longer good enough to be guewd, now you need a lawyer to not get taken advantage of.
I'm changing my name to Cunt Nigger Faggot, that's how I win.

>> No.2158139

yes. they get money every time you copy right something

>> No.2158143


Well yeah, but orphaned work is considered that because you cant contact the relevant copyright holder. So how the hell is someone going to pay you if they don't even know (or have to know) where you are. With out a lawyer to literally spell it out most of this shit is meaningless. All it sounds like is an easier avenue for someone to use your work to make their own.

What about a large company that uses art, say like wizards just having their own (new) inhouse art team "edit" all the work they have by artists that are now considered orphaned and say fuck it to commissioning new art for as long as they can get decent new images out of what they have.

>> No.2158146

Eu fag here. It will effects us probably, too but not as hard as the USA i hope.

>> No.2158149
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What if we incorporated ourselves? Make a publishing company for artists, by artists and sell to 3rd parties? Gnome saiyan

>> No.2158152

You fucking imbecile, unless we follow their laws and register our work the same way they do, anyone is free to copyright our work as their own and use sell it under US law.

And that's without even getting into TTIP.

>> No.2158153

Sure it will, UK already has something like this and I expect this sort of thing will be coming to a country near you eventually, especially if it passes here. People in the US can still register your works here under our laws unless I guess you do it first, nt sure how that would work. But yeah, u fuked.

With out knowing the details of what would be in this it's hard to formulate a plan on how to work around it. Somehow though I feel like it wouldn't matter, you'll still have more headaches to deal with. I.E. Costs and more paperwork that take away from the hours you have to bill clients for work.

>> No.2158154

This kills the photobash, rite?

>> No.2158155

Wouldn't they care about their constituents at all? Do they actually believe that visual art and design is some magical field where one can pull something good out of the air? Jesus Fucking Christ

>> No.2158156

I hardly get it myself, page 74 of the pdf has more to it. I guess just copyright everything you have, but like >>2158111 said, what even counts as "valid for copyright?"

One day I hope to be Bob Ross but still so much to learn that goes astray from nice, happy trees to blood sucking lawyers.

>> No.2158161

Already sent messages and tweet to a bunch of people in the industry, hoping they could spread the word. I sent one to Lesean Thomas, which he has seen and tweet already. Also sent some to Sakimi and a bunch others I follow. Hopefully they can help light the fire under some people's asses and get them to send in letters.

I'm surprised Deviantart hasn't made a Notice about this yet either. Why does it seem like nobody knows about this?

>> No.2158162

Literally the opposite. This is a photobash enabler and worse.

>> No.2158163

A. it is actually ridiculous and won't happen
B. companies know and they don't give a fuck
C. it has been kept secret because it's so god damn ridiculous and 'they' want it to happen

>> No.2158164

No idiot, empowers it. Now people can photobash YOUR PAINTINGS (and photos), into new work and sell that as their own shit.

Artists make up such a small group, the ones who are paying attention and know whats going on even smaller so this wont likely impact law makers much. That's why emailing popular or very established artists about this is important, they have a louder voice than we do.

Awesome dude.

>> No.2158165

>I'm surprised Deviantart hasn't made a Notice about this yet either. Why does it seem like nobody knows about this?
You didn't read the thread. Someone made a thread on the forums, mods deleted it.

>> No.2158168

If you whole argument is this wont pass because it's "ridiculous" your an idiot. You could have said that about a ton of stuff that passed, like obamacare for example which is/was unpopular and WIDELY publicised /talked about issue, unlike this.

>> No.2158169 [DELETED] 

>people have less time to work now because everything has become a god damned bureaucracy
>people then have less time to work
>and now have legal access to all of everything that has been produced ever if they do so much as change a few colors

gee, you tell me

>> No.2158171

I know, it's just wishful thinking...

>> No.2158173

>people have less time to work now because everything has become a god damned bureaucracy
>and now they have legal access to all of everything that has been produced ever if they do so much as change a few colors / a few words / a few notes

gee, you tell me

>> No.2158186

I know and it's easy to be that way.

But that's a dangerous road to go down as you can convince yourself that you're safe from harm because everyone else will see how dangerous something is. When in reality you need to be the one telling people how dangerous this thing is and making an effort to stop it. Relying on others to fix wrongs, or on government to protect you breeds morons and is how laws like this come into existence.

Dont be one of those assholes who hears people telling you something is bad, who sits on their ass and does nothing and then complains not stop after the fact when this new thing sucks.

Just send out some tweets to pro artists with the link of the youtube vid in it, or send out some emails to 5 or 10 different pro-level artists to inform them politely whats going on and what this thing is after you stop working for the day.

>> No.2158193

I know a political cartoonist and a professor who illustrates professionally, have sent them the information.

Have also plugged it on all my internet media, and am writing up a letter to send, even though I am not currently at a skill level to be able to live off of.

>> No.2158201
File: 2 KB, 67x103, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your an idiot

>> No.2158212

Good luck not making it tard.

>> No.2158223

Fuck you google.

>> No.2158228

Lol @ your ignorant hatred, this has nothing to do with google, google would probably be against it as they have been against other freedom-straining acts.

>> No.2158229

...google is pushing this.

>> No.2158230

No, he's right. Google is one of the ones that are for it.

>> No.2158232

Your a moron google is one of the companies pushing this,

>> No.2158237

This is all about giving people the freedom to use your work.

>> No.2158239
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What. No, no.

>> No.2158240
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>> No.2158251

actually believes you can make a living doing art.

>> No.2158253

Don't be a moron and stick to the topic.

>> No.2158257


You can't?

She probably makes more in 2 weeks than you do in a year

>> No.2158258
File: 541 KB, 1776x844, LeSean Thomas Tweets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job man

>> No.2158263

Holy shit, I just did the math and realized that she makes nearly a million and a half dollars every year

>> No.2158264

I've seen a few people here and there on twitter some pros some not talking about it. Not nearly enough action on this yet though. I think I'm off for the night but I hope people will keep getting the word out in the following days. Don't stop gettin gud but also help out with this, this could make gettin gud pointless for many of you.

Thats awesome, nice job. Some big names follow him on twitter like Kakai, Chris Oatley, Andy Park. Hopefully some of them will see that.

>> No.2158290

weird, i ment this guy on omegle along time ago

>> No.2158291

Did he show you his dick?

>> No.2158300
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>/ic/ is actually getting together to conform in one common interest.

Did the moon and the sun and the stars align together?

>> No.2158309

Shit like this can bring anyone together. Keep spreading awareness, make art to fight this, art is human and one of the best weapons we have. Everyone must know. The fight is never over, stay vigilant!

>> No.2158338

I'm proud of you guys

>> No.2158345

This need a sticky, incumbent upon all of us

>> No.2158346

We will hafta soon do the same with TPP.

>> No.2158352
File: 7 KB, 316x202, feelbadman[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never save art

>> No.2158354
File: 42 KB, 495x636, KOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will live in a time where art will finally die

>> No.2158355

I don't think emailing Mullins and Sakimichan again is gonna cut it, Anon.

>> No.2158379


Found this

>> No.2158384

This is another problem that affects artists too

>> No.2158430

i don't give a shit

i like to draw

>> No.2158442

>actually believes this is "art"
fuck off hipster

>> No.2158514

The irony

>> No.2158516
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>doesn't consider fanart to be "real art"
>calls someone else a hipster

>> No.2158531
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>> No.2158536


All of us will be photobashing everything in the future, the future.

We will go to facebook and take a bunch of random images and slap them together and call it art. It will be the only way to do things because clients will require it. They don't need your scribbly digital paint skills, just bashem cuz bash is cool. This is our future.

>> No.2158539
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>> No.2158560

would adding meta data to images help keep "bad actors" from stealing work?

>> No.2158565


>> No.2158582
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>> No.2158621

You are probably an UK fag. Your country is just copying the USA 1:1 while the EU is a bit different.

>> No.2158628


Lol thread reached post limit retard

>> No.2158633


Try to understand this. If some guy in Romania paints something, ANYONE in the world can copyright it under US law, and it would be legally his to sell. Do you understand this?

Also, THE ENTIRE EU IS IN TPP, so EVERYONE will adopt this if it passes.

>> No.2158635


>> No.2158642

new thread