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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 8 KB, 450x401, 032 - jd22VnX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2154804 No.2154804 [Reply] [Original]

I lost it guys, I started to procrastinate so much. how do I reignite love for art?

>> No.2154805

just start drawing

>> No.2154817


>> No.2154824
File: 594 KB, 3696x1520, 1370429026103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I want you to try something. I do it, and it works.
When you go to bed, I want you to think

"Did I do my best today?"

If the answer is no, you have no one else to blame than yourself. Which I am sure you do every day. But I think of it this way: Every day I go to bed and think "I really did my best today" are they days where I feel the most happy. The days where you go to bed and cannot think that, has been a waste. If you're not trying -this goes for anything in life- the best of your ability, why are you even trying? There's a world difference between being "alive", and "living". And anon, when you die, don't you want to be able to think "I lived to my utmost?" Because I know I sure would, and to accomplish that, trying you best every single day is the best you can do.

So anon, I ask you to look at yourself when you go to bed tonight. Did you do your best? I sure wish you could say yes.

>> No.2154825


>> No.2154830

>tfw you will never have a pet slave abomination

why live

>> No.2154843


>> No.2154929

I actually go through long stretches of not drawing. But I always seem to come back to it, because overall, it makes me feel good and I miss it (regardless of what I think of my skill level).

Maybe you can try re-identifying what you loved about art? And maybe you just need to go out and get some fresh air for a little bit.

>> No.2154933


>> No.2154940

If you were passionate about it you would of put a ring on it.

>> No.2154942

>>2154843 this
Get your Loomis on check m8

>> No.2154966

Same as you, I draw for a month then i feel burned out. Why? A few things: studies which dont improve me that much, no original content and overall it makes me mad that still cant draw what i i would like to draw.

I love art, I really do, its just i am terrible at it af.

>> No.2154973


>> No.2154974

Thanks man, just about to go to bed. This day has been a let down. You kind of opened my eyes and I'm probably going to be thinking about this every night, as there's nothing else to think about then anyway.

>> No.2154981
File: 37 KB, 337x338, 1423930837693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that comic
I didn't ask for these feels.

>> No.2155012
File: 70 KB, 454x349, 1402754503986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2155072

Thank you

>> No.2155075
File: 149 KB, 1200x672, BOOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2155275


>> No.2155399
File: 50 KB, 900x1151, 1363734908329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2155459


If you really loved art you would be creating right now. You don't reignite your love for something. Either you love it or you don't, either you put the time in or you won't. Get over your lack of skill. Start working.

>> No.2155464

Draw whatever you're using to procrastinate. Recreate scenes from your videogames/anime/media- its fanart in essence, but whatever gets you drawing mang.

>> No.2155507

*would have

>> No.2155512

You don't. You're not going to find silver bullet advice to unfuck yourself on 4chan and you know that.

Swim or Drown.

>> No.2155514

This, OP. Maybe you was wrong about your passion and you need to find something else?

>> No.2155518


>> No.2155550
File: 11 KB, 300x400, Swim or die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2155512 Fucking this.
When Tom Hanks was lost in the ocean crying while the sharks and piranhas were mawling his boat a Big righteous whale comes from the deep ocean to save him and to be his friend.... Well I have news for you mang, that's a fucking movie.... BAHM! Yeah, I know right?
Get your shit together m8 or die.

>> No.2155723





>> No.2155731

It usually helps me browsing pages like dA, dribbble or behance. Seeing other people create something makes you want to start too.

>> No.2155741

If you're tired of starting over. Stop Giving Up.


>> No.2155750

Find another hobby.

>> No.2155866


>> No.2155874

listen to post-rock and read barbara demick nothing to envy or aquariums of pyongyang.


>> No.2155876

shut the fuck up faggot go to /b/ with that self-promotional meme garbage

>> No.2156041

You are all pathetic. OP is feeling burned out after some failures and you tell him to change a hobby.

>implying its only a hobby

>> No.2156042

Except it is the hobby. Drawing is known to be one of the more demanding activities to master.

>> No.2156065

>triggered by motivational memes

>> No.2156124

I personally watch people like Sinix, when they're having so much fun with their art that I think "FUCK that looks fun, what I did today was boring as fuck I NEED TO DO THAT INSTEAD" and I end up enjoying the shit out of a crappy old man's wrinkles on a piece of paper.

>> No.2156307

Post your art.

>> No.2156332
File: 672 KB, 960x540, 1431782909058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't agree with what another anon is saying and I'm too stupid to challenge his post on any intellectual level so instead I'll just ask him to post his work as if that proves anything

>> No.2156350

What world does that comic take place in?

>> No.2156369

Start drawing some fucked up fetishes you thought you'd never be interested in.

>> No.2156398

Begin drawing without any high expectations from your drawings
Like everyone has tried to say, once you begin drawing, the momentum will lead you to create more and more regardless of what crap you produce

>> No.2156415

Re-evaluate your goals: set realistic deadlines in terms of what you want to achieve, like finishing your portfolio due to a date or sending applications, something that makes your dream to have a connection to the real world

Check out your competition, people who are on the same skill level as you are, then try to 1up those people, really try to figure what you would do differently in order to make your work pop out in comparison

Browse art that really gets you inspired, don't look for stuff you find technically impressive, just the artwork that makes you feel things or puts stories in your head

Learn to doodle again: don't do studies all the time, draw things you want to draw, doodle things that actually look good, you're allowed to cut corners and hide the parts you don't know how to draw; these doodles are just for your own enjoyment and the enjoyment of having created something that looks nice and beautiful

>> No.2156416
File: 182 KB, 910x1024, 1354097693861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then try to 1up those peopl
>mfw thinking of trying to 1up Frazetta or Mullins

>> No.2156417

The issue with checking out your competition is that it's sometimes hard to find someone in your skill range and you might end up getting discouraged. Checking out other artists is good but make sure to keep yourself in check.

>> No.2156441


>> No.2156583


>> No.2156593
