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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 156 KB, 1298x891, start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2136687 No.2136687 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Stay on topic.

Last thread: >>2131945

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.2136691
File: 5 KB, 135x135, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would totally love to knock up a woman like that, but her pussy looks like a fleshlight.

>> No.2136692

I think that's the audience he's going for

hah, gedit????

>> No.2136698

thats good casue real ones look like a fucking sea monsters.

>> No.2136713
File: 259 KB, 922x1305, 143495062181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what you think about anatomy.

>> No.2136718

My mind says no to that snapped neck half-assed clavicles and trapizeus muscles but my dick says yes

>> No.2136724

The guy should just add more fluids and sweat to make her look a bit less like a sculpture.

I don't personally think it's a good idea to slap the ahegao "fucked silly" face on there when nothing is actually happening yet but whatevs.

>> No.2136777

I tell you you good at copying but you really bad at making stuff from memory.
That hand triggered all my sides.

>> No.2136812

>"fucked silly" face

well she's also clearly drunk

>> No.2136826

You're a retarded autistic person is what I get from this image

>> No.2136828
File: 267 KB, 727x1000, Xiuying Hong shenmue II_v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Took the suggestions and tried to improve. Still seems off but can't put my finger on it. This perspective is harder than I thought.

>> No.2136837

the hand on the dick is still hilariously small, and it looks like you tried to emphasize the musculature of the shoulders but they just look lumpy as hell instead
additionally the torso is all fucked, you wouldn't see that little crease in the vagina from a top-down view in most cases
re: the hand on her thigh-- she seems pretty skinny, so i think it should be bigger in relation to the thigh. also the fingers are curved in an extremely unnatural direction.
also i imagine you know this already but just in case, the penis in her mouth is like. 2x as thick as an actual penis should be. it's always really hard to tell whether porn artists are intentionally exaggerating dick sizes or not.

>> No.2136838


>hair is confusing all over, the locks on the side look like they're coming from the side of her eye
>face looks like a goat, it's like some features face down and some face foreward
>head is at a weird angle
>tits are uneven
>hand on the dick is way too small

Do yourself a favor and start over, get the basic shapes and posture down before even starting on the lines
I recommend looking at similar scenes and comparing the differences in composition, proportion, perspective, etc

>> No.2136843

Welp, shit is fucked, I'm throwing the towel. I'll try to do better next time.
Also, maybe I'm retarded but I don't really see the dick hand as being small in comparison. I see it as a "camera" being so up close that the face looks way bigger. But again I'll concede that I'm probably wrong, I need to sleep on it and get a fresher look on this fucking thing.
Also yeah dick is supposed to be over-the-top big.

>> No.2136848

Her hand gives the impression of being roughly at nipple height. The penis is going into her mouth. Hold your own hand in front of your mouth and compare.

>> No.2136861
File: 72 KB, 666x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, maybe I'm retarded but I don't really see the dick hand as being small in comparison.

Depends on your ref.
Now you can mix and match stuff with this pose. I know its 10% off, but you can fill in the gaps ya?

>> No.2136869
File: 444 KB, 1146x990, squirrelgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not porn but definitely fetish, how's my line art?

>> No.2136870

Wow that's actually a pretty great reference where it comes to the face and hand, it matches up greatly, thanks for going the extra mile in searching for that.
Yeah I can definitely see the hand is retarded now, and a lot of other problems. And specially the face, the eyes are not matching the perspective at all, they're way too frontal.
I guess I should really just work on some basic anatomy on weirder perspectives, I've been just doing pretty standard frontal perspectives for way too long, this was definitely quite a slap in the face.

Thanks a lot Anons, I really appreciate this feedback
Stay chilly, free willy

>> No.2136877

>that face

Linework is passable. Some of that anatomy is jank tho.

>> No.2136892

the perspective is off too.

>> No.2136894

face is fine weeb

>> No.2136898

Torso too short? Where's the perspective off?

What's really good line work in your opinion, then? Honest question.

>> No.2136926

Thanks anon. That's true, that neck sucks.

>> No.2136931


>> No.2136938

>...and then she farts!

>> No.2136964

I cracked a nut at this so

I could feel it

>> No.2136980
File: 234 KB, 724x1000, ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2137021

The ass being so large suggests a sort of fisheye effect, but the perspective of the chimney completely ruins it

>> No.2137024

Thank this man, he just saved your shit.

>> No.2137030
File: 96 KB, 623x976, ss+(2015-06-29+at+10.10.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, fair enough. How's this?

>> No.2137042


where are their dicks

>> No.2137043

totally dig the face (she's hot!)
just fix the foreshortening of the arm and better construct the hand and it'll be gold

>> No.2137047

reminds me of adam warren

>> No.2137050
File: 96 KB, 621x968, ss+(2015-06-29+at+10.42.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, took another swing at the foreshortening,first time doing something this extreme.

Definitely an influence

>> No.2137057

Do you have a DeviantArt or a Tumblr?

>> No.2137084

How can I get some clean smooth lines like kr0npenis while inking? Is that some layer trick?

>> No.2137085

Chromatic abrasion x100

>> No.2137101


>> No.2137108

that's it! sweet.

>> No.2137142
File: 18 KB, 600x575, thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody got any useful tips, tricks an quips for boob shape? i find this shit tricky as hell (not so much for average/small sized ones, mostly just the bigger, floppier bubs)

>> No.2137145

to expand upon what i mean (HEH), when they start getting noticably larger than the ribcage, i kinda find myself at a bit of a loss, since my knowledge of boob shape an junk tends to have a lot to do with how it rests upon them bones

>> No.2137217


>> No.2137219

That cow thing looks sexy even as a piece of shit made in mspaint, you may be on to something there at any rate.

>> No.2137226
File: 20 KB, 600x575, thing nu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made them smaller but more... dangly? they feel weightier now tho, i think it's that lil bit of fat above the main body of the boob that i gotta remember to put in there, so bigger boobs would droop even lower without support. danke for the link nwn

thanks. mspaint really forces me into a less is more kinna thing with the whole fixed line width/no rotation/shitty zoom options/no tablet/final destination

>> No.2137232

i like it.

>> No.2137253
File: 930 KB, 270x270, 1434204658494.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw sheit, thanks redline friend. I was blind but now I see

>> No.2137267
File: 385 KB, 867x927, bb832247d5d4ef38d8762a4ab0b0c89f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying this cell shading coloring thing.

>> No.2137270

stop post half assed art, you haven't even finished the other stuff on your tumblr

You said you were going to stop doing this shit

You're also avoiding drawing males again even though you know you need more practice

>> No.2137288
File: 99 KB, 723x691, 1435006699669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm postin it on /ic/ since I got some helpful critique last time.
also I'm still drawing men.

>> No.2137293
File: 27 KB, 857x653, 2015-06-30_07-20-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks nice, but i worry you're gettin to ahead of yourself by focusing only on her instead of the overall piece. when you jus go straight ahead on one element in a work, such as you have in this one with the girl, refining the sketch and colors an lightin an all that jazz it makes the amount of work left to do on the rest seem much more immense than it really is. this leads to burnout ;-;

try attackin the whole piece in an order that goes kinna like
-thumb nail to nail down the composition
-color blobs to set the scheme/color comp (or greyscale)
-inks if that's ya deal (or you could do that before the color stage, but i feel color is more impactful to the image an therefore it might cause you to want to change some of the linework)
-more refining, final cleanup, whatever "after effects" you feel like

she does look really cute tho, would cuddle/10 nwn~

>> No.2137316

Love all the stuff you posted so far. Do you have a tumblr or something, would instafollow.
Also, why the ms paint look? Style choice?

>> No.2137328

i don't understand how legs work. is it really difficult or am i retarded

>> No.2137336

based on your explanatory skills I'd say the second one.

>> No.2137347

Uhh, what do you mean?

>> No.2137355
File: 103 KB, 371x409, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think those shadows on her leg are too straight, makes it look like her leg is a block.

>> No.2137356
File: 228 KB, 736x997, 1420779670506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might help.
Thank you.

>> No.2137361

>cell shading
Is this really the proper term for it outside of 3D rendering lingo?
Not dissing, generally curious.

>> No.2137365

go google the term cel-shading, i'll wait

>> No.2137368

It only gives me results for that 3D rendering technique. That's why I'm asking.

>> No.2137371

and if you clicked the first link, a wikipedia article, it would've told you at the end of the first paragraph where that name came from

>> No.2137372

Yes I understand the etymology behind the word. I'm just asking if 2D artists actually called it back then.

>> No.2137373

I just call it slap slappity bapity baby doo shading.

>> No.2137375
File: 744 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start drawing
>start worrying about angles too much
>can't finish

Damn it I just wanted to draw a fat ass
This could take years

>> No.2137377

You heard it here first folks, start spreading the acronym around

>> No.2137379

it was how they colored cels. if they were in animation production, they most likely called it coloring. if they had to clarify what type of coloring or/shading, they probably just said something along the lines of like flat colors or cel-shading possibly. it's used nowadays even for full 2d art with intentional flat shading because that's the style the name evokes, however, i am fully in favor of switching over to SSBBDS as >>2137377 and >>2137373 suggested, it really clears up a lotta the confusion you get in conversations like these.

>> No.2137385

SSBBDS has my full support

>> No.2137418

i draw in mspaint for the same reason mike ross plays shitty characters in street fighter
an oh yeah, i should get me one a them there tumblrs shouldn't i?
what's a good name for a tumblr, i'm bad a naming things

>> No.2137433

try Ihateniggers420

>> No.2137451
File: 112 KB, 1139x491, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milking Canvas
Moo chan
Money Over Cows [MOC]
Microshaft Paint
Muckles the precursor of Knuckles
Would You like to try our new Mozzella sticks sir?
No More Poo Tang
Circumsized Ghengas Khan
The Dark Bateman sleeps
No more Cheese
Wei shen fuck mother
Chappie gonna fuck you up

>> No.2137487

just leave that to /ic/
they gave me the best pseudonym ever lol

>> No.2137506

mrs. paint
moolight sonata
less cow bell
furries should not be allowed to vote

>> No.2137622


Are you using a brush to color or the selection tool to select the areas you want to cell shade?

>> No.2137648 [DELETED] 
File: 565 KB, 1384x1000, Sketch002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2137652

>threesome with 2 males

you are doing it wrong.

>> No.2137656
File: 457 KB, 936x930, 8b6f3cd09eaa6d5379cdcdc4e4167661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only selected the areas inside the lineart to block color.
I painted on the lines, now blending them.

first time I colored like this. hope it doesn't look too terrible.

>> No.2137659
File: 361 KB, 1000x722, Sketch002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2137668

Extra credit for the spider socks

>> No.2137679

You are doing it right. You should absolutely finish this.

>> No.2137684

The left nipple placement of the one standing up seems far too close to the armpit

>> No.2137699
File: 401 KB, 936x930, 1435690661109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have a quick question. In the parts that I've circled, is that more of a stylistic choice? I thought the skin tone got most intense on the edge of a shadow? It seems that you have put your most intense color IN the shadow as some sort of pseudo core shadow?

I'm not criticizing because I have no idea how to paint, I'm genuinely curious as to why you chose that color in that area.

>> No.2137700
File: 141 KB, 1688x518, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less cow bell
You fool

>> No.2137703

How the hell did I miss that. Thanks!

>> No.2137728

you are doing gr8 keppok

>> No.2137745
File: 193 KB, 840x630, 111111 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whats your tumblr?

>> No.2137756

just search keppok you silly

>> No.2137769
File: 544 KB, 800x1200, jep and boy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I have a super in-depth grasp of color or how to render different things realistically.
Though I know that skin is semi-transparent and shows blood where the skin tapers or rounds off, coincidentally near where the shadows begin.
I used a bright pink in some areas... probably more than I should have but if t looks good I'll keep it.

here's some sloppy ass colorin'.

>> No.2137770
File: 119 KB, 1000x722, butt attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are some really good suggestions here
i'm really diggin moo-chan even tho it's a bit generic, it's cute as heck

butt felt a lil off, tried my hand at gently reshapin it

>> No.2137772

also the color of the light determines the "burn" on the edge of the shadow.
Purple/pink is a go-to color choice for me since it looks the best on girl's skin plus pink is my favorite color.

>> No.2137773

Well, I was aiming at his hand pushing her ass forward, but I guess I'm not selling it. I think your version is better. Thx.

>> No.2137784
File: 76 KB, 500x383, 1435196532567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, gotta remember, unless you got a super chunky booty (she's rather thin), you got the like, these two lil hip bone things that jut out to create that iconic bent over butt shape. check the upper left one in the image i linked for a good example of how the hip bone is kinna jus there/how it means you can't really push that mass around too much

>> No.2137786

er, not linked, uploaded, haha. also don't forget the muscle mass as well, can't move it around too much either (i kno that's probably obvious but i gotta remind myself of that a lot so i throw this in there jus to be safe)

>> No.2137790

eyy bby want sum fuck ?

i got 1 inch cock

>> No.2137794

that's exactly what i needed, thanks

>> No.2137795

I see what you are saying, but I'm pretty sure you can achieve that kind of deformation of the soft tissues if you squish the ass cheek forward. If not 1:1 realistically at least in terms of stylization exageration.
Some of you people should think a bit more about what stylization is and stop fixating on absolute anatomical perfection. The drawings I do aren't meant to be photo-realistic and neither I want to achieve too much of a realistic anatomy feel. In fact I think I pushed realism too far in this illustration.

Anyway, as I've said before, I'm not selling it, so it's no good.

>> No.2137802

>skin is semi-transparent and shows blood where the skin tapers or rounds off, coincidentally near where the shadows begin.
Fuckin' genius, honestly never thought about that...makes sense if you think about it

>also the color of the light determines the "burn" on the edge of the shadow.
When you say burn you mean intensity of the color? So an intense yellow light would create an intense purple/pink that you tend to like?

>> No.2137816
File: 116 KB, 1000x722, butt push.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i draw as simple as i can possibly get away with while still making it come off... attractive i guess?

havin an ass squeeze in such a distant shot doesn't tend to read too well, even in real porn, that's more of a closeup of the dick goin in from above kinna shot i feel, but that's just me, i like simple simple simple

i tried to give you a more ass-cheek-bein-pushed look here. pretend the red line still there is like a shadow line to help give you more of an idea of how the mass would accumulate

>> No.2137914
File: 437 KB, 1000x722, Sketch003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the correction and explaination. I agree with what you are saying. However I went for your first suggestion. Wip pic related.

>> No.2137967

Where can I find more work by whoever did the OP image

>> No.2138002

Go away you know who you are I'm not saying because that's what you want; to shill your own tumblr for you.

>> No.2138021
File: 1.37 MB, 1200x829, Sketch003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2138026

looks like hank venture getting sucked off by dean venture

>> No.2138030

I agree. It's like somebody did a faceswap. Botox lips look really creepy on dudes.

>> No.2138040

I also agree.
I'd harden the face of the dude. He looks like a woman right now with those lips and thin eyebrows

>> No.2138066
File: 258 KB, 867x800, futawip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2138149
File: 87 KB, 1127x845, 1435713987813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hen you say burn you mean intensity of the color? So an intense yellow light would create an intense purple/pink that you tend to like?
Yellow light would make a yellowish burn (on skin I'd say more orange/red considering the blood on the surface)
However, a yellow light would produce a purple/pink shadow.

Take a look at this screenshot of Nero. Pink lighting and a pink burn around the shadows, even on the hard-edge shadows.

A lot of discretion is up to the artist's preference.

Some interesting color combinations to make the picture look more dynamic.
Also it's porn so making girl look more pink is usually an erotic thing. (if they have light skin)

For me, I pick a light color and choose the color of the shadow roughly at the opposite end of the spectrum. Usually you see yellow/purple, orange/blue, red/green. Of course don't take it super literally. Almost all of these colors are muted. It's subtlety.

Then you can get into stuff like bounce lighting, multiple light sources, and ambient occlusion.
Most of these can be stylized within reason, though.

>> No.2138161
File: 236 KB, 1100x1800, 10dc8ae780eaca8f3886757eb32d853e..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you take a look at the shadow on his nose you'll notice the burn also effects the edge of the shadow that's the farthest from the light source.
Sometimes you gotta think in weird abstract 3d for even lighting.

As I said before with the rounding of the skin you get a pink burn, and that's because the flesh is three dimensional and... "folds in" on itself at some point depending on the angle you're looking at it.

I imagine shadows in the same way since they are transparent as well. It's like an impression of the 3d shape on the surface its casting on. It's obviously much more simple since it's pretty binary.

If light is obscured by an object then the point where the light hits the crest is going to be less "opaque"... and that's where you get the burn on the rim.

>> No.2138170
File: 362 KB, 1380x1000, splits4net.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's the shine on the leotard?

>> No.2138181

dick is too high up. Right now it's on the lower belly.

>> No.2138183

Really good. Did you use a ref on it? I'm guessing you used a ref on it.
Also, I think those inner thigh tendons would be jutting out more at that position.. I can't be sure but I feel like they need more shading.

>> No.2138220
File: 1.14 MB, 1200x902, Final001s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2138226

Noice. Did you use a reference for the pose or should I refer to you as god from now on?

>> No.2138233

I used a ref for the pose that the commissioner gave me. He said to copy the pose exactly. The leotard isn't refed though.

>> No.2138250

cute, how big is the original canvas?

also where did your skin rendering/painting tutorial go?

also make more tutorials faget

>> No.2138253
File: 1.57 MB, 2400x3100, 1411628341357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The leotard isn't refed though.
it shows.
This might help.
Kyle are any of your picture non-refed? How's your imagination drawing?

>> No.2138266

>worshiping McChiken leg


>> No.2138271
File: 460 KB, 1015x1200, ncstudy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a study. idk.

any crits would be cool.

>> No.2138276

why are you so jelly?
have something better to show me? I might start worshipping you.
yeah, I thought so.

>> No.2138281

it he fucking her on the edge of a bed? because I can't see the line or his legs

dick looks a bit small from this POV

pretty cool pic though

>> No.2138290

The op isn't refed.

>> No.2138310

>using anything other than a photograph/real life as reference

>> No.2138318

dickvein is way too thick imo to the point that it just looks silly

>> No.2138339
File: 828 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is a splits that wide even possible? It seems like you just jammed a pair of legs on a perspective grid. Otherwise everything else is working nicely.

I'm looking for some thoughts and opinions on some "tentacle" hairstyles.

just some rough sketch ins for the faces.

>> No.2138345


Does every dick have to be monster sized, gaylord?

>> No.2138346

Are these dicks on her head ?

>> No.2138347

Yup. Tentacle dicks for hair. Wanted to make a "tentacle girl" character.

>> No.2138359

does the slit of the pussy really go this high?

>> No.2138369
File: 395 KB, 974x993, tumblr_nqsdso1Mrx1s0fra5o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wah lah

>> No.2138387

what am i looking at?

>> No.2138403

Those fuckbois still look like faggots. Seems im not the only one here that thinks their lips fuck up the whole otherwise nice image.
Also the rightside guys expression is stale and akward, seems like his left pupil is off.
And the lips are sooooo annoying i cant watch this anymore.

>> No.2138414


>> No.2138416

>pink is my favorite color


>> No.2138418
File: 125 KB, 670x884, b4d8774eba4737b04cbae89c1eb61fa5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw tiddies all day, that's way more gay than my favorite color.

>> No.2138422

It does if you want it to be proportionate shithead

>> No.2138423

You seems frustrated.

>> No.2138424

not him but i personally find huge dicks unattractive and they can totally ruin porn for me

>> No.2138444

Preferences I guess. I'm really sorry I didn't manage to satisfy your alpha male heterosexual needs or something.

>> No.2138446

>And the lips are sooooo annoying i cant watch this anymore.

Not really, you're just autistic if they bother YOU that much.

>> No.2138452

I was so tired of working on this yesterday, that I forgot to ask you guys to criticize the coloring. I am aware that everything is overly saturated and the ambient color doesn't affect the character colors enough (at least I think this is the main problem here). Do you have any suggestions how could I fix these issues? Toning down the saturation doesn't really help the image. Are the values the problem?

>> No.2138465

I understand it's an uncut dick but at first glance I thought it was a prolapsed anus

>> No.2138477

Masturbated too much, they fell off from friction.

>> No.2138540
File: 86 KB, 797x769, ss+(2015-07-01+at+08.52.11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you ever find it hard to achieve an interesting pose? all I can come up with is head to mid thigh with an s-curve most of the time.

>> No.2138553

>tfw I learn more on the porn thread than I would in the question or draw threads.

You're a good man. Is there a name I could call you?

>> No.2138557


finish that midna pic you ding dong

>> No.2138558

her name's pok
kep pok

>> No.2138560
File: 14 KB, 261x243, 14348273518500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no female hentai artists on the internets.

>> No.2138608

your weeb is showing

>> No.2138609
File: 157 KB, 1219x874, ss+(2015-07-01+at+10.31.51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I'm a dog, so anything is possible.

>> No.2138643

>he thinks hentai is some dorky obscure word


>> No.2138647

No, I think you're a weeb who thinks what he's drawing is manga

>> No.2138649

>calling me a weeb on 4chan
>on a hentai thread


>> No.2138651

It is a dorky obscure word, just like moe, shounen, etc. You should get out more.

Porn thread. Search the thread, you're literally the only person to use the word hentai.

>> No.2138652

my normalfag facebook female friend even knew whats hentai.

Its a hentai thread you fucking piece of shit cancer normalfag shit eating anus sniffing flaming homo faggot.

>> No.2138665

4chan is 18+

>> No.2138667

shit licker.

>> No.2138680

it's okay, i'm a dog too

>> No.2138683

dislodge your head from your ass

>> No.2138685

i always thought gettin all technical an specific about what is and isn't anime and/or manga was way more weebish than just using hentai as a synonym for drawn porn

>> No.2138686

Im surrounded by a cancer.

>> No.2138692

>oh wow are you watching anime, I love anime
>this isn't anime
>i always thought gettin all technical an specific about what is and isn't anime and/or manga was way more weebish than just using anime as a synonym for animation
something tells me you didn't spend too much time thinking about that

>> No.2138707

Can everybody here please stop getting triggered over irrelevant shit and give me some help with my illustration. T_T (yeah, I don't care if there is a smiley in my post).

Pretty please?

>> No.2138708

disregarding the false equivalency, when someone draws in a style that is purposefully reminiscent of anime and manga, i'm not gonna get my undies in a twist over someone saying it's anime or manga. if someone calls avatar/korra anime the only people i tend to see get angry about it are weaboos

>> No.2138710
File: 331 KB, 466x459, 1435711952426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefag shitposter trolling porn and animu threads
>same method again and again
>works like a clock
Every fucking time

>> No.2138712

Or, you know... people who like avatar and dislike weaboos, and don't want to be associated with them... like, say, the entirety of /co/.

>> No.2138715

just make a new one and learn that dick sucking lips dont fit guys. Its still good but dsp lips.also threesome with two guys is fucking gay.

>> No.2138730

This thread is good and all but could someone please just take a second to explain this picture to me?
I am not able to process it

>> No.2138732

No, it's just /ic/ arguing with themselves like arguing with your echo after it reaches back with a muffled statement you get mad at and scream back at it to find yourself locked in a circular argument with your self.

>> No.2138739

this sounds like an opinion more than actual criticism
ignore him, anon

>> No.2138744

that ref looks like absolute shit. what he drew is leagues better than that 3d rendered garbage.

Kyle how much life drawing have you done? Just curious.

>> No.2138747

that bed is way too overdone, especially with line work to show soft folds??? come on dog, keep that shit simple (same problems with the pillow)

also that wall in the background is just a flesh toned void. the overall composition of the piece leaves a lotta awkward negative space (an often side effect of threesome illustrations where you try to include everybody's face in the shot)

there's very little interaction between anyone in this scene.
dude gettin the blow job is jus kinna layin there, he doesn't even have a good view of the blowjob. maybe have one of his hands brushing her hair aside or a hand on top of her head playing with her hair or something or even just a hand on her arm that's resting on his abdomen (i had a dude gently rub my upper arm/shoulder area while suckin him off once, was actually p nice, but what i'm trynna get at is there's a lotta subtle ways for one character to tell another that what they're doing feels good)
dude in the back is jus kinna... i can't even clearly tell where he's lookin? and he looks like he's tensing every single muscle in his body, very stiff. hand on the ass is a nice touch, but i feel like he could be doin more, maybe reaching around and playing with the girls clit or the other hand on her hip or somethin

i'm not sayin to go back and make all these major alterations but just keep em in mind for future works, over all it's pretty good, definitely achieves what it set out to do.

>> No.2138749

Blog please.

>> No.2138812

moar, link me pls.

>> No.2138820

Can I get a link to your other stuff, please? Ashamed as I am, I couldn't find it with just "Kyle" as a clue.

>> No.2138827
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 54352342423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kyle doesn't answer questions

>> No.2138841

Yeah he's a cocky bitch with god complex

>> No.2138846

hes a god tho.

>> No.2138850

Whatever you say, Kyle.

>> No.2138852

Shut up faggot.

>> No.2138855

pls lets just talk about art we make.

>> No.2138864

I thought I've already stated how irrelevant this kind of critique is.

Great analysis. Thanks a lot anon! I basically agree about everything you mentioned.
Do you maybe have also some advice regarding the colors, which are really bugging me a lot?

>> No.2138867


>> No.2138882

Please feel free to redline my illustration and make the lips better. Then keep that redlined image to yourself.

>> No.2138901
File: 45 KB, 720x540, mydisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pure unadulterated cancer. Please stop posting here.

>> No.2138921
File: 102 KB, 480x640, 1431194008408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay if anyone of you make money with this stuff please reply to this post with a one of your drawings and tell me how you went about selling it, where to look for customers, etc.

also could this be done with traditional mediums?

any answers would be much apprecitated

>> No.2138927
File: 336 KB, 870x800, Hanfuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less done.

>> No.2138936
File: 430 KB, 870x800, Hanfuta_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also kinda colored it, but not sure if I'll finish it.

>> No.2138966
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x902, 1435724618116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you maybe have also some advice regarding the colors, which are really bugging me a lot?
Not the other Anon, and I'm not exactly an expert on color theory but here's go my on it.

Everything is too saturated and there's no underlying color or lighting covering the whole image. Pic related isn't exactly ideal since I'm just fucking around with layers and colors, but the gist of it is less saturation/brightness on what's not important (background and darker areas), and contrasting it with what's important (characters, and special highlight to erogenous zones and faces).

But then again it's just a quick wip.

>> No.2138972

Your shadows look off, like he's rotting or something

>> No.2138975

I'm not being precise, really big strokes in selecting the areas.

>> No.2138982
File: 146 KB, 1920x1080, super saiyan god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2138991


Why is it's dick coming out of it's stomach?

>> No.2138992

It's not ? the body is short, that's all. placed the pussy before so I'm pretty sure I didn't fuck up something like that.

>> No.2139002

>the body is short

That's irrelevant. The anatomy of the legs are generally fucked. Did you use ref for the pose? If not, you should. Or at least do more studies before trying to tackle this without any reference.

>> No.2139006

>That's irrelevant.

Well, yes, it is.

>> No.2139011

Cool. I see what you are saying and agree that the overall mood/tone in your version is much better than mine. Will absorb greedily all of this. Thanks anon!

>> No.2139012

More specifically, the feet are tucked underneath her butt-cheeks. Generally speaking: the knees and feet always face in the same direction. The knees feel like they should be facing towards the camera rather than splayed outwards.

>> No.2139019

I agree with the other anon, genitals are too high.

Also, The way their squatting makes them seem weightless, her feet are barely flexing under their weight.

>> No.2139020
File: 166 KB, 748x537, 2spoopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the project file if it helps.

Not sure if it's actually going to look like in the exported version since I didn't actually use photochop and some layer information might have been lost by exporting it to. But nonetheless there you go.

>> No.2139029

This color scheme suits their expressions oddly well, haha.

"A-am I... d-dead?"

>> No.2139039

Thanks! <3
If more anons were like you, this place would be heaven!

>> No.2139094
File: 46 KB, 500x581, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do
Hentai Foundry
Furaffinity [if you are that]
Pixiv [if you're a cocksucking gook lover]

>how do money do?
Just make sure you use invoices to like ya know not let paypal know you're selling porn or else your account is frozen and the money stops yo.

>what quality should it be do?
I dont know something I can shag it too

>> No.2139137

>not let paypal know you're selling porn
The fuck, what's that any of their business. Why the fuck are they against porn?

>> No.2139153

>Why the fuck are they against porn?

>> No.2139172
File: 1.38 MB, 1800x2700, 1425229127528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's keppok.
If you have any other questions I'll try to help to the best of my ability
You'd be surprised.
I heard it's because people buy porn on paysites, bust a nut, and get insta-refunds. It happened so commonly so they just dropped pornos altogether. Who knows if that is the truth though.
I don't think it's an issue of moral relativity, just they don't want the extra hassle.

>> No.2139181
File: 198 KB, 600x1000, Terror Mission in Vegas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tear my anatomy apart and tell me what's wrong

>> No.2139185

How anonymous can you be with Paypal? How do you prevent your identity getting out / people connecting your sfw name with your nsfw name/ etc?

>> No.2139188

Literally everything.

>> No.2139195
File: 502 KB, 975x900, Hanfuta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to fix the problems. Also, cumming version.

>> No.2139202
File: 193 KB, 975x900, dixfix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lower the cock loWER THE COCk

>> No.2139204

You've triggered him

>> No.2139207


>> No.2139253
File: 26 KB, 205x205, tumblr_ly2ef80uJi1r22r5q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone obsessed with cock. Coming out of the closet anon?

>> No.2139258


>> No.2139259
File: 82 KB, 1400x1050, wendysworkout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all my colors are too saturated

>> No.2139260

Correction, he is obsessed with feminine dick. Learn the difference faggot.

>> No.2139263

her left arm is wrong, fix that

>> No.2139266
File: 11 KB, 250x202, I+have+the+spongiest+boner+right+now+_2dd54cd29e482f83cf2aab374203808b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls don't have penis's

>> No.2139268

>I have never seen a clitoris before.

>> No.2139269

>damage control this hard

>> No.2139270


0/100 real quick

>> No.2139275
File: 128 KB, 611x672, 1429737936468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is obsessed with huge cocks
>Calls others a faggot
U wot m8

>> No.2139278

Shut up faggot.

It's the fact of the matter all Women have miniature penises and Futa idealizes this appeal with erect clits.

>> No.2139279
File: 896 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done much honesty. I did take a drawing class in college a about 6 months ago. We only drew actual people for the last 3 weeks because it was a 101 class and the teacher never gave us enough time to do a full figure drawing when we had the model. we did a few portraits but I ended up giving most of mine away to classmates. I only have 2 portraits left. here's one of them.

>> No.2139280

>fact of the matter


>> No.2139281

Being a gay faggot means attracted to the same sex, Futa is not the same sex for either male or female. This isn't a difficult concept.

>> No.2139282
File: 216 KB, 780x433, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, your a faggot!


>> No.2139284


This isn't a diffcult concept.

>> No.2139285

here's the other one. I want to do more but I need to get someone to model for me. I'll ask my roommate to night.

>> No.2139287
File: 960 KB, 1936x1936, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.2139288

Does that look like a Man to you? No, hence the notion "feminine dick" there's a key word there.

>> No.2139289

you need to draw from life more, cuz.

>> No.2139290

nobody gets off to futa cause they like erect clits, they do it cause they like cock
an there ain't nothin wrong with likin cock, quit bein so laaaaaaaaaaaaaame

>> No.2139291

"feminine dick" is the key word here alright

oh man this guy is killing me

>> No.2139292

real nice work there, devin, why you postin life draws in the porn thread tho, hahahaha

>> No.2139293
File: 41 KB, 600x600, dying_armpits_purple_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I prefer Ȝer

>> No.2139294

Bro, if you like dicks then you like dicks, that's just who you are

I don't see what the big deal is

>> No.2139295

You are gay and a faggot.
There is absolutely nothing gay about Futa I do not understand what the appeal is in seeing an overweight hairy grisly man that is the epitome of faggotry.

>> No.2139299
File: 180 KB, 630x270, Worst thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people take bait so easily in the porn threads.
Everytime, every single time, there's a porn thread, people bait it like fishermen.

What is it about these threads? No other thread on /ic/ is as bad as this, and it only gets worse with every new thread.

>> No.2139301

i feel like 90% of it is the person(s???) replying to themselves to get meta responses like this

>> No.2139306

Oh cool, one of my friends said you render and draw anatomy so well because you've done tons of life drawing. I wasn't sure.

>> No.2139316
File: 200 KB, 975x900, dixfix an bonus shix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redlined whatever else i could find
made her other hand a bit bigger because personal preference and also to be proportionate to other hand i redrew

>> No.2139317

the feet are still wonky but i wasn't gonna touch that with a mouse, lol

>> No.2139329
File: 202 KB, 975x900, dixfix an bonus shix + FEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kiddin, i ain't got nothin better to do

>> No.2139330

>That dead monkey paw
what're you doin?

>> No.2139331

The girls name is Devin. My signature is below it but it's cropped out

>> No.2139338

i draw super angly, especially with a mouse, they can smooth it out if they wanna

>> No.2139346
File: 329 KB, 956x900, dbxhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2139350

>there is absolutely nothing gay about futa

That's dependent on the dynamic. Because futa on male is definitely in the realm of gay. Futa on female is fair game.

>> No.2139365

You're on the wrong board and the wrong thread to be talking about this in such an immature manner.
Needs more contrast from the lights to darks, could also add some red hues for flushed skin.

>> No.2139366


also animate this

>> No.2139376

hey, i like your work. you draw a lotta girls with cute bellies an i really dig that nwn~

(also female/bottom/the one gettin dicked POV is super underdone, keep it up, i'd offer a redline but i'm on phone)

>> No.2139401

Why is futa on woman not gay when strap-ons are a thing? Genuine question.

>> No.2139405

i'd rather do a vore animation.

thank you. a redline would be appreciated, if you still feel like it later

>> No.2139418

>Tear my anatomy apart
You already did that.

On a more serious note. You lack fundamentals for drawing good anatomy. It might not sound helpful advice, but I really don't want to lose time redlining this and explaining thoroughly what is wrong with this sketch, since I feel you won't learn anything useful. You need to learn your basics, and that's pretty much it.

>> No.2139492

Because it leads to more interesting play and plot, like so. http://g.e-hentai.org/g/418880/d12a3d7f5c/
If their dicks was a strapon it would be extremely boring, simple as that, i don't understand why people are so concerned over so simple things.

>> No.2139565
File: 349 KB, 808x800, Hanfuta3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pussy and dildo up the ass variation.

>> No.2139596

Futa aren't meant to be dudes with tits like they are in the real world.

>> No.2139602

i remember you. You are the dick in the acid guy.

>> No.2139612



>> No.2139619

> dick in the acid


>> No.2139622

He's the guy that thinks anatomy is less important than linework.

>> No.2139623
File: 9 KB, 117x161, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat perfectly chubby face

>> No.2139768


Nearly everyone in this thread is a "muh style" faggot. No one cares about correct anatomy here.

>> No.2139778 [DELETED] 
File: 397 KB, 768x1024, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite lewd but any suggestions?

>> No.2139785
File: 80 KB, 599x337, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2139786
File: 397 KB, 768x1024, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant lewd but not nsfw, also slightly improved

>> No.2139791
File: 396 KB, 768x1024, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me

>> No.2139860

>chromatic aberration
this is true, there is a tutorial straight from the artist

>> No.2139906


what kind of shortcut is this. Is he officialy retarded ?

>> No.2139910

You're officially retarded.

>> No.2139916

nah u. I mean seriously you make a "shortcut" thats made from 4 fucking keys ? how stupid can he be ?

>> No.2139928

You do realize it's a shortcut in photoshop, and not something made by him?

>> No.2139937

>"I am using hotkeys ctr+alt+shift+n"

>> No.2139946

Is nitpicking like this fun to do? I need to try it out one day.

>> No.2140003

No, I mean with the cell shading pieces he does, the inking alone... Sorry, english is awful, I can't explain it very well.

>> No.2140235
File: 98 KB, 642x626, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2140238

no stomach

>> No.2140243
File: 103 KB, 663x619, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2140254

Shes like 4 you sick bastard.

>> No.2140330

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.2140388

You would deny a 4 year old her milk?

It's like you want to stunt her development.

>> No.2140402

Isn't that a chibi character from Harvest Moon?

>> No.2140415

>You would deny a 40 year old his shitposting?

>It's like you draw that just for this joke.

>> No.2140430

Who are you quoting?

>> No.2140446

Has anyone posted toddlercon yet? i wonder how tumblrs would react.

>> No.2140458

Like any other normal human being, that is not a deviant I guess.

>> No.2140467

I am not convinced that the normal behavior is to get genuinely angry art drawings you don't like, a popular behavior maybe, not sure if its normal.
I visit 2chan a lot for the redlines and while there were threads where people where saying that they found some unpopular fetishes a turn off they
never get angry at them, it's only in the western web where you meet people who think that if they don't get angry at politically incorrect drawings the world will be destroyed.

>> No.2140468

Of course I want to stunt her development. She should be short and flat chested for as long as possible.

>> No.2140470

>I am not convinced that the normal behavior is to get genuinely angry art drawing

The anger comes from the people who don't want to be called what they are, pretending their affinity for that kind of thing isn't off base and degenerate behavior. It is normal behavior to call a duck a duck. It's the ducks who don't want to be labeled what they are that get pissed.

>> No.2140481

Pedophilia is not an unpopular fetish. It is a condemned sexual deviation. How can you even think about being tolerant towards something like this?

>> No.2140482

It's not an argument then since i agree with that, but i don't think that's the case, see >>2140481

I don't know, maybe because the argument against pedophilia is that children cannot consent and that drawings are not real.

>> No.2140484

I sense an influence from mizuryuu kei, if its true be careful since that guy had a serious proportion problem
and made very small torsos, mostly in his early works.

>> No.2140495
File: 186 KB, 672x932, c06ad37c472583a5e16b49a774421045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I'm pushing the perspective in the right way

>> No.2140500

These are some great faces, hahaha

>> No.2140504

I usually get confused by vore like things, as they are really silly but this kind of logical size difference works well.

>> No.2140506

My dick wants this finished asap

>> No.2140508

how's the atmosphere over there? do they talk about dicks their dicks all the time as well?

>> No.2140525

No, they're more mature.

>> No.2140527
File: 93 KB, 555x598, 1386065836733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People give redlines and if someone thinks the redline is not sufficient he gives his own, its really slow and i mean really fucking slow so
people don't rush to reply with halfassed things so there are many redlines and they don't argue about politics every time someone posts a loli.
I would suggest visiting even if you don't understand any japanese, there are useful things there.

In some cases maybe but its not at all no fun allowed if that's what you mean.

>> No.2140535

why is the pixie or whatever boobs flying upward?

doesn't matter you won't finish this pic anyway

>> No.2140571
File: 2.46 MB, 2683x4326, tiki elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vore is an excuse to draw detailed mouths.

>> No.2140580
File: 129 KB, 672x932, vpr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd make something like this for the body, I think legs should still be out of frame for that perspective.

More importantly I need to draw sexy lingerie for milf character, suggest me some nice white lingerie that you like pls.

>> No.2140596

The other drawing is trying to do a fish eye lense perspective though, you just made the perspective normal.

>> No.2140668


>> No.2140691

>I don't know, maybe because the argument against pedophilia is that children cannot consent and that drawings are not real.

Drawing or not, it's degenerate behavior regardless because of the ideas they represent. It's tolerated because it's not real, thus harming no one, but the idea and fantasy is still a degenerate one. That doesn't change.

>> No.2140695

>but the idea and fantasy is still a degenerate one. That doesn't change.

Yet it would be wrong to police thoughts. But:

>actually arguing over lolis on 4chan

>> No.2140730


You can't lock someone up for thoughts, but you're still free to pass personal judgement if they get off to degenerate shit.

>> No.2140747

And the full set with the last tweaks, including futa and normal variations :

>> No.2140751

Of course yes but do you really think that writing angry comments when you see drawings you don't like here is a good thing?
I still remember the threads that got shit up because of race mixing porn, seriously? just link the thread to /pol/ or something if you cant take it and you have to argue about it.

>> No.2140761

I really like it. Especially with the fluids. But there's something about her left hand that looks off. Though I'm no expert whatsoever.

>> No.2140786
File: 174 KB, 960x1280, Insomnia pet 838 - heavy swelling+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for general critique...other than that it is weird and obscene. <.<°


>> No.2140792

...is that seriously an anus on the chest of that thing? And is that a small "tail" below it?

>> No.2140793


yes on both questions.

>> No.2140799
File: 388 KB, 406x364, 1387317137078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen some shit.

>> No.2140809

Scat is my favorite fetish, i frequently masturbate to toddlercon and guro, but i can say this without feeling any hypocrisy, man those are some really weird shit.
This makes me genuinely interested thought, do you have a following? how many people are into those? Also what's up with this texture that you put over literally
everything? it makes everything look like a statue.

>> No.2140814
File: 95 KB, 900x783, fa33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i put finnal lines or is there some fatal errors ?

>> No.2140817

This is like hell hentai
its from satans HDD
the end days are coming

>> No.2140819

Head shape, mostly the jaw, and the right hand looks strange to me.

>> No.2140820
File: 523 KB, 1950x1650, merging insomniabunnies+++.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well, the textures are rock, concrete, paper, soil and rust textures for the most part.

maybe i should try looking for new ones.

And not many people are into it, but i love drawing it. not sure how many of the 5000 followers are into that specific series though.

<<-- this is the very first of the series from a couple of years ago.

>> No.2140824


>> No.2140828

Well your gesture and linework seems solid, but i really don't like that chalk/rock texture, if it's part of the fetish the i don't know but it makes
everything feel lifeless.

>> No.2140833


it isn't part of it, so i'll reconsider it and look for different ones.

>> No.2140841

do you have normal stuff ?

>> No.2140843
File: 62 KB, 636x358, 18obwt72bh62yjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T...there is a fetish for everything I guess, so weirdass hairy zombie animals with huge dicks and holes everywhere ? Did you masturbate to The Thing when you were a kid ?

I bet you would love Saya no Uta.

>> No.2140849
File: 970 KB, 384x211, 1434919853434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The rabbit hole never fucking ends. Jesus Christ.

>> No.2140855

Maybe show us something that you worked on and didn't use textures for?

>> No.2140868
File: 214 KB, 1500x2250, Insomnia bunny 494 - merged in fuckpet 2++.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had to go back a bit to find one.
but i use textures in all pictures that i go the traditional route of sketch-ink-flatcolor-shading. the the one without any textures are usually colored sketches.

on this the texture is a different one and the shading of the fur also overlaps it a lot.

>> No.2140875
File: 1.59 MB, 300x225, 1431462095217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was expecting the worst.
I was not expecting that.

Fucking hell.

>> No.2140883
File: 43 KB, 358x376, 9124927dc72e2223c33fe40cbc02e4a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me you masturbate to these. As some nightmarish abomination designs that's pretty well made and interesting (reminds of Giger's works) but for fap fuel ? Holy shit, that's just wrong.

>> No.2140910
File: 1.04 MB, 2400x3200, Insomnia Munky 465 - Merging+8k+++final 3200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


different folks, different strokes, i alway had a transformation fetish.

And funny you should mention Giger, i drew something when he passed away, that ramed up the detail to the most my pc could handle at the time:


>> No.2140930

Even for anime and hentai, use a reference picture. Drawing from memory results in guessing, which skews anatomy.

>> No.2140932

I think the head is where the perspective looks weird. It is impossible for her head to turn so much towards her back. Additionally I believe her head is too big for the proportions of the body. But her ass looks great

>> No.2140934
File: 355 KB, 1200x839, mz01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. But yeah, I know his anatomy problems and that he is the bigger sameface that I know, but I try to get the best of him, the freedom in his lines and the passion on his work. Thanks.

>> No.2140968
File: 69 KB, 1024x768, cks6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows linework so far? I'm not planning to change except for hair. Please tell if anything looks odd.

>> No.2140978

I always assumed using a reference is a bad idea, at least for learning. As in, you'll always need the reference crutch. But what do I know, I don't really talk to artists and all of this shit is self-taught.
I probably have really bad drawing habits.

>> No.2140980

Tough life having blowfish for eyes

>> No.2140984
File: 200 KB, 576x706, fuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping its going to make sense in the end

>> No.2140989

I guess that's okay then

>> No.2140999

>using reference is bad
>for learning

Why in the fuck do people constantly think this? How the hell else are you going to learn? Magic? WTF. You use reference to fact check your mistakes. And you NEED references to preform any kind of real study.

>> No.2141000

I'm not a bright person

>> No.2141022

also does lines look too thin? should I make them bit thicker maybe?

>> No.2141167

New Thread:


>> No.2141229

The belly button is still too close to the crotch.

>> No.2141303
File: 409 KB, 1268x1179, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another study

>> No.2141439

On some parts yeah. Lines shouldn't be all the same thickness

>> No.2141476
File: 961 KB, 310x212, brb killing self.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck no.

>> No.2141495 [DELETED] 

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>> No.2141505

>>2136687 (OP)
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>> No.2141603

I'm surprised /ic/ isn't inspired by this it takes quite a bit of creativity to do something like THAT

>> No.2141919



>> No.2142117
File: 91 KB, 762x1048, i_can_spread_myself__by_yellowmatsumoto-d8w4fe6..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than the mis-aligned breasts. What is wrong?

>> No.2142539

Body seems to be sideways, vagina isn't.
Perspective and anatomy is fucked all around.

>> No.2143420

Fucking normalfags in here, I swear...

Anyway, you can improve on everything, but I'd say work on values first, then perspective and later anatomy (because it's decent). Your values are too dynamic and hard to understand. Also I'm not sure about the texture, it seems like you use it a lot, but don't use it to cover mistakes/lack of skill. Have solid values first and then apply texture.
Do figure studies, maybe life drawing, it'll help. Seems like you're lacking basics, your work looks a bit childish.

>> No.2143884

heh...i sometimes though that i maybe should drop the "shading bit of the process where i darken the areas that are in shadow.

>> No.2144319

simple question, is man on woman gay? if not then how could futa on woman be gay?

>> No.2144895

This is so cool.

>> No.2145160

come here and draw some nice tits