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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 34 KB, 400x569, stanislav-prokopenko_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2134645 No.2134645 [Reply] [Original]

So what do you think about Stan Prokopenko?

>> No.2134649


>> No.2134656


he is an awesome dude, and awesome teacher and a fantastic draughtsman. but not that good of a painter imo.

you have to say why shitdick. else what's the point?

>> No.2134668

Why is this board so vulgar?

>> No.2134680

It's filled mostly with angsty teens/young adults who have anger or jealousy issues, and feel they can get away with it because it's 4chan and they are anonymous. Mix those in with a few trolls and you have a pretty vulgar board.

>> No.2134682

filthy slav like the rest of em

>> No.2134683

He does not paint muh fantasy and scifi art and he also doesn't seem like an alpha in anyway shape or form so i can't really respect him as a person or a professional.

however as a draftsman and teacher he is ok. better than most actually. but i feel like he appeals to people to the same age or mind set as the kids who would watch blues clues or dora. I mean most people who would find his channel are adults and i personally don't like the way he runs his show but im sure there is a niche that does.

>> No.2134688
File: 19 KB, 256x256, that's_how_i_know_you_are_a_faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also doesn't seem like an alpha in anyway shape or form so i can't really respect him as a person or a professional

>> No.2134695


personally he seems like the kind of guy who's into hardcore BDSM but too sexually repressed to actually engage in it

>> No.2134708
File: 174 KB, 525x700, olya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like his paintings..

>> No.2134719

he's the pewdiepie of art teachers

in all seriousness though the guy is a really good teacher but I hate how some of his videos are presented

>> No.2134778

Looks like /pol/ is out in force today...
Nobody like you /pol/. Nobody.

>> No.2134786


Most people have a bit of /pol/ in them but they keep it to themselves. You're in the minority.

>> No.2134787

>still angry about jews enforcing gay marriage around the US
How's /pol/ and /b/ been for you today

>> No.2134793


>> No.2134796



>> No.2134812


>hurr sure people be jelly

Everyone fucking says this shit but I have yet to see proof anyone honestly gets jelly. Sure you get trolls but people who are jealous? Fucking seriously? Are there that many preteen girls here like come the fuck on.

>> No.2134814
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>> No.2134824


I'm just asking for proof that people are really being jelly faggots and not just assholes trolling. I always hear it bit I never see it.

>> No.2134835

Not a good painter?????????? Cmon seriously, I can understand that people on /ic/ may not like his painterly style, but I honestly don't see how anyone can say he is not a good painter............

>> No.2134871


>full first name is literally Stan-is-slav

>> No.2135040

there's bound to be some people who are jealous, and a lot are trolls. Problem is Poe's law. You eventually will get idiots actually thinking that way and becoming legitimately bitter and jealous. The gullibility of most people is amazing at times. see /pol/, /r9k/, and anyone who falls for SS+GOMAD on /fit/ for examples.

>> No.2135187

He was a better teacher before people started telling him how funny he was and he started padding his videos out with skits.

>> No.2135194
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His pretty low level when you compare him to Jeff.

>> No.2135196

lel. flip the canvas

>> No.2135199
File: 131 KB, 600x900, art-renewal-center-jeffrey-watts-young-debutante-1382901592_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2135249


Well no shit, Stan is younger than Jeff.

>> No.2135302

I don't like Jeffs work at all, It is technically sound (in a way)

But there is very little emotional melody to any of his pieces. He is a surgeon who tells the patients relatives that the operation was a success but the patient died.

>> No.2135308

He's a manlet which means he's compensating for his short height with his drawing skills.

>> No.2135326

/fit/ pls go

>> No.2135338

what? i always assumed stan was like 6ft or something.

>> No.2135392


He's 5'11", the most manlets of manlets. Hitler would have gassed him before the Jews that's how bad of a manlet he is.

>> No.2135414

I am checking out his tutorials on yt right now and he seems like he knows his shit. I will try learning from him and loomis books. His sense of humor can get cringy but it helps lighten up the mood.

>> No.2135416

Have you heard of a fun new board called /pol/?

>> No.2135428

he is good only when he has something infront of him to copy. do this guy really know anatomy? i dont think so, he only look at photos and repeat what he sees.

he need to paint something original, from the mind, from imagination. using reference should be secondary. you should only use reference when you need to. not copy from it.

>> No.2135472

He's shit.
Watch Sakimichan's tutorial instead.

>> No.2135477

He's a fine artist, he doesn't have the same goals with his art you do, you ignorant fuck.

>> No.2135488

lol, I love this kind of critique because you just know that most people behind it can neither "copy" from reference nor create themselves, its bullshit and extremely one sided because unless you have access to a lot of life models you can hardly know anything about anatomy if you dont copy anatomy and proportions from photos or other drawings/paintings.

Of course you should aspire to learn from it, to observe and fill your mind with information but saying that the use of reference makes "art" less worthy is plain retarded.

>> No.2135490

the dubs of truth

>> No.2135492

>tfw 5'8"

>> No.2135501

fucking american height measurements, cant you guys adapt to the metric one, I mean just out of your own will, its so much more detailed and precise and also logical it would blow your mind.

>> No.2135504

While the technique is very good, her head is huge and her face seems asymmetrical.

>> No.2135508

5 something 11 tells me shit, you uneducated apes.

>> No.2135530

faces are assymetrical bro, of course there are faces that are really close to being symmetric but most are not. I have not paid proper attention to hers but your statement seemed to need some reply

>> No.2135531

is this digital or traditional? I dont like it but it would be impressive if this would be digital

>> No.2135540

If you can't tell what it is you should quit now

>> No.2135549
File: 2.10 MB, 1000x1000, hubeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2135562

hes a great guy, with lots of info to share...

>> No.2135575


/ic/ logic dictates that you can only learn from absolute masters and anyone with flaws in their art means that they're shitty teachers.

In reality they just need to be better than you with the ability to articulate something you don't know or in a new way that might help you understand better.

>> No.2135590

I don't know why, but she looks like a guy in a dress and a make up.

>> No.2135669

her mouth is floating away

>> No.2135731

Fuck off! I am fairly certain it's traditional, but there are digital paintings I've seen that are extremely traditional looking with different brushes

>> No.2135800

>he also doesn't seem like an alpha in anyway shape or form so i can't really respect him as a person or a professional.

Alphas don't waste time on an anonymous board. They are too busy conversing with normal people, being charismatic, and stacking paper. That makes Proko more alpha than /ic/ by default. Stop being an angsty faggot and do something with your life anon.

>> No.2135809

Underrated post

>> No.2135857

I learned and continue to learn a bunch of stuff from Proko. I'm always studying all ways I can these days.

>> No.2135974

lol if only you knew nigga.

>> No.2135976

you should check out his work and watch him work in person.

I see what you are saying but i think it's mostly that his skill level is so damn advanced.

>> No.2135979

in other words most people eyes are not trained high enough to appreciate his work.

>> No.2135980

He learned at one of the best ateliers so it's no surprise his amazing.

>> No.2135985

>it would be impressive if this was digital.


>> No.2135987

As a beginner I found his tutorials a really good accessible introduction to fundamental stuff.

His sense of humor can be a bit cringeworthy but I think it has a weird kinda charm to it.

>> No.2135988

This is probably how the Loomis worship started as well.

>> No.2135989


There's no real way to prove that someone's experiencing an emotion, this should be obvious. However, it can be easy to see signs of it in the way people behave regarding certain people, usually successful people. See the regular Sakimichan (or however her name is spelled) threads where legions of people will whine "b-but she doesn't DESERVE her success!" and some even actively try to sabotage it. You need to be pretty butthurt and vindictive to do that.

>> No.2135995

nah i mean i know this will sound elitest or what ever but prokos work just feels generic technically sound sure but he doesn't have that extra thing that makes his art his.

I mean that self portrait looks like a poor jeremy lipking.

>> No.2136058


>> No.2136060

I mean it would be impressive due to all the different brushstrokes and shit, I know that there are ways to reproduce those in digital but it seems extremely hard to do so.

The picture itself is pretty shit

>> No.2137543
File: 81 KB, 461x611, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proko 2004


>> No.2137567

Holy shieeeeeetttt

>> No.2137569

>Implying you could do any better.

>> No.2137575

Good to know that he was always weird as fuck

>> No.2137591

Now I know where his sense of humor came from...

>> No.2137617

I love Stan, he's a cute sorta odd dork and that makes him more fun. He seems to genuinely enjoy what he does

>> No.2137631
File: 104 KB, 400x569, photobash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he taught me how to do a nice head

>> No.2137823

I think the problem with Proko and Jeff's work is that it feels overly engineered. Like they're trying so hard to have nice brushy strokes and focusing so much on that that other things lose priority.

A bunch of digital artists have the same thing going on with the pseudo-painterly thing where they put down random strokes to look good. If you ever watch JJ paint you can see he goes slow as hell because he thinks about every stroke and it's direction and meaning before he puts it down. It's not trying to look painterly, it's just about good brush economy.

Sargent wasn't trying to be painterly, he was being efficient.

>> No.2137830

This is a valid point. I think though that you underestimate a bit about Sargent and Jaime...yes, they paint slow, and yes, they think a lot. But they also are unafraid to repaint a section as often as necessary. Sargent repainted Mme X's face at least 8 times according to x-rays, and there's accounts of his sitters quitting on him after he scraped the paint off the canvas after 14 sessions. Jaime also is known to obliterate entire sections he spent ages on if he isn't 100% satisfied, and will repaint it from scratch to get that economical efficiency instead of overworking that area.
I can't say for certain since I haven't seen them work, but I would guess that neither Jeff nor Stan are this brutal on their own work and willing to restart whole sections (even focal points).

>> No.2137951

what the fuck man

>> No.2137958

>he goes slow as hell because he thinks about every stroke and it's direction and meaning before he puts it down
But that is exactly what Jeff does but not as slow. If you don't have the money to watch his stuff then check out the Watts Friday Night Workshops on their youtube channel. I draw with it in the background because he likes to share how he thinks and does things and it's relaxing in general.

>> No.2137966
File: 60 KB, 500x375, ayy lmao3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2138078

the more likely conclusion, artist is shit

>> No.2138083

He isn't though. He's pretty good. There's a pretty big difference difference between "not the best" and "shit".

>> No.2138084

>pretty big difference difference between "not the best" and "shit".
not really when you compare to the masters

>> No.2138087

Literally nobody compared him to any master.

>> No.2138110

Don't ya know? This is /ic/. Where people complain that you are shit if you aren't old master level. And if you are one of the best on the planet at this very moment, you still aren't old master level. Also the old masters were shit too.

>> No.2138112

I've seen some people hate on Caravaggio, too.

>> No.2138119

Theres alot of concepts you can learn from Proko.

Keeping an open mind is incredibly important when learning as well; but it doesn't surprise me that certain people on /ic/ will dismiss anything that will require actual effort to learn and train with.

>> No.2138123

People at various points here have shit on pretty much every famous master.

>> No.2138131
File: 92 KB, 500x653, 1433171538921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a painting, drawing the face asymmetrical is a poor technique for an artist. Even if he used reference, copying mistakes on the human face isn't good.
Facial symmetry has been shown to have an effect of ratings of attractiveness in human faces. More symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive in both males and females.

>> No.2138135
File: 72 KB, 600x746, Jeffrey-R.-Watts_6600_746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just part of his weird style for whatever reason.

Watts Atelier is very strict on perfection.

>> No.2138136
File: 398 KB, 600x696, partyrockin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Copying mistakes on the human face
>nature, what is actually there
>a mistake if you're drawing realism

>> No.2138138
File: 75 KB, 1128x900, Budha_Banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realism, cuz we dont already have copymachines
>Yes there are mistakes in nature, humans are one of them

An artist should strive to make a picture as good as they can make it, your an artist not a copymachine. Change the mistakes you see in nature to what is pleasing to the eye.
If you're drawing a landscape would you also draw the utility poles that cross its path?
If you wanted to draw a portrait would you draw someone who was deformed?

>> No.2138140

I do art not because I want to make "idealized" images, but because I want to be able to interpert what is actually there. I would for sure do a portrait of a deformed person, why not?

Beauty is a part of art, and a great goal to strive to, but those little "mistakes" can give the picture it's uniqueness and meaning.

>> No.2138143

An artist shouldn't be bound by one vision imo. There is no wrong in choosing to portray what is actually there or what isn't.

>> No.2138145

Fair enough

>> No.2138146


>reasonable and amicable disagreement on /ic/

Holy shit.

>> No.2138148

4:35 blatant fucking racism. so disgusting!

>> No.2138176


>> No.2138251

i'm thinking of doing the watts online school, i wouldn't even know about watts if not for proko

>> No.2138256

I wish I had that type of money.

>> No.2138279

pretty much considering it sounds EXACTLY like SS worship on /fit/. The advice in the books is decent but it's certainly nothing to worship. It's a shame because so many starters come here and fall right into it and never develop their skills beyond that.

>> No.2138296

>never progress "beyond that"
>implying even a tenth of the users of /ic/ actively study Loomis, Vilppu or any of the rest

Most of us know how to get good (Loomis, Huston, Vilppu etc.), and thanks to what little study we do we might be perceptive to know what makes something good, but our lethargy prevents us from actually becoming good ourselves let alone "progressing beyond Loomis".

You're naive af.

>> No.2138303

no, I'm well aware of how little people actually draw or practice here. But no one outside this board is going to be preaching "Loomis Loomis Loomis" in criticisms like most of the fags here do. Oh sure, they get recommended, a large number of art professors recommended Vilppu to me, but no one with any decent experience in art outside of here is going to treat that as the end all be all.

If anyone's naive it's pretty much this entire board believing that bullshit.

>> No.2138314

I practice 4 hours a day. Is that considered bad?

>> No.2138336

How long have you been doing it for and how good are you now?

>> No.2138344

Since March, went from stickmen to pretty nice gestures. Still have a hard time drawing a figure from imagination.

>> No.2138349

post art pls. i'm genuinely curious as to the degree of progress than can be achieved in 3 months.

>> No.2138473
File: 111 KB, 900x625, jewswinagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm your tits. He's a race traitor actually.

>> No.2138474

Didnt know he was into traps.is she from thailand?

>> No.2138475

> qt asian trap gf
>making money with his art

If Scroto Slavinski can do it, so can we.

We're all gonna make it brahs.

>> No.2138481


That is not qt

>> No.2138622


If there could be a Metro 2033 picturebook, I'd like him to do the art.

>> No.2138625

Nah, she just has sort of a stilted posture, it's almost as if her neck is a bit forward with an arched back. She's looking off which gives that "/" look.

>> No.2138630


His style reminds me of Aleksandr Petrov's animated work. Though, it seems like Stan keeps to oil on canvas.

>> No.2138661

Ever since that intro anatomy video he posted, I assumed he was a banana crammer

>> No.2142083

of course not it's a chink.

>> No.2142089


This has never and will never invalidate criticism.

>> No.2142091
File: 3.65 MB, 2802x3351, Rembrant_Self-Portrait,_1660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're just assuming that everyone is obsessed with making their drawings as hot as possible.

Which reminds me. Why did this fucking hack draw himself balding instead of adding hair like any good artist would?

>> No.2142102

We already went through this


Read the thread before posting next time.

>> No.2142145

He's a cool guy. Don't like all of his stuff but he still shares his knowledge for free and is quite scrubfriendly from what I've seen.

>> No.2142148
File: 93 KB, 1615x271, tehmeh-rembrandt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Which reminds me. Why did this fucking hack draw himself balding instead of adding hair like any good artist would?

>> No.2142709

He's good.

>> No.2142772
File: 43 KB, 425x300, t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need proof people get jelly

>> No.2142775

For these people there are two levels: best or bad