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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 123 KB, 1328x601, charr_by_ruanjia-d7vwliw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2129626 No.2129626 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn to draw. How much will it take to be able to do pic rel? 5 years?

>> No.2129627

Ruan has been drawing and painting since before you were born. So do that.

>> No.2129629

3 if you are VERY motivated
never if you are not
Between that i would say...

>> No.2129630

So fuck you

>> No.2129635

What's with all these threads lately of "how long will it take to get to X level???"

Ruanjia is one of the best digital painters on the planet. It is likely no one on this entire board will come close to his level ever. If anyone does, it will take many years of intelligent practice.

>> No.2129638
File: 37 KB, 640x400, 1403435379008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP obv, but how long would it take to get pic related-level from scratch?

>> No.2129644

But how many? I have to know If its worth to invest my time in it.

>> No.2129646

If you really wanted to learn then how long it takes shouldn't matter.

>> No.2129650

> I have to know If its worth to invest my time in it.

Don't bother. Someone who has that sort of mindset doesn't have any chance of ever getting to this level. You have to love art and be passionate about it to the point where it becomes a borderline obsession. You clearly don't have that, you just look at the end result and think "wow, that's cool, I want to do that too"

>> No.2129663

Numbers don't matter. Someone could say 10 years but you could end up taking 5 or 20. You sound as if you expect something out of the time you invest, like mastery is some sort of reward for your efforts. That's wrong.

>> No.2129664

You dont know me. My mom told me to get a hobby, so I think its a good start.

>> No.2129671

So if you were considering to take up weightlifting as a hobby, would you go to /fit/ and ask how many years it would take you to become a gold-medalist olympic weightlifter?

>> No.2129672

>my mom

>> No.2129677

>3 if you are VERY motivated

nope. lol nope. what the fuck are you smoking.

>> No.2129678


>> No.2129683
File: 20 KB, 334x448, 1263998731863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they would tell you the same thing: depends on a number of variables

what are your genetics?
how much of your time are you willing to sacrifice?
how much money are you willing to invest?
how much of your physical/mental health are you willing to jeopardize?

can take you anywhere from 2 to 20 years to achieve pic related.

i was massively into weightlifting, /fit/ and even called the hospital where zyzz suppossedly was treated back in the days, because i simply couldn't stand not knowing wether his death was a trolljob or fact.

>> No.2129699

If you have to be told to be an artist, you will never reach this level.

but this guy isn't far from the truth. That's if you put 15+ hours a day into it.

I don't think you will do that though. You will probably do 2 hours a day max. So.. you won't ever get to that skill level.

>My mom

>> No.2129708

Considering Algenpfleger put in those hours for that long and is still nowhere near Ruanjia, that would be a big fat no.

Also man, people on this board get trolled so easily. No way the anon asking the questions is being serious. Gotta be a fucking troll for sure.

>> No.2129711

about 3 days

>> No.2129745

Dont laugh,my mom wants what is the best for me AND I KNOW I CAN DO IT. JUST TELL ME HOW MUCH TIME IT WILL TAKE SO I CAN COMFORT HER

>> No.2129749

3 years you mean of average work

>> No.2129761

So are you just trying to become an artist to impress your mom? Is she hot?

>> No.2129765

>Algenpfleger put in those hours for that long

if algen had work even remotely as hard as he claims to have, he would be waaaay better.

>> No.2129775 [DELETED] 

>if algen had work even remotely as hard as he claims to have, he would be waaaay better.

Not necessarily. If all you do is grind studies all day, it can actually be pretty inefficient. Thinking about art - contemplating and internalizing drawing fundamentals - can sometimes be more important than actually drawing. If all you do is grind studies all day it can actually be pretty inefficient.

>> No.2129777

>if algen had work even remotely as hard as he claims to have, he would be waaaay better.

Not necessarily. If all you do is grind studies all day, it can actually be pretty inefficient. Thinking about art - contemplating and internalizing drawing fundamentals - can sometimes be more important than actually drawing.

>> No.2129778

He's quite good. A solid pro imo. I think a lot of the hate he gets has to do with his current level "dipping" a bit from his old stuff, but that can be explained by him A) doing less art now and having a social life and exercising and being more balanced, B) experimenting with styles in his personal work more which can lead to failures, and C) focusing on developing a reliable output/process for client work, which reduces growth in the short term, and D) he spends a lot of effort building his visual library so he is able to paint things without any reference to a high degree of realism, so a lot of his skillbuilding isn't "visible" but rather has to do with his process.

If you were ever around in the days that he was actually doing his hard grind, you would know he WAS putting in insane hours. Watching him post massive art dumps each week or each day was proof of that, and drew so much he got severe carpal tunnel in his wrist, switched to drawing lefty, developed carpal there too, then was posting mouth drawings.

He had the best work ethic of anyone who actually posted all their work online in the process.

>> No.2129787

This made me laugh

>> No.2129802

6-10 years if u will practice 5h per day

>> No.2129858
File: 165 KB, 750x1050, ruanjia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I want to know is what kind of style is this?

The textures he uses are a lot different compared to a lot of artists. It lookes a bit washed out and aged, in a good way.

How do you bring that out?

>> No.2129867
File: 326 KB, 1280x1171, 1430864573408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese commercial style mainly
I've been looking for tutorials about that too, with little luck. Best I can find are some of GHJ's tutorials and some walkthroughs like pic

>> No.2129888

Could you share all you have?

>> No.2129910
File: 527 KB, 1280x1501, 1432411319372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I'll just post links in a pastebin so that I don't flood the thread

>> No.2129932

I love you, kind sir

>> No.2129940

probably around 5 years, 8 hours a day of good studying and practice. People who get better the right way will will always get better faster. No I don't know what the right way is but there's definitely differences in the way people think and "get good"

>> No.2129944

I love appledinger with all my heart but that nigga CANNOT stylize for SHIT. His idea of stylization looks like uncanny valley shit every time.

>> No.2129947


I think one of the main defining features of his style is a lot of very hard, clean edges. Like in >>2129858
every piece of armor, the sword, the edge of the cape, the highlights on the earring, the hair. Hard edges.

>> No.2129953

actually they are all made with regular size soft brush I think, but with a very big canvas witch at the end gets resized

>> No.2129957

It makes me wonder just how long he takes for one piece. Him and Mullins are just very inspiring with their works.

>> No.2129962

He's right, you're stupid.

Good mentor and motivation and he can be doing just like this. Seen people do it with my own eyes.

>> No.2129964


you are fucking retarded.

>> No.2129965

I agree, with enough motivation, a good teacher and/or good studying skills (aka learning the right way and have the mindset of learning correctly) this is definitely achievable

>> No.2129967


you are fucking retarded too. what the hell.

>> No.2129970

>3 years to reach Ruanjia level
>literally nobody reached it, he's the best digital painter in the industry in the last 5 years.
Inb4 Mullins and other photobashers fanatic fans.

>> No.2129971

Try again son. Must have some skill issues. You too can do this if you actually put some work into it.

Got to love the process, not the outcome. Then you'll get better results.

>> No.2129972

Why do you disagree O anon

>> No.2129975

Maybe not to his level exactly but a point where you paint stuff RELATIVELY at the level of OP's pic. No one said you'll be Ruanija in 3 years

>> No.2129976

I bet these digital people cheat their arses off.

>> No.2129977

>but a point where you paint stuff RELATIVELY at the level of OP's pic

fucking lol. the retardation seems to be contagious. no man, not even relatively at the level of op's pic. it's not gonna happen in 3 years.

>> No.2129979

yeh it will with enough dedication and time

>> No.2129980

All I'm hearing is personal frustration on your part. Like you tried, and because you like the conviction and drive you can't attain it, so no one can.

>> No.2129981

yeah totally.

>> No.2129983

Another annon here.

It is.

Why do you doubt it? Can you provide a reason? A real reason?

Its a skill, not magic.

Practice and dedication make all the difference.

>> No.2129984

He literally asked how much time it will take to be able to do what Ruanjia does. It might not be scientifically impossible to do it in 3 years (just like it's not scientifically impossible to do anything, since absence of evidence is not evidence of absence), but it doesn't make any sense pulling the "3 years" card out of your ass.

>> No.2129985


Trained a guy for 2 years.

Started off fisting a pencil and drawing like a cave man. by the end of 2 years he had figure drawing down and was moving to become proficient at shading.

>> No.2129986

I agree with no. 2129979

3 years you could do this.

"he is a living god" working in a studio full of ... living gods, in an industrial estate that employs ... 2,000 living gods... (I assume)

he has a marketed personality , well done. There's a bloke down the road from you that could do this most probably.

>> No.2129990

I remember seeing some watts atelier student sketchbook on CA. His figure drawings were the typical watts atelier stuff, excellent. His illustrations were disastrous. I mean stuff that you'd normally see on the draw thread here (not the catbib/tehmeh kind). There's quite a difference between figure drawing a naked model and creating an illustration which lots of invented (even if referenced) elements and a cool atmosphere like OP's pic (which I honestly doubt was even that much referenced, having watched ruanjia paint before).

>> No.2129997

If you think that, you're an idiot.

Composition, form, and space can be learned in that time.

And if you think Ruanjia did use ref, you're dumb. He used ref by studying ref and using that learned study as a mental library piece. He doesn't just pull it out of thin air.

If you're think otherwise you''re tard.

Art isn't a magic trick, its work.

>> No.2129999

it's very clever though. how do you work out light sources from nowhere? just make it up?

>> No.2130000

didn't use ref*

>> No.2130002


Light only has several ways it can react. Direct and bounce. If you understand the shape you're shading or lighting you know how the light is going to effect it.

>> No.2130006
File: 43 KB, 640x360, gi_methods_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have been drawing those circles after all

>> No.2130008

>Composition, form, and space can be learned in that time.
Show me evidence dude. Show me that someone reached OP's pic level in 3 years. As I said before, it's not theoretically impossible. But I have also no reason to think it's practically doable because there is no evidence supporting your claim.
Can science prove that the world will not end tomorrow? They can't. But there's no reason (evidence) to show that it will happen, so people assume it won't. It's the same. If people could achieve ruanjia level in 3 years, you would know it by factual examples, instead of posts on 4chan.
>He used ref by studying ref
That's not what it means to "use ref", here at least. Of course he studied, but he didn't find a model of whatever monster that is with a flaming sword posing for him. His rendering is also highly un-photorealistic, which means he couldn't just copy the reference like you would if you were painting something photorealistically. If you don't understand this you're the dumb one.
>Art isn't a magic trick, its work.
Yeah, a work that no one has managed to cram into "three years" as far at is known.

>> No.2130009

Missed the word 'bounce' did we?

>> No.2130011

Straw man.
Ad homeinim
Attack the person confronting you.

Poor argument.

You're a moron.

>> No.2130013

You know that logical fallacies aren't just buzzwords you use to make yourself sound smart and win arguments...right?

>> No.2130014

Amazing, I stand defeated.

>> No.2130017

I don't even know what render means, other than plastering

>> No.2130018

>Ad homeinim
>Attack the person confronting you.
Top kek.

>> No.2130019

All I can read is some one worshiping an artist and thinking that basic imagination some how makes them a god.

No model to draw the monster from? What the fuck do you think figure study is for?

Lighting study is basic as fuck. High school level learning. Also thinking photo realism even matters. That's your bench mark?

And you don't know what ref is. And I've been on /ic/ for about 4 years if not longer.

As far as factual examples. Why bother posting them to you? You're just going to try and refute them. And really, I have better things to do with my time than worry about a tard show can't fathom with real work and dedication and you be just as good.

>> No.2130020
File: 1.88 MB, 288x288, astounded negro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have better things to do with my time than worry about a tard show can't fathom with real work and dedication and you be just as good.

>> No.2130021

>I have better things to do with my time than worry about a tard show can't fathom with real work and dedication and you be just as good.
Jesus Christ man you're spilling your spaghetti all over your sentence structure.

>> No.2130023

Call 1:30 am. And talking to someone across the room while typing.

But hey, if that's what you're going to latch on to...

Good night. Hope you can get over your crippling self doubt in your art.

>> No.2130024

Called* 1:30 am

>> No.2130026

Good night man, try to be more subtle next time.

>> No.2130042
File: 2.39 MB, 320x180, 1406000219853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm tired
Just like that excuse, NIGGA

>> No.2130077

>I want to learn to draw. How much will it take to be able to do pic rel? 5 years?
>I have to know If its worth to invest my time in it.

I'm normally not against anyone doing art but maybe it isn't for you. At least not until you change your mindset. Anyone thinking they can achieve this level of work with X amount of grind is a fucking idiot.

>> No.2130085

do you know how large exactly and with what resolution? curious

>> No.2130110

idk, I would say to experiment yourself with different dpi and dimensions and see what suit you

I am speaking from my ass right now since I have a ~10 years old pc and I can't try that out myself, large and high res pictures give me lag and I am stuck with the hard brush all the time since textures and soft brush also give lag (I got a job, bought a tablet, now hording shekels for a better pc)

>> No.2130111
File: 40 KB, 550x512, 1425482088967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people seriously believing you can get Ruan Jia level in 3 years

The amount of delusion/retardation is astounding.

>> No.2130169



>> No.2130173

About 2 hours if you work hard enough, 5 if you fuck it up. If you're not Michelangelo level after a day's work you might as well give up.

>> No.2130177

You and me both homie, been studying his work now for a few days and im finding new shit everytime i look at his stuff, good luck with your endeavours

>> No.2130182
File: 3.23 MB, 6140x3423, 2624520-2014_04_la+load+screen+during+rebuild copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130183
File: 3.01 MB, 5836x2627, 2624527-2014_07+season02_ep03+foefire copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130184
File: 2.21 MB, 1933x4691, 1422383332298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130185
File: 195 KB, 1800x1216, 1422397742444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130186
File: 2.96 MB, 4460x2626, 1422479872654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130187
File: 2.76 MB, 3000x4000, gghaym_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130188
File: 2.59 MB, 5900x3594, gw2hot_01 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130189

>3 years of hard work

>> No.2130191
File: 3.35 MB, 3000x4000, idyalz copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130192
File: 2.66 MB, 3002x4000, srcpba copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130193
File: 2.73 MB, 2985x4000, ssgnft copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2130194


>saving the thread

thx anon

>> No.2130208

3 years? Hahahahaha haahahahha....ahah..a........

Maybe if you're tehmeh or Omen.

>> No.2130211
File: 141 KB, 599x800, warren-016-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proper art

>> No.2130214

look at that shitty rendering, buy some inks.

>> No.2130215

was it done with a squigy mop? look at it, what a state.

>> No.2130216

that progression pic is fake.

>> No.2130217
File: 88 KB, 725x474, tehmeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe if you're Tehmeh


Tehmeh is nowhere near as good as RJ. He is just a photobasher.

Disclaimer: For the record I literally have NOTHING against Tehmeh personally but I do wish he'd come clean about this so he'd stop giving impressionable artists unfair expectations of themselves. He was caught at least once by /ic/ (that mountain/river picture), but you know it's likely a big part of his work flow. For fuck's sake Tehmeh just come clean man it's not a big deal, but you obscuring this fact is hurting people.

>> No.2130218

>People insulting Master Demonlord Ruan

>> No.2130222

You're not going to make it, bro.

>> No.2130223

that's ok, it'll be picked up after my death

>> No.2130228

>"Tehmeh gave me unfair expectations because he promised me we're all gonna make it, yet I still suck at art. Now I'm mad at him and desperately search for excuses as to why I am so inferior."

>> No.2130237

FUCKING PLEB, it's a THEO PRINS! not ruanjia

>> No.2130239

>theo prins


>> No.2130245

I like theo prinz stuff too.. It's got that thick oil feel.

>> No.2130250
File: 274 KB, 1280x1365, 1420239400250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all, I have realistic expectations of my progression. Why is talking about someone's workflow offensive to you? You know Tehmeh was drawing long BEFORE the stuff in this top pic, right? He had an epiphany somewhere between the top and the bottom pic. It happens all the time. He didn't "git gud" in 1 year, lmao.

Even some of the modern greats use photos, it's just how it is, for better or worse. I encourage anybody here to follow suit. It's obviously expected and accepted these days.

>> No.2130254

does tehmeh have a dA or tumblr?

also who is Omen and where can I see his progress/art?

>> No.2130255


I wish he showed every major piece he painted in that period. I wonder what it'd all look like in terms of his skill level changing.

Linear? Exponential? Sudden jump?


>> No.2130257

His real name is Olly Lawson, you can find his work with a quick google search.


>> No.2130262

Tehmeh has talent. Same for Algenpfleger and other people with crazy progress
>mfw I have talent in math
>mfw I don't need it

>> No.2130265

inspiring, how many hours a day you think he practiced? like 8+?

>> No.2130272

Nah he said he practiced like 2 hours a day and spent most of the time playing Team Fortress 2 and counter strike. That's where the "150 days straight" from the tehmeh meme picture comes from, because that's about how much time he implied he was playing games going off of the hours he claimed to have put in.

>> No.2130277

Get a job and move the fuck out.
Fuck your mom, live your life for you

>> No.2130278

What episode is that

>> No.2130279

He's probably mad because he hasn't gotten results that quickly himself, so he has to believe that nobody else can.

>> No.2130284

Nobody got to Ruanjia level in three years though. Not even Ruanjia.

>> No.2130285
File: 162 KB, 1000x625, makinprogressainthard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making decent progress isnt even that hard, just recently started working hard last week

>> No.2130286

After 3 years you should be better than that. Rubanji was a noob

>> No.2130287
File: 949 KB, 1026x2966, Creative Illustration pg 159-160; Loomis on 'Realism'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Listen to Loomis"

>To one, understanding may come at the age of twenty; to another, fifty. Some will never comprehend the laws of form, color and life.

I believe he's talking about "muh style" people there but the potential for failure always looms over us no matter what we pursue no matter how sincere we may be. You should never go into something assuming and fearing that you'll fail.

Accept it, but don't worry about it.

As other anons have said, if you're looking at it from a "cost benefit analysis" you're doing it wrong


>> No.2130288

Yeah but you're so early in hte learning curve that you can see progress week to week, or maybe even day to day. Eventually you learn the basic obvious things and your learning will start to slow down, and you will reach a point where progress gets measured in years or decades instead of by month or whatever.

>> No.2130292
File: 487 KB, 1350x566, Alla Prima - Richard Schmid pg. 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another thing

>> No.2130304
File: 366 KB, 770x646, мяу.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2130306
File: 143 KB, 672x568, le throwing le ball into le suspended circular ring face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I meant to capitalize the O in "to" there. Oh boy, without emphasizing that I feel like an idiot.

>> No.2130307
File: 1.89 MB, 1026x2806, mdmd65wi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cropped the shitty watermark out

>> No.2130310
File: 41 KB, 698x532, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bud

>> No.2130311

Source? Mind posting up a link to it so I can see those as full files instead of just thumbnails? I love looking at early work of people like that.

>> No.2130315
File: 26 KB, 933x700, batman..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowadays you can't it's a very old shit

>> No.2130321
File: 22 KB, 355x355, sk18_a4p487f1160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a hot grill

>> No.2130328

I don't see much progress in that image to be honest. 2 shitty, unfinished grayscale sketches with fucked up lighting.

>> No.2130353

emphasis on decent

>> No.2130358

You will never be halfway decent because somebody who truly loves something does not do it for the sake of getting X-result but because it satisfies him

>> No.2130360

Zyzz is a steroid muncher, he is like the photobashers of the digital art scene, putting in little effort and gaining skills that are purely for show, and don't have any basis, the difference is that he died and photobashers are just bad artists

>> No.2130366


About three fiddy

>> No.2130367


They are also dead inside, so the analogy still holds up.

>> No.2130370


OP here, stop trolling my thread

>> No.2130371


>> No.2130373

but at the highest level, almost all professional athletes use steroids and PEDs. By your logic, that would mean all of the best professional artists also use photobashing.

>> No.2130375

Many pro athletes use PEDs, just as many big name pros use photobashing (Maciej for example, even Jaime has been using it a ton for his film work lately). But just as how some big name pros in art don't use photos, some athletes don't either. I think it's a decent analogy. There's a difference between some freakishly strong steroid monster who can dominate through physical conditioning and someone like Wayne Gretzky who can dominate through skill.

>> No.2130404

People who believe you have to spend a lifetime to be like Ruan Jia are deluded and sad neckbeards, fucking losers. He managed to do it, why wouldnt you, you stupid fucks

>> No.2130405
File: 117 KB, 527x565, 1434473960266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Ruan Jia surpassed the old masters?

>> No.2130407

how old is Ruan anyway?

>> No.2130423

thanks bae <3

>> No.2130439

He spent like 15 years to get to where he is now, and many people who have spent that long and even longer are nowhere near his level. It's certainly possible to reach his level, but not within the timeframes people are throwing out in this thread.

Some old masters in some areas of art, yes. But so have many of today's top people.

He's 31 or 32. Born in '83, but I don't know which month.

>> No.2130443

see here and above:

>> No.2130448

funny stuff

>> No.2130450

>Every single person except for the disabled learned how to run early in their lives by themselves, it's an innate human skill who everybody possess
What a runner do is just take the knowledge he already has and refine it, meanwhile...

>To be an artist, you'll have to learn from the beginning without having previous knowledge and no innate sense like running

While a runner started walking when he was 1-3 years old an artist will rarely start at the same age also besides creativity and what will be the subject of your art, nobody has innate skills to do art. You have the innate skill of thinking but the skill necessary to do the art needs to be learned.

It's about execution, anyone can think about art but using skills to create the art is something nobody is born with, you'll need to learn how to draw, paint, sculpt, etc. It's almost the same with running but the act of walk is ingrained in all of us, making the leap to running is not something difficult since you're the tool.

>> No.2130476

don't you pray to be dead than this? it's so horrible

>> No.2130479

like your family nearly being killed and stuff?

>> No.2130480


>> No.2130484

hopefully be die soon then

>> No.2130507

yet another delusional amateur who thinks his beginner improvement will go on forever at the same pace. When you'll finally get good you'll realize that 99% of people will never reach greatness, no matter how many years they spend on it. That is assuming you will ever get good, because most artists won't even get there.

>> No.2130526

where did you get that birthyear from? i thought he was like 26 or 27

>> No.2130527

Why would i even try to get good when i wont reach his level, nor anyone else? Why should i struggle if i am destined to be inferior? Why do people improve themselves knowing this?

>> No.2130537

>Why would i even try to get good when i wont reach his level
So that i can make a living doing something i fucking love. So that i wont hate going to work every morning, but instaed love it.

>> No.2130690

You'll never know if you don't try.

You westerners have that do or die mentality instilled in you by Yoda, so you give up before you even start because you ascertain that you cannot do without trying.

Try and do are not mutually exclusive. To do, you must first try. How can you begin to grow if you never try to grow?

Go and try it.

>> No.2130703

That Yoda shit was actually supposed to represent some kind of bullshit Chinese philosophy, so it's hardly representative of western thinking. The west is just mired by the political left's deathgrip on culture, which values emotion over skill.

>> No.2130724

Nah. I think 3 years is a good estimate to be able to do a piece like OPs. Would you be able to do it with ease and in the same amount time that it takes him? No definitely not. It may take you 5 times as long if not longer, but if you aren't autistic, you can put your 3 years of hard work into one piece and get something that looks like his.

>> No.2130742

That's basically what Brad Rigney did with all his images, he spent months on each and was super anal about making it "perfect". And by the time he was doing stuff of pro quality and started turning heads, he had been doing it for 8 years. And his stuff was still nowhere near Ruan Jia.

>> No.2130768

Can you show us your work? Clearly you aren't autistic and you must have studied art for over 3 years, otherwise you couldn't possibly make this claim from experience. So please show us your work that rivals that of Ruanjia.

>> No.2131808
File: 2.42 MB, 1342x1915, 1433408508425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this I can agree with->

The problem with sports is that it is objective, while art is subjective, results can be measured and beauty or a nice picture cannot be measured on a scale.
If you reach some level of skill and use certain tools to extend on your already established skills and to fasten the process of your work, you can do that. Photobashing is cheap and I dont like digital art to be honest, Ruan Jia guang mya jaime mullins craig scott or whatever their names are all have one problem: Their stuff is digital and it is not nearly as refined as people who work traditionally, because they cannot draw a line 20.000 times and zoom in on their 10kx12k canvases to add texture or paint to get some boring effect that does not fit in with the picture. Digital art is concept art, and its very niche, I know that people are doing all kinds of shit with it but honestly, not a single digital painting has blown my mind because in the back of my head I always see this little guy poiting me to where they copy pasted, where they used texture brushes, where they photbashed, where they just did paintovers and where they used effects.
Know what im sayin?

>> No.2131817

>Their stuff is digital and it is not nearly as refined as people who work traditionally, because they cannot draw a line 20.000 times and zoom in on their 10kx12k canvases to add texture or paint to get some boring effect that does not fit in with the picture. Digital art is concept art, and its very niche, I know that people are doing all kinds of shit with it but honestly, not a single digital painting has blown my mind because in the back of my head I always see this little guy poiting me to where they copy pasted, where they used texture brushes, where they photbashed, where they just did paintovers and where they used effects.
Is this bait? You're making very little sense and checking off most of the list of "how to piss off /ic/"

>> No.2131833

>Is this bait
Of course
>Ruan Jia
>digital art only

>> No.2131839

Oh go fuck yourself

>> No.2131875

Why do people do this annoying thing where they attach a totally unrelated pic to their reply? Do you think it presents your opinion in a superior way or something?

>> No.2131886
File: 1.80 MB, 360x480, 1435176334366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you started from scratch
Went full NEET mode
Had no distractions (other than different hobbies and a bit of social activity to save you from going insane)
And had the desire to get good?

Yes you could make it in 5 years. But that's literally the perfect scenario. And no one on Earth is perfect. If you draw everyday for 3 hours, you'll get to a decent level after 5 years. As long as you have something to study for those 3 hours, you'll make it. Don't just draw random shit, make sure there's meaning behind your drawing (anatomy practice, figure session, perspective, painting, etc) not just messing around and doodling, that comes later.

People tend to forget just how many days are in a year. And if you spend 3 hours PER DAY, you'll spend 5475 hours of drawing painting sculpting whatever. if you spent another 5 years, you'd be a master

So, from scratch, 10 years to become a master, 5 years to get to a semi-professional level.

>> No.2131905

Actually I like this kind of thing. At least yours is funny. Not the other guy, whatever he thought he was doing.

>> No.2131908

I presume people do that since the image means their post stands out in a long thread. It gives more importance to the post I guess. I think that's why they do it anyhow. If I ever post a link to something like if I am sharing files I try to attach an image to it to make sure people actually see it, otherwise it is easy to skip over posts in long threads.

>> No.2131917
File: 43 KB, 460x463, Puredoggyparaidse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art feeds on your life not reverse.

To make a good painting you must have a healthy mind.

Just play with the fundamental pieces of picture making and fix your own life at the same time.

People who want to paint "like" Ruan Jia wont make it very far at all. This is because they obsess about the end result and not the process to go there. Ruan spends hundreds more hours on his pictures than most people. So is it the result or is it the process that is important? He describes his sketches to be between 3 hours - a week worth of working time.

There's even that pdf going around with the 500+ hours for one face painting done over the course of a year.

Give this a listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEHWaGuurUk

There's also, a big difference in between an hour of doodling and an hour of dedicated practice on something. Both have been "drawing" for an hour but one has furthered their understanding, the other just enjoyed the act of drawing

>> No.2131919

I don't even want to be Ruan Jia-tier. I just want to draw like sakimichan.

>> No.2131950

People go to art school and get to a very high skill level in four years. (art center, ccs, ringling, calarts, maybe a school over seas)

If that isn't fast im not sure what is.

You guys are literally retarded to think that 5 years isn't enough. Let alone 10 years. Don't give me the bullshit argument,"im poor" either.

God why the fuck do I even bother sometimes. Its like you guys are stuck in this perpetual state of mind where NO ONE can become just as good as Ruan. If anyone can learn to draw and paint, anyone can become a Ruan-like. It's not going to take your whole entire life just to get to Ruan! The average person lives to like 80y/o and you're telling me that I'm still going to be understanding my anatomy of the foot by the time im 80?

Yes I'm mad

>> No.2132031

Ruanjia is way better than any new grad from those schools though.

Also learning is not a constant linear progression. There is a curve, where you learn fast at the start and then your progress will begin to slow to almost a crawl after a number of years. Most people plateau at some point in their career before they reach Ruanjia's level. This is a fact.

>> No.2132056

I want to start 3d modeling so I have to learn how to draw first.
Can't even draw a straight line. I'm fucked

>> No.2132067

I am in the same boat here.

>> No.2132109

If only people posted video tutorials about how have better line control in the artwork imageboard. That'd never happen though. Yep, you guys are fucked.

>> No.2132239

just draw with your arm, holy heck

>> No.2132248

if we can believe what feng says, many of his students plateau for a long time, grinding out drawings and paintings non-stop, but then they suddenly have a massive increase in skill that comes from that mileage

>> No.2132320

>I want to start 3d modeling so I have to learn how to draw first
not really, no.

>> No.2132340

>so I have to learn how to draw first.
You don't.

>> No.2132341

Depends on the type of modeling tbh.
If you wanna model a bunch of organic creatures that actually look good, you kinda have to be able to draw. But if you just wanna model buildings cars etc its not really as important

>> No.2132343

Know anatomy and design, skills which are used in drawing as well, yes, but drawing itself no.

>> No.2132345

to some degree, sure

>> No.2132350

you don't need to represent 3d objects in 2d because the program does it for you
you don't need to know how to draw accurate shadows because the program does it for you
those two are major things in drawing, the major thing in 3d modeling is knowing the programs
knowing how to use a tablet would come in handy for stuff like zbrush but if you want to do 3d modeling it would be more efficient to learn that while using zbrush rather than learning it from drawing

>> No.2132378

But if you are going to 3D model a character shouldn't you eb able to picture exactly how he will look like? Doesn't one need to make sketches for this at first? Isn't this a skill one learns when one starts drawing from imagination?

>> No.2133665


>> No.2133974

if you start from literally nothing
doable in 2 or less for that particular painting

>> No.2133991

How long have you been painting?

>> No.2134024

Ruan was born October 10. at least, that's what it says on his deviantart

>> No.2134176

>Ad homEINIM
>Uses ad hominem


>> No.2134191

and what did the hospital tell you?
is he alive?

>> No.2134193

I can see you are not from /fit/. zyzz is /fit/'s hero for a few years already

>> No.2137105

Yes, she is hot actually. I wouldnt mind fucking her but still i dont know how to grasp it..

I mean i have to learn to draw, thats tthe top priority.