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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2120147 No.2120147 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone here talks as though they spend 40+ hours a week cramming and practicing and studying, but how much time do you ACTUALLY put into art? What do you do with the remainder of your time?

>> No.2120148

I used to put thirty hours a week into it. Got nowhere. Now for the last month in a half I've been trying to figure out what I'm going and I've barely been drawing at all.

>> No.2120151

Why did you get nowhere? What are you planning to do differently?

>> No.2120155

Drawing with the intention to only "get good" will be your down fall. Just draw for fun.draw things that you think are entertaining or inspire you while studying to get better at the things you lack in and over time you will gradually become a greater artist
>remember DRAW BECAUSE YOU ENJOY IT don't treat it like highschool math homework where you do it just because you feel that you have to.

>> No.2120157


I got nowhere because I fell into a rut really fast and let myself stagnate. I used to spend an hour every day doing studies from Bridgman's anatomy book. My intention was to learn anatomy but really I was just doing busy work trying to fill an hour and I retained very little information. Now I'm trying to figure out how I can spend an hour actually learning anatomy and I've been drawing a blank for a month and a half.


How am I supposed to enjoy it when I'm shit at it? Theres nothing I can draw thats entertaining or inspiring because it's all shit.

>> No.2120164

Ever heard of "the journey is better than the destination"? Being shit is some of the most fun, trying to figure out why you're shit, using new techniques and trying new mediums and practicing.

Just git fucking gud and stop whining

>> No.2120167

Its exactly 40 hours a week.
Well, probably not that much since I often slack off at work and browse 4chan. But noone knows.
Maybe I dont even draw at all because I never got into conept art or illustration to begin with and am now a graphic designer which has always been my emergency route.
After work I play gta... no mroe drawing, no more painting at all... fml

>> No.2120174


Thats fucking horseshit. I draw because I want to communicate my ideas, not because I get joy out of conquering some great challenge. Thats what I play guitar for.

>> No.2120179

If you mean "grind without a good plan", yeah, stick to fun. If on the other hand you take an art education route and learn the craft properly from ground up, then hard work and grinding works well as you learn properly and get results you can retain and judge.

At the moment I only draw to get good and it isn't my downfall. But then I got a plan and schedule and can judge wtf I am doing and how good I am progressing. Learning and doing exercises/studies itself is much more exciting this way.

>> No.2120189



>> No.2120191

>how much time do you ACTUALLY put into art?
2-3 hrs 3-4 days a week. I'm not in any rush.

>What do you do with the remainder of your time?
work, watch tv shows, normal human activities

>> No.2120218

i'd say probs 4 hours a day, hope to do more when i move houses and have less hassle

>> No.2120344

Most people (who enjoy art) have fun learning new things while they draw..

>> No.2120351

I'd say that on average /ic/ spends 2 to 3 hours on art. but this average is only once or twice a week. All those other days are spent goofing around on an image board telling others to read some loomis. Even the people they tell to read loomis do the exact same thing.

>> No.2120365

I honestly don't really think I'm skilled enough to work on actual finished pieces. So for now, I'm just practicing and doing studies.

>> No.2120370


The education is only like 10% of what it takes to get good, but it's an important 10%. The 90% requires drawing what you want to draw and using that 10% as a launching point.

Though /ic/ by my experience fucks up in that 10% by focusing on the wrong shit. Like there's a big push towards getting beginners to perfect human anatomy when really the two biggest skills they need to learn is being able to draw from observation and being able to construct shit. The rest comes from those skills, even some of the more basic shit. But the biggest thing I see is this innate fear of failure.

>> No.2120381

I spend a third of my time making work, and the other 2/3's are spent promoting work and finding new leads.

>> No.2120386

On average I get 90 minutes a day... mostly because of how busy the last couple months have been. in the last week or two I've been getting 2-5 hours a day depending, which is better.
I still live with my parents and the fact that my schedule has to be dictated by what they're doing kills me. I've started just getting up early so I can get shit done.
I need to move out but it seems like it'd be a waste of money currently.

>> No.2120540

I'd like to know this as well. I feel like with art, if you were to spend an actual 8 hours of FOCUSED pen to pad drawing/ painting, you'd die, or at least burn out very fast. I've been using manic time, and 4-5 hours of focused work (how much Tim it shows I've been active in PS) takes me most of the day and I can get a lot done.

I've basically been experimenting with how long I can work without getting burn out and still being fulfilled and excited to work. I was trying two 3 hour chunks, but that was too much, and the next day I wouldn't want to do anything. So I tried two 2 hour chunks yesterday and it seemed pretty good. What you guys think?

>> No.2121144

Work a 40 hour week 9-5 job. Draw about 20 hours a week (3-4 hours a day)
Saturday is my free day to hang out with friends/girlfriend/family the Sunday I usually don't have plans so I'll either make plans or stay home and draw all day with 30 minute breaks between every 2 hours for about 8 hours.

>> No.2121174

Something like 35 hours a week.

>> No.2122223

45-50 hours a week.

>> No.2122228
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I think at this point I'm putting negative hours into my art

>> No.2122229
File: 732 KB, 900x1200, gerridae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth is that I got invited into this office and I have no apartment. I'm working on my projects from here, so my working hours are from 9am to 2am. I want to be awake before others come and kept myself on habit of going to bed before 2am.

Weekends I try to go away if possible. Usually 4 hours goes to eating, /ic/ and facebook. I kinda want to die, but even that makes me work harder.

>> No.2122232


are you some homeless guy chillin' in an office?

>> No.2122234

Private small office. Working every fucking minute of my life, thank god for myself.

>> No.2122237

what do you do?

>> No.2122240

i try to draw as much as i can, but i couldnt tell you the last time i actually put effort/more than 20 minutes into a drawing. i always feel like halfway through I realize its shit so i scrap it. anyone else have this problem? its partly because i dont have the attention span for it, but i think if it looked good through and through I would want to see it through till the end. advice pls

>> No.2122242
File: 156 KB, 900x282, strigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm running a small printing press of my own, that I use to print my designs. All the other time I just draw, paint and do local commissions.

The reason to stay here is medium sized industrial equipment to make flexo printing surfaces, that I can use. Also tons of excess material, that can't be used in industrial standards. I've been doing this for 2 months now, travelling included i've been 4 months homeless. Finally it's starting to pay off, can't wait to get my exhibitions up and running, only two more designs to make and print.

>> No.2122245

i respect you, man. have you thought about getting a van/small rv and living in that? its cheap, affordable and a fucking cool lifestyle if you want it to be.
at least youll have an interesting life when you look back on it instead of the whole settling down in a boring house with a boring wife and boring kids lol

>> No.2122248

Thanks, I feel like this just had to be done. If I ever make that much money, van would be almost ideal. Only problem is the high taxes with cars, but still cheaper and more flexible than typical rent. My problem is that I'm not willing to pay for flat AND workspace. I see no point in flat, if the only reason is to sleep in it.

>> No.2122251

Where do you sleep?

>> No.2122260

just do tones of small drawings, with time you will get better at drawing small drawings, after you will feel more comfortable with those, start putting more effort in those you like

>> No.2122765

Depends. Sometimes I won't paint for a couple of days, but other times I'll pull 3 consecutive days where I'll paint for 16 hours straight.