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2117994 No.2117994 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you spending the majority of your time studying, how do you pay the bills? Do you live with mom? Do you have a day job? Commissions? How do you make ends meet while spending the majority of your time drawing?

>> No.2117998

>majority of your time studying
dats a myth

>> No.2117999

Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money Get money

>> No.2118001

Life supports art. Day jobs are a practical reality.

>> No.2118002

fuck bitches, get money.

>> No.2118020

if you're on 4chan, fucking bitches probably costs you money.

>> No.2118058

>the majority of your time studying,
How much is a majority? I just answered this in another thread, I do 2-3 hrs every 3-4 days, but it is a majority of my free time.

>how do you pay the bills?
Spouse pays the bills because I don't know how

>Do you live with mom?
I live with spouse. Spouse just got a job - pretty hype to have double income now

>Do you have a day job?
Yes, it is not art related so it pays pretty well

Just a hobby, I'd feel like a whore if I charged people to do what I like. Also I'm not very good...

>How do you make ends meet while spending the majority of your time drawing?
what this anon said >>2118001

>> No.2118085
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>> No.2118101



>> No.2118102

I'm curious what other anons say. I have a day job. I put is practice everyday, but its rare that I get more than an hour in unless it's the weekend.

>> No.2118106

It doesn't change magically from the last thread.

>> No.2118116

Work in a servo for $20 an hour, intend to suppliment my wage with erotic novels on amazon for kindles.
Great art will pull a much larger audience.

>> No.2118177

>majority of my time
Considering I'm a neuroscience major, I don't think so. But I do spend a good deal of my free time studying.

Scholarship gives me living cost dosh monthly. Haven't bothered working part-time yet but I guess I should this summer.

>> No.2118205

>Do you live with mom?
I live with my mother's ex-husband after both her and my natural father kicked me out. finding a job at my age and with my curriculum is basically impossible, so if I don't manage somehow to start making money with drawing I'll remain here forever, or I'll go back sleeping on train wagons

>> No.2118208

Do you suck his cock or why the fuck would he take you in?

>> No.2118212

Mommy and daddy
They may die any moment though

>> No.2118217

Guilt i guess, since i became a unachieving junkie in the first place when I ran away from his house back when I was 17 and ended up living with my disabled grandparents in what was a shack without a working shower.
what's surprising is that despite his autism, he's still ten times more coherent than my natural parents, both apparently genetically tarnished
too bad I discovered it too late

>> No.2118222

I live with my parents, work in a small retail store and try and feel it like Vilppu when there's no customers around.

I'm a 28 year old pathetic loser; I just decided I wanted to draw and animate for sure a couple years ago and I still suck dick at both.

>> No.2118231

>I'm a 28 year old pathetic loser
It could be worse, you could be a 32 year old pathetic loser without a job like me.

>> No.2118238

I'm a 20 year old NEET loser who lives with his divorced mother. Every time she goes to work with a smile she rips my heart apart. Currently I go twice a week to an art school which is not that bad but there are mostly middle aged to old people. Outside of that I work part time.

I learned programming for 5 years and now I want to get into art to become a self-dependent modern creator. I had some work experience and my life and I just can't get used to shitty work so I decided I will do what I love. It's funny because I always thought it doesn't matter what you do for work, just for earn money and live. How naive I was.

>> No.2118245
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>so I decided I will do what I love
in the long run this is always the decision that pays off, even if you don't reach your goal

>> No.2118248

My uncle is 40 and jobless and a little bit fucked in the head from drug abuse. It's kinda sad because he had really good looks and you can see he would still look really handsome if he would get in shape.

>> No.2118258

30 years old and going crazy to find a way to make money. I'm a shit artist. I'm practicing every day, but who knows when I'll be something?

>> No.2118266

Yeah, I have some friends that went to college just to go the linear way to success. 5 years to get an office job they won't enjoy. My sister works retail in cosmetics, she learned the trade because it was convenient at the time. She has been complaining for almost 10 years about her work. Now she is getting her first child but all she does is still complaining about how she is getting fucked over at work, especially how she is getting treated as a pregnant woman. My father is a 52 year old jobless loser that still tries to sell me the few stories where he was decent at life, decent to me. He also doesn't know a word of the language of the country he lives 20 years in. He doesn't even fucking try. I also rip him a new one every time we play chess because he doesn't practice, fucking lazy cunt.

>> No.2118712


>> No.2118728

32, married, three kids, in the military.

I draw for enjoyment of it. If I get good enough I'll discharge tomorrow!

>> No.2118733

I work part time at an art supply store.

I add about 50% to that income with artistic pursuits.

I spend about 3-4 hours per day average either practicing or working on commissioned art. I wish I could do more, but I'm so easily distracted.

I live with parents, but can easily move out once I find a roommate.

>> No.2118736

Took me a while to get it. Had a good kek.

>> No.2118737

Find a part-time retail job.

>> No.2118738

midcity up in dis bitch

>> No.2118743

40 hours of work, trade sleep for more drawing/vidya time. Bills aint gonna pay itself!

>> No.2118757

>Just a hobby, I'd feel like a whore if I charged people to do what I like.

You lose.

>> No.2118764

Did various freelance for a while. Just signed a contract today for a steady freelance gig that should be enough to cover all my bills on it alone, never mind other jobs I can get.

>> No.2118770

What field do you work in?

>> No.2118791

I draw caricatures in a mall. Used to work in a theme park doing the same thing but I left because I needed a full time job. Now I make enough to finally move out of my parent's house.
I also do commissions here and there but I'm not good with networking so it's been pretty slow.

>> No.2118792

Didn't mean to quote you! Sorry.

>> No.2118830

Illustration for various things--rpgs, card games, mobile games etc

>> No.2118842
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>have lifeguard job
>7.50 an hour
>have second lifeguard job
>8.50 an hour, worked there for 5 years
>mom and dad complain that i'm wasting my time guarding
>put together a resume and do something like retail until I can earn a skill like typing over 50 words a minute.
>gonna save up 8k or 10k and move out to appartment with a roomie
>will have time to git gud instead of being yelled at

The dream lives on

>> No.2118885

You can't type over 50 words per minute?? Nigga how you usin the internet?
Good plan though.
Actually don't get a typing job you retard you'll completely fuck up your carpals for drawing.

>> No.2118909
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I want like an office job.
Typing fast and knowing excel is good

>> No.2118934

Part time isnt enough to move out in retail

>> No.2118938
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Neither is full time. I'm the 28 year old sperg that posted earlier. I make $12.44 an hour and frankly if I bought a house or lived in an apartment I'd slowly go broke. I mean, if I had a girlfriend it'd probably be just fine but I'm impotent so that isn't happening lol.

>> No.2118950

Okay, but you said 'finding a job is impossible'. Might as well save some money and work on your art skills at the same time.

12.44 an hour full time is totally doable. Do you live in New York or Norway or something!? You don't need a girlfriend to have a roommate: do you have *any* friends?

>> No.2118967
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>do you have *any* friends?

I have a lot of friends, but I don't want to live with a single one of them, no offense to any of them but it'd be the same as living with my parents if not worse in myriad ways. Why would I want to live with my friends and possibly lose our friendship over some stupid bullshit anyway? I've seen it happen way too many times to risk it.


I don't know, man. Monthly expenses

Rent/Mortgage: $700 min.
cellphone: $60~
internet: $50~
climate control (heating/AC): $100~
gas: $70~
water: $30 or some shit I don't know lol
food: $300~
car insurance: $65
electricity: shit I don't know like $50(?)
mandatory private health insurance (thanks, Obama): $200

plus miscellaneous shit like:

vehicle tabs
toilet paper, paper towels, soap, vehicle and home/apartment repairs, going out and doing literally anything other than sitting around with my thumb in my butthole etc.

I can't hack it bruh. I'm pretty close but it's just not gonna happen.

>> No.2119000

I just spent 30 minutes typing a reply that was pretty negative and realized that it was just bull shit.

I have a job and i have a car and i travel. I do live with my mom but will buy a house soon. I get in about three hours a day drawing.

I hear a lot of people saying that pursuing art has made them poor or put them in a tough situation.

For me it has been the complete opposite pursuing art seriously has pushed me from being a no life who ocassionaly sketched to a dedicated goal pursuing machine.

I only see things as getting better from here. If you are in a shitty situation just remember that no one is going to come save you. You have the ability to do anything you want.

Sure you can stay home and "neet" your life away drawing 10 hours a day with little improvement, no friends, no life outside etc..

or you can find yourself a job and do what you have to. pay for workshops, travel, get out there and meet passionate people like yourself who are going to push you forward to the next level.

>> No.2119018

im a camwhore and I only work 2 hours every other day. my expenses are super low and I take public/transit and cycle everywhere so I have more time than I can handle.

also I draw on the bus constantly.

>> No.2119019

You're never going to make it.

If you don't have the drive to sit there and do the work for 10 hours, but wanna call someone who does put in the time a "neet" Fuck you.

>> No.2119021

I thought about that before. A bus ticket is like $2.00 where I live and I think the same bus just sort of goes around in a big circle over a hour period or so. I could totally see myself using those as cheap life drawing sessions, you've inspired me to actually try it. Also as an added bonus I might get to see black people fight with each other for no reason in particular so that might be fun.

>> No.2119027
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...a-are u a grill?

>> No.2119028


chat with multiple people on fb, messager, or play an online game and participate in chat a lot. Guarantee you will hit 60+ wpm easily.

>> No.2119035


Yeah I mean, we spend so much idle time around potential models, only to get home and look up pictures of them..

>> No.2119051

I wish I was a girl to be a the biggest whore in chatturbate. Get pay for masturbate? easy cake brotha'

>> No.2119063
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>you will never cross paths with a 6.2+/10 camwhore on the bus while life-drawing an endless stream of weathered lower-middle-class negroes in their late-40s/early-50s


>> No.2119070

Take female hormones~

>> No.2119089
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21 year old, lives at home with parents, only has one bill at the moment, (phone bill) I make okay money off commissions. (9k profit last year, this year is going better) I am sidetracked by my emotions. I am depressed, at times, suicidal. If I could stop being dumb and set my head straight, I could hustle and male better money and a better life.

>> No.2119100

Are you me? Thats exactly my situation, except for the part of the commissions im still pretty novice to start making 'em... Wish you luck.

>> No.2119103

Pretty sure half the board fits that description. It's darn close to me that's for sure. Except I pay rent to live with family.

>> No.2119237

get back to fucking facebook human shitstains

>> No.2119243

I've found the easiest way to tackle depression is not staying up late, life gets a lot better when you aren't having a anxiety attack at 3am regularly.

>> No.2119388

Save up 10k, find a gig that keeps you afloat and cruise.

I want to save money and grind, but my parents are against me and really about to kick me out for drawing anatomy and not doing abstract 'nawlins shit

>> No.2119392
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>only see things as getting better from here. If you are in a shitty situation just remember that no one is going to come save you. You have the ability to do anything you want.

Thats some powerful words