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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 248 KB, 1500x1500, 1426471065050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2109355 No.2109355 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>2058032
Remember to always check the archives before asking a redundant question

>> No.2109360

linked the wrong one
this is the previous >>2067490

>> No.2109581
File: 133 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nm3iydeq9y1qk84mgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What books/videos I need to study and practice to draw, shade and paint like dave rapoza?

>> No.2109583

All of them

>> No.2109586

quit shitposting, jelly-anon.

>> No.2109589

Is this the new projecting?

>> No.2109594


>> No.2109598

How do I draw pretty grills?

>> No.2109602

facial proportions

if they're even BARELY off, it turns a pretty girl ugly.

>> No.2109631

You should study good values and lighting. So pretty much any artbook will work. Dave rapoza's render is pretty much something he developed during his studies.

>> No.2109650
File: 1.29 MB, 2550x1650, Dead-Space-3-Concept-Art-03-Isaac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I learn to draw armor by studying and copying armor I find rad? I got dead space artbook and I was thinking in copying the artwork, also a great way to study perspective, right? Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.2109660

I had sex yesterday and my only thought was that I'd be better drawing right now. Is it normal?

>> No.2109666

I'm currently saving up to get a portable drawing tablet. The four products I'm looking at are a refurbished cintiq companion 1, a companion 2 if there is enough different to make it worth it, a companion hybrid and a surface pro 2.

Does anyone have experience with these? Any thoughts?

>> No.2109669


Only if you're not a filthy pleb. Still, now you'll never join the elite ranks of those of us who power our art with virginity.

>> No.2109670

While that sounds really fun, I suggest studying the idea behind the armor first so you can get a glimpse on how it work , where it connects on some decals. and how it overlaps with the body.

Most concept artists derived their designs based on some real life outfits like night vision goggles, wetsuit, astronaut armor and what not.

sorry for bad english

>> No.2109671

I hear there's a lot of issues with the Companion. Do research on that.

Surface Pro 2 isn't a drawing tablet like the Wacoms.

>> No.2109676

but it can be used for drawing I've heard. especially for people that aren't professional like myself.

>> No.2109677

Show me your art, virgin

>> No.2109679

Yes, it can be used for drawing/painting/etc but it isn't made for it specifically. The Wacom stuff is made specifically for such.

The Surface Pro 2 is just a tablet PC that happens to have some Wacom in it. It's more so for casual drawing/light painting, whereas the Wacom Companions are portable Cintiqs. They're not the same kind of tablet you're thinking of.

>> No.2109690

Ok yeah, actually I'm gonna stay away from the surface pro 2 entirely. I forgot I wanted to play around with some animation and that's a no go. I would probably plug a companion into my main computer for that anyhow.

Do you know anything about the companion hybrid?

>> No.2109709

Ehhh, man don't give me that.

>> No.2109719
File: 19 KB, 236x262, snufkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kinds of styles are similar to pic related
something that has the appeal of anime but not anime
>have a fundamentals class soon
>have trouble drawing in western because I don't find it all appealing and like anime more

>> No.2109730

>anime but not anime
get out of your comfort zone weeaboo.

>> No.2109731

don't force a style. draw what's appealing to you and a style will develop naturally. ESPECIALLY don't fuck around with defining shit as anime and western. It does not matter where it's from, it just matters what it looks like.

>> No.2109750

How can I get a Professional Artist to refund me after a Patreon donation made my already overdrafted bank account sink into the whole even lower? He owe mes 35 dollars and I would really like that money back because half of my paycheck is going to go down the shitter thanks to now doubled bank fees.

>> No.2109774

draw what looks academically sound not what looks good to you.

>> No.2109882

Is it normal to have a brief time where everything you produce is shittier and takes longer than what you usually do? As if your skill level just plummeted by a year's worth of practicing?

Also how do I get into oil paint? All my traditional painting experience lies with cheap ass acrylics.

>> No.2109912

What was that material you could use to substitute for an intuos replacement sheet?

>> No.2110067
File: 105 KB, 620x364, firearms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come I need to look at cars to make armor? Can I use something else, like weapons or something like this? I tried with cars, but shit didn't click.

>> No.2110072
File: 1.11 MB, 1500x938, lamborghini-egoista-concept-front-three-quarters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I assume you're talking about designing sci fi armors? You can use anything to be honest, but I'd rather stick to cars, military vehicles and actual plate armor, as well as industrial robotics and general hard surface things.


I'm assuming the reason why people recommend cars is because the metal sheets on the outside are generally designed with a specific aesthetic where design meets aerodynamics and engineering. A similar goal to what you want an armor design to reflect.

>> No.2110075

tell me some mech artist`s name please

>> No.2110170

>drew face from imagination.
>don't know what to do for hair.
wat do?

>> No.2110199

How I apply reilly method to draw ANY head?

>> No.2110248
File: 95 KB, 960x747, GGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up different kinds of hair and draw it on the mannequin.
If you're working digitally, copy the mannequin head and draw a few different kinds to figure out which would go best with the face.

>> No.2110295

Its true though
There is no specific technique to get gud
I guess if you wanna draw like Dave Rapoza look at his vids but you won't learn to draw that way

>> No.2110389
File: 415 KB, 2100x2000, hairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2110397

>Want to make more progress
>Keep getting distracted by videogames, shows, and talking to people.
>try to cut myself off from distractions.
>end up going back to them anyway after burning myself out on art.
I hate it. How can I get better at a stronger pace if I can't keep focus on my art?

>> No.2110400

Become a NEET and never go outside.

>> No.2110425

Define the reason for wanting to draw in the first place. If it isn't a strong reason, then you are going to value other things more.

>> No.2110426

I think that would only make things worse.

>> No.2110490

Your best bet is to ring the bank and ask them to wave the fees on account of your stupidity/ being poor.

>> No.2110654
File: 1.89 MB, 320x245, 1408228871281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say I have a red ball.
Under white light, the local color will be the most accurate.
Under a warmer light, though, the local color begins to shift towards warmth and becomes a warmer red-orange, right? Does that mean that every shift in value on the side being hit by the light is warmly tinted along with the Red local color? Is there any point where the local color actually is its most "accurate" or "true" under this warm light?

>> No.2110736

How do I get out of that bad artist mentality where I'm afraid to start drawing because it will be bad so I just never draw ever? I've been trying to draw on and off for almost a year, but I've probably only drawn for like two weeks in total because of this and I don't really know how to get over it.

>> No.2110743

Just draw, don't try to care about anything. Doodle, for 15-20minutes straight. Every day. Don't study, doodle. Do this for a week. If you can there is hope. You can develop a habit of drawing every day.

Part of the paralyzing fear comes from a lack of drawing. You want to make progress everytime you draw. But, if you draw all the time there is not so much pressure. When you churn out tens or hundreds of drawings it is OK if half of them are shit. Drawing very rarely makes you care far too much about each drawing and makes the prospect of failure paralyzing. Draw more anon.

>> No.2110766

where do you guys pirate peter han's course?

>> No.2110776

Nowhere, there is only a workshop video(s) and that only covers 10% of his actual course and it's literally the same as the free youtube videos so don't waste your bandwidth.

>> No.2110797

Turn off internet

Or draw in a public location.

>> No.2110829


if im right the previous one was

the one you linked was the one before that one.

that said, thumbs better, i going to see if i like dragon more than typing replies, and i'm going to go through the last several question threads and answer questions that don't already have a halfway decent answer. so anticipate a several post long (DEAD) postlinking soon.

>> No.2110888

is there such a thing as a mouse with pressure sensitive buttons?

>> No.2110903

Not that I know of.... if you're asking cause you are doing digital and can't afford a tablet just use pencil and paper anon. Not worth the effort to learn to draw with a mouse, all that muscle memory isn't gonna be useful for anything other than drawing with a mouse.

If you want a pressure sensitive button mouse for something else, good luck to you.

>> No.2110913

i have a tablet. and i don't imagine a mouse with analogue buttons would be very good for drawing, but it sounds like something that would be fun to paint with.

>> No.2110948

A lot of people say to go to a cafe/park/public place and draw people, but I'm worried I'll creep someone out. Does that actually happen or am I being a paranoid autist?

>> No.2110953

So what if you creep them out?
You have a right to stare at people who go out in public. If they get creeped out, then that is just a consequence of you enjoying your right.

>> No.2110963

Hm, hadn't thought about it that way. Thanks anon.

>> No.2110972

Are there any resources out there which deal only with digital techniques?
Only the really technical stuff, stamps/lasso/effects etc which help the workflow and can help getting an image faster done.
Whenever I pick a tutorial with "Techniques" in the description they only ever talk about compo/color/rule of third of whatever.

>> No.2111004

Oh. Look up "photoshop basics tutorial" or something. You could also look at the stuff here under digital: http://www.ctrlpaint.com/library/
There's good stuff for workflow in there.

>> No.2111103
File: 26 KB, 264x379, 1383019297404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to feel like drawing beautiful faces as the hardest thing in the world?

>> No.2111339

I was thinking of quitting my shitty retail job and maybe giving art lessons for income. If I charge $30 a lesson I'd only need 4 lessons per week to pay my bills. How feasible is this? Anyone done something like it before?

>> No.2111409

It's normal to feel like drawing is the hardest thing in the world when you are still shit at it.

>> No.2111661

A couple questions:

1. When working digitally, is there a rule of thumb on image sizes for various stages in the piece? I know its not uncommon to start with a large canvas and scale down for the final piece. But what size canvas is good for sketching? Line art? Render? Painting?

2. What is a good way to get nice crisp line art? I've been practicing trying to do line art over some of my sketches I scanned in but it never ends up looking as clean as I'd like. I look at some other artists work and some of their line work is incredible, its almost vector quality until you zoom in to see the pixels. Is it some custom brushes or settings that I just haven't discovered or configured yet? Is it something to do with the zoom or canvas size that makes it easier?

>> No.2111668


not really

>> No.2111701

okay, this is a ridiculously stupid beginner question but here goes:
is there a generally agreed upon way of holding the pencil (or w/e) when drawing?
assume a piece of paper on a desk. wondering how exactly to hold it, also how to hold my hand - whether it's going to cause issues if my hand touches the paper while drawing or not, stuff like that.
i don't want to get used to a bad style while learning

>> No.2111772

Whatever size your computer can handle. Generally you want to work large enough so that custom brushes behave nicely. At low resolutions a lot of them are crap, and you can even get issues with aliasing. I generally start on a 3000x3000 canvas and might fill it with sketches at 25 or 50% zoom. From my experience it seems like you can get the best brush behavior if you're drawing on a canvas that's sized in a way that you never need to go to 100% zoom or closer. If you're ever zooming in further than 100%, then your canvas was too small.

Work on an extremely large size, then when you scale down for web your errors down actually show up. You could also use the pen tool, or a third party line stabilizer (Lazy Nezumi). Experiment with different brush settings to find something you like, and don't be afraid of undoing or erasing until things look good at the size that other people will see it (i.e., 25% zoom or so instead of judging it at 100% zoom).

>> No.2111774

Hold it however is comfortable anon... don't worry about this, there are arguments that will go around and around forever on how to do it. If it works for you to hold your pencil with your foot, then do that. Point is, draw, don't worry about this crap right now.

>> No.2111776

There's tons of resources you can look up online for hand grips when drawing. Just make sure whatever you're doing makes sense for the type of lines you need. If you're making large lines by holding your pencil like you're writing and bending your fingers, then something's off. Generally you want to hold the pencil on it's side if you want to vary line thickness a lot, and if you're drawing on a large sheet that requires you to move your whole arm.

A lot of it comes down to preference and the task at hand, but keep ergonomics in mind. Don't choke your pencil, and don't do exclusively wrist movements. Think about the long term health of your wrist. Take frequent breaks and stretch. If something hurts, STOP and figure out what you're doing wrong (is your wrist primarily in the neutral position?). Your fingers/hand/wrist/arm shouldn't hurt when drawing. Listen to your body.

>> No.2111845

What are some good digital painting teachers or lectures I can find on the internet?

I did the ctrl+paint ones and they've been an excellent start, but I want to try out different methods by different teachers and seeing which works best for me.

I'm fairly experienced with traditional drawing but I'm a total scrub when it comes to painting and photoshop. Any tips?

>> No.2111980

Sorry if this is a very dumb question. I'm new and I don't really understand the concept of what is meant by a "well constructed drawing". I see the term construction thrown around a lot and I don't really know what its referring to.

Can anyone try to explain it to me? Or if possible maybe show a side by side example of a well constructed and poorly constructed piece?

>> No.2112001

completely forgot about ctrlpaint, thanks m8.

>> No.2112004
File: 50 KB, 432x719, 1429227109622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit guys, I've started to feel some numbness in my pinkie and 1/2 of my ring finger. So I've been taking it easy with the drawing and painting, but now I feel like a lazy sack of shit that can't do anything!
I literally spend almost the whole day watching educational videos on drawing and painting, went outside for a bit, met up with a friend, but that was it!

I feel like it's just an ulnar nerve getting compressed, because it isn't my entire hand...but I still feel like it could develop into something worse. I've been doing stretches but it hasn't gone away yet.

How can I keep my art spirit alive without being able to draw or paint? Maybe I should get back into photography for a while.
I just love drawing so much though, and I'd hate to abandon it...I also don't want my skill to drop tremendously while on this 'break'

Any suggestions?

>> No.2112018

had this a few years back, was ulnar nerve. From resting my arm on my chair's armrest for hours each day. I always have a pillow under my arm when I'm working and haven't had problems since.

>> No.2112116
File: 49 KB, 642x683, 1430286222595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a drawfag since a very long time, but I've never once touched a computer for drawing. A few days ago at my birthday I've received a drawing tablet, and so I told to myself why not. I really don't know where to start though, I don't know what programs to use, how to use them, what useful tools they have, I know absolutely nothing about computer drawing, zero, all I know is that I'm sure there is more than just MS Paint out there. What programs would you people suggest for a beginner like me and do you guys have any tips about useful tools I should learn about said program?

>> No.2112224

Do you keep your arm straight with the pillow underneath? Or is your arm bent while drawing? What's the whole positioning?

>> No.2112347

I haven't drawn in a long time and I was thinking about re-visiting Keys to Drawing, however, I found the work to be really tedious.
Should I just move on, or read Scott Robertson's How to Draw book?

>> No.2112425

Anyone got Dave Rapoza folder including his old stuff?

>> No.2112435

If you aren't a bitch about pirating, Manga Studio and/or Pain Tool Sai are my recommendations. Manga Studio has a lot of technical tools like perspective rulers, grids, 3D reference models, draft layers. I'm sure you can do all that with Photoshop as well, but I feel it is more readily accessible with Manga Studio. Paint Tool Sai is less bloated with features but still strong and with everything you need to get the job done. It is something you can just open and start drawing shit in. Sai is pretty much what I always use when I'll be freehand-ing everything.

If you are, I only know of Gimp and that they made an old version of Photoshop available for free as well.

>> No.2112440


>> No.2112469

guise plise

>> No.2112490


>> No.2112821

I can't into proportions. I try using relative measurements, try lining things up together, make it all fit, but something's not clicking. I can spend extra time getting it perfect, but I want to at least make it look decent and not take up 80% of my drawing time.

Here's some outlines I did of some photos, to see if I could get everything nice and proper. What should I do to improve, getting better, and get faster at proportions and positioning?

>> No.2112823
File: 99 KB, 1232x849, TG6qYbg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.2112834

Perspective and anatomy. Learn how certain body parts are sized compared to each other like foot length is about wrist to elbow length and thighs are about crotch to collar bone. I draw a rudimentary skeleton as a base for most of my figures.

>> No.2112839
File: 40 KB, 355x500, 513vmHmxaVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dl link for this please

>> No.2112861

Can you guys post a good art schedule? Like the schedule of a good artist?

>> No.2112882

Is there a good book, or some other reference that goes into methods for doing this? Maybe even just a body part size cheat sheet just to get started?

I've been trying to use the 7 head method which has helped a lot, but there's something throwing me off and I have not seen any improvement in my work recently. I'm too shit to tell where my process is going wrong.

>> No.2112888

here you go

>> No.2112890

How I get an art friend? I want someone to draw with me. I don't mind if it's an internet friend. And before you say it, no, i don't have friends so i can't convice them to draw.

>> No.2112909

You get in on dat /ic/ skype group, brah

>> No.2113034
File: 225 KB, 900x1125, 1433462634738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question about line art:

What's the best place on a drawing to start your lines, on the arc of a curve or in a corner where shapes intersect?

>> No.2113041


>> No.2113055
File: 36 KB, 347x504, resize!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photoshop newbie here, how am I supposed to resize the colour palette panel? The resize cursor doesn't shows up at all, even if I dragged the colour panel out from the panel group.

Is there a hidden setting somewhere preventing it from getting resized?

>> No.2113060

download coolorus

>> No.2113157

What's the best drawing app for a tablet?

>> No.2113444
File: 9 KB, 300x142, faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mistakenly put this in the draw thread. Might be a better fit here.
I have a problem drawing small faces. As in, thumbnail size not actually small features. Say for instance I'm drawing a figure and I want to just put some placeholder features in - it usually won't resemble a human face. Give me a normal face and I'll recreate it 1:1 easily every time, but when it gets shrunk down I got nada. Anyone else encounter this issue?

What I think my problem is is that I'm not focusing on the shadow shapes and simplified features, so I took a bunch of portraits, turned the threshold on so its black, white, and readable, and tried studying those. Moved to traditional because using a pen on white paper just seemed to make more sense than fumbling digitally.

Pic related is a quick attempt thrown together for this post, though they're quite bigger than the size I'm having trouble with. Any ideas for similar exercises or ways to get through it?

>> No.2113674
File: 2 KB, 142x160, 41166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good way to learn proportions?
I'm so confused on how long the neck should be, is the sternum at the 2 head line or the nipples, how big should the pectorals be, how wide are the shoulders?

How long is the neck usually? 1/3 of a head?

>> No.2113687

Pick up bargue. And use your good sense.

>> No.2113812
File: 254 KB, 800x1000, Human-Figure-Proportions-Chart-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Cranial units. Masses separate more evenly and more definitively. Once you can understand the proportions of the torso, you can understand the rest of the body in relation to it.

>> No.2113822

What is /ic/s thoughts on cross hatching?

>> No.2113825

Only when I have Sai open, my tablets mapping works like it's on both screens.
Anyone know a fix?

>> No.2113845

It can look awful if you do it wrong, as with any method of shading. The general rule is to make it follow/describe the form.

>> No.2113889

Does anyone here have that webpage that talks about color theory? I meant to save it, but I guess I forgot.

I remember it had a little section on different materials, and for examples the artist rendered different shapes for metal, plastic, chrome, etc
and the shape looked like a breast-thing...yeah

Hopefully you guys know what I'm talking about.

>> No.2113893

can someone tell me what programs i can use to try to data mosh?

>> No.2113926

What kind of book would be benefical after Keys to drawing? I already did drawing on the right side of the brain, but I feel like that didn't help that much.

I'm a beginner who doesn't really have any concrete goal ( yet), I just want to be finally good at something, and drawing is something I've been wanting to try out. Thanks!

>> No.2113928

if you already understand the basics of drawing; contour, tone, perspective, composition and color. Then fuck it you don't need to read anything else just draw every day and build a visual library.

Plus you can read Bridgmans complete guide to drawing from life.

>> No.2113935

Thanks for the advice, but I realized that I'm the kind of person that needs to have assignments, projects to improve, otherwise I'd just doodle the same things lol. I was thinking about some figure drawing stuff, but I heard Bridgeman's name so I think I'll look into his stuff. Thanks again

>> No.2114014
File: 467 KB, 693x417, leap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is it ok to draw from reference? I feel like drawing from a reference is cheating, but when I want to draw I can't draw without having one. Is this a bad thing? I just wanna be able to draw from my mind sometimes and not always a reference. I don't want it to be a crutch.

>> No.2114029

Has anyone used the alcohol-based markers off Aliexpress as a cheaper alternative to Copics? Example: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1set-72-colors-Free-Shipping-Finecolour-Sketch-Marker-pen-alcohol-marker-color-pen-cheaper-than-Copic/32278534958.html?spm=2114.31010208.4.225.s5mUv8

I'm curious about the quality, replacing/refilling my skintone colours is getting expensive.

>> No.2114035

Is it a good idea or bad idea to start coloring in black and white and then put color over it?

>> No.2114051


>> No.2114088

Its kind of a misconception that using a reference is cheating. How else would anyone learn to draw something they haven't drawn before? You just have to learn the correct way of using reference, which is analyzing the subject matter and incorporating it into your drawing instead of just copying the photo directly.

>> No.2114093

It can be done, but if you don't really understand how color works it will probably look really bad. If you haven't studied color much before, check out Color and Light by James Gurney, and also look up color temperature.

>> No.2114120
File: 24 KB, 299x419, frown sokka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get better at gestures? Aside from practicing obviously, what train of thought do I need to be applying while I'm working in order to make sexy Matessi-level gestures?

In addition to practicing is it also a matter of continuing to practice long poses until anatomy becomes more 2nd nature so I can focus more on the flow and directional force of the form and not so much whether or not things are place in the right spot?

>> No.2114124

i have just about no idea about art whatsoever and am looking for educational podcasts or documentaries, art history and stuff like that.
i'd prefer audio material since i'd like to listen to it while doing dull physical tasks.

any recommendations?

>> No.2114151

That was the other one, but thank you anon!
I found the site:

>> No.2114198

one thing I've found has helped me is to sculpt. I occasionally sculpt a face in e.g. blender, and then apply proportional editing to it, which allows me to completely distort parts of the face and create very "extreme" facial expressions. Similar thing with rigging (makehuman to generate human with bones + blender for rigging.) It's pretty fun too.

>> No.2114250

Maybe learn the parts of the spine and how things work in relation to it.

>> No.2114488

Is there a flow option in Paint Tool Sai like in Photoshop?

>> No.2114555

i have trouble drawing things facing the left?
is this something that can be overcome with practice?
also, i often see on here that in order to master stylization you need to master realism, but does that mean i need to be able to copy anything from life or...what?

>> No.2114567

1. Practice. Just draw shit facing the left more often... You'll get it.

2.The way I see it, style comes from life drawing. No shortcuts. If you want to establish your own unique style, stop looking at other people's shit, and start drawing from life. A good analogy is the book analogy. When you read a fiction novel, YOU are imagining the world, YOU are imagning the characters, YOU are imagining the entire universe. This vision is yours and yours alone. YOU came to the conclusions and YOU put everything together in your own unique way. Style is channeled when you draw from your visual library, and that visual library is fortified through life drawing. YOU can draw your own conclusions from what YOU observed, and that no one else has imagined up until this point.

Trust me. Just start off simple like a pencil sharpener or something...then go to dogs, horses then humans. Whatever feels right to you. There is no race.

>> No.2114743

I always feel like I absolutely NEED to tell a story in a piece...Then I get so wrapped up in creating the story that I start to lose steam.

I don't get it guys, I want to draw/paint cool shit, but putting characters on a blank background just seems lazy/lame to me?

I want to make something really cool, and I know I can do it, but I just consistently lose steam and I just end up dicking around in my sketchbook.

What are some ways to start pumping out portfolio pieces with some sort of structure?

Any suggestions?

>> No.2114796

I think even something as simple as a portrait can tell a good story. How about focusing on something really simple, like just a face, but imagine a very complex story behind it. Then try to capture all of that in your painting. It may sound cheesy/like a copout but every picture you draw or paint is like the story of your thought process. So even if you dont intend it, there is a story in everything you draw.

>> No.2114847

bumping, can anyone answer?

>> No.2114886

Construction is like the wireframe of the final work.
The key focal points, positions and sizes of important visual elements and their relationships to each other. Pretty much the planning that goes into it.
If you fail to construct, you can make big errors that will mess you up later. Like wrong placement of facial features or a gaping negative space that you didn't plan for.

But I've seen the word construction used here to refer to the underlying skeleton of figures/objects, like its 3D form. Usually you can tell which definition from the context.

>> No.2114900

How do I tell somebody that they suck without hurting their feewings? This person draw like they're in the 4th grade and they get nothing but praise.

>> No.2114988

Be nice about it. Don't be an asshole.

>> No.2114989

Did anyone else start out with their tablet doing horrible trial and error strokes? My pencil strokes are usually pretty good, I can get the lines I want quite easily. With my tablet though I often find myself hitting "undo" upwards of 10 times to get a stroke right. Is this normal or am I developing a bad habit early on? And is there a good way to get better with a tablet that is less trial and error based?

>> No.2114995

Are guidelines necessary for smaller cartoony sketches?

>> No.2115103

The only way you learn from the real world is by remembering it. You remember it better if you're fucking staring at a photo of it. All that matters is the end result.

Drawing from your head only comes after drawing from photos/life well.

>> No.2115115

Hello friends. Today I did Betty's upside down drawing but before moving on I would like to do a couple more. I feel my measurement of lines was all fucked up and I had a tendency to 'straighten' the image. I believe a large part of this was because I was very familiar with the image and was hoping /ic/ could provide some examples of good line drawings to use for another shot at this activity.


>> No.2115256
File: 92 KB, 980x447, opacity-flow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any reason to set flow (as opposed to opacity) to pen pressure? The way I see it I just lose sensitivity and control. Trying to mitigate this I set flow to 30%, and that gives me some control back, but then I'm getting this banding effect when I try grading a surface.
Pic related is my test, all done in single strokes.

>> No.2115313

Not necessarily /ic/-related, but I'm going to ask anyway.

What is a good diet that is cheap, easy and gives you the energy to concentrate for the longest period of time?

I'm asking because I had a shit diet since college and I felt really fucking tired and unable to concetrate for the last 8 months and I don't know where to start...

>> No.2115320

How long should hand endurance be for a beginner? I've been drawing with my tablet for maybe 2 hours and my hand/wrist hurts pretty bad. Is it just because its not muscles and stuff that I'm used to?

Does my endurance get better the more I practice each day? I ideally would like to go for 8 hours a day but right now it doesn't seem doable.

>> No.2115331

for those certain custom brushes

>> No.2115335

if you a line take a look at your penis

>> No.2115336


>> No.2115346

are you chicken scratching? or are you making your arm/hand too tense when it should be calm and flowy?

>> No.2115352

Do the stretches every 30-40 minutes, try adjusting the tablet placement and chair height.

>> No.2115354


I'm not a line, nigga. If you a line post pics.

>> No.2115360

Not chicken scratching (was trying to do clean line art over some of my sketches) but my hand/arm was pretty tense while drawing not that calm or flowy.

Thanks I'll try that.

>> No.2115555

Do I need to be devoting 100% of my attention to lectures? Dumb question but I'm having a hard time managing time between learning and actually drawing.

>> No.2115578
File: 107 KB, 1210x670, dielectric-metallic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know what happens in real-life, it's a complex question and depends on many variables. A rough categorization is:

- dielectric materials
- metallic/conductor materials
- complex materials (multi-layer or subsurface scattering materials)
- exotic materials (anisotropic (brushed metal, silk, velvet, hair), phosphorescence, fluorescence, polarized, whatever)

and there are four main ways light can interact with a material:

- specular
- diffuse ("shallow subsurface")
- fresnel
- complex (subsurface ("deep diffuse"), multi-layer paint etc)

Dielectric materials are e.g. plastic. If you have a light with a given color (e.g. white) and a blue plastic probe, the light will reflect white, as this light just scatters unmodified right off the surface. The non-specular parts (diffuse) of the surface will be strongly tinted in the objects base-color ("albedo"), this is due to the light actually penetrating the surface and scattering around before re-emerging.

conductors are e.g. gold or bronze. These materials absorb the light completely and then re-emit it at an atomic level. This means the light gets tinted with the materials albedo color both for specular and diffuse.

In short: tinted highlights = metallic look, light-colored highlights = plasticy look

Some materials are a combination of the two, e.g. a metallic material with a super-thin plasticy coating. In that case you can get a mixture of the two.

There is also stuff like subsurface scattering, which applies to skin. Here the light travels around a substantial distance inside the material and picks up color from underneath the material (e.g. red.) softens transitions substantially and gives light/dark transitions a lot of hues and extra warmth (in the case of skin).

fresnel is the type of highlight you get when light hits at a very grazing angle ("rimlight"). It always has the lights color, no matter what the material.

>> No.2115854

You are a literal god
This stuff is like brain-candy for me, I can't get enough of it.
Is there anywhere you can find all of this stuff being explained? I've read through Color and Light, but that really just talks about specific occurrences in light, and doesn't really talk about the materials themselves. Does Robertson's book cover this stuff?

>> No.2115962

not him, but look up marmoset's articles on PBR (google it)

I'm a 3D artist who does a lot of texturing/shading, if you're interested in how we think about material definition check out some 3d forums and such.

>> No.2115972

Neat, I didn't know any of that.

>> No.2115974

Can someone lead me to Light and Color by James Gurney? Google is not giving me good results.

>> No.2116020

Check the art book thread anon... searching the whole board is useful.

>> No.2116049
File: 233 KB, 1286x746, Versus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What really is the difference between these two books? I don't have Robertson's book, but I feel like they cover the same subject, no?

>> No.2116086

Honestly I don't know of that many good resources. Most of what I know about physically based rendering is from the siggraph courses/course notes and implementing it myself in videogames, but the siggraph course is very math-heavy and basically only focuses on the physics side of things, not at all on the artistic side of things. Physically based rendering was still pretty new then, maybe there are more resources available on it now.

One thing I would always recommend is to play around with a reference-renderer like e.g. blenders cycle (which is free, and many free material libraries are available for it.) It allows you to explore material effects in isolation, e.g. you can make a material that is purely diffuse blue and have a red light and see what happens.

I can't really say as to whether this will make you a significantly better artist though. Understanding things like microfacet surface models, subsurface scattering, indirect lighting and such definitely gave me a better understanding of how light works in general, and makes me think more actively about it, but I mainly learned about it because I was interested in 3D rendering and the physics of light, I wasn't doing any painting yet at that point.

>> No.2116087

what does it mean when a painting has good or values? What's the difference between a painting that has good values and one that has bad values?

>> No.2116109
File: 23 KB, 693x758, tfw novidya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the verge of downloading my favourite MMO and clock 24hour/day on it.

Please convince me not to, there's so many art gains to be had. /ic/ please.. Tell me it's not okay FUARK BREHS

>> No.2116176

Why the fuck would you waste you're time playing video games?
Fuck man, waste your time by going outside or working out.
OR waste your time drawing and having fun.

>> No.2116214


You won't get anything out of it. You'll spend all that time playing it and you'll leave empty and unsatisfied. There are countless other ways to have fun that don't leave you with nothing gained. If you have to play something, make it something you can at least complete. Play a regular RPG, or a regular action game that can be finished and put down. Something you can do for a couple hours here and there that's not just going to addict you for an indefinite period with an insatiable lack of fulfillment. I don't understand people who fall into this MMO trap, or grindy bullshit in general, it's like a donkey hanging the fucking carrot in front of it's own face and running after it like a retard.

Don't play video games with addictive mechanics. Don't eat too much junk food. Don't do drugs. Don't sit around watching television. Don't laze around on the internet all day. Draw. It's fun, it's productive, it has personal and social value, it's fulfilling and emotionally satisfying, there's a chance you could even make it profitable, etc. You have this fantastic ape brain that can override your urges. You don't need to jerk yourself around like a fucking mindless insect following impulses. Think you fucking mongoloid. You want to draw, so pick up your fucking crayons and glitter glue and go at it.

>> No.2116220

I mean, that's pretty pathetic.

>> No.2116242

>mfw ive already played 2 hours since
Thank you for fucking my shit up. I was really getting stuck into it but I feel really stupid now, for acting on impulse like that. I forget sometimes I'm an adult and needing others to tell me this is pathetic, yeah. Uninstalled it, and calling it a day. Thanks for keeping me right, based cunts.

>> No.2116262

Im serious when I think you're honestly pathetic

>> No.2116276
File: 1.42 MB, 282x199, 1408876995988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what
go back to your little game.
No one cares, you're an adult now, make your own decisions.

Just remember, for every hour you waste just playing video games or internet browsing, is an hour wasted getting to that master level of drawing/painting.

So, waste your day away. By god, just go fap and fall asleep to wake up the next day and do the same thing.

Where the fuck is your purpose.
This is your wake up call.
All you have is two dates (date of birth) and (date of death)
Only you can decide what happens in that little hyphen between these dates, because that's all you have.

John Smith
19xx - 20xx
Do you really want that hyphen to mean nothing? Go outside, make yourself into something HUGE.

If it's hard for you to draw, then do something else. Change the world for all I care. Just stop being so fucking pathetic, holy shit.

>>2116262 is right.
You don't deserve to get gud unless you pick up that pencil and start drawing NOW.

You can do it.
We can all do it.

Pic fucking related, that's me right now.

>> No.2116303
File: 37 KB, 443x294, adsfasdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are photoshop lines supposed to look like this? Why aren't they clean strokes that taper

>> No.2116406

Poorfag here. I only have enough money to buy one: scanner or tablet?

>> No.2116420

depends. what do you wanna do?

>> No.2116426

draw stuff and put it on the interwebs. Can buy the other one next month though

>> No.2116431

Look up "Photoshop shoelace".

>> No.2116432

I made a design for a hoodie that my friend wears and it caught the attention of a local baseball league. Now they want me to make some logos for them, but I have absolutely zero idea on what to charge.

>> No.2116435 [DELETED] 

Just google for "photoshop shoelace problem" or something like that...

>> No.2116438

>draw stuff
tablet. a medium size one. get the best one you can afford, cause that things last forever.

a decent camera + photoshop works better than any scanner, unless you've got to scan a ton of stuff

>> No.2116444

Are those chinese ones from Amazon gud?

>> No.2116471

Assuming you're competent and they have the budget for it: $50/hr. Try not to go under $30/hr if you can. You may want to quote them (rate)x(time estimate) instead of telling them the rate.

Be sure to factor in time spent on communication, drafting a contract, and handling revisions.

Have a contract signed before you begin work but after negotiating and finding out the complexity of what they want. Make sure you set a limited number of revisions, and that any revision after the fact is charged extra.

>> No.2117350

Can anyone give me quick pointers on drawing male vs female faces in terms of proportions? Just a few big bulletpoints (jaws wider/smaller, cranium more narrow etc)

>> No.2117532
File: 90 KB, 705x607, 1356626376481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Left pendrive at college
>With all my work in it
>Will get it back tomorrow at 4 pm I guess

What are some studies or something I can do in 4 hours? Anything useful for an artist, gesture or whatever, I don't want to feel like I'm wasting time tomorrow morning.

I'll read this when I wake up.

>> No.2117622
File: 149 KB, 500x608, CANT WAKE UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2117638

Study a master you sperlock

>> No.2118474

How do you motivate yourself?

I've been grinding a lot and people do say that I have improved a lot, but there are times where I feel like it's too painful to pull through, and I can't even draw anything in a day. I don't know how many times I think about quitting it these past few years, but I somehow manage to persevere each time. But I want a more consistent way to fight off those doubts and insecurities, like when you're up alone in the middle of the night, trying to justify practicing art.

How do you do it?

>> No.2118494

Well you are climbing uphill, but what is at the top? Do you have any idea?

>> No.2118999
File: 164 KB, 480x360, eustace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you have bound to the buttons on your stylus? what's most useful?

I'm trying to wean myself off keyboard shortcuts and use only the 8 buttons and 16 hot cells on my tablet

where can I go to read more about keybind setups and workflows?

>> No.2119095
File: 104 KB, 160x214, smugcrimsonking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I want to draw I find myself at a blank and need to look for a reference to get myself drawing. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.2119852

Hi /ic/
I didn't want to make a new thread for my feeble request;

I'm trying to design a logo for my band, and I've drawn it on paper, and got it all designed, but when it comes to digitizing it or creating the image in Adobe Illustrator, I just can't get it to come out right.

Do you all have any advice, or a simple guide for doing this sort of thing?

I even tried scanning it, and trying to just clean up the hand-drawn image, but that didn't work well, and it wasn't neat and precise the way i want this to look.


>> No.2119858

On my stylus, I have Alt (color picker) and ctrl+z (undo, duh). That's just because color picker is a huge part of blending for me, and undo is useful as shit.

For workflow, I believe there's some stuff on ctrl+paint about actions (which could prove useful especially with limiting yourself to hotkeys)

There's nothing wrong with using your keyboard, though I understand not wanting to reach over for it all the time.

>> No.2119862

Maybe. You mean you just pick a reference and draw it? Or you need to find things for inspiration? Because those are two very different things.

Either way, try art prompts (there are a few good generators for those online) or reading through a book and drawing a scene that really sticks out at you. Using references after you've figured out what you want to draw is fine, by the way.

You should scan it, clean it up, then use vectors if you want something very clean and easily resizable without fucking up. Vectoring is easy to do once you learn. Look up a tutorial on youtube.

>> No.2119865

okay, clean up, and then vector it, okay, let me try it that way.
I did that auto convert or whatever it was called option in Illustrator a few times, but I couldn't get it to come out just right because of some slight variations in the thickness of the lines from my pencil.

I have a thinkpad tablet that I purchased SOLELY for digital drawing a few years back, and this is the first time I've really tried to use it, I've been wanting to draw straight into illustrator, but I can't get a flat grid to come up so that I make sure I have everything evenly spaced, the grid is always 2 or 3 dimensional, like with a vanishing point and such

>> No.2120322

As someone's who's still relatively new in art (still under a year, almost no experience in digital painting) is it worth while to do studies of anything difficult?
I mean I don't expect them to hurt or anything, but is it worth the time invested?

>> No.2120334

Depends on your end goal. If you feel like you are wasting your time studying human figures if you want to do nothing but landscapes, then no need to force yourself. However many of the basic ideas are building blocks regardless of what your goal is. Don't shirk from your studies because they seem too hard, don't look for excuses to avoid something you know you need to do.

>> No.2120413

What's a good, detailed resource for learning about values?

I got 3 value/color theory tutorials off gumroad, and they're all basically 2 hours of "this is how I paint, idklel"

>> No.2120611

don't try to learn digital art with a vector-editing tool like illustrator, inkscape, xara, ... It is much more difficult and will slow down your learning process significantly.

>> No.2120615

it will also teach you some really bad habits.

>> No.2120642

Yeah but he was trying to make a logo. Is there a vector program that's good for beginners ?

>> No.2120710

You should really be doing studies of simple subjects (a ball, cone, bottle, apple, etc) plus one fundamental (perspective, values, color)
You pick a fundamental, you stick with the simplest form/subject possible, then as you get better you do more complex ones. Then you get to move on to the next fundamental, start over from the simplest to more complex.

You'll get to the point where you can do more difficult things, but it's honestly difficult enough without throwing complicated shit in there. Start simple, get your eye trained for values, and slowly move up to more interesting and difficult things. As you do this your technique will get better too.

>> No.2120723

okay thanks, I just asked because the simple things are a bit too easy but the complex things are taking a bit too long.

>> No.2120772

for logos, any vector program works (illustrator, inkscape), ..., but you should not attempt to actually learn drawing or painting that way. If logos is all you want to do, illustrator, inkscape, xara et al are fine.

>> No.2120879

this is probably a really stupid question, but when you painting without outlines and there's an overlap of the same color with almost no change in value, how do you differentiate them without going into minute details of the thing?
would it be acceptable to just throw in a random glows/shadows just so you can differentiate them?

>> No.2120906

If they're objects that benefit from being readable separately, then you should change the values on one or both of them. This is something that should be planned out in advance with your composition/value thumbnails. If you have a medium gray object on a medium gray background, and you want the viewer to actually notice that object, then something needs to get lighter or darker as a whole.

>> No.2120927

Are there any general rules about hue and saturation and light/shadow?

From what I saw, light means desaturated, and shadow saturated, but I checked in some (digital) paintings, and I see light behaving kinda random with h/s/v, like a yellow light adding yellow to the color of one lighted surface, but actually subtracting it from another within the same painting.

Is there some tutorial or book or anything that lays this out plainly for an autist like me?

>> No.2120942


Check that post out. Other than that, I think it's probably a good idea to just go to town with the color-picker on photographs and 3D renders to see what's going on in real-life, then you can emulate it.

>> No.2120952

Why is there so much shitposting on ic? Also, how can I push myself to actually finish a drawing (lining and color).

>> No.2120957

Find something you like and copy it.
like personally I love anime art, it might not be the best for gitting gud, but it helps to build motivation doing what you like while also letting you practice your fundies.

>> No.2121323

I'm just trying to make a logo for my band presently, but duly noted anon

>> No.2121329

Any opinion on Huion tablets?

I'm just looking for some device to dick around , hobbying and stuff.

How are the drivers, futureproof?

>> No.2121331

they are decent, but apparently styluses (or however the fuck do you spell that) are quite fragile and their nibs wear down fast though

>> No.2121339

Ah allright, well, decently sized ones go around for about 55 Eu so that doesn't seem a problem, i'm just worrying about Windows 10 support.

>> No.2121545

How do you guys set up Photoshop when you want to do a study?

>> No.2121557

I have a shitty tablet so sometimes the pressure doesn't work or the pen get's spastic or instead of drawing something curvy it jump cuts to a straight line. It's very annoying and i'm tired of restarting my computer.

>> No.2121564

i want to put something on my tumblr again, but as usual i'm out of ideas.
is there any particular thing or motif you guys like to make for your blog? like a theme, certain ways of depicting certain things or whatever.
except for plain fanart i mean.

or to put it more simply: how do you guys approach the problem of not knowing what to draw?
and don't tell me to wait. knowing myself, i'll never do anything if i wait.

>> No.2121566

I like to listen to music and often many ideas pop out from that. I think a goid source of ideas is to explore other forms of expression. So music, read books, watch movies and so on.

>> No.2121567

have you tried reinstalling the tablet driver?

>> No.2121568

I just scribble a bunch of random shit then turn it into something. You can usually find something in a giant ball of scribbles, it might be stupid but at least it gets you drawing.

>> No.2121574

scribbling and drawing isn't really the problem. it's more about making something presentable for the blog. i also just often upload sketches, but i don't want to do that all the time.
i want to attempt something more finished.

so basically try to get myself inspired through outside sources? i'll try that.

well if everything fails i can still do fanart kek

>> No.2121597

Why do people hate Sakimichan so much? Personally, I'm a bit envious of the 55,000 shekels he rakes in every month.

>> No.2121610

Try again friend.

>> No.2121616


>> No.2121640

Limit yourself. Describe your story in three sentences or less.

The story is part of the design of the work.
>A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

>> No.2121651


>> No.2121666
File: 1.46 MB, 2130x1478, Question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I continue, Is this good practice? I am not too sure. I am trying to deconstruct popular art into its basic forms to understand how they connect and such.

>> No.2121694

Nice trips, Satan.

It's OK but if you don't understand anatomy and perspective/forms very well you have a good chance of running into a problem with copying over another artist's mistakes, or stylistic choices without understanding why they made them.

Try it with figure drawing, or try drawing those characters freehand at least. You can trace to figure out construction but honestly once you've got an understanding you need to stop and move on to doing it yourself.

Study anatomy though, seriously, it helps so much with understanding why someone simplified something in the way that they did.

>> No.2121706

Either: 1. drawing and ref in PS but with the windows pulled out onto the screen rather than tabs, 2. one monitor for PS and another monitor for ref, 3. use pureref to keep the ref up without opening in PS, 4. Place ref in file on a different layer and draw next to it.

Whatever works for you though brah.

>> No.2121735
File: 121 KB, 1028x1210, frank frazetta bw thechessmenofmars III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tips or ways to draw a figure without ref with a strong sense of movement and gesture?

>> No.2121738

well by scribbles I mean make an underlying structure with scribbles then refine it later, the scribbles just gives you a subject matter.
Fro example if I have a bunch of lines and decide its a dog jumping through a ring of fire, I can take those lines as the underlying gesture and construct the dog around it and continue from there.

>> No.2121779
File: 258 KB, 1342x852, ss+(2015-06-14+at+03.31.38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The line of action, from the top of the head to the tip of the toe, is tilted in a dynamic pose and more or less vertical in a static one

>> No.2121798
File: 42 KB, 800x781, 1424742526453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm in a bit of a moral dilemma:

I have an old "friend" who is putting on a play, who just recently commissioned me to do 10 paintings. He is going to use these paintings as set pieces, so they are pretty big (24x36, 20x30, 30x40, etc)

Problem is, we haven't agreed on a price yet, and every time I bring it up he always tries to change the subject, or says "we'll figure it out later" which is a huge red flag.

I haven't started the paintings yet so i haven't technically lost anything, but I just found out that his play is on AUGUST 1st, which doesn't give me much time. (he wants the paintings to be fairly detailed)

I don't want to screw over his production, but so far he has been very flaky with me (constantly changing his ideas, not being entirely clear about price, etc) so I don't know if I should just quit or ask if the size of the paintings can be reduced or what. Because I have the potential to get a lot of money here and this is an opportunity for a lot of people to see my paintings. I want to quit but I'm not sure if the publicity is worth the time and effort or not.

tl;dr: an old friend of mine just commissioned me to do 10 large scale paintings that are due at the beginning of August, but as much as I've tried to talk about the price with him, we never get anywhere. What should I do? Has anyone else ever been in a situation like this?

>> No.2121816

What's the most profitable art field? 3D animation?

>> No.2121818

>learn 2 gesture
>learn to basic forms
>draw a lot of figures from imagination
>study dynamic artists
>apply knowledge

>> No.2121846

It's a little suspicious when a person you haven't spoken to in a while contacts you out of the blue for a job. Either you were the only one they thought could help, or he might use your "friendship" as a way to lower the price.

I also doubt an audience would be interested in 3 small (2' x3' is pretty small on stage) paintings instead of the play itself. Unless the play revolves around the paintings themselves, I really don't believe exposure would be as wide as you're telling yourself.

>> No.2121847

I just reread that you were commissioned for 10 paintings, not 3. And the sizes for the others might be bigger than you mentioned, so disregard my second paragraph.

>> No.2121850

look at naked ppl a lot its gross

remember what shapes go where with mental notes, you can do it champ

>> No.2121861
File: 52 KB, 448x419, 1339785881533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commisioning 10 new paintings for a play
>10 of em
>fucking 10 paintings
he´s got fuckall idea what he´s doing and what this shit usually costs
alternatively, he couldnt find anyone he could afford with his budget, and is trying to jew you
in any case he will try to pay you with a keg of beer or "a favour" or some shit

I also bet he´s the kind of guy that will blame others when his play dunks, and will try to guilt you into not demanding payment

Get in touch with him tomorrow and set the price per painting, on individual basis. Never in bulk, you drive the price way down in accepting a singular payment for the batch.

Also I bet you that faggot will try to drive the price down to a hundret bucks or so for all 10.

>> No.2121867

To add to what >>2121861 said

>I have the potential to get a lot of money here
how do you even know? have you discussed even a ballpark estimate?

try to gauge if you can reasonably finish 10 paintings in 2 months, including revisions. you have to up front with him. if you don't think you can do it, tell it to him straight, because otherwise, in the event of some catastrophe or delay, he will probably blame you. or tell him you can guarantee only a certain number of paintings.

and get a contract, something in writing with signatures.

>> No.2121892
File: 185 KB, 900x707, Ludek Marold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I able to get strokes that resemble like pic related with just a hard round brush, soft round brush and a chalk brush or do I need to have a custom brush for this?

>> No.2121902

you need really advanced knowledge of how to use filters and masks to replicate that kind of look. i'd recommend browsing cgpeers for tutorials on replicating oils in photoshop.

>> No.2121906

Thanks man, I'll check the tracker list. I find myself always gravitating towards liking art like this but since I work with only digital it's hard for me to achieve.

>> No.2121907

For anyone that uses clip studio (aka manga studio) what's your preferred brushes? I was going through the default ones today and I haven't really taken a liking to any of them. Is there anything like the hard and soft round brushes in photoshop that I'm just overlooking?

>> No.2121914

no prob i like that aesthetic too

>> No.2121920

Yes you can get that look with just those brushes. Ignore the other anon.

>> No.2122001

when do you stop drawing cubes in perspective and start drawing people? best way to go about it? book reccomendations n shit. i do love drawing my cubes though. its been a real kick getting the perspective right. can't detail em to real objects for shit though.

>> No.2122026

>when do you
whenever you want. its just harder and more time consuming.

>> No.2122032

so what is the best next step. i would rather learn better than just struggling like i used to. hence why i juat do cubes in 1 2 and 3 point perspective. i feel and know i an still very much at the beginning

>> No.2122056

start from a study and then move on to doing it from whatever. start with basic b&w values though.
Honestly working on basic shapes are too easy, you use it to get the basic blending and shading, but afterwards you should just move on to real shapes.
If you really want to though, you can work on concave shapes (like cups or things with holes in them) or you can work on overlapping values of multiple objects.

although on second thought I just realized you were talking about perspective, but the same things apply, if you really think humans are too hard, use some strange shapes rather than basic cubes (something like instruments for example) so you get the hang of overlap within the same object.

but honestly just draw what you want, its better to draw things you like while applying the foundations and lessons to those things than forcing yourself to do boring exercises over and over again. They have their purpose, but once you complete that purpose move on.

>> No.2122062

Is cardboard good to paint with watercolor on?

>> No.2122064

while i really want to draw the cyber punk themed world in my dreams i also really enjoy seeing me get better. i'll stick to what im doing but try to do more. get the b&w values down and make overlapping objects. then move to more complex shapes from there. i guess im trying to reach being able to sketch a basic city land scape. i should do that and people though. you're right. i should stick to what i enjoy. after all thats the entire reason i wanted to learn it was to enjoy a new hobby outside video games.

>> No.2122075

Cities are just squares with more squares on top of them.
Even if you think you're bad, remember that art should be fun. Take a break sometime and try to create something you like while keeping your lessons in mind. It might look like shit, but it let's you get lots of practice while moving toward your goal.

>> No.2122176
File: 133 KB, 273x294, 2015-03-21_050332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I meant like when I feel like drawing but nothing is coming to my mind, so I scurry to my ref folder to find something to draw. Like, I want to be able to draw but I find myself needing a picture/pose to draw from. I can't work independently.

>> No.2122187

Dont matter what you look like, dont matter what you wear, how many rings you've got on your finger, we dont care

>> No.2122239

Does anyone know where I could get a collection of portraits for reference?

>> No.2122345

youre too focused on the fundamentals rather than actually having fun when you draw. sure, if you draw a body perfect then youll feel rewarded at the end, but its quite stressful to get it right when youre ACTUALLY drawing it. just chill out, put on some nice music and pick something fun to draw. or you could try collaging which always helps me get creative and shit

>> No.2122827
File: 344 KB, 2960x2246, 1429202646372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the feet equivalent guide from this man whose name you should not mention beacuse it creates a storm every single time?

You can imagine what it's like trying to find it by google.

>> No.2122829

its basically the same as the hand but the metatarsals are bigger and the toes are nothing like fingers and the overall shape is more triangular than rectangular.

>> No.2122836

google images

>> No.2122890
File: 1.48 MB, 3500x2332, untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started on the Hampton videos posted in another thread, and them being course-like going week by week, should I spend the whole week on each video? As in doing nothing but gestures going from the first video for a week before moving on to the next? Alternatively how do I know when I should be moving on from one thing, say gestures, to the next stage of the course?

>> No.2122901

look at real feet nigga

>> No.2122921

>gets shit for free
>can't think for himself

This is why I never fear baddies helping out the competition.

>> No.2122927

Are there any tips for 2d animation? I have been coming across issues with easing in and out. Once I finish keys and extremes, I seem to have problems understanding Breakdowns/passing postions.

>> No.2122929

Not really a question whether I can make a decision myself and move on whenever I feel like I should be moving on or not, as that is obviously what I'll be doing unless there's a fairly objective point where gestures should be at. I just feel like I'm bad at judging that myself. The question was perhaps more directly 'are these gestures decent enough to move on to blocking out shapes, or are they way off'. I can of course fuck off and just be the judge myself, but there's a question thread up - so I take advantage.

Getting it for free or not feels irrelevant, no need to bring your salty ass here to deflect onto others how much money you wasted going to art school as now you just spending your time on /ic/ all day.

>> No.2123036


OP here. Here's an update:

I talked to him about his budget, told me it was "nonexistant lol." I dont think this guy understands what the word budget means. After prying a number out of him I find out that he is willing to spend "around $150."

$150. For 10 paintings. ALL TEN.

I politely declined.

He throws a tantrum, saying that I'm "really fucking [him] over," insisting that I could simply "whip out some stuff for [him]! Its not that hard!!"

And HE'S the one getting screwed over... heh. okay...

>> No.2123089

Wow. Thanks for the update. I'm so glad you didn't get involved in this crazy mess.

>> No.2123107

Mind sharing those vids?

I've been looking for them for weeks

>> No.2123118
File: 365 KB, 1163x1599, 1434422952206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the right place to ask how to print a picture properly?

I want to print attached (which isn't mine), but my printer renders the shadows as solid black, removing all the light shafts and such. I tried cranking up the contrast and brightness, but that didn't do anything to the shadows.

>> No.2123127
File: 21 KB, 531x471, 1424358200703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a quality printer mang. Also if the image is rgb its going to keep coming out like that.

>> No.2123128

Image or printer? Printer is CMYK, Brother MFC-5890CN.

>> No.2123133

Image, if its a jpeg it probably rgb

>> No.2123168

So, if I look at the file properties and it has nothing in the 'color representation' field, what does that mean. Alternately, if my most advanced image-editing program is paint.net, how do I tell if it's CMYK or not?

>> No.2123217



>> No.2123417

Photoshop cc 2015 is out. Did it break anything for anyone after upgrading?

>> No.2123925
File: 1.20 MB, 1329x750, 2 pure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ic/ think of TVPaint as animation software. Should i try to become proficient with it? Is it worth it?

>> No.2123929

Also, another question
How does one know whether or not they should start studying painting?

>> No.2123984

>using sketchup to plan out complex perspective
am i a hack for doing this

>> No.2124030

How do I politely turn down critique?...
I'm having a real hard time not upsetting the person ... my format right now is "Thanks, but not sure if that's right for me" or something like that... Pretty sure they get butt mad cause they either unlike or stop talking to me after that..

I don't wanna ignore them.. or say Yes I'll do that then, never do it. ..

>> No.2124035

Do they say that you should do something, instead of just pointing out what they think could be improved?
You can just accept the critique and not do what they say. If they expect you to change your art according to what they say no matter what, then they have problems. The final decision is up to you the artist, and no one's opinion is more important than your own when it comes to your art.

>> No.2124038

I don't want to come off as ungrateful... or 2good4crits.. I usually accept the majority of constructive criticism levied at me, but what do I say to people who try to be helpful but their 5 minute paintovers don't help at all?

>> No.2124072


Just say thank you.

>> No.2124092

I have a question regarding commissioning artists for drawings, hope its ok to ask here.

A couple of month's ago I asked an artist on deviantart to draw me a commission after finishing a differant picture for me.

He said he was busy with some other projects at the time, but thyat he was interested in my idea.

After not hearing anything from him for a month, i asked him if he could give me status update, he said he had to finish up some things and if I could send him my idea again.

So after not hearing anything for another month, I send him a note on his profile page, but he doesn't send anything back, so I use his email to message him.

He says sorry for not messaging and that he's been busy with other stuff.

So my question is, how do I handle something like this politely? I just want one last drawing from him, then I'll be out of his hair.

Do I ask how many commissions he still has to do? Do I ask how busy he thinks he is going to be? And for how long?

I understand he's a human being, who has a social life and other things going on as well.

But Its kind of tiring to keep getting messages that get my hopes up, only to not hear anything back from them for weeks on end.

>> No.2124163

What drawing/painting software does /ic/ use?

>> No.2124168

krita, if that's too complex for you, mypaint

>> No.2124207

krita is too complex and mypaint is too simple. I guess I'll start wasting away with krita.

>> No.2124235

That's it ? just.. Thank you?..
Alright.. thank you.

>> No.2124248
File: 150 KB, 914x827, ss+(2015-06-17+at+10.07.59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I smoothly move into blending and painting detail after blocking in initial colors? Without butchering what I've already laid down.

>> No.2124254

krita is not really that complex, watch a few tutorials, and you'll be up to speed quickly. If you come from photoshop or corel painter, you'll probably feel at home fairly quickly.

>> No.2124265

New layer

>> No.2124269

Just ignore them, don't respond.

They might have done that paintover because they truly wanted to help you, they were stupid and were talking out of their ass, or they were jealous of you, and there is no way to know. You can't approve all of them.

Or if you think their crit is valid but you don't agree, explain why. Sometimes this help them see your art in a new way they didn't consider before.

>> No.2124275

>So after not hearing anything for another month, I send him a note on his profile page, but he doesn't send anything back, so I use his email to message him.

I wouldn't even have gone this far tbh
It sounds like he is not interested but doesn't want to tell you outright. And in the event that he is interested, he is treating you with disrespect and unprofessionalism. Either way, time to find a new artist.

Do I ask how many commissions he still has to do? Do I ask how busy he thinks he is going to be? And for how long?
Just to hammer that nail in: don't. Don't contact him anymore.

>> No.2124276

don't say it to us you autist

>> No.2124304
File: 15 KB, 236x306, 1092a90ab649974a3fe0aa82ef9748c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What book is it?

>> No.2124315


Guess I will have to do that then. Its a shame though.

He said he would get back to me and he loved my idea, but Its annoying having to wait so long for a response from someone.

Plus I'm never sure how long one should wait before asking for updates from people, I don't want to come off as being pushy.

But thanks for hearing me out, i feel a little better now.

Has anyone else hear had this kind of experiance?

>> No.2124324

Most people I see who do commissions professionally, announce "commissions open." All you should need, really.

So I assume you are dealing with someone who just sort of does them on the side sometimes. As someone who does commissions myself, they can be incredibly taxing and a huge cause for procrastination when one lacks discipline/professionalism. It's not uncommon when you commission hobbyists and find that they have not even started your commission a month later.

Even if he liked the idea, his mind doesn't want the burden and will just reject it if you try to push him to do it. It's not something personal, it's just how the brain's psychology works. He also had the integrity of declining instead of taking your money and procrastinating. Don't feel bad, and as the other guy said, give other artists a chance.

>> No.2124493

maybe loomis' "figure drawing for all its worth"? The page layout looks a bit like it, but I don't recognize the page as such and I don't have the book at hand right now.

>> No.2124496

Those look like Reilly rhythm lines on those figures, so I'm assuming the book is by one of his students.

>> No.2124516

Yup looks like the reilly method. As far as I know there's only a couple of books on it. It's more of a hands on approach, as in, it's easier to understand when you see demonstrations rather than trying to teach yourself. Jeff Watts uses the reilly method and I think he gives handouts akin to that.

>> No.2124518

Mastering Drawing the Human Figure From Life, Jack Faragasso.

First result on google image search (with download link)

>> No.2124729

yo niggas I need a pretty girl to draw. hook me up pls.

>> No.2124933

How do I color without relying on the color picker?

>> No.2124938


No, for real - I wanna improve my skills with anatomy and stuff. I want to get an own style. I want to improve and I think the best way is it to first build up on that what I can do- I know I should draw at least each day but I don't know where to start on. Is the best way to study anatomy by drawing human bodys (those nude
pictures) ? And is there some helpfull color theory stuff ?

Also an someone recommend me a nice flat-brushset? (photoshop)

>> No.2125008

Get relevant books and start working through them. Keys to drawing if you're still at the beginning, figure drawing if you're a bit more advanced, etc etc.

Work through the book, do each exercise a few times over.

Work through multiple books

Work at least 4 hours on your drawing every single day

Think critically about your artwork and how to improve it, compare it to others

Do studies, draw from life

After a month or two, you'll see major improvements.

>> No.2125178 [DELETED] 

>Keys to drawing if you're still at the beginning

Will it teach me how to draw from imagination? That is all what I care about but I don't know if being able to draw from life is the first step towards that.

>> No.2125183

>Keys to drawing if you're still at the beginning

Will it teach me how to draw from imagination? That is all what I care about but I don't know if being able to draw from life is the first step towards that.

>> No.2125188

drawing from life is the first step to drawing from imagination.

Right now, if you're drawing from imagination, your stuff will come out plain and symbolic. Drawing from nature will allow you to appreciate and train an eye for the incredible amount of details and variation things have.

You can then later use that understanding when drawing from imagination, and recall tiny "bits and pieces" of texture, shape etc from your experience from drawing from life, and fit it into your drawings.

I don't think there is any other way to do it, really...

>> No.2125192

Alright. Did anyone read keys to drawing here? It says to spend a certain amount of time on the drawing but I am always done in less than half the time even though I am not rushing. For example it says to spend 40 minutes drawing one pepper. I just can't find enough details to draw it so long and I lack the skill obviously to make a super accurate drawing which would take so long. I can only draw lines and one shade of shadows and no texture. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.2125194

It's fine, I think the author shoots a bit on the high-side with his estimates in order to not make slow people feel bad about themselves.

Just do the exercise twice as often.

>> No.2125210

How do I know if I did the exercise right? There isn't always something I can compare my drawing to. This is what worries me when learning on my own without an instructor.

>> No.2125213

compare it to an actual pepper?

>> No.2125220

But as a beginner my drawing will obviously look off. I just don't know how off it is allowed to be.

>> No.2125226

>I don't know how far off its allowed to be
0. it shouldn't be off at all. that's why you're going to work on it until you get it perfect.
>its good enough
mentality is how you end up in a deviant art horror story

>> No.2125234

But if I was able to copy it perfectly in the first exercises then why would I need a book?
Is there a place somewhere where beginners share their results from the books they read?

>> No.2125238

anyone have tutorials or advice regarding drawing various fabric textures? what i had in mind was like loose knit loops

>> No.2125242

Honestly I didn't read the book so I'm not sure what it says but.
>if I was able to copy it perfectly in the first exercise why would I need the book?
you honestly don't need a book, you copy, compare, then fix in the next try. That's how you git gud, books are useful because they give you some help on how to construct things and common mistakes, but there's no short cut for drawing until you understand. The best exercise is
>draw X
>compare to X
>why doesn't your drawing look like X?
>repeat step 1
and just do that until it looks like what you want.
the main help other people are is that they can tell you what is wrong if you have no clue, but finding it yourself is better.

also post in the drawthread/beginner thread if you need help with a drawing, but don't think that because its a book exercise that means you don't need to do it multiple times.

>> No.2125259

why doesn't your drawing look like X?

This is probably like asking how to walk but how can I copy what I see? How do I make sure that my hand draws the proportions properly? My drawings always look distorted. I try to follow the line of what I want to draw with my eyes and put it on paper and estimate the distances between lines but it all ends up looking wrong.

>> No.2125264

Can I get a book that is based on cartooning, but has roots in what stuff looks like in real life? I find that cartoons have helped make my drawings looser and more expressive, so I'm just looking for things that show maybe caricature, facial expressions, actions, etc.

Speaking of action, should I get Hogarthe's Dynamic Anatomy book for poses/foreshortening?

>> No.2125268

its just mileage.
I'm assuming you have less than 200 hours spent (actively) drawing. its just something you learn to do the more you do it.
If drawing peppers is boring to you, open up google and draw little anime girls, but at this point in time its more that you just don't have the mileage built up to put the lines where you want them.

>> No.2125291

don't sweat it too much. Usually he describes roughly in the text what it's supposed to look like and/or what the exercise is supposed to achieve, so try to figure out based on that whether you achieved the thing the exercise was for, and if you have the feeling you did not, just re-do it once or twice, then move on.

>> No.2125293

(for instance in the "draw your hand with your fingers level to your eyes" exercise he explicitly states that you are not expected to really draw something that is resembling your hand at that point)

>> No.2125336

holy shit how big is that canvas

>> No.2125808

Quick guys
Does anyone has that pic that says if you wanna draw animu you have to be able to draw realistic, and shows a russian academic drawing?

>> No.2126197

Is there anything I can watch/listen to that would help me improve in general?

I have a unique situation with work where I'm able to have something playing while I work, but I can't actively be drawing or anything. So if there's some kind of video or audio I could have on at work that would contribute to my improvement, I'd love to know.

>> No.2126637

If I were to emulate those nice clean traditional pencil sketches people do on digital, I would turn size pressure on right?

Kind of a dumb question.

>> No.2126760

I'm starting acrylics; so far I've got ultramarine blue, cadmiums red and yellow, and titanium white. Is anything else actually necessary?
Art books talk about their favorite umbers and siennas and various secondaries, and I'm just thinking, "Can't I just make those with what I have?" Does buying benzimidazolone orange or whatnot grant me any extra benefits outside of sheer convenience?

>> No.2126818

I've been having some strange issue with Photoshop lately.
When I fire up Photoshop, Task Manager usually says I'm using 90,000k in Memory. I open a 500 MB file (I work huge) and it balloons into 1,500,000 K and sometimes asks me to close Photoshop to regain memory. I find this odd because this hasn't happen before. Any ideas on whether this is normal or how I can reduce it?

>> No.2126931

How does one learn to paint like Ruan Jia? is it all just hard fucking work or is there some concept behind the way he paints? Also if someone happens to have some step by step pictures regarding Ruans work i would be more than happy if you could share them with us, godspeed

>> No.2128183


Paintstorm, only $20 too

>> No.2128184


in thumbnail size it does not matter if the face sucks. thumbnails are only to get a broad sense of the concept. dont waste your time on it (the thumb) more than 15 minutes

>> No.2128194


get rid of those centipede dividing lines in the legs and torso anon

you only need a few strokes to show the angle not a wireframe in 3d