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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 147 KB, 2048x1542, 1493309_694895350638585_4827306178080969116_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2105557 No.2105557 [Reply] [Original]

levelup edition

>> No.2105587

his neck grows longer every year

>> No.2105600
File: 64 KB, 920x429, 1410128654957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2105625

well there was some kind of improvement at least...

>> No.2105633

I can't tell if there's much improvement. The difference seems to be mostly related to the medium.

>> No.2105653

What's so cringeworthy other than the neck's length?

>> No.2105672

Is it bad that I find the left one to be way better?

>> No.2105679

Naw, i agree with you, except the left one is definitely skewed all over. It has a more distict style and expression, The right one looks generic and dead eyed.

>> No.2105851
File: 1.03 MB, 1314x2557, 1424138174217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2105883

Lmao enjoy your ban faggot

>not knowing this is the other ban-able photo besides saki's patre0n one

>> No.2105888

They both look awesome.

>> No.2105935

Whatever the case, changing IP isn't very hard.

>> No.2105954
File: 494 KB, 1115x905, yyw01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you drawing long-neck paper-flat androgynes?
Study more real human beans before you start stylizing
>pic related, an androgyne-man style but done with more depth and understanding of anatomy

>> No.2105960


Is no one else going to point out that it's still MAY? How did she get a progress shot from da future?

>> No.2105979

It's already June.

>> No.2106013

Why even make such a useless post? How dumb do you have to be to conclude that you're talking to the author of those drawings?

>> No.2106070

Holy shit

Holy fucking shit

>> No.2106081

Ugh..............Reading comprehension much?

Do you have any more of these ? :/ reminds me of some Good Korean stuff..

>> No.2106103

Why would he get banned for posting that?

>> No.2106105

It's furry and anything commission-related is banned on /ic/
That picture's censored though, so who knows

>> No.2106117

>anything commission-related is banned on /ic/
What? Since when?
Requests are banned but wtf is this about commisions all of a sudden

>> No.2106128

Haven't you noticed all the recently deleted threads that involve Patr30n or P4yPoll?

>> No.2106139



>> No.2106149

>Why are you drawing
This is what you said. Clearly you think that OP's image is drawn by OP, even though there is no reason to think that.

>> No.2106152
File: 29 KB, 866x784, 1431987140063.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's furry, but it's posted sarcastically.
As for petreon threads most of those where Sakimichisan/Kron hate threads anyways, who cares if those get deleted, they never bring anything of value to the board.

Mods on /ic/ have been lenient towards things furry/pony related as of late (mostly on the porn threads) so long as it's posted for art related reasons and not furry culture.

>tfw mods on /ic/ are more chill than those on other boards

>> No.2106178

>Making yourself feel better by laughing at others

Isn't 4chan supposed to be 18+ ?
Should you draw instead of acting like a dick?

>> No.2106211

This chinese overpopulated shit again.

>perfect technique
>misses the point

>> No.2106340

>a year later
>still draws gay looking fuccbois

>> No.2106364

this dumb ass /ic/ wannabe artist again

>can't draw for shit
>thinks HE knows the point

>> No.2106506

Probably because the artist is a girl

>> No.2106512

>softass airbrush

Fucking pussies.

>> No.2106513

why do girls like androgynus males so much?
It doesnt make much sense from the evulutional standpoint

>> No.2106515

Girls going through puberty and going through their experimental phase are into androgynous guys. That and they haven't graduated high school so they haven't been with muscular, actually handsome men yet

>> No.2106517

Because they are cute.
Not all girls like them. Some girls like hairy bearmode guys, others like lean V-tapered gym rats, ...
I can't wrap my head around people liking chubby, though that probably makes sense biologically.

>> No.2106806

>evulutional standpoint
thats not how evolution works. but if you want your pseudo science answer (not that evolution is pseudo science, but the topic of modern evolutionary trends is) its because men who are successful nowday and in the past have a more clean and feminine look because they don't have to work at hard labor and instead make their living (and usually a more successful living) off their intelligence and skill. Therefore more successful men will appear more feminine and be the better choice to breed with.
Of course this isn't exactly how evolution works but its a part of it, same reason people find pale fragile women attractive despite the "more fit" choice being a strong and large woman.

>> No.2106821

Most women like Chads.

Feminine guys are smoother looking, less threatening, they are usually smart and polite (due to their physique and upbringing) so they are the better choice for a world we live in now

>> No.2106844

The level of your lack of understanding of evolution is amusing and bewildering.

>> No.2106851

>art majors trying to talk science.
Evolution means Jack shit for humans nowdays. Evolution isn't some "omg he's so attractive I'm so wet" thing. It's that people who breed with people who can't make it die out. Since even retards and people who can't protect themselves are still raised to full growth survival of the fit is no longer applicable to humans in the biological meaning of the word.

>> No.2106908
File: 245 KB, 1918x1025, sidebyside DK glare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's older because rarely do I go back over something I've drawn once before.

I've been working at digital art for years by crawling along, it's only been recently that my capabilities really improved.
(And getting more ambitious.)

>> No.2106917

It's the same lard, sorry son :\

>> No.2106924

I think it actually got worse, but its hard to tell because its bad for different reasons.

>> No.2106927

you gotta be kidding me. That is not two years of improvement. Reevaluate how you're learning asap.

>> No.2106935

Nope, thats about two years of difference. I started actively sharing my work and listening to what friends were recommending.

Not shown is the two year transition of trying different ideas.

>> No.2106948

>what friends were recommending
Stop that immediately

>> No.2106952

> not actually art major, have B.Sc and M.Sc.

Sexual selection is a thing too, it's not just about basic survival, that was not my point.

The issue with his interpretation of how evolution works is that he thinks a phenomenon that only has existed for an blink of an eye in the large picture of evolution has any actual influence on the psychology of women today.

The period of time for which civilization in general and manners and education (which he puts up as favourable traits) in particular have existed is at least two orders of magnitude off to be at all relevant in any discussion on evolution.

Of course there are many many more problems with the argument, for instance it is not at all proven that having good manners nowadays leads to a higher chance of reproducing or being successful in general (I would expect there to be a negative correlation, i.e. having good manners gets you less babies), or that the original point that women reproduce more often with andros is even true (as opposed to them just liking to draw them.) But no point even discussing these really, when the fundamental point is not even in the ballpark of being correct...

>> No.2106953

Your only friend should be Loomis hommie.

>> No.2106956

oh I thought you were actually quoting it from some deviantart page.
its shit, you're shit, and your friends are shit. just stop and start from the start. drawing a fucking rectangle.

>> No.2106957

Whatever they've told you, probably start doing the opposite of that.

>> No.2106958

Seeing as I hang out with other artists, NO.

They would try something, I would take their idea and put my spin on it.
More often than not, it wouldn't work, but I learned something.
>Something to be said over the people saying I should stop.

>> No.2106963

>anything commisson-related is banned on /ic/

but anon thats wrong

>> No.2106964

You really do need to re-think your learning strategy, that is not two years of improvement, if that's any improvement at all. All you've done is added some shading, which doesn't work at all because you don't seem to understand color theory and what shadows are supposed to look like. You've just drawn a bit of pillow-shading here and there with no discernible coherent light direction. The 2012 one works much better because while the shading is not better, it has less.

Your choice of color palettes and hue varation is also terrible. Not only is the palette for this image atrocious, the colors are also completely flat and do not vary at all throughout the body.

Your linework also seems to somehow have become worse. In the 2012 one you have some basic tapering, in the 2014 one all your lines are dead.

>> No.2106966

>hang out with other artists
no you don't.
>but I learned something
and it left absolutely no impact on your skills. don't put your own "spin" on things until you actually can draw the base drawing correctly.

>> No.2106972

to add to this, proportion-wise you are really nowhere near a skill-level where you should even worry at all about colors or painting. You need to learn basic drawing first, proportions, perspective, mastering your pencil and lineworks.

Any painting you do right now is basically just a waste of time comparing to how fast you could improve by improving your drawing.

>> No.2106980

actually, I take back what I said about the shading in the 2012 one not being better, it actually *is* significantly better. It's somewhat hard to read, but the shadows coming from the light-source are somewhat coherent.

Also, his facial features look *much* better in the 2012 one.

>> No.2107018
File: 32 KB, 702x374, line rules example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved from the 'dead' lines because I would look at the digital artists that I admire and I noted the lines are smooth, not wobbly, with the lines smoothed out, so did the varied line width.
>Not the first time I've heard a complaint on my line width recently.
Pic related: this shows up in all of my work to keep the lines in check that way I don't go vearing wildly off.
>Use to use 7 pixel width for lines, dropped them because the lines were to fat

Color theory... humm... I'll be back in a bit.

Since both are based from the same pencil drawing, certain issues simply could not be addressed. I suppose I could redraw it with the new resources I have available.
>If I cared enough to revisit it...

>> No.2107052

dead lines means constant line width. You do want variation in your line-width.

None of the lines in your example image have good quality, consider using a better program or brush (krita & mypaint are both free and have excellent inking brushes, such as ink_tilt_20)

http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/066/6/0/digital_inking_red_monika_by_delaronde-d3b5jwx.jpg see for instance how much the line width varies here. Particularly pay attention to where her arm merges into her torso (armpit.) Lots of line width variation.

As I said, you are nowhere near currently where you should worry about colors and painting, really, just focus on your drawings and work through loomis, villpu or whatever.

>> No.2108158

>tfw I'm scared I'll turn out like this

>> No.2108276



>> No.2108280

The turtle man does exist, LOL

>> No.2108593

Probably 14-16 year old girl. Still learning. Has potential.

Literal autism. Possibly an adult. Won't improve. No potential.

>> No.2108754

AND I AM an adult, unless you consider 36 to be a teen or something.

>> No.2108760

People this delusional exist?

>> No.2108816

>other artists
Judging from your drawing I bet they're just as autistic.

>> No.2108817

>sperging out like this at your age

>> No.2109146

Things are looking pretty grim for you if you keep up your attitude. That's the thing that will hold you back, not your shoddy art skills. Your delusion is the only thing that is hurting you right now. You're pathetic. 36? Oh my god

>> No.2109171
File: 2.52 MB, 1880x984, mymumtoldmethatimtalented.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it's supposed to be a cringe thread but anyway. levelup thread. will i ever stop sucking at this rate?

>> No.2109191

this is a troll, right

>> No.2109193


>> No.2109199


>> No.2109213

Can't really tell from this alone. Do you have any more examples of your progress? I don't necessarily think the right one is a "level up"

Both pics have their own weaknesses. But try not to fall into the trap of thinking that looking more 3D = better. It often can, but it's not a hard and fast rule. Also, if you want to show depth, that can be achieved with lines alone, if you have strong drawing skills. Just don't limit your possibilities. Just try to find the best way to convey your vision.

>> No.2109224

to the left what i did one year ago, to the right what I did recently. but keep in mind that I started using references not long ago, and thus all the old ones are made from imagination. the guy I posted earlier was also made from imagination, as i thought it would show if there's a progress this way.

>> No.2109225
File: 308 KB, 2560x1080, hntmyup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.2109227

You're getting better but you've still got a long way to go.
There's genuine progress in your case, at least. Keep it up.

>> No.2109235

The progress is much clearer now. And 1 year? Wow
I think the forms are much stronger in your referenced paintings, but that dudn't carry over completely to the skeleton guy. But I think you are on the right track. I think doing that mix of imagination and referenced pictures is the way to go.

>> No.2109296

thanks a lot.

>> No.2109459


oh shit I'm done for then lmao

>> No.2109493

Does anyone know what kind of brush the person is probably using?

Looks like the typical rectangle brush, but with the wet edge? Slight chalk texture?

>> No.2109699

That habsburg jaw lol

>> No.2109756


>> No.2109814

Question, what does autism on here have to do with Art Skill? People always throw around autism here and there when it refers to lacking social awareness or empathy, but autists seem to draw from mediocre artist to overly-competent attention hyper-detailed artist. Just how does Autism effect ones art anyway?

>> No.2109816
File: 2.85 MB, 1116x1518, 2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in a previous thread before but Level Up thread right?

>> No.2109819
File: 3.92 MB, 1357x1789, 5 13 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 years and half a dozen notebooks later
Yeah I haven't leveled up at all.

>> No.2109829
File: 3 KB, 180x160, 1418182624531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tards accidentally posting their cringe and calling it "progress"
this tickles my pickle

>> No.2109846

you've gotten worse
stop your "muh style" shit

>> No.2109861

I think you swapped the pics on mistake, the "after" is much worse.

>> No.2109878
File: 293 KB, 800x582, prog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my progress... man fuck DA and all tht digital shit man it fucked things up

>> No.2109990

nothing changed?

>> No.2109994

I think there's actually been some regression.

>> No.2110017
File: 136 KB, 1001x750, 6-14 to 5-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alisa was June of 2014
Applejack was about a week ago.

Looking through my old stuff makes me cringe so hard. I wonder if I'll feel as bad in a year about this as I do about my stuff from a year ago now.

>> No.2110102 [DELETED] 

Duuuuudde. What are you snorting? Can you hook a nigga up?

>> No.2110116

I know they are different media but gosh the left one is going somewhere nice with those lines. It got lost in 2015 unfortunately

you actually want that to happen, it's a good thing. that's a lot of progress, and i think you have a cute style to begin with.

>> No.2110117

>weird alien bug with a chainsaw
okay I can dig this
kill yourself.

actually decentish progress though bad lighting though.

>> No.2110118

> no spoilers
I'll go kill myself too.

>> No.2110126

Please go away

>> No.2110128

Where is this?

>> No.2110249
File: 485 KB, 1600x900, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well

>> No.2110263

Really nice. Share some tips? How'd you go about painting these?

>> No.2110280

If it makes any difference, (It doesn't), the before was drawn just copying and looking at things. The after is trying to draw completely originally without any references to go off of.

>> No.2110442
File: 1.44 MB, 3200x1800, p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude.
The tighter ones with color I do it like
>make color palette(warm to cool)
>path the sketch(different path shapes for sharp transitions, i.e. windows/wheels/hard edges)
>paint in with a soft brush, use consideration of light source (closer to light source-warm, surfaces more perpendicular to eye-less reflections)
>paint background with some muted color with indication of light source.

lots of it is just experience though, on how to handle light sources n stuff.

here's a more recent sketch, I'm trying to just use lasso to speed up the process.

>> No.2110496

You both wrong.

People, man or woman, like what they are used to see.

Show 4'1'' 200 pound noseless men everywhere to your daughter since the day she born and the girl will grow wanting some 4'1 200 lbs noseless man for the rest of her life.

>> No.2110576

partially true, but this conversation was over 2 days ago.
lets just laugh at the autists in good fun.

>> No.2111351
File: 115 KB, 1252x824, ultranigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gave me aids

>> No.2111367

The amount of perspective grinding that you've done to get to this level alone is worthy of respect.

>> No.2111391


>> No.2111420

Why geometry is all broken? Is that on purpose?

>> No.2111423
File: 372 KB, 3447x1542, progres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2111428
File: 56 KB, 960x628, 11350589_10200385021065553_4416647479055579841_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 years
levelup is such a great group

>> No.2111435
File: 98 KB, 747x599, 1426018606639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2112010

geometry as in perspective?

Perspective warping is used for extra drama in the sketch.

Wheel stancing is the part of that. Since if you draw your cars to perspective, the rear wheels look like they are turned inwards, and that make the car looks like it's not sitting well.

>> No.2112113
File: 997 KB, 1600x1277, SRW_002_gallery_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geometry as in whole object geometry. Perspective, symmetry, ellipses, etc.

>> No.2112373

Yea. Scott Robertson's stuff is more of entertainment genre. Used to draw like that too, but it lacks drama. It's important to start with that, but learning to exaggerate was very important.

>> No.2112505
File: 88 KB, 617x385, Made in april the 17th 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True beauty.

>> No.2112509
File: 127 KB, 392x598, fag 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was made in June, 2015 by the same artist.

>> No.2112531


>> No.2112812
File: 194 KB, 1200x837, 0-2-37-1_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah whatever, keep repeating what teacher tells you. It will all come up when you'll be making your first clay model without anyone's help. You'll end up designing bodykits at best.

>> No.2113077

thanks I suppose. I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.2113379
File: 278 KB, 900x500, lvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine.

>> No.2113773

Upper, from the deepest hells of 2009
Down, May 2015.
Improved a lot i guess.

>> No.2113775
File: 159 KB, 512x816, b&a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upper, from the deepest hells of 2009
Down, May 2015.
I like how i'm gettin better.

>> No.2113870

I don't know.

>> No.2113871

can you repeat the question?

>> No.2113910

I read that in a cute accent to avoid getting angry

>> No.2114021

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.2114054

ur not

>> No.2114096
File: 158 KB, 1125x563, aymalo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left is from when i started drawing, and the right is the latest digital things i drew

>> No.2114136
File: 746 KB, 798x950, levelup i hope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left 2012
right now

my old shit was so low res jesus

>> No.2114139

that's all you have to show for SIX YEARS?

>> No.2114253

the dinosaur was actually cute, you suck now.

>> No.2114298

>my capabilities really improved

>> No.2114346

Ignore this guy >>2114253
Eh, you probably know how much better you've gotten without anyone telling you. Just great improvement overall, colors, shapes, values, clarity, etc.

>> No.2114351
File: 32 KB, 354x436, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copy that

>> No.2114365
File: 326 KB, 660x1001, IMG780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was writting a book about them so, didn't put enough effort on draws

>> No.2114368

jesus fucking christ, please stop posting that

>> No.2114370

Man that is scary, those eyes are dead.

>> No.2114372
File: 110 KB, 1627x744, Draw This Again Meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, its not an honest 4 years progression. I only started taking art seriously about 7 or 8 months ago. still I couldn't lie so I made the comparison and noticed how cringe inducing it really was

>> No.2114384

How about you don't draw on lined paper? Also those fucking eyes and mouth, it's horrifying.

>> No.2114449
File: 437 KB, 1488x560, redraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this a few times before, but w/e.
I'll make one of a smaller year gap later.

>> No.2114495

Nigga you need loomis, and shading ability.

Work smarter not longer.

>> No.2114516

Is that Guts?

>> No.2114520

Pretty edgy

>> No.2114525


>> No.2114636
File: 652 KB, 1656x1316, improvement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty colors

>> No.2114674
File: 792 KB, 1200x1800, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't color for shit

>> No.2114696

That apple looks good, anon. Study more.

>> No.2114960
File: 102 KB, 1174x615, yeah good luck with that buddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admire this guys self-confidence.

>> No.2114965

wow thats actually pretty impressive though 8/10

>> No.2115127

Mouth is strange

>> No.2115178
File: 308 KB, 1506x1496, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was such a weab when i was 13, fucking chinese cartoons ruined my life. managed to turn my life around though, working to get into entertainment design these days.

>> No.2115211

It's a woman lmao delusional 3DPDs

>> No.2115287

Found this gem while looking for a tutorial on drawing a person's head thrown back.


>> No.2115309
File: 463 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2116482

Nice work

>> No.2116498

Meh is still shitty but not quite...
The perspective is fucked up.
Just step out of Tumblr and study the basics a bit more.

>> No.2116536

Delusion isn't exclusive to a sex, unfortunately.

>> No.2117214
File: 325 KB, 1600x1034, alice-progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I've fucked up the neck proportions as the Op's picture, just didn't notice while drawing

>> No.2117246
File: 102 KB, 1297x690, P1010973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i have some advice please?

>> No.2117247
File: 135 KB, 1333x1000, 1415599398824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god.

>> No.2117250
File: 57 KB, 523x720, P1010973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2117259

this is really cool, get good at perspective and draw cool machines.

>> No.2117261

Advice: stop

>> No.2117264

i'm not a really fan of drawing machines but i want to try practicing that too!
thanks for your comment!

>> No.2117343
File: 128 KB, 248x231, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.2117372

Are you okay...

>> No.2117380


>> No.2117392
File: 713 KB, 1012x696, idiotototot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2117421

i like

>> No.2117511
File: 288 KB, 823x408, head_shots___aiden_and_thorin_by_vershmer-d56be71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to uni with this person. God help me. She thinks she is amazing, but her art style has not changed for over 5 years now.


>> No.2117524


>> No.2117545

why the fuck is this even cringe?
the more recent drawing has great perspective and gesture and overall is a great illustration compared to the older drawing.

>> No.2117546


>> No.2118018

I hate that the shading in the newer one is blue, it gives off the wrong atmosphere and seems like you just go to blue as a default shade color.

God damn, your old art gives my eyes a headache from all those bright colors, 9/10 glad you upgraded your art. keep it up.

>> No.2118027

Fellow UK resident, which uni do you go to? I'm applying this year and need to know standards for my portfolio, since getting into art foundation I have already been told my digital stuff is shit.

>> No.2118241

>tfw just starting out of drawing, deviantart tier, lurking to get motivated
>tfw this is my greatest fear.
Can someone tell me how not to practice for two years with literally no improvement?

>> No.2118254

just look at your work and compare it to where you want to be, are you getting closer?
The main issue is saying "oh that's good enough", its never good enough and it should never be good enough. For a quick sketch its okay to stop, but you should never be satisfied, and that's where deviantartists go wrong, they get satisfied with their art at a very early stage so they never feel the need to improve because its "good enough"

>> No.2118286

in devianart everyone always likes your art no matter how shitty it is. its such a disgusting place for people that wish to improve.

>> No.2118452

guessing you're underage

>> No.2118454

Advice : start over

>> No.2118475

Can you guys give some actual advice instead of being ass holes?


I'd say you should try using real life references for your girls. These seem to be pulled from your imagination and you aren't quite at the skill level to be doing that. Aside from that your painting seems a bit muddy. I love your concepts though. Keep at it!

>> No.2118893


>> No.2118896

yer doin it wrong

Needs more Loomis. Read the sticky, faggot.

>> No.2118926

thank you
the first two were with reference of real girls, i think i need to improve more i guess, the last girl was one i made by memory

I'm trying to get Loomis's books, thank you!

>> No.2118993
File: 1.97 MB, 1600x800, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me five years to become mediocre hopefully it wont take another 5 to get guud

>> No.2118995

They're not the worst faces in the history of /ic but you need to study color theory and how the masters painted skin! I actually think the first one's kinda cute. If you''re going for realism then your facial construction needs a lot of work if you're not it's still good to study it as it'll help you make unconscious decisions that will help your stylize faces look more appealing

>> No.2118998

So what's the worst face that has ever been on /ic/?

>> No.2119382
File: 733 KB, 1485x662, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2119395


>> No.2119413

thanks for your advice! yes, i need to study anatomy and color theory, i'm on my way to do it, but also i'm practicing doing this kind of paints

i don't know if i'm in the correct position to say this but, "whoa, and this is with help from a computer program!"

>> No.2119416

You should try overlaying the pictures in top of each other since you don't seem to realize how little they look alike

>> No.2119506

Yo. Nes. Bemay. Know who ?

>> No.2119600

one word: values.
oh you didnt hear me? values!


>> No.2119607

It looks pretty cool, but the face as too asymmetrical.

>> No.2119621

got it!

>> No.2119636
File: 188 KB, 1893x992, READ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2119657


>> No.2120120

Top one I think. I don't really know but everyone constantly screams loomis like it's the next jihadist thing to yell before exploding, so I'm gonna start on Successful drawing.

>> No.2120232

ur waifu

>> No.2120240


>> No.2120244

>do these
>before these
Can you not read, anon?

>> No.2120430

ironic enough. It's actually better. Like its unique, art. I like it.

>> No.2120455

well at that point you can actually say its a stylistic choice not anatomy fuck ups.

>> No.2123762

all you have actually done here is remove some shading and remove his tank top. You clearly lack progression in this hobby

>> No.2123818

potato meet potato

>> No.2123824
File: 199 KB, 1123x712, sap_improvement_by_sachi_pon-d8wygkx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2123830

holy shit 2010

>> No.2123908
File: 503 KB, 1828x1300, Attack_on_Titan_5033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel that someone who draws even worse has an anime, manga, food promotions, toys and more.

>> No.2123910

color understanding and balls level up

>> No.2123914

well done mate.
Needs a floating corpse or two though

>> No.2123915

That's definitely a lot better looking than what you're replying to, you blind?

Also, comics are just as much of a writing medium as it is visual. In the case of Attack on Titan, it isn't the art that makes it popular obviously.

>> No.2123946

While I dont particularily like AoT, one can clearly distinguish where the artist shows a lack of skill, and where he goes for grotesque forms.

Unless one is a retard ofcourse, such as yourself.

>> No.2124216

That ain't mediocre, that looks beautiful.

>> No.2124238
File: 120 KB, 800x920, sdphrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same Titan. Tiny tiny hands.
Evenly sized pecs.
Sudden massive proportion changes!
concave chess.
Random rib and pec distension / body assymetry.
Tiny tiny hands suddenly more proportionally sized.
Grotesque doesn't equal not consistent.

>> No.2124240


i was about to say that if you had been studying art seriously all those years you should probably start looking for an alternative career path.

>> No.2124343

While the art isn't amazing (the anatomy and proportion problems are best found elsewher), the Titans are not really the best example. They're already meant to fall in the uncanny valley with their deranged faces and expressions, and this is pushed even further with their bizarre and skewed proportions. It's to help reinforce the idea that the Titans are NOT normal. The proportions and anatomy on the humans is fine though (there ARE some parts where it looks off, of course)

>> No.2124352

peter han, pers made easy (could do nma alternativ), scott, drawing manual, any anatomy book (here loomis), hampton, vilppu anatomy, pieces of bridgeman/ hogarth.

>> No.2124604

Then please explain to me why the little guy is drawn proportionally.

>> No.2124620

the normal sized ones aren't really drawn that well either tbh. but you don't read manga for its superior artistic art. the art just helps to tell the story, better art is nice but its a sideshow to the actual story.

>> No.2124687

>defending Shingeki no Kyojin story- AND art wise

oh boy

>> No.2124726
File: 8 KB, 204x204, 1432093722369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Over 200+ replies
>Only 40 or images
Jesus christ fucking Buddha /ic/ This thread has been up for a week, is the cringe suppose to be all the shit tastes and pretentiousness of ic?

>> No.2124766

Personally I don't read it. I'm just saying for manga their selling point isn't typically the art. Popular shounen mangka have to release 15 to 20 pages every week while still coming up with the story and dialog. They dont have time to make sure everything is perfectly anatomically correct and perfectly consistent throughout their stories.
Basically nitpicking manga art is just fucking stupid and you're stupid for even trying to prove a point by doing so.

>> No.2124770

now you get it

>> No.2124782

Except they aren't defending it, they're just explaining why (whateverthefuck).

Go read a book more often.

>> No.2125308

Not gonna lie, the 2014 one looks pretty cool. Not the background though, should've been more like just a solid color. I wonder what you used as reference.
The 2015 one grows on me as well. It's amateur, but for some reason it works for me

>> No.2125382

Loomis's books are free. Download them off the main website that has all of them. Start with "Fun with a Pencil."

>> No.2125470

Thanks for your comment
The 2014 i have a reference of a japanese girl i found on a japanese fashion website

thanks, i will!

>> No.2125473


>> No.2125496

Is that Anne Frank? Fucken saved

>> No.2125504


OH shit I though making money of off furry porn was just a joke.

>> No.2125516

well everyone is going with peter han so why not.

>> No.2125536

>was a joke
its a bit blown out of proportion, but in essence fetish drawing brings in the dough, and furries are one of the biggest markets.

>> No.2125571

>google image search gives "shekels jew"
my fucking sides

>> No.2125589
File: 3.66 MB, 1297x2219, change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my shit as of last year

>> No.2125593

good job learning about line weight, but the volume in your forms is still flat. try working through things like the vilppu manual a few times and reinforcing what you learn from it.

>> No.2125595


>> No.2125597
File: 1.95 MB, 2368x4224, IMAG0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks I'll check it out

these are from this year

>> No.2125598
File: 2.01 MB, 2368x4224, IMAG0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2125600
File: 2.04 MB, 2368x4224, IMAG0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and my first doujin/manga I'm drawing, still don't know what to write in the speech bubbles

>> No.2125603
File: 2.35 MB, 2368x4224, IMAG0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2125604
File: 2.19 MB, 2368x4224, IMAG0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2125801

did you draw the most upper right image in less than one hour?

>> No.2126229

wow you sound jealous as fuck

>> No.2126260


fantastic progression

>> No.2126452
File: 705 KB, 1334x507, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2126902


this manga is once a month and lately he's been doing it every other month

>> No.2130062

I have to agree, besides the coloring the one on the left seems to have a soul AND better proportions.
>saki nsfw photo
Yeah nah.

>> No.2130070
File: 16 KB, 293x331, 1431377565363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking lost it oh man bahahahahaha

>> No.2130078
File: 171 KB, 474x309, 1421404268063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a sick bastard,but you've improved.

Good job.

>> No.2130112

i want to unsee it

>> No.2130115

You're leveling your art very well from the looks of it anon, the light and form you are showing is sound improvement.

>> No.2130181

Most of the humans are out of proportion too, it looks ridiculous. I can dig the titan art because it has some creepiness to it, but the mangaka can't draw for shit when he tries to get it right. The faces are even worse.

>> No.2131050


Please post more! or sharre your blog with us, good sir.

>> No.2131067

yeah his neck leveled up.

>> No.2133699

i think both are pretty nice, but the second one's facial expression scares me. it seems a little empty, unless if that's what you are going for. i can see improvement in your shading, the technique has gotten neater

>> No.2133779
File: 611 KB, 1509x709, lvlup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I lvl up?

>> No.2133888

Congratulations, you grew longer hair and a shitty beard.

Your proportions and shading are slightly better, but that's progress you should have accomplished in a matter of weeks, not years.

>> No.2133898

Honestly not really. Sorry to say, but you still don't show much knowledge of the forms of the head, and you still have things out of perspective. Even the line quality and rendering isn't really any more appealing.

Also next time it would make sense to post the images reversed. Usually we read left to right and see progression of time the same way. So have old stuff on the left and new on the right.

>> No.2133903

Ignore the others, although for 2 years it isn't as much as one would expect it's still really good improvement. The 2015 looks great compared to the rest. It looks a lot more 3 dimensional and the line quality is better

>> No.2133904

You did, but get a fucking haircut, faggot.

>> No.2133923

ch-chubby bearmodes *w*

>> No.2134022
File: 97 KB, 500x281, 1428982006794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yours lol

>> No.2134380


My beard doesn't grow any longer.
I agree that I should've improved more in 2 years but I'm not motivated enough plus I work 8-10 hours a day and I'm often too tired to study. For this I hate myself, I really wanted to study more.

As for the right to left, I don't really care.

Thank you, anything I should focus on studying apart from everything?

Eat a dick

>> No.2134591
File: 64 KB, 942x848, pizap_com14066772741011_by_theunknowncreature-d7suc5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does almost everyone on deviantart use this "style" like in pic and in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAqg0tlTC5M

>> No.2134604

Because most of them are autistic

>> No.2134613

>I'm not motivated enough
Motivation isn't something that just happens, you have to create it. Install a routine, make drawing at a certain time and for a certain amount a part of that routine.

> I work 8-10 hours a day
Lots of us do.

> I really wanted to study more
If you really wanted to, you would have done it.

You should just own up to the fact you haven't worked enough. Stop hiding behind excuses. If you don't want to put in the work you won't improve, it's as simple as that.
If you don't want to study and prefer to stagnate, it's okay ; it doesn't make you a bad person, it's just that the art grind isn't your thing. You don't have to improve if you don't want to. But don't lie to yourself, don't say "I could do it but...". There is no "but", you just didn't work as much as you should have if you wanted to improve.

>> No.2134628
File: 121 KB, 876x667, terra formars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really needs to work on the underlying drawing. I'm not going to lie, this was the first thing I thought of when I saw it.

>> No.2134633

>Random Productions
Yeah, they're either autistic or 6 years old.

>> No.2134816
File: 848 KB, 700x1800, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people found out I drew cartoon horses for money

>> No.2134865

tips for getting away from anime?

>> No.2134868

So you stopped writing autism on top of your drawings? That's not much progress.

>> No.2134869

That made no sense
Keep at fam, I've been there :(

>> No.2134874


It's not really a 'style'. It's more like 'newbies focusing too much on contour'.

>> No.2135385

>signed it afterwards

>> No.2135391

there is only one frame which looks cool (that white flash) and its just amindless filter stacking.

>> No.2135408

Last picture describes how I feel about your art

>> No.2135418

Looks like a girl. Not bad but definitely not worth money. Maybe if the elf chick was drawn better.

>> No.2135470

Are you kidding? The one on the right is objectively worse.

>> No.2135486
File: 217 KB, 540x800, MissionImpossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the right reminds me of one of those Nigerian movie posters.

>> No.2135514

>5 years

>> No.2135739

Your face (2015 one of course) is very muddy, work on that

>> No.2136008


>> No.2136018

There is literally nothing wrong with being a horsefucker, literally or figuratively speaking. You probably wouldn't even be here today if it wasn't for the sexy antics of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy. Show some respect fgt

>> No.2136024



>> No.2136025

Tell your brother to stop being a bitch and embrace the horsepussy.

>> No.2136027

He's actually (/totally not/) gay.

Now he has a gurlfriend and shit, but you can't erase the flamboyant past.

>> No.2136031

I didn't say he was gay. There's nothing more manly and straight than the desire to sexually dominate another sentient species. Are you telling me, if they were real, you wouldn't? Nigga, you might be the gay one, lol sheeeit

>> No.2136035

>implying I don't want to fuck the shit out of HIGH TEST ponka panks
I don't even watch the shit anymore.

And nigga, I don't care, you said horsepussy not boipussy. He is legitimately gay.

Anyways, do you know how much money he invested into the shows merch?
Over $350. No fucking shit.

Dude's dumb. Carried a fucking pistol to New York and shit.

>> No.2136052

>And nigga, I don't care, you said horsepussy not boipussy. He is legitimately gay.

Oh I see what you're saying now.

>Anyways, do you know how much money he invested into the shows merch?
Over $350. No fucking shit.

I'll come clean, I'm closing in on $200 myself, kek, I'm not going to talk shit. I have all the 4DE plushies. Shit son, not only are they cute af but I imagine they might hold a decent portion of their value in case I don't want to keep them as momentos of shitposting days gone past anymore for whatever reason.

>Carried a fucking pistol to New York and shit.


I mean, New York is one of the most dangerous places in the U.S. unless he was going to some upper UPPER class suburb he did the right thing there imho. I'd rather get in trouble for having a gun (kind of assuming that's what happened) then get dead from a bunch of drug-addled dindus

>> No.2136054

>hold a decent portion of their value

Alright so I just checked ebay and that's definitely not the case LOL

Oh well, no fugs given in the slightest. I wouldn't sell them anyway unless they were worth retarded money. I like having them around for them horse-moe feels.

Anyway tl;dr don't cyber bully your brother dawg lmao

>> No.2136062

Dude you're awesome. Keep up the good work.

>> No.2136063

That's pretty good dude, good job.

>> No.2136068

Cringefests like this are why horsefuckers have a containment board. Plz go.

>> No.2136069
File: 139 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2136070

>don't cyber bully your brother dawg lmao

Fat chance, here's all the dumb shit that he has done in the past year.

Spent ~$800 on plane tickets to colorado to go shag some boi he had talked to on skype.
Has been doing pills for a few years at the least.
His hick friends killed his dog with heroin, and he continues to hang out with them. I can only assume he does harder drugs because of this.
When he left for Colorado he had made a huge deal about people not liking him since he was gay, and comes back not wanting boipussy acting like nothing ever happened, while he still owed people money.
Lies a fuckton. Ranges from exaggerated stories to almost anything else.

So yeah, he used to preach in high school how he was a hardcore raycist, and fag hating southern boy, when in actuality he is a lying failure.

A drugged up, high horse, failure.

Fuck him. He may have had his own shit to deal with when he was younger, but he's still a fucking faggot. I honestly didn't know the shitter was still alive until I saw that post.

And, just to be sure, since you type like him, go fuck yourself as well. If you are Dylan, you can go shoot yourself in the foot with that shitty .25 Raven Arms pistol that was so important, because you shoot yourself in the foot metaphorically enough as it is.

>> No.2136072

Nope, I genuinely pity people on the autism spectrum.

>> No.2136074

Well, this is a cringe thread.

>> No.2136075

Not that kind of cringe, though. Ponyfag would have to post his art first.

>> No.2136079

Oh, and I forgot.
Happy birthday, you stupid fuck.

>> No.2136090

>And, just to be sure, since you type like him, go fuck yourself as well.


He does sound pretty greasy, I thought he was maybe chilling in the other room in your parents' house and you were just busting his balls and both having a good laugh over the whole thing.

Dylan if you're still in this ITT thread

1. D-don't be gay, bro! Pussy is pretty great. I know women kind of suck these days but you can't hold it against them, it's the media's fault; life imitates art y'know and it's not their fault their parents left them to wallow in a bunch of subversive television programming while they went off to do whatever.

2. Stop doing drugs, they're not good for you (wouldn't be surprised if they were the reason you're a bum driller ayy lmao), seriously cut that shit out

3. I guess that's about it. Change your ways and become someone your family and society at large can accept and appreciate

So long story short don't be a gay lying druggie, be a straight, truth-telling non-druggie! /ic/ believes you can redeem yourself!

>> No.2136117

>just don't be gay
>just don't do drugs

>> No.2136118

Seriously, that will fix like 90% of his problems. Kek.

>> No.2136125

why does drawing attract so many blockheads? lol

>> No.2136127

I'm not sure you understand how things work irl..

>> No.2136153
File: 95 KB, 625x783, thumbs up bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Artist in question here

>mfw my name is Dylan
>mfw I'm gay
>mfw I'm some kid from New Zealand with no brothers

thats a pretty freeky coincidence

>> No.2136790

Shhhh dont encourage him

>> No.2137218


>> No.2137789
