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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 684 KB, 1920x1080, ahri___league_of_legends_fan_splash_by_knockwurst-d8kc0p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2103902 No.2103902 [Reply] [Original]

What artists do you follow on youtube? I'm a big fan of Kienan Lafferty since he's really a good mood lifter and I like his stuff.

>> No.2103904
File: 28 KB, 400x386, 30303318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2103905

>Izzy Medrano
.Jeff Watts
>Peter Stapleton
>Scott Robertson
>Tyler Edlin

Pretty much it.

>> No.2103907

Oh shit something that's not Sakimichan no wonder it's in a different perspective and actually looks good I was getting worried for a second there. Disregard my reaction.

>> No.2103908

Sycra. His videos are really helpful and his sketches are pretty cool.

>> No.2103909


Don't you worry, people will find something to nitpick about this and pass it off as some grave offense to art.

>> No.2103910

I didn't know daarken had a youtube channel. Thanks anon.

>> No.2103911

Well I do see some filter application on that hand and I can't help but feel a faint use of chromatic aberration.

>> No.2103912


>> No.2103913

> I can't help but feel a faint use of chromatic aberration
This has to be a fucking meme at this point. Jesus fuck are you stupid.

>> No.2103915

Nice try Kr0n you're not fooling anyone here.

>> No.2103920

Stephen Silver. You don't see him draw usually, but he has great advice and motivational talks.

>> No.2103935

at first i didnt like knkl but it grows on you

>> No.2103945

I'm really fond of webang111, both his watercolor and digital stuff are great

>> No.2104000


my favorites one

>> No.2104039


Sycra is awesome, I just wish he'd edit his tutorials a little better. He tends to ramble.

>> No.2104134

thanks for this, im enjoying his videos a lot. i cant help but think that he seems to be very influenced by day9's starcraft2 videos

>> No.2104142

Is it because he mentions it constantly about how he's influenced by day 9?

>> No.2104151
File: 130 KB, 564x874, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow Sycra, he is the best, and i believe he is gonna be one of the top superstar artists one day.

>> No.2104152

he hasn't said so in the couple of vids i've watched yet but that's cool

>> No.2104156
File: 77 KB, 796x474, salt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sycra-hate-boner-fag pls go

>> No.2104157

Yeah from what I've seen he started the channel copying day9. (he admitted that himself, and it's quite obvious since his first few videos were actually sc2 casts that he did)
Here's one example:

>> No.2104163

I genuinely like sycra, he's a nice fellow. You'd have to be a pretty loathsome person to dislike that guy.

>> No.2104165

kek this is what happens when you spend 15 years trying to draw stylised art and never working on fundamentals

>> No.2104166

>15 years

is this some new meme

>> No.2104175

Sycra has been drawing for almost 2 decades. You dont want to turn out like the poor shitskin

>> No.2104226

Trent Kaniuga
Sycra (but I prefer his early work, don't like the pointy chin serie)

>> No.2104230

6k art

>> No.2104264

Yep. He's not a god-tier artist or anything, but his videos are enjoyable and his speaking style is good.

>> No.2104335

I like sinix a lot

>> No.2104377

Will Terrell, he's funny to look at and he's more animation focused.

I also like Alphonso Dunn, he helped me with gesture.

Sinix, I just like how he paints. Peter Mohrbacher's podcast is good background noise.

>> No.2104395


>> No.2104403

>Will Terrell

I loved him some time ago. Now his constant laughter is more annoying than contagious.

>> No.2104479


i love you anon
fucking double subscribed

>> No.2104483
File: 1.33 MB, 1287x959, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>S-surely you guys are exaggerating.

This guy has videos 8 years old. I'm not sure how to feel, I really hope I don't end up like him.

>> No.2104484

Will Terry (NOT TERRELL) is fucking awesome, he's the kinda dude you'd have a beer with
this one video especially hooked me in his channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XYrfrsvycI

>> No.2104486

I think the one on the left is fine. That middle one is horrible though and I think he even himself said that.

>> No.2104491

I think you guys are ripping too hard on him.
Sure, he's not spectacular, but there are millions of not spectacular artists out there.

>> No.2104512
File: 904 KB, 1024x658, gem_girl_by_sycra-d7gi06d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've been drawing for nearly 15 years, and you're still in the 'It's not spectacular but at least some people are worse' tier than that's pretty bad m8.

I'm genuinely trying not to hate, but pic related is not something I would expect from an artist that has been in the game for more than a decade.

>> No.2104520 [DELETED] 


I'd like to offer some advice I know. This person in this video is only as good as their training is. Its the same with all of us. Therefore the blame is not on his *potential* being reached. Far from it. Its just simply that his idea for improving is not good. An idea can be improved on very easily.

When you see that video you should be absolutely sure to check your own approach to improving and make sure its taking you where you want to go. People will argue that if you don't have the experience of being good then you can't define what good is.
And if you can't define what good is, they argue you can't make plans to get there.

Simply not true.

The thing is, if your training is very comprehensive and has been planned out from the beginning to reliably train you up and teach every important niche topic in your medium responsible for making something look fantastic, thats what you'll get.

I argue with my entire soul that any person struggling to make their art good is just using a method of training that couldn't improve the greatest artists in history. You fix the training, you fix your results.

If my weight lifting program is designed for me to reliably get a bench press of 300 in two years, guess where i'll be in two years? You guess it. 300 pound bench press. Without talent or genius or anything.

>> No.2104521

This dude draws literally the same way since I was in the 7th or 8th grade. All that improved was his speed and coloring. I hope I don't end up like him.

>> No.2104533
File: 405 KB, 599x384, B2ZjQibIgAAJW3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Sycra

>> No.2104536

I mean, he admits he has a lot of problems, and also has said only recently is he able to draw more. so like, chill?

>> No.2104537

> so like, chill?
Nah, Sycra is garbage-tier.

>> No.2104550

remember what Jeff Watts said? you either be an artist everyone wants to emulate, or the type that everyone wants to avoid. i want to avoid being like Sycra. he does art for so many years but is still crap, i cannot believe it, he is also kind of a coward, like being too afraid to try new things. oh and bobmeatbag is fucked too because he hangs out with sycra too much, he could be the next Ruan Jia if not influenced by Sycra.

>> No.2104570

>x is either black or white
wow so deep statement

>> No.2104580

No I don't remember what Watts said. Is it more advertisement for his overpriced school?

>> No.2104607

>overpriced school

>> No.2104654

What's wrong with those?

Are you implying that you always draw masterpieces while you're just sketching for fun?

>> No.2104658


Are you saying sonic is also screwed?

>> No.2104661


Ffs not again

(i meant sinix)

>> No.2104682


>> No.2104683

Nora suko

>> No.2104688

>all those weabooLlshit stuff with muh paintings
/ic/ continues being pleb

>> No.2104690
File: 63 KB, 438x470, 1431755368445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2104692

>Epic fedora meme response
Wow dude, you really shot him down good!

>> No.2104694

>The butthurt from a fedora is real


>> No.2104698

Being this EPIC!

>> No.2104700



Why not post your youtube channels of choice? I'd love to see what someone with such impressive patrician taste enjoys.

>> No.2104706

Mainly Game Grumps, Other retro LPer's and UFK.
You literally cannot make fun of me and if you do use an actual argument PLEB. You have words use them. Instead of being a faggot boy who only posts his cool reactions stereotyping and being uncool. step it up. Kien' makes cool league anime drawings but shitting up with Dank Memes is not sick. I am not that person.

>> No.2104729

No, but I don't think it's wrong to expect standards against someone who has been drawing for 10+ years.

>> No.2104783

He draws fat girls now? Last time I watched him, he'd draw 9-head-tall girls with long legs and thin waists

>> No.2104796
File: 888 KB, 1561x1100, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a video in which Sycra admitted he quit his day job in order to pursue Art, and that there are days he doesn't make as much money from it as he'd like to. I feel as if he's afraid to begin anew and learn his fundamentals because he cannot just up and stop producing his current work.

Maybe he's afraid to change his "style" in fear of losing his current audience and commission requests. He's just drawing because he depends on it financially. He's even paid a lot of money to have professionals teach him how to draw caricatures, among other things, and that's another reason, isn't it? He's spent so much money and does not want to put it to waste.

I honestly don't believe he truly adores Art, and that he's just depressed (obviously) about his whole situation. He doesn't want to get a job because - correct me if I'm wrong - he is shy around others in real life. Maybe I'm wrong and he is completely content about his life, and has always wanted to draw mediocrely in order to make just enough money to pay for rent and food. Some people really don't mind such a lifestyle.

He used to talk how he'd look at Kim Jung Gi's sketchbook for inspiration and motivation, but why would you need to motivate yourself? Because you cannot make yourself draw otherwise. I like Sycra as a person, but I pity him. He doesn't seem to be happy at all and only pretends to be nice to his viewers in order to forget his troubles, and remind himself that doing this is okay. Maybe I'm overthinking.

>> No.2104995

you are right, he sepnds so much money on art education and is stilll shit while a non educated guys like Dan Fking Luvisi is doing cool shit all over the place, and younger too. i think sycra has this victim mentality, he thinks his problems are unique and that gives him the excuse to think it is okay to have his life fucked up.

>> No.2105024
File: 299 KB, 1365x1586, IMG_3929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb faggots actually butthurt'd over my post with random guy and got a samefag paranoia.
I just posted this >>2104688 shit and went to bed.

Seriously - what the fuck.
/ic/ always was a Weaboo General but it blows my mind how in 2015 people still fap to that crap and REFUSE to see anything else.

>Sup anon what's your favorite artist?
>OHhhh that one who draws cute girls in anime styRe ^__^

And why the fuck that retard responded with Fedora tipper? Fedora tippers been known as MLP and Wapanese Grills lovers which means it's out of theme.

>> No.2105081

>getting this mad

>> No.2105097
File: 13 KB, 500x259, 2714007-bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otakus killed 2D animation and made Miyazaki retire.

>> No.2105112

I don't understand this image

>> No.2105119

then you are part of the problem

>> No.2105125

this, minus daarken, plus Clint Clearley https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiU1-5VronbfeScuABAJC4A

also fuck it noah bradley isn't that bad

>> No.2105143

Bait. Logical fallacy.

>> No.2105169

does anyone know the source of the image?

>> No.2105183

Is this bait

>> No.2105274

I wanna make YouTube videos but need to upgrade my webcam, any recommendations for filming artwork in room light?

Currently watching webcam reviews by qt girls and this model seems decent although I could go for cheaper if possible


>> No.2106473

Last time I checked, /ic/ hated Sycra and FZD.

>> No.2106481

We don't hate sycra we just think it's laughable he hardly improved in over a decade. We don't hate FZD (Feng Zhu) either...just some students of his thought he was a dick for selling them out and it turned into a bypassing meme along with his artcrowd site, rumoring that he took cghub down to drive traffic to there.

>> No.2106487

I wasn't baiting. I understand the first column: Myazaki can't make what he wants because dumb weebs are the market; the second column: dumb weebs are becoming animators for Myazaki.

But why are the columns combined?

>> No.2106488

>some students of his thought he was a dick for selling them out

Story please?

>> No.2106495

It's been posted before. Someone might know; I have the archive set to block for some reason so I cant search.

>> No.2106497

no you newfriend, /ic hates FZD with a passion, after he fucked so many decent people in the ass.

>> No.2106499

You seem to remember the story so tell >>2106495

>> No.2106511

He's a ruthless asian businessman, like a classic example, he exploits people for money and other benefits and gives no fucks about it. There have been a shitloads of dirty stuff about him, from looser students crying how he bullied them because they suck and have no dedication to real shit like him using his position to fuck female students, inviting other artists to his country with offers of work and accommodation while providing none(to be fare if you don't get a contract it's your own dam fault for being a naive fool), and him in general being a total dick. If you want you can check the archives, I found some stuff on him here >>/ic/thread/1669848#p1670941

>> No.2106518
File: 161 KB, 1135x704, kel_thuzad_by_tamplierpainter-d5kmrst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamplier (Dmitriy Prozorov)

>> No.2106780


because weeb animators will one day be future art directors, so the this moa phase will never end

>> No.2106792

>tfw no qt asian tech reviewer gf

Why even live?

>> No.2106803

I never understood why people hate dicks

>> No.2107780

because most of the ppl are pussies

>> No.2107812

>Video Speed 9000%

>> No.2107882

Youtube ?

Fuck youtube, twitch is the way of the future..
They have a Creative section now if you ain't heard.

Has the same amount of watchers as other unpopular video games like Guild Wars 2 and Dwarf Fortress.

>> No.2107974

Yeah and most of it seems to be total shit, I hope it will keep growing though.

>> No.2108082

Last time i checked, /ic/ was shit.

>> No.2108105


>> No.2108114


No can do.
If he wasn't teaching the next generation of artists then it wouldn't matter, but unfortunately that isn't the case. He is passing his own mistakes to other, less experienced artists. It may take these people years (if at all) to unlearn such things.

>> No.2108129

>why would you need to motivate yourself?

Are you serious dude? I get paying gigs now and then and I still have days were I can't get out of bed due to crushing depression.

>> No.2108130

What is the actual difference between twitch and YouTube? All I know is that people on twitch beg for money more. Then again that's all people do on video sites any more.

>> No.2108141

ucandraw ofc

>> No.2108150
File: 1.75 MB, 900x2836, _MG_9927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2108194


>Learning from a paedophile who's currently going to jail for 30 years

Stay classy /ic/

>> No.2108228


>> No.2108229

>believing anything you read on the internet

>> No.2108235


dude, he's not joking.

>> No.2108246

30 years for pixels on a screen. Meanwhile a man who murdered somebody serves less than 10 years.

>> No.2108256


His pedophilia has done wonders for his image, before he was a nobody, but now every mom on the street recognizes him.

>> No.2108260

Better pray the po-po don't knock on your door next.

>> No.2108263

I'm not a pedo, just saying.

>> No.2108269

He convinced children to perform sexual acts on webcam and recorded them. It wasn't just pixels on a screen.

>> No.2108274

He didn't hold a gun to their head, the "children" can think for themselves. Kids aren't stupid.

>> No.2108275

so you're saying he was more into traditional rather then digital?

>> No.2108277

I mean, pedos are worse than murderers.

>> No.2108284

Kids definitely are stupid at times.

He's basically created underaged (maybe distributed, not gonna bother fully reading shit) pornography, hence the long sentence.

>> No.2108289

>literally proving bis point
He was saying he was depressed, anon. Go back to your other thread.

>> No.2108291

>kids aren't stupid
Of course they are. They're also very prone to manipulation.
Just read the article.

>> No.2109136

holy shit the comments in his latest video. His fanbase literally consists of autists sperging over how he hasn't made a video in a long time and freaking out over the charges.

>> No.2109147
File: 364 KB, 914x1200, frank_frazetta_wolfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have 1/10 of this Korean man's talent.

>> No.2109187

Are there any artists who are more comedic?
It can get really stale when people are trying to be super serious, I like Anthony Jones' stuff since he doesn't take himself too seriously but still knows how to teach

>> No.2111210


>> No.2111212

Kienan Lafferty is like this. He's a really uplifting guy in a Ned flanders sort of way. His attitude might take a bit to adjust to but he's a genuinely nice guy. He does Art stuff with some lifecoaching stuff sort of thrown in there too on his channel.

>> No.2111231

Bullshit, he improved a ton in 9 years, look at how terrible this is. God damn people on here are terrible

>> No.2111232


forgot link


>> No.2111238

I won't deny he improved but not God tier improvement compared to lots of other people who had big transformations in 5 years. I guess others just learn faster than some and even he admits this.

>> No.2112654

Now that people realized he is shit he'll never have decent artists like loish in his stream

>> No.2113976


>> No.2114990


>> No.2115175

Mainly anyone who uses prisma colored pencils

>> No.2115218

Like who

>> No.2115246


>> No.2116467


>> No.2117138
File: 108 KB, 900x720, priestess_of_light_by_sycra-d5fhsf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are cherry picking. He's not horrid, but he isn't amazing either

>> No.2117141

Best way to lead the eye: fucking arrows
Also, dem filtrum, look like down syndrome

>> No.2117144

I like the rendering of the clothing, light and hands. But the structure of the face is pretty awful. looks like it's melting

>> No.2117215


That's ironic considering you've cherry picked the only painting of his that doesn't look completely amateur.

>> No.2117263

So you're saying Sycra should change his focus to photobash?

>> No.2117267

>not much shading
>no complex coloring
>draw one, flip the other and recolor it
7/10 not bad though

>> No.2117272

He actually said that he's more into writing but feared when he was young that he'd be shit at it and decide to do art iinstead since people told him that he was good at it. He's actually writing a comic now and hopes to break in as a writer.

>> No.2117276

Nope, he actually believes that and he's mad

>> No.2117787
File: 96 KB, 786x1017, nancy_by_sycra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, he's also done a bunch of pretty good caricatures in the past.

>> No.2117789

fuck, i meant to reply to >>2117215

>> No.2117912


I knew you would resort to that as a defence,
Firstly there is no such thing as a decent caricature, and second even firez can manage pull off a half decent looking painting from reference which means precisely nothing when it comes to working from imagination, as is evident just from looking at their galleries. I will concede that his caricatures look ok even though I fucking hate the genre but you can't really use it as a metric to judge someone's skill level as it requires almost no knowledge of the fundamentals. Just thought I'd add that Sycra seems to be a likeable guy so I'm not hating on him as a person. He shouldn't be teaching people though, even when I was just starting out I could see that he was a weak artist and avoided his tutorials, same with Riven phoenix but somehow people make the mistake of learning from these people I have no idea why. It would be like turning down the opportunity to learn golf from Tiger Woods (Vilppu, Hampton etc) in order to learn from some amateur with a shit handicap. (Sycra, Riven Phoenix etc)

>> No.2117935

You're talking out of your ass. For your sake stop posting so you don't recall how retarded you sounded in a year's time.

>> No.2117955

Sycra's art looks pretty bad but what is he good at?

training, he's good for training future or would be artist while I find his style bad his approach for getting to it and how it instructs other to find their own is brilliant

He will never be shitmechan but I respect him for he has a still style but is practically 100% (he's done fanart but doesn't thrive or live off it)

Sycra is what art deserve but doesn't need right now

So we'll hate him

>> No.2118223
File: 36 KB, 223x349, 1427335397428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does caricature not require knowledge of the fundamentals? You need a firm grasp on the fundamentals in order to effectively caricature a face. When you caricature You're just playing around with proportions but still adhering to fundamental principles . am I missing something?

>> No.2120522


>> No.2122495

I like knkl