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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 512 KB, 1309x1540, Untitled-192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2101610 No.2101610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

For your convenience I have taken the liberty of summing up 90% of all concept art related posts on facebook in this detailed infographic.

>> No.2101613

Aww, that's sweet of you dear. You shouldn't have.

>> No.2101616
File: 214 KB, 900x1051, 1430085787401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem upset.

>> No.2101627


can't see how this would fail to bother anyone. it's the same as tracing porn. atleast porn tracers usually think of flipping the image to hide their tracks a little. this is just plain stupid and the amount of effort he goes into to pretend he did anything other than blur a little and paint over is laughable.

>> No.2101636

It's 2015! Stop living in the past, get with the times what sort of backwards mentality is this? Everyone's doing it, are you telling me you are against progress?

>> No.2101641

Well, hacks trying to fool and impress uneducated noobs with photo paintovers is a pretty old trick that's been around for as long as digital art existed. Not sure why you'd think this is a new problem.

>> No.2101651

i dont even know why that faggot posts there other than to flex constantly

>> No.2101674

So what are you going to do about it besides complain on a French Karate-inspired fighting dojo?

>> No.2101690

I've been finding quite a few of these myself recently.

>> No.2101695

You're upset about photo studies?

>> No.2101704

You're upset because some kid can't study effectively?

>> No.2101711

You're upset about money?

>> No.2101748


This one, yes. Yes I am. I think for every artist early in their career money is a HUGE issue. Because they don't have any.

>> No.2101776

I don't understand
What is he bitching about?

>> No.2101801

there's NO WAY you make a copy so precise, unless you're doing some anal stuff like: using some serious grid shit, TRACING, or alt-tabbing ad nauseam. i don't really see the point in doing that kind of study more than once in your life.

also, that steps are misleading, since they swiftly reduce all the precise drawing shit to some simple lines in step 1, without suggesting the need of any construction whatsoever.

>> No.2101806

levelup is cancer

>> No.2101847


I commented on the original poster he gets thousands of likes from photobashing referenced images.

>> No.2101952


no artist worth their money would be doing shit like this. however it DOES generate exposure. and not too little of it. so i guess it's a decision between respectability and integrity vs exposure. if the latter is more valuable we're all in for a rough awakening.

and the scary thing is that, this might just be the case. technical skill, in conceptart, has less value than a specific number of likes and followers. boy what a shithole that puts us in.

>> No.2101980

Oh please, someone like Sakimichan draws only from her imagination, she's never done a photo paintover or photobash and her work gets a thousand times more exposure than those level up hacks will ever have. Ironically, she too has no integrity according to /ic/.

> technical skill, in conceptart, has less value than a specific number of likes and followers. boy what a shithole that puts us in.

That's just retarded. Why the fuck would a company give a shit about how many followers you have? Use your brain before you post dumb shit like this. Concept artists are working on a product, a company needs them to deliver good work, so the product is of the best possible quality and can make them money. Your followers are completely irrelevant. In fact, most art directors and senior concept artists at big studios rarely have much of an online presence.

>> No.2102006

>Why the fuck would a company give a shit about how many followers you have?

You can be as good as you want. If you are an absolute nobody you won't get the job. Some levelup tier photobasher will. Having a 'brand identity' creates trust. Yeah their work is 10 times worse. Guess what, doesn't matter. He is more trustworthy, than your noname absolute god of an artist who nobody has ever worked with or heard about.

>> No.2102034

I have no idea what I'm looking at

>> No.2102035

even sakami chan will go as low as 'using reference'
maybe not photobash but pose/costumes/lighting references.

reference does not equal copy-paste photo, even the old masters used reference aka live models.

no one remotely decent actually does fullblown paintings from pure 'imagination' dumbass.
unless you are kim junggi who is god tier sketching master

>> No.2102056

What? Where did I imply she doesn't use reference? Drawing from imagination doesn't mean you aren't allowed to use reference. Why the fuck do you imply using reference means lowering yourself in some shape or form? As you said, no one remotely decent does fullblown paintings without using reference, that doesn't mean they don't draw from imagination though, they just use reference as well. You sound slightly confused, dumbass.

>> No.2102081


you either get in by a good word via someone already in the business or you get in due to your work being good enough

>> No.2102151

>most art directors and senior concept artists at big studios rarely have much of an online presence.
Protip: those people there are seniors and many years/decade+ of experience. Don't use those as an example.

Also, the well majority of current artists who aren't seniors or art directors have an online presence, so...
Not that Anon, but "good word via someone already in the business" requires a presence the well majority of the time, kek.

>trying to argue that establishment isn't an important thing in the art field
Big name artists get paid more and get work more easily. It isn't exclusive to this field.

>> No.2102403
File: 26 KB, 357x417, 11102720_10200444184263107_1051602339966555001_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2102416
File: 130 KB, 564x874, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont waste your time watching Level Ups, watch Sycra's video, he is all about being original and practice. and no photobashing. that's real skill!

>> No.2102428

I know you're being facetious but you really gotta admire sycra's drive to get better even though i really don't like the way his stuff looks

>> No.2102471


I find his sketches much more interesting than any photobashed garbage lol.

>> No.2102506

I agree, his sketches aren't that bad.

handpicking a drawing as if every drawing he draws will be appealing

>> No.2102522

It's also called cherrypicking, and there's a reason why it's forbidden in science.

>> No.2102540
File: 71 KB, 991x807, sycra 'the master draftsman' yasin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally take any drawing, it doesn't matter, they all look like shit.

If you've been drawing for 15 years and you're still at this level, you should go back in time and pursue an other hobby.

>> No.2102541


I remember you posting that image with the exact file name ages ago.

Why are you so salty anon? Why do you have an image saved on your computer to specifically shitpost about sycra with.

No one thinks hes a master draftsman, but hes probably better than your sorry ass.

>> No.2102543


Post your shit, bro.

Yeah that's what I thought.

keep shitting

no but really...post your work

>> No.2102545
File: 77 KB, 796x474, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



How can one person be this jelly?

>> No.2102547
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x1809, tumblr_nj1okcvxaK1rn2o0ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he's right. And Sycra "style" is awul

>> No.2102553 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 353x70, wt4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the strangest feeling one of /ic/s shitters is this guy. He is everywhere on youtube, he trolls every artist, and he is terrible himself. I just have the strongest feeling.

I know some of you have seen this person too. Apparently he said he only cares about sycra for his tutorials and hates his pointychins stuff so thats a clue.

>> No.2102555
File: 212 KB, 900x1231, life_drawings___30_seconds_by_sycra-d462xh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sycra "style" is awul

Hes been working on it for what, a year or so only? Personally I don't really find it appealing either but the underlying fundamentals seem apparent.

I know its just 1 or two vocal shitposters but the guy has literally followed /ic/'s mantra of learn the basics and then stylize, and hes getting shit for it.

>inb4 hurr his fundamentals r shit

Theyre still better than most peoples on this board.

Post some of your 30 second gestures lmao

>> No.2102568


Plz no witchhunting mate. As much as I like faggots being exposed, the amount of harm you can do to someone should your assumptions be incorrect is just out of proportion.

>> No.2102570

One of these days I'll catch the person for sure.

>> No.2102571

>Post some of your 30 second gestures lmao
It doesn't make any sense. Because no one here is drawing for 15 years lmao

>> No.2102573


Oh so how many years of practice do you think his drawings actually reflect? Surely fewer years than the number you've spent, ergo you should be better than him.

>> No.2102579

Everybody cares about different things. No-one who has been active as an artist for 15 years will draw sketches at the same level. Some people might care more about the painting or the storytelling, for instance. Some might care more about animation. Some might care mostly about the design aspect.

Only caring about fundamentals for 15 years is also not how you actually become a successful artist. Do you think the designers who created e.g. Samurai Jack or Kim Possible are as good at sketching? Probably not. Yet these are artists far more successful than 95+% of all artists, and most likely more successful than anybody on here.

It's pretty pointless to compare or even belittle a person for not caring as much about you about one particular aspect of their art.

>> No.2102584

>Oh so how many years of practice do you think his drawings actually reflect?
Not >>2102571, but 5 years