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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2096032 No.2096032 [Reply] [Original]

How do you decide what to draw? It's like I have writer's block, but with drawing. I really want to draw, but I don't get started because I never consider one subject to be more valuable or worthwhile than the other

>> No.2096036

if you can't think of what to draw, just do studies and just practice shit

>> No.2096037

if you have no idea of what to draw, it's because you have no reason to draw

>> No.2096038


I usually listen to some good music and browse various sites until I get motivated.

>> No.2096043
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So funny when I read this shit. I've been drawing since I was very little and only from my imagination. Only this past year I started visiting ic and learning funadmentals. I know much of what I draw from imagination wouldn't be considered fundamentally correct or anatomically correct if I'm creating a figure. I guess my question would be is it because I have been doing it for so long that it's easy for me or is it s natural "ability" that has always been with me (am I an idiot or are those two the same thing). I know there's no talent or whatever and it's mostly practice but I wonder.

For me OP I usually just start making light marks on the page and my brain starts working and wondering what those marks could turn into.

Start drawing any line or curve or oval and I think it's like your past experiences and visual/spatial abilities start to fill in possible outcomes of those marks you've made. I dunno just a process I do when I'm warming up and drawing from imagination sometimes. I think it's called process drawing (painting) or intuitive drawing (painting). I am into art therapy so this may help me Extra. Hope I helped

>> No.2096048

Draw your mouse, draw your monitor, draw your tablet, draw any fuckin shit that's infront of your eyes. Because it's not about the theme or the "idea", it's all about the drawing skills.

Your body doesn't have what it needs to spit your ideas by reflex. Your head is full of ideas, but the synchro and muscle memory between your brain and hands it's not there yet.

Grab a stack of cheap paper and just draw, copy, whatever you see, a bag of chips, a peanut on the table, a piece of paper, some picture in the screen, some cables on the floor. Have a bucket on the side and throw those used papers, grab a new stack of paper and start again copying new drawings, again and again. Keep on destroying those paper stacks, till you Build that muscle memory. And then suddenly your hand will spit by reflex anything that lurks in your mind. It doesn't even have to be a clear idea, but your hand will start skething something by instinct, because you build a memory.

You need to feed bricks and parts to your creative system to function. Right now you just don't have anything in your artistic fuel tank, feed yourself man.

>> No.2096097
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Stare at a blank piece of paper. Let your imagination run wild. Keep imagining what you want to draw untill its all you can see in your mind. Draw in pen so you don't waste time erasing and forget what you're trying to draw. When your done look at the drawing and make another one but better this time. you don't have to imagine what to draw because its in front of you now. Good luck.

>> No.2096099

she drawin the tittie..

>> No.2096127
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I'm not OP but this post really helped me, thank you very much

>> No.2096273

Draw things that interests you. If you look at a photo of a person in a very weird position, and you want to understand how that can work, draw it. If you see a clean poster with spot on composition, draw that or try to draw something similar following the same rules. If you read about something interesting online, like a wikipedia article of Nero or a 9/11 conspiracy site, pinpoint what you think is most interesting and explore that further. If you see a weird reflection your glass of water reflects at breakfast, draw that.

Even a "boring" still life doesn't have to be boring if you include stuff that you think is intruiging. It's all about how your mind works and what makes your imagination and motivation fire up.

>> No.2096464

I had this problem until I started to do exercises from books. At that point you gotta do all of them to learn the most. And often in order, too.