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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 155 KB, 640x581, _butterfly__by_noah_kh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2093627 No.2093627 [Reply] [Original]

>First few months in seem okay.
>Students dress weird but think nothing of it
>Eventually realise how retarded this is when the subject of diet came up and realised like 1/3 of the class is vegan.

>Start noticing the students around me are more interested in doing art to look alternative and edgy instead of wanting to be good at it.

>Start noticing students talk about what the best drugs to get high on are, veganism, retarded feminist ideas and capitalism, anime rather than art.

>Most the classes don't even teach anything relavent

I am going to have to do this for years just to say I have an art degree. :(

>> No.2093628

What school do you go to?

>> No.2093647
File: 1.31 MB, 1752x6796, muh-degree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out. Right now.

>Start noticing the students around me are more interested in doing art to look alternative and edgy instead of wanting to be good at it.

lol, Jeff Watts talks about these people in this video (you should watch this video all the way through for sure but copy and paste the video's url to skip to where he mentions the eccentrics).


>> No.2093652

>I am going to have to do this for years just to say I have an art degree. :(

You do know that an art degree is about as valuable as the equivalent amount of toilet paper, right?

All your classmates are going to be the next generation of hipster Starbucks baristas. Unless that's your ambition, gtfo of there before you put yourself in inescapable debt.

>> No.2093666

How else are you going to learn to open a can of ravioli and say poetry while twiddling it in a bowl?

>> No.2093680


awful. was a waste of time and money. even went to 3 different ones because i thought my parents knew what the fuck they were talking about when they said 'you need a degree of higher education to go anywhere in life'

>> No.2093682
File: 47 KB, 620x466, penis_sculpture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all good OP

>> No.2093685

Let us be clear. An art degree FROM THE RIGHT SCHOOL will open up a whole world of opportunities for an artist (mostly through connections, internship opportunities, etc.), however, finding the right art school is the problem.

I think a good rule of thumb is that if the school has no barrier for entry then you absolutely do not want to attend.

Yo, OP >>2093627

When you went to school did you have to submit a portfolio or anything of the sort or did you just have to sign a few papers and take out a loan (assuming you didn't have a scholarship)? If you did have to submit a portfolio please post pics of your work; don't be shy bro this is for the good of young artists everywhere dawg inquiring minds want to know nigga.

>> No.2093686

> an art degree is about as valuable as the equivalent amount of toilet paper
what if you want to work abroad?
if a game company were to offer you a job, could you still get a visa without a degree?

>> No.2093688



>> No.2093689

It was really great. I really delved into my studies and learned about art and how to approach it in ways I hadn't considered. I had brutal teachers that pushed us outside of our comfort zones and strive for perfection. I was taught how to self promote and how the gallery scene works. I worked my ass off to get into the honors program of my department. From there I met artist I respect and those I didn't but they each showed me something new. I got internships through my school for art and design related fields.

There were those who just goofed off too, do not know how well they did after college. I also took classes in design and computers to help round out my studies.

Your education is up to you, I loved my time at college.

>> No.2093691
File: 43 KB, 641x432, 1431671355337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was really great. I really delved into my studies and learned about art and how to approach it in ways I hadn't considered. I had brutal teachers that pushed us outside of our comfort zones and strive for perfection. I was taught how to self promote and how the gallery scene works.

Are you that one guy that lives off of his voluptuous n-word girlfriend and hosts impromptu art galleries out of the studio apartment his well to do spouse and/or parents provide him with?

>I got internships through my school for art and design related fields.

Oh you've been employed, my mistake!

>did anyone save that thread?

>> No.2093694

It should be archived.

>> No.2093698

Currently employed.
I do not think I would be though if I hadn't taken design and programming classes though. Most of my fellow graduates that didn't study outside of the fine-arts are in retail.

>> No.2093707
File: 26 KB, 500x581, le peeking dog face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how to find that stuff; anyway I feel bad for that guy on some level for the record and I didn't want to be as "mean" to him as I was, but when anyone promotes the idea that all these kids going into monstrous debt (something he somehow avoided supposedly apart from his "maxed out credit card") to learn how to "express themselves" in completely crude, simplistic and arbitrary ways is tolerable it really steams a nigga up. If you're into abstract art that's more than fine, but you have no reason to be anywhere near any of these for-profit art schools ffs nigga.

>> No.2093712

>Most of my fellow graduates that didn't study outside of the fine-arts are in retail.

That's brutal. In your honest opinion did a lot of them suck or were they lazy, etc?

>> No.2093723

Pretty OT but whats the name of that (i think asian) guy who does tons of photobashing, everyone thinks his art is beautiful/god tier/etc, and has his own art school I think in an Asian country?

>Speaking to a friend about art school
>want to bring this up but cannot for the life of me remember this guys name

>> No.2093731

No a lot of them are really talented people. Even I am having a tough time of it. Art is not an easy field. If you go to art school and think just the classes will be enough to help you succeed it is a mistake. You have to work the system make sure you are grabbing those internships and opportunities. I did not have much of a social life. When I graduated I had a hand in a cast for my troubles and my art suffered. My hand is healed, I have a job drawing as well as designing, and even though shitty stuff has happened I still really liked my time there.

>> No.2093735


Seriously? Just google ic archive and its literally the first result


>you're welcome

>> No.2093737

You're probably thinking about Feng Zhu's school of Design. And before you say anything negative about him, just know that his work is beautiful and he uses photos for production. He can do the same level of work without photos, but clients don't pay him to take his time making a gallery piece. I'm an FZD student and can confirm that the dude is god tier. Seeing the amount of work he does in class during our live demos is jaw dropping.

But hey, this is /ic/, everyone will hate on him anyway.

If you weren't talking about Feng then I guess I just said all this shit for nothing.

>> No.2093738

I thought people don't care about an art degree.

Since you could get an art degree and still suckass that nobody would want your art.

>> No.2093742


Thank you! Thats exactly the guy I was looking for! I wasn't going to bash his artwork, we were talking about same style-ness and I had brought up how CalArt students when they graduate, tend to all have the same style. I've heard the same about FZD school as well.

>which hey, isnt a bad thing if you're looking for that kind of concept art style

Also hey if you were a student of Fengs, do you have any stories about the school? I remember awhile back there was so dirt/drama brought up about his school but it could have been a load of horse crap.

>> No.2093743

>screen caped for the glory of satan

>> No.2093744

You can still get a shitty office job with an art degree.

But then there wouldn't be a point in getting a art degree.

>> No.2093746

Feng Zhu is cool. He uses photographs as compositional aids with really cool results. He doesn't just take pictures and alter their contrast ratios and shit like a fuckin' sneaky kike.

>> No.2093751
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>> No.2093755
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>> No.2093765
File: 321 KB, 1359x768, superscaryghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO and self teach

>> No.2093770

for me art school was great. there were lots of the things you're talking about there but there was 1 or 2 people who were dedicated and quite good, and the teachers were passionate artists too, and would help me a lot but i had to put in a lot of effort and passion of my own.

so idk, maybe if you're not the best student or artist then it's not very helpful.

i went to uni for a while first though. perhaps kids right out of highschool have a hard time adjusting to the self-directed learning when it's such an open subject.

>> No.2093771

everyone on /ic/ thinks they're that main guy from art school confidential, but they're really the guy doing the frazetta clones.

>> No.2093797

>>Most the classes don't even teach anything relavent

That means that it's time to leave and soon. Do not hesitate a moment longer, talk to your parents and then talk to your school's staff before it's too late. You might still be able to get a refund

>> No.2093813

top fucking kek

>> No.2094385


I never went to an art school, but I took "studio art" as a minor. I gotta say, none of the courses felt particularily useful. I felt Drawing 1 has some utility because you just had a lot of projects, but other than that - there was no instruction on how to become better at drawing. There was so much emphasis on concept, while execution came down to whether yours simply looked like shit or not.

I torrented some Vilppu lectures, and that helped me more than any schooling did.

>> No.2094405

I took art classes at community college but after a while I began to dread them. There was a huge gap of work output between most of the students and the instructors would go really easy on everyone when it came to giving grades- if you finished an assignment you'd get a passing grade, more or less.

I started taking adult classes at an art center instead and I feel like I prefer that. The instructor is much more hands-on, the class size is usually very small and I don't have a bunch of random assignments that I have no time to do. Even though I don't get college credits it's actually become enjoyable to do the work and I feel like I'm making progress in what I signed up for.

>> No.2094411

God Damn. I love this guy. I would give a leg to be able to study a year at his atelier. But Europe yey.

>> No.2094434


Art school should be about becoming a better artist, not trying to get an "A"

If you're not motivated enough to be a try-hard over most of the assignments, you aren't going to stand out in the job market (at least from my experience.)

With that being said, if the graduating portfolios aren't blowing you out of the water, you should reevaluate your goals at that school.

So many people go into art programs thinking that they'll just get a grade and get through it. The grade is meaningless. People want your end-product, not your degree.

The people you are surrounded by are the ones that make up those artist "barista" stereotypes. Lots of portfolios out there, but only a fraction with real skill/passion

>> No.2094488

I'm actually saving up money to study at FZD.

It's 38,000 EU course, materials and living expenses, any tips and pointers and info you could pass along to someone also interested in walking the same path?

Feng claims 80% of his students land a job if they put the work in, and I've seen his work and am willing to go the mile if necessary.

How about life in Singapore? What's it like? What's it like to study there? Cost of living, how much do you spend a month? And how did you manage to pay off the "exclusive" price of schooling and living?

>> No.2094524
File: 35 KB, 736x937, tumblr_mymjg9pzqO1sm4tqdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here. Ask me anything.

>traditional artschool, basic course
Found a classical painter who now is quite famous (posted here often), tattoo artist and some designers to hang out with. Classmates was dealing, teachers were using. Doubt any students outside my social circle have jobs in art today.

Generally shitty time of my life, no contact with these people at all today.

>illustration and design
Program accepted 1 out of 50+ applicants. Art fags, snobby teachers, dresscode. I did not fit in well but made some nerdy friends. I was one of few who got to sell my artwork. About half went to university and most likely make more than me doing advertisement. No contact with these people today except for best nerdy mate.

>3d, vfx, digital courses
Me and nerdy guy from last school applied. About 40-50 students. About a third dropped during the courses. Most were socially inept, terrible artist or both.

Among the dropouts there was plenty of "polycount" hitlers or anatomy neckbeards.

Of the 30 ish that finished it seems all but one work in the industry today (last guy had a well paid job already). Keep contact with few and meet the others at different industry events. Most are chill, some have done hollywood and/or AAA games.

>post studies
Got job three months after graduation. Worked 3 years, had one year off, finishing up my fourth year in a new company now.

>> No.2094535

how old are you now and is there any work you can post?

>> No.2094536

I learned a lot of new media and techniques, had access to facilities I otherwise would not, got regular feedback and had free figure drawing sessions. lots of other artist to bounce ideas around with. overall a pretty good experience, I wish my teachers had been more critical of my work and focused more on technique and not just creative problem solving.

>> No.2094584

>how old are you now and is there any work you can post?
I'm almost 30

My work is nothing special. I occasionally post and it goes unseen.

>> No.2094778

>crazy clothes
>openly liking anime
What shitty art school did you go to? My school was hell, but if you didn't dress in ironic nomcore or all black /fa/ style, and you actually enjoyed something like anime in any way other than ironically (or if it was made pre-60s) you would be mass shunned.

Also, don't say 'retarded feminist ideas' aren't feminist ideas by default, they then just become radicalised ideas masquerading as feminism. /ic/ is pretty much made of /r9k/ and /pol/ though, so never mind and fuck you all.

>> No.2094784

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.2098570

Anime art is shit.

I don't understand why graffiti is hated here yet manga is accepted.

Maybe it's just kids who draw manga can't appreciated true fine art.

>> No.2099083

Where does OP go? I'm looking for an art college to apply for currently and I want to make sure it isn't this one

>> No.2099085


Anime still utilizes all the shit /ic/ likes, anatomy, construction "muh funniementals" etc.

Graff comes off as more of a >>>/gd/ thing, its less relatable imo.

Seriously tho

>wondering why manga is accepted on a chinese cartoons image board

>> No.2099097

I'm going to FZD soon I pray it's more useful than the regular schools... You guys scare me.

>> No.2099143

by that logic landscapes and city scapes are as shit as graffiti.

>> No.2099145

but graffiti is still shittier.

>> No.2099148

>what is composition
>what is rendering
>what is perspective

Are you fucking retarded.

I'm not saying graff can't include the above, but your comparison was pants on head stupid.

Its my fault to begin with, I shouldn't expect much from someone who supports graff though.

>> No.2099157

but graffiti can and often includes thse things.

Go back to your naruto fan art.

>> No.2099161

>le le u must draw animu xD

Amazing how many times people on /ic/ fall back on that.

>>2091757 Is my work.

Now post yours faggot.

>> No.2099162

and quite literally graffiti is all about how you compose the sizes and shapes of a series of letters.

>> No.2099165

graffiti still sucks.

>> No.2099168 [DELETED] 

>bitching out

>> No.2099169

>implying your average tag has any of that

>> No.2099170

There you go. You just proved my ppoint by proving you draw animu

Agreed. 98 percent of it anyway,

>> No.2099173

>bitching out


>> No.2099183

>There you go. You just proved my ppoint by proving you draw animu

Garbage still lives and two shitty paintings count as anime.

>> No.2099284

Don't worry we're not delusional.
There are 2 different kinds of art schools
The kind that teach you how to draw and paint
and the kind that teach you how to express yourself through macaroni and vaginas

The people complaining about the classes not teaching anything went to the latter and the ones that boast about how much they learnt went to the former

It's impossible to learn anything in a place that has no resources to learn from

>> No.2101611

American art schools seem to be utter trash, Im glad Im living in Germany and have access to all the good traditional academies all over europe, once I finished with school

>> No.2101619

This very much.

I'm very fortunate to be going to the former. We still get some weirdo shits from other schools sometimes but they don't do very well when told to work on skills and whine a lot about not being able to express themselves.

>> No.2101640

Europe has its share of bullshit schools but they're just the opposite extreme. Instead of focus on expression it's focus on technique.
At least you can go from there on your own so it's less shit than the situation here.

American art schools, it really depends on where you go. We have some ateliers and some smaller awesome schools scattered about. Out of what's well-known, however, are a few very good art schools, and then mainly bullshit like the Art Institute. They are relentless with their advertising, so they are what a lot of people think of when they think art school, and it's sad because they're such a fucking scam.

>> No.2102402

Technique is all I really want from an academy, I don't want creativity lessons.

>> No.2102419

bumping for more info.
FZD is the single best art school in the world.
How much do you think it would cost (including living expenses) to study there for one year? My current estimates are about $70,000 to $80,000 (singapore dollar).

>> No.2102532

Way to be spineless. man up if you're gonna talk shit

>> No.2102546
File: 20 KB, 225x237, feel_itdotjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit tier education, and nobody knew how to draw.
Every teacher had a 'it's just ur style' asspat mentality.
Every person going there was the type of nigga that liked super duper hyper realistic portraits of celerities and was a muh style faggot.

Got out after like six months.
It's a shame because pursuing something in the creative field was all I ever wanted, and that school was kind of my only hope after being done with highschool.
I ended up doing nothing and now I'm a filthy neet living in my mothers basement, sucked on to her like a leech.
Now I just gotta get gut but my mom isn't very supportive of my artistic endeavors and doesn't understand how somebody could make a living with art.
I'm probably gonna end up working some shitty minimum wage job and dieing of a stroke at the age of 42.

All in all 10/10.

>> No.2102550

>Be in college
>80% of everyone is normcore
>19% of everyone is slightly less normcore
>1% of everyone are those artsy hipsters but with the basic social skills to hang with everyone else and be cool in general
>No drugs except the 1% who smokes weed
>Classes are relevant and oversaturated with working skills and the occasional creativity/idea class
>Heavy improvement and knowledge I wouldn't or couldn't bring myself to sort out if I hadn't had a tutor

I'm in a 3D Production Modelling program though, but I also had to learn to be a "creative generalist" which covers everything from advertising, media, motion graphics, animation, and illustration.
Also, my use of normcore only covers my country's cultural norms, not your weird white western ass hipster social spirals of toxicity and unfriendliness.
Basically, if you found what you want to do and a proper course, college is great. Even if everyone's a dick, who cares. Just do art and learn to do it well.

>> No.2102552
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>I ended up doing nothing and now I'm a filthy neet living in my mothers basement, sucked on to her like a leech.

You should have stayed in school longer than 6 months bro

>> No.2102558

Get good, or learn to get good.
Don't blame others for your inability to learn, don't blame a trend for your exclusion.
Learn, study, practice. You don't need a stupid diploma.
Find out what you want to do and work at it.
If not then continue blaming everything for your incompetence and lack of work.
There are tumblr artist right now making more money than you drawing shitty inflated fat girls with the professional skills of a high school "that guy".
What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.2102779
File: 304 KB, 1024x939, death grips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just couldn't man, they made us do absolutely retarded exercises completely unrelated to drawing.
I'll get some shitty factory job soon enough though, shoot some money my moms way.

I ain't blaming shit nigga, and I never even said anything about not working.

Whatever man, this thread asked for art school experiences, that's mine.

>> No.2102791

that's one of those pictures where you swear you can smell it

>> No.2102933
File: 68 KB, 550x358, garthdee-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grays School of Art.



Aberdeen, Scotland. An already thoroughly miserable city with what is probably the worst art institution in the UK. Utterly toxic environment with unpleasant tutoring staff possessing no comunacation abilities (which is just as well considering they have no talent or advice to impart).

I never made it to the end of my degree, I was the whipping boy of the year. My tutors singled me out & ridiculed me in front of the other pupils. Only girls in my class got on & I don't need to say in what way.

After leaving in a severe depression, I tried to join other institutions using my own money. I was actively blocked by my former tutors. I know this because one of my interviewrs took me aside, out of earshot of others, & growled "I have friends at Grays... ".

Eventually, I avoided any association with the dump & got on a lot better. Got some decent grades behind me in new media technology which opened doors.

I now work on Game Of Thrones, among other things.

Fuck. You. Grays.

>> No.2103215

I didn't go, but I heard that it has a very heavy workload, like 4 hours of sleep a night max and having your life be only school work and little of anything else while you are there.

>> No.2103235
File: 32 KB, 535x373, le wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what the fuck
you need a degree to have the right to travel somewhere else?

>> No.2103238

To get a working visa in Japan you NEED a degree. Any degree, even an "art degree" would do. But that's Japan, I dunno in other countries.

>> No.2103240

>implying everyone wants to go to japan to work as a serf
>implying an art degree is even worth it in that instance when you can get a degree in almost any other subject in a shorter amount of time and be better off for it.


>> No.2103248

Not entirely sure why anyone would want to live in Japan honestly. Yes, it's a lovely place to visit, and even better if you know the language, but living there is a bit of a different story. Even more so as a non-Japanese barbarian or a lesser Asian (Korean). I feel sorry for any weeaboo who gets suckered into teaching English over there.

>> No.2103255

Faggot, If you know any other country that force you to have a degree in order to get a working visa there, then you're free to share it. I know that shit happens on Japan atleast.

And learn to read nigga. I said "even an art degree would do". If you want to go there with a degree on cocksuking it's fine too (you should try that one since you can't read you wont get a STEM degree), that's your own choice, but you need a degree on something.

>> No.2103281

>start university
>teachers are experienced, pretty good, very critical, literally make the girls cry sometimes
>this isnt so bad
>i stand out in life drawing, still only second best though, get usual "wow ur so good anon"
>look down on my peers, they're hard working but hipster fags for the most part, vegans, hippies, green party supporters, whatever
> recommend LOOMIS to them and look down on them

>> No.2103284
File: 115 KB, 720x960, lifey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is my life drawing, guys, why am I so lazy when it comes to project work

>> No.2103302

Well, your life drawing isn't *that* good. Be careful, don't be arrogant.

>> No.2103320

Yeah I'm well aware, I know I only stood out to people who don't really know any better, the shock was that I often do so badly grade wise even though i'm undeniably more skilled drawing wise than most of my peers. It doesnt mean shit if I keep slacking off

>> No.2103329

Do you know when the date of the next graduation show?

>> No.2103337

>build up of depression throughout art school years
>suddenly have no will to keep on truckin' and stop caring about assignments and deadlines
>barely graduate, very close to failing.

I used to work really really hard, where did my enthusiasm and hard working attitude go? I miss being like that. Otherwise, go to a good one OP. If they aren't teaching ANYTHING relevant get out of there before they take even more money from you.

Go get taught online for art, college is for connections if you go to the right place.