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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 288 KB, 1073x727, Untitled453-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2083424 No.2083424 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favourite (or one of your most favourite) digital painting, and tell the class as eloquently and objectively as possible, why you like it so much.

('Please no stealthy self promotion' edition)

>> No.2083439


that picture reawakens the terror of presentations in school. no way i'm going first.

>> No.2083459
File: 190 KB, 1458x960, 1429298506982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2083464
File: 832 KB, 1500x802, 1india3_19CRAIGMULLINSSTUDY1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me?
Look at that fucking perspective
Look at that fucking composition
The Color choices. Holy shit You can taste the sweat on that soldier's forehead.



>> No.2083488
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, 1426603439540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig Mullins is the best digital artist out there. Name a better artist

>Protip, you can't

>> No.2083492

Ruan Jia.

>> No.2083493

Olly Lawson. :^)

>> No.2083500
File: 2.19 MB, 359x202, 3kMVg8m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2083511

Probably with a tablet and pen. And lots of time.

>> No.2083531

what the fuck brehs that look fucken sick

>> No.2083533

I love this too.

>> No.2083547

This one he said he used a 3d program that he modelled a soldier in, then copied/pasted it into an army. The painting was done overtop the 3d render. You can see the foreground soldiers all painted manually overtop, but on the ones in the distance it is still the plain model.

But yeah, fucking insanely good image. Apparently he had to make up a lot of hte designs too since there wasn't enough historical info on it.

>> No.2083556

When there's almost a hundred soldiers in a painting, it should be acceptable to use a 3d/photobashing program just to save time. I'm sure he could have drawn all those soldiers if he wanted to though.

>> No.2083561


This fella shits all over Ruanjia. And I absolutely love Ruanjia.

>> No.2083565

I never said it wasn't acceptable. I was just explaining how this particular image was made because he literally asked how it was done :)

>> No.2083577
File: 93 KB, 1314x1700, 1592321 - Jinx League_of_Legends sakimichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She make more money a month than I make in a year. Thats why.

>> No.2083607

Never thought she'd draw pussy. Is she gay?

>> No.2083612

For 50k a month, I'd draw veiny massive dicks all day. Sexual orientation is irrelevant when we are talking large sums of money.

>> No.2083613

i honestly fear reaching a point like this.

>> No.2083615

all girls are bi

>> No.2083629

Someone post the Dante one. I wanna see if she draw his dick or not.

>> No.2083658
File: 257 KB, 1940x1091, 1424553593447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this artist handles their forms and gesture. Not to mention that this painting has a messier style to it without looking like some confusing mass of messy scribbles.

The palette here is also very nice, it has an interesting use of warm colours. I'm sure a lot of other artists would have used a cooler palette because space is cold erp derp

>> No.2083666
File: 51 KB, 480x726, 1429540332265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wears nothing but boots, why aren't the men wearing nothing but boots? This picture is sexist you cis gendered shitlord!

>> No.2083667

You're not amusing as you think you are.

>> No.2083677
File: 139 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2083688

Do you have a source? I would love to see more of Mullins illustrations explained by himself.

>> No.2083694

Whats wrong with being a cis? that is what the majority of the world is.

>> No.2083701

I believe it's discussed in some old Sijun posts. You can read them in the pdf...you should be able to find it by googling "Mullins Sijun pdf" or something to that effect. There's a 400+ page document of all the advice he ever gave on the Sijun forums. Iirc it was near the last few pages of the document when he talked of that elephant picture.

>> No.2083707
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 1359192007117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info, bro.

>> No.2083708

>grotesque anatomy
>everything made of pretty much the same material with only varying colours
>places her name in the middle of the drawing
>the tattoos look like marker drawings
>gets paid 50k per month to do this crap
The bar has been lowered to depths once thought unreachable.

>> No.2083719
File: 137 KB, 810x992, valkyr_by_mancomb_seepwood-d6bgttq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that everyone wants all art to be for them... Sakimichan was able to reach an audience who will pay her money to draw this.

Art is as much a job as being a lawyer or an accountant, first you learn the basics then you get good at it, you study you get better, find a job make money. continue to make money until you are satisfied, then you get to do whatever you want.

>> No.2083770
File: 23 KB, 338x430, 1426042629312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're jelly. She makes more money than any artist in the world. When you look at paintings like Craig Mullins or Ruan Jia they make sakis drawings look like preshool stick figures. Then we ask ourselves "why aren't they making as much money?" "She doesn't deserve it!"

But in the end, why does it matter? Who cares if she makes all that money? She's not hurting anyone, people willingly fund her. Should we not be as encouraged that we can make it just as much in art if the skill level is at Sakis or higher?

>> No.2083777

It's because she's a tool and we're too cool to work under other people's orders.

Freelance? Yeah, as long as i can draw what EYE want, hipster.

>> No.2083782

and then you look at his oil paintings and realize he's not great. he's merely good.

>> No.2083783

it's not the part where she makes 50k a month that confuses me it's that she has like 1000 patrons. maybe i just don't understand patreon but isn't that $5000 a month from these people. Who is spending that to see her drawings? unless she has some rich uncle who is 49k of that or something.

>> No.2083785
File: 52 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno

>> No.2083786

What? You can't judge someone's entire skillset based on one medium which they rarely use. Yeah his oils are just good but not amazing, but his digital, watercolours, gouache, acrylics, and pastels are all amazing.

>> No.2083788

>Oil and Digital are the same medium and require the same amount of skill

>> No.2083789

> then you look at his oil paintings
Doesn't matter. He his still a great artist and knows what he's doing. Anyone can get good with any media if you spend enough time with it.

>> No.2083791

At least it gives hope that one can be paid 50k per month without having to be Craig Mullins.

>> No.2083797

his digital stunted his growth and skewed his idea of what a finished traditional work should look like. his website is full of half finished stuff. that's just the impression i get. he blocks in values and colors but doesn't have the precision of digital so he doesn't bother. I don't see any traditional work on his website that looks anything above ok. Either he's holding back all his great oil paintings or he just doesn't have any.

pic related is especially telling to me. it has some of the grandeur of his imagery in digital with none of the precision. It just looks like he's treating oils like it's a digital painting.

You are on this website. You see the paintings people like Mucha did of huge scale like his digital usually conveys but he's never tried to pull it off. I don't understand why. Especially thinking in terms of Sargent and how he painted ( thinking of brushstrokes and color theory), even if I'm not a great fan of him. It was really similar to Mullins but he took it to extremes that Mullins has never come close to.

>> No.2083799
File: 133 KB, 500x579, baron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry pic related

>> No.2083813

$25,280.60 every two weeks, or $50,561.20 a month with 2941 patrons. That averages out to $17.19 a month per patron.

>> No.2083839

his digital didn't stunt his growth. you're confusing correlation with causation. I think it would be more correct to say his career did, as that would prevent him from putting time to learning to really paint traditionally and make good paintings. But we might get to see this in 10 years or so when Mullins is retired and making traditional paintings.

>> No.2083842

here's fucking hoping. I want to see that elephant painting on a huge canvas in oils. I think everyone wants to see that.

>> No.2083854

> I think everyone wants to see that
Speak for yourself. Not everyone has a care or hard-on for oils.

>> No.2083870


I sure as fuck do.


But everyone has a hard-on for Mullins, so seeing him fully devote his skills to this medium will be an awesome thing to witness. If you disagree you are a faggot.

>> No.2083871

the spears cast no shaddow

>> No.2083874
File: 53 KB, 736x511, 5be03ba9d7dad763dfc1614dc9ab1004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peleng is fucking boss.

>> No.2083881


>> No.2083885


they are too thin. i'm 100% certain mullins wouldn't have missed that.

>> No.2083888
File: 117 KB, 500x325, pd348247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to find an image with strong sunlight. The spears the soldiers are holding should have definitely cast their own shadow. I don't think it hurts the overall image, but it is something that someone would probably catch if they looked at it long enough.

>> No.2083890

>they are too thin
what?? hahahahaha

>> No.2083891

In intense light shadows of thin forms don't show up on the ground.

>> No.2083899
File: 140 KB, 700x501, Pikeniere_kl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, just going over the image for spearmen on google you can find mostly overcast light. Mullins probably reffed them a bit too hard and forgot about the spear shadows.
Spear and pike shafts aren't nearly thin enough not to cast a shadow under that kind of light, it even shows in that African pic where the spear shaft is obviously thinner to enable throwing. War spears would be much sturdier.

>> No.2083989
File: 786 KB, 787x1464, story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used some inspiration from this

>> No.2084268


Strong what the fuck

>> No.2088242


>> No.2088266

the anatomy on that guys right arm needs to be checked

>> No.2092097

Artist is certainly a job, but you can create art and you can be a seller, salesmen sell-sakimichan is a seller, there is no vision in those pictures, its for monetary purposes, and I think the fact that you dont fulfill your own visions as an artist, makes your art just work.

>> No.2092101

you know what really brings this down? the fact that its all a massive copypasted piece of blandness.

He is a good videogame artwork painter, but he is absolute shit when it comes to the real tools, traditional so to speak.

>> No.2092105

fucking A he missed that.

Guy copy pasted all of those soldiers and elephants, of course he used those soldier textures for the cast shadows too, thats why there aint no spear shadows.

>> No.2092132
File: 2.19 MB, 2800x1600, imperial boy City day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna actually answer instead of arguing about Mullins.

This instantly makes me nostalgic for this world every time I look at it; it feels so fantastic and magical and yet so real. I've always had difficulty coming up with details, so I really admire artists who can imagine every last inch of their piece. A common complaint is the small range of values, which I somewhat agree with, but I think this contributes to the hazy summer afternoon feeling he was going for. This picture has its flaws - some perspective errors and he doesn't even try on the figures - but I can easily overlook them. While there are objectively better paintings, this is still my favorite.

>> No.2092139

I believe there's a word for a "nostalgia for the place you've never been", isn't there?

>> No.2092142

Wow I love this. The best example posted so far imo.

>> No.2092166

Yeah, I was trying to remember what it was actually.
ooh neat

>> No.2092196

Jamais vu, I think

>> No.2092200

lol are you thinking of "déjà vu"?

>> No.2092203

You're right. I had them mixed up

>> No.2092297

Jamais vu is when you can't remember places you're actually familiar with.

>> No.2092474
