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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 705 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2080398 No.2080398 [Reply] [Original]

Been working with my tattoo artist trying to cover a shitty outline up. Gotten to this point, needs work obviously, but any ideas how to try and cover more of the shitty old putline up inside/around the guy meditating?

>> No.2080399


>> No.2080450

Bad tattoo thread?

>> No.2080478
File: 81 KB, 1024x576, soliderslaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

book laser treatment immediately, thats one shit tattoo, and your a fool for sitting for all of that, shame SHAME!!!

>> No.2080510

jesus fuck just flay yourself, that shit is terrible

>> No.2080571

Just take a knife and cut your skin off. It works. Trust me.

>> No.2081771

The cover-up is patchy as fuck already and I cant find a solid line anywhere. It honestly looks as though the same scratcher did both tattoos, so find yourself a decent artist before you mess it up even further.

>> No.2081858

your back looks like the notebook of schizophrenic middleschoolers

>> No.2081913

Go to /x/ OP, I bet they'll like this piece of shit tattoo

>> No.2084264

Or instead of telling me it's shit you could understand its a large work in process and I'm genuinely looking for some ideas instead of the usual "just go kill yourself"

>> No.2084273

>its a large work in process
even in the early stages it's apparent your tattoo artist is not competent. Really.. please think before getting any more work done. Either look into a better artist or seriously rethink your choice of getting this tattoo.
Show this to many other people, chances are if they are honest and they care about you, they will tell you this tattoo is shit (does not matter , it's apparent even in WIP stages) and that you will regret it later.

I'm not trying to be discouraging. Just some concern from a random person on the internet.

>> No.2084285


Fuck the haters OP i think it looks great

I think that if you like, colour you entire back black it would cover up the line work outside the meditating guy at least.

maybe add an ak47 in there somewhere? i think the contrast between peace and war would be deep

>> No.2084303

The placement of the chakras bother me. The heart one in particular looks too high up, then the bottom three are kinda squished.

>> No.2084309
File: 32 KB, 329x429, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to this guy because he was best in the shop, he's laid down some sick art and I trust him to get a good final tattoo. Here's a tat he did the other day

>> No.2084310
File: 173 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some art he threw together pretty recently. He has talent, It was just a shitty tattoo he had to cover

>> No.2084311

I disliked that too. He kinda just threw them on as place markers for another session. They may just get worked into another design

>> No.2084649

these don't add up.

>> No.2084811

>place markers
>permanent ink on your fucking skin
you're covering shit with more shit and you need to stop while there's still some slim chance that your back can be saved.

>> No.2084814

I will never understand why people do this to themselves. Something inside must be broken or damaged to make someone want to permanently deface their skin.

>> No.2089075

It can be beautiful but some others can be awful. I get it. I have a smaller tattoo on my shoulder and I like how simplistic it is; plus I designed it so I had fun with the process of getting it.

>> No.2089089

fyi simplistic!=simple

>> No.2090500

Here's a tip op: don't talk about tattoos on 4chan because most people on here are 14 year olds who don't fit in and will hate anything popular like tattoos. I like the mediation guy but the flower is gay as fuck. I'd get like a whole space/planet theme on the rest of your back and it'd cover the outline. I'm thinking of getting a meditating alien holding the earth that I drew and plan on going from there

>> No.2090504

>most people on here are 14 year olds who don't fit in and will hate anything popular like tattoos

mfw it's actually the 14 year olds who hate everything popular who want to get tattoos.

>> No.2090517
File: 1.74 MB, 2550x3510, meditative me 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more dark on the inside of the body using light and shadow effects...more busts of color bursts out and/or your spirit animal/animals around...and maybe add the elements around or just the one element you connect with the most and feel the most peace when you are around it ( also a great way to enhance you meditation)....btw how do you like mine...i made my own thread with it no replies(well none about the art, a verbal attack on me yes)

>> No.2090520

>yfw it's not

Add cod kids literally hate tattoos because they induce a sense of insecurity, cognitively they link the person with tattoos together with the tattoos of the person who "wronged them".

It's actually a great personality test to tell who is going to be a complete downer.

>> No.2090522

That's right op, find yourself a "real" 20 years old freshmen "adults" to talk about permanent changes on your body. At least when you do something like this - spend a decent amount on decent artist, your back looks like it was drawn with crayons, linework is okay but the color looks like shit, also it looks desaturated unless it's retarded artsy filter you can't live without.

>> No.2090553


>> No.2090581

>cover up a thin shitty tattoo with a huge bold and colorful as fuck shitty tattoo

>> No.2090672


>> No.2090717

Your poor back...

>> No.2090725


>> No.2090774

I know nothing of tattoos but of what I watch on spike. But wouldn't it have been sensible to bring that lotus up and size it with the old tattoo. Use the sun thing's outline as part of the petals and lose the rest in the flower?

Rather than leaving it out in the open without a 'placeholder' to show he even has a plan to hide the rest of it.

>> No.2090777

Very few deserve their own thread, the fact that you think this shit deserves one shows how deluded you are.

>What do you think
Looks like cat vomit

>> No.2090792


>> No.2091066

Jesus is that terrible. Even worse that you probably spent hours on it and signed it too thinking it actually looked good

>> No.2091100


>> No.2091111
