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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 177 KB, 961x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2078458 No.2078458 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to shitposting.
Stay on topic.

Last thread: >>2073325

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about referances for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.2078463

I appreciate you making a new thread, as I have just settled down from work. I ask you to use the text I made next time you decide to make the thread, its important to lay down the balance.

These thread are dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic art

(If you don't like these threads please hide them.)

Post your smut
Share tips and help others
Furries are allowed in moderation
Unnecessarily reporting of anons is strongly discouraged.

>> No.2078490
File: 29 KB, 403x312, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're quite the comedian

>> No.2078491
File: 667 KB, 310x216, 1396552033410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2078494

Do anyone of you /b/ros do any commission work.

>> No.2078495
File: 151 KB, 1024x603, 1421710051361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time I've seen an anon that was more of a faggot than the op.

>> No.2078498

Im wayy to slow

>> No.2078502


>> No.2078523

I do commissions check my tumblr savorysinrave.tumblr.com for my work. I'm not the best by any means tho.

>> No.2078524
File: 330 KB, 1000x1200, Likeadog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your bro, pal.

I want to start in the Summer.

>> No.2078540
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm always game. I do digital and traditional

You can get in contact with me at
rockyhardwood6900@gmail.com if you want more info

>> No.2078546

>too slow

The promise for money upon completion is motivation, anon. And you can in-fact learn a lot while doing them.

>> No.2078626
File: 973 KB, 1149x1869, sell mayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selemene commands it or something

crits or anything?

>> No.2078644
File: 72 KB, 700x419, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats true.
I guess it takes me a long time because I dont gesture as much as I should and I forgot some anatomy after a recent car crash, in March

>> No.2078647

It looks good all together.
Does it get the job done? Not for me but I could see how it will for another

>> No.2078650

timmi 2lewd

>> No.2078661


>> No.2078662

>some fucking deviant artist gets this much for shit

>> No.2078681


you're in the wrong board motherfucker

>> No.2078687

Does this guy actually make a living doing that?

>> No.2078692

This stuff is a lot better than a good chunk of stuff that gets paid for. And at least they're not even just a bunch of re-skinned templates.

>> No.2078766

you really think that's a lot of money? That's amateur pay for amateur work. If anything they are undercharging compared to what most average artists price for.

>> No.2078768

I think you're talking to a nooblet, mang.

>> No.2078772

>amateur pay

Not even, that's poverty pay. Amateur pay is much higher than that, And professional pay is shit random fags roaming the internet can't even begin to afford.

>> No.2078776
File: 91 KB, 891x801, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking chump change

>> No.2078782

>this much
Even though the artist isn't all that good, that's a pathetic amount. How poor are you?

>> No.2078790

uwot. that's literally 3rd world poverty tier
some amateur gigs in book covers, merchandise art used in stuff like skateboards and shirts and some card arts can net you 500-3000 USD per illustration (work for hire though which sucks ass)

>> No.2078791

Well, my bad for calling it amateur. I can't think of another word for what level that imgur poster is at.

>> No.2078792
File: 272 KB, 800x1132, blablalbla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.

>> No.2078794 [DELETED] 

fuck off

>> No.2078795 [DELETED] 


>> No.2078797 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2078821 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 500x500, 2039395843729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay triggered, virgins

>> No.2078823 [DELETED] 

That guy keeps spamming his art thinking his hot shit. Fuckin' go back to deviantart.

>> No.2078827 [DELETED] 

Not that anon but I've only seen this guy post in one, maybe two previous threads. I really don't think that counts as spam.

>> No.2078831 [DELETED] 

I really want to start working towards commisions but I would be in constant fear of getting fucked over by paypals no porn rule. Is there no easy way to get paid for this shit without breaking any bullshit rules?

>> No.2078839 [DELETED] 

The companies that don't have a no porn rule either charge high fees or are shady about giving you your money. Patreon doesn't have that rule, but it takes time to build up. It doesn't seem like there really is an easy way.
I'm about to try this new payservice I found called Flint through another service called Payline. They also have the no porn rule, but I'm thinking that as long as I have my sfw pages and use it there, when someone's paying for an illustration it's not going to matter where it's coming from, and they have the added benefit of total anonymity. At least that's what they've said, I've got to finish setting up my account and test it.

>> No.2078851 [DELETED] 

Isn't this supposed to be a porn thread where we can showcase our porn related illustrations?
Didn't know there were limitations of any kind.
What exactly is wrong with me posting this stuff?

Also, I don't think I'm top shit. I am posting to get critique and develop.

>> No.2078859

so, who are you in this picture?

>> No.2078861 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 636x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No not really.
People keep getting mad about interracial. Thats about it

>> No.2078866 [DELETED] 


>> No.2078978 [DELETED] 
File: 407 KB, 352x476, Are you ready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking faggots, so it's okay to post furry but if it's one black guy everyone loses their shit? come on /ic/ take it to >>>/b/

>> No.2078988 [DELETED] 

hi reddit

>> No.2078995
File: 148 KB, 2500x1645, 1419057065188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeps projecting
Hi faggot, take your bait elsewhere

>> No.2078999 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 503492831792393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He is in comparison to most of you faggots in this thread. You all jizz your pants over Gabe's degenerate fur shit but the moment you see interracial your autism can't take it? You faggots literally can't kill yourself fast enough. Stay triggered you moronic virgins.

>> No.2079001 [DELETED] 

Hello reddit
>>>>>>>>>posts >>>/pol/ un-ironically

>> No.2079006 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1430636820925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking virgin fucks fuck you I'm going back to more mature sights where we fap to mature porn for healthy mature swissfappers

>> No.2079021 [DELETED] 

way to miss the point, retard

>> No.2079025 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 307x164, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking immature faggot how dare you how dare you talk shit about my interracial porn fucking pos cis scum fuckoff to /b/ racist

>> No.2079032 [DELETED] 

>fucking immature faggot shit fucking scum fuckoff racist
>fucking virgins fuck fuck
>faggots fur shit autism faggots virgins
>Fucking faggots furry shit b

>> No.2079040 [DELETED] 

Can you guys stop. This isn't /v/ and everyone is here to help each other.

>> No.2079046
File: 165 KB, 1194x860, chars01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the first time people here react negatively to interracial porn. Where is all this hate coming from? Is this just trollbait or am I missing some deeper shit here?

>> No.2079049 [DELETED] 

Spend a few minutes on /pol/ and you'll get redpil- I mean you will understand what's going on.

>> No.2079057
File: 1.17 MB, 1057x1500, 012t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time colouring something. Can I get specific tips or tutorials to help? Not looking to become master artist, just to have a presentable coloured image to jerk it to.

>> No.2079063 [DELETED] 

Stormfags mindwashed plenty of young impressionable people on 4chan.

>> No.2079064 [DELETED] 


SRS pls go.

>> No.2079066 [DELETED] 

virgins cant get around the fact that they dont get laid not because they are uglt, fat, poor but because white wimin throw themselves on the first black cock they see immediately

>> No.2079068 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 566x396, 1405131009518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2079071 [DELETED] 

> samefag
But I actually think it's summer too.

>> No.2079072 [DELETED] 

>Someone has different views than me!
>How dare they react negatively!
>Muh racism muh hate muh intolerance!

How shocking.

>> No.2079074 [DELETED] 

Most people on 4chan are average looking and not at all fat.

>> No.2079076 [DELETED] 

racist ≠ interracial
He shit is racist. He's never seen a real black cock in his life. It's not interracial.

>> No.2079083 [DELETED] 

Why are you saying stuff he never said?

>> No.2079090 [DELETED] 

Care to explain what are the racist connotations you see in my illustrations please.
Are you referring to stereotypes?

Never had anything against black people lol.

>> No.2079095 [DELETED] 

>Never had anything against black people
You say that like it's a good thing.

>> No.2079097 [DELETED] 

What the fuck do you know about black culture?!?!

>> No.2079099 [DELETED] 

>Never had anything against black people lol.
Das racys.

>> No.2079103 [DELETED] 

More or less the same amount as any other normal white European male.
What does this have to do with my illustrations and my question?

>> No.2079108 [DELETED] 

>h-he's the real racist!!

It doesn't work like that faggot. There is no real negative connotation to the stereotype he's playing off of though. The reason it pisses of these virgins is because it makes them insecure as fuck, even when it's just a fetish. You're no different from the fat ass feminists who get pissed off that so many women in comics have idealistic body images.

>> No.2079110 [DELETED] 

How do you hide posts in mobile view?

>> No.2079112 [DELETED] 

That your an idiot who doesn't know he drawing racist shit. Let me guess, it's for somebody else. Right?

>> No.2079113
File: 338 KB, 1290x1728, Show me some more love 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon here I got another one that I'm working on. Thoughts?

>> No.2079123 [DELETED] 

It's normal cuckold interracial porn. I know what I'm drawing. I know it's a bunch of unrealistic stereotypes, but guess what, It goes both ways. The white males in these comics are portrayed a lot badly than the black ones. And what about the female stereotypes?
These comics are all about excess, but the main theme is always about cuckold and white female on black males sexual fantasy.
Between me who is drawing this stuff and people who react in such an offensive way over (these kind of) comics illustrations, who is the real idiot.

And to answer your question. Yes, I draw these on commission for an interracial pay site. And no, I don't think the scripts they provide me are racist.

>> No.2079126
File: 1.08 MB, 1543x2806, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common guys

Black, white, whatever

We all like to fuck

>> No.2079129 [DELETED] 

>just because I draw for stormfags don't mean I am one
You draw ignorant racist shit for an ignorant racist audience that laughs at racist stereotype. And you spend all day denying it. It's that simple.

>> No.2079134 [DELETED] 

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a black man with a tiny cock. Point at him and laugh.

>> No.2079136 [DELETED] 

sissy white bois can only talk about they racist cartoons on anonymous boards.

>> No.2079146 [DELETED] 

I find it weird how a comic portraying white men as pathetic limp-dicked losers and black men as the apex of masculinity, virility and vascularity is somehow construed as racist against black people.

I fucking hate SJWs so goddamn much.

>> No.2079147


I like this a lot. More cute than hot, but I really like the colors and line weight. Source?

>> No.2079149

I like the face

>> No.2079152

It's futile to argue with a SJW, as Yuri said the only time they realize they're wrong is when it is far too late; the delusion and incompetence of these left wing Liberals as well as the type of people they have in their clutches is so great it distorts and warps their perception of reality.

>> No.2079154


Made it myself!

>> No.2079157

as in "come on"
common being a totally different word with a different meaning

/pet peeve

>> No.2079158

>We all like to fuck
Go away, chinese un-virgin.

>> No.2079160
File: 975 KB, 290x231, 1426995860856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


!? Well, good shit anon.

>> No.2079177

Dunno man.
Just keep doing whatcha doing. It looks very appealing, which is the point.

>> No.2079184
File: 130 KB, 850x637, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cel shading

Artist name: Charm Point

>> No.2079191

The fuck is that in her mouth?

>> No.2079194

anyone know of some good resources for drawing Breasts & Butts (varying shapes, sizes, squishyness etc...)

looked at the sticky and felt lost and like looking for a needle in a haystack.
i just want some nice visual and text read aimed mostly at smaller breasts and butts in general.

>> No.2079202

Well, if you are going to use shadows you need a bit of understanding of planes, values and color temperature at the bare minimum. Otherwise shit will be full of clashing colors and muddiness like in the picture you posted.

If you don't want to put any effort into it, do flats and color pick the colors from other pictures that got them right.

>> No.2079207 [DELETED] 

What's masculine about being cockold? So, I guess a hooker is the apex of womanhood going by your world view.

>> No.2079216
File: 448 KB, 872x3557, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doxys Toots

>> No.2079217 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 493x646, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guys like being the weaker in the relationship. It could be Freudian reasons

>> No.2079219
File: 510 KB, 802x858, x2scrap3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small breasts means there's little fat, so there's nothing deep about it. You construct them the way they are and add the appeal you need. Nipples should be pointing away from the spine.

Same for smaller butts, you just construct butts. As for bigger butts, I believe they depend on the construction of the hips for the exaggeration. I believe there was a Doxy tutorial about it like the other anon said.

>> No.2079221 [DELETED] 

cucking someone means you were so desirable that someone was willing to violate the trust of another relationship just to fuck you. being a whore means you allowed someone to fuck you after getting compensation in exchange

>> No.2079235 [DELETED] 

Is that how you internalize your rape?

>> No.2079250 [DELETED] 

>cheating is rape

Kill yourself

>> No.2079262 [DELETED] 

>it's okay to cheat on others
No, you kill yourself

>> No.2079266
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eh I don't think he was trying to imply that really, just that the premise of cheating automatically being rape was wrong.

While I'm here, any crits on dat ass? And tips for sock drawing?

>> No.2079272 [DELETED] 

AFAIK cucking isn't cheating.

>> No.2079274 [DELETED] 


No one said anything about it being "ok". But to call it rape is asinine. Sex between two consenting adults is sex, moron Doesn't mean a damn thing if they are already in a relationship with someone else, it's not rape. Specially when they aren't even married. You're only accountable for your own body with sex. No one else.

>> No.2079275 [DELETED] 

He's saying adulterous affairs are okay and that rape signifies a form of trust. If some one loves you enough they have every right to rape and you.

>> No.2079277 [DELETED] 

>Man using a woman for sexual gratification, rape
>Woman using a man for sexual gratification, not rape


>> No.2079279
File: 973 KB, 271x200, 1430329830380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks pretty good anon, although the cheeks seem really rigid and a little too round, try adding some fat and weight to it.

>> No.2079280 [DELETED] 

>two consenting adults
>still rape

It's obvious you've never been in a relationship and your sex life is non-existent, anon. Keep daydreaming.

>> No.2079281 [DELETED] 

So as long as both parties are consenting it doesn't matter if either one is in a relationship or that one is using the other it still will not be cheating. Is that you justify it?

>> No.2079296

What is the hardest fetish to draw? What is the easiest fetish to draw?

>> No.2079298 [DELETED] 


The point is cheating isn't rape you inept fool. Under your definition of rape, you can have sex one day, regret it because you found out the person was an asshole (see cheating) later, and call it rape because you didn't know they were an asshole when you had sex with them. It doesn't work that way, you consenting to it at the moment and going through the entire act from start to finish means it's not rape.

>> No.2079308
File: 292 KB, 722x1200, 38215207_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bags of sand

>> No.2079309

bags of sand are much more heavy and dense.

>> No.2079312
File: 295 KB, 500x534, 1353284819298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2079316
File: 12 KB, 200x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your least favorite
>your fetish

>> No.2079319
File: 1.16 MB, 921x2664, 1423599585916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an old joke to fool virgins

life like texture ;_;

>> No.2079320
File: 37 KB, 525x481, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2079322

Its a meme.
Same as salty milk and coins

>> No.2079325

Never seen this one. Its pretty good. Artist?

>> No.2079327
File: 269 KB, 722x1200, 38215207_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's on pixiv his results come up in iqdb from image search in the post menu

he has 4 pages of this

>> No.2079328

>Doxy toots

Yeah, no. Can't stand the way doxy draws tits. He draws them as if someone is pulling them to the side. The only time tits look like that is when a girl is laying on her back, not when she's standing upright. There are better boob tutorials from nippon artists even.

>> No.2079331
File: 678 KB, 1200x4290, How_to_Draw_Boobs_by_ragingtofu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go baby i'll make it all better

>> No.2079339

>boob shine


>> No.2079341

the only good looking thing on this page are a select few of the breasts.

the rest looks like utter shit

>> No.2079342

>signed, a man who has never seen real naked lady boobs
Titties don't bunch together and make cleavage without a bra, m80.

>> No.2079344

Yeah. I really don't understand why those who clearly don't even understand the fundamentals think they should be making tutorials.

>> No.2079350

welp there's always the /ic/ sticky for you lads

>> No.2079357

may be a ball or some type of orb. I haven't decided yet.

>> No.2079358
File: 152 KB, 900x973, 40539725_big_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that projection

Believe what you want to make yourself feel better. All you need to do is go to a life drawing class/session to know boobs don't look the way Doxy draws them in his tutorial when a woman is standing upright. Boobs don't look like they are being pulled to the side. That only happens when they are laying down or laying back, not when they are standing upright. It's not even about cleavage because it's obvious that only happens due to clothing and/or bra.

>> No.2079359
File: 82 KB, 459x646, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2079364


>> No.2079367

There has to be a set to that bitch. Google doesn't give shit and the blog is just a image dump.

>> No.2079371

Sure if you have implants or something but average sized tits do not have cleavage without bra or external forces. Have you only ever looked at strippers and hookers before?

>> No.2079384
File: 222 KB, 1200x1176, 48934913_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded

Are you actually reading my posts or is your autism flaring up before you can finish? No one is saying anything about cleavage. No one is saying anything about implants. We are talking about boobs SAGGING DOWN, NOT being PULLED LEFT AND RIGHT (ie the way Doxy draws them). As I've already said twice, that ONLY happens when a women is laying/leaning on her back, not when she's standing upright.

>> No.2079385


>> No.2079389


>> No.2079400
File: 49 KB, 400x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you want my own bran of thick bitches and pickle ticklers, lemme know

>> No.2079407

I want
Not sure if thats shopped though. The distance fron the bellybutton to the pussy is too small?

>> No.2079444

This looks weird to me somehow. I feel like something's wrong with the clavicle and shoulders.

>> No.2079448

>do flats and color pick the colors from other pictures that got them right
What does this mean?
Any good tuts on the technique? I was trying to emulate the four coloured panels in the manga, which used something with a lot of different shades, rather than cel shading itself.

>> No.2079454

Flats means big... well flat chunks of color with no varietion in them, think of it as coloring with crayons as a kid, you tried to have an even color while coloring say the flesh. then on another layer you can add all the varietions since you already have a base.
as for the color pick, I guess anon thought you were using a reference and was telling you to copy the colors with the tool (eyedrop)

>> No.2079457
File: 652 KB, 1057x1500, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is one of the four images coloured by the author. I was trying to emulate this for consistency's sake, and it turned out predictably bad. Should I just go with base, light, and dark colours for each 'type' (girl's skin, guy's skin, items of clothing, floor, wall, etc), and leave it at only those three variations?

>> No.2079458

Actually, it looks like it would work perfectly with that kind of coloring (plus some textures if you want to go the extra mile in copying his style).

>> No.2079459

So are you saying I should continue doing what I was doing with the pic I posted earlier, but try to get it actually to completion, or have I misunderstood?

>> No.2079460

Also, try using non anti-alias tools (like the pencil tool in ps or lasso tool without anti-alias)

>> No.2079462

Well, now that I see the reference and your intentions... yes. You are on the right track for that.

>> No.2079465

Alright, thanks. Will see how it goes when I'm a little further into it.

>> No.2079470

Good luck!

>> No.2079471

If my fetish is really the easiest to draw, then why is there literally only one hentai artist who can draw it right?

>> No.2079472

I suppose you could say it comes down to taste, but I'd strongly suggest you find another artist's coloring style to emulate.

>> No.2079475

Like I said, this is my first time colouring anything. I don't really have any tastes yet, but I tried this one just to be consistent. Cel shading seemed like it might be too boring, though maybe I'm just worried that I'll suck at something that looks so easy. Do you have any suggestions for what I should look at?

>> No.2079476

I think they meant your fetish is the easiest for you specifically to draw.
What's your fetish though?

>> No.2079493


>> No.2079499

A lot of white don't like black people, especially when being fetishized with white women.

That's pretty understandable, everyone has fetishes and everyone has things they don't like, doesn't make them trolls.

>> No.2079507

Eh, I've seen maybe 5 black people in my life, have no opinions of them, and I still don't like interracial porn.

The only one I liked was about some stereotypical hood nigga fucking a white girl in front of her father in their suburban home.

Also, not a single male black pormstar I've seen can fuck or act. If they're not fucking like Rocco, they better be entertaining as fuck, or I just stop paying attention.

>> No.2079509

The comic fetishes BBC's. Don't get me wrong here, there is nothing bad fantasizing about a blackman's penis. That's the artist prerogative. But let's not pigeonhole it a just a comic about white women having intercourse with black men. Clearly the star of the show is the blackman's penis.

>> No.2079518

Some people call it Objectively the Worst Fetish

>> No.2079543
File: 25 KB, 416x449, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching straight porn for the men

>> No.2079544
File: 53 KB, 604x453, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make a good point

>> No.2079546

I was thinking the same.

>> No.2079547

I watch it for the sex. If the sex is boring, and the scene is boring, there is literally no reason for me to watch it.

>> No.2079553

>A lot of white don't like black people, especially when being fetishized with white women.

Sounds like a personal problem considering it's fictional.

>That's pretty understandable, everyone has fetishes and everyone has things they don't like, doesn't make them trolls.

All fetishes aren't created equal. They are trolls.

>> No.2079555


We get it anon, you watch for the men. It's alright to admit you're gay.

>> No.2079556
File: 135 KB, 759x779, bliblu01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2079563

This is an awful tutorial. Just awful.

>> No.2079569

Look, I'm not saying the fetish is bad or good, it is equally as valid as any other fetish, that doesn't mean it won't rub people the wrong way.

It doesn't change my point though, white dudes get all uppity about being made to feel inferior. And I might be getting you wrong here, because you're implying that BBC is the star of the show, and that is the only aspect about the images he draws, yet, 90% of the women interacting with them are white, obviously it's fetishizing white women with BBC/Black men.

>> No.2079575

>white dudes get all uppity about being made to feel inferior.

It's not a fetish catered to those particular people, so literally why should anyone give a shit if it offends them? And it's one thing that is upsets you, but to go on and complain on 4chan as if anyone really gives a shit about how they feel about it, when no ones does? This ain't a blog. They can fuck off. It's not for them, so if they don't have any worthwhile critic outside of "This hurts my worthless feelings" they can ignore it and stop being whiny bitches about it. It only depicts them as weak and insecure as the "puny white guys" in the IR comics that upset them.

>> No.2079582

tits are too round, but I like where this is going

>> No.2079583


>> No.2079589

From the rest of the pic I assumed they were implants.

>> No.2079594

Hardest: Farts. They look silly. Everytime.
Easiest: Stuck in glue.

>> No.2079601

You can't be this retarded. People hate it because it symbolizes the fetishes of the most loathesome, pathetic men alive. It's not the art that pisses people off, it's the pathetic guys who like that shit.

Imagine the outrage if the comics were about nazis cucking jews and blacks.

>> No.2079604

>white dudes get all uppity about being made to feel inferior.
But it's white dudes who are mostly buying it. Probably because they are infatuated with the racial myth of a big black cock. They want to see a BBC mutilate white women. Maybe that sadist fantasy represents thier distain of white women dating outside their race or thier inadequacies about thier own masculinity. If that's the case how can this not be a racist comic? The BBC is obviously channeling something.

>> No.2079611

>People hate it because it symbolizes the fetishes of the most loathesome, pathetic men alive.

No, people hate it because it makes them feel less then. Much like feminists feel less than to fictional women because of their bodies. It has everything to do with their own insecurities and projections. Their feelings are invalid and worthless.

>> No.2079614

Still, they look like they come from her ribs not her chest plate.

>> No.2079615

>No, people hate it because it makes them feel less then.

Sounds like you're projecting. You're also ironically using the same retarded argumentation that feminists actually use; that if you dislike something, you must be jealous or feel threatened.

There's also something hilarious about you actually trying to compare loathing someone beneath you (white men hating cucks), and loathing someone better than you (feminists hating attractive women).
Do you think people hate guro because they're envious of people who sexualize death? You think people hate furries because they're envious of furries?

>> No.2079619

This is a really stupid argument you guys are having, just saying. There will always be people who like/dislike any and every thing in the world, and there never needs to be a reason why. They just do or don't. I know someone who doesn't like lettuce even though it doesn't even really taste like anything. Personally I hate water, which REALLY tastes like nothing. I hate the color green. There are no reasons behind people's preferences sometimes. So stop trying to dissect it.

>> No.2079630
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1425536605546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga needs to improve on EVERYTHING before he goes and makes tutorials. Damn.

>> No.2079635


Some people, and by some I mean most, can't enjoy shit without inserting themselves in some way or fashion. This is doubly true with porn. People project heavy into porn. And the only people who hate NTR to the point where it triggers them are the people who HAVE to project into porn to enjoy it. They can't just enjoy the sight of sex, they have to project (mostly because they don't have any first hand experience). That's facts. Which is why they hate it.

>> No.2079645

So, you're so mindblowingly stupid that you think the only way someone can hate a certain type of porn, is because they self-insert?
I don't know how to argue with someone so utterly delusional. Evern more so because you claim you're not in this group, yet you claim to know the mentality behind why people would dislike this.
Again, the only way for you to believe something this fucking stupid, would be if you're projecting.

>> No.2079664


You're implying the people who hate it don't self-insert into the porn they DO enjoy. That's incorrect. If you can't understand that, you're a lost cause. If you don't need to insert into porn, it wouldn't bother you. Period.

>> No.2079665
File: 1.71 MB, 992x1284, Zoey-Clean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to deflect the tension in this thread by posting my shitty art. Tear me a new one, please.

>> No.2079671
File: 1.36 MB, 850x1101, Zoey-Cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cum edition. I specially need help on this matter (>implying I don't need help on everything else).

>> No.2079675

Self-insertion is irrelevant and by your logic, white men would be incapable of enjoying lesbian or non-cuck interracial porn.
You can clearly like or dislike something for other reasons than self-insertion. I've already given you examples, such as guro porn. People don't hate it because they don't want to fuck a mutilated corpse, they hate it because they don't like the idea of girls being hurt and killed, and because they hate the people who get off to that shit.

>> No.2079680

>People don't hate it because they don't want to fuck a mutilated corpse

But that IS the reason they hate it. They don't want to do that and they hate the fact that there are people who think it's arousing (which is why the fetish porn is in existence in the first place). The shit is fiction though, if they can't get that shit through their head, they are the problem.

>> No.2079685

I'm a grill that likes tease and denial (of females)/female orgasm denial/females+chastity belts, and lesbians... do you think there is a market for drawn porn of that, to the same degree as other fetishes? I don't like drawing dicks so it would all be either solo female or lesbian tease and denial stuff. Can I make big bucks with this fetish? I'm also planning to offer commissions done by me while I'm in a heavily teased/denied and extremely horny state for a higher price, would people be willing to pay more for something like that?

>> No.2079688

For example, drawings made while I have a vibrator inserted.

>> No.2079690

I wanna say yeah but I really don't know. But if you offer that last thing how are you even going to do that? Webcam yourself drawing while horny and send that with the drawing? I just think people will insist on some proof that you weren't drawing just like you normally would. In which case you could just do webcam shit anyway and save yourself the effort. Probably make more, too.

>> No.2079694
File: 127 KB, 800x1032, fg03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't currently have one, sry.

>> No.2079697
File: 127 KB, 573x764, 2015-05-07_23-35-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do giant cocks make anybody else literally weak in the knees?

>> No.2079699
File: 280 KB, 1081x1721, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP devlivery for /v/

>> No.2079701

Nah it would be sent the same way a normal drawing would. I'm definitely not interested in webcamming and actually don't want to interact with clients beyond a normal commission transaction...You're right though, I'm having second thoughts now...I can see myself being driven away from posting by creepy pms, im probably not cut out to do porn commissions..

>> No.2079702
File: 127 KB, 579x457, guts human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this weird line the divides the nose in half I see in some people's drawings?

>> No.2079704

Lesbian porn isn't that popular, with the exception of stuff that's well drawn, cute and dripping with personality.

>> No.2079705


>> No.2079706

I'm straight as fuck, but cocks are fun to draw.

>> No.2079707

It's really obviously shopped. Are you guys serious?

>> No.2079711

You think the only reason people dislike guro, is because they don't want to fuck a corpse? If that was the case, people would simply treat it like another fetish and ignore it. But the vast majority of people loathe it. And it's because they don't like seeing girls get mutilated, or the people who get off to that.

You're so singleminded in your thought process I'm beginning to wonder if you're autistic.

>> No.2079715

You can do porn and porn commissions, just don't make it about you. I'm a femanon too but I use a neutral avatar and name and just never list my gender anywhere. I just post my drawings and if I say anything about them I try to keep it to a sentence or less. Even just mentioning it runs the risk of some viewer making it about you being a female who's into smut and risks them making all kinds of assumptions about your borders, and you may end up getting those distracting/annoying messages you mentioned. So it's really up to you how you want to present it, but you don't have to put your gender out there or anything about you physically or personally as a selling point, despite how people say women get extra attention. If it's not the kind of attention you want, you don't have to seek it, there are other ways to be noticed.

>> No.2079716
File: 84 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Woah dude chill.

>> No.2079717

i will do whatever someone with a thick cock asks me to which is bad because i've done several things i didn't want to jus to touch them so now i've resigned myself to never touch em ever again (so i keep drawin em (but it's not the same ;-;))

>> No.2079718

What's wrong with it? I'm being serious, that's why I'm posting here, I make some really dumb obvious mistakes I don't realize I made until someone points them out.

>> No.2079719
File: 19 KB, 300x275, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Restricting orgasim as in J O I videos?

>> No.2079724
File: 120 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2079726

>You think the only reason people dislike guro, is because they don't want to fuck a corpse?

That is literally where it starts, that is the origin of their disdain for it. They don't like it, they wouldn't want to do it and they wouldn't want to do it because it's appalling to them. It always starts with the self. Why are you so inept that you can't even understand something so simple? Two people can dislike guro. one can chose to ignore it because they understand it's fiction while the other can go the more extreme route and try to stop it's production or constantly complaing about it's existence, They still both hate guro at the end of the day. One is just rational about it while (ignoring it considering it's fiction) the other is irrational (making a big fuss over fictional shit). Why the fuck am I having to spell this out for you?

>> No.2079728
File: 92 KB, 611x716, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw decent length but thin as fuck

>> No.2079729
File: 78 KB, 850x478, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks askew and the details inside look wonky, but thats besides the endgame.

It doesnt look like shes doing anything or enjoying/ hating it. Its too late in rendering right now but next time try too add in some emotion

>> No.2079732

The fact that you think there are only two approaches to this, explains your entire autistic mindset.
Were you born yesterday? Have you somehow missed that last decade where social media has shown the world how hysterical the average person is? How common it is to complain about everything, and how important pop culture and fiction is to people? For fuck's sake, you're on 4chan, where people do nothing but complain and argue over trivial ship, primarily entertainment products.
Most people complain about most of the things that bother them, if given an outlet. Also, there's a huge difference between vocally disliking something and wanting it banned.

If you think people only complain because they're insecure about the subject matter, and that normal people don't complain, then you're obscenely naive.

>> No.2079734
File: 107 KB, 611x716, 1431058053167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw decent length and girth but impotent

>> No.2079744

>still not getting it
>thinks society doesn't thrive off the insecurities of normal people

Sounds like you were the one born yesterday. The only difference between now and then is that idiots have a platform to make themselves look stupid complaining about ultimately harmless fictional shit via social media because they've got nothing else important going on in their lives.

>> No.2079752
File: 136 KB, 750x696, DickLOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2079756

>Sounds like you were the one born yesterday.
Do you see the irony of this whole thing? You claim only shallow, insecure people complain about pointless shit online. And here you are, arguing over people who don't like a certain type of porn.

You're pretty much the incarnation of a hypocrite.

>> No.2079765
File: 112 KB, 840x1708, PearlCorrupt_prev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys how do you follow through and finish your pictures? Whenever I get done drawing I never feel like coloring or rendering. How do I keep my energy up and see things through to the end?

>> No.2079769

Pls don't bully.

>> No.2079770

The technical shittiness gives it an authentic doujin feel.

It's great the way it is.

>> No.2079772


I stated the people complaining about the fetishes were stupid and akin to feminists. You took offense to the statement and proceed to try to explain why the complaints are valid, when they aren't, because it's fiction. That's literally all that happened.

Long story short, stay triggered m8. Your feelings of what fetishes are offensive don't mean a damn thing to anyone here, take it to tumblr or fb.

>> No.2079778

Why are her boobs so far apart? she's sitting, not laying down, they should only sag down

>> No.2079784
File: 871 KB, 971x1500, Bangri La.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to draw fantasy porn in my spare time. Wouldn't mind finding an audience, but I don't really know how, and I've heard it's tricky to into porn commissions

>> No.2079785

I haven't said anything about whether the complaints are valid or not. I stated why most people complain about something: they don't like it. Whether that's a valid reason or not, is up for interpretation.

I'm arguing against your insane idea that all people who complain about black cuck porn, do so because of insecurity. As I've stated many times, regardless of any morality you try to push into this issue, that this is an incredibly shallow view, and shows a complete inability to understand basic human behaviour.

>Long story short, stay triggered m8.
You're the one to talk about triggering, going berserk because some people complain about a type of porn.

>> No.2079792

It's the tumblr nose.

>> No.2079795

>White bois wit lil peepees can't into black dicks
>still jurk off to it

>> No.2079800

That's something I'm trying to find myself. Actually, that's a big problem I have in general, I rarely finish anything in my life.

Source: I'm procrastinating right now.

>> No.2079802

Thanks! now I can't unsee it... damn I really need to pay more attention. I guess I get lost in other things like rendering and shit. But oh well, instead of beating myself over it I'll try to pay more attention to those things next time. Thanks again, anon!

>> No.2079809

>and shows a complete inability to understand basic human behaviour.

The basic human behavior of complaining about something you don't like, which stems from it making you uncomfortable in some shape or fashion. Add on the important context that it's only fiction and not reality and it's literally nothing but insecurity seeping through. That's literally all there is to it.

>> No.2079810

>which stems from it making you uncomfortable in some shape or fashion.

Guess this is news to you, but there is other ways to feel uncomfortable, other than being insecure.
Again, watch that projection, you single-emotion creature.

Whether it's fiction or not is irrelevant to whether or not you think insecurity is the only emotion that exists.

>> No.2079812

lel when you said that I realized I was seriously just sitting around browsing shit, waiting for a reply. I was like 'okay let me at least draw something while I wait' haha
But seriouslly I don't even get how Necros and Gaben and these guys do full colored shit all the time. I'm always like "okay, I'm gonna do one, I'm gonna finish it" but then once I've gotten the lineart done I'm burnt out. Then I just never seem to feel like coming back to it.

>> No.2079814

Smug lolis are the best, i hope the new lose game has lots of them.

>> No.2079817

>insecurity is one emotion

Insecurity is an umbrella term that deals with ranges of multiple negative emotions, not just one. Read a dictionary, please.

>> No.2079820
File: 733 KB, 809x1245, twi wet shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How feel? P-please no bully

I-I want to but no one has contacted me so far ;_;

>> No.2079823

Nice sidetracking, dumbfuck.

Bottom line here is that you like fapping to that shit, and feel insecure as a result. As a kneejerk reaction to make yourself feel better, you project this insecurity onto others, and basically pretend that everyone who dislikes the stupid shit you do, only dislike it because they're insecure. This leaves you with the excuse that what you do is normal, and everyone who complains about it is some pathetic loser.

It's a basic defense mechanism.

Personally I don't give a fuck about what you fap to, but this is obviously what triggered you.

>> No.2079825

Not to sound like a jerk but I don't find this appealing at all. The anatomy is very off in too many ways to list, although I think the one that bugs me the most is how the top and lower halves of her body look like they're at two different Zoom percentages, like the bottom half is zoomed in at 200%. The blending isn't well done either, with a lot of harsh edges making a weird texture all over her.
I do like the rim light you did, though.

>> No.2079827

Damn figgot! that's one hell of a pic (then again I'm biased since you drew best girl and I like this style of not blending much, but tend to be in the minority on that).
Don't get discouraged, just keep drawing and exposing yourself and eventually commission will come.

>> No.2079828

Well, ain't this something...

>> No.2079829

Fucking ponies, get out!

>> No.2079831

As long as no one draws an actual pony, I'm fine, plus it doesn't go against the rules.

>> No.2079833

Ponyfags have low standards. Grass is green, water is wet.

>> No.2079835

For the record even though I said I don't like the drawing, I'm not >>2079833 and actually I draw human pone too so I'm not knocking your for that. Although I didn't realize that's what it was supposed to be, so I might add weak conveyance to my list of critiques.

>> No.2079840

I was hoping for that Sasha Grey like body. Small upper thicker lower. And yeah, I'm struggling with that super smooth painting style other porn artists use. Thanks for the feedback



>> No.2079844

If you need help learning how to blend, I recommend Ctrlpaint.com He has a bunch of videos but after watching just a couple of the intro blending ones I personally improved instantly. And yeah I figured you were kind of trying to go for a wide bottom but it doesn't read that way to me. I think it's because the transition from the ribcage to the hips isn't right. I'm not sure if it's too short or what else it is, but it's not structured correctly, imo, so it isn't looking quite right. Anyway, good luck with future things.

>> No.2079845
File: 197 KB, 400x462, 1427335519556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twilight Sparkle

>> No.2079848

Well, you gotta stop being a raging butt-bandit that likes so much goddamn cock in his/her mouth.

Color the fucking thing.

Take a break if you're so tired.

Gotta be patient.
Don't you want to make beautiful art?

>> No.2079853

>set lineart to multiply
>apply local colors
>apply shaded/in shadow area using another multiply layer
That's enough for a basic looking thing

>> No.2079857

Yeah I know how to do it, I just always lose motivation to do it.

>> No.2079859

Just tag your shit with everything, #skyrim #boobs #bigdick #cum #porn #pr0n #rule34.

If you tag it, perverts will come.

>> No.2079862
File: 72 KB, 462x820, 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a freakin' demon from thumbnail, god damn.

>> No.2079868

Add horns and a tail.

>> No.2079881


Lol@thick and rich seed.

Well done Lord Bonerkillington.

>> No.2079883
File: 4 KB, 200x200, le constanza face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his seed is not thick and rich

>> No.2079898

>If you tag it they will come

>> No.2079900

mfw i actually made that bait pic

>> No.2079904
File: 155 KB, 750x696, 7btksix2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember: It's how you use it ;)

>> No.2079906

Damn it, such confident lines.
Are you using a device where you can draw directly on the screen or a separate tablet?

>> No.2079917

Nope, just shittons of practice. I mean, I gotta make up somehow for my shitty anatomy, right?
Anyways, here's a good resource that helped me:
Also tracing and inking other artist helps a lot.

>> No.2079920

Sweet, thanks anon, I'll check this out.
Great stuff again though, man.

>> No.2079926

No problem, man and thanks!

>> No.2079927

Do you draw with your arm or your hand? I'm trying to get smooth lines with my arm but it's really hard, have to use a tripod grip at times for the fine details.

>tfw it's easier with traditional pencil and paper

>> No.2079931

I try to draw with my arm as much as possible, I still don't do it a 100% of the time but I'm getting there. It's normal for it to be hard at first, I mean, your basically learning how to draw from scratch (physically) again, but believe me it saves you a lot of time and makes your drawings look better.

Yes, it is way easier drawing on paper, but even while practicing on paper the steadiness of your arm passes to your digital drawing.
Oh btw I just understood the separate tablet part. I use an intuos 4 that's dying out, so, yes it's a separate tablet.

I know that it can seem hard to make confident lines in a tablet, but doing exercises and somehow seeing the line your going to do helps a lot, regardless of how corny that may sound, it just helps, at leat it does to me.
It's kinda like playing videogames, at the beggining we move the whole controller but with time and practice we learn how to use the game's controller and to develop our eye-hand cordination, it's the same with a tablet. You need to have your hand ready (that's why I feel even practicing your lines in paper helps since steadiness is steadiness regardless of medium and the best part is you can practice while bored, in school ot waiting for someone/thing), then you need to develop your eye-hand cordination, know how your tablet reacts to some strokes and stuff.

Tl;dr keep practicing, it's cliched, I know but it's true.

>> No.2079932

And sorry for the huge text dump.

>> No.2079936

Just so there's no confusion, I'm the guy who did the sketch. The guy who redrew it is someone else.

>> No.2079941

Wow, I wasn't expecting such a flattering response from you. I love how you sketch it's so lively and so well constructed! Which is my main problem right now...
Needless to say it's the reason I redrew it.

>> No.2079944

I think I created more confusion.
I didn't mean I'm the guy whose post I quoted. I just wanted to tell him we were two different people.

>> No.2079946

Oh! kek still, love the sketch, at least I could tell you that.

>> No.2079949

>I'm the guy who did the sketch. The guy who redrew it is someone else
All the same, I liked the line work in both of them, and it's something I've been struggling with so I'll take any tips and info I can get.

>> No.2079952

Why do I have a feeling a lot of people in this thread have shit taste in terms of lewd artists they take inspiration from, because some of you are too easily impressed by some of the shit posted in this thread.

>> No.2079954
File: 198 KB, 828x768, PatrickBaitman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno anon, but I get the feeling that someone keeps trying really, really hard to kick up storms in this thread.

>> No.2079955

recommend me some cool lewd artists senpai

>> No.2079958
File: 1.33 MB, 1800x2512, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys make me want to bust out my UDON-YA shit. Have way too many inspirations so I'll probably compile it into a list later.

>> No.2079960


>> No.2079972

Well, breast come in different shapes, so some are more apart than others. However I see now that I put the nipples too much to the sides. Good observation.

>> No.2079973

>white dudes get all uppity about being made to feel inferior
>It's not a fetish catered to those particular people
Interracial is watched predominantly by white males with a cuckold fetish.

>> No.2080006
File: 162 KB, 800x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sag, yea

>> No.2080012

>this faggot again

you people need to see more boobs than the anime ones and the ones of your mother which you STILL feed on

on a naturally standing woman on average nipples are usual apart from each other by a 45 degre angle if you use the head as a starting point

>> No.2080013

Also if you submit works to porn blogs, that helps

>> No.2080023

Looks like cp, man

>> No.2080024

Care to post some tried and tested blogs?

>> No.2080026

Please think of the fictional children.

>> No.2080050

T-Thanks anon...

>> No.2080064

It sucks in every technical aspect.
You have no basics. Start from the fundamentals and stop cutting lines.

>> No.2080066

>muh technicul aspucts

>> No.2080075

>> muh shitposting

>> No.2080087

Nah. It's just a personal style choice. I like girls with cute potato noses.

>> No.2080108
File: 95 KB, 550x976, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my nads

>> No.2080112

They can go to the sides, obviously, but not that much, even the artist admitted it, stop being fucking retards

>> No.2080114

Please do not bully. We are nice board

>> No.2080115

Oh please go suck a dick, the guy is not that bad, he fucked the anatomy up A LOT, but at least the painting is good

>> No.2080118

Painting is good and small details like hands are good and all. Honestly if you decided to learn and didnt just draw your whole life this problem that he has i imagine most of us have run into, we just dont share it.

He isnt wrong, as someone who draws barely better than the artist in question, I make mistakes like this and just keep working it out. I cant paint at all though.

>> No.2080120

He could've just helped him, critiqued his work in a way that would actually help, but no, he decided to be an asshole like every other asshole that exists on other boards
Holy shit, this is the reason i don't come on /ic/ as much as i used to, it seems /b/ is bleeding over all other boards and making every one of them shit

>> No.2080125

>it seems /b/ is bleeding over all other boards and making every one of them shit

This has been the case for ages and it only gets progressively worse with each passing day. /ic/ is worthless in getting worthwhile critique in anything.

>> No.2080132
File: 283 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay if I put some porn in this flame thread?

>> No.2080142

If the painting was good, which is not, I wouldn't say all technical aspects of the drawing are bad.
The problem of many art warriors is that they want to paint like pros, but instead of learning the basics they skip steps and try to emulate what they see on tutorials of people that actually have the basic know how.
And it's obvious from his drawing.
Also, bullying is part of the learning process. If we all keep telling him that he's not bad, he'll never improve. And no, in the case of the painting he posted, I can't give him any specific advice, since I think his fundamentals are non existent.

>> No.2080149

How saying that he should go back to basics isn't an advice?
His drawing is shit. The anatomy, the line weight, the perspective and the rendering. Everything has flaws. And the problem is not that he lacks just a little bit of itsy bitsy practice gu gu gu. He lacks the fundamentals. He's trying to run a marathon with his feet tied.

I didn't say he should stop drawing or kill himself. I gave him the fucking best advice possible.

>> No.2080153

Just for perspective on your viewpoint, give a piece on this thread that you think has some degree of fundamentals

>> No.2080154

> give a piece on this thread that you think has some degree of fundamentals


>> No.2080165

WORK ON YOUR DRAWING ;)))))))))))))))))

>> No.2080184

do you honestly feel better after that post?

>> No.2080185

you made me laugh

>> No.2080190

Hi, my name is Archer. I'm currently starting development on a Mass Effect STG style game and I'm looking for an artist. The game will be based around Shepard training Samara from Mass Effect 2. If your interested send me an email at darkarcher1309@gmail.com. If you want to know more about what style of game it will be what the game will be like, go to
and check out the games in the OP.

>> No.2080194

pls make better trainer game

>> No.2080197

That's the aim.

>> No.2080198

Good. well, I mean, the ref was posted in a "legal teens that don't look legal" thread and I intentionally made her even younger than that.

>> No.2080200

then ditch masseffect lmao

>> No.2080210

You realize that's legit advice right? This person should put painting aside, and focus on drawing.

>> No.2080211

Make it about adventure time bruh, adventure time is popular.

>> No.2080213

Didnt look like that to me. Just looks like a legal flat chested girl.

Perhaps youre revealing your inner desires

>> No.2080219

I don't watch the show

>> No.2080226

can you fags please stop spamming?

>> No.2080234

Still waiting patiently for your blog

>> No.2080235

just fucking do something good like fuck i forgot what I actually want- TEENAGE ROBOT
uuuuuuuuh anything else that was discussed but not picked in thread?

>> No.2080249

Mass Effect is one of the most requested things on STG. And besides, I would rather do something I like so that my work is of a higher quality.

>> No.2080279

doxy draws relatively low bmi individuals with very thin ribcages which, when combined with large boobage will result in that "boobs when layin down" look. if you draw not insanely thin ribcages then you'll get that feel you're lookin for. regardless, it's all jus preferences, you can still learn from doxy's bewbtorial even if you don't like the style he draws them mostly

>> No.2080320
File: 6 KB, 250x240, BOOOOOYY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass effect
>high quality

>> No.2080336

Hey guys is there a fundamental path or guideline to properly furthering knowledge of anatomy through study? Like, what books to follow and what order, etc? I feel I've practiced a ton of gesture, but my anatomy is really what makes the drawing fall short....

>> No.2080353

incase art???

>> No.2080354

What I mean is that my work will be of a higher quality if it is based off something I enjoy, instead of just some random popular show.

>> No.2080356

>enjoying mass-effect unironically

>> No.2080363
File: 456 KB, 1100x1100, 150508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2080364

nice perspective dude

>> No.2080366

>tfw your drawing got skipped

>> No.2080367

And eagerly awaiting the next one.

>> No.2080368
File: 17 KB, 278x237, BOYYYYSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2080372
File: 26 KB, 404x247, 1430713925398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a rival

who will challenge me

>> No.2080384

I would but apparently I lack fundamentals.

>> No.2080408

Well you're not supposed to win, duh...

Also, do you guys do dick and vagina studies or do you just wing it?

>> No.2080418
File: 779 KB, 900x1800, dwarven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always do studies, as I need them. This keeps studying organic, and gives it a goal, beyond just "gotta study study study" It also helps keep studies from becoming a crutch, and it helps you meet deadlines. At least that's how I feel. Every body has a different approach.

>> No.2080446

How does this work?

Why so butthurt?

>> No.2080448


>> No.2080459

>Why so butthurt?
There are thousands of flavors in this world anon, and I choose to be salty.

>> No.2080469 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 600x800, https%3A%2F%2F38.media.tumblr.com%2Fe8c70271246a7df94f1cbde492fb22cd%2Ftumblr_nnw3ftGBeE1u28l8uo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little cartoon boys with massive docks sliph77.tumblr.com

>> No.2080488
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1382219757089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2080506

Elephant dick seems poorly placed, looks like its coming beside or through his left leg and not centered at all on the middle of his body it doesn't even match up with the middle of his chest or belly

also the angle he is sitting at to penetrate the Rhino looks uncomfortable and unatural

when drawing sex you have to choose angles wisely better if you're trying to show most of both characters

it seems you want to show the Elephant more and his physique so i'd do an angle from the front where you'd see the Rhino face and arms but not much else, however it would show that bara mode of the elephant really and you'd see everything from his belly up

the penetration could just be put in a side panel of it's own which would even allow X-ray if you wanted

>> No.2080574


>> No.2080646
File: 350 KB, 1352x2380, RosalinaTrap-wip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on another trap picture. Trying to go for a slight worm's eye perspective here. How's it look?

>> No.2080656

Oh yeah, they announced another one, right? I'm starting to believe they fucked up the ending i n 3 on purpose to make a new one... Man, EA has made me cynical....

>> No.2080659

Yes, I was disappointed too, but let's use that as motivation, anon!

>> No.2080661

You've got the head in the right perspective, but the rest of the body betrays the worms-eye view. Draw a low horizon, cut cross-sections of her body horizontally and make sure that ever cross-section that lies above the horizon is visible by the bottom plane.

>> No.2080753

That was harsh, senpai. ;_; but I'll do my best. Also I need to currently crank more finished pieces to build my porn name.

>> No.2080761

I didn't realize how much more I've been charging for gay furry art.

>> No.2080789

Okay, I'll mess with it, thanks.

>> No.2080797
File: 212 KB, 1340x2368, RosalinaTrap-wip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I been messing with it. Better?

>> No.2080813
File: 26 KB, 497x356, 142819270172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2080817

What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.2080835

what is this?

>> No.2080836

Looks like disgust.

>> No.2080837

>what is a filename?

Are you faggots going to keep shit posting or are you actually going to say something worth a damn?

>> No.2080864 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 559x765, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any glaring issues with the more rendered areas so far? Obviously still a lot to do, but I thought I'd check in at this half-way point.

>> No.2080865

Her body looks flat, like a piece of toast with ants on it

>> No.2080869
File: 74 KB, 559x765, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot to unhide a layer

oh, ants, huh? that sure makes sense ...

>> No.2080870

It does look flat like Anon said. Try practicing your mannequinization more. Seems like you're more skilled in drawing heads.

>> No.2080873

Okay, I'm only half way done with the body anyway, but I'll make sure and focus on bringing the volume out. Thanks anons.

>> No.2080875
File: 202 KB, 1356x2440, RosalinaTrap-wip2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, not that I was purposefully trying to start shit but I kind of thought I was going to get some shit for this picture. I haven't done anything with perspective and foreshortening in a while so I wasn't exactly confident about how this pic was going to turn out. I think it's as good as I can get it now though so I'll just color it and be done with it. At this point though if anyone does have some critique for it, I'll just keep it in mind for the next drawing I do.

>> No.2080920

More simplification. Too obvious that you are using ref. Nothing wrong with that. But simplify/stylize.more

>> No.2080924

I'm not using any reference. Well, I'm using this picture http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110919202929/fantendo/images/d/d2/Rosalina_SHMW.png of Rosalina to make sure I got her hair right and to use some of the details of her outfit, but no, I'm not using reference for this picture. Normally I draw more detailed people so that's what I'm used to, so I'll try and tone it down some for this, try to match the style better. Probably would have been easier to do the pov I wanted if I had simplified it from the start.

>> No.2080930

>Too obvious that you are using ref.

Where the hell did you get that from? Not to mention the pose itself isn't uncommon or complicated.

>> No.2080931

Not that guy, but I can FEEL he is using reference.

>> No.2080933

>the pose itself isn't uncommon
Yeah honestly I draw this pose a lot, at least the legs. I don't think I've ever really done the parasol hands thing but I've drawn girls in heels with one foot forward like this a ton of times because I like the look. Probably did use reference or something way back then, I know I've done it a bunch in life drawing, but now I can usually do it okay without having to look up anything.
I'm not, though. Maybe the pose just looks too stiff, which is what I think generally gives something the look of being heavily referenced. I agree with you it's probably too detailed to mesh with the style of the character though, so I'm still going to try to take your advice anyway and try to simplify it some.

>> No.2080934

>Not that guy, but I can FEEL he is using reference.

Why are people on /ic/ so full of shit? kek. This is why this place is so useless outside of the sticky.

>> No.2080941

Sticky blows fat futa dick

>> No.2080944

I really do hate the sticky. I clicked on it once the first time I discovered /ic/. It's like if I wanted to learn to cook and somebody just gives me the link to Wikipedia.

>> No.2080945

>shitting on the sticky

No wonder so many people in this thread are ass at drawing.

>> No.2080952

Let me rephrase, I hate when people just point people to the sticky. The sticky has useful content just like Wikipedia, but you can't just read a recipe or cooking theory and be an expert. You need to cook a lot, have people taste you food, and give you feedback.

It's like I make you dinner, and you say it tastes bad and buy me a cook book.

>> No.2080958

>You need to cook a lot, have people taste you food, and give you feedback.

And people here are terrible taste testers. You're better off going to dedicated art forums for worthwhile critique and discussion because all that ever happens here is mindless dick sucking and/or shitposting. Most of the feedback from /ic/ is shallow and ultimately worthless, hence why this place is shit.

>> No.2080971

Would love to see some of your work, honey

>> No.2080979

At the 300 cap